Elementary (2012–…): Season 5, Episode 11 - Elementary - full transcript

Holmes and Watson race to find a woman who's been held captive for years before the kidnapper takes drastic steps to avoid being caught. Also, Watson becomes frustrated when Shinwell refuses to focus on his informant training with her and Holmes.

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Previously on Elementary...

Shinwell's still
engaged with SBK.

Right, but he still wants
to bring SBK down.

HOLMES: As an undercover operative,
I find him wanting.

He lacks the guile
to play multiple sides.

Not to mention the rudimentary
skills of survival.

Quit while you're
still alive.

What I do is none
of your business.

I infiltrated a police
lab on your behalf.

I wiped your fingerprints
off a weapon.

I think that gives me
plenty of skin in the game.

I have a proposal.

I offered that we train you
to be an informant.

We can teach you
the skills you require

to survive
that undertaking.

Do you accept the proposal?

(Engelbert Humperdinck's
“Quando Quando Quando” playing)

♪ Tell me when will you
be mine? ♪

♪ Tell me
quando quando quando ♪

♪ We can share
a love divine... ♪

Oh, come on, darling,
you can't sulk all day.

♪ Again ♪


Here you go.

Actually, uh,
I'm out of here.

I got a breakfast meeting.

Ah, wish me luck.

♪ Quando quando quando ♪

Good luck, Ryan.

Ah, all right.

♪ You mean happiness to me ♪

Ooh! Can you
believe it?

I almost forgot.

♪ Every moment's a day ♪

♪ Every day ♪
All right.

♪ Seems a lifetime ♪

♪ Let me show you the way ♪

♪ To a joy beyond compare ♪
(door shuts, locks)

This is outrageous.

It's absurd.

Couldn't agree more.

Caving a security guard's
skull in for a baseball card

is grotesque, if you ask me.

Listen to me.

I didn't have anything
to do with this.

Please, Mr. Charles, if you keep
swearing you're innocent,

it's only gonna
be worse for you

when we find the stolen
merchandise in your car,

in your house or wherever.

So why don't you just
tell us where it is?

Save us the trouble.

I've worked at Fenneman's
Fine Auctions since 1988.

I started as a clerk.

I worked my way up
to senior vice president.

Why would I risk
all that now?

Money, you idiot.

Eddie Plank's 1909 card

was expected to
fetch $300,000

at auction last week.

You took it from the
staging area downstairs

because you could.

And you put a security
guard in a coma

because your plan
was sloppy.

Here's the bad news.
Mr. Holmes here

recognized the ash
from your pipe

on the man's lapel.

You stood over your victim a
little too long, didn't you?

Perhaps you
regretted bashing his

parietal bone in with
Robert E. Lee's field glasses.

Perhaps you paused
to wipe off

your hastily chosen weapon
before returning it

to its display case.

One of these is for you.

But before we get to it,
I thought you might want to name

your accomplice.

The D.A. looks favorably
on that sort of thing.

You found ash,
that's all.

Could've been left by anybody.

Well, not “anybody.”

Somebody who smokes

Royal Tan Blend.

That's what you've got there
in your pipe, isn't it?

You've got to go over there
and take care of her.

No, I don't know if the police

are here for me or not,
but I can't do it myself.

The first thing
you need to know--

Excuse me, I'll
be right back.

(women laughing)

I don't think she knows.

Like, maybe her nose
doesn't work.

WOMAN 2: Somebody
ought to tell her.

WOMAN: Right? Linda, honey,
your perfume smells like stew.

(women laughing, clamoring)

DECKER: Come on, darling,
give me a twirl.

You took my phone.

Where is she?

Where are you
keeping her?

Hey! Hey!

What the hell's
going on here?

He took my phone,
and he had no right!

My mistake.

I-I-I thought you were
someone else.

Right, yeah, whatever.

You want to tell me
what just happened?

It was my mistake.

♪ Elementary 5x11 ♪
Be My Guest
Original Air Date on January 8, 2017

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ ♪

WATSON: You haven't been
practicing, have you?

What do you call this?

I call it failing a test.

All right, time's up.

What's going on
with you?

What do you mean?

I mean two weeks ago,

you asked us to train you so you
could take down your old gang.

