Entourage (2004–2011): Season 7, Episode 7 - Entourage - full transcript

Vince's behavior worries his new director. Billy Walsh's newest pitch for a show rankles Drama but intrigues Eric. Ari must negotiate with Lizzie Grant to retrieve incriminating evidence.

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♪ Oooh! ♪

♪ Yeah yeah! ♪

♪ Yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, my mind
had been enabled ♪

♪ In the memory
you overflow ♪

♪ I wanna be
your superhero ♪

♪ Even if I
tumble, fall ♪

♪ I'm okay ♪

♪ But I need you
desperately ♪

♪ You know I need you
desperately ♪

♪ I wanna be
your superhero ♪

♪ Yeah, oh yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah. ♪

♪ Okay, we wrote this
for a purpose ♪

♪ To motivate you
at this time ♪

♪ With this hypnotizing
bass line ♪

♪ Please feel free
to lose your mind ♪

♪ And get high, get money,
get sex... ♪

I'm up for anything, Billy.

So if you've got
a good idea, bring it.

I look forward
to the challenge.

- Are you a director?
- Are you kidding?

This is Billy Walsh.
Once upon a time he was the best.

- Really?
- Well, it's still in there but priorities shift.

Oh yeah? What are
your priorities now?

- I'm married.
- And you're with me tonight, sweetheart.

Have a good evening,
all right?

Think of something good
for me, Billy.

It's marinating, all right?
It's marinating.

What the hell was that?

You had your tongue in
my mouth five minutes ago.

You should have
seen this kid.

He tried to play it off
but the kid was indeed terrified.

- Right or wrong?
- Poor baby.

I'd never jumped out
of a plane before.

- Did you like it?
- It was amazing.

To be honest, when I got in the air,
I felt complete peace.

- Let's do it again tomorrow.
- Absolutely.

- You're on!
- Ah, hear hear.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

♪ 50 thou
jumping at a time ♪

♪ Let's get right,
let's get right ♪

♪ Let's get right,
okay okay ♪

♪ Let's get right,
let's get right... ♪

You guys have anything
besides tequila?

Uh, no. But it's the world's best
so enjoy it, Chris.

Ugh, what is this,
like a sponsored party?

No, it's some good free tequila,
so drink up.

My girl likes vodka, Turtle.

Trust me, an Avión margarita
will change your life.

Like playing for
the Knicks would have. Enjoy.

I'll give you 1000 bucks
to get me some vodka.

- Turtle: Yo, E, what up?
- I just want to make sure Vince is ready

- for his meeting tomorrow.
- What's he got to do to get ready?

He's got to rest.

- He's resting.
- Look, it's very important

that Vince make a better impression
than he did at the last meeting.

- Understood.
- Who's there?

Uh, just a few people.

What people?

We were at Goal and Vince
announced an after-party.

Awesome. Do me a favor.

- Make sure the kid's in bed early.
- I'm on it, Ma.

- Thanks.
- Later.

- What's wrong?
- They're having a party.

- You jealous?
- Jealous of what?

Girls, I don't know.

No, are you kidding?
I'm as happy as I can be.

I just want to get
Vince's focus back.

Just give me your focus.


- Good morning, Ari.
- Is it?

What are you laughing at?

- Nothing.
- Then don't.


I've been refreshing "Deadline Hollywood"
every 15 seconds like you asked.

- Nothing about you on there.
- How is that possible?

Maybe you're not important enough
to warrant a story.

"Deadline Hollywood"
would run a story about me

having a loose stool much less having
recorded tapes of me.

Well, you're gonna need to relax or everyone
here is gonna panic as well.

I am not panicked.
I just want to know what's going on.

Get Anna Fowler
on the phone.

Do not go into the lion's den
without an invite, Ari.

- I'll be fine. I'll give her a scoop.
- Oh, you got one?

Yeah, I'm gonna tell her you blew
Mickey Rooney and gargled with it.

- She'll love it.
- I've got Anna.

How are you, Anna?

Hey, Ari.
You calling to gloat?

- Gloat about what?
- Lizzie Grant leaving Amanda's.

She's been there one day.

Wait, you don't know
about this?

- Uh...
- Then why are you calling me?

I like you.

