Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Portal of the Opera - full transcript

The day when Lena, a princess living in 1905, discovers that her parents want to take her out of the Opéra de Paris school to bring her back to Russia, she decides to run away with her ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

♪ I can feel my heart skipping
Go off the beat ♪

♪ Things are pacing too fast
out on the streets ♪

♪ And I try to stay on my feet
along the way ♪

♪ Another crazy day
Okay, okay ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
into a new world ♪

♪ Watch out, watch out,
watch out and hold on
strong, girl ♪

♪ It's time to show myself
what I can be ♪

♪ Figure out my life
and still be me ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
and welcome to my world ♪

My name is Lena Grisky.

I may look like
your average teenager,

but trust me, I'm not.

I have a secret.

The roof of the Opera is mine
and Henri's special place.

We leave each other
little things in the chimney.

(Lena gasps)

For good luck.

It's perfect. I love it.

And I need it
so I don't fall on my face.

It's magic. It will keep you
standing at all times.

(magical tinkling noises)

Thank you.

Oh Henri,
I'm going to keep this forever.

Race you.

Some say I was destined to be
the greatest ballerina
of all time.

I had no idea
what was about to happen.

How could I?

How could anyone?

My parents sent me from Russia
to the Paris Opera Ballet School

when I was eight years old.

(classical music plays)

(audience applauds)

(muted music plays
in the background)

We take her back to Russia.

I don't know
what the fuss is about.
She's behind by an eighth.

How can someone so...

so unmannered in real life
be so graceful on stage?

(audience applauds)

Oh, Claudine!
Wait till you go out there.
There's nothing like it.

You were wonderful.

But mind yourself.
You're so exuberant.

I'm sorry.
I'm just so excited and nervous.

I'm so glad I didn't mess up.
I was behind by an eighth.

You were? I didn't notice.

(knock on the door)

Go. I'll cover for you.

You were amazing.

Well, I had
my good luck charm, didn't I?


I overheard they're
taking you back to Russia.

Oh no.

Go. I'll take care
of my mother alone. Go.

Pack your things.
Your father's waiting outside.

We'll return
to Russia immediately.

Mother, please.

You saw me dance.
I have a chance to make Company.

Must I remind you that
you are Princess Helena Grisky?

You humiliated the family
by running around
with a simple peasant.

How did you...

Your roommate had
enough sense to post a letter.

I had never cared
about being a princess.

None of that mattered to me.
Only to my parents.

All I cared about, was ballet.

It's over. No more ballet.

In that one moment,
in that one statement,

my entire life changed.

How could you?

I made the decision
to change the path
I was born to be on.

I had no idea of the impact
that decision would have.

It would change... everything.

I guess this is goodbye.

I need to get my things.
And then I'm leaving.

Come with me.

Come on.

Are you mad?



That is some getaway outfit.

Well, I didn't have time
to change my shoes, did I?

Not if I wanted
to escape my mother.

Halt. Who goes there?

Quick. This way.


My mother's guards. Run.

Hey. Hey.


Come on. What are you doing?
Open the door.


(ticking and magical
tinkling noises)

Where are you? Henri?

Whoa, watch where you're going.

I don't know. Where am I?

Get into the line. We're next.

What is she doing here?
Who is she?

Where did she come from? Look
at her dress.

Wow. Gutsy.
Wish I had thought of it.

Wait. What's happening?

(audience laughs
and mutters in shock)

(audience laughs)

Help me. I need to
get out of here. Please.

Get off of me.

Where's Henri?
What are you doing?

Where is he?

Help me, help me.
I need to get out of here.

Get out.

What's wrong with her?



What have you done?

(announcer) It is our pleasure
to introduce the Paris Opera
Ballet, esteemed company

and budding class of 2018.

2018? What is 2018?

Wow, you are taking stage fright
to a wickedly elevated level.

It's 2018. Like the year of...

Year? 2018 is the year?
Oh my...

Oh, are you okay?

(audience mutters)
Is she hurt?

Back up, back up.
Give her some room.

Who is she?
What is she wearing?

