Eve (2022): Season 1, Episode 13 - A Drop Of Doubt - full transcript

So Ra gives Yoon Kyum clues about La El's identity. La El and Yoon Kyum's relationship becomes compromised with So Ra's drop of doubt. Realizing there isn't much time left, La El thinks only of her revenge. Yoon Kyum senses La El'...

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(This drama is fiction
and people, places, organizations,)

(incidents, groups, and settings
are not based on reality.)

(Episode 13)


You don't know...

who she is, do you?

I'll tell you.

That won't do you anything.

Stop it.

This is Sun Bin's photo
from when she started high school.

She went by another name.

(Kim Sun Bin)

(Lee La El)


La El.

(Lee La El)

Must I have you dragged out?

You must be pleased.

For a while.

It's my daughter's birthday party.

Even if you have something to say,

how about saying it another time?

Oh, your kid.

That's right. Whose is she?

Must I call someone?

Secretary Cha.

It's fine, Secretary Cha.

I was about to leave.

Do you think I didn't expect this?

I know you too well, Yoon Kyum.

We lived together for years.

I know how you are deep inside too.

Once embedded, doubt never goes away.

I just put in a drop of doubt.

That one drop will start
to cloud the clear waters.

Eventually, it will turn everything dark.

Your relationship will blacken like this.

If you want questions answered,
see me in private, honey.

Fear isn't the worst
when you're faced with it.

True fear is knowing...

you're about to be overcome.

Get up. Let's go somewhere else.

I said I'd leave.

I have lots to do to clean up her mess.

I'm busy and have to leave.

Hello, Father.

What are you doing, calling me?

She sued us for money.

How dare she call you now?

Is she taunting us or what?

How thick is she?

What are you two really up to?

He sued for divorce...

and you counter-sued him
for ten trillion won?

Don't you care about your elders?

You turned the country upside-down,

so why are you calling me now?

I completely understand how you feel.

I'm sorry, Father.

I'll get to the point.

I won't divorce Yoon Kyum.

I'll explain in person.

Yoon Kyum will soon...

tell you too that we'll stay together.

I finished my meal.

I'll go and play in the playroom.

- Let's go.
- Have fun.

After my birth father died,

when my mom remarried,

I changed my name.

I see.

I'm Bo Ram's dad's second wife.

I thought Bo Ram would feel hurt...

to know I wasn't her birth mother.

Good for you. I understand.


is there anything else I must worry about?

There's a moment when fear envelopes you.

It's as if...

you're trapped underwater
and struggling to breathe.

You're confused...

and think you'll suffocate.

If you don't break through fast,

you crumble.

Do you doubt me?

Like So Ra said,

are we becoming blackened?

As I said by the sea,

if you're hiding something,
you must come clean...

to become free.

I'm fine.

We're just starting off,

so I can learn of your past slowly.

There are some torn-up papers on the table.

Bring them to me in secret.

Han So Ra knows your real name?

She also knows Ms. Jang
approached on purpose.

But she doesn't know
about Gediks Semiconductors.

How did Chairman Kang react?

He's not showing any reaction for now,

but it pretty much
started off our countdown.

Ms. Jang is the problem.

I can't reach her.

I'll go check on her.

How? You're in the hospital.

I'll go.

And I'll also try to get...

Gediks' original contract
as soon as possible.

Then I'll ask the law firm
for any news about Ms. Jang.

(Certificate of Family Relations)

(List of LY Employees for Audit)

Send this list to the audit team.

Kim Yi Sak, Jang Jin Wook,
a recently dismissed employee,

and other employees of LY
embezzled money from the company.

And that's the proof for it.

I'm willing to send them
over to the prosecution...

as a warning for the others.

Yes, ma'am.

- Really?
- Gosh. Don't you know that?

- Vice-president Kim Yi Sak.
- Yes.

I'm Jung Myung Ho from the audit team.

The strategy and planning team
reported you for corruption.

The strategy and planning team?

Wait. This is quite sudden.
What are you talking about?

(The number 1 group that
leads the world, LY Group)

Ms. Kim?

Ms. Kim.

I don't know what's going on.