You said you'd do
whatever it takes.

Yeah, well, I didn't expect
you'd have me reading up

on micro-expressions,

and conjugating verbs
in Spanish.

You're gonna want
to know who's lying,

and you might need
to listen in on a conversation

between SBK leaders
and their Dominican suppliers.

What if you have to get
behind a locked door?

If you take this long
to break in,

the person who's going
to be standing behind you

is not gonna be
holding a stopwatch.

I've just been busy lately.

Studying kind of fell
by the wayside.

I'll do better.
(door slams)

Watson, downstairs!

Get your coat.

We're leaving.
What's going on?

I thought you were finishing
that baseball card thing

at Fenneman's this morning.
As that case concluded,

another one presented itself.

I saw a nervous
auction house employee

who seemed unduly troubled
that the police were

visiting his office.

He has good reason
to be anxious,

'cause he's holding
a woman prisoner.

How do you know?

I read his lips,
so I picked his pocket,

and I broke into his phone.

Suspect's name is Ryan Decker.
He lives in Woodhaven.

I stopped off on my way
to get some equipment

and some backup.

Hey, you're bleeding.

I didn't see
him coming

when he came
to retrieve his phone.

What I did see was his victim.

She was shackled
in the video,

taken three days ago.

She's Asian.
She's mid-to-late 20s.

When Decker mistakenly thought
the police had come for him,

he called an accomplice and told
him to “take care of her.”

What did the captain say?

I didn't tell him.

Why the hell not?

Because the police
would lack

probable cause
for a warrant,

as I did when I broke
into his phone.

Police come hard
after people

without PC all the time.

This is not
stop and frisk.

This is a
psychosexual madman

holding a kidnapped woman

in an as yet
unidentified location.

I tried the last number
that Decker called.

It was to a burner.

He called his accomplice
to warn him after our encounter.

Wait, so you and I are gonna
raid his house on our own?

I don't see another move
on the board.

The police's hands
would be tied.

Lock up for us, would you?

Vacant house for sale
to the north of him,

a couple of hippies
on the other side

with matching “Co-Exist”
bumper stickers.

I doubt they'd be as tolerant
of their neighbor's lifestyle

if they got a look at it.

Seems he keeps
the shades drawn.

Makes it hard to know
if his accomplice

is in there
with a shotgun.

This woman might be killed
because I crossed paths

with her captor--
I have to go in.

We could call and report
a suspicious behavior.

Have ESU crash in.

We could, but if
he's got her elsewhere,

we'll miss our best opportunity
to inspect his home.

She's not here.
No one is.

WATSON: There's gotta be
a week's worth of mail

by the front door.

(flies buzzing)

You said that video you saw
was three days old?

Doesn't smell like anyone's
been here in that time.

Well, maybe we can find
something here that'll tell us

where he's been
spending his time.

Well, if there was anything
that could point

to where he was holding her,
I thought it'd be this.

Credit card statement?

Yeah. Doesn't tell us
much, though.

The guy's thrifty.

Bunch of small charges at fast
food joints near his office.

Bought some
cheap frames.

If the people at Fenneman's
saw his taste in art,

I bet he'd be fired.

His poor taste extends
to films as well.

Are any of those homemade?

No, nothing so useful.


I found a copy of Mannequin.

Mannequin tells the story
of a lonely New Yorker

who can't tell
the difference

between a woman and an object.

He dresses her up,
they elude

the bumbling authorities,
they fall in love.

I can't imagine why
you would discard it.

I would have thought
it would be your favorite film.

I don't know about
my favorite, but...

It ain't exactly
The Godfather trilogy,

but that DVD definitely
was not in my trash.

You broke into my house
and put it there.

That's a claim you can't prove.

The NYPD, on the other hand,

absolutely can prove
that your fingerprints

are on it, along with
30 other pirated DVDs

found in the garbage can
at your curb.

Why don't we just
cut to the chase?

You know, do I,
do I owe a fine or something?

HOLMES: It's not that
simple, I'm afraid.

New York is cracking down
on copyright infringement.

At the FBI,

of course,
it never goes out of fashion.

I reached out to a friend there

about doubling up
your prosecution.

You're going to be made
an example of, Mr. Decker.

That's harassment.