This is the Défilé,
not a costume party.

Don't move.
What's your name?

I'm Helena Gr...

Elena Grande? From Italy?

We didn't expect you
for a few more days.

Ines, get the medic.

so she's a total drama queen.

No, you don't understand.

It's alright. Don't move.
It's okay.

(Henri pants)

Tell me exactly what happened.

We were just running
through the hall

and then...
she went through the door
and she just disappeared.

Where is it?

The door.
We were just in front of it.

No, I mean the necklace.


It's on Lena's neck.

I gathered.

Where did you find it?

It's actually
quite a funny story.




It's just an old necklace.

Why are you giving me the
"you're in deep trouble" look?

Come with me.

You have no idea
what you've done.

I have no idea at all
what is happening right now.

You've sent her spiraling
through time.

At least, you haven't lost
your sense of humor.

I was waiting until you
were older to tell you.

Until you had proven to me
that you were mature enough
to handle it.


We're time travelers.


But, Dad, how is that possible?
Time travel, that's crazy.

What is this?

Our family has been
time traveling for centuries.

But there are rules.

And you managed
to break them all.

I'm going after her.

Well, I'll come with you.

No, you won't.
You're not authorized to travel.

You've already set in motion
events that can't be undone.

I need to get a few things.
You stay here.

She went
through the Garnier portal
so we know where she landed.

We just don't know when.

What do you mean?

She could be in 1575 or 2030.
We don't know.

You will find her, right?

Elena, good morning.

You really hit your head there.
But luckily, no concussion.

Where is Henri? I must find him.

Is she okay to dance,
because they're calling us
to class, like stat.

Hi, I'm Ines. I'm your roommate.

Wow, your bun is a total
disaster. Have you got a brush?

No, I...

Whoa. For real?

You've got to let
her dance, Nurse D.

You know what it means
if she doesn't.

This is the audition for
Gabrielle's exclusive workshop.

Gives you a leg up
in competish, right?

This is like the Grand Prix of
the Paris Opera Ballet School.

I'm back at the school?

No, we're still at the Garnier,
but we'll go to school later.

I have to go. Now.
I need to go and find...

See? She's totally ready.

Okay, but if you feel faint...

She'll tell me
and I'll tell you.

It'll go down all legal
and legit. Okay, Nurse D?

Okay, but I'm trusting
you with this, Ines.

Impressive entrance you made.

Fainting right in the middle
of the Défilé
in your red dress like that.

It's like,
welcome to the class of 2018,

and you were like... aah.

I have to go.

Come on. Let's get you dressed.

(students chatter on phone)

(phone beeps)

(phone beeps)

Why is everyone
talking to themselves?

(hip-hop beat starts to play)

What's wrong with him?

Yeah, I know.

That's Jeff. He's new too.

Haven't figured him out yet,
but he is a sick dancer.

Oh no, he's ill?

(Ines sniggers)

Whoa, whoa. Hold up.
Where do you think you're going?

We haven't even jammed yet.
Come on. You know...

Uh... Uh... Yeah...
You just gotta let loose.

Yeah. Yeah, You feel me?

How dare you speak
to me that way?

Just relax.
This is our five minutes of fun
before it all gets totally real.

Go on. Try it.

(Jeff beatboxes)
(others laugh)

(music starts again)


Now you.


Whoa. Careful, chica.
We don't want you
to fall again, do we?

Hi. Yes, I erm...

As you were.

You are broadcasting
your crush allover the place.


(others laugh)

Are you trying
to make a run for it now?

Oh, are you
an officer of the law?

If you're not prepared
to leave your souls on the stage

each and every time
you step onto it,

then you need to question
whether or not
you want to be here.

This workshop is
an honor and a privilege.

After the break we'll start
with your unique pieces.

Who is she?

Gabrielle Carré.
I mean, come on.

Only the best
prima ballerina ever.

And she's the Directrice
of the school, so...
No presh.

Oh, hello.

I was just using
this fascinating hand-drier.

What's your deal?
Like, for real.

You come in here
all doe-eyed and fainty.

