FBI: International (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Yesterday's Miracle - full transcript

The Fly Team searches Bucharest for a Romanian surrogate who goes missing shortly before carrying the biological child of an American couple to term. Also, Forrester's concern about the safety of his neighbors in Budapest intensif...

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The other day, there was
a man in your apartment.

- Was that your dad?
- Yeah.

Just wondering
why I've never seen him before.

Hey, Zsolt, I want you to know
that you can talk to me

if there was ever
anything weird at home.

They've been fighting,
my mom and dad.

Run a full background check
on a Péter Tamási.

His auto repair shop
is a hangout spot

for the Kompania Bello.

The Balkans? Here?

- Same MO as back home...
- Drugs, ghost guns.

Tamási's either connected
or they're giving him grief.

Hey, are you Péter?

I'm a friend of Zsolt's.

Yes, I know who you are.

Your son's a great kid.

Look, I don't want
to hold you up,

but I asked him
how things were at home,

and he seemed a little...

He just didn't seem
like himself.

And I just wanted to know
if there was anything

that I could do to help?

I know your business
is your business.

I'm just looking out for Zsolt.
That's all.

Are you his dad?

His brother?
Uncle maybe?

Then back the hell off.

No, you are not listening to us.

They're lying to us.

This is completely unacceptable.

Do you have any idea

what it took for us to get here?

We have a right to know.

Why can't any of you give me
a straight answer?

What is going on?

How do you just
lose a surrogate?

- Very sorry. We are looking...
- I don't need sorry.

I need you to find her.

Mr. Palmer...

This is difficult to say.

Unfortunately, it seems

that your surrogate
had a change of heart.

What? No.

- No, no, no.
- What the hell does that mean?

There must be something
we can do.

It has been nine whole months.

We are here
because our baby is due.

My wife and I are not leaving
without our kid.

- You're upset.
- Upset?

Are you kidding me?

This is insane!

- Please stay calm.
- No!

- People are doing their best...
- Don't touch me!

Dennis, stop.

- Wait. No, no.
- What?

- You can't do this.
- No, stop.


Where is our baby?

- Dennis.
- Where is our baby?


He lives.

Long time no see.

Yeah, I've been kind of
MIA lately, haven't I?

Work must be keeping you busy.

How's Tank?
Think he misses me?

You know, there's only
a handful of people

that dog wants
in his inner circle.

You made the cut a while back.

It's a lifetime membership.

Is everything okay?

It's my father.

Zsolt, whose blood is that?

Apparently this kid's old man
got knocked around pretty bad,

and Zsolt's shaken up.

You think this was a message
from Kompania Bello?

Maybe the mob's leaning on him.

Didn't the dad tell you
to stay clear of his business?

Well, it all makes sense why.

Zsolt said the family's
too scared to go to the cops.

I don't know.
It just, uh...

It feels like
it's all boiling over.

You asking for my advice here?

Well, I think I know
what you're gonna say.

But a 12-year-old kid
should never have to answer

for his parent's mistakes.

Look, I know you care
about this kid.

I'm in for whatever you need.

So Raines and I just spoke

with the Romanian embassy
this morning.

An American couple was detained
after an incident

at a fertility clinic
in Bucharest.

Dennis and Amy Palmer arrived
in from Saginaw, Michigan,

looking for their surrogate.

Now, she's nine-months pregnant
with their child

and currently missing.

This is Cosmina Dalca.
She's 19-years-old.

Vanished without a trace.

Says here
she's a gestational surrogate.

- It's Dennis' and Amy's DNA?
- Yep.

Essentially we're dealing with
an American kidnapped child

inside a European's body.

Let's not rule out

that Cosmina may have
been the target here.

The ambassador in Bucharest

heard about the Palmer situation

and had the leg at there
make this a priority.

Cosmina's due date
is next week, and so far,

no hospitals in Bucharest
have her checking in.

All right, let's widen that net

to private clinics
and midwives in the city.

We retrace her last steps.

Find out if she was
deliberately staying

under the radar or
if something happened to her.

I'll loop in Smitty.

She can roll with us
to the local PD in Bucharest,

get the full story
from the Palmers.

- All right.
- Let's hit it.

You know, people seem to forget

that having a baby is
an intensely personal decision.

Every failed attempt
at conceiving,

it really took its toll on us.

And in the end,
the risks of pregnancy

just outweighed
any chance of success.