I did hear
that you and Lizzie

had some angry words
when she left you.

That is not true.

When she left
I was devastated.

Lizzie has been like
a daughter to me.

But sometimes a good father
has to let his daughter go free

so her wings
can finally sprout.

Why the fuck are you
calling me then, Ari?

Do I really need
to start digging here?


Then you'd better
give me something.

Howard Stern...

is gonna be the new host
of "Jeopardy. "

- Oh, come on.
- You didn't hear it from me.

- The NFL peeps are calling.
- I'll call 'em from the road.

Is Howard Stern really
gonna host "Jeopardy"?

- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna go see Lizzie.

I think I found
a chink in her armor.

I don't think you should
talk to her, Ari.

I think that you know what I think about
your thoughts, Babs.

♪ You big dummy ♪

♪ I rock the mike and make
the crowd say ho... ♪

Love the delivery
truck, Turtle.

- It gets the job done.
- How come you still got Alex?

- I thought you got rid of the car service.
- I let him keep me.

- Really?
- Yup.

Thanks for bringing
this over, man.

Anything I can do to help
spread the word that is Avión.

- How many calls have you gotten today?
- 40 already.

That's sick.
That's just from Vince tweeting.

Wait till we stick
his face on billboards.

Listen, who else are you
giving this to in the area?

That stuff's like oil, kid.
Everybody wants it.

But I'm ground zero for breaking product
in Hollywood, you know that.

You're the first place
in the states to have it.

And if you put it in front of the Patron
so no one can see that,

I won't give anyone else
within three miles stuff for a month.

I think I can make that happen.
How much more can you get me?

- How much do you want?
- I'll take 25 cases to start.

How about I get
Vince to tweet

that you're the only
place in town that has it, you take 50?

- Done.
- Alex: See? That's why I let him keep me.

- His brain turns me on.
- I thought it was my body.

- Huh-uh.
- No? No?

- Yeah?
- You up?

Yeah, of course.

You know you've got that
meeting in 45 minutes.

- Yeah, I know.
- You want me to go with you?

No, E, relax.
I'm all good.

- All right, good. I'll talk to you later.
- Bye.

You have to go?

Yeah, I've got to go
win over my director.

You have a couple minutes.

I'm exhausted. I'm not sure we'd
accomplish much in a couple minutes.

You relax,
I'll accomplish.

I'm up, I'm up!

Just checking.

What are
you doing, Billy?

- Working.
- Uh-huh.

- I do my best work while meditating.
- That's cool.

I think I got
a killer idea for Drama.

What is it?

Vince, I've got one
great pitch in me

and I'm giving it
to E and Drama in an hour.

Going through the proper channels,
I like that.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

- What do you got?
- Meeting.

Oh right,
superhero stuff.

- You ready?
- Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

- You don't look ready.
- Why not?

- You look tired.
- I do?

Yeah, and you smell.

Or maybe I smell.
I sweat when I meditate.

Vince, you okay?


Took a Vicodin last night.
It knocked me out good.

Guess I'm still not awake.


I'm gonna wash my face,

grab a cup of coffee.

Yeah, maybe grab
a few, huh?

- Lizzie.
- Are you kidding?

This time I confess
I am following you.

- Why?
- I feel bad.

I heard that things aren't working out
too well for you over at Amanda's.

- Where'd you hear that?
- I have ears everywhere.

- It has nothing to do with you.
- I haven't slept in two days.

That has everything
to do with you.

I can't help you sleep, Ari.

I need those tapes back.

"Deadline Hollywood"
has them.

No they don't.

Ari, why didn't you
promote me?

- Honestly.
- Honestly?

My wife wanted me
to get rid of you.

Wow, okay. That's a lot more
honest than I expected.

Not to mention I wouldn't peg you as
the type to bend to your wife's demands.

Well, you would
be surprised.

She wanted you gone long before
you asked for that promotion.

- Then you quit and I didn't have to do anything.
- What if I hadn't?

I still wouldn't have promoted you
'cause you weren't ready.

Someday you will be,
but not yet.

- Honestly.
- I still disagree.

Do you also disagree

that had I given it to you,
other people, not just my wife,

would have made
excuses as to why

and you wouldn't be
recognized for your work?

