Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005): Season 5, Episode 8 - Young Girl - full transcript

Robert's new girlfriend is way too young.

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Hey, the gears are stripped here.
You let the kids play with this?

Yeah, yeah, the kids
did that, Dad.

It had nothing
to do with you

plopping your jumbo can
in there every night.

Ah-hh, there we go.

- Hey
- Hey. Hey.

- Hi.
- This is Erica.

Well, hello there.

- Uncle Robert! Uncle Robert!
- Hey, you little monkeys!

Hi, say hello to Erica.

I've heard so much
about you.

You must be Ally.

this must be Geoffrey
and Michael.

Robert told me
about the freckle patterns.

There's an easier way to tell.
Geoffrey, raise your hand.

That's Geoffrey.

Actually, we were
on our way to go bowling,

but Erica wanted
to meet the kids.

- Hi.
- Hey, Deb.

- This is Erica.
- Hi.

I'm Marie, Robert's mother.
Are you two dating?


- We just met last week.
- At Emerson's Savings.

Wow, open a checking account,
get a free girl.

I'm going down there.

I was the last one.

This one's got
a sense of humor.

Hey, why don't you come
to my birthday party Saturday?

- Well?
- Come on, it's my birthday.

I get to say
who's invited and...

who's not.

Just say the word,

I'm five.
How old are you?


That's old.

All right, come on, Erica.
I want to get to the lanes early.

They only have one pair
of size 18 shoes.

- Okay.
- Bye!

- It was nice meeting you all.
- Bye! Have fun!

- Come on, guys, let's go.
- 22?

- Hot damn!
- Oh..!

I don't like that, Frank.
It's just not right.

- What the hell's not right about it?
- She's much too young.

- That's what makes it right!
- Oh...

Stop it.

Young women go after older men
for one thing... she's a golddigger.

Mom, it's Robert.
Come on.

What's she after,
his vaporizer?

I'm just concerned
with my son.

And he's not helping
by inviting that girl to our house.

Oh, come on, Marie.
First he snags that Italian number,

now this.

Robert's finally doing stuff
I can be proud of.

I'm going to have
a word with him.

Oh, Mom, they're just...
they're going bowling. Just relax.

Oh, please!
Why am I talking to men?

You understand what I'm saying,
right, Debra?

Well, actually Marie, I think Robert
should do whatever makes him happy.

Yeah, whatever
makes him happy.

Well, I'm not going
to let that happen.

- Everybody sleeping?
- Robert is a jerk.


I can't believe he's dating
a 22-year-old!

What happened
to "whatever makes him happy"?

I was lying!

Anyway, that's not
real happiness.

I don't know.
I think it might be.

Come on, Ray. What could
they possibly have to talk about?


Maybe they don't have to talk.
Maybe they're the...

they're the kind of couple
that doesn't have to... talk constantly.

I'm serious,

Do you remember Robert's
first year on the force?

Remember when he helped deliver
a baby in the back of that cab?

- That could be Erica!
- Well, that...

- that's something they can talk about!
- No.

He can't possibly be serious
about this relationship! He's using her.

Hey, if this bothers you so much,

why didn't you speak up
earlier with my mom?

Because it's none
of my business!

I don't want to be
like your mother!

I'm sorry.
I'm not mad at you.

Tell that to the vein
in your head.

You know
what I think?

If I say yes, do you
still have to tell me?

I think that Robert
is afraid of intimacy.

So he gets involved
in a relationship

that is doomed
from the beginning.

Yeah, but...
what a way to go.

Hey, come on.
No, my thing.

Oh, you really think
that's funny, don't you?

"What a way to go."


you know, I really haven't
told you...

how good you've
been looking lately.


Really, though.

You're like a hot chick.

Oh my God!
Is that what you think this is about?!

I'm worried about
how young I look?

No! I am talking about
right and wrong here.

- A basic sense of decency.
- Okay, but you do look hot.

Oh, you've got
to be kidding me.

Can I have
the remote?

Oh, you're here.
I checked your apartment.

Yeah, Ma wanted me to get
her olive plate for Dad's party.

Wow, olives.
This thing's going to rock.

- So how's it going with you and Erica?
- Okay, I guess.

- Oh, good.
- Yeah.

- She seems to like you.
- Yeah, how about that?


Is it serious?

I don't know.
We've only gone out a few times.

Yeah. You think it's
going to get serious?

Who knows?
We're just having fun, that's all.

Good. You know what
might be the most fun?

Breaking up
with her.

What? What are you
talking about?

Listen, if you're
just having fun with her,

you shouldn't bring her
around here.

I mean, this is where
fun goes to die.

What? We had fun here.
She made Dad laugh.

