Ever After High (2013–2017): Season 1, Episode 2 - Ever After High - full transcript

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♪ They told you everything

was waiting for you ♪

♪ They told you everything

was set in stone ♪

♪ 'Cause you're Royal,
you're Rebel ♪

♪ You're more there.
When together ♪

♪ However you go ever ♪

♪ In Ever After High. ♪

Excuse me, Professor Piper?

Can you show us

the melody again?

Of course, my dear.

Kitty, you know

what happens when...


Oh, rats.

I forgot.


Raven Queen,

please report

to Baba Yaga's office.

Yes, you.

Um, Madam Yaga,

is everything...

RAVEN: Okay.

Raven, take a seat.

As a faculty advisor,

it's my job

to meet with the, um...

Troubled students.


I'm not troubled.

We're here to get you

back on the right path.

The wrong path.

I'll let your friends.

Raven, I adore you.

But, like, the other day,

you spilled

that everlasting black ink

all over my new ball gown.

That was an accident.

I felt really bad and said

I was sorry, like, 100 times.

You're not supposed

to apologize. You're evil.

But what if I don't want to...

Raven, you're here to listen.

Briar, would you like

to go next?

Everyone, I set up

a bungee-jumping platform

on the East Turret.


Hocus focus!


I think Raven is wicked awesome.
Just the way she is.

And you didn't tell me.
We were here to be-hassle her.

You said we were going

to have a tea party.

Yes, I lied.

We haven't heard

from Lizzie Hearts.

Off with her head!

Everyone, stop it!

Now that's what we're

looking for from an evil queen.

I think we made

real progress here.

But, uh,

how do I change back?

I don't want to be

a chicken man!

♪ La la la.
La la la la la! ♪

Oh, hey, Apple,

could you not sing

in the morning?

Or ever?

Oh, you big kidder.

Mirror, Mirror,

so smart and cool,

who's the fairest

at this school?

You are, Apple White!

Greatest mirror ever.

I'm going to borrow.
Some jewelry from Briar.

Ha ha ha!

I wonder if some magic

can get a little more curl.
Going on here.


♪ La la la la la la la! ♪

Magic Mirror,

what do you think?

Angry voice:
What do I think?!

My mirror!

Did something happen

while I was gone?

Um, no,

not that I remember.

This is a royal fairy fail!

Come on, we're going.
To find you another mirror.


My mirror?
Here you go.

What? You...
You don't have a bigger mirror?

You never know when you need

to look good on the go.

I'm having trouble.
Finding one that's just right.

Some of these.
Are too narrow,

Too wide,

oh, I don't like the frames.

You want.
To borrow my mirror?

Well, okay, just let me

do one quick check-a-roo.

Oh, ooh, mmm!

You're never.
Getting that away from him.

Yeah, I know.

This is just the worst thing

that's ever happened

to anyone!

Apple, I broke

your magic mirror.

Oh, I know.
You what?

Duh! You're supposed to be

the more evil person ever.

I just assumed you did it

and then lied about it.

Until my new mirror arrives,

I know how you

can make it up to me.

Is this the perfect thing

to wear to crown killer's class?

Of course it is,

fairest one of... ow!

So heavy!

Stop breaking character!


I don't want to keep

calling you the fairest!

Come on,
be a good evil roommate.

Male narrator:
Behold C.A. Cupid,

Adopted daughter of Eros,

the God of Love.

FEMALE NARRATOR: She currently attends.
Monster High,

But is about to discover.
That another school.

Is in need

of her very special talents.


Male narrator:

Fairy-tale destinies

are now anything but certain.

Female narrator:

Will princesses end up

with their princes?

Will the Rebel students

now find true love?

Male narrator:

These relationships

will need Cupid's help...

...to end happily ever after.

Hello, fair lady of love.

I am Hopper Croakington II,

and I am in desperate need

of your counsel.

I know just

what every frog needs

to become a prince.

No, my lady, wait!

Hey, there,

you're Cupid.

I think they should

call you "Cute-pid."

Oh, when I get tongue-tied,

I turn back...

Blast! If only I possessed

my poetic skills

when in human form,

but so flustered I become

near the beauty.
That is Briar.

You know what?

I got this.

Tell me how you feel

about Briar.

Well, there is none that can...


Wait, you're the secret admirer

who wanted to meet here?
I mean, look,

First you send me a basket

of chocolate-covered flies,

then a smelly bouquet

of swamp grass.

I'm sorry,

but I just don't want

to go to the dance with you.

My sweet Briar,

the beauty of this night.
Is naught.

Compared to the beauty

you possess.

Hopper, I've never

seen this side of you.