That is such a bullshit
double standard.

I don't make the rules.
Not all of 'em anyway.

You know, I actually respect that
you're still standing your ground.

Well, let's call a truce.
Move on.

Yeah, I would if I had
somewhere to move on to.

Well, come back to me.

Yeah, with my tail
between my legs.

Then for sure no one
would respect me.

You can find a job.
Something better.

- Maybe you can help me find that.
- How?

Ari, come on,
you control this town.

If you believe
in me, help me.

Being an agent was
just a means to an end.

I would love a studio job.

- I'll make some calls.
- Do more than that.

I need those tapes, Lizzie.

I don't know what's on them.
All right, I talk a lot.

I'm mean with words.
My actions usually aren't.

If they're as bad as I've played them
in my head...

- They're worse.
... that could be a real problem for my family.

- And for the NFL.
- The NFL will be done, of course.

And you know how much
I want that.

But that will be
nothing compared

to what I think might happen
with my wife and kids.

Show some compassion.

I already have, Ari.

This whole thing
was Amanda's idea...

to sue, now this.

That's why I'm not gonna
be working with her anymore.

I appreciate that.

I would appreciate a job.

If you were gonna send the tapes
you would have sent them already.

Who knows, maybe five years from now
I might be going through a nasty divorce

and I might displace my anger
at all men towards you.

- I will find you a job.
- I'll get you those tapes.

We could have been
good together.

We were good together.

I think the bottle
needs to be updated.

- The bottle?
- The label feels dated to me.

I'm about to give you mid-morning sex
and you're thinking about labels?

My mind can't stop.
I've got a million ideas

on how I can make
this company really pop.

You know what
50 Cent told me?

He made 50 mil in music
and 150 mil in vitamin water.

Maybe we can make that.

I'd just like to be able
to pay my rent.

You got to dream big.

- It's Carlos.
- May I?


Hey hey, Carlos.
Quick question:

What do you think
about updating the bottle?

- What do you mean?
- It feels a little dated to me.

Turtle, slow down.

The bottle is a cool shape,
I'll admit that.

But I've promoted clubs
and I've bartended

and the simple fact is
you need a bottle

that's easy to grip
and ours isn't that easy.

We'll talk about it when
I come up later this week.

- Why are you coming up?
- So we can talk.

About what?

Well, first off
I can't get you 50 cases

for this Gil Turner's.
Not by tonight.

- Why not?
- 'Cause I don't have that many in LA.

You said whenever
I need supply

to call and you could
have 'em to me in an hour.

I meant for friends
or for a party,

not so you could sell.
That's not your job.

I gave you stock
in this company to get Vince

to do an ad campaign,
not so you could be my salesman.

Jesus, I already put on
Vince's Twitter that the cases

will be there tonight.
You're gonna make me look bad.

Stop doing things
on your own.

You're going to make
yourself look bad.

- Carlos...
- Turtle, I'll be there on Friday.

We'll talk.

He says he can't get me
the cases we need.

So call Gil's and tell him.
He'll understand.

He'll understand that I don't deliver
when I promised to

and more importantly
when Vince promises to.

How many cases
do we have left here?

- Eight maybe.
- Eight.

- I can find the rest.
- How?

I've just got
to make some calls.

So how are you, Vince?

I'm good, I'm good. I just want to say
I'm sorry about our last meeting.

Bringing a date obviously
wasn't the most professional thing to do.

I'm sorry.

I was more concerned with the fact
that I thought you were drunk.

I wasn't.

One glass of tequila.

And you're tweeting
about tequila now.

You really
like the stuff, huh?

It's a company
my friend got me into.

But don't worry,
no more tweets about it.

My fingers are sealed.

You know, my lips are sealed
but you tweet with your fingers.

Oh, that's funny.

So look, Vince, here's why I wanted
to have this meeting.

Obviously, as you know,
your commitment to do "Air-Walker"

is what gave the studio the confidence
to greenlight the movie.

- And your directing.
- Well, thank you.

Hopefully that had
a little something to do with it.

But here's the deal.

If we're gonna go spend
more than a year of our lives together,

I need to know
that I can count on you.

- You can.
- I need to know

that everything about you
and your personal life

- is in control and in order.
- It is.

