Elementary (2012–…): Season 3, Episode 16 - For All You Know - full transcript

Gregson calls Sherlock to come to the station and he meets with a couple of detectives who want his insight in a murder. But when they keep pestering him if he knows the victim, he realizes he's a suspect. They produce evidence that clearly shows he and the victim's path may have crossed. Thing is he was still an addict at the time and he doesn't remember. He turns to his former dealer for help but he's not much help.

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Now with text deposit,

you can manage your accounts
from literally anywhere.

You can bank on it.

You can bank on us, Sequoia Liberty.

- Okay, yes, they do sound similar.
- They're the same song.

Someone stole my song
and turned it into a jingle.


You said you never played
this at a show?

I have a little studio space
in Alphabet City.

I do everything there.
But it's soundproofed.

When I'm writing, I work alone.


Could you just excuse me
for a moment?

- Watson.
- What are you doing?


Having worked through the night
at various pursuits,

- I'm now attempting to fall asleep.
- Obviously.

You familiar with the surrealist works
of Salvador Dal??

Yes, of course I am familiar
with Dal?.

Well, we share the same opinion
of sleep.

Namely that it is a waste of time.

There may exist, however,
a moment at the boundary

between working and sleeping
which holds some utility.

He would use a similar method to
catch himself the instant he fell asleep

and record glimpses
into his subconscious mind.

And I'm trying to train
my own subconscious

to solve more impenetrable

Though I do realize that from the
outside it seems no more pragmatic

than a visit to the Delphic Oracle.

From the outside,
it makes a lot of noise.

- I'm meeting with a client downstairs.
- A woman, no?

If she's the one playing the guitar,
you might want to suggest

that a tuning is in order.
Does her case intrigue?

- Do you require my assistance?
- I require a little quiet. That's all.

I shall continue my experiment
on a higher floor.



Hey, I've got two detectives

from the 3-5 here.
They want to talk to you

- about a homicide they're working.
- Yes, of course.

Watson is otherwise engaged,
but I can be there in about 30 minutes.

I'll see you then.

Holmes, this is Detective Demps
and McShane.


Heard a lot about you
the last couple years.

Despite my best efforts, I assure you.
How can I help you?

Maria Gutierrez. She went missing
a little over three years ago.

Last week her remains
were discovered by a city worker

in a vacant lot
next to Thomas Jefferson Park.

Erosion had partially
uncovered the grave.

ME said she died from blunt force
trauma to the head.



So Ms. Gutierrez worked
in the custodial profession,

night shifts mostly.

Uh, you saying you knew her?

Certainly not.

The hair on her right forearm
is a lighter shade than that on her left.

Ammonia and bleach,
of course, whiten body hair.

Her natural hair color resumes
at a line where one imagines

she wore rubber gloves.

Her skin tone
is several shades lighter

than that of her immediate relatives,
indicating a more nocturnal lifestyle.

No, no way. You had to know her.

You indicated that you were familiar
with my methods.

Yeah, well, we heard you knew
a few tricks.

Not tricks.

You sure you don't know her?
Never laid eyes on her before?

This is not a consultation,
it's an interrogation.

So would you like to tell me
why you consider me a suspect?


We found this in the victim's purse.

McSHANE: It's a receipt from a coffee
shop two blocks from your residence,

dated the day
that Maria disappeared.

Want to tell us again
how you don't know her?

I know what you're thinking.

S. Holmes,
that could be a lot of people.

Maybe there's a Steve Holmes
out there or a Sally.

But we showed it to our handwriting
expert at Q-DOC.

I could have saved you the trouble.

I'm the author of that note.
There is no doubt.

Then you lied when you said
you didn't know Maria Gutierrez.

I did not lie.

I do not recall her face and I have
no memory of writing to her.

You saying you have amnesia?

Of a sort.

During the period in question,
late 2011,

when Ms. Gutierrez disappeared,
I was quite addicted to narcotics.