So we started looking
at other options,

but the genetic link
was important to us.

We found an agency in Bucharest,

chose Cosmina from a catalog
that they sent over.

We met her over Skype.
We liked her.

Romania has some of
the most relaxed fertility laws

in Europe.

I assume the surrogacy route
was also more affordable here?

Well, we thought it would be,

but once the unforeseen expenses

started stacking up, we, um...

Well, we dug ourselves a hole.

How much are we talking?

Almost 200 grand.

And Dennis,
he's a high school teacher,

so this really took a lot.

I mean, none of that matters,
you know, when you see videos,

sonograms of your surrogate
over the three trimesters.

You just... you can't help
but fall in love

with this miracle
that's growing inside of her.

And the last update
from Cosmina was...

- Three weeks ago.
- And up until that point,

she was always responsive,
so we panicked.

Now the clinic is saying

that they have no info,
on Cosmina

which makes no sense.

And she's missing
and they have us arrested?

And they won't even let me
speak to my husband?

We're working on that,
Mrs. Palmer.

It's no secret that Romania has

an unregulated
surrogacy problem.

Foreigners believe
our women are here

- to be exploited.
- Well, let's remember

a father just had
to confront his wort fear.

This is a sensitive situation
on all sides.

I'll reserve my compassion
for the girls,

coerced and discarded
by Americans

just like Dennis Palmer.

Surrogacy's their choice.

I've seen many
regret it afterwards.

These girls,
they don't understand

the pregnancy's toll.


I'm Special Agent
Scott Forrester.

This is Special Agent Vo.
We're with the FBI.

I called the embassy.

I wasn't sure.

How's Amy?
No one is telling me anything.

- Your wife is fine.
- We can take you to see her.

No, he stays here.

I'll remind you, your American
assaulted someone.

- Assaulted?
- No, that guy grabbed me.

I just reacted.

- Who grabbed you?
- I don't know.

Someone at the clinic.
I was half out of my mind.

I mean, why am I caged up here

while Cosmina's God knows where
with our kid?

We're following the leads
that we have.

Well, maybe you aren't
looking hard enough.


These guys can keep me
locked up for all I care.

Just find Cosmina.

Please get our baby girl back.


I'm willing
to release Mr. Palmer

if the guy he attacked
drops charges.

He's giving his statement on
the second floor as we speak.

I was only trying to help,

but you don't come between
a grizzly bear and his cub.

That was my first mistake.

Are you a parent yourself,
Mr. Greyson?

I was visiting the clinic
to see the facilities.

I heard good things
about the woman who runs it.

- Felicia Zamfir.
- That's the one.

Wrong place,
wrong time for me, it seems.

The police asked me
for my account.

Now, I've given it to them,
but it's quite clear

they've blown things out
of proportion.

So you're not pressing charges?

Oh, God, no.

After what that couple
have been through?

I can't imagine
how betrayed they must feel.

How do you mean?

Well, I've been reading up
on the subject,

and it's not uncommon

for the surrogate
to become attached

to the baby growing
inside of her.

I think she decided
to keep the child for herself.

It's a shame.

Cosmina's selfishness ruined

what should have been
the Americans' happiest memory.

You've got 30 surrogates
under your care.

How do you protect yourself

from something like this

- You can't.
- Not 100%.

We have a screening process,

but, of course,
things slip through the cracks.

Cosmina's young, inexperienced.

You knew the risks
but brought her on anyway?

Demand is high.

Now everything I've built over
eight years could be ruined.

Here it is.

When's the last time
you saw her?

She visited two weeks ago.

- How'd she look?
- Any sign of distress?

The girl was nine months
into her first pregnancy.

I would be worried
if she wasn't distressed.

The Palmers believe

her radio silence is
out of character.

We're trying to assess
whether her recent actions

may have been under duress.

What do you mean?

You think she was kidnapped?

How thorough
was your background check?

Her file has no listed address,
no emergency contact.

All I know is Cosmina is
from a small farming community

in northern Romania.

This list of invoices show

that your surrogates
are paid in cash.

The girls come to the clinic
every month to collect.

Cosmina missed her pickup
in June.

How'd you pay her then?

I can check with billing,

but typically, in those cases,
a check is mailed.

I need the address
it was sent to.



You've got five minutes.

One of your citizens is missing.

Don't you want to know
what happened to her?

We lack evidence a crime
has been committed here.