You see that, right?

This guy tries
to steal my phone,

then he roughs me up.

Now he's poking around
in my trash

for no good reason.

He's got good reason.

He thinks you're keeping
a woman captive.

I feel like I'm in a bad dream.

Nonsense, you've done
an excellent job

of keeping your wits about you.

Ditching your phone,
for instance.

I told you, I lost it.

After you turned it off,
I guess.

We can't get a signal.

Where is she, Mr. Decker?

I'd like to talk
to my lawyer now.

Who did you send to
take care of your captive?

You keep asking me questions,

I'm gonna tack that
onto the lawsuit I'm filing

against the police department.

Your attorney is on his way,
Mr. Decker.

But he's gonna have
his hands full.

You're gonna be processed
and arraigned as slow

as the law allows.

And we're gonna have more time
to find this woman.

You better hope she's alive
when we do.

Went that well, huh?

He's not gonna talk.
He's extroverted,

but he's not impulsive,
he knows when to shut up.

Seems like a theme;
he deleted most of his

social media this morning--
makes me wonder

if that's how he was talking
to his accomplice on there.

Well, whoever
his buddy is,

you guys better
find him quick.

I know we were
laying it on thick

in there, but
just to be clear,

there's no way
I can hold him

for more than a day or two
on nonviolent charges.

You pulled
the missing persons files?

Yeah, I went through
the active files,

looking for women
of Asian descent.

Any of those
look familiar?


GREGSON: She probably
hasn't been reported yet.

We should focus on his
end of the equation,

go talk to his
friends and family.

Marcus just left,

he went to speak
to Decker's parents

in Pequannock,
New Jersey.

As for his friends,

there's a bunch of photos
of Decker online

at a bar called Little Bean--
it's in Queens.

That's a long drive from
Woodhaven, hardly his local.

Perhaps it's closer
to where he's holding her.

I thought maybe you could
talk to his friends

while I go see his ex-wife,
Carrie Traub.

He's got an ex?

That's nice to hear.

Means at least one woman
was lucky enough

to get away
from this guy.

I wish I could help you.

I haven't spoken to Ryan since
we signed the divorce papers.

I can't stand him.

You don't seem
that surprised.

Well, I don't know, I--

I wouldn't go that far,

but what you're saying,
I mean,

it's worse than anything
I would have predicted.

(sighs) Ryan always
had a cruel streak.

Towards the end
of our marriage,

he got addicted to this
really disturbing pornography,

and that's when I knew
I had to get out of there.

So, he would go
online and...

Just look.

I mean, I-- at least,

I think that's
all it was then.

I really thought that interest
would stay in his head.

I cannot believe he's got
some poor woman locked up.

Do you have any
idea who Decker

might be working with?

A relative, a
friend he trusts?

There wasn't anyone like that in
his life when we were together.

See, Ryan always
made friends easily,

he just never could
keep them.

He seems a little off
when you really get to know him.

I can tell you,
no one around here

complained when
we broke up.

They were just as happy
to be rid of him as I was.

So, Ryan worked here?

He quit when we broke up,
which was kind of a shame,

'cause I really wanted
to fire him.

I'm surprised he
didn't try to stay.

What do you mean?

I mean, this
is a good place

to shop for victims.

A lot of your
immigration cases

deal with at-risk women.

No, Ryan never did
any field work.

He was, um, just
a systems manager.

Was he any good?

(sighs) I hate to say
a kind word about the guy,

but yeah. Why?

I was just wondering

if there was any chance he still
had access to your database.

He helped build
our database.

I, I guess it's possible
he might have left himself

a back door or something,
but I-I doubt it.

Would it be okay

if I had an expert come and
take a look at your code?

Just to be sure?

I'll get I.T. in here
to set it up.

Hey. Bike messenger
just delivered this.

Said it was urgent.


There was a mistake
at the factory

in Nanjing in the '90s.

A number of Midnight Rangers
were armed

with magic wands,

meant for the Princess Priscilla


Got this one for a song.

There are a couple more
zeros here

than I would have expected.

It's the cost of
doing business

with an underage hacking savant.

Mason required this as payment

for reviewing
the ICE database architecture.