It is.

Because I've known you for
so long I feel superconfident

that I can tailor a character
around your voice.

And I have
the perfect character.

I'm ready, Billy.
Show me what you got.

What the hell is that?

I mentioned something
about this to you earlier

and I think you thought I was joking,
but I wasn't.

- What is it?
- It's you, Johnny.

I don't follow.

- Did you draw that?
- Yeah.

- It's pretty good.
- Thanks.

- What does that have to do with me?
- It is you, Drama.

You're a high-strung simian
trying to make it

in a human world that
just doesn't get you.

- Is this some kind of joke?
- No, it's not a joke.

- Here, say something.
- Say something?

Yeah, hold this up here
and say something.

- Get that out of my face, bro.
- See? His voice is perfect.

You want me to voice
a mean gorilla?

No, he's not mean.
He's misunderstood.

Like you,
he's named Johnny.

We call it
"Johnny's Bananas. "

That's not funny.

It made me laugh.
Can you write a script?

I already did an outline
while I was meditating.

I just have to
transcribe it to paper.

Great, what's it say?
Can you pitch it to us?

Okay, so Johnny's
ex-wife is a nasty

little black widow
spider monkey named Julie.

She's getting remarried
to a baboon named Ronald.

It's a big ceremony.
It's the talk of the town.

But when Johnny
stops paying alimony

she tells him it was
only a love ceremony;

That it's not legally binding
and that she's taking him to court.

And then Johnny
goes bananas.

Tell me what happens.

- Does he win?
- You'll have to read it.

Who cares if he wins?
And I'm not reading it 'cause I lose.

Are you making fun of me, Billy?
Is that what you're doing?

No, Drama, I'm obsessed
with animation.

You ever see "Family Guy"?
That dog Brian, he kills me.

He kind of is me.
Was me.

I mean, this stuff
moves people.

And just imagine
how your plight

as a misunderstood gorilla
can move countless angry men.

I'm starting
to get angry now!

This is my first shot
at my own show

and you want me to hide behind
a cartoon monkey. And you're liking this?

- I'm intrigued.
- Well, I'm not intrigued!

Not even a little bit.
What a waste of my day.


- What are you doing, Billy?
- That's what Johnny will do when he gets angry.

- You like it, right?
- I'm intrigued.

Mark, I don't want you
to take this personally.

Take what personally?

You know those cases
of tequila Vince sent you?

- Yeah.
- We need 'em back.

- What?
- No no, I'm serious.

We're calling everybody
we gave 'em to.

What's there a botulism
recall on 'em or something?

No, nothing like that.
We have a buyer

that I promised to deliver to
but I can't get any in time.

What kind of rinky-dink
shit did you get Vince involved with?

I told you invest
in the water company, dude.

- AquaHydrate is blowing up.
- I know, I see it everywhere.

Hey, Vinnie Chase is doing
a recall on his free tequila.

- Let me speak to him.
- Did you give Diddy some?

You're in trouble.
He's here, hold on. It's Turtle.

Hey, Turtle, I told you
you should have had Vinnie

invest in Ciroc when
I told you about it.

It's not too late
though, Turtle.

Doesn't sound like you're
doing too good with the tequila.

Call Rob Baldwin, have him
pick it up at the house.

But I want my water back, all right?
Don't call me no more.

- Oh, 23 cases.
- Great.

- Yup.
- Who else did you give 'em to?

I sent 10 over
to James Cameron.

- Can you call him?
- Mmm, no.

It's the Terminator.

Why do I have to give
this girl a job?

Because I am asking you to
and because you can.

- And you think she'd be good for me?
- I know she would.

- But she wasn't good enough for you.
- She was great for me.

- But you fired her.
- I didn't fire her, she quit.

- What is going on here?
- I need a favor.

- I got...
- Thanks.

I got you your job,
all right?

So this is the least
you can do for me.

What do you owe her, though?
Did you fuck her or something?

What is the matter with you?

You were the last person
I was with before my wife.

- No one since.
- Wow, that was over 20 years ago.

You're actually
one of the good guys,

despite what they say.

I need this, Dana, or those
naysayers may be proven right.

What does she
have on you?

She is a star.
That's all that matters.