And without a warrant,

every second we spend here
can cost me my job.


Prescription Salbutamol
for asthma.

- It's empty.
- All right.

Check to see if there was
any refills made in town.

Maybe we can track
Cosmina's movements.

Five minutes.


Fridge is stocked.

New groceries.
Expires weeks from now.

- All right.
- She hasn't been gone that long.

Took everything
but the winter clothes.

Packed into a suitcase or two,
if I had to guess.

All right, so no forced entry.

Cosmina may have been spooked,

but I'm not seeing any signs
of a struggle.

What would you say
the square footage is in here?

Yeah, it's a pretty swanky pad

for a teenager
from the countryside.

A refill for Salbutamol
was ordered

at Gara de Nord Farmacia
an hour ago.

That's the pharmacy
at the train station.

Let's go.

Anybody got eyes on our girl?

- Nothing yet.
- She already picked up her meds.

There's, like,
200 trains a day here.

She's a needle
in a stack of needles.

Yeah, a needle that is
nine months pregnant.

Just keep your eyes peeled.

Kellett, what's your status?

Ticketing office has
Cosmina buying a coach fare

to Chisinau, Moldova.

Used a fake name
just before we got here.

- That train's here.
- Platform six.

- I see it.
- Moving in.

Spotted her.

Green shawl.
Brown roller.

I think we got her.

She's not pregnant.

Blood tests, physicals,
constant appointments,

all before the embryo
was even inside me.

Being a surrogate is

the hardest thing
I've ever done.

We know you were carrying
the Palmer's child to term.

So how does this story end up

with you on a train
skipping town and no baby?

There should have been a baby.

I went into labor last week,
but she...

She was lost.


- Stillbirth.
- No. No.


Dennis, no.

Come here.

No, no.

Please, no.

Contractions started in my flat.

I'll never forget the silence
after it was all over.

- That's terrible.
- I panicked.

I ran because
I didn't know what else to do.

Is there a reason
you didn't tell the clinic?

Felicia Zamfir?

How could I face them
after all this?

I thought if Felicia
or the Americans found out,

I would be burned at the stake.

A miscarriage is not your fault.

I know
this is difficult for you,

but we need to know

what happened
to the baby's body.

Where I come from,
at the end of one's life,

their physical form must be
bathed to cleanse their soul.

I visited the Dâmbovita River,

and I laid the child
to rest there.

She's in God's hands now.

When was this?

Six days ago.

And nearly a week later
you decided to leave the city?

It still wasn't enough time
to come to terms with this.

Romania is my home country,
but I couldn't stay here.

I had to put it all behind me.

There was nothing left here.

This is all my fault.

It's my sin,
and now I have to live with it.

The Palmers
are still processing.

They're in shock.

Seems like Cosmina might be too.

Well, Raines checked
for smaller clinics

and birthing centers.

There is no record of Cosmina.

Now, she might have given birth
to this child alone,

as she's claiming,

but there's also no DNA
in her flat

that confirms
it went down there.

Is there a way
to retrieve the body?

Police have deployed
a search team,

but river is nearly
300 kilometers

and spills into the Danube.

Wherever she released this baby,

I don't need to tell you
the odds of recovery.

Don't hate me for this,

but Cosmina is not
the first teenager to lie

when she lands in hot water.

You saw the state she was in.

I mean, there's a line between
wanting proof for her story

and saying she's playing us.

I'm just
pointing out the obvious.

A social circle,
or even one friend,

would go a long way
in building her credibility.

Actually, I had
that same thought.

After bringing her in,

the police turned over
her phone to us.

Check it out.

Incoming calls
over the last several days.

I've got five different

unidentified numbers
in her history.

And nothing
from the clinic or Felicia?

- Negative.
- Telemarketers?

I have to assume
the spam in Romania

is on par with
what I get on a daily basis.

I thought that at first,
but this is a new phone.

These five numbers
are the only callers.

And strangely, none of them
are active anymore.

My guess is they were masked
through a burner app,

replacing legit caller IDs
with disposable numbers.

Okay, so you're thinking
these people don't want

to be linked to Cosmina?


Retracing the numbers is
doable, but it takes time.

- Okay.
- Loop in OTD.

They've got toys at Quantico
that can expedite this.

we owe the Palmer's answers,

so let's start piecing together

Cosmina's time here
in Bucharest.

