East New York (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Best Served Cold - full transcript

When a man is shot during a supermarket opening, Morales suspects the crime is related to an unsolved case she was pressured to drop

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Previously on East New York...

Back when I was on
the Warrant Squad with Desmond,

his gut told him
the Selkirk Brothers

had gone out of state,

but First Grade Detective
Troy here didn't

want to exceed the overtime cap.

By the time we picked them
up, they'd killed, what,

two more people?

How'd your homicide go?

I'm here for a divorce.

- Oh.
- And because she works

In Manhattan South, guess
who's getting transferred?

I also want members
of the service

to start living near
where they work.

No one wants you here.

You're a nuisance.

Ticketing us like
criminals in our homes.


Every single person in
this building is important.

Okay, let's take it for a spin.

What the hell was that?

Oh, my goodness.

How is it?

It's good.

You know, I'm generally suspect

of meat substitutes, in
this case prosciutto, but

the edible enrobing of
the fig is, it's good.

Green Gro Organic
Supermarket is committed

to bringing healthy,
organic food

to underserved communities.

So it is with great pleasure

that we open an
East New York branch

to sell only the
healthiest produce,

meat and prepared
foods available.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

I thought you didn't eat pork.

Sandeford, it's turkey bacon.

I said I don't eat animals
that come when you call them.

A turkey will come
when you call them.

- No, they don't.
- Anything you feed will come

When you call them.
That's animals, kids,

in-laws or cops.

7-4 George to
Central. 10-85, shots fired.

Need additional units.

It's okay.

- Whoa, whoa, stop right there!
- I think some guy

Just shot up the place.
I think he's still here.

- Where here?
- Uh, out back by the loading dock.

- Down on your knees.
- Wait, what?

I said get down on your knees!

Put your hands up
where I can see them!

7-4 George get a bus
down here forthwith.

And show me with one under.

- Sandeford?
- Check out her right arm.

What? Why are you
doing this to me?!

It's blood from the
guy she just shot.

I'm glad you noticed
that, Officer.

That's what a good cop does.

- Are you calling me a good cop, boss?
- Yeah.

- Something like that.
- Right on.


7-4, C.O. put a rush on the bus.

Got an ambulance coming, okay?

What kind of music is Corinne
gonna be playing at the bar?

Are you about to tell
me she should have

Spanish music
playing at the bar?

Willie Colón, Eddie
Palmieri. Old school.

You know, she's
hemorrhaging money.

She's got a convict for a chef.

And you're worried
about what kind of music

she's gonna be playing at
the bar.

'Cause you're not taking
enough of an interest

in it, that's why.

We got the perp from the
supermarket shooting.

- Oh, yeah?
- She asked to speak

To Detective Morales,
said she knows you.

A lot of perps know me.

She asked to say hello.

Tell her... I'm out somewhere.

See, I
don't think you're...

taking enough interest in this.


I got him, Crystal.

I got him.

It was a
year and a half ago.

She came in saying
she'd been raped.

- What was the disposition?
- Closed.

"Not Amenable."

So it never even
went to the D.A.

Because she met
the guy in a bar,

it's classified as
"acquaintance rape,"

rather than "stranger rape."

Stranger rape takes priority.

Given how many you're
handling at a time,

by the time you get
to acquaintance rape,

just not enough
hours in the day.

I gather it wasn't your decision

- to close the case.
- No.

It was definitely
not my decision.

Word came from the C.O.

at SVD.

So you're feeling you owe it
to her to handle it better?

Yeah, I do.

You want to connect that
rape to this shooting...

do it.

Thanks, boss.


- Captain.
- You ever hear the aphorism,

"The past is never dead.

It's not even past"?

Can't say that I have, Captain.

William Faulkner.

I never read William Faulkner.

Me, neither. Tried him
once. It was too dense.

I couldn't follow it.
Anyway, the reason I'm here

is because one of the guns that
was found in the elevator shaft

over at Ruskin Gardens has
been linked to a homicide.

And since you're next
in the catching order,

the investigation
has fallen to you.

This is from 15 years ago.

Ergo, the issue of the past.

Whoa, Captain,

isn't there someone else
you can give this to?

I've got, like, 25
open investigations

staring me in the face.

We have been tasked

with investigating crimes.

And that, Detective,

is as general and specific

as your understanding of
our purpose needs to be.

Borough Command is expecting

some sort of report by
the end of the week.

- Thank you.
- Cap.

Let's go for a ride.

It's hell of a day
for this to happen, huh?

Tell me about it.

So you
didn't see the person

before they shot you?

I didn't see them.