She's a TV agent. And what, you think
that she can run a studio?

I was a TV agent. They offered me
the job to run this studio.

The job that I gave you.
I need a favor.

- Fine, I will meet her.
- Great.

- But I need a favor as well.
- Anything.

I want a baby.


I'm pushing 40,
I don't have a man.

I want a baby
with your sperm.


No, I'm just fucking with you.

I need sperm with thicker hair.

- Ah, so what do you need?
- Lenny Kravitz.

- For what?
- You know Jim Enders, director?

- The gay guy that won Sundance.
- He's not gay.

- Come on.
- He's not gay, but even if he was...

Okay, so what
do you need?

- I dated him.
- Okay, he's not gay!

And he's directing
"True Violet. "

- What, the one with Russell Crowe?
- And Charlize.

- I didn't know that.
- It just happened.

So he wants Lenny
to play a small part

that he thinks can steal the movie.
He's desperate.

You know I put Lenny
in "Precious"?

- That's why I'm asking.
- Done.

Done done done.

- Then done.
- I love you, Dana.

And if I ever cheat on my wife
it will be you I'm fucking.

I look forward to it.

It's Randall Wallace calling.

Oh, great. Thanks.
This is about the Vince meeting.

Hello, Randall.

How did it go?

- Well, that's good to hear.
- Vince: Yeah, Randall's a really good guy.

I think we're gonna have
a lot of fun on this one.

Great. What are you up to
for the rest of the day?

Sasha and I are gonna
grab a bite to eat.

- All right, enjoy.
- Always.

I'll talk to you later.

He said the meeting
with Randall went great.

Why wouldn't it?

Now we just got to deal
with the other Chase brother.

You know, I think this actually
could be pretty funny.

Billy: Pretty funny?
With Drama it'll kill.

It literally
looks like him.

Billy, I didn't know
you were still here.

Well, Drama drove me and then left,
so where else would I be?

Hey, I wrote up that one pager if you want
to send it over to your guy at the studio.

I think we should probably
get Drama onboard first.

I think if the studio
likes it he'll jump.

- You're probably right.
- Ari's calling for you.


Hey, what's up?

What the fuck
is going on?!

Hello to you too.
What's your fucking problem?

My problem is that Wallace
is not happy about his meeting with Vince.

I just spoke to Vince.
He said the meeting went great.

- Did he?
- Yeah, why? What did Randall say?

He said he thought Vince
was on coke.

- What?
- That's what he said.

- I hope you told him he wasn't.
- Eric.

Ari, I've known
Vince for 30 years.

He's never done coke
a day in his life.

Whether he has or hasn't,

Wallace's impression
of him was not good.

What's the studio's
impression of him?

I'm waiting to hear
back from Dana on that.

- I'm gonna call Vince.
- I've left word for him already.

- Let me know if you hear from him.
- I'll talk to you later.

What was that?

Randall thinks Vince was
on coke at the meeting.

- Come on.
- I know, right?

Maybe I should
call Randall.

Maybe you should
call Vince first.

I don't even know why
I sent Pauly Shore bottles,

but that jerkoff should
have just sent them back.

You've got 40 cases.
I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

I don't think so.

- I'm sorry I couldn't get you more, Randy.
- Yeah, me too. It's crazy.

Everyone wants the first bottles
sold in the states.

I'm gonna get you more
as soon as possible.

Any idea
when that would be?

Sitting down with the big boss this week.
I'll find out.

Well, if they like the taste you might
have yourself a winner.

Oh, they'll love the taste.
And I'm sure we have a winner.

- All right, thanks again.
- Take care, man. See you later.

- Who are you calling?
- The press;

Create a little buzz.

Hey, Turtle, yo.
Is Vince coming down for this?

I don't know if he's gonna
have a chance to stop by,

but you guys should buy
a bottle of this stuff if you can get one.

- Yeah? You think it's that good?
- I know it is, Yori.

- All right, thanks.
- Oh, use that piece,

and I'll let you know
where Vince is next time we go out.

- Done.
- Later.

I got a good feeling you're gonna
be able to pay your rent.

Lenny, it's a no-brainer.

- A no-brainer for who, Ari?
- For you.

Two scenes with Russell Crowe,
are you kidding me?

