Eve (2022): Season 1, Episode 6 - Eve - full transcript

So Ra is enraged with Yoon Kyum's disappearance. Meanwhile, Yoon Kyum confesses his true feelings to La El. La El's revenge begins to speed up. The day of vengeance is soon to come.

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(Seo Yea Ji)

(Park Byung Eun)

(Yoo Sun)

(Lee Sang Yeob)

(This drama is fiction
and people, places, organizations,)

(incidents, groups, and settings
are not based on reality.)

Secretary Kim!

Has he called?

Not yet?

It's 5am right now!

He slept out?

He didn't come home?

Does that make sense?

Say something! You're frustrating me!

I'm sure he had a reason.

He will explain when he returns.

I'm wrong?

Then why is his phone turned off?

Why did he leave his car here?

Send for Secretary Cha.

Love cannot be hidden.

It is madly impulsive,

clouds your mind,

and with great force of destruction...

it numbs reason.

The ecstasy of love...

also numbs you enough...

to not fear the pain of death.

Which is why it is highly dangerous.

(Episode 6)

Mr. Kang.

I don't want to wake you,

but you must go home.

I slept until now?

I never sleep deeply.

It's been years since I have.

I didn't tell you to save the country.

It's not that hard a task.

You couldn't even follow the chairman?

I apologize.

Is that it?

Is it?

Take it, so we can stay in touch in secret.

Can I call you too?

I'll always wait for it.

It's too much.

I don't dare wear it in public.

Even the most dazzling jewel...

is nothing compared to you.

The chairman is back.


What is this mess?

Did you do this all night?

When else would I have, then?

You didn't come home.

Clock off.

- Honey.
- Clock off!

How many times must I tell you?

Our staff are not slaves.

You vent, yell, curse at them.

When will you stop?

Who cares how I treat things like them?

What did you do with your phone turned off?

Where did you go?

On my birthday at that.

Tell me everything.

Before I lose my mind.

It's true that I wondered
how to explain on my way back.

But now that I'm here,
I don't even want to.

I'm sick of you.

What are you doing?

Are you high?

Are you out of your mind?

I can't believe how
I put up with you so far.

When I dislike you so much.

Why are you saying something
you can't take back?

I won't let this go.

You slept out on my birthday...

and now you insult me?

I will not put up with this.

Is there anything you put up with?

Secretary Cha.

I saw the car. Show yourself!

I called him out of concern for you.

Can't a wife question
her husband's secretary...

when the husband doesn't come home?

The GPS tracker on my car.
Was that out of concern too?

What GPS tracker?
I don't know anything about that.

Secretary Cha.

Who told you to place the tracker?

Only one person in this
household can give such an order.

Forgive me, sir.

Get out.

Why is that important?

A wife can do that out of love.

Then what is important?

- Your birthday?
- Of course that's important.

My birthday.

My mood.

What I want.

Whatever it may be,
I must be your first priority.

You want me...

to act like your staff.

Are you changing the topic
to defend your actions?

Tell me where you were and what you did.

I just...

needed a place to rest.

Then rest.

At home!

This is your home.

I'm not done talking.

Where are you going?

What are you doing in the guest room?

I don't want to share a bed with you.

Let's use separate rooms.

We can't do that.

I won't allow it.

I'm sick of it all. Stop it.

I'm the one who's angry.
Why are you acting like this?


Ms. Jang, do it now.

I installed the hacking app
on the chairman's phone.

(To Lee Tae Jun)

Here. Okay.


How was the wedding?

The bride was very beautiful.

You must be tired after that long trip.

- Did you have breakfast?
- I ate at the rest stop.

You're home, honey.

Honey. There was a package
in front of our house.

"Lee Tae Jun of Gediks." Who's this?


Why do you look so surprised?

- Let's open it together.
- No!

Dad, what's wrong?

Jin Wook.

I'm sorry, honey. Sorry about that, Mother.

I think the package was
delivered to the wrong house.

I'll go and make a call.

Pan Ro, these are the prosecutors...

who want to join the Zeus Project.

Take a look.

Chief Prosecutor Kwon?