Yeah, that could
have been gas.

Yeah, well if it was gas,
he would never stop laughing.


it's making my life hell,
all right?

Making your life hell?

You... dating
a younger girl...

affects other people.

Especially older people

like the one
I'm married to.

- Debra's not old.
- She is when Erica's in the room.

Yeah, but Debra
seemed to like Erica and...

Yeah, yeah.
She did, didn't she?

She was pleasant,
enjoyable to be around...

let me tell you something.
There's two Debras.

That's right.

There's the Debra you see
that doesn't have a problem with it.

Then, when everybody leaves,
there's the Debra that I see...

Darth Debra.

Yeah, but she
doesn't seem so...

Hey, hey, hey. Remember
when you broke up with Amy?

Yeah, she got mad at me
and then it was over.

Over for you!
Because you left.

I'm just now getting
my hearing back!

- Really?
- Yes, yes.

And then you bring
a 22-year-old around.

I'm going to be a lonely,
deaf sex-beggar.

So you're serious?
There's two Debras?


And neither one of them
can cook.

So look, I mean...

you know,
just be cool.

I mean,
have fun, but...

just have it...
away from here.

All right, Raymond.
I think I understand.

Thank you, man.
Thank you.

Hey, if it was up to me, you could
parade her around here naked.

I wouldn't say boo.

- I wouldn't mind at all...
- I understand. I understand.


Frank? Don't eat
that cake!

What? What the hell
are you yelling about?

What is wrong with you?
That's for the party.

It's my birthday.
Look at the name there.

Hello, everybody.

- Robert.
- Hey, Raymond.

I'm sure
you remember Erica.

Yeah, I sure do.
The bowler.

Hi, Ray.

Hello there, Erica.
So, uh...

nice to see you again.

Oh, hello, Erica.

I'm so glad
you could make it.

Would you like something to drink?
Maybe some milk?

Oh, no thanks.
I'm fine.

Happy birthday, Dad.
It's from me and Erica.

Why thank you,

This is very
thoughtful of you.


It's time to sit!

I made you
a cake!

Would you like some help
getting into your seat?!

My wife makes a joke.

Here, Erica, come.
You can sit by the man of the hour.

What the hell, man?
Debra's going to be right back!

Oh, come on, Raymond.
I thought about your story... two Debras.

All I see is one
jealous brother.

What? I'm not jealous of you.
What are you doing to me?

- I was telling the truth.
- I'll give you the truth.

I happen to be going out
with a wonderful, terrific, young woman

and "na-na

Hey, hi, Erica.
Nice to see you again. How are you?

- Hi, Debra. Fine, how are you?
- I'm good, thanks.

- Hey, Robert.
- Hey, Deb, nice to see you.

Always a pleasure.

I'm not sitting next to them. I don't
need to watch Robert cut her meat.

Erica, what is that heavenly scent
you're wearing?

Let me guess
what it is.

All right, Frank.
We don't sniff the guests.

- I'm having a conversation!
- You're embarrassing yourself!

And you're embarrassing me!
People think I'm with you!

- You want me to leave?
- There's a birthday present.

Happy birthday, Frank.

You are now officially
a dirty old man.

- Where are you going with that?
- You don't deserve my food.

What the hell do you think I stay
around here for?! I'll go to the lodge!

- Good! Go!
- I'm going!

- Good!
- Goodbye!

Nice to see you again,

Hey, you know what, Ma?
We can eat that.

- You... I'll talk to you later.
- What..?

Oh my God.
I feel terrible.

- Maybe I should go.
- No, don't.

It's great
that you're here, right?

Sure, no,
it's not you, Erica.

Well, shoot, I was looking forward
to getting to know you.

Hey, here's an idea.
We can all go out to dinner.

- Um...
- That sounds great.

- Yeah. Hey, we'll go to Nemo's.
- You like Nemo's, Debra?

- Sure.
- Great.

- All right, I'll get the car.
- Okay.

Hey, you know what?
Why don't you guys go without me

'cause I'm really not
feeling good here.

- Okay, well come on, Debra, let's go.
- Okay.

What's the matter, Ray?
You have a sore throat or something?

- It's probably...
- Get in the car!


Robert! Robert, look!
Look! Look!

See, it's a nice place, right?
No parents.

All right, well look, why don't we
check out the menus...

and if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to hit the bathroom.

- Oh, yeah, me too.
- What?

Yeah, you didn't let me go
when we were at the house.

- Ray!
- I have to go. I have to go.

- Robert's really sweet, huh?
- Um-hmm.

So how long have you
and Ray been married?

Oh, gosh,
going on 11 years.


That's great.