I want to know
exactly how she spent

the last nine months.

You got a sec?

I have something for you
on Péter Tamási.

Okay, let's get some air.

Are you sure?

This is coming
from my HNP source in Budapest.

Intel's solid.

What started
as mandatory protection money

has now escalated...

Full use of Péter's business
by Kompania Bello.

The Albanians
are using his car shop

with a gun to his head
to do what?

Grind VINs, chop up stolen cars,

tamper with
and conceal evidence.

Péter's got no recourse.

Any push back
is met with violence.

So even if Zsolt's dad is clean,

his business is implicated.

Another reason he's probably
scared to go to the cops.

This car shop is
the family's only asset.

Péter holding onto it...

I mean, he's sinking deeper
into quicksand.

The Kompania Bello operates out

of an electronics store
in District 12...

A front managed
by its key enforcers.

Thank you.

I get that
you're looking out for Zsolt.

What's the play?

I don't know,
but I'll figure it out.

I want to see Cosmina.

Mr. Palmer, you know
we can't allow that.

Why do you think
she can't face us, huh?

I just want to talk to her.

That was our little girl
she had inside of her.

We loved her before
she even had a heartbeat.

Don't forget, Amy and I,
we are suffering here too.

And that is exactly

why we are pursuing
this investigation.

We want to bring her back
to the U.S.

Bury our daughter at home.

You were
in the observation room.

You know where we stand
with that.

We need closure
so we can move on.

I understand,

but the way to get closure
is to seek the truth.

The real truth.

No matter how deep it is buried.

And we are doing
everything we can

to get you that.



What do we have?

Cosmina's downtown flat?

- Uh-huh.
- Well, either her credit

wasn't up to snuff
or the rent was too high,

but another primary
was needed on the lease.

Someone financially stable
to act as insurance.

And that's where she comes in.

Nadia Balan.
Born and raised in Bucharest.

- I pulled an address for her.
- Let's move.

Nadia Balan?

We'd like to ask you
some questions

about a Cosmina Dalca.

Do you speak English?

- Is she okay?
- She's all right.

Can we come in?

We met through the clinic.

It can be difficult
to make friends

in this line of work.

You and Cosmina
must have really hit it off.

We saw her place.

Securing a flat can be
difficult in Bucaresti,

especially if you're new here.

She's young and beautiful,
so safety's important.

Now, is helping her a crime?

I was happy to offer guidance.

The first pregnancy comes
with so many questions.

And I suppose my role was
a bit like zâna NASA,

her fairy godmother.


By my count, you're
expecting number six soon?


Do you have any kids
of your own?

I like peace and quiet.

When was the last time
you and Cosmina spoke?

Well, a few weeks ago.

I'm aware she was preparing
for the baby.

By the end,
she was quite... troubled.

In what way?

The first time
is difficult, always,

but it's almost as if she had
a crisis of conscience

about parting with that child.

In your time doing this,
have you ever become attached

to any of your pregnancies?

but I can see why it happens.

Easy to forget
that this is a transaction

and the soul inside is
a subject of a contract.

It seems like you had
a soft spot for Cosmina.

If she asked you to undermine
an agreement, would you?

This is the ultimate gift
to hopeful parents.

Are you sure Cosmina's okay?

Oh, she's safe,
but unfortunately,

the baby was lost
during childbirth.

I didn't think anything of it
at the time,

but she contacted me
a few days ago.

Thought you said
it was weeks ago.

Forgive me.

Our phone calls
are usually quite long,

and this one wasn't.

She asked about coconut oil.

It's common for newborns
to experience flaky skin,

and the one I like
is gentle on them.

Sometimes the baby stays
in our care for a few days

until the parents are ready.

But if the child
didn't survive...

Cosmina said
she gave birth six days ago.

When did she reach out?

It's time to cut Cosmina loose.

You need formal charges,
I get it,

but something about her story
isn't adding up.

There's a reason
to keep a case alive,

but forcing this young woman
to relive her pain

does not appeal to me.

She is not the only victim here.

You still think this whole thing

is gonna blow up in our faces,

but what if you are wrong?

when your bosses find out

you've been an impediment
every step of the way.

I've accommodated enough.

Without hard proof,
I'm not keeping her caged.

You might need to
a little longer.

Raines cracked her phone.
You're gonna want to see this.

- What do we have?
- Those five numbers

that were dialing her
have been decrypted.