He almost got locked up for lobbying.
How can I trust him?

What about this guy?

I like this one.

I don't see any questionable past.
His resume is clean.

Independent Counsel Park is next.

He got a lot of money
from the last project.

If we keep giving him money,
he'll get greedy.

(If we keep giving him money,
he'll get greedy.)

The files are all ready.


I know the passcode too.

Make sure not to hold the grip too hard.

And try the backswing as if
you're opening the club face.

- Go ahead. Give it a try.
- What?

Wait. Chairman Kang didn't come home?

Not just any day.
But on Han So Ra's birthday?

That's crazy.

That's why she's not here today.

She's not here because
she's too embarrassed.

She got stood up by us.

And her husband didn't come home
for the night. I bet she lost it.

That's so hilarious.

Yes, ma'am.

You must be feeling under the weather.

I'll head over to your house with Da Bi.

So Ra.


Da Bi.

So Ra.

What took you so long?

Da Bi was in a golf lesson,
getting her posture corrected.

By the way, did something happen?

My husband wants to use separate rooms.

I can't let that happen.


Call your dad to come home now.


I'll call him.

I'll talk to the chairman.

It's okay, Da Bi.

Let's go.

I couldn't say no to your wife.

I know you've been generous with me.

I'm so sorry.

(Letter of Resignation)

I'll go back to my hometown.

What if...

I was to give you one last chance?

Then can you promise me that
you will be loyal only to me?


(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

(Kim Sun Bin)

I missed you.

A day feels like a year.

Sir, this is Bo Ram's mom.

I think you should come home.

What happened here?

Were you hurt?

The chairman is here.

Da Bi, your dad is home.

Da Bi!

- Are you all right, Da Bi?
- Dad.


What is this?

It is madly impulsive,

clouds your mind,

and with great force of destruction...

it numbs reason.

Love cannot be hidden.

Da Bi, are you all right?

- Are you hurt?
- Da Bi, go to your room!

Da Bi, don't move. You might get hurt.

What are you doing?


Did you just yell at me?

When we're not in private?
In front of your subordinate's wife?

Da Bi, don't cry. You're okay.

Don't cry, Da Bi.

Ms. Han, you might
get hurt from the shards.

Can you stay in your room?

It's for your safety.

Did you see him
when he yelled at me earlier?

Did you see his eyes?

I didn't get to see them closely.

This is valerian root. Please have a sip.

It will calm you down.

This is a disaster.

Everyone must be delusional.

Otherwise, it doesn't explain
why they are all acting out!

I won't let this slide.

Those who ruined my birthday party
will have to pay.

I want to see Eun Dam Ri, Yeo Ji Hee,

and the dance partners in private. Okay?

How dare they do this to me?

This is the shopping mall
business proposal.

Show it to your father.

Keep yourself busy with work,

and everything will eventually
come back to its place.

About Eun Dam Ri and Yeo Ji Hee,

let them know how intimidating you can be.

You've got an idea?

Our performance is coming up soon.

She fell asleep.

Get some rest.

She had some sleeping inducer,

but she could wake up.
You shouldn't be doing this.

So why did you make me into this?

I hope it doesn't leave a scar.

Do you eat your meals properly?

It's good.

I'm not great at cooking.

I've realized for the first time...

that true happiness is...

within what's ordinary.


I thought you only listened to tango music.

It is tango.

You can dance tango to a pop song too.

If here,

I dance tango, guess what it'd be called.

House tango.

This is why I hesitated.

In case I'd fall in love.

Of all the voice analyzed
files of Han Pan Ro,

there are at least 20 that
could be legally valid.

Including the one from
Chairman Kang's cellphone,

they prove the illegal
mergers and acquisitions.

Good job, La El.

Let's bring this case...

to a law firm, Ms. Jang.

To do that,

we have to brace ourselves
for our identity exposure.

Then it'll be hard to gather evidence,

so filing a lawsuit
should be our last step.

I want Han Pan Ro and Kang Yoon Kyum...

to stand trial,

as soon as possible.

I agree with you on that,

but we should follow the
plan to meet the best timing.

When we secure Chairman Kang's safe.

