Fear the Walking Dead (2015–…): Season 6, Episode 2 - Fear the Walking Dead - full transcript

Virginia forces Alicia and Strand to clear an unusual walker threat, where an encounter with a new ally gives Strand an idea that could be the key to their freedom.

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Everything's gonna be fine.

I will find a way to get to you.

Victor, why did you
give her the starter?

Remember who you are in there.

I needed to curry favor
with her.

We can do more damage
from the inside.

Morgan Jones is dead.

And you are dealing
with somebody else now.

I'm not one
to give second chances.

Seems Virginia is.

Who am I to argue with her?

You're all here because
you deserve to be in a grave.

So think of this as your final
chance to dig your way out.

You're just gonna have to
shovel past

a whole lot of corpses to do it.

I can't do this.

No. No. Please.

I can't.

It's not an option, son.

Why is she making us do this?

What's in there?

Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Aim between the eyes.

Whatever you do,
don't get too close to them.





What the hell?

Raise it.

It's stuck!

Hold it back. Drop the door.

Have to push it back.

Don't just stand there.

Drop it.

The door... drop the door.

I can't.



Help. She's stuck. Get her off.

Kill me.



Ugh, that's the last of it. Ugh.

Come on. We better get back
to the Lanes before sundown.

You wanna jump the fence?


See how the other half lives?

Ha. And give up all this?

Is there a problem?

Wind's blowing
towards the canteen.

I wanna enjoy my lunch today.

Move it now.

You serious?

Marcus, come on.

Oh, my... What? Come on.

You're disobeying
the direct order from a ranger?

It's your shit. Excuse me?

I said it's your shit.

If you don't like it,

come out of that tank
and move it yourself.

Think I'm afraid of you?

You wouldn't even have that
if it wasn't for me.

Aw, come on.
Stop messing with them.

If you're so important,

how come you're the one
carrying a bucket of shit?

I'm not.


Okay, hey.


Leave them alone.

Dakota, get away from the fence.

What the hell is going on here?

Alright, we'll just let Virginia
settle this, then.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

He deserved it.

Let's hope
it's part of some master plan

to get us into Lawton.

I always thought
we'd enter Lawton

under more
auspicious circumstances.

Hey, thanks.

Don't mention it.

Marcus is just an asshole.

Makes it a little bit funnier,
I guess.

I'm Alicia. Dakota.

I-I know who you are.

Well, I should get going.

Thanks again for the help.

Send a contingent of rangers
to the western territories.

He's gotta be
out there somewhere.

Copy. You ready for them?

Send them in.

I didn't know you were here.

Have a seat.

Hope you don't mind.

Wasn't expecting this visit.

Looks like you two

could use some time in the chair

Daniel, are you okay?

Have I cut your hair before,

What'd you do
to him?
We didn't do anything.


I don't want any trouble.

Memory's like a card catalog

but the cards are all mixed up.

He was just hell bent on getting
that darn cat of his.

Things got ugly
'cause he wouldn't stand down

when it didn't go his way.

Everybody's gotta contribute,
so just be grateful.

He still knows how to give
a decent haircut,

or he'd be cadaver-chum
right now.

So is this the fate
that awaits us?

Well, I must admit

I did have higher hopes for you

than cleaning out the latrines.

You assigned us to that job.

Everyone's gotta start

But then, Victor,

you assaulted a ranger
in broad daylight.

That cannot go unpunished.

So where are you sending us?

Somewhere that better suits
your natural talents.

Hill will drive you there
this afternoon.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

...I've got some
pressing matters to attend to.

Oh, and, Victor,

you already squandered
one opportunity.

Don't waste this one.

I'll be right back.

What was that about?

I don't know.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

I don't know who you are.

I don't know who you think I am.

I don't know who you've lost,

but it's weighing down on you.

It's Saint Christopher's

I found it on one of the dead.

My wife used to wear
one of these.

It helps people
to bear heavy burdens.

You take it.

You need it more than I do.

Do you really think
he doesn't remember us?

I've never seen that man
flinch before,

and I shot him in the face.

I gave her this.

She would've gotten her hands
on the starter eventually.

Get up.

We're here.

Do you hear that? Yeah.

I hope that's not
what I think it is.

What's in there
besides the dead?

You'll find out
when you clear it.

A little knowledge
might help motivate us.

Virginia's building the future.

What's in there

is the key to getting that done.

You survive,
you get to be part of it.

Hey! Stop!

Help him!

Rangers here don't take
too kindly to runners.


Seems like we're gonna need more
than this if we're even gonna make a dent.

I'll send a truck with supplies.
The SWAT van... open the gates,

we could be done with this
in minutes.

And destroy what Virginia wants?

Hope you're still breathing
when I get back.

They don't trust us.

Yeah, with good reason.


Victor. Charlie.

What are you doing here?

I tried to run away... twice.



So we're not the only ones
in the doghouse.

What did you do
to earn this honor?

What did I do,

or what did they catch me doing?

Who's in charge of this place?