This is an inheritance disclaimer.
Go ahead and sign it.

We're only doing this to make a living.

You were...

my dad's most trusted man.

I have a big family to take care of.

- All right. A bit more.
- Okay.

- It will be over soon.
- It's okay.

- It's okay.
- It's okay.

Is it possible for us to talk for a moment?

Investigate it and send him over
to the prosecution as instructed.

Come with us.



The audit team of LY? Why?

I'm in the US. I don't work for LY anymore.

You're summoning me to investigate?

Ms. Kim Sun Bin, Head of
Future Strategy and Planning, is leading...

this project to eradicate
any corruption in the company.

If you don't cooperate,

we'll send the files to
the prosecution right away.


Thus, we'll launch a
strategy and planning team...

to supervise each team.

It will be named
Future Strategy and Planning,

and the person in charge
will be Kim Sun Bin.

She's going to report me
after everything she did to me?


Ms. Kim canceled today's meeting too?

She adjusted her schedule
hurriedly and left the building.

The driver works for us,

so we can find out where she's going
without her knowing.

Ms. Jang.

What would you like to do, sir?

- Follow the car.
- Yes, sir.

(Unseo General Hospital)

(Unseo General Hospital)

What about her cell phone?
You didn't find Ms. Jang's phone?

Only her cell phone was gone.

And her phone is turned off.

Why don't we report this to
the police to look for her?

I will meet with Han So Ra first.

I'm the one she hates.

There's no reason to hurt Ms. Jang.

La El. Even without the original contract,

I'll help your lawsuit.

Don't get involved if it's dangerous.

Let's go.

Hold on.

Shouldn't you stay
in the hospital a bit longer?

I should do something
before something like this...

happens to you again.

(Unseo General Hospital)

Follow her.

(Unseo General Hospital)

Isn't that Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum?

(Chief Secretary Seo Eun Pyeong)

It's been a while.



- Stop the car.
- Yes, sir.

Who on earth attacked...

the chief secretary of the Blue House?

That's a serious crime.

How come no one knows about it?

I didn't tell anyone on purpose.

I was waiting for the right time.

What do you mean by that?

I was going to tell one of the people...

who was involved in this incident...

and cornered that person.

Who is it?

I'm doing it right now.

Are you suspecting me?

That's nonsense.

How could you be so rude?

Han So Ra, Han Pan Ro, Kim Jung Chul,

and Kang Yoon Kyum.

Everyone would think
you guys are working together.

If you want to be seen as one of them,

make them stop whatever
they are planning right now.

I hope you won't be connected to them...

when they get punished.


Chief Secretary Seo.

Your hostility toward me.

And your unnecessary meetings with Sun Bin.

The fact that you didn't tell anyone
after getting attacked.

I can't understand any of it.

But it will explain
everything with this reason.

Do you love Sun Bin?

Is that why you're helping her?

- What if I am?
- She already chose me.

How could you be so brazen?

Tell me about your love.

My love is about sacrifice.

I just think about what I can do for her.

You tail her and suspect her.
But you say you love her.

So I don't consider you my competition.

That's why I'm brazen.

You suspect her, but you love her?

I don't know.

But I'm certain that
you won't be standing by her side...

in the near future.

I'll get going.

That will be a great shirt
for my father-in-law.

And that's good for my brother-in-law.

I'll take the shirts
and the cuffs for them.

Bring me a bracelet for my sister-in-law.

Yes, ma'am.

The in-laws used to drain me.
So I stayed away from them.

But with my mother-in-law gone,
I keep turning to my family.

Please leave the room,
so they can talk in private.

Did my husband kick you out already?

What did you do to Ms. Jang?

Why ask me?

She's your mom, so you should know better.


You probably don't, because she's fake.

Tell me where she is.

Do you gold diggers have
a special bond or something?

You don't get to raise your voice here.

You'll be left with nothing
once my husband falls out of love.

You aren't in the situation to talk big.

No, you are in that situation.

What will you do...

if your husband doesn't come back
to you even when I'm gone?

Hasn't it crossed your mind?

Why would I...

have such an idea?

I will be the gracious wife who embraces...

her husband's wounded heart.

