Evil (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Evil - full transcript

The Catholic Church hires forensic psychologist Kristen Bouchard to determine whether a serial killer is possessed by a demon or merely a psychopath.

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ORSON: I like houses
when they're empty.

I like the quiet.

I like the space.

Sometimes I just sit there
before the caravan comes

and I just breathe it all in.

I think spaces look better
without people in them,

don't you think?

So that's why you killed them?

I mean, that's a bit simplistic,
isn't it,

killing them
because I like space?

Occam's razor.
Simpler is truer.

So help me get
the timeline straight, Orson.

Who'd you stab first?
Mr. or Mrs. Gilbert?

(phone buzzing)

Who's Lila?

Let's focus, Orson.

Who'd you stab first,

the husband
or the wife?

I don't remember
stabbing anyone.

Do you remember Mrs. Bentley?
(woman screaming)

Two weeks ago,

you stabbed her eight times,
then raped her.

And the Lawrences.

Their six-year-old son,
do you remember him?

I blacked out.

I already said.

Do you think I'm lying?

I think there are
three families dead.

And I think
you're facing life

without the possibility
of parole.

I think if you wanted
to help me,

you could take a short test.

To see if I'm lying?

These are...

567 true or false statements.

You answer as honestly
as you can.


Not going anywhere.

True or false.
"I like mechanics magazines."

Are you serious?


"I think I'd enjoy working
as a librarian."


"I have diarrhea
once or more a month."

False, but thanks for asking.

"I like the sound
of a woman screaming."


After responding to 567
true or false statements,

the defendant scored an 80
on the MMPI-2 validity scale.

That places him well within
the "deceitful" range.

Which means we can't trust
his insistence

that he blacked out
during the crime?

Not with any degree
of certainty.

Thank you, Ms. Bouchard.

Nothing further.

You are a full-time employee

of the Queens D.A.'s office,
Ms. Bouchard?


That surprises me
because you work

almost exclusively
with the D.A.'s office.

I'm an independent contractor.
How many times have you testified

for the Queens D.A.,
Ms. Bouchard?

34 times over two years.

And how many times have you
declared a defendant sane?

KRISTEN: A forensic psychologist
doesn't declare a defendant...

BOUTELLA: How many times
have you determined

the defendant had the mental
capacity to be prosecuted?

34 times. Good to know you don't
work for the D.A.'s office.

CORMIER: Objection.
BOUTELLA: I'll rephrase.

If you didn't testify

the way the prosecution wanted,

wouldn't they stop hiring you,

My guess is
they'd only stop hiring me

if I stopped telling the truth.

So let's talk about the truth,
Ms. Bouchard.

Is my client possessed?

CORMIER: Objection. Relevance?
BOUTELLA: I'd like to establish

the relevance, if I may, Your Honor.
Go ahead.

Is my client possessed
by a demon?

A-Are you referring to demons

metaphorically or clinically?

BOUTELLA: Here's an affidavit
from my expert witness,

Dr. Leland Townsend.

He claims the defendant
has taken on the voice

and characteristics
of a demonic presence named Roy.

Do you refute this?

Are you with him?


Are you with
the defense expert?

Tell him coaching
the defendant is illegal.

I spent 18 hours with LeRoux;

he never once mentioned demons

or showed any signs
of possession.


She's accusing us
of coaching him.

It's not gonna work.

Ms. Bouchard,

please take this.

For your own protection.

Trust me, you may need it.

Do you know the "Our Father"?

Again, there's no
demonic possession? No.

My wife believes in
that stuff, I don't.

Why is the defense saying
you're possessed

by a demon named Roy?

I have no idea.

So it's your position
that you blacked out

during the killings,
and that's it.

Thank you.

Are you Catholic, Orson?


Are you?

Not anymore.

What does that mean to you?

Our Father who art in Heaven,

hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done...

Quis sicut bestia?



(Orson shouting in Latin)

Settle down!

I will ascend! I will ascend!

I will ascend!
I will ascend!

(guard shouts indistinctly)

(alarm blaring)

I can no longer support this.

Excuse me?
I can no longer support

a diagnosis of APD.

You think this guy's possessed?

No, but I need to assess
for hallucinations,


The judge wants
your opinion now.