- I didn't even know I'd been shot.
- I'll be right back.

I just felt this

searing pain in my back.

It was like someone stabbed me.

- But you didn't see who it was?
- No.

And since it was
the grand opening,

were you on a different
schedule than usual?

I'm always there by 6:00.

Is it possible the shooter
knew your schedule?

If it was me she was after.

So it was a woman.

I don't know if it was a woman.

I'm just saying it
wasn't about me.

Yeah? What do you
think it was about?

Someone delusional,


filled with rage
in a crowded city.

That's what accounts for
most random acts of violence.

So there's no one you can think
of that would want to hurt you?

Did I cut someone off
on the expressway?

I might have. I'm not
a very good driver.

What about the
people that work for you?

Have you had to fire
anyone recently?

Can I let you in
on a little secret?

I never fire anyone.

It's one of the reasons I was
never made regional manager.

Too soft.


just so you know, we have
a suspect in custody.

Does the name Antonia
Ortiz ring a bell?

I dated a woman
named Antonia Ortiz.

If it's the same one.

What could you
tell us about her?

It's not like I really
know her, you know?

We only went out once or twice.

From what I remember,
she was nuts.

Nuts how?

I don't know if she's
actually bi-polar,

but she flip-flops from
one thing to another.

Affectionate one minute.

Revolted by my very
existence the next.

Well, when you're
feeling up to it,

we're gonna need you to pick
her out of some photographs.

- Sure.
- Then if it goes

To trial, they're gonna
need you to testify.

Meantime you've
got her locked up?



Keep her that way.

Yeah, you got it.

He's lying.

He might be lying.

The doctor said the entry
wound was from the front.

He said he felt like he'd
been stabbed in the back.

Well, it's possible
there's sensory confusion,

given the circumstances.

In other words, you
want her to be lying.

- Is that right?
- I don't want anyone to be lying, Crystal.

But there's no corroboration.

No physical evidence.
Okay? We have to allow

for the possibility that
one of them is lying.

Okay, you be sure and keep
that possibility alive.

I don't get why you're so upset.

'Cause there are very few
things that irritate me as much

as excessive even-handedness.

Hey, pardon me?

Before you throw
his bandages away,

can we have that?

It's uh, for an
ongoing investigation.

I order tuna fish and
I get a roast beef.

Egg salad.

I ordered turkey and Swiss.


- You ever been to Primanti's?
- Mm-mm.

Great hero sandwiches.

- Where is it?
- Pittsburgh.

Oh, that's, that's
really helpful.

Don't-don't do that. I'm just
recalling great sandwiches

from the past. I thought
that's what we were doing.

That's not what we're doing.

We were complaining
about these sandwiches.

So, um...

Why were you in Pittsburgh?

I was thinking of going
to Carnegie Mellon.


You two are the Eagle Scouts

that found those guns
in the elevator shaft.

Yeah, that was, that was us.

Yeah, one of them came
back with a body on it.

Darnell "Shuggie" Adams.

Lived in Ruskin Gardens with
a woman named Thora Whitfield.

Found in a dumpster at the
Five Borough Bakery, 2007.

That would qualify as a
cold case, wouldn't it?

Cold as ice, but
I have go through

the motions of opening
an investigation, so...

if either of you hear of
anything that might be relevant,

- let me know.
- Hey.

I try not to seem like I
moved into the projects

with the sole purpose of

So don't seem like that.

How am I supposed to seem?

Like a hard-working
young police officer

trying to gain the trust of
the community she lives in.

That's what you
are, Brandy Quinlan.

Same as you, Andre Bentley?

Same as me.

Just one floor down.

Have a minute?


I don't believe we've met.

Deputy Inspector Jack
Hammond from Special Victims.

How can I help you, Jack?

Oh, it seems as though
one of your detectives

used to be one of my detectives.

If you're talking
about Crystal Morales,

I hope you're not
asking for her back.

N... No, I'm definitely
not asking for her back.

- Oh.
- One of my people

Threw up a flare that

she was trying to access files.

Well, there was
a shoo... Please.

Oh, thank you.

There was a shooting at a
supermarket this morning.

I understand it relates

to a rape investigation

from when she was
at Special Victims.

I'm sure you realize that
Special Victims cases

are of a particularly
sensitive nature.


Access on a
need-to-know basis only.

Detectives are generally
encouraged to share files.

Depends what they
want to do with them.

Seems to me that
Detective Morales

wants to make Special
Victims out to be negligent

or callous in their
treatment of a rape victim.

No, I don't think that's
what's motivating her at all.