Who do you think you are?

Oh, I'm
Lena Grisky.

Very funny.

You can try and wow everyone
with your gimmicks
and your diversions,

but you don't fool me.

This is my turf
and I won Dance Off.

So it's my destiny
to make Company and be the best.

So whatever this is, it
stops. Now.

Break's over. Let's go, guys.

What are you waiting for?

I don't belong here.

I must find a way to get back.

Why do you think I'm here?

Come on.

Where is she?

I don't know.

Speak up.
I asked you a question.
Where is my daughter?

Honestly, Your Highness.
She was here.

And now she's not.

(scoffs) Arrest him.

Alex. Don't be ridiculous.

They're children,
playing a game.

We both know
Lena put him up to this.

You know your daughter.
Her favorite defiance
is running away.

Come now. Where is she?

Sir, I have no idea.


(hurried footsteps)

Okay, so Lena's parents think
she's run away.
Apparently, it's a pattern.

That will only hold for a bit.
I'm going after her
while no one is around.

There is one other thing.

What? We're vampires too?

Beware of the Time Collectors.


Listen to me.
You've opened the portal, so
they'll be after you and Lena.

They were last seen
in the 18th century.
They stand out.

Stay away from them.
Run, hide, whatever it takes.

And don't you go anywhere.
Your instincts lead you
to trouble.

Question. What exactly
are they collecting?

You, Lena.
And all the other timepieces.

So they're the bad guys?

I have to go now,
while the portal is still open.

Dad, are you a quantum spy?


So the door is a portal.

Lena, where did you go?

(pop song plays)

Oh no. No, I mean I must return
to where I came from.
I believe I came through a door.

You're weird.
And kind of hilarious.
Come on.

♪ Let your thoughts go
their way ♪

♪ Let them out again ♪

♪ If the sun is fading away ♪

♪ Let it shine again ♪

(new song starts)

♪ I've been around
so many places ♪

♪ Came to know
these fading faces ♪

♪ But everywhere I arrive ♪

♪ She leaves me far behind ♪

I don't get the whole
Max Alverez thing but...

clearly you're crushing.

Rumor has it he had no
formal ballet training before
coming here a few years ago.

Like zero.

But he can dance,
I'll give him that.

Get this. He went
to Harrow Boarding School.
Totally posh.

But he got kicked out
or something.

He's got secrets. You can tell.

And P. S., he's Thea's guy.
And she already
doesn't like you, so...

She doesn't?

Is there something I can do
to change her mind?

I could send her
a note of apology.

Yeah, a note. That'll help.



His mum was English
and his dad was Spanish.

But then there was
this tragic accident and...
They died.

Oh, that's so sad.

Yeah. Apparently, he's got
this massive trust fund.

One girl last year said he might
be related to the Royals.

But I think that's just gossip.

I guess he got sent to his aunt
and she turned him on to ballet.


I'm serious.
Thea's guy. Okay?

Hey, new girl.
How are you doin'?

Much better, thank you.

Good. Okay.

So, erm... I'm Dash.
She probably didn't even
mention me, did she?

To be honest,
I'm not even sure
she knows my name.

You're up, Ines.

Oh yeah, she knows my name.

(rock song plays)

Ah, she's amazing.

Wow, I'm striking out today.

A colored picture.
She looks like Lena's mother.

'Victor, the Time Collectors
have done more damage
than I thought possible.

We will not see
each other again.

I will protect my half
with my life

as I'm sure
you will do with yours.

They have caught our friend
and I'm afraid
he will never return.'

(worried) Lena...

'Dear Lena.

I have a strong hope
this message will get to you.

I will put it in our special
place on the roof.

I hope you will go there
and think about the ways
we always communicated.

The chimney.

My father says it is magic.'

Oh Henri. (sobs) Where are you?

(tinkling noise)

(Henri) 'My dear Lena.

My family has a secret.

I didn't know.

Of course I would've told you
if I did.

The good news is
that we are not vampires.'

Henri, just spit it out.

'We're time travelers.

And now, so are you.'