First Love (2002): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Do you want a drink?


You want to go rather to a place?

Why do you want to?

I thought you're thirsty.

Actually I'm a bit surprized.


I should call you...

...but I...

...couldn't tell you earlier.

I still didn't properly state, but...

...I separated with Tomoko.

I know it.


Sister told me.

She told she won't hinder me...

...and to be honest with myself.

I see.

I'm very happy but also feared.

In life...

...there are many crossroads.

I feel really sorry what happened...

..but I want to be honest to myself.

Five years ago I...

...choosed the wrong way in my life.

Although I lost everything I could
only think of the loss of our love.

Now I now.


That time I thought I protect you.

I didn't want you to be hurt
by rumors or gossips.

That time...

...I really thought that.

But actually I just ran away.

I scared what I have done...

...and left you.

At that place if I wouldn't
fall down with my bicycle...

...a lot of thing wouldn't happen.


If my sister wouldn't meet you
this won't happen.


It would better if I didn't
know who with you engaged.

It would better if we didn't meet...

I'm very glad to meet you.


I'm back.

This was inside the letter box.

Thank you.

To: Toudou Nao

Thanks for everything.
Good-bye. Tomoko.

The thing that you left at Yokohama restaurant.
I was too forceful, sorry.

Kiba Seiichi

I think a girl like her... no good for you.

The worst thing... did that you said...'ll be waiting for her.

Is Ezawa really that good?

Leave it to him.

But... he's really in sorrow.

Stupid, this called happyness.

He's hurt and because of this
he feels uneasy.

I can't understand it.

In our love we also hurt each other.

And if we talk about relations...

...everybody only seeks pleasure
and want to make love.

After they fed up with it, they separate.

This is the adult's world.

Stupid, that's why you
just simply resigned.

Until now you also couldn't
find any job, so don't say that.

At least I learned from my failures.

But Kiba...

...there's no second in love.

Unless you're the first
you'll loose.


I also like to feel once the heat of love.

Nioka, bring me to a party!

For you it won't work.

Why? Please!

Since you were recommended by Kumatani
professor I think there's no mistake.

But why did you resign five years ago?

I really liked to know that.

There was a female student,
who commited a suicide.

In her letter she stated
a relation with me.

But that was only her illusion.

Because I let her in this illusion
it led to a suicide.

As a teacher I felt
responsible for it.

I'm happy that you told me honestly.

Please give me one more chance
to be a teacher.


As you see here...

Ezawa Tomoko's cancellation
fee is already received.


This is the first time that a
staff family cancelled the wedding.

Cancellation is always sad
even if don't have to pay.

You two can take a rest.


Let's go!

As a psyhologist how much
was your yearly income?

11 million Yen.

You must know that in
this school not possible... earn that high salary.

I know.

I understand your
ethusiasm for teaching.

For the details we will contact you.

Thank you.

Even a staff's family have
to pay for cancelling?

Should I pay it for her?

No, for such a famous writer
it's not too much.

And how about you and Nao?

Something special happened last night?

What's wrong?


I'm Ezawa.

I can't answer the phone now.
Please leave your message.

I'm Toudou.

I just finished the interview
in Shuuyou highschool.

It went good I feel,
just wanted to tell you.

Good luck to you too.



The director of Ujihara
Construction came to see you.

But he didn't make an appointment.

He looks very serious.
I feel danger.

I take a look.

I can't continue.

Until now you've been
trapped in the same crisis, right?

These years was just alike.

In these time there were more
serious problems like the actual, right?


Since you overcomed
the problems before... can overcome this problem too.

This is your power as a director.


...this time I feel that I can't overcome.

How about sleeping? Do you sleep enough?


If you don't have enough sleep
your judgement will fail...

...and also loose your calm.

I realized it.

To reduce the stress...

...and let your body rest...

...the power of a medicine is necessary.

But our center can't prescribe
this kind of medicine.

I can introduce a psychologist to you...

...or a psychiatrist.

- Psychiatrist?
- Right.

Because you always came for advise
I will settle it for you.

It won't be necessary.

After this discussion
I calmed down.

I went to hospital. Dad.

What a headache!


I'm Kiba.

I want something to discuss with you.

What's it? Kasumi's still not back yet.

No, I want to meet you, Tomoko.


Why did you want to see me suddenly?

Four days ago, that night... and Nao also stayed at that hotel too.


Why didn't tell me?

To be at the next room...
this is not just a coincidence.

Next room?

Please don't pretend.

I don't pretend at all.