That way, we can take this to the public.


I want us to rush it.

Do you feel uneasy around Chairman Kang?

Of course, it's not easy
to sleep with the enemy.

I want to get it over with quickly.

You came home at the crack of dawn.
Were you out?

This parcel.

Why did you throw it out?

Gediks Semiconductors
was your first workplace.

Why did you lie?

And what's this?

What is this about?

I don't know. It isn't meant for me.


You said you're not
keeping anything from me.

I married you because
you said you were naive.

Don't touch a hair on my body
until you explain what this is.

- Honey.
- Get out.

Lose someone you love.

Until the pain wants to make you die.

I didn't tell my dad what you're up to.

Next week, a team will shoot a
documentary on the autumn recital.

Dad will come to see me perform too.

You know he's quick-witted, right?

He'll suspect something's up
if you're not there.

Are you blackmailing me?

I'm saying it for your sake.

What's the point...

in putting on a show when we're a mess?

I'm trying hard.

Compared to what I used to be like,
I'm not doing anything now.

You're not doing anything?

Are you proud of that?

Your life went on just fine
despite what you did...

That was an accident.

(Department Store Analysis)

We make a deal with Seoul City to
flatten the red light district...

and turn that area into
LY's shopping district?


We were stuck, unable to open the mall.

This is a great idea.

The red light district is
giving the city a headache.

How about we merge this
with the Zeus Project?

If we include a shopping mall,
it'll be ideal to launder money,

and the project will expand.
Isn't that just perfect?


I want to own the biggest
shopping mall in Korea.

You brought us Seo Eun Pyeong too.

So Ra, you're flying high these days.

Whose idea was this?

- It's mine.
- No.

Tell the truth.

Who is it?

She's one of the Liyan moms.

She's betting her life on me...

because I offered to promote her husband.

I'll introduce her to you at the recital.

Han Pan Ro took the bait.

We'll be able to control
LY's money-laundering operation.

I'll contact a law firm.

Like you said, it won't be bad
to speed things up.

You did better than I expected.

For calling you immature last time,

I apologize.

I'm truly sorry.

You also...

bet your life as well.

A lot of our files only
make sense to a close few.

If LY's legal team
catches wind of the lawsuit,

they might suspect you first.

Because you befriended the family suddenly.

I'm worried you might suffer a backlash...

before the public even hears about this.

Keep your distance from Kang Yoon Kyum.

To stay safe.


Check all the details,
down to the last one.

- That's all for today.
- Okay.

What do you think about
becoming the president's...

chief secretary?

The spokesman asked me
but I don't know anything.

I'll think about it.

Give me a few days.

Is it the Do Not Disturb Day?

You usually take a few days
to make a huge decision.

It's pointless to even ask,
but I'm curious.

You go completely off the grid
during the DD Day.

Where do you go and what do you do?
Can you tell me?

DD Day means "Do Not Disturb".

If I were to tell you,
it's no longer DD Day.

It'll become Open Day, right?

- Right.
- Right.

You can go home.

- Good job, everyone.
- You too.

La El.

It's about the work request I mentioned.

Call me when you can.

(La El)

She's here.

Ms. Han!

- She's here.
- You look amazing.

What's this?

I'm sorry we couldn't
celebrate your birthday last time.

We're the mom dance team,

and we should look out for each other.

My birthday passed. Forget about it.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Don't go too far.

Ms. Kim.

Thanks for the effort.

We got you a present too.

It's considered the highest tier
out of products of its kind.

A store opened in Cheongdam-dong,
so we got you something.


- Goodness.
- Isn't that a dildo?

Oh, my.

I'm a Meridien member and I
heard about your birthday.

I got you that to cheer you up because...

I heard you spent the night alone.

When you reach a certain age,

that gives you much more
pleasure than a husband.

I hope it comforts you a little.

Let's cut the cake.

Wait in the lounge. I'll bring you some.

Did you see her face?

She looked humiliated.

Don't be so angry.

I didn't know they'd do that.

The ladies have left.

Open them.

(100 million won)

What is this for?

- Allowance.
- Pardon?

- Spend it as you will.
- All this?