A great variety of them, in fact.

Blackouts were not uncommon.

And on this night in particular,
the 7th of December, 2011?

I do not believe
I could be much clearer.

I have no recollection
of this woman or anything

that might have happened to her.

Guys, it's a note.

Received by our vic
the day she disappeared,

one your consultant
just admitted he wrote.

She was a cleaner,
maybe he wanted to hire her.

You said this was a waste of time,
you knew your guy.

- I do.
- Did you know about the blackouts?

You asked for five minutes,
I gave you five minutes.

If anything else occurs
to my consultant,

I'm sure he'll be in touch.

Ripped By mstoll

Hey. I realized I needed
one of these to cook.

What's wrong?


Had I not deprived myself of sleep
these last few nights,

perhaps I would've realized
what was happening sooner.

Captain should have told you.

It would've been indefensible

for him to show me
special consideration.

But he has every confidence that
the detectives are wasting their time.

They are.

I wrote that note.

I was without a phone at the time.

I used street urchins to bring
my correspondence to and fro.

And that makes you a killer?

I feel confident that the moral maths
of my character

would have prevented me
from committing a murder

even in the most altered of states.

However, some of the drugs I used
during that period

made me quite paranoid.

Others caused hallucinations.

The unfortunate truth is that however
improbable certain things may be

with respect to this crime,

nothing's impossible.

It was a few months after Irene.

You thought she was dead.
You were using more.

It began as a practical attempt
to improve my mental horsepower.

I expected to find connections
that others had missed.

But as my failures mounted,
so too did my cravings.

And distraction turned
to crass dependence.

And so began the downward spiral.

You know we're gonna figure this out.

Well, I've been asked
not to interfere.

You say that like you
haven't heard it before.

Never been a suspect before.

Besides, we're at a disadvantage.

Ordinarily, the police
would share their files with us.

We'd have access to evidence, we'd
have access to the victim's remains.

- I can't even say how I knew her.
- Then that's where we'll start.

- Watson...
- We know her name.

You said you saw pictures of her
with her family. I'll talk to them.

- I promised the captain.
- I didn't.

You stay here, dig into your files,
see if her name pops up.

You think I knew her
through my work.

How do you know anyone?

Maybe she wanted to hire you

or she was a witness
in a case you were working.

Maybe Gregson was right. You just
needed someone to clean this place.

Whatever the connection is,
I'm telling you right now:

You did not kill that woman.

Mrs. Sandoval?
Hi, I'm Joan Watson.

I know who you are.

Um, the detectives from the 35th
told you about me.

And your partner.

I am so sorry for your loss.

I can imagine how difficult
this week has been for you,

but I promise you I am only here
because I want to help find the person

- who killed your sister.
- I don't want to talk to you.

Please, do you have any idea
how Maria and Sherlock

would have known each other?

What do you mean, how they would
have known each other?

He was going through a difficult time.
He's having trouble remembering.

I would want to forget
killing Maria too.

- Mrs. Sandoval...
- No.

You ask me how they knew
each other. I don't know.

She was indocumentado. Illegal.

She stayed out of trouble,
she did her work.

Went to church.
But in the end, it didn't matter.

Trouble found her.

Please, don't come here again.

All right, check the stitching,
get a feel for it. Huh?

Nice, right?

You're not gonna find quality
like that on Canal Street.

What, you don't like the color?

You want to see it in red?
I got it in red.

Oh, ladies, come on, come on,
don't be like that.

Hey, I got a special going on today,
two for one.

What, do you got a date
with Godzilla or something?

HOLMES: Those women
are from China, not Japan.

Though the racism works either way.

Don't suppose I can interest you
in a handbag?

That depends. Does your supplier
always spell "Prada" with two Ds?


- Been a long time.
- Not long enough, Oscar.

Not nearly.
But I need your help with something.


I can't believe it's been three years.

Yes, well, time flies
when you're on heroin.

You look good.


- You clean?
- I am.