I'm just glad he didn't want
a Princess with a battle-ax,

'cause if you think
that's exorbitant...

So what did Mason say?

That the Immigration
and Customs Enforcement

has the most airtight
government database

he's ever encountered.

Decker does not have
a back door there.

Great. So you just bought

the world's most expensive doll

for no reason.

But you were right to consider
the possibility.

The database is a
veritable cornucopia

of potential victims.

There's no group of women

more vulnerable
to trafficking

than recent immigrants.

They've got no roots,

they have
very few close friends.

Kind of sounds
like Decker himself.

You know, no one we've spoken to
has any insight into this guy.

Hmm, yet he's outgoing,

he's even likeable
on first blush.

I bet he divulged
something to someone.


I'm gonna go make some coffee.

Everything on an even keel
with Shinwell?

I don't know.

I mean, he says he's fine,

but his training's
been kind of a slog.

You're questioning
his level of commitment?

Uh, I'd go all the way
to disappointed.

When was the last time
you suppose he had a mentor

or a teacher
who held him to account?

No, I'm not sure he ever did.

I mean, he might warm
to the experience.

(clicks forcefully)


Preeda Boonark.

That's the woman I saw
on Decker's phone.

Well, this is huge.

We can dig into her life, figure
out where she disappeared.

Gonna be a deep dive.

There's good reason
Ms. Boonark didn't show up

on the NYPD's active
missing persons files.

She hasn't been seen

since she walked
off the cruise ship

she was working on in 2011.

She might have been
Decker's captive for five years.

I knew something bad happened.

I told everyone I could,

but they wouldn't believe me.

This person
who took my friend,

do you think
he'll try to...

to get rid of her?

Well, we don't know, but
we'll do everything we can

to find her before
something bad happens.

You're five years too late.

I came then.

Not to this station,
but to the police.

They listened, they nodded,

and then passed me off.

and Customs Enforcement

handled the investigation.
They've got notes here--

it looks like you went
to see them a dozen times.

I felt responsible.

Preeda was practically family.

We were friends
since we were girls.

I'm the one who convinced her to
go work for Imperial Atlantic.

We were maids
on their cruise ships.

We both wanted to establish
residency, to live in New York.

The ICE agents who handled
the case, they seemed to think

that she immigrated

illegally, as soon as

the ship made port.

Preeda would never do that.

BELL: Are you sure?
Because it matters.

It will help us figure out
where her trail went,

who might have taken her.

When we would put the mints
on the pillows,

Preeda would never
take one.

There is no way she would
move here without papers.

Whoever took her,
took her then.

Five years ago,

when she went sightseeing
on her day off.

Do you recognize
this man?

No. I've never seen him.

He's the one who has Preeda?

He's a suspect, but we believe

he's working with an accomplice.

Can you think of anyone else
who might have been involved?

Darnell Langston.

Who's that?

It's not in the file?

I kept telling them.

Darnell Langston worked
for the cruise company.

He was a mechanic and he always
lurked around the women.

He told me once, he could
get me a job here in the States.


A massage parlor.

And you think he made Preeda
the same offer?

I know he did.

Preeda was sweet.

A little naive.

I told her it sounded like
it would really be prostitution.

After she went missing,
I thought

maybe she didn't believe me.

Maybe she went with him
to learn more.


Ms. Vee's instincts
are looking pretty good to me.

Darnell Langston's
got quite a sheet.

Auburn Correctional,
Great Meadow, Otisville--

he's a graduate of some of
New York's finest institutions.

These are both for me,
I didn't sleep last night.

Anyway, looks like Darnell
was trained

as a mechanic

during his last prison stint.
He got hired

by a few cruise lines,
never lasted long.

One fired him over lewd conduct.

Another dumped him
after a female crew member said

he solicited bribes
and sexual favors

in exchange
for fake immigration papers.

So he was in the habit
of exploiting immigrants.

Last year, it caught up to him.

The D.A. charged him,
but he skipped out on his bail.

That makes him a fugitive.

And a likely candidate
to have entered

into an unholy alliance
with Ryan Decker.

I think it's time to

help the State of New York
find this guy.

I'll call Watson, she'll
want to join the hunt,

as soon as she's finished
talking to the ICE agents

who botched
Ms. Boonark's


(knocking at door)

Shinwell, if that's you,

just pick the lock
and let yourself in.