This envelope has three times
more than what you're holding.

Spend a night with
Eun Dam Ri and Yeo Ji Hee.

Seduce them...

or get creative.

The first one to sleep with them...

will get this.

But I'll need proof.

Definitive proof.

You can go now.

So Ra.

I understand that you hate them.

But are you sure you want to do this?

It's a crime.

I've always done everything I wanted.

What if it turns into a problem?

It has never become a problem.

Has something like this happened before?

Do you know why my dad
won't give me any work?

Because I'm immature?

I always create a mess.

And he always cleans it up.

My old man must be tired.

He wants to live quietly now.

Has there been a time...

when Chairman Kang and
LY Group were involved?

The mess I created to marry him
was the biggest one yet.

What did you do?

I slightly changed the fate of two women.

So I could marry my husband.

When he was single,
many well-off families wanted him.

He's handsome and tall.

And he was known as a scandal-free elite.

A lot of women wanted him,
but I'm older than him.

And I was even divorced once.

So what did you do?

Rumor had it...

he was having a fling with a woman.


I took care of that.

And a woman got in the way,
demanding to take back...

her husband's company or something.

She was the wife of
Gediks Semiconductors' chairman.

Gediks Semiconductors was
my marital gift for him.

A young girl and an old woman.

Their fate took a different turn.

Thanks to me.



What did you do to those women?

Knowing too much could put you in danger.

Things won't be boring from now on.

Look forward to it.

(La El)

La El.

What's wrong, La El?

Why do you want to know about
the last of your mother?

Did you hear any news about her?

Right before she disappeared,

I want to know what she said...

and how she looked.

Do you know anything about that?

It's important.

It happened shortly
after you went to the US.

She was at a nursing home
and then disappeared.

That's all I know.

What is it? What's wrong?

Is there a possibility...

that Han So Ra could have hurt my mom?

How could anyone disappear
without a trace like that?

Isn't that odd?

The last time...

I went to see your mother
at the nursing home...

Are you all right?
I bought some porridge for you.

I want you to stop visiting me now.

You have a bright future ahead of you.

Don't get involved in dangerous situations.

No, please don't say that.

Do as I say.


come see me.


Your mother seemed anxious the whole time.

As soon as your father passed away,

LY Group acquired his company.

I thought everything was over.

What did she say...

when she was leaving the hospital?

She said she was going to see a relative.

Then she never came back.

A woman mysteriously disappeared.

And there's no trace of her
for the past ten years.

That doesn't add up.

But if the most powerful man
was involved in this,

I might be able to put the pieces together.

But this is only speculation for now.

La El.

La El!

I only hoped that she was alive.

Is there any news about Kim Jin Sook?

Ms. Kim Jin Sook...
We haven't heard anything.

Then I thought...

(Naeil Hospital Care)

I would be able to reunite
with my mom one day.

That sole purpose had kept me going.

La El.

La El.




(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

What is it, Secretary Jung?

Your father wants to have a word with you.

Han Pan Ro wishes to meet me?

Apparently, his secretary delivered
something from him.

As a token of gratitude for being
attentive to the kindergarten.

He's probably reaching out to you
because you went to that event.

You know he uses government projects
for his shady business schemes.

I flat out declined.

That rotten old man can't deal with us.

Agree to the meeting.


I'm going to meet him.

What do you think?

Ma'am, you are beautiful.

Truly, you look amazing in that dress.

How unbelievably pretty!


You despicable moron.


Have you forgotten...

why I raised you as equal to Chi Kyum?

I have not.


Han Pan Ro started to lay
his fingers on the mall.

It's supposed to be your
brother's entertainment!

I had no idea.

Then this is worse.

Just how are you managing your household?

These papers are to disclaim
all your rights and inheritance.

I can't count on you anymore.

Sign them.

I dedicated my life to the company.

You can't do this to me.

Chi Kyum is the real heir of this family.

- Father.
- I cannot trust you.

Not when I can't predict
your wife and her father.

- Sign the papers.
- What about my children?

Your mother was lowly and so are you.

Your children wouldn't be any different.

You're a lowly maid's son.

You're way below a chairman material.