Good for you.

Hey, hey! Beat it! Yeah, scram!

We had a good thing going on.
We were a good team.

Actually, we were not a team.

I was a consumer of narcotics
and you were someone with access

to pharmaceutical-grade product.

- You don't call that a team?
- I do not.

Yes, you spent a good deal of time
at my home,

but that was because you were prone
to rendering yourself unconscious.


- How did it all go so wrong?
- Well, if memory serves, Oscar,

you let yourself in one day
and made off

with several thousand dollars' worth of
rare books and computer equipment.

Well, you said you needed my help?

You may recall, in the weeks
prior to our parting ways,

my drug use became quite profound.

Well, the price was some equally
profound holes in my memory.

And no one spent more time with me
during that period than you.

I would like to know
if the name Maria Gutierrez

means anything to you.

There's evidence
to suggest I had plans

to meet with her in December, 2011.

Sherlock, of course I remember her.

Maria? From the circus.
Dark hair, big...

No, no, no. That's Marena.
She was one of my paramours.

Maria, Oscar. Maria Gutierrez.
Do you remember the name or not?

Look, man, I'm sorry.

You're not the only one who has
trouble remembering those days.

Ah. Well, this was fun. Catching up.
I gotta go.

Maybe we can do it again sometime.


HOLMES: Watson.
- I just got home. Where are you?

I thought a constitutional
might jog my memory. It did not.

- How did you do?
- To be honest, not good.

The guys at the 35th told Maria's
family and friends about me.

- No one was in a talking mood.
- My files were equally fruitless.

If Ms. Gutierrez was connected
to a crime I was investigating,

I failed to make a note of it.

Is it possible this is some sort
of frame-up?

The body was so well hidden,
it took three years to discover.

If it was a frame-up,
it was a very poor one.

You know,
I've been reading up on articles

from when she disappeared in 2011.

I know it's not the same as looking
at police files,

but something jumped out at me.

She put a lot of hours in
at her church's soup kitchen.

You think she may have come across
some shady characters there?

Marcus is running down a list
of their frequent fliers.

- You brought the detective into this?
- Of course I did.

He's gonna let us know
if anyone has a record.

I'm almost home.
We'll discuss the matter in person.

Sherlock Holmes?

Do I know you?



Let's go. Come on.
We got to go. Come on. Let's go!



You know, I'd have an easier time
examining you

- if you would put down your phone.
- I imagine you would.

Fortunately for the both of us,
my wounds are entirely superficial.

- There could be internal damage.
- There is not.

Well, if you're in such great shape,
why did you come here?

I enjoy hospitals.
Especially in the middle of the night.

Doctor, if my ears do not deceive me,
a real patient has just arrived.

A man with a light bulb
in an unfortunate place.

- Right.
NURSE: Hey, we need you.

Foreign body impaction. Bad one.

If you require assistance,
you will not find smaller

or steadier hands than Watson's.

So are you gonna call the police
or should I?

- There's no need.
- You were targeted.

One of the men called you by name.

It can't be a coincidence
you were jumped the same day

- you were questioned.
- I think it is a coincidence.

Though I do not disagree
that the two events are connected.

Does the name Prentice Gutierrez
ring a bell?

Maria's brother. I saw his name
mentioned in one of the articles I read.

I couldn't track him down today.

Probably because he was busy
planning an ambush.

How do you know
he was one of the?

There are few circumstances more
amenable to picking a man's pocket

than a thrashing.
It is better to be the thrasher,

but beggars can't be choosers.

An Internet search of Mr. Gutierrez
revealed nothing more

than his connection to his sister.

But a police intranet search,

He was arrested for burgling
a home in November of 2011.

That's one month
before Maria disappeared.

He insisted to anyone who would listen
that he was innocent.

And you posited earlier that Maria
wished to hire me as a detective.

She believed him.

You were supposed to find
the person who really did it.


I know you?

We had a brief physical relationship.
Perhaps this will jog your memory.