Yeah, I'm
a lucky woman.

Can I ask you

It's just that you've been
so nice to me and...

you're so

Thank you.

So, Robert's

she doesn't like me,
does she?

Oh, no, no, no.
Sure she does.

No, I can tell.

It's because
I'm too young, right?

- Ah...
- See, that's why I like Robert.

Because he doesn't have
a problem with my age.

Yeah, Robert's terrific
that way.

I hope he
really is because...

you see, actually,

I'm 19.


Oh my God!
This is insane!

- What do you mean?
- You're barely out of high school.

You are out of high school,
aren't you?!

- Well yeah, for over a year.
- Oh, okay, all right.

It's just that...

my God,
you're a teenager!

All right,
let the fun begin.

I'm so hungry, I'm going to order
a pizza topped with another pizza.


Is everything



I'm not
really hungry.

- Hey, I'm not hungry. You want to go?
- Yep.

Wait, Erica. Don't let
my parents ruin your evening.

It's not
your parents.

What is it?
Is it Raymond?


Um, Erica's just a little upset
because, um...

she's afraid to tell you
that she's 19.

- You're 19?
- Oh, man.

That is shocking.

I'm sorry, Robert.
I was going to tell you,

but I was afraid that you
wouldn't go out with me.


That's not right.
That's not right.

Come on, so, instead
of a 13-year difference,

it's 16, but it's still
just a number.

Wait, wait a minute.
16 years?

That would make
Robert... 35.


This is unbelievable!


you're not 35?

- I'm 40...
- Robert..!

- Three!
- 43!

- Oh...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, but Erica,

you know, like you said,
it's just a number, right?

Yeah, but...

that's a big number.

35? How old
did he say I was?

- Ray, not now.
- 37.

You made me older
than you?!

I think I better go.

No, wait, Erica.
I'll come with you.

No, that's okay. You know what?
I'll call you, Robert.

Hey, I'm younger than him!
I'm his younger brother!

I'll be surprised
if she calls.

Sorry, Robert.

No you're not.
You enjoyed that.

- Enjoyed what?
- Destroying my relationship.

I've never seen anybody
add two numbers so fast.

That wasn't a relationship. That was
two people lying about their age.

And neither one of them had a problem
with it until you butted in!

You know what,
you're right, Ray.

She is threatened
by younger women.

- Ray told you that?
- N-no way, no way.

Well, I am not threatened
by younger women. Why should I be?

- I happen to be an attractive woman.
- Amen to that.

I am extremely well-read.

- I am a good conversationalist.
- Hallelujah.

I'm proud of my age
and I have never lied about it!

- No reason to.
- Shut up, Ray!

All right.

So what is it now? Men have to date
women 20 years younger than they are?

Ray dies tomorrow, I have
to start dating 60-year-olds?

- I won't die tomorrow.
- We'll see.

And face it, Robert.
You're middle-aged.

Hmm? Does she really
make you feel younger?

Yes she did.
And I liked being with her.

Whenever we'd go out,
we'd get in the car and it felt great.

She'd put on the radio and she'd tune
into one of her stations

- with really jamming music...
- And you like that.

- You like the "jamming"?
- Actually, it was a little loud for me,

- but that was a bad example.
- Okay, fine!

Go ahead! Go ahead! I'm waiting
for the part where you're younger.

Look, Robert,

I know you get lonely,

but didn't you feel a little
uncomfortable being with that girl?

She liked me.

It was flattering.

She wanted to talk
to me for hours.

Truth is, I didn't even have
enough phone stamina for her.

Did you see the way she looked at me
when she found out I was 43?

Like I just sat up
out of a coffin.

That girl was less than
half our age.

All right, all right. Enough with
the numbers already. You're killing me!

Did she really think
I was older than you?

Didn't bat an eye.

All right, look.

Let's just order,
all right?

Let's get the pizza
with sausage and onions.

What time is it?

Oh, no.
I can't do onions after 8:00.

No, it's okay.
I got the Tums.

Tums are good.
They have calcium.

Hey, you know what I hear is good?
The Pepcid's good.

Yeah, that's good. They have
the fruit flavor, the chewable.

You know, they have
nighttime Mylanta now.

- A nighttime Mylanta?
- Really? Is it chalky?

No, tropical.

Can you believe this?
I have to pee again.

- Hey, what are you doing?
- Uh...

nothing, just, you know.
Putting my hair in a ponytail.

You don't have to try
to look younger, you know.

You look great
the way you are.

All right.
Thanks, Ray.

Is that singing supposed
to put me in the mood?

I got to do something
to get me to shut up.

I got a lot of songs...

There she is.

- All right, come on.
- Hoo-hoo!