(doorknob rattling)
SHINWELL: Come on, Doc.

You know I can't.

What's this?

Darnell Langston's
extended family in Jersey City.

One of them

is almost definitely
hiding him.

I'm confused.
Two hours ago,

I asked if you knew
him at Great Meadow,

you said you never
heard of him.

What can I say?
Great Meadow was a big prison,

New York's a small town.

Uh, I got an ex-girlfriend
who works for a bondsman.

She asked around,
found out that

the company that wrote bail
for Langston

had a bounty on him.

Now, they never
pinned him down.

Pretty sure

he's in Jersey with his cousins.

That helps, right?

Yeah, I'm gonna send this

to the people that I work with,
they'll jump on it right away.

It still doesn't
make up for the fact

that, uh,
you can't pick a lock.

I told you I've been busy.

You asked for our help.

We invested our time and energy
teaching you.

We put in the effort;
you haven't.

I can see why you think that,
but you're wrong.

I asked you for help

taking down my old gang

and everything I've been doing

has been working toward that.

What do you mean?

Doesn't matter
what kind of

confidential informant y'all
train me to be if I don't

get to inform on
the right people.

Now I've been working
on this deal

that's gonna push me
up the ladder.

A drug deal.

SBK don't run a coffee shop.

I reached out

to an old prison buddy.

He got the hookup with coke

and “X” from Montreal.

If I can get him
to bring his price down,

SBK'll love this dude,

and they'll love me
bringing him in.

This is a terrible idea
even if it works,

especially if it works.

You're not ready for this.

It's almost done.

I'm talking
about the next step.

I mean, these people
that you're going after,

the shot callers for SBK,
they're a lot sharper

than these lieutenants
you've been dealing with.

They're smart
and they're paranoid.

If I didn't go away,
I'd be one of these guys.

I grew up with them.

I appreciate your help, Doc,

but I got this.

This perp of yours...
this his uncle's place?

Yeah, Lonny Tucker,

82, he's a combat vet.

(doorbell rings)

Doesn't sound
like the kind of guy

who'd harbor a fugitive.

Seems Mr. Tucker's
physically disabled.

(knock on door)

DETECTIVE: Doesn't sound
like anybody's home.

Well, nobody else
in Mr. Langston's family

likes talking to the cops.

Maybe he's just waiting
to see if we'll go away.

Well, his car's here.
Want to look out back?

Finally got a signal.
I'm gonna call Watson.

See if her and the captain
have made any progress.

This is Joan. Leave a message.

Hello. Looks like we're looking
at, uh, as you would say,

strike number three.

Mr. Langston.

Put the gun down. Put the gun
down. The police are here.

Get out of my way.

I-I-I can't do that.
I-I-I can't.

I'm not going back in.

No, I-I'm not here
about your old case.

I just want to know
where Preeda Boonark is.


Where are you keeping her?

Where is she?
I don't know what

you're talking about.

Get out my way!
BELL: Put it down!


You heard me.

Against the wall.

Against the wall.

You all right?


He's not Ryan Decker's

HOLMES: And there we have it.
10:37 a.m. yesterday morning.

What are we looking at here?

It's footage
from the Lucky Alexa.

Like many commercial
fishing boats,

it has cameras on board
'cause the owners often

don't trust the crews to bring
the entire catch back to shore.

That's Darnell Langston?

He's been employed
off the books

on boats like these
since last June.

And this footage
captures a fugitive

from justice in the act

of quietly doing his job.

It also proves

that he is not on the phone
at precisely the moment

that Ryan Decker
called his accomplice.

How did you know
to look for this?

Well, I-I thought it
unlikely that the damp

fishing waders by his front door
belonged to his elderly uncle,

and they seemed
to be almost dry

after a day
on the hook, so...

I thought he'd be
on a boat yesterday.

But they got cell phones
on boats.

Yeah, but he stank
of black sea cod,

and the fishing grounds
for that species

are miles offshore, so...

We wasted a day on
the wrong accomplice.

No, it's worse than that.

You heard from the D.A.

Found a friendly judge

who will let us do

electronic surveillance.

We can put a tail on Decker,
but we got to cut him loose.