They all link back to one
caller who masked his digits.

That's the guy
we interviewed here.

Howard Greyson.

Somehow he knows Cosmina
and was calling her

from a number
he didn't want us to find.

What the hell is going on?

- Howard Greyson.
- Former sales rep out of London.

The guy's high net worth

actually comes
from his wife's side.

His father-in-law runs SWP,

a petroleum conglomerate
in the UK.

Company's major.

It spans four generations.

Think of them
as the British Rockefellers.

So Howard married up.

Criminal history?

A drunk driving incident
a few years back.

And his wife, Elizabeth,
she's clean as a whistle.

I found a blog she kept
on their fertility journey.

It goes into detail...

Specialists, IVF,
hormone treatment.

Between these
and their bank statements,

it paints a picture.

All their resources still
couldn't get them a family.

And yet, they never adopted.

What's the timeline here?

Howard and his wife arrived
in Bucharest a few days ago,

right around Cosmina's due date.

He said he was at the clinic
to visit the facilities.

Why is he calling Cosmina?

Well, either she was
a candidate for him,

a future surrogate,

or he wanted the child
she was carrying.

Cosmina isn't
telling us everything.

We spoke to Nadia.

Strange that
you failed to mention

someone who calls herself
your fairy godmother.

Nice apartment, by the way.

I was protecting a friend.

Or protecting your story.

Now you're smart enough
to know that she could

either corroborate
or poke holes in it.

I didn't tell her
about the lost child

because I didn't want anyone
coming after her to get to me.

Well, we know
about the coconut oil.

So why ask her about it
if the newborn didn't survive?

Because it was for me,
not the baby.

When you lose a child,

the last thing you want to do
is answer such questions.

Well, in our line of work,

running can imply
you have something to hide.

Surrogacy was my choice,
but I didn't sign up for this...

To become some rat in a cage.

I ran because I was scared.
I'm still scared.

If your family's from the
north, why not just go home?

Because not all of us
are blessed with good parents.

I came to Bucharest
to escape mine.

What about Howard Greyson?


I've never seen this man before
in my life.

Well, apparently
he's been calling you.

I don't know what to tell you.

If that is true,
I never recognized the number.

One of those calls
lasted over a minute.

After you gave birth

but before you headed
for the tracks.

Have you ever considered

that perhaps
I was being harassed?

After everything
I have been through,

for you two to question me
this way is beyond cruel.


One last request, then.

Would you be open
to a medical exam?

We'll bring in a physician.

Determine at what point
during the pregnancy

the child was lost.

We can put any last questions
to bed.

And after this, it would bring
the Palmer family some closure.

I have given my time
and my body to the Americans.

Why is it always
about everyone else's needs?

I refuse.

Girl's in over her head.

I mean, Cosmina saying no

to a test
that could have absolved her?

That's odd.

Even though
I don't think the test

I actually suggested exists.

Yeah, it makes you wonder,

would she know
that Moldova doesn't have

and extradition agreement
with the U.S.?

It's hard to say.

Get a 20 on our clinic director.

On it.

How are you doing?

Amy needs something to eat.

But for the life of me,
I can't remember

if she likes peanut butter
with her chocolate.

You both are running on empty.

Why don't you go back
to the hotel

and try and get some rest?

You want me to sit back, huh?

Order a scotch
from the lobby bar?

You can let go of the reins
for a minute.

This idea of searching
for the truth...

I'm scared

of what we might find
on the other side.

So maybe we just call this
what it is...

Yesterday's miracle.

I'd say, don't give up just yet.

I get that you're trying
to protect yourself,

but today,
you and Amy are fighting

for someone
who can't fight for herself.

And that is your job as parents.

You're acting like
our baby's not gone,

she's not at the bottom
of a river.

Yeah, I'm not sure
Cosmina's story's holding up.

I checked with my contacts
at London Metropolitan.

Digging into the Grey sons'
drunk driving incident

reveals another piece.

Apparently, there was a
six-year-old in the back seat.

Howard's nephew.

He survived,
but the alcohol makes it...

Child endangerment.

One of the few things that can

keep Howard and his wife
from adoption.

Raines has been busy mining

through their rather
obscure finances.

The Grey sons recently
withdrew £700,000

from their offshore accounts,

more than six times
the normal surrogacy fee.

The funds were sent from
the Grey sons' Swiss holdings

to an unidentified
crypto wallet.