Why don't we bring
the introductory part

of this conversation
to a close, Inspector?

Morales made her
feelings about the men

and women in Special Victims
pretty clear before she left.

But as long as I'm in charge,
they're not gonna be made

into punching bags for
her righteous indignation

that a wobbling

acquaintance rape case
didn't go the distance.

SVD files will not be provided

for Crystal Morales's perusal.

And you can tell her I said so.

I will.

I don't mean to be coming
down on you about this.

No, look, Jack, it's
all right, please.

They promote us to
a command position,

and we're expected to
protect our people,

answer for decisions
that weren't ours to make

and live and die by how many
cases we clear each month.

Yeah. It's...
it's a lot to ask.

You know... Anyway.

It's nice to meet you, Regina.


It's nice to meet
you, too, Jack.

Thanks. Take care.

You, too.



I just had a visit
from your old boss.

He give you his speech
about protecting his people?

He's entitled to protect
the confidentiality

of his case files, Detective.

Protect them from whom?

Especially if there isn't

a legitimate purpose being
served by sifting through them.


I know you wouldn't
be wasting your time

if there weren't.

Rape complaint breakdown
for Brooklyn North

for the past two years.
It's pretty clear

where your old boss
wanted his detectives

to focus their time

and where he didn't.

Detective Desmond Troy.

You lost?

They said they were
short-handed in a couple

precincts in Brooklyn North.
I took a 60-day assignment.

How's Manhattan South
Homicide managing

without you?

I'm out of Manhattan
South Homicide.

- Why's that?
- My soon-to-be-ex wife works there.

Oof, that is quite
a drop in class,

going from Manhattan
South Homicide

to a lowly squad detective
in East New York.

- Hopefully it's only temporary.
- Couldn't be

Temporary enough from
where I'm sitting.

Will you two stop?

- Us two?
- Yeah, you two.

Come on, make nice.

As long as you're here, Desmond,

how about you take
a case off my hands?

If it's something you
think I can handle.

Oh, sure, sure, sure.
It's a cold case

from 15 years ago.

Some skel who lived
in Ruskin Gardens.

Got a couple of uniforms
living over there.

Might want to start
by talking to them.

See you in the interview
room. I got to hit the head.

You pick the 7-4
just to wind him up?

The fact you were here might've
had something to do with it.

Oh, God, you're one of those.

One of what?

A romantic.

I didn't get him after all?

No, it's lucky for you
all you did was wound him.

I didn't even hurt
him that much.

I'm so stupid.


you're gonna be charged
with attempted murder.

They could put you
away for 15 years.

Had I killed him, it
would have been worth it.

I don't think so.

After the seasons
came once or twice

with you still inside...

I'm sure you'd come to feel
that nothing was worth it.

He changed my life, Crystal.

I was one person

before he did that to me and
I'm another person after.

I believe you.

I know you do.

The one thing that kept me
going was that you believed me.

And I didn't hold it
against you that...

it wasn't enough.

We didn't have a
suspect back then.

Um... how'd you find this guy?

I had stopped going
to the market.

I had stopped doing anything.

One day my nephews
were coming over,

I had to get some stuff and I...

saw his picture on the wall.

He's a manager there.

I struck up conversation with
someone who worked there,

and she told me he'd
been transferred

to the East New York location.

Who was it you struck
up a conversation with?

Uh, her name was Yolanda Evans.

She was an assistant manager
at the Gowanus store.

Oh, when I saw his picture...

when I finally knew his name...

it's like everything
came into focus.

Suddenly I had a purpose.

I tracked him.

I knew what time he got to
work, what time he got out.

I read up, and I got
a.38 caliber revolver,

'cause I thought it would
have been easier to handle.

Turns out it wasn't
as easy as I thought.

I took my shot and just ran.

What did you talk to
Yolanda Evans about?

I told her that I
knew him from college

and I just wanted
to get in touch.

She told me not to trust him.

You might want to go

a little light with the details

when it's time to
give a statement.

Yolanda Evans?


Detective Killian, Morales.

You work here when Reid Kissoon
was the general manager?

- I sure did.
- How was that?

- It was all right.
- How good could it be, right?

You here on account of
some woman shot him?

She said you directed her

to the store that was
opening in East New York.

I didn't know she
was gonna shoot him.

And nobody said you did.

Can you tell us
anything about him?

He was a little pervy.

But as long as he gave me

halfway decent hours and
kept his hands to himself,

I got along with him.

How was he pervy?

His whole thing
with the cameras.

Half the time,

he'd be back here,
staring up at the screen.