- Did you read the scenes?
- I don't need to read them.

The director's passion
for you is unmistakable.

He's an up-and-comer.

If you want this acting thing
to become more than a hobby,

then you step up and do this.
Trust me.

- Read the scenes.
- Why?

Because there's no dialogue, Ari.
I'm shirtless with a guitar.

I think the director
wants to fuck me.

Lenny, he dated
a girlfriend of mine.

Look, I can turn the best of them.
Either way, I'm not doing it.

- Lenny!
- I've got to go. I'm in temple.

It's my niece's
bat mitzvah Saturday

and I've got to help
her get her voice right.

All right, man.
Hey, Ari, I've got to go.

Lizzie Grant's waiting.

Thank you
for running over.

You really delivered
that fast.

I thought that I did
when I called.

And I still think that
I will, but I haven't yet.


I'm sorry.

I am as well.

Do what you can.


I should not have done
this in the first place.

I don't want to blackmail my way
into a job.

This whole thing is
starting to eat away at my insides.

Nothing but respect
from here on out.

Thanks, Ari.

Good luck.

Did you ever make it on
with the NFL people?

Oh no. Get my new partners
on the phone.

- Are you okay?
- More than okay, Babs.

More than okay.
Lizzie gave me the tapes.

- That's great, but... but...
- But what?

Did you not see
"Deadline Hollywood"?


Somebody told Anna Fowler
what was on the tapes.

- Amanda?
- I don't know.

But it's bad.

I'm sorry, Ari.

Jake: I've got Jerry Jones
and your wife both calling.


Jerry Jones.

Jerry, how are you?

Better than you,
it seems.

I've just gotten off the phone
with our publicist.

It's all lies and rumors,
my friend.

Listen, I can clean it all up.

It doesn't matter.

I don't do scandal.
The NFL doesn't do scandal.

It's too bad.
We were excited about this.

- So was I.
- Good luck with this thing.

Thank you.

You wife's still on hold.
Should I put her through?

Jeez, the phone's blowing up.

Something's going on.

Oh my God.

His wife must be freaking out.

Yeah, I'm sure.

What would you say if you
read that stuff about me?

I don't know.

Is there even a chance
that could happen?

I don't think so, no.

It's Vince, finally.
Vince, where the hell have you been?

We decided to drive up the coast.
We didn't have any service.

- We've got a problem.
- What now?

Wallace thinks you were
on coke at the meeting.

- What?
- Yeah, Dana's freaking out.

- He told that to the studio?
- Yes.

And what did you say?

Ari told me,
I told him no way.

Well, I hope Ari
sets them straight.

- He's got his own problems right now.
- Oh, really?

- Vince, you said the meeting went great.
- I thought it did.

I mean, maybe I was
a little nervous.

And I was tired
so I drank a lot of coffee.

I can't believe he called the studio
without telling me right to my face.

I'll call Dana and tell her
I've known you 30 years;

- I've never seen you do coke.
- Okay.


I'm sure it'll be fine.

- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

Look, E,
I'll see you on Monday.

- All will be well.
- Okay, I'll talk to you later.

- You're bad.
- Why?

You totally just lied to him.

No, I said all will be
well and it will be.

♪ When I'm on the road ♪

♪ Playing in a town
without a name ♪

♪ And I'm feeling low
and everybody looks the same ♪

♪ Well, you catch my eye
and then you come on strong ♪

♪ And try to make your play ♪

♪ Just because
we loved tonight ♪

♪ Please don't you think
it's gonna stay that way ♪

♪ Don't you know
that you're nothing more ♪

♪ Than a one-night stand? ♪

♪ Tomorrow I'll be on my way ♪

♪ And you can catch me
if you can ♪

♪ Honey, take me by the hand
and play that game again ♪

♪ Everywhere I go ♪

♪ The people want to make
some time with me ♪

♪ That's okay ♪

♪ If the next day I can be free ♪

♪ Well, it's feeling good ♪

♪ And you're the one
I'm loving tonight ♪

♪ Don't you go and spoil it, babe ♪

♪ By trying to get yourself all uptight ♪

♪ Don't you know
that you're nothing more ♪

♪ Than a one-night stand? ♪