Right. And my opinion is:
we need more time.

I'll meet you two in court.

You've had a shock,

I understand
your ambivalence,

but you're not at a university,

you're here cashing our checks.

I'm here to tell the truth.

Which is,
I need you on the stand

to confirm
your earlier testimony.

Or what?


we'll have to reconsider
our relationship.

That's all.

I'll see you in court.

Your Honor, if I could have just
one more second of your time.

Is there a problem?

I know this is unorthodox,

speaking to you outside
of the courtroom...

(continues indistinctly)

You want someone to lie
for you on the stand,

you can get someone else,
not me.

Your Honor.

(train chugging)

(train whistle blowing)

(classical music playing)
(indistinct chatter)

Mom! Mom! Thank God you're home!


(overlapping chatter)

So what's this?

The distance
between the stars.

Well, of course.
What was I thinking?

I was making a rocket ship.

That's beautiful.
(overlapping chatter)

Where's Grandma?
Have we eaten her?

She's in the backyard.
Laura wants it outside.

What have you got
behind your back?

I've got nothing behind my back.
Let's get this cleaned up.

How long have you been
on the laptop?

It's homework.

Are you sure?
LEXIS: What happened to your arm?

Nothing. Let's, um,
let's clean this up.

(overlapping chatter)

How far off's dinner?
Ten minutes.

The oven's out, so we're
getting Grubhub instead.

What did happen to your arm?

Oh, nothing.

(playing "Happy Birthday to You"
on violin)

Oh, my gosh.
(girls laughing)

So, what's wrong with the stove?

It's just old like this house.

Oh, but, luckily,
your husband sent a check.

Can I read it, please?


That's how much Andy thinks
you need for the month.

He says he'll be home soon,

because that's when
he'll be done climbing.

Isn't that nice of him?

You take care of the kids,

you pay the bills,

you have the full-time job,
and he's, what,

off in Nepal climbing things.

He's actually making money
guiding people up Everest.

Not as much as he could
in an office in Manhattan.

Mom, pizza's here!

Pizza's here, Mom!

Don't poison them
against their father.

I don't have to, honey,

he's doing that
all by himself.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Don't stay out too late.

Of course not.

(train chugging)


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ You look like a monkey ♪

♪ And you smell like one, too. ♪

KRISTEN: "The man in black
was hanging in space",

to the sheer rock face,

"700 feet above the water.

"The Sicilian watched,

"'You know, ' he said,

'since I've made a study
of death and dying...'"

No, do the voice.

(with Sicilian accent):
"'You know, ' he said,

"'since I've made a study
of a-death and a-dying,

and am a great expert...'"

(train chugging nearby)


A man called wanting me
to give you a message.


He said we'd be homeless
if you didn't repay the loan.

I left the number by the phone.

Can we get Dad
to call him?

It's just what's left
of my student loan.

They always say scary things
to scare family members.

Just ignore them.

Okay. Okay. (kisses)

Good night.
Good night, Mom.

♪ ♪

Don't you dare call my kids.

You want to scare me,
you scare me.

Or I swear, I'm gonna take
that money I still owe you

and burn it on my lawn.

(train chugging)

(exhales sharply)

(doorbell buzzing)



Your work gave me this
as your office address.

Oh, yeah, it's...
uh, my home address, too.

I heard about your encounter
with Mr. LeRoux.

I'm sorry.
It's okay.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm-I'm fine.

I, uh... thank you.

I also heard
that the prosecution

isn't using you
as an expert witness anymore,

and I, uh,

wanted to discuss
an opportunity.

Sorry, I don't get
much heat out here.



That's okay.

(Kristen clears throat)

Is this you?


You're a climber?

I was.

Seven Summits?


Oh. I count five.

I gave up.



This your climbing partner?

My husband.

Thanks a lot for the job offer,

but I can't work
for the defense.

I'm not with the defense.

I don't understand.

I work for the Catholic Church.

David Acosta.

Why were you in with LeRoux?

I was interviewing him
to see whether he was possessed.

So you're a priest?

An assessor.

I don't know what that is.

Well, the church has a backlog
of about 500,000 requests

for exorcisms
and, uh, miracle appraisals.