Hey, Cupid.



Anything else

you want to say?

Oooh ooh ooh!


You're just so ho-o-ot!

I mean, I mean...



Oh, ribbit.

Everyone at school.
Is buzzing.

About the Royal Student Council.

But there's only one choice

for president.

She's running unopposed again.

Apple White.

Blondie, just because

I don't have an opponent

doesn't mean I'm not going.
To work my crown off.

I'll use my debate time

to outline my plan

for royal dances,

royal fundraisers,

royal canned-food drives...

Royal bleh and royal blah

and royal nah nah nah.

Wouldn't it be great

if someone else...

I'll do it. I will run against Apple.
For president.

Uh, what now?

Vote for Maddie!
Vote for me.

Hats over crowns!

Vote for Maddie.

Oh, hey, Raven.


Vote for me.


I mean, oh, boy.

Thanks so much for that pin.

So here we go,

fellow fairy tales.

The Ever After High.

Royal Student Council debate.

First question.
Goes to Apple White.

Why would anyone

not vote for you?

Let me just say.
I will preside over this school.

Like I will.
My future kingdom... perfectly.

And Maddie,
my question for you is,

Why would you run

against Apple?

Are you...


Why, yes, and thank you.
For noticing.

If the squirrel eats acorns.
But never a steak,

How much water.
Fills up a lake?

Excuse me?

You heard us.

Apple's been president

long enough.

Maddie's mad.


I have a T-riffic idea.

It'd just be oh so swell

if the council

could have.
The castle doors widened.

For the not-so-tiny of us.

I think.
We can make that happen.

But I need to check

with my co-president.

For the cave of the bear

is open so wide,

would you really change

the pull of the tide?

What she said.

Uh, Dex?


Dexter Charming?

Uh, I'm up!

I mean, hi, Cupid.

What is up with you?

Oh, Raven.

You know,

Briar is having that party

on Friday.

And I want to ask Raven

to be my date,

but I'm just afraid.
I'm gonna mess it up.

There are other girls

at this school.

You'd ask Raven out.
For me?

Not what I meant.

I wish I was more

like my brother.

If I was the great.

Daring Charming,

girls would

just fall for me.


Why don't you try

your asking-out skills

on you friends?

That's a great idea.
You're the best.

How about

a little thank-you kis...

The art

of conjuration...

Hey, Briar,

if I said something like,
"You want to go out with me?"

Would you?

Aw, man!

So did it hurt?

Did what hurt?

When you fell from heaven,

'cause, Maddie,

you are an angel.

You speak Riddlish too?

Aw, man!

So this weekend,

you, me...


Ooh ooh! Aw, man!

Mind if I sit?


Uh, you come up here too?

Best place in the whole school

to watch the sunset.

Hey, would you go with me

to Briar's party on Friday?


I'd rather.
Just go with a friend.

Less pressure that way.

Know what I mean?


I'll see you Friday.

Yes! Oh!

♪ I'm going to a party ♪

♪ With Raven Queen! ♪


It totally worked.

You're the best.

PROFESSOR: Aha ha ha ha!

You heard correctly,

Raven Queen.

Uh, Professor Rumpelstiltskin?
This is totally unfair.

You can't test us

on chapters one through 34.

We've only studied.
Up to chapter two.

I cannot tell a lie,

and well, that...
That's just not very nice.


APPLE: You guys don't know

about Professor Rumpelstiltskin?

At the beginning.
Of each year,

He gives

an insanely hard test.

His students have to ask

for extra credit...

Aha ha ha ha!

...which is just spinning straw.
Into gold for him.

The test is tomorrow morning.

Look, I'm totally.
Getting stress splinters.

Well, I could tutor you guys.

I've been studying on my own,
like, forever after.

Royally cool.

Let's start

with the basic elements.

If we can't wake up Briar,

we're totally.
Going to fail the test.

Man, if only she took studying

as seriously as partying.

Ah, that's it!


Hey, guys, what's up?

You, finally.

But now you have

to stay awake and help us.

Well, there's one thing

I'm always up for...

A study party.

ALL: Yes! Yes!

The basic elements...

There's pixie dust

and dragon fire.

Pixie dust and dragon fire.

Time is up!

Let's see

how you failed!

Raven Queen, an A!

Apple White, an A!

Cedar Wood, A!

Hunter Huntsman, A!

Never underestimate

the power of a study party.

Ahh ahh ahh!

I got shoes.

Now how about a hug.
For your hero?

Why, I hope that's you,

You know it, pumpkin.

Thank you so much

for getting these.

And now.
You have to leave.

Sorry, sweetie.