The whole nation...

will pay respect to my decision
to keep this family.

That's how this lawsuit will end.

What if Chairman Kang
finds out about Doctor Jung,

your secret lover?

Doctor Jung, where are you?

I need counseling today.

I'll be right there.

Where are you?

I need to see you,

right now.

(Doctor Jung)

What if he even finds out that
you were behind the attack...

that injured the chief secretary
of the Blue House?

Let alone getting your husband back,

will you be able to stay in this country?

You got busted being a gold digger,
and now you're all anxious.

I will give you one day.

Let Ms. Jang go by midnight tomorrow.

If she returns safely,

I will leave Chairman Kang.

I will not step forward...

to ruin your lovely garden.


the condition is,

you don't touch a single
strand of hair on her.

Jang Moon Hee, that wench. How is she?

No one found out that we have her, right?

She's under a tight watch.

Feed her...

and treat her.

We might have to let her go.

Please open them, you two.

What's with this uncomfortable gesture?

You're going through your divorce suit.

What's the meaning of these gifts?

We're not going to get divorced.

That woman's a gold digger.


The 49th day of Mother's death
is coming up soon.

Let me join you then.

This will be a natural way to
show that our family is intact.

Father, I will try calling Yoon Kyum.

Hi, Chi Kyum.

I haven't changed my mind
regarding the divorce.

Tell her to leave.

Oh, really?

I see you fell completely
out of love with her.

What if you end up losing
that large sum of money?

Are you still going to divorce her?

Okay, Yoon Kyum.

He said he was sure about the divorce...

and that we shouldn't
accept what you offer.

So take these back, my ex-sister-in-law.

You're counting your chickens...

before they're even hatched.

Did he...

really say that?

- Still?
- You heard me talk to him.

Yoon Kyum's adultery is nothing...

compared to your 10-trillion-won lawsuit.

What do you and your father
take us for? A golden goose?

You're back early.

We thought you'd be back in the evening...

and didn't prepare for lunch.

It's okay.

Bo Ram's grandma isn't feeling well,
so I'll move my things today.

Oh, right. The garden fence seemed loose.

It might hurt the kids.

Will you get it repaired now?


(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

This is Sun Bin's photo from
when she started high school.

She went by another name.


La El.

After my birth father died,

when my mom remarried,

I changed my name.

Once embedded,

doubt never goes away.

Tell me about your love.

My love is about sacrifice.

You tail her and suspect her.
But you say you love her.

So I don't consider you my competition.

That's why I'm brazen.

You suspect her, but you love her?

I don't know.

Can you do me a favor?

There's a ribboned box in the vault.

Can you bring it to me?

Can I...

go in there?

Of course.

I changed the code...

because it's dangerous for Da Bi.

I'll tell you what it is.

(Deposits to the Slush Fund Account)

(Documents Related to Takeover
of Gediks Semiconductors)

(Documents Related to Takeover
of Gediks Semiconductors)


I have the original Gediks contract.


I'll leave the chairman.

Ms. Han.

I got told off for
not stopping you last time.

You don't know what's about to happen.

Do you want to lose your job?


Ms. Han.

Are you Kang Yoon Kyum?

Are you the man I know?

This is my workplace. Keep it down.

She plotted with her mom to get to you.

Her mom has a grudge against us!

They've been plotting to bring us down!

So Ra.

You've never been in love, have you?


What on earth...

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

What are you saying?

What is this if it's not love for you?

I had...

a million reasons I shouldn't love Sun Bin,

but I overcame them all.

If there's anything she needs,
I can just give it to her.

That's how I feel right now.

You're insane.

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

For your sake, you should give up too.

You overcame what and will do what?

It doesn't suit you! Give it up!

Sir, your car's standing by.

You'll regret this.

You'll regret it more than anything!


To think that it got cleared
for redevelopment so soon.

Letting you join the team was
the best decision I ever made.

(Zeus Project Members)

Unlike when I was an assemblyman,
I'm warier now.

Let's wrap it up soon.

I'm all for that.

Are you sick?

You don't look too well.

There's a reason for that.
I'll explain in due time.


Have some tea.

Thank you.