And my colleague Ben and I
are hired by the church

to investigate
unexplained phenomenon

and to recommend whether
there should be an exorcism

or further research.

I didn't know that was a job.

It is.

I'm sorry. It was a really

long day, and I...

Mrs. LeRoux, uh, asked us
to assess her husband Orson.

She thinks he's possessed.

Unfortunately, he won't
talk with us anymore,

but he will talk to you.

Um, he seems to like you.

We want to hire you
to help us assess him.

Just to be up front
with you, Mr., um...


I don't believe in all that...

devils and possession.

That's okay.

See, the problem with my job is

that possession looks
a lot like insanity, and...

insanity looks
a lot like possession.

I need someone to help me
distinguish between the two.

You don't care
that I don't believe?

I do not.

How much do you pay?

♪ ♪

EMILY: I woke up
in the middle of the night,

and Orson wasn't in bed,

so I went downstairs.

He had just gotten back
from the hospital

after he fell at work,
so I was worried.

He was talking
to himself.

I shook him,
but he didn't wake up.

And this is what led you to
believe he was possessed?

No. He always
talked to himself,

but this time,
someone talked back.

That's why

I called your parish.
BEN: What did this,

uh, voice... sound like?


Like a whisper.
I recorded it if that helps.

Yes, it-it does.

This was a few nights in a row,
so I recorded

the last one.


Baby, what's wrong?


(guttural whispering)

(guttural breathing)

(whispering continuing)

Turn that off.

I'm gonna need your new pass...

(phone beeps off)

So, uh,

this is what... a haunting?

It's an

What's that?

A haunting.

I thought
this was about possession.

Well, the theory is

that an infestation
leads to a possession.

First, the, uh, demon
takes over the house,

and then it takes over
the person.


You don't believe in it?

I believe it pays the rent.

(clears throat)

Are you good?

(door closes)

Why do you want
me doing this?

I want your honest opinion.

I want your skepticism.

Well, then...

You're leading her on.

In what way?

Well, she's desperate
for these killings

to have some
supernatural meaning,

but he didn't
murder seven people

because there's
whispering in his house.

Then we'll find that out.

Yeah, you keep
saying that,

but I don't need to
check every broomstick

to know that
broomsticks don't fly.


Do you think science
can answer every question?

Yes, I do.

I do. Just not all at once.

So there are no mysteries?
No miracles?

A doctor creates a
hearing aid for a deaf man

who hears music
for the first time.

That's a miracle.

Philae probe lands on a comet
100 million miles away,

a comet traveling at
11,000 miles per hour.

That is a miracle.

They just happen to exist.

They're real.

But ghosts and demons and
that thing on her phone

or whatever it was...

I don't know
what to do with that.

Ten years ago I decided to
drop out and travel the world,

and the farther
I got from America,

the more I realized
how little I knew.

I saw a shaman in Kyzyl transfer
his soul to a dying child.

I saw a woman in the
Indus Plains come back to life

after drowning
for 20 minutes.

Science is only good
for repeatable phenomenon.

And most of life...

the most interesting parts...

don't repeat.

So science doesn't
recognize it.


You think it's medical?

Well, he had a fall
that put him in the hospital

right before the killings.

That was news to me.

There are injuries

to the frontal lobe that can
result in violent behavior.

And seizures
that look like possession.

I don't know.

I'm checking into it.

(man shouting in Latin)

(continues shouting)

The most dangerous situations
are never the ones you'd think.

(jet whooshes past)
It's never the, uh,

Mexican drug war or
being embedded in Afghanistan.

It's the food poisoning
in Pakistan.

(taps keyboard)

(soft whooshing)

(gentle clattering)


(rain falling outside)

Oh, this is stupid.



(low, guttural growling)

It's not real.

It's just a dream.

(growling continuing)

Your eyes are open.

That's a weird way
to dream...


It's a night terror.


Of course I am.

Tell me,
can a night terror do this?


Just close your eyes.

Just press your eyes shut.

You'll wake up.

Not yet.

Keep them open.


George is the name.
Good to meet you.

Are you wearing any underwear?

For your new
boss, David?

Hey, you got a scar down here.

What is that, a cesarean?