I lost this a couple of days ago.

Mr. Gutierrez, I bear you no ill will.

You learned my name from the
detectives investigating Maria's murder

and you took matters
into your own hands.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Of course you do.
Just like you know you're on parole

for that burglary charge in 2011.

An assault charge
could violate you back to prison.

It'd be worth it, though, wouldn't it?
Hurting the man who hurt Maria?

The problem is, neither of us can say
with any certainty that I am that man.

Right. Because you don't remember.

Or at least that's the story
you tried to sell to my other sister.

The burglary.
You said you didn't do it.

You got any idea who did?

What the hell does
that have to do with anything?

We're investigating the possibility that
Maria wanted help finding that person.

He would've had motive to stop her.

You stay away from me
and my family. Both of you.

We'll go back to the station.

We'll look into burglaries
that were committed around that time.

We might be able to find a suspect
without his help.


So we're onto something,
though, aren't we?

You know who committed
the burglary.

You have until I finish replacing
these brake pads.

If you're still here when I turn around,
I'm gonna be calling the cops.

- Mr. Gutierrez...
- Come on. Let's go.

It occurs to me, you know,
that any one of these tools

could've been the end of me
last night.

But you attacked me with fists
and with booted feet.

So you didn't want to kill me.
You just wanted to hurt me.

Do you want to do it again?

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about reciprocity.

I'm talking about quid pro quo.

If you submit to my questions,

I'll submit to a blow
from this wrench.

You're not certain that I hurt Maria,
are you?

If you're open to suggestions,
I offer my hand.

Come on. You're gonna break
any number of bones.

- The pain's gonna be excruciating.
- Sherlock...

I did the burglary. I did it.
And Maria knew it. I told her.

So you're wrong about her wanting you
to find the person who really did it.

If she wanted your help,
it didn't have anything to do with that.

Can you think of anyone
who would've wanted to hurt her?

You know she cleaned, right?

The year she went missing,
there was a guy she worked for

who owned a couple of buildings
in Queens,

and one of them
was being rented by a councilman

who was running for re-election.

She told me that someone
there was hitting on her,

that it made her uncomfortable.

- Did she tell you the man's name?
- No.

Because she was worried
that I might do something stupid.

You know what? She was right.
I would have.

I told the police
after she went missing.

They said they looked into it
but that it was a dead end,

- that the guy had an alibi.
- According to them.

According to them.

Councilman Barclay would appear
as a friend of the department.

Perhaps the police who were
investigating Prentice's claim

that his sister was being harassed
didn't encounter a dead end

so much as a "do not enter."

What are you saying?
That this was some sort of cover-up?

Well, if there was,
it would be a turn up for us.

Conspiracies are fraught.

One secret versus many keepers.
There'd be no shortage of new leads.

You were gonna let him do it,
weren't you?

Maria's brother, you were gonna
let him hit you with that wrench.

Excuse me.
The councilman will see you now.

I didn't know Maria well,
but she was sweet.

I spent a lot of late nights here
during the campaign.

I'd see her when she'd come in
to clean,

and she'd ask how I was holding up.

When Maria was reported missing,

I'd hoped that she'd just gone back
to her country, but...

I'd been around too many cops for
too many years to really believe that.

It's our understanding
that one of your re-election team

- was briefly considered a suspect.
- That's right.

I'm sorry, it's just...
I've been advised not to talk to you.

You are aware
that I'm a person of interest.

Even though Maria
wasn't a member of my team,

what happened to her affected us.
I've been keeping myself apprised.

I'm confused.
Why did you agree to see us?

Because I'm also a fan.

The administrative hearing last year,

you had to make your case
to stay on with the department.

A lot of people wanted you gone,
but I looked into you.

And the more I discovered,
the more impressed I was.

If you say you didn't hurt Maria,
I'm inclined to believe you.

Well, thank you.

It's true, Maria was being harassed
by someone who worked here.