Sure seems like
a sale has gone down.

So these wealthy Brits
can't have their own kids,

and they stake claim
to Cosmina's child

and sweeten the pot
with one hell of an offer.

If you want to jump the line
and keep things off the books,

apparently 700K
is the barrier to entry.

But nobody was counting
on the American couple

who spent their life savings

and showed up
looking for their baby.

When the Grey sons
landed in Bucharest,

they hired a private
chauffeur service.

The first stop was
the Grand Lux Hotel.

Go get them.

Hotel says the Grey sons
weren't supposed to check out

until tomorrow.

Well, let me guess,
the plan accelerated?

Looks that way.

In here.

Is that what I think it is?

The Grey sons have the baby.

The Grey sons arrived in Romania

on a commercial flight,
but I'm not seeing

anything similar
for a departure.

I doubt they'd take the chance

of getting picked up
at baggage claim.

What about private airstrips?

17 airfields
in and around Bucharest.

Let's start combing.

Hotel surveillance.

Our clinic director
was here earlier.

No sign of the Grey sons?

They must have left another way.

But we've got the make, model,
and plates of Felicia's ride.

If the car has GPS,
I've got a way

we can track her nav system
in real time.


I'll send you the latest
on Felicia.

Pull out all the stops.
BOLO, traffic cams, the works.

You have just uncovered
a major conspiracy

in your own backyard,
and it is happening right now.

We have proof
that Felicia and the Grey sons

have orchestrated
the unlawful sale of a newborn.

And they've used Cosmina
to perpetuate the coverup.

Her cut was enough
to fabricate a stillbirth

and get out of Dodge.

All she had to do
was wait long enough

for the Grey sons to arrive
and the deal to close.

Cosmina's been lying ever since

to keep this story
from unraveling.

And what if this is just
half of the puzzle, hmm?

How do we know who
this child's true parents are?

Well, I can tell you
it's not the Grey sons.

The coverup story.
The 700 grand.

The escape to Moldova.
It is all rotten.

And it is time for the
Politia Roman a to pick a side.

Are you helping us or not?

Her car is just up ahead.

Right turn.

Looks like
she's making a pit stop.


We need to talk.

She's bailing.
Go! Go!

Get out of the car.

Cosmina signed over
custody of the child

to the Grey sons.

This says they're
the legal guardians now.

Guess you were heading over
to the registry to file this,

make it all official?

Cold storage.

What do you reckon, Raines?

Any chance there's
700K worth of currency on it?

A Romanian customs officer
was dispatched

to Sirna Airfield.

a private jet out of the UK

is departing from there
in an hour.

That checks out
for an escape plan.

The Grey sons have
exactly what they want.

And they have enough resources
to go anywhere.

My concern is whether they're
really headed back to London.

Once the plane's airborne,

they can reroute
somewhere we can't follow.

The airstrip is 35 minutes
outside of Bucharest.

I have units on standby.
We can intercept.

We cannot let
that plane take off.

Five minutes out.

Remember, the suspects
have a hostage with them.

Use caution and do not...
I repeat, do not...

Discharge your firearm
unless authorized to do so.

Sirna Traffic:
Taking the active three-three,

straight out departure,

Clear for takeoff.

Get out.

- Is anybody on the plane armed?
- No.

Don't move.

You are to hand this child over

to Romanian authorities

But this is our baby.

What you're doing is illegal.

You think
you'll get away with this?

We're all headed
to the station one more time.

I'm looking forward
to clearing things up.

We were told
this baby was unwanted.

The original parents backed out.

If a teenager suddenly has
a child she can't provide for,

why shouldn't we help?

- Using your money for good.
- Is that it?

Howard and I have been trying
to start a family for years.

Now, we were given the means
to adopt a child.

For six times the price?

I'll admit we wanted to skip
some of the adoption red tape.

No doubt you've seen the
blemish on my record by now.

Besides, this baby would
have a comfortable life.

Zero financial hardship.

- A win-win scenario.
- And it blew up.

And now, you're ready
to throw Felicia under the bus.

She fed us a false story.

Elizabeth and I are
good people, and she played us.

It doesn't make sense.

Why would we take
someone else's child?

And what about
the scrambled phone calls?

Using a burner app
to communicate with Cosmina?

We have those phone records,
by the way.

I've indulged you
up to this point,

but I'm going to insist

that our solicitor be present
going forward.