I get two tickets for that hotel.

But I felt that if I tell you
this makes you worry.

That's why I didn't tell you.

How would I know that you are in the next room?
I can't select the room I get.

I see.

In the room next to you
I was abandoned by him.


He said the person he likes
is not me but Kasumi.

When I found out that Nao hid
from me being a teacher...

...of Aoba highschool I felt
that something will come up.

But I trusted him.

From the first I thought...

...I'm the most important for him.

Because who saved my heart...

...was Nao.

I really didn't want to loose him.

I think that he always
thought highly of me too.

But in his heart there's
only one person: Kasumi.

Kasumi was always...

...the one for him.

I know.

Since I don't have a place in his heart...

...I lost the meaning of my life.

Sorry, to suspect you.

I serve you a glass of cold water.

Thanks, but I go home now.




Nao's will is clear.

Cuttlefish's tentacle's very hard.

Yes, it's very hard.

Are you listening to me?


I said the purpose of his act is obvious.

It's not.

He was enmeshed by her, but
he climbed out of it...

...and choosed you Kasumi.

Isn't it a romantic act?

Like in a dorama!

This is not related to you.

That's why we know it better.


As long as you're happy
everybody will understand it.

One day your sister will
also forget this too.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

Your sister is well-known and rich, right?

Even without Nao she
can continue to live.

And to be rejected by men...

...will inspirate her to write, I'm sure of it.

When we were kids, there was a TV program...

...about an old lady who
always sung karaoke...

...when something wrong happend.

Do you still remember?

Of course I remember.

She doesn't mind what happened before,
and after finished singing she went home.

She was so strong.

Women is very fierce.



Did you receive your notebook?


Thank you for sending to me.

Actually I planed to call you.

Then I go.

- Completly blinded by love...
- Wish I could see it!

Be careful on the way.


I'm back.

Back from work?

Finally at home.

This evening Kiba visited me.


I don't know.

He drank a cup of tea then went home.

He is kind.

But Nao is better.

I understand your feeling.

I go back.

Kasumi, you have a day off?

Yes, today is an unlucky day.

What happened, you don't look fine.

It's beautiful, thank you.


About Toudou, right?


What do you like to do?

Come here.

Tell me.

When I heard that he
likes me I was very happy.

I was ready to accept it...

...but suddenly sister
appeared before me.

If you don't want to hurt others,
you have to cheat yourself, or...'ll hurt others
to be with who you love.

Which you choose, it depends on you.

Anyhow you choose, don't regret it.

After you think over it properly
and make a decision...

...I feel that Dad and
Tomoko will understand.

But sister will not forgive me.

That time I also abandoned
my bridegroom...

...and choosed Dad.

I hurt him and the two families.

They forbid me to go back
my parents's house.


But I never regret it.

Just walk honestly on the way
you've selected and...

...someday everybody will approve you.




Although not now, but...

...someday everybody will understand.

Therefore Kasumi... have to treasure your own life.

Don't just cry.

I'm Toudou.

Do you want to have a
dinner tonight?

I'd like to talk to you about many things.

If you don't have time, please call me.

At six o'clock, I'll wait you at
Muramatsu Sushi, Akasaka.

After crossing at the station turn left.

Meet me there.

End of message.

The ages of puberty is difficult
Boss is an aging adult!

Boss, a policeman...

I'm looking for Toudou Nao.

I am.

Director of the Ujihara Construction
committed suicide just before.

Did you know that?


Your name is in his posthumous letter.

He came here yesterday
to get your psychology advice, right?

I'd like to speak with you about this.

I told to him, if he would take medicine
it could solve the anxiety and...

...let him more ease down the stress.

But our center can't prescribe
this kind of medicine.

In his letter he wrote...

- ...that he's shocked to be left alone.
- I didn't left him alone, really.

I said I will help him in the treatment.

We're standing at the suicide
scene where the...

...Ujihara Construction's director
Ujihara Shouji was committed suicide.

Right outside of a main bank...

He must have hated banks.

Luckily not at the front of our building.

How can you say this Senoo.

How did it went?


They asked only about Ujihara's attitude.

Boss, Central Lawyer Office's
Itou came to see you.

- Shall I let him in?
- I'm Itou from Central Lawyer Office.

Regarding of the death of Ujihara...

...the director of Ujihara Construction...

...we suspect that he's death caused
by improper psychology advice...

...given by an employer named
Toudou Nao in this Counseling Center.

We demand for compensation.

Prosecuter is Masahazu,
the eldest son of the deceased.