(yelling continues)

Mom? Mom, wake up! Mom?
Mom? Mom, wake up!

(all clamoring)

Mom, wake up!

You were screaming.

You woke us up.
Oh, my gosh.

I'm sorry. I...
I had a nightmare.

What a horrible...

LYNN: What's wrong? What is it?


I just left the window open.

LAURA: I get nightmares,
too, sometimes.

And my teacher punches me
in the face, and...

That doesn't happen.
Also, it does...

Yes, it does!
Yeah, it does.

(overlapping chatter)
LAURA: I'm seven years old,

so what's the point?!
(overlapping chatter)

overlapping chatter)

All right.
I'm okay, guys.

Back to bed.

I'm sleeping here.

Me, too!
I'm so tired, Mom.

(overlapping chatter)

Come on, Mom.
Yeah, right here.

All right, but just one night.


(girls scream)

(all laughing)

(overlapping chatter)


A night terror? Hmm.

You ever had a night terror before?
No, never.

How do you know
it wasn't just a nightmare?

My eyes were open and
I had sleep paralysis.

I also saw a shadow figure.

In the literature, there's
always talk of shadow figures.


He took off my underwear,

talked about my
cesarean and my...

relationship with
my boss, so yeah.

Your boss at the D.A.'s office?

No. It's a different job.

What job?

Well, I'm working
with someone who's, um...

looking into
demonic possession

and its effect on crime.


How does that work?

I'm not sure.

I'm, uh,
only doing it temporarily

to pay off my student loans.

Uh, look, I-it's very odd
for night terrors

to start in your 30s,
all right? My guess

is it's a momentary disruption
in N3 sleep cycles.

I'm gonna prescribe you
some diazepam,

and I just want you
to take it if...

Here is how it works.

The soap clogs
the dishwasher filter.

That creates what's, uh, called
an embouchure hole.

That's kind of what you see
in a flute.

And when that hole gets smaller,

it creates a sound.

So you're saying
that the dishwasher

caused the whispering?

I'm saying that the dishwasher

created this sound.

(guttural whispering)

Is that what you heard?

You killed Santa Claus for her.

Yeah. They never like it,
none of them.

You do this a lot? Kill Santa?
More now

since Ghost Hunters.

People watch that show,
they jump at every sound.

I never heard whispering in
my house until last night.

That's the power
of suggestion.

There's an explanation
for everything,

but people would rather
believe in ghosts, demons.

So, how'd you get connected
to this job?


I was a contractor
at the rectory.

He asked me to help.

Why's he do it?


He is a believer.

He's bought the whole thing.

Uh, devils, angels,
demons, Satan.

He's training to be a priest.


Yeah. Two years
into a five-year program.

Mm-hmm, okay.
Don't give up.


I don't know if I like this...

you two working together.

I feel ganged up on.

Yeah, that's too bad.

You're in a bad mood.

No, I'm just not working
with the court anymore,

so I don't have to pretend
to be impartial.

Kristen and I
have a lot in common.

She likes to walk up
to the edge of the cliff

and stare off into the abyss.

She said you spoke
Latin last time.

I don't speak Latin.

Does Roy?

Who's Roy?

The demon that
speaks through you.

Never heard of him.

Do you remember this
from last time?



Was that scary enough for you?

What's this, another test?
Write out the alphabet

until you get
to the 14th letter.


Humor me. Or don't.

We'll just go home early.

You like having an audience.

The worst thing would be
for you to lose your audience.

What does this tell us?

there's some drooping in the penmanship.

That could be
from inflammation or...


I'd need more tests.

Okay. I'll arrange for
some more time tomorrow.

Good work.


So, you're, uh...

you're training
to be a-a priest?

I am.

Does that surprise you?

I don't know, you...
just don't seem like the type.

Well, I kicked around
the world a lot.

Felt like the right time
to commit to something.

And you?

You don't seem like a
thrill-seeking type.

Oh, I'm... I'm not.

That's not what
Climbing magazine says.


You did a little googling?
It says you're one of the first women

to climb El Capitan's nose
in one day.

And you, uh...

you don't like the food
in Pakistan, I hear.

Oh, God.

That interview.