But I have less than an hour

to set up the display

for these new shoes.

Blondie and Briar are going.
To be here any minute,

And they can't know about us.

Well, maybe...
Uh-huh, sounds great.

Then you and I...
You're the best.

Get some coffee?

And now I'm here.

Thanks for helping,
you guys.

Now we don't have much time,

No problem, Ashlynne.

I see where you have

the platform set up,

and I would move it.
20 inches to the left.

So the natural light.
Hits the shoes,

Giving them that halo effect...

Just right, right?

Um, I guess. Ha.

Briar, thoughts?


Oh, it is on!

And that's why glass slippers

are totally overrated.

Shoes! Open!


That is the last straw.


Ah ah ah ah!


We've only unpacked

one box so far.

And the store opens

in less than a minute!

We're never going.
To make it.

You can run, Pesky,

but you can't hide!

Hunter, no!

Wow! So do we get free shoes

for helping or what?

You ready for that hug,

Or how about a kiss?


And so

there I was,

Professor Jack B. Nimble,

about to jump.
Over the candlestick,

When I realized.
It wasn't a candle at all,

But a nest of

fire-breathing baby dragons.

Your assignment is to come up

with a tall tale of your own.

See, it's just that

since I'm cursed to never lie,

I'm not real good.
At stretching the truth.

Well, then why don't you try

to find a real-life story

that is so dramatic

that it sounds

like a tall tale?

Perfect! Wait.

Where am I going

to find one of those?


My, what big muscles you have.

All the better to hug you with.

Wait a splinter,

you two are dating!

No, that's silly.

Of course we're not.

Romantic picnic?

Um, heart-shaped cupcakes?

Really, guys, come on.

These aren't romantic.

My uncle made them.

What about this?

Your initials

inside a heart?

Oh, we didn't do that.

Must have been that, uh...


Bad woodpecker!

Okay, well,

What about this?

"Ashlynne, I'm so glad

we're secretly dating,

love, Hunter Huntsman."

I mean, come on!

You wrote that for me?

When Professor Nimble asks me

if anything dramatic

happened today,

I'm gonna have to tell everyone

about you guys.

I can't lie.

What are we going to do?

Everybody's gonna know.

Wait a splinter.

I think I have an idea.

Well, I was out walking.
In the woods.

And I saw something

pretty amazing.

I saw Hunter and Ashlynne,

they were...

That girl is a nut.

In all the right ways.

...it was so obvious.
I mean, come on.

Sorry, Carmine,

I'd love to race again,

but I gotta.
Get back to school.

My ears.

Go find our pack.

Hee hee hee!


You beat that wolf

in a race.

How do you do it?

I'm all ears.

Kitty, you can't tell anyone.
About that.

Hee hee hee!


Raven? Let me guess. You...


Wanna talk about it?

I just... I guess

it would be a relief

to finally tell someone.

My family is...

Hiding a secret.

Your mom, Red Riding Hood,

married the Big Bad Wolf?

Don't worry,

I won't say a word.

It's not you

I'm worried about.

We're running laps today,

which you'll find.
Very important.

When some crazy old bakers

try to eat you.

Okay, now ready?



Oh, no.

So, Cerise!

Anything you want to,

um, tell us?

I can't believe the speed spell

I cast on your sneakers

actually worked!

I'll show you.

No! Hey, ah!

Raven, thanks.

Don't worry, Kitty.

It'll wear off...


Female narrator:

And so here we are...

Legacy Day

where the students

of Ever After High

sign the Storybook of Legends,

pledging to follow the path

of their fairy-tale parents.


I narrating here!


You have to help me.

I don't feel like I can sign

the Storybook of Legends,

but I don't want

to let everyone down either.

Do not forget the whole,

"If you don't sign,

your story disappears... poof...

And you may vanish

into oblivion!"

That's a thing, you know,
and it's gotta hurt.

But we don't know.
If that's true.

But what if it is?
But what if it's not?

But what if it is?

You're not helping.

Wait a tick.

♪ I think I know

who can help. ♪

No, but see,

I am totally a Royal.


There you are.

We have to talk.

Come back!

Apple? Where are you going?

I have to convince Raven

to sign the book.

My destiny

depends on it.


If anyone knows the truth.
About the Storybook of Legends,

It's Giles Grimm.

Feathers and friends,

together, alone.

He's speaking Riddlish!

He was cursed.
With a babble spell.

Makes him sound, you know,
coo coo coo coo coo!

He says it's nice

to have us here.

Ask him about the book.

If I don't sign,

am I really going to, uh,



Can the musical chair

change it's tone

when the tablet of granite.
Is inscribed with with a bone?