LY victims? Who are they?

Chief Prosecutor Ahn tipped me off.

It's serious.

It's a class action suit of 31,

and they've been collecting
proof for dozens of years.

They have a lot of stuff
that is irrefutable.

We have a legal team to
take care of cases like that.

They can prove that
we merged with Gediks illegally.


Do you know anything about who they are?

I haven't a clue.

Find out who the 31 people are.

Yes, sir.

(Ms. Han So Ra)

Han So Ra.

I leave tonight.

Only if Ms. Jang is safe and well.
Be sure of that.

You're the one who's rushed, not me.

If I don't leave soon,
your husband will never get over me.

Your secret lover might come to light,

and you're not rushed?

Nothing good will come from aggravating me.

I'm telling you I'll leave voluntarily.

Grabbing this opportunity...

is your best chance at
getting your husband back.

How do they know so well
about how we took over Gediks?

If this gets out,
the divorce suit will be useless.

Since we took over Gediks illegally,
we won't get a penny out of it.

Jang Moon Hee?

Who is this woman?

Do Wan. Here's that wench's address.

Go and find out...

who she is.


What's the matter?

It's nothing.

Do Wan, why won't you pick up?

I need to let Jang Moon Hee go!

La El. Han Pan Ro and Kim Jung Chul
know about the class action suit.

It'll take them less than a day
to get to you and Ms. Jang.

Okay. I'll call you back.

Is Bo Ram's grandmother very sick?

Can't you stay a little longer?

We can hang out
when we meet at kindergarten.

This is the box the chairman asked for.

I'm leaving with Bo Ram.

You pass it to him for me.

I'm sorry.

He has something to say.

He wishes to see you in person.

Come with me.

Let's explain to the kids
about the divorce...

so we can live here together.

Let's start over in a new home.

(Power of Attorney for Transfer of Shares)

"Transfer of shares"?

I'm a businessman through and through.

This is all I can give you.

Mr. Seo asked me what kind of love mine is.

It jolted me awake.

Even if there's something
you can't tell me about,

that's not a problem for me.

Do you understand?

Why are you crying?

We'll be happy.

Let's visit Buenos Aires...

and tango there.


(Documents Related to Takeover
of Gediks Semiconductors)

(Contract of Merger)

(Kang Yoon Kyum, Lee Tae Jun)

(Lee Tae Jun)

Lee Tae Jun's...

forced signature.

His affidavit admitting...

he was an industrial spy.

With this,

we'll easily win the lawsuit.

Chairman Kang...

gave up the safe for me.

If you're hesitant,

you don't have to...

disclose the original contract
to the public.

I have never been hesitant.

I won't betray my parents.


I want to tell him everything myself.

He told me...

you asked him what kind of love he was in.

I'm not...

in any position to talk about love.

I want to be honest with him just once...

as the final courtesy for my feelings.

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum)

I have to talk to you.

Let's meet outside, not at your house.

This is your first time asking to talk,
so I'm nervous.

Okay. I'll be there soon.

Prosecutor Kim is calling.

It's been a while.

Have you been well?

Association of LY's victims?

I'll check on it.

(Summary of Class Action Suit
from Association of LY's Victims)

She won't wake up
because of the sleeping pills.

She's a total psycho. You know?


Hey, when she wakes up, teach her a lesson.

Yes, sir.

What a spiteful woman.

Make sure to keep the door locked.
And keep an eye on her.

If this goes wrong,
it will be the end of us.

Yes, sir.

Honorary Chairman Kang Bon Geun...

also found out about the class action suit.

Yes. I also heard about
the class action suit.

Yoon Kyum,

if people find out the truth
behind our acquisition of Gediks,

our family and LY will be ruined.

A woman named Jang Moon Hee...

and the daughter of Gediks's CEO
organized this class action suit.

If his daughter is involved,

this will be a huge problem.

What was her name?

Jang Moon Hee?

Chairman Kang.

My son-in-law knows about you two.

Don't cause any trouble.

If you ignore my warning,

you'll regret it forever.

I called because I didn't want you
to go against your family.

I came because I was worried.

But I can't give you my blessing.