When I put you there,

it was to assist Chi Kyum because
he's weak and incompetent.

Not to eat your brother up.

It was me who decided to hide
the truth about your birth,

but your wife and father-in-law...

should be informed now.

Sign the papers.

Some wounds...

need to be treated with bigger pain.

La El!

Had I been afraid,

I wouldn't have started in the first place.

La El.

Why are you being so nice to me?

When I first met you,

I had my faith in integrity.

Although I've changed now,

I want to protect you.

I have no integrity to protect.

- I've been tainted.
- No.

Nothing could possibly taint you.

It's just the situation
that drove you here.

You are still the same.

Lee La El.

The one who belongs to the deity.

Your revenge has a cause.

And I will be punished for
doing what's unforgettable.


I plan to aid your revenge.

This isn't the path I want to take,

but my heart pounds so much for you.

How can I possibly resist this?

Sun Bin, my father's here.

Why are you still in those clothes?

I'll get changed soon.

Your father's here?

Come in.

Congratulations on your performance.

Long time no see.


Your proposal was impressive.

I couldn't believe it was from a housewife.

I studied business management
back in college.

No wonder.

I hear she's an exquisite dancer.
Maybe you'll be compared.

Just wait for a surprise.

I guess we just need to cheer.

- Most likely.
- Right.

- See you later.
- See you.

Good luck. You too.

Get ready.


I'm Cha Elisa,
the principal of Liyan Kindergarten.

First of all, I'd like to express
my deepest gratitude...

to the parents, students,
and everyone else here...

for joining this autumn recital
of Liyan Kindergarten.

Let's move right on to
the first performance.

They are the pride of our kindergarten.

The students will perform for you.

Welcome them with a big round of applause.

He disappeared?

He went outside for a
moment to make a call and...

I'll bring him back here.

They're impressive.

Next up...

is a special performance...

by some mothers who
wished to grace the stage.

Please give them a warm welcome.

Pretend you didn't see that.

If you know too much about one-percenters,

you can get hurt.

And a woman got in the way,
demanding to take back...

her husband's company or something.

She was the wife of
Gediks Semiconductors' chairman.

Gediks Semiconductors was
my marital gift for him.

A young girl and an old woman.

Their fate took a different turn.

Thanks to me.

- There.
- Shall we take a photo?

Are you ready?

One, two, three.

Who is that woman?

She's so alluring.

She's quite something.

She is.

What happened to your face?

The clown who mistakenly
thought he was king.

If the clown were to take
the throne and become king,

wouldn't he no longer be mistaken?

What are you saying?

What if I were to become king?

My father, brother, father-in-law.

I will crush everyone
who is bearing down on me.

I will take over LY and become king.

Not a clown,

but a real king.

Hello, I'm So Ra Han. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, So Ra, you were known
as the lady of LY,

the representative group of Korea.

How come you can dance so well?

Actually, I practiced for a month.

When I got a request for a performance
from the kindergarten.

Thank you so much for today.

Thank you.

Good job, everyone.

Thank you so much.

Is it okay?

It was perfect, yes.

We got everything that we needed
and we'll make sure you're right...

With you by my side, I can do anything.

Whatever happens,

promise you'll be there with me.


I'll be by your side.

I'll be with you.

Whatever happens.

Again, thank you so much
for having us today.

Your performance was great.

I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

- See you next time.
- Bye.


Did you see my husband?

That man is mine. Forever.

So Ra.


What is it? Tell me.

I just had a thought.

I'm married myself,

and I sense things.

The chairman.

What about him?

I think he's having an affair.


(Independent Director,
Economic Advisor, Han Pan Ro)

What if I were to become the lady
of LY Group, not Han So Ra?

Do you think he'll divorce her for a fling?

Come to your senses.

Give me proof.

If you tell me there's none or
give me any of that nonsense,

you'll be done for.

I'll be cruel.

I'll make them beg me to kill them instead.

You can't be here. This is a risky move.

This is all because of Sun Bin.

Tell me who she is!

How come I hadn't been able to reach
Sun Bin for the past couple of days?

Darn it! Crash it!

I got you.