The rangers, but they keep clear

after what happened
to the night team.

What happened to the night team?

They did.

How many rangers are there?

10. Nine now.

What about
these other prisoners?

How many of them can we trust?


Not all. Why?

We're not gonna clear
this place.

We're gonna take out
all the rangers

and get the hell out of here.

You and I are never gonna clean
another latrine again.

There were too many.

The tanks are leaking inside.

They're full of molasses.

They're covered in it.

Those things grab you,

a-and they stick
like nothing else.

The door jammed, and then...

And then...

You seem to have
made it out okay.


I stayed back.

Could've helped.

Could've tried harder.

But I didn't.

I was just the asshole
that watched.

I heard about what you did,

how you stood up
to that ranger Marcus.

I wish I had the guts
to do something like that.

10, 24.

Let's go.

We got a delivery.

These are the supplies?

I suppose
it was wishful thinking

they'd provide us
with better weaponry.


This isn't gonna work.

We need better people,
more people.

We outnumber the rangers

They have guns.

We have spears.

All these people are here

because they couldn't cut it
where Virginia had them.

Things could go bad real fast.

It's the only move.

What is this really about?

We've been listening
to other people

for long enough.

It's time we started

making the calls for ourselves.

Hey! Who the hell are you?

It's okay. I swear.


Charlie, it's okay. It's fine.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

What are you doing here?

Look, I'm sorry.

I just had to get away.

Unh-unh. You can't be here.

I won't go back to
Lawton. Get a ranger.


I heard
what you were talking about.

I can help.

I know what she'll do

if you try and take
out the rangers. How?


Virginia's my sister.

Come with us.

Sit. Sit.

Start talking.

You're not the first people
to try this.

If you kill the rangers,
she'll hunt you down.

She'll kill you.

And if she can't find you,

she'll hurt the people you love,

kill them. Daniel.

So she's gonna come here
looking for you, isn't she?

I mean, she's gonna figure out
that I'm gone

by the time it gets dark.

I-I really...
I wanted to get away from her,

find people
that would help me do that.

Why did you think we'd help?

I-I told you I know who you are.

I saw the tapes
that you left everywhere.

My sister,
she was obsessed with them.

So our reputation precedes us.

Things are
a little different now.

You said we wouldn't escape.

How are we supposed to
help you do that?

Because I know
what's inside that warehouse.

We just need to get it. What?

A weapon.

What kind of weapon?

I don't know.

But something important enough

that my sister
keeps throwing bodies at it.

That's an understatement.

She already has the SWAT van.

She wants whatever is in there.

Look, there's someone out there

that she's trying to kill.

She wants to use it
against them.

Okay, wait, wait, wait.
Who put it there?

How does she know
what's in there?

And why are there so many dead
between it and us?

I don't know.

But if you can get it

and overpower the rangers,

then we can use it against her.

Why should we believe you?

I live with her.

I hear everything that goes on
in that house.

Like the deal you made with her.

What deal?




Ali... It's not what you think.


Ginny splits people up.

I gave her the MRAP
to keep us together.

Why would you do that?

I can take care of myself.

I-I know, I know. I...

So then why? What is this about?

I didn't do it for you.

I did it for me.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

What we need to do
to survive this...

Hey, I can't do on my own.

Not without you.

Not the way it should be done.

What does that mean?

Daniel told me
to remember who I was.

Being with you,
it helps me do just that.

And it's not about
right or wrong.

It's about...

...being someone
you can look in the eye

when this is all over.


I don't think we should risk it.

Charlie, Dakota, Daniel...

We need
to keep all our people safe,

and there's another way.

We clear the walkers,
we get the weapon,

and we use it
on Virginia and the rangers.

That way might get us killed.

So could yours.

You said we need to make
these decisions for ourselves.

Yeah, I know, yeah.

I think we should make this one.

You really think
this is the way to do it?

Yeah, I do.


Let's do this, then.

It's gonna be getting dark soon,

and Virginia's gonna realize
that Dakota's been missing.


Get to work.

are they secure? We double-checked.

This is what they do with cattle
on my uncle's ranch.

Didn't peg you as a farm guy.

Spend enough time
between Mexico and Texas,

you pick up a few things.

Hey, are you sure
you're up to this?

I want to get out of here
as much as you do.

Alright, yeah.

Alright, let's go, let's go.

This is our last chance
to do things another way.

This is gonna work.

It's gonna work.




Come on!

Right here!

Come on! Let's go! Hey!


Strand, we've got a problem.

Sanjay, close the door!


Fence is about to break.

Secure it.
Charlie, close the gate.

Alicia, help!


Come on, Charlie.

I got it.

Are you okay?

Were you bit? I'm... I'm okay.

Thank you.

Saw them pull you in
from outside.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, it's alright. It's alright.

Charlie, go to the tent.

Get away from her.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Hill, we found her.

Copy that.

We're on our way.
Put your weapons down.

Put your weapons down! Now.

Come on.
No, I'm not coming anywhere.
I'm not leaving.