My deputy press secretary,
a man named Tom Graves.

He propositioned her
on several occasions.

I wasn't aware
until the police questioned him

- about her disappearance.
- We were told he was cleared.

BARCLAY: He was out of the state
the night Maria went missing.

I was told there was a video of him
at his hotel.

- I still fired him, of course.
- So much for the cover-up.

Like I said,
I have a sense for how you work.

I know you make a habit of catching
things other people have missed.

I'll give you everything
I gave the police in 2011.

If Tom got away with something,
maybe you'll be able to figure out how.

Hey. I thought you said you were going
for a walk to clear your head.

It should trouble you
how often you believe that.

What is this?

Upon our verification of the alibi of
Tom Graves, randy press secretary,

I've decided to attack this case
as I would any other.

It is not utterly devoid of fact,
and there is even a strong suspect.

Is that a picture of you?

I took that one by accident
several years ago.

I was in an altered state,
and I mishandled my phone.

God only knows what
I intended to photograph.

If you really want
to beat yourself up...

You think this is an exercise
in self-pity.

I think this is an Olympics
in self-pity.

First you tell Prentice Gutierrez
he can break your hand.

Now you're sitting in the dark
staring at an old photograph.

You did not kill that woman.
Stop acting like you did.

- You are positive I didn't do it.
- Of course I am.

- How?
- Because I know you.

Yes. Better than anyone. But let me
make one thing perfectly clear.

You did not know him.
You never met him.

So you're Dr. Jekyll now
and he's Mr. Hyde?

You continue to misunderstand.

At that point in my life, I did not plumb
down into some dark part of myself.

I detached from myself,
from all that was essential to me.

To say that you can guess
what I was capable of is illogical.

I was a different person.

And the fact that I remember
so little from that time

has been nothing but a tremendous
relief to me until now!

I'm sorry, okay?

I know it hurts,
but there is nothing you can say

that's gonna convince me
that you killed that woman.

Let's adhere to our sunniest theory
for a moment, shall we?

That my note to Maria Gutierrez was
not, in fact, an invitation to murder,

but an agreement to lend
my help as a detective.

What if she knew
she was in danger?

And what if I missed something
that my sober self

would have observed in an instant
that might have saved her life?

Would you still consider
my hands blood-free?


WATSON: Hey, Marcus.
BELL: Hey.

I ran that list of regulars
from the soup kitchen

where Maria Gutierrez volunteered.

Got back about two dozen names
with arrest records.

I just e-mailed them over.

No one jumps out,
but they all seem worth talking to.

I cleared my morning to help out.
Figured I'll take the first 10 or 12 guys.

Thank you, detective.
That won't be necessary.

Why did you just do that?

Because a meaningful connection
between Maria Gutierrez

and myself has just materialized.
I recognize a name on this list.


Go away.


Are you deaf? I said go away!

Ah, man, you busted my door.

That might be the highlight
of this encounter, Oscar.

You lied to me.

You told me you did not know
Maria Gutierrez.

It's come to my attention that
you were a regular at the soup kitchen

- where she worked.
- What?

St. Luke's Parish.
You tell me you never supped there.

Yeah, yeah, sure I did, I still do,

Come on, man, you think I remember
every person that worked there?

I think a connection between
you and the woman I'm accused

of murdering is quite remarkable.

I think the fact that you lied to me
about it is rather suspicious.

Come on, Sherlock, please, I'm sick.

You're in withdrawal,
and that's good.

It's going to make it more difficult
for you to deceive me again.

Where were you the night
Maria disappeared?


Oh, what, you think I did it?
Come on, Sherlock, that's crazy.

- Tell us about the note, Oscar.
- What note?

The one found in Maria's purse,

the one that said Sherlock
was gonna meet with her.

Did you trick him into writing it?


- You really don't remember, do you?
- Remember what?

You killed her, man. You!

Yeah, I bet you feel pretty big
these last couple of years,

off the horse, back on the job,
all clean and pretty.