Decker, get up.

You're out of here.

Not nice being
imprisoned, is it?

I hope you had occasion
to ponder your future

under lock and key,
living in fear

of the next sexual assault.

Rarely is justice so fitting
as it will be in your case.

Well, would it make you guys
feel better

if I just admitted
to what I did, huh?

Maybe I'd feel better, too.

Right? 'Cause the truth is,

I-I'm ashamed of what I did,

and I hope you believe me.

I... I didn't even

like Mannequin that much.

Actually, this isn't

about your pirated movies.

We're here to make a deal.

Oh, yeah?
What-What are you selling?

You name your partner,

you tell us
where Preeda Boonark is,

and the D.A. can save
the harshest treatment

for your coconspirator.

Hey, you guys

have a good night.

I know I will.

What's up, Diego?

My son's got a dentist
appointment in the morning,

so let's make this quick.

What you got to say?

My people are interested.
They know you got good product,

but they got their own hookup.

Now, as much as I want
to make this happen,

I don't think
they'll switch suppliers

to save just
one grand a kilo.

Look, man, it's not good.
It's the best.

Take it to your people.
Have them test it.

Don't need to.


You say it,
I trust you,

and if it was garbage,
our customers ain't real choosy.

No, this got to be about
dollars and cents, feel me?

You're getting
ahead of yourself.

Oh, come on.

You didn't have me
come all the way down here

to give me free samples,
did you?

I came all the way down here
because you said

that we could move things
down the field.

Now... are you gonna
take a taste

back to your people or not?


Say something...
or get the hell out of my car.

(jazz playing)

Is that peanut butter and jelly
and smooth jazz?

I thought you were down here

trying to find
Decker's accomplice.

I am.

Well, then isn't it time

to turn up the thrash metal,

dangle from gravity boots,

or, I don't know,
maybe snack

on the world's stinkiest cheese
to shock the senses?

Trying something even more
radical this evening: boredom.

Might be just the change
of pace that's required.

Never attempted that before:

a breakthrough fueled
by ennui and masochism.

You're sulking.

Well, that seems like
a justifiable response

to the state
of our investigation.


You feel responsible
for Preeda.

I am responsible.

You know, her situation
wasn't too great

before you ran into Decker.

No, but I've likely accelerated
her demise.

They now have an incentive
to dispose of her,

and there's no
getting around that.

And there's no other
potential suspects on this list?

I vetted a dozen candidates:

Decker's former colleagues,
high school chums,

even some online associates.

None of them seem
remotely capable

of keeping Preeda Boonark
in human bondage.

Well, they're in here somewhere
and we are gonna find them.

I thought Shinwell was
coming over for a lesson.

He was, but he's been
very busy lately.

He's working on a drug deal.
It's taking up all of his time.

He's eager to impress
the, uh, heads of SBK,

and that doesn't concern you.

Of course it does.
I told him it did...

but if there's one thing I
learned as a sober companion,

that good advice is just advice.
(phone ringing)

He doesn't want to listen,
there's nothing I can do.

Captain, you have me and Watson.

GREGSON: Good, you should both
get down here.

We lost Decker.

We had two plainclothesmen
on Ryan Decker.

They called in about midnight

to say that he was
on the move leaving his house.

So, they followed him
at a close distance,

but they didn't stay
close enough

because they lost him

when he hopped on the “A” train.

After that, all we had
was the signal

from his cell.

He turned his phone back on.

No, he got another one,
but we were up on it.

He must've been suspicious

because his signal
dropped out

right after his train departed

Beach 98th.

He turned it off right here.

Oh, looks like he was headed

toward the end
of the IND Rockaway Line.

Yeah, that's what
it looked like,

but the transit cops out there

say he wasn't on the train

when it pulled
into the Rockaway Park Station.

So, he got off at 105th Street.

Yeah. We're pulling video
to confirm,

but that's what we think.

They put it over the air
within 15 minutes,

but I got to say,
I'm not optimistic.

So, he could've covered
two miles on foot

before anyone knew
to look for him.

There's got to be 2,000 houses
inside that radius.

And even more places

to stash a getaway vehicle,

never mind a woman.

We should get out there

and help them with the search.