No, don't touch me.
You're not allowed.
Oh, yeah?

Let's see what Virginia
has to say about that.

We can't hold it!
It's gonna break!

Let's finish this.

We need to clear this place
before she gets here.

Everyone, pick up your weapons.

Let go of the gate.

Run this way!

We have a breach at the dock.

I repeat... breach at the dock.

Start evacuation immediately.

This beats cleaning up shit.
Doesn't it?

Ask me again
once this is all over.

This is crazy.

There are too many.
We can do this.

We fight them. We kill them.

We get what's inside.

Everybody, spread out.

Don't! Don't!

Behind the pallets.

Let's go. Take her. Take her.



There are too many.
We need guns.

I think I know how to get them!

Come on. To the trailer. Go, go.

Sorry. So sorry.

Sanjay, what are you doing?

I can't go out there.

Don't make me go out there.


Are they moving?




That doesn't work.

They'll choose fresh meat
every time.

Trust me.

I've seen it.

Give me that. Come on.

Give it.

Sanjay, follow me.

Don't you move.

Do you know how much trouble
we'll get into

if we're found
with Ginny's sister?

We're in trouble anyway.
We should've taken them out.

What are you talking
about? The rangers.

We could've killed them
and been miles away by now.

Why didn't you?

Good question.

Hey, hey, you said
you wished you had the guts

to stand up to them.

Today's your day to be a hero.


We did it.


I tried to stop him,

but this is what he wanted.

He did it for us.

I'm 10 minutes out.

Don't let her out of your sight.

Do you copy?

We don't have much time.

We have enough.

Let's get what we came for.

Guys, there's nothing here.

There's no weapon.

No. No, there has to be.

Does there? Or was this just

a little wild goose chase
to keep us exposed?

No, I'm telling the truth.

Sanjay died for this.

I'm not lying.

It's okay.

We believe you.

Here she comes.

We can't hold her off.

No, we can't.

It's over.

Come on.

Let's go.

Where's my sister?

Come here.

What happened to you?

Virginia, these people,

they were acting at my behest.

If you're gonna punish anyone,
it should be me.

And why would I do that, Victor?

You did what no one else could.

You cleared this place.
For what?

The key to our survival.
There's nothing here.

The thing I'm looking for
ain't in here.

It's you, a true leader.

And from
what you did here today,

each and every one of you,

you are the key.

This is how we survive.

Congratulations, Victor.

You just formed us an army.

The start of one at least.

You are never
to leave my sight again.

Do you understand that?


Hey, you just said
we formed an army.

You didn't tell me what for.

I will. In time.

Virginia, these people are not
your biggest fans.

How do you expect them
to follow you?

That's your job, Victor.

You have a fine young group
of soldiers on your hands.

What's that?

This allows you

to use them however you see fit.

Just know, when the time comes

for me to call y'all up
for the big show,

y'all best be ready.

The molasses is all gone.

You really don't remember?

The warehouse?


None of it?

Are you a friend of Ofelia?


Truck's loading up at the gates.

I grabbed your things.


The Traveling Wilburys?


You... You taught this to me.
I-I learned it from you.

It's a beautiful song.

Aren't you coming?

Strand's got me staying here.

Put me on laundry duty.

What? Why?

Said he had his reasons.

Good luck, Alicia.

Yeah, you, too.

Hey, um, just give me a minute.

You get a key to the city?


Virginia says it affords me
certain privileges.

Do those privileges include
choosing where we go next?

I've, uh...
I've reassigned you, Alicia.

To what? Where?

Somewhere far away from me.

Okay, you're not
making any sense.

We almost died today.

Sanjay did die.

So we could do what we did.

He... He did it for us.

It didn't have to happen.

It could've gone down
differently. It should've.

But I-I... I hesitated.

Because you didn't
kill the rangers

and put a target
on all our backs.

Because I didn't trust
my instincts.

I knew what needed to be done,

but I... but I couldn't.

Because you knew
it was reckless.

It's... It's...
It's like I told you.

You make me remember
the person that I am,

and to do all the things
that I need to do now,

for you, for me, for all of us,

I have to forget that person,

and I can't do it
with you by my side.

I have seen you do

plenty of things
you'd rather forget.

You haven't seen all of it.

Because I haven't wanted you to.

I still don't.

I don't want to drag you down
with me, Alicia.

I need to forget who I am.

But you don't.

Uh, please.

Whatever happens...

don't you ever forget.

Let's go.

Come on, old man. Hurry up.

We gotta get going.

It's gonna take a while
to get to Paradise Ridge.

Welcome to the club.


What are you doing?

I left my good scissors inside.

Too bad. You'll have to make do.

It'll take me twice as long
to work with these.

Stay here.

Think you can remember that?

What's the problem?

He forgot his special scissors
or some shit.

Did you hear that?

Much obliged, friend.

If in fact you are a friend.

You know who I am, Daniel.

And I could use your help.

You look like you could use
a haircut.

Good to see you, Morgan.

I thought it was you
she was looking for.