Only you weren't, were you?
No, you had dirt on you. Blood.

Yeah, you always thought
you were better than me,

even when you were using,
but now you know you're not.

You're worse.

I may be a bum and a junkie,
but I never killed anyone.

You will tell me everything
that you know.

All right, yeah, man. Yeah, sure.
You know, get a pen.

Let me make it easier for you
to pin it all on me.

You want my advice? Let it go.

If all the police have is a note,
count your blessings.

- Watson.
- We're leaving?

Yes. This is not over.

It better be, or trust me, you're gonna
spend the rest of your life in a cell!

WATSON: You haven't said much
since we got back.

I have a plan,
if you want to hear it.

We meet with the captain first thing.
We tell him everything.

He brings Oscar in.
If Oscar's still sick,

- it might not take him long to crack.
- Your plan is flawed.

He will not crack
because he did not do it.

He's been convicted
of purse-snatching and assault.

Probably tried to rip Maria off,
she fought back.

No. His withdrawal symptoms,

as predicted,
made him utterly readable.

He was telling the truth
when he said I did it.

Are you saying you believe him?

I'm saying I believe that he believes
I'm the guilty party.

He's either correct or he's laboring
under a horrific misconception.

Either way, he did not do it.

He will not crack.
Your plan is flawed.

Sorry if I upset you this morning.

At the garage with the wrench.

It's okay.

It's a form of torture
having to swim through my old life.

I know that over the years,
you've suffered your own travails

and you can relate
to a profound sense of guilt.

You cannot relate
to a profound sense of shame.



- Detectives.
- Mr. Holmes.

What is it? What's going on?

Isn't it obvious? I'm being arrested.

Sherlock Holmes, you're under arrest
for the murder of Maria Gutierrez.

You have the right to remain silent
and refuse to answer questions.

Anything you say may be used
against you in a court of law.

GREGSON: All I could get
out of my buddy at the 3-5

was that some new witness
came forward.

Someone who said they saw
Sherlock kill Maria?

No, someone who says
they heard him threaten her life

- a few days before she disappeared.
- I don't believe it.

The guys at the 3-5 do.
Right now, that's all that matters.

I don't suppose you were able
to put a name to the witness.

They're keeping everything
under wraps.

Like they should.

Holmes is not a cop, but he's close.
They got to protect their case.

You have any luck
with that list I sent you last night?

We did. Sherlock knew one
of the names. We talked to the guy.

- Someone you like for the murder?

But I'm pretty sure
another conversation is in order.

You don't look sick anymore, Oscar.
I'm guessing you scored last night?

You know, I never got your name.

Joan. I work with Sherlock.

Hi, Joan. Uh...

You here with some money
for a new door?

No, I'm here because I know you're
the witness who got Sherlock arrested.

- What?
- Okay, I want to know

- what you told them right now.
- Wait a second. Wait.

- Sherlock's in jail?
- Okay, don't, Oscar.

You threatened him, you told him
he was gonna go to prison.

Ugh. Oh, no. No, this is bad.

Start telling the truth.
It's gonna get worse.

No, you don't get it.
It's bad for both of us, him and me.

Look, I said what I said
to scare him off.

The last thing I wanted
was for him to get arrested.

How is this bad for you?

I didn't do it, okay? He did.

But he can take me down with him.

Listen, whatever really happened
three years ago, I will help you.

But first you need to tell me
why you think Sherlock killed Maria.

I'll do you one better. I'll show you.

Sherlock was right. I did know Maria
from the soup kitchen.

She was beautiful.

I was a bum, and she talked to me.
She talked to all of us.

I bragged a couple times
that my buddy was this big private eye.

She'd laugh, and then, one day,
she said she had a problem.

- She asked if he could help.
- What was the problem?

I don't know.
She would only tell Sherlock.

So I went to him, said I knew someone
who wanted to talk to him.

But he was in a bad way,
had been for weeks.