And I'm sure you know why...

better than anyone.

So Ra.

You shouldn't be angry right now.

How many times must I tell you I need her?

Bring her here now!

I said, no!

We're about to go down
because of this wench!

What on earth is wrong with her?

Gosh. She's so spiteful.

I don't think she'll listen to us.

Pan Ro, these are the prosecutors...

who want to join the Zeus Project.

Take a look.

Chief Prosecutor Kwon?

He almost got locked up for lobbying.

How can I trust him?

What is it?

We've been bugged.

Hey, here.

Hey. Check under the sofa.


Sir, I found it!


So Ra.

You've never been in love, have you?

What will you do...

if your husband doesn't come back to you
even when I'm gone?

For your sake, you should give up too.

How could you let them take Jang Moon Hee?

Prime Minister Han and
Vice Chairman Kim Jung Chul...

were livid.

They told me to bring her whatever it took.

I must get my husband back!

I won't let anyone get in my way.


Let Ms. Jang go...

by midnight tomorrow.

I've never been in love?

Love is meaningless unless you seize it.

You make them yours first.

What matters is to be the last winner.

He's mine.


Yes, ma'am.

Follow me.

(List of Slush Funds)

The Gediks contract.

What are you doing?

How did you unlock this place?

How did you unlock the vault?

How did you unlock this place?

But I suggest we bring back
the eight-inch disc.

In a merger that happened 13 years ago,

LY obtained the technology...

developed by genius entrepreneur
Lee Tae Jun.

There's no one in the house, sir.


Ms. Jang.

(No signal)

Did you locate Ms. Jang?

I'm not so sure,
but I think it's near Han Pan Ro's house.

Her GPS signal is weak.


(Kim Gye Young)

I need to go to Han Pan Ro's house.

Report Ms. Jang Moon Hee missing
and ask the police for assistance.

(No Signal)

Ms. Jang.


- Ms. Jang, please...
- The phone is turned off.

You'll be directed to voicemail
after the beep.

Yes, sir.

(Contact List)

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum of LY Group)

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum of LY Group)

(Han So Ra)

(Currently in 2021)

(Kim Jung Chul)

(Buenos Aires in 2012)

("LY Group Puts Hard Effort
into Semiconductor Business")

("For 16 Years in a Row,
LY Tops the Global Semiconductor Market")

("LY Group Proceeds with
Taking Gediks Semiconductors Over")

(Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum of LY Group)

It's fascinating to hear
you know each other.

Hello, Chairman Kang.

I thought I had just lost it.

My late father gave it to me,
so it means a lot to me.

When we danced the tango...

The tango is about sharing feelings.

If you don't bet everything,
the game never ends.

Because this is how it feels.

I'll be with you.

I will stay with you.

I won't run away.

I want you.

For the rest of my life, I, Kang Yoon Kyum,

swear I will live only for you.

If there is any lie to that,

even if I were to lose my life,

I do not fear.

Can you, Kim Sun Bin,

say the man standing before you...

is the man you love...

truthfully before the deity?

Do you love me?


What is all this?

What have you done?

How could you do this to me?

Did you hack my phone?

(Kang Yoon Kyum)

Was it...

the first time we slept together?

Tell me!

How could you be...

so meticulous and so ruthless?

To get close to me,

for how long had you prepared?

I thought it was money you were after.

It wasn't that.

This is too terrifying.

Why didn't you go for
something else instead?

To you,

I could give everything I own.

For you,

I could do anything.


did you do this to me?

Did you want to crush my life?

What did I do to wrong you?

Why didn't you take my money and company?

How could you ruin my life?

- Let go!
- You!

You stabbed me in the heart.

Let go!

Don't come closer.

Stay there!


After what you've done,

you're afraid?

Over this?

What on earth have I done?

Are you okay?

Are you?

I'm sorry.

Get away from me!

(Buenos Aires, 2011)

(Family home, 2020, Kang Yoon Kyum)

You're all in it together.

Come clean yourself...

and pay the price.

No one got out of here alive.

Is that true?

I'll kill them.

I'll kill them all!

I apologize.

Please end it all.

Kill them all,

then kill yourself.

Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi