Enlightened (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 8 - Comrades Unite! - full transcript

On her way to and from work, Amy passes a Justice for Janitors picket line at a Riverside Hotel. She has her own labor issues: on the Monday following his party at a bar, Dougie reports Amy to HR for tardiness and her poor quality work. In her defense, she tells HR about his behavior. This generates an inquiry in which each Cogentiva team member is interviewed about Dougie. After Tyler pushes her away, Amy's certain that no one will back her side of the story. She's certain she'll be fired and, in desperation, asks Krista to get her a meeting with Damon, pitches an idea to Judy at an inappropriate time, and decides to find out what the Cogentiva unit actually does.

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♪ There once was a union maid who
never was afraid of the goons and the ginks

♪ And the company finks and the
deputy sheriffs who made the raid

♪ She went to the union hall
when the meeting it was called

♪ And when those company boys
came 'round she always stood her ground

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me Have a good day.

I will. ♪ I'm
sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die

♪ This union maid was wise
to the tricks of company spies

♪ She wouldn't be
fooled by a company stool

♪ She'd always organize the guys

♪ She always get her way
when they asked for higher pay

♪ She'd show her card to the
National Guard and this is what she'd say

♪ Oh you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die ♪


Oh, my gosh, I'm totally late.

Yeah, there was a protest in
front of a hotel on Riverside.

(SIGHS) Seemed like
everybody was having fun.

It's just such a reminder...

That when we workers unite
together over a common cause.

That's when we make real change.

have more power than we think.

TYLER: Mmm-hmm. I think we just
gotta come together on stuff, and...

DOUGIE: You're late.

Oh, yeah...

There was a protest
on Riverside...

I went through your stack...
AMY: They blocked the street...

And a lot of the
numbers were off.

And it's a problem.

Well, I'll fix it. I'll go
through it right away...

You had your shot.


That was weird. He
seemed really pissed.

I worked all Saturday.
I finished everything.

I set him up with a girl.

Yeah, but... But then you...

I don't know.

Tyler. What?

Ugh. He's mad because you told the girl
you set him up with that he's an idiot.

I didn't say that.
I never said that.

I said that she'd be an
idiot if she dated him.

You cock-blocked him.

What does that mean?

You blocked his cock.

Well, whatever. He was
so drunk. (PHONE RINGS)

I'm surprised he even remembers.

Hello, Amy Jellicoe.

calling from Judy Harvey's office.

She'd like to see
you this morning.

Can you come
upstairs around 11:00?

Oh, okay... Tonia,
what's this about?

I really can't answer that.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

That was Human Resources!

Oh, man, am I getting
fired or something?

I don't know.


Tyler, who told you that he
was pissed that I said that?

Did he tell you?

Look, I don't want to get
involved. I'm serious. Okay?

Please, please. Can
I just ask one more

question? I really need
your help right now.

And it's something I've wanted
to ask you for a really long time.

What are we doing
in this department?

I mean, what are these numbers?

Are you kidding?

I have my own work to do, okay?

I can't keep carrying you!


Hey, Connie. Hi. Hey.

Um, I was gonna ask
your help with something...

I'm actually really
busy, so... Yeah.

No, cool. Is it gonna
take a long time?

Oh, it's a question.
Quick question.

Um, what is Cogentiva?

What is Cogentiva?

Well, I mean, I know...

It's a software system that, like,
helps focus on productivity and stuff.

But I just mean
how does it work?

How could you be
working here for this long

and not know what
it is that you're doing?

Oh, I came after everybody else.

Yeah, but you started weeks ago.

Yeah, but I missed
the orientation.

And that was, like...
There was no orientation.

Um, exactly.

Like, how are you supposed to know what
you're doing, when there's no orientation?

Well, I know what
we're doing. You know?

And I think everybody else
here knows what we're doing.

It's not exactly organic
chemistry. Okay...

Um, can we just, like... I can't
believe that you're asking me this.

Um, um... What have you
been doing all this time?

have you been doing?

OMAR: Cogentiva is designed to track
the performance of groups or individuals...

By comparing the results to a
user-specified average rate of production.

What the fuck?

Okay, say you have a loader,
okay? His name is Joe, okay?

OMAR: Joe has a truck full of
aspirin he has to unload, right?

When his task is complete, he uses
an external data interface module...

To register his transaction.

The information is then sent
from his radio frequency receiver...

All the way, beep, beep,
beep, to this server right here.

We take that information, and we log
into the software, where it gets processed.

Like this, see? Watch
this, number seven.


Now we know the
aspirin has been received.

We also know how long
it took Joe to unload it.

OMAR: Now, we can compare
Joe's performance with other loaders.

Like, Chuck or Greg...

If Joe is faster than Greg, I don't
know, maybe he gets more shifts.

Now, if Joe is too slow,
we give him a demotion.

Probably, he's fired, you know?

With Cogentiva, we know what all of
our employees are doing at all times.

they are on an electronic leash.

And we also ask our employees to keep
a written log of all of their activities.

We can then compare this log
with the system's accounting.

That way they can fire
somebody with cause.

By basically saying, "You've
misrepresented your work."

Oh, my gosh, that
sounds so harsh.

I know, but that's
business, you know?

OMAR: The software is
pretty amazing, actually.

We can fire any
employee we want...

And find a replacement
who will work for less.

Or we can dock pay, demand
extra hours, cancel benefits,

and get around
different union issues.

It's all about saving
money for the company.

AMY: We're like Big
Brother down here!

And Dougie helped
create the program.

He's no monkey.

No, he's a fucking
fascist mastermind.

You remember Naomi
from our legal department?

Amy, after talking to the
head of your department,

we think that, uh, Cogentiva
isn't a very good fit for you.

And... And that's what I've
been saying to you guys.

It sounds like you're consistently
late and your work is unsatisfactory.

There also seems to be a
personality conflict brewing.

Can I just say something?

Dougie did not bring
this to your attention...

Because I was late, or 'cause of
my work, or anything like that, okay?

I'm here because there was a
party on Saturday night at Bank...

You know that club, Bank?

I tried to set him up with
this girl, Harper, as a favor,

and he got really drunk.

And, you know, he was dancing with
her, and then he started dancing with me...

And then he started
groping me, and he...

Grabbed my butt
and I pushed him off.

And then I turned to her and said,
"You're an idiot if you date him."

And, he got pissed off,
'cause I cock-blocked him.

AMY: That's what
happened, so... Mmm...

You know, you can ask Tyler, who
sits next to me. He'll confirm everything.

Okay, Amy, these are
really serious accusations.

Are you saying that Doug
Daniels harassed you?

Well, I'm not accusing
or saying he's harassing...

I'm just telling you that
if he is trying to fire me...

Then he's not telling you the
truth about what's motivating it.

Okay, Amy, we'll look into it.

Krista! I need your help.

I gotta get out of
my department.

Like, today! Or tomorrow!

What? (WHISPERING) Okay.

You know, the guy, the freak,
that I tried to set your friend up with?

He's trying to get me fired
because I cock-blocked him.


Look, I know it is so politically
sensitive here for you. I get it.

But, it has been a really long time
since the whole Damon thing happened.

I mean we gotta
put that behind us.

I need you, to get me a
meeting with Damon and H & B.

You and I both know this
is where I'm supposed to be.

I wanna come back, please?

Uh, Amy, I'm kinda the low man
on the totem pole around here.

I'm begging you, as my friend.

Okay? I have got
to find a position.

Or I'm gone, I'm over here!

And, I need to work. I can't
afford to be fired right now.

Amy... You've gotta
try to get me a meeting.

Just go to Damon and say
that I'm much better now.

That's all I need is
one meeting, Krista.

Okay, okay. I'll talk to him.

Thank you. I mean...

Oh, my God, thank you.

Oh, I so appreciate you.

I would not ask you that if I
weren't, like, at the end of my rope.

Seriously, just let me
know what he says, okay?

Yeah, I will. I will.
AMY: You're the best!

Should I leave this... Okay.
KRISTA: Yeah, yeah, just...

NAOMI: We hope you understand.

DOUGIE: Uh, what
is this all about?

NAOMI: We just need
to clarify a few things.

Okay. So, you're a lawyer.
Where'd you go to school?

NAOMI: Harvard Law.

DOUGIE: I've heard of that.

Hey! I like your office.

What's wrong?

Some woman, Naomi, from
Human Resources just called.

She wants me to come up
to her office in five minutes.

Yeah. Like, Dougie's
trying to get me fired.

So, I had to tell them why.


I told you I didn't
want to get involved.

Tyler, it's my job. Yeah,
and it's my job, too!

You know, I've had my own
problems with human resources.

Why do you think they put
me down in this hellhole?

I've tried to help you, you
know, this is not my problem!

I told you I didn't want
you to bring me into this!

Just tell them the truth,
and it's gonna be fine.

The truth? The truth is, you are
always late! The truth is you don't work.

I've done all your work.
You've done nothing!

I came into work on a Saturday.

Big fucking whoop! I
work here every day!

You know, you sit there, and
you read your books and, you...

Spew your dumb
political bullshit...

Tyler! Calm down.
Like, everybody's staring.

Please, don't let what
happened between us last week,

cloud your judgment here, okay?

'Cause... Oh, God...
Fucking dumbshit!


Judy, I just had a thought...

Amy, we're about
to start a meeting.

Oh, right, I'm sorry I'm
being neurotic but, um...

Dougie is, like, stomping
around the office.

Why don't you go home
early today, okay, Amy?

We'll have an answer
for you tomorrow.

Uh, remember I had that idea for
the community outreach position?

I was thinking this might
be a great time to circle...

Amy! Go home.


Have a great meeting. Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

What happened at work today?

Nothing. Same ol'.

AMY: I'm trapped.

I can't live here forever.

I need to make money.

Your work is your life.

Life is your work.


When you're treated
like shit, that's all you are.


You have to stand up for
yourself or you're nothing.

You'll lose whatever
humanity you have left.

You have to fight.

But what am I fighting for?

To keep this sick job where
we spy on our fellow workers?

And look for ways
to rip them off?

Is everyone here
as trapped as I am?

Is she trapped?

Is he?

Is he?

You moved your desk?

How was it?

Tyler, I didn't mean to...

Look, leave me alone!


I'm sorry, but you're the only
person who will talk to me.

What's going on? Yeah,
that's what we all want to know.

What's going on? Well,
Dougie wants me out!

I mean, I'm trying
to save my job!

Well, all I know is they had me
upstairs yesterday for one hour...

Asking me all of
these questions...

About, if Dougie inappropriate
around the office...

What did you say? I said, no.

He's fine. I don't know, it's
not that bad, I've had worse.

Well, who else
are they talking to?

Everybody. Connie's
up there right now.


Hey. It's me.


Did everything resolve?

Oh, no, Krista, this
is worse than ever.

KRISTA: Oh, God, that sucks.

Did you talk to Damon?

we talked and uh...

Yeah? Um, what'd he say?

He's not going to take you
back, Amy. He's not into it.

I tried. I really did try. He
just doesn't want to go there.

Yeah. Okay, um...

Thanks for trying, so...

I wish there was something
more that I could do, but...

It's probably my last
day here, you know?

I really am sorry, Amy.

Okay. I'll talk to you later.





Amy, it's Judy Harvey.

I'd love to sit with
you this afternoon but

I'm just swamped with
stuff until after lunch.

JUDY: Maybe 3:00 p.m.?


We'll see you at 3:00 p.m.


Damon, um, can I
talk to you for a minute?

What is it, Amy?

Look, don't worry...

It's my last day here, so you're not
going to have to deal with me after this.

I've done a lot of
research, our vendors.

And their products' impact on the
environment, and fair-labor policies...

And I'd really hate to see
all this research go to waste.

You're the only person who has
the power to do something about this.

If you could just take a look...

I wish I could have
presented it all to H & B...

But you wouldn't even
give me one meeting, and...

What are you talking about?

Krista told me, okay? So...

Krista told you what?

That she asked you if I could present
it to H & B and maybe come back...

And you said no.

I have never spoken to
Krista about you in my life.

Wait a minute... What?

I mean, she asked you, right?

No. Look...

I know there's no job
at H & B so that point

is moot. But I will
take a look at this.

Good luck. See ya.


I don't really subscribe to the whole
"Don't find out what the sex is..."

Because sometimes
you just gotta go...

It just makes things easier. It's
practical when you think about it.

We live in a world where
we... AMY: Hey, Krista!

Can I talk to you?

Oh, God.


Good luck.

Hey, Amy. What happened?
Is everything okay?

No. Everything's not okay.

You didn't even fucking
talk to him! Yes, I did.

I just spoke to him!


Thanks for your help.

I'm about to get fired!

AMY: And you're
supposed to be my friend?

You can't even bring yourself
to help me with one favor!

Yeah, but you know and I know
that Damon's not gonna take you back.

I didn't need to talk to him.

Then, why did you lie to me?
Because it's the only way, Amy!

I don't know how
to deal with you.

Oh, wow. You're
not even real, Krista.

I'm not gonna be friends with
someone who's not even real.

Then don't be my
friend. Whatever.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure.

'Cause I can't do anything
for you anymore, huh?

When you needed my help,
then you were my friend?

Now I need your help, and what?
I'm too much for you to deal with!

You're crazy. You're crazy, Amy!

I'm crazy, 'cause
I tell the truth?

Thanks for showing me what friendship
is in the American corporation. Is this it?

You and me, Krista? Look at you,
you're crazy. You're acting crazy!

Krista, this is it, huh?

KRISTA: I'm done!

She's yelling at me. Yeah.

She's crazy. She's
crazy! Oh, my God...

Call the guys in the
white coats, you guys.

KRISTA: Unbelievable.

Amy. Are you ready?


JUDY: So, Amy, we've talked to
your co-workers and Doug, and...

We've assessed the situation...

Yeah, I'm sure...

And it does seem Doug's
behavior in the office...

And outside of it, has been
an issue, not just with you.

We don't think the
situation is beyond repair.

We've given him what we believe is
a very firm and unequivocal warning...

That certain behavior and
language will not be tolerated.

And we believe he gets it.

Obviously, your job
is not in jeopardy.


Great. That's... That's great.

Doug has special skills that compel
us to want to have this work out.

I hope you'll understand why
we want to keep the team in place.

I understand.

Well, he's here, and we'd like
to sit down with the two of you...

For just a second.

Here? Okay.

I'm not used to
things going my way.

So, Doug, we've talked to Amy. And I
know she wants to make it work with you.

And I know you wanna
make it work with her.

I think communication
is important here.

I hope we can be
helpful going forward.

Let's just all stay
in contact, right?

Yeah, okay, no problem.

I'm a professional.

You're a professional.

Okay, yeah. Let's
have a clean slate.

Let's be on time.

I feel like we should hug.

I know it was you.


I can't take all those G-D's,
and effin' this and effin' that.

Maybe now he'll
stop all that cursing.

Yeah, I bet he will.

Work can get stressful.

But you can't forget
your morals, right?

Absolutely, Connie.


♪ There once was a union
maid who never was afraid

♪ Of goons and the
ginks and the company finks

♪ And the deputy
sheriffs who made the raid

♪ She went to the union
hall Power to the people!

♪ When a meeting it
was called (LAUGHING)

♪ And when those Legion boys
come 'round she always stood her ground

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die


♪ This union maid was wise to
the tricks of the company spies

♪ She wouldn't be
fooled by a company stool

♪ She'd always organize
the guys (CARS HONKING)

♪ She always got her way
when she asked for better pay

♪ She'd show her card
to the National Guard

♪ And this is what she'd say

(IN SPANISH) Si se puede!

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me, I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me, I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die

♪ You gals who want to be
free Just take a little tip from me

♪ Get you a man who's a union
man and fight together for liberty

♪ 'Cause married life ain't
hard when you got a union card

♪ And a union man has a happy
life when he's got a union wife

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the union
I'm sticking to the union

♪ Oh, you can't scare
me I'm sticking to the union

♪ I'm sticking to the
union till the day I die ♪