Mmm, the king who sings

with pages of sky

fears too much the dawn

that rises with lies.

He says there's something wrong.
With the book.

And that if you don't sign,

your story will...



Oh, sorry.

If you don't sign,

your story will continue.

Ah, really?!

Oh, that's great.

I think.

Huh? You think?!

Hey, Riddlish is not

an exact language.

Female narrator:

At last it was Legacy Day.

Next we have.

Apple White.

I am Apple White,

daughter of Snow White.

And I am ready

to pledge my destiny.

Next, Raven Queen.

I am Raven Queen,

daughter of the Evil Queen,

and I pledge...

um, I...

Come on, do it!

I am Raven Queen,

and I am going

to write my own destiny!

My happily ever after

starts now!


Raven did it!

I... I'm still here.

I didn't disappear!

How could you be so...

So selfish?



I'm sorry, Apple!

But I... uh...

Oh, hold everything!


I didn't know I could do that.


I'm sorry, Apple.

But I don't want anyone

to tell me who to be.

I want to figure that out.
On my own.

And don't you understand?

I'm not the only one

who gets to choose

their own destiny now.

We all do, even you.

But I don't want to choose

a new destiny.

I liked what I had.

And because of you,

it might not happen.

But it might.

I don't know.

I... I just don't know.


You're still here.

No "poof poof poof!"


I know.

It feels good!

Male narrator:

Life between the Royals

and the Rebels

at Ever After High.
Would never be the same.

After Raven stood up

for what she believed.

Female narrator:
What she believed was wrong.

She didn't honor her destiny.
She tempted fate.

Listen, narrators!

We are trying

to have a nice moment here.

Raven does not know.

The forces she has released.

This must be contained

before her dangerous idea.

Female narrator:

So here we find ourselves

the day after Legacy Day.

MALE NARRATOR: And relationships
between The Rebels and the Royals.

Are anything

but a fairy tale.

Raven totally ruined.

Legacy Day, if you ask me.

Hey, Raven wants to write

her own happily ever after,

not be told

what to do by the Royals.

Oh, puh-lease!

We all saw what really happened

at Legacy Day.

If I can't have

the destiny I want,

then I'll make sure

no one has theirs!

I will tell you

how it happened.

I propose

we banish the Rebels

to their own evil school!

Are you mad?

That did not happen.

Uh, I know the mature way.
To handle this.

Let's just ignore them.


Oh, hex!
No you didn't!

Oh, it is on

like fairy song!



Oh, no!

BOY: No you didn't!


We have to stop them.

I got this.

RAVEN: I know things.
Have been hard recently,

And Apple and I don't exactly

see eye to eye.

But it doesn't mean

we want our friends

to fight about it.

I'm glad we can agree

on something.

Me too.

Besides, it's not like we can

really rewrite our destinies.

We have happily ever afters.

You don't.

Oh, really?


Oh, my,

we're doing that, are we?



Female narrator:
You see what Raven did?

This school.
Will never be the same.

MALE NARRATOR: Exactly, and I think.
It's a good thing...

A fairy good thing!

Come on, Raven,

what's the "hatter"?

It's Apple... she's really upset

about Legacy Day.

I wish I could do something

to make Apple feel better.

Like all fairy-tale princesses,

she needs an arch enemy.
To be the yin to her yang.

And make her feel complete.

So I just need

to find someone

to take my place

as Apple's storybook nemesis.

Um, I'll do it.

It's always been my dream

to be the evilest pig

this school ever saw!

♪ Bah bah baaam! ♪


Hey, Raven,

I did something diabolical.

I switched the yellow mustard

for the brown mustard.

Mew hoo hooo!

Ha ha ha!

Wow, these hot dogs are great!

I know!
I think it's the new mustard.

Okay, okay,

I'm gonna drop

dangerous gas-filled balloons

on unsuspecting students!

♪ Bah bah baaam! ♪


Uh, what kind of gas

did you fill them with?



helium is not dangerous.

It does this.

I heard you're trying.
To find an evil replacement.

To make me happy.

That is so mean!

Excuse me?

You and I are supposed

to be frenemies.

But I don't want to.

I want to choose

my own destiny.

Why can't you understand that?

I can't believe

you're doing this.

Girls? Girls!

Hi. I don't want

to be an evil queen anymore.

Didn't you say.
This was your big dream?

Oh! Oh, that?

That was this morning.

Now I want to be

a balloonatic!

♪ Bah bah baaam! ♪

Male narrator:

And so the struggle continues

at Ever After High.

Maybe things

will just magically work out.

Female narrator:

Ha! When pigs fly.

♪ Bah bah baaam! ♪