Fireman Sam (1987–2020): Season 10, Episode 13 - Shape Up and Shine - full transcript

CGI-animation. Boyce puts the crew through a rigorous fitness routine. Several of them are injured, which causes a problem when a fire breaks out.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

♪ When he hears that fire alarm ♪

♪ Sam is always cool and calm ♪


♪ If you’re stuck give him a shout ♪

♪ He’ll be there to help you out ♪

♪ So move aside, make way ♪

♪ For Fireman Sam ♪

♪ ’Cause he’s gonna save the day ♪

♪ Fireman Sam ♪

♪ ’Cause he’s brave to the core ♪

♪ Sam is the hero next door ♪

Boy 1: Come on! Let’s go!

I’m topping up my tan!

Lucky you!

We’ve got a boring lecture
about woodland fire safety.

I hope this bus is air conditioned.

Okay, everyone?

Ready to roll!


Chief Fire Officer Boyce?

Waaah! Oof!

Lounging about on a deckchair?

Very undignified
behavior for a firefighter!

Arnold, do you have Miss Hose Water

the firefighter’s daughter?

And what’s going on here?

Just having a game of Firefighters’

Happy Families, sir.

Oh really, well where’s
Station Officer Steele?

He’s in his office, sir.

Desist from licking that ice
cream, Station Officer Steele.

But it is a very hot day, sir.

Hot or not, firefighters
should not be sprawled on

deckchairs, playing silly
games or eating ice cream!

They should be training and keeping fit.

What they need is this.

My new firefighter
fitness training program.

I call it ’Shape up and Shine!’

Er, very well.

I’ll get them started.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I shall be in charge of
the training and you will be

joining in with the exercises.

Me? No, but.

No buts, Norris.

Get your team together.
We’ll start immediately.

And these floppy shovels
are used for beating out

small ground fires.

Like this.

Uh, thank you, Trevor.

Or like this.

Thank you, Trevor.

And wildfires are very
common in this hot weather.

Any questions?


Can we go for a row on
that boat over there?

Not today, Norman.

We’re here to learn about fire safety.




Now let’s try twenty star jumps.

What’s up?

Out of breath, old chap?

With all due respect, sir.

We really should warm up
before we start exercising.

Less talking and more action!

And that’s how glass bottles
can cause serious fires.

Right then, I think it’s time for lunch.

Now, you two, help Trevor
get the picnic things

from the bus.

Awwww. I’m too hot to get things!

Now, let’s see you bend and
pick up that fire bucket!

Ten times please.


My back!

Ooh! Owwww!

Don’t stop! Carry on!

Carry on!

A refreshing cup of tea.

That’s what I need.

Oh, no.

I’ve left the milk on the bus.

You two stay here and
keep your eye on that stove.

This is SOOOO boring.

I tell you what wouldn’t be boring.

Why don’t we go and
check out that old boat?

Ooooh, yes!

Brilliant idea, Derek!

Quick before Trevor gets back!


I’ve twisted my wrist. Ah!


Now, swing those buckets
round from side to side.




My neck!

My foot!

Oh, dearie me.

I’m calling Nurse Flood.

She needs to examine Ellie’s
foot to see if she’s

broken anything!


Uh, maybe we should stop now.


I was just getting into my stride.

This is going to be amazing.

Hang on.

Where are the oars?

They’re not here!

Is there anything else we could use?

Floppy shovels!

They’d be perfect!

Watch out, Norman!

Now, I’ve lost my paddle!

I think I can reach it.

Oh, no! Now I’ve lost mine!

We’re floating away!

Only one thing for it.


What’s that?

That’s Norman and Derek!

Oh, dear.

Sam! Help! We can’t get back!

Grab hold of the end.

Thanks, Fireman Sam.

Thank you.

You two need to be a bit more careful.

Sorry, Sam.

Uncle Sam! Look over there!

Oh, no!

We have to deal with
that before it spreads.

What? Where are the beaters?

The what?

The floppy shovels!

Ah, you see, the thing is,

we used them as paddles.

Last time we saw them
they were floating off

down the river.

It was all Norman’s fault.

I don’t care whose fault it was.

If we can’t beat out that fire
it’s going to spread fast.

No broken bones.

It’s just badly bruised.

Thank goodness for that.

What on earth has been going on here?

We’ve been getting fit.

Well, I hope you had a
warm up before you started.

Well I, I, uh...

And built up slowly.



Computer Voice:
There’s a woodland fire near the Mill.


There’s a woodland fire near the mill!

Hold on.

Where do you think you lot are going?

There’s no way this crew is fit for duty.

But there’s a fire in the woods.

I’m afraid, sir, this is down to us.


Oh. Yes. Us. I’ll just get my helmet.


Stay well back everyone.

Help will be here very soon.

Where’s the rest of the crew, sir?

I’ll explain later, Sam.

But we’re here now and ready for action.

Okay then.

Let’s get this fire under control!

You two take the hoses.

I’ll start beating!

This could have been easily
dealt with if you boys

hadn’t lost those floppy shovels.

Sorry, Fireman Sam.

In this hot weather it’s
vital to be able to put out

small fires quickly before they spread.

I should never have left them
alone with that cooking stove.

That’s true, Trevor.

Ah. Nothing like getting
away from the office

and putting out a good fire.

Don’t you agree, sir?

Ab - absol - lutely.

Are you OK, sir?

You sound out of breath, old chap.

Goodness me.

What happened here?

Chief Fire Officer Boyce’s
’Shape Up And Shine’

fitness program.


Just a bit of harmless exercise.


Harmless if you don’t overdo it.

Chief Fire Officer Boyce is
an expert on exercise, Sam.

I’m sure he’d be pleased to demonstrate,

wouldn’t you, sir?

Well I -

Perhaps you’d like to start
with some press ups, sir?

To show us how it’s done.



Shape up and shine, sir.

Shape up and shine.

♪ So move aside, make way ♪

♪ For Fireman Sam ♪

♪ ’Cause he’s going to save the day ♪

♪ Fireman Sam ♪

♪ ’Cause he’s brave to the core ♪

♪ Sam is the hero next door ♪