Well, I'd be happy to,
but it'd be less of a search

and more like aimless wandering.

We don't have the first
idea where to look.

Let's start near the shore.

There were several

beach-themed paintings
at Ryan Decker's home.

They were stylistically bland,
but, uh,

I think they were created
by the same hand.

You think Decker

painted them himself.

The paintings of the dunes,

the sand color, sea grasses,

they were consistent
with what you would find

at Rockaway Beach.

It's a remote location.

Somewhere he knows well, and
it's adjacent to a body of water

if he were inclined

to dispose of a corpse.

Hey, Scott.

I want you to pull some units
off the street.

Get some guys and a K-9 unit,

and comb the dunes
near Beach 105th, all right?

Captain Gregson.

Right this way.
What do we got?

Lot of blood.

Dogs went nuts.

No body?
No, sir.

But the K-9 unit found
some tracks out onto the beach.

Could be someone got
carried out and sunk.

Of course, there's no way to
know if this has anything to do

with your case, but maybe
you'll see something I didn't.

If this is all from one person,

there's no way they
could've survived

after losing this much blood.

Any casings or slugs?

Pattern's too wide
for a bullet wound.

Absorbent material like sand
would contain any seepage.

If Decker and his accomplice
did bring Preeda out here,

they did so to sever
her carotid artery

and then dispose of the body.

Has a sample been
sent off to the lab yet?

CSU says the sand will
make things a little tricky.

It's gonna take
some time to process

enough of the material
to make an identification.

Need a hand down here.

I don't know if we'll ever
make an I.D.

Preeda Boonark's DNA

isn't on file.

You know, it's possible that
this isn't Preeda's blood.

You think it could
be the accomplice?

Decker lured him out here
and tied up a loose end?

Would be nice, wouldn't it?

He's made his first mistake!

What, they missed something?

A set of keys.
Decker must've lost them

as he struggled
to move the body.

What makes you think
they're Decker's?

Let's just say

I'm familiar with
the lock at his house

and leave at that, shall we?

This one's to a P.O. box.

There's a number etched into it.

1913 Erwin Road is
the little green house

at the end of the next block.

Employees at the mailbox
store I.D.'d Ryan Decker

as the guy who parked the mail
for this address.

Preeda Boonark has been held
in captivity for five years.

Anybody behind that door
who is not this woman

almost definitely knew
what was going on.

They should be considered
armed and dangerous.

You got that?


you're not gonna be
needing that.

SWAT 1 (over radio):
We're in. Entry's clear.

SWAT 2: You hear that?
There's something in here.

She's in here.
What'd he say?

She's alive.
Where's Team Leader?

GREGSON: I need the
investigative unit up here

right away.

Sit tight. Right here.

The captain asked for us.
I'm gonna bring him to you.

This location isn't secure.

There's no doorknob
on the inside.

ESU OFFICER 1: She was locked up in there,
Captain, behind the door.

(indistinct radio transmission)

That's not Preeda Boonark.

Here, you sit down.

Do you know who she is?

She says her name
is Benita Sakda.

Decker's had her
here two months.

She's never seen an accomplice,
and she's never seen

Preeda Boonark.

The video I saw was taken
last Tuesday.

He must've had Preeda

someplace else.

Before he took her to the beach
and cut her throat.

That woman would never have
walked out of here alive

if you hadn't spotted Decker.

Take a minute
and let that sink in.

Well, I'll take a minute when

we find the men responsible.

She gonna be okay?

Physically, yeah.

She's still in shock.

She swears she never
saw an accomplice,

only ever saw Decker.

How did he get her?

She was at a bus stop,
it was raining.

He offered her a ride.

(phone chimes)

What is it?

Lab confirmed blood at beach

was human.

Preeda Boonark's family
overseas will get DNA sample

to confirm.
Oh, that's what he meant.

Come take a look at the fridge.

Looks pretty full.

And quite recently stocked,

judging by the expiration date

on the, uh, soy milk.

He told the guy
to take care of her.

I assumed that that was
instruction to kill Preeda,

but he was referring
to his other captive.

His accomplice must've run
these supplies over.

He was taking care of her

in the literal sense.

Excuse me, guys.

Could you just hold
on a second? Benita,

are you lactose intolerant?

I don't think so.

What is that?
Okay, the milk here,

does Ryan always bring

the same kind?

Until a couple days ago,

there's a new kind
in the fridge.

Okay, did you see
who put it there?

It was there
when I woke up yesterday.

Ryan's been saying he wanted me
to lose weight, so I thought


Is something wrong with it?
No, no, it's fine.

You're fine,
you're gonna be okay.

Thank you.

What was that?

May I?

When people go
to the grocery store,

they tend to buy their
favorite brands, right?

It doesn't matter if

they're in their own
neighborhood or if on

the other side of the country.

People buy what they know.

So you're saying our accomplice
likes soy milk?

Not just soy milk,

this brand of soy milk.
I saw her use it.

Carrie Traub was drinking coffee

when I went to see her at ICE.

She had soy creamer
at her desk.

The same brand as this one.

Well, if there's
prints on there,

your theory'll be
easy enough to test.

But his ex?
I thought she hated Decker.

I think she does, but maybe
because she knows him better

than anyone else.
What are you talking about?

Why would she help him
with this?

They've been divorced
for six years.

Preeda's only been missing
for five.

We don't know it's
the first woman he took.

You think they kept
women together as a team?

Wouldn't be the first couple
to share moral deformities.

Maybe now Carrie has to keep

Ryan's secret so
he'll keep hers.

♪ ♪

(loud bang)

(footfalls and
indistinct chatter approaching)

(door opens)

Show me your hands!

Drop it!

(indistinct radio chatter)

The deed to the house is still
in my name, isn't it?

Decker get it in the divorce?

Can't imagine

why he didn't file the paperwork
to get his name on it.

Shut the door, please.

I don't know why you're still

carrying his water,
but it's over now.

Tell us where he is.

Shut the door.

Someone's in the trunk here!

Is it Ryan?

Does he have a weapon?

Stay with her.

You got car keys there?

Yes, sir.

(light pounding from the trunk)
(quietly): On three.

(car alarm chirps)

Get EMT down here!


(Preeda whimpering)

Come here, come here.

There, you all right?

You admiring
yourself, Ms. Traub?

Or are you checking
for blood spatter

from when you murdered
your ex-husband?

When we found all that blood at
Rockaway Beach,

we thought it belonged
to Preeda Boonark

or Ryan's accomplice.

We were wrong.
It was Ryan's.

He wasn't the one tying up
loose ends, you were.

Killing him may have been
a public service,

but it's also
a fairly serious crime.

It's not your only one, either.

We've been double-checking
the investigations

you've overseen at ICE.

Taking a closer look at

any missing women
you've declared

illegal immigrants.
GREGSON: A couple of them

back when you were
married to Ryan.

I can't say I agree
with your conclusions.

I'm not saying anything here.

I think you should.

You can start with
how you killed your ex

in the dunes.

It'll mean more to the D.A.

if you cop to it now before
the blood evidence confirms it.

I'm not discussing anything
until I see my attorney.

Maybe somebody did
dump Ryan in the ocean.

Or maybe they
took him someplace else.

Either way, you're gonna
be looking for his body

for a long time.

No, Ms. Traub, Ryan Decker's
miserable life is over.

He can rot where he is.

And the same goes for you.


This antique straight
shackle's killing me, Doc.

I wanted to

get them all done
before you got back.

Uh, that one is rusted shut.

This is incredible.
You've picked,

what, 20 locks?

23, counting breaking in here.

When did you find the time
to practice?


my deal fell through.

Actually, I called it off.

Guy I was buying from

got squirrelly,
kept touching his face.

Then I remembered something you
told me last week about, uh...


I knew he was lying about
something, I could tell.

So I did some checking.
His connections are dry.

He was gonna ask me for half
the money up front and bounce.

Can't imagine your bosses

would be too happy
to hear that.

They would've lit me up.

I know you think I don't pay
attention to you,


well, thank you.

Have you eaten yet?

I was gonna grab something
on my way home.

Quieres compartir mi gnocchi?

Uh, why don't you
make yourself a plate.

It's good that you
can pick locks now,

but we have to work
on your Spanish.

♪ Now I've made
an error or two ♪

♪ Sometimes wrongly accused. ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==