But he said he would meet her.

That's what the note was about?
The one found in Maria's purse?

I don't know. I guess.

Few days later, I hear she's missing.

I go see Sherlock, and he's wasted.
Can't wake him up.

And I'm nervous, looking around
for more of whatever he's on.

Instead of his stash,

I find this.

Look, for what it's worth,
I don't think he meant to do it.

No, I just think he was confused.
That happens sometimes.

One night I crashed with him.
I woke up, he had a knife to my throat.

Kept saying I was a spy or something.

- So you hid these here to protect him?
- No, protect us.

I had a record. I set up the meeting.

Think the cops won't come after me
as an accessory?

Yeah, so I took the bag and, you know,
a few things that I could pawn.

That was that.

I didn't see Sherlock again
until a few days ago.

Why didn't you just get rid
of the bag?

In case he ever came after me
for the stuff I stole

or to blame me
for what he did to Maria.

Hey, this was insurance.

Look, sorry if that's not what you
wanted to hear, but that's the truth.

I believe you.

- Who are you calling?
- Friend at the 11th.

You're gonna give this stuff
to the cops?

Hey, this shirt, these pants,

they're the end of Sherlock.
You get that, right?

I think you're wrong.
I think they're gonna help him.


It's interesting, Watson,
spending the night in a cell.

I'm reminded that there
are good places for bad people.

Is that what you are now,
a bad person?

You've been to see Oscar.

Or you yourself
have been cooking heroin?

May I assume he's the witness who
told Detectives Demps and McShane

that I had threatened
Maria Gutierrez?

Actually, no.

He took this clothing out of your place
a few days after Maria disappeared.

Do you recognize them?

He thought you were wearing them
when you killed her,

but the sizes are wrong,
and the bloodstain pattern

suggests it was worn by someone
who committed a stabbing murder.

Maria died from blunt force trauma
to the skull.

You believe these are evidence
for an entirely different crime?

Maria told Oscar she had a problem
and needed your help.

What if these were the problem?

Maybe they were at your place
because she gave them to you.

Maybe she knew about a murder
and got her hands on these.

Instead of bringing them to the police,
she brought them to me, heroin addict.

She was in the country illegally and
probably worried about being deported.

Either way, the killer found her,
Oscar took the clothes,

and you forgot you ever had them.
Just like you forgot about her.

Marcus and the captain
are looking into stabbing deaths

around the time
that she disappeared.

If we can find one that connects back
to her in any way,

a person that she knew,
a place where she spent a lot of time...

We might be able to identify
the real killer.

Your search will need to extend
to missing persons, as well.

If the killer hid the body
of his second victim, Maria,

it stands to reason he also hid
the body of his first.

Good news is,
I might be able to narrow that search

- considerably for you.
- What do you mean?

I was wrong. I do recognize that shirt,
but not from three years ago.

The shirt has a double cuff
at the wrist.

The inlay on the buttons
is distinctive.

I've seen it recently.

I believe I know
who's behind all of this.

Councilman Barclay,
Tommy Gregson.

We met at a fundraiser
a few years ago?

Ah, of course.
It's great to see you again.

This is Detective Bell
and, uh, you know Ms. Watson.

Of course.

There have been
new developments in Maria's case.

We were hoping we could
discuss them with you.

Oh, tell me, how can I help you?

WATSON: A new witness
came forward last night.

He told police that he saw Sherlock
threaten Maria.

Oh, I hadn't heard.

Is the name Eddie Bynum
familiar to you?

- I don't think so. Why?
- Because he's the witness.

He's also a site foreman
at Hatano Construction.

You know his boss,
Matthew Hatano.

They've handled the majority
of the Section 8 housing developments

- in your district the last few years.
- Okay.

You steered a lot of business
their way, a couple of million at least.

If you had asked for a favor,
it'd be hard to say no.

- I'm sorry. I'm not following.
- You don't know Eddie Bynum.