You know I'm just doing this to
pay off my student loans, right?

I do.

(keys jingle)

See you tomorrow?

Yeah, absolutely.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(low, guttural growling)

It's George.

Did I wake you?

You're not real.

I have 567 true or false

Answer as honestly as you can.

There are no wrong answers,

but just to make this fun...

a finger for every wrong answer.

These are my thoughts.

I'm scaring myself
with my thoughts.

"I like mechanics magazines."
You're not here.

I'm scaring myself.

you have to answer.

"I like mechanics magazines."






"I have diarrhea once
or more a month."


"I was flirting with
David Acosta today

even though I'm married."


Sorry, Kristen.

Wrong answer.



"Oh, boo-hoo,

my finger's gone."

Poor baby.

Lightning round.

"I am attracted to Acosta...



"I'm a lapsed Catholic,

"a lapsed mountain climber,

"a lapsed psychologist.

Everything I do, I quit."


Come on.

I can't read it.

Wernicke's area

is a region in the brain

for interpreting language,
and it's dormant during sleep.

That's why you can't
read text in a dream.

This is a dream,

and you don't exist.


if I don't exist, then...

this won't hurt.


Goodbye, George.


KRISTEN: Take your time.
Just reproduce the drawing

as best you can.

Your wife asked us to assess

whether a supernatural force
was influencing you, Orson.

We're here to help you.

Look, we can always go home,

but then you've lost
your audience.

What's he doing?


Non solus sum.

Sexaginta nostri sunt.

60 other than yourself?


And you know one of them.

I do?

No, not you, idiot.


Oh, well, that's too bad, 'cause
I don't believe in demons.

Well, they believe in you.

Especially the one last night.

What are you talking about?


How was he?


David doesn't know
about George, does he?

But I do.

Your little
late-night visitor.

Red eyes.

The bad teeth.

Kissing your little
cesarean scar.

Your panties.

How cute.

And he's going
to visit you tonight

and every single night.

Collos filiarum

tuarum jugulabit Georgiu...

What was that about?

Who's George?
I don't know.

How could he have known?

Known what?

A shadow figure
was in my dream.

Called himself George.

He talked about
my underwear, my scar.

Did you tell
anybody about this?


No one.

What'd he say
in Latin at the end?

Tell me.

"George will slash the
throats of your daughters."

Sometimes the devil just
says things to provoke.

It just doesn't make sense.

I know you believe
in this stuff.

I don't.

How could he have known?

I think I know what happened.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter nearby)

Who'd you talk to?

Kristen. Wh...

E-Excuse me.
Could you come back?

No, I need to know now.

Who'd you talk to
about my session yesterday?

Excuse me, Judy.
I'm sorry.

I never told anyone
about our session.

Well, someone knew what I told
you about... the shadow figure,

my thoughts on my boss... and
you're the only one I've told.

Well, it didn't come from me.

I-I have... would
never say anything

to anybody about
that kind of thing.

You take notes during
our sessions. Where are they?

They're locked in my file
cabinets, they always are.

I'd like to see them.
That's not really necessary.

I need to see them now.

(horns honking)


Who else visited LeRoux
in the last two days?

Why? Because someone slipped
him stolen information.

I don't know.
Just you two.

We have to sign in
every time we see him.

Who else signed in?

You know I can't
show you that.

Well, I have
to sign in again.


Almost done.

Who's I. Townsend?

I couldn't tell you
even if I knew.

BOUTELLA: Your Honor,
we've already been through this.

Overruled again.

And you've seen this
demonic possession

when you interviewed
Orson LeRoux?

On three occasions.

And what did he say?

He said...

He said that a demon named Roy

had committed the murders.

We've seen your report,
but if you could summarize

your conclusion,
Dr. Townsend.


In my professional

♪ ♪

Kurt, do you know a forensic
psychologist named Townsend?


Do we know a Dr. Townsend?

Is that the guy who
was here yesterday

about an appointment?

Kristen, there was a man here
who wanted to pay for a session,

but he left before we could
get his contact info.

What'd he look like?

Brown hair, glasses.

About five-eight.

He broke into
your filing cabinet,

took your notes, Kurt.

He's got everything
I ever told you.

Dr. Townsend.