Now you want a lawyer.

Not another word till then.

They're stonewalling us.

The Grey sons might play dumb,

but they knew
exactly what they were doing.

Howard wasn't at the clinic
to scope out the facilities.

He was there
to meet with Felicia.

This was coordinated,
all to cheat

another family out
of their newborn.

Can we prove it, though?

Because they'll fight it
tooth and nail.

not saying a word either.

I mean, meanwhile,
those custody papers,

it would have legitimized
the Grey sons as parents

- wherever they went.
- This whole thing

is gonna be a long legal
nightmare for the Palmers

unless we can
extract a confession.

Remember how your ASAC wrote me
when you were up for this job?

The one who said I was trouble?

- Called you an instigator.
- You got under his skin.

That told me you knew

exactly what buttons
were worth pushing.


start pushing.

When I was at Basic,
my friend and I led

a chem warfare exercise
for the new cadets.

They'd be hit with CS gas
while wearing protective masks

to teach them
how the equipment works.

Now, I didn't know it,

but my friend tampered
with the masks.

A really dumb prank.

The gear that was supposed
to protect the cadets didn't.

Burning eyes, swelling,
lungs on fire.

I mean, I'm telling you,
tear gas is no joke.

Cut to West Point finds out

that the masks
were tampered with,

and suddenly,
I had to lie for a friend.

Pin the tampering
on one of the trainees.

Now, one lie,
it started to snowball.

Administrators were digging,

and suddenly, I was
putting out fire after fire.

And I told myself,

if I could just get
through this one thing,

just to keep the lie
from unraveling...

We have a special kind
of tunnel vision at 19

which makes it that much harder

to get out from a bad situation.

If you're thinking
you can stick to the script

and skate out of here,

that's tunnel vision.

The only way out for you
is with your testimony.

Agent Vo is trying
to help you here.

Now, we know a new deal
was brokered for the child.

We also know that you had a
part to play to earn your cut.

And whoever said you'd be safe
in Moldova, that was a lie.

That country has been
desperately trying

to join the EU, and trust me,

they're not jeopardizing it
for anyone.

And the cash
that you were promised?

It was seized
when we arrested Felicia.

The money is gone?

I'm afraid so.

Now, look, we know that
you were a pawn in this.

They don't give a damn
about you,

Ss why are you still
trying to help them?

You know what my concern is?

That Felicia's gonna cut a deal
and pin the whole thing on you.

You think you're sticking
to the plan now,

but when push comes to shove,

you'll be left holding the bag.

We might not know a lot at 19,

but we know what version
of the truth we can live with.

We were going to give
the baby to the Americans.

This was the agreement.

But three weeks
before I was due,

Felicia contacted me.

She said, "Another opportunity
has come up."

New buyer, more money.

Understand, this was
a life changing sum for me.

I could not turn it down.

And now you had
to make the Americans go away.

So you ghosted the Palmers.

And when that didn't work,
you fabricated a stillbirth,

sent them packing.

Was Howard Greyson aware

that the child belonged
to another couple?

I'm not sure.

I swear, I wish I knew.

But I can tell you
that Dennis and Amy

are the biological parents.

This could have
been a trial run.

If Felicia succeeded,

who's to say
there wouldn't be repeats?

Fake stillbirths get paid twice.

You just may have pulled
the plug on a new black market

and saved countless
Romanian women

from being exploited by Felicia.

I suppose it's not all rainbows.

The Grey sons have
an army of lawyers.

They're sticking to their story,

and they're prepared
to take it to court.

You might think
you're off the hook,

and deep pockets
might buy you time,

but if Felicia turns...

If she divulges that you
propositioned her for the child

and not the other way around,

guess who we're coming for next?

Palmers just got here.

Oh, my God.


Thank you.


- Hi.
- Hi.

To delivering justice.

- Couldn't resist.
- B-pun at best.

So I have a somewhat
personal question for you lot.

Do you see yourselves having
wee ones of your own someday?

Be honest.

I don't know.

We see the true colors
of this world

just by doing our jobs.

I'm not sure I want to bring
an innocent into this mess.

The fact that that's your answer

proves you'll be a great mom.

I'm serious.
You're a protector.

Something tells me
that you're a yes, Andre.

I think growing up
the way I did,

you learn what kind of a parent
you don't want to become,

but that still leaves a lot
of room for what you can be.