As a reference data...

...can you give me the patient
record of Ujihara?

Do you have permission
to look at the records?

Are you Toudou?


In this lawsuit the most
important is justice.


But in Uzihara's case I'm sure
there's no any loophole.

That's why you can freely
give me the patient record.

I will discuss it with his family.

I'm also a member of the
bereaved family.

I see in that attitude that
you doesn't want to cooperate.

Next time we'll meet at the courtroom.

Hello, is it Tomoko-san? I'm Ariga.

Just now I received some information.

The director of Ujihara Contruction
committed suicide. Did you know?


His family thinks that the reason
of the suicide was a false advice.

Therefore deciced to
sue the counsellor.

That counsellor's name is Toudou Nao.

I think we better dispose this news.

But even if we don't publish
other magazine will print it soon.

It must be hard for you...

...but I respect your opinion.

I already... separated with him.


That means I may publish?

Wait, let me think about it.

You will be at editorial department?


I will call you later.

Excuse me.

I have a meeting with Toudou
at six o'clock.

Welcome, please follow me.


The ages of maturity is troublesome...!

Good job.

- Toudou.
- Yes.

From tomorrow please
don't come to work.

Why? Then how about my clients?

I have appointments with
four clients tomorrow.

We three will manage it.


We'll take over the cases, Toudou
please give me the patient record.

- Boss!
- Manabe, copy it.

But boss...!

I'm still not convicted.

Please let me continue my work.

That's not so simple.

Once this incident happened... already lost you reliabilty.

Excuse me, a call from Toudou.


What happened?

I have some problems with
a client, I can't go.

I see.


Never mind.

I'm really sorry.

Then concentrate on your work.

Thank you. I leave now...

...sorry to trouble you.

Not at all.

Can you connect to the chief editor?

Yes, please wait a moment.

Tomoko sensei, how are you?

Regarding that news about Ujihara...


I'd like you to don't publish it.

If you wish.

I count on you.

I'm Ezawa. Now I can't answer the phone...


Do you remember me?

Sure I remember.

After I considered this a long time...

...I'd like you to sign this.


Please, take a good look at it.

It's your own resignation letter.

Anyway you resigned at the end
of august from work... become a highschool teacher.

If you resigned yesterday that
means you don't have responsibility.

You want to save me from
disciplinary dismissal.

You want me to resign?

- Don't act like that lawyer.
- Boss!

I've told several times...

...that an advise won't force
anyone to kill themselfs.

- Ujihara...
- I know!

You were an excellent counsellor.

But... the life sometimes
we meet such a letdown.

From september you'll
start your new life.

I'll pray for it.

I understand.

I'm back.

Kasumi, what are you doing?

I didn't eat yet, hope
I can find some food.

I made something for you.

I made rice-in-egg.


Here you are!

What a nice memory!

When Mum was working... often cooked this for me.

Did I?

I can't wait...

Long time ago didn't cook this,
I'm not sure it'll taste.


Too delicious!

You just flatter.

I have some work left.

Thank you.

This is Ezawa.

I'm relieved that you picked up.

You didn't answer to your cellphone... I called you at home.

I will pick up in my room.

It's better for us not to
meet each other for a while.


Hello, father was near me...

I was incautious, sorry.

Don't turn off your phone.

It would better for us not to
meet each other for a while.


If you're angry about today
I will explain to you.

Forgive me.

Not because of that.

I need some time to arrange my thoughts.

About Sister and Dad.

To think about matters
I didn't care at all.

Please I need some time.

I like you...

...and I know that you like me too.

Sister's feeling...

Sister's hurt...

Sister's kindness...

When I think of sister's feeling...



...I'm not sure about my love.

Not sure?

I'm not.

Bye... then.

I'm really sorry...

...but our aggrement about joining
us from september is no longer possible.


I really respected your honesty speech.

Because you didn't keep any secret
about that past incident.

But I think this matter made
you very arrant between teachers.

If somebody'll complain
as a principal I have to...

I understand.

I remembered well how tall you are.

I have to raise the umbrella higher.


It's heavy rain outside.


Guest will not come.


You're so generous.

Don't speak like Taka-pon, ok?

Taka-pon have a fever.


Nioka, can you make a menu,
I'm very hungry.

Roasted fish, ok?


Ugly weather.


You're soaking wet.

Thank you.

You want a roasted fish menu too?


Ezawa will eat that too...

Ok, and give me beer... a big one.

I also drink.

For me a big one too!

Two big beer!

With pleasure!

Heavy rain.