Ah. Ms. Bouchard.

My loyal opposition.

Why did you give my therapy
notes to a serial killer?

You're in way over your head,
Ms. Bouchard.

Why don't you leave this
to the professionals?

Who are the professionals?

Your boy toy Acosta.


The 60.

Who are the 60?

People who know
who you are now.

Hey, that session number 37
was a juicy one, wasn't it?

"I just want my daughters gone
so I can have my freedom."

Just say the word, Kristen,
and, poof, they're gone.

No one blames you, no guilt,

just four little caskets.

Go to hell.
With pleasure.

In fact, I'll make room
for your daughters.

Well, what do we have here?

The priest in training.

Don't you have
altar boys to rape?


You have no power here.

She doesn't believe.

That's when
I'm at my best.

Don't you remember?


Crying on her knees.

Weepy little bitch.



What was that?

Whatever happened
to nonviolence?

It's provisional.

Oh, is that what Jesus said?


Now it's my turn.

Are you good?

Who's Julia?

A friend.

This guy Townsend...
you know him?

I've seen him.

In other...


I don't... W-W...

What does that mean?

There are people in this world

who are... connectors.

They influence people.

They have day jobs.
Uh, teachers, stockbrokers,

uh... expert witnesses.

They pretend to be normal,

but their real pursuit is...


Encouraging others
to do evil.

Y-You don't have to believe
in the supernatural

to know that there are people
out there who do bad things

and encourage others
to do bad things

for the sheer pleasure of it.


This is where
our beliefs overlap.

Because that man is a psychopath

who feels less alone

when he gets others
to do what he does.

The world is
getting worse

because evil is
no longer isolated.

Bad people are talking
to each other.

They're connected.

Through social media.


So you think Townsend
connected with LeRoux online?

And encouraged him to kill.

But the police had
LeRoux's computer.

There was nothing there.

What did LeRoux say
on that recording?

ORSON (on recording):
Turn that off.

I'm gonna need your new pass...

That's what he was saying.

He needs your new
log-in password.

That has nothing to
do with possession.

Emily, we think someone
was in touch with Orson,

through social media,

encouraging him
to do these crimes.



Ah, just the woman
I want to see.

Good afternoon,
Mr. LeRoux.

I have 567 true
or false statements.

That again?

I like the picture
of the dog better.

It's your last test.

Well, hello to you, too, David.

I should tell you that Kristen

thinks about you all the time.

Dirty, disgusting
sexual fantasies.

True or false?
"I wake up every morning

feeling refreshed
and optimistic."

Answer it or we'll leave.

True, but I prefer
the diarrhea question.

"I use my wife's e-mail
account to avoid detection."

True or false, Orson?

Where are you getting this?

Your wife's computer.

She gave us your password.

"I logged on

"to 4chan and talked
about my fantasies of killing

and necrophilia."

"That's where Leland Townsend
found me and sent me

these photos."

None of this is true.

I want back in my cell.

You get used to
that cell, Orson.

You didn't black out,
you knew what you were doing.

You just wanted to get away
with rape and murder.

I said I want out!

Oh, you're never getting out.
(door opening)

You're 48 years old and
prisons have good health care,

so you'll die when you're 100.

That's 18,980
sunrises and sunsets.

And you'll miss
every single one of them.

You're a bitch.

Oh, boy, do you have that right.

Where are these from?

His wife's account.

These are e-mails from
the defense expert Townsend,

coaching LeRoux on how
to win an insanity plea.

How he could use Latin
to fake possession.

So this proves
I was right, then.

I was right and
you were wrong.

Yep. Good job.

(train whistle blows)

By the way, I fixed
your whispering problem.

Your pilot light was out
on your stove.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

What is this and why?

These are margaritas.

Why would anyone drink this?

They're fast.

Yeah, so are
horse tranquilizers.

Uh. So, Ben.

I've got
our next assignment.


And it's not
demonic possession.

What is it?

A miracle.

And there's video.

There's a video
of the miracle?

Of course there is.

Where is this?

A hospital.

So it's a
medical miracle.

Yeah, you could say that.

Mm. Is she
joining us?

I don't know.

Are you joining us?

I mean, I could have a look.

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