Okay. What about Kelsey Prior?

Captain, I'm not sure what this is,
but I'd like the three of you to leave.

I need to place a call
to the commissioner.

If it's about us being here,
I'll save you the trouble.

- He knows.
WATSON: Kelsey Prior, Councilman.

You knew her, right?

She was a...

She was the wife of a dear friend.

WATSON: She was stabbed to death
in her home in December, 2011.

It looked like a robbery gone wrong,
only it wasn't, was it?

GREGSON: Friend of hers
thought she was having an affair.

The detectives who caught the case
couldn't find any evidence of that.

We're guessing
you were pretty careful.

You had a lot to lose, after all.
You were trying to get re-elected.

This is ridiculous.

Why don't you tell us what happened?
Did she try to break it off?

Threaten to go public?

Whatever it was,

you stabbed her to death.
You had her blood all over you,

so instead of going home to your wife,
you came here, to your office.

Told our colleagues you spend
a lot of nights here.

Probably had a change of clothes.
Problem was, you weren't alone.

GREGSON: Maria saw you
getting rid of the evidence, right?

Maybe you took it somewhere
and she followed.

Or maybe you dumped it right here
at the office.

Either way, she got her hands on it.

You must've gotten nervous.

Decided you wanted to dispose
of the bloody clothes some other way.

But when you went to retrieve them,
they were gone.

You thought of Maria.

I'm calling my attorney.

Before you do, you should know
we have the clothes.

Sherlock remembered seeing them
in a picture

when we were here the other day.

They don't connect you
to Maria's murder,

but they connect you to Kelsey's.

Four years ago, police were able
to determine the killer's hand

slipped over the hilt of the knife
when he stabbed her.

He cut himself,
leaving blood at the scene.

When we compel a DNA sample
from you, it's going to match.

Between that and Eddie Bynum,

who I'm confident is gonna tell us
his boss put him up

to giving a false statement last night,
you might want to tell your attorney

he's got his work cut out for him.

WATSON: The witness, Eddie Bynum,
folded pretty quickly.

So did Matthew Hatano.

When the councilman saw the writing
on the wall, he told us everything.

He did kill Kelsey Prior, and then,
a few nights later, he killed Maria.

The same night I met with her.

- Was he following her?
- He never knew about you.

What he did, he did a few hours later.
He went to her place.

She wasn't there, so he called her.

He said he could explain everything.
It was just one big misunderstanding.

He told her if she agreed
to meet with him,

he could pull some strings
at the department.

Get her brother out from under
the burglary charge he was facing.

She believed him.

He picked her up
at the Frobisher Motel in Bayside.

I remembered the name
from some of your old case files.

I know that
on at least two occasions,

you stashed witnesses there
you thought were in danger.

The other night, you were worried
you might've missed something.

Something you would've noticed
if you were sober.

I don't think you missed anything.

No, I just forgot someone
who needed my help.

- Where are you going?
- Walk.

It should trouble me, right?

How often I believe that?



Sherlock. Hey.

I heard you got sprung.

Have you ever tried stopping?

Stopping what?

Come on, man.
Rehab's for quitters.

And it would be a shame, would it not?
Quitting all of this?

What's that?

It's contact information
for Hemdale Rehabilitation Facility.

You now have a standing
reservation there.

Oh, that's...
That's very nice of you.

No, actually, it's not.
I despise you, Oscar. I always have.

You were never more than a sickening
means to a sickening end.

I would excise you
from my life entirely,

but I bear some responsibility
for you.

Three years ago, you helped steer me
to the lowest point of my existence.

But a case could be made that
I did the same for you,

so I came here to make amends.

Hemdale, Oscar. Go there,
get better or don't.

But mark my words,
if I do see you again,

make sure it's because you're ready
to make reparations of your own.


You're gonna see me again,
you can count on it.

Only this time, you're gonna
be the one coming back to me.

To where I am.
And it won't be for any amends.

Ripped By mstoll