And if I came in
here and there was...

a pretty girl on camera,

he wouldn't take
his eyes off her.

Sometimes he'd say to me,

"What do you think
of her, Yolanda?"

I'd say, "Mr. Kissoon, I don't
think nothin' about her."

- Mm.
- Yeah.

Were there any ones he was
particularly interested in?

Yeah. One time,

he made me pull the credit
card receipt for one of them.

Penelope something.

Do you happen to have

a digital archive of that
credit card purchase?

As a matter of fact, we do.

Name is
Penelope Vega.

She filed a police report of
a rape in September of 2021.


"not amenable to prosecution."

Well, according to her profile
on Facebook, she's a chef.

If she had a criminal record,

maybe I could get
Corinne to hire her.

And where does she work?


Doesn't say.

Yes, it does.

It's right on her hat.

It's called a toque.

Whatever. What, are you
a restauranteur now?

You can be so mean.


If this is going where
I think it's going,

- they're gonna hang me out to dry.
- Take it easy, Jack.

What are we talking about here?

Somebody gave Crystal Morales
access to internal emails,

and I think it's because
she's building a case

against the Special
Victims Division.

Is there a case to be made?

always a case to be made

if that's what
you're looking to do.

You're gonna scrutinize
investigations past and present,

you're always gonna find
ways to make us wrong.

All right. I'm not circling
the wagons here, Jack.

If a rape victim
wasn't treated right,

if there was no follow-up,

somebody's got to
answer for that.

My detectives are
handling an average

of 75 cases each.

Oh, you know,

so then you should be banging
on the Chief of Detectives' door

or the Chief of
Department's door.

But don't come in here
crying that you can't do

your job properly and everybody
should just understand.

Because whether
it's domestic rape

or acquaintance rape
or stranger rape,

victims have a right to expect

a whole hell of a
lot better than that.

I don't guarantee results. John,

there's nothing I can do

- about people's expectations.
- You know what,

Maybe it's time for you
to put in your papers,

let somebody else do the job.

Anything else?

Will you look into it, at least?

Oh, I promise you I
will look into it.

Hey, Lou, get the car ready.

I'm going out to 7-4.

Excuse me,

- are you Penelope Vega?
- Yes.

Is there somewhere we can talk?

You're not in any kind
of trouble, Ms. Vega.

We're here because of a shooting

at the Green Gro supermarket

in East New York this morning.

The target of that
shooting was an individual

by the name of Reid Kissoon.

The woman

who stands accused
of the shooting

claims that Mr. Kissoon

raped her in March of 2021.

Well, whoever it was that raped
me didn't leave his name, so...

I can't help you there.

You filed a police report
in September of that year.

That's right. I did.

We're sorry to put you
through this, Ms. Vega.

But if you and this other woman
were raped by the same man,

there could be other
victims out there.

Could you tell us what happened?

It was...

Labor Day weekend.

The restaurant was busy.

I didn't get out, mm, of
the kitchen until midnight.

I was at the bar having a drink,

and then this guy
started talking to me.

He was witty.

He knew a lot about
wine and exotic produce

and the healing
properties of guava.

I actually enjoyed
talking to him.

But not enough to
give him my number.

So, when I shook hands and
said good night, I thought

that was the last
I'd be seeing him.

Mm, boy, was I wrong.


I unlocked the door
to my apartment,

he was behind me.


he put one hand over my mouth,

pushed me inside,

bent me over the
side of this couch...

and raped me.

Okay, so you...

you didn't have a name,

didn't have an address.

W-Was there security
camera footage?

Was there anyone who could
identify him from the bar?

From what they told me,
all they had was this ring

and that it wasn't enough
to go to the D.A. with.

What ring was that?

It was this silver ring

that I bought myself
in San Francisco.

I scratched him with it.

- Where's that ring now?
- Beats me.

I-I gave it to the detective
who interviewed me,

and that's the last I saw of it.

We'd like
for you to look

at some photographs to
see if you can ID him.

Can you get my ring back?

Of course.

Is that him?


It's okay.

Thank you.

Winston, make
sure those turnips

out of the ground
before it freezes.

Ledbetter was
supposed to do that.

Ain't she the one
always bragging

about her... mashed turnips?

Well, she didn't do it
and it needs to get done.

- Garden's looking good, Thora.
- Mm-hmm.

It's all right.

Somebody left the radishes
in the ground too long.

You know, I, um...

I wouldn't mind
helping out here.

Just tell me what to do.

Well, you could, um...

shovel that mulch
over the ground.

- Mm-hmm.
- And put down a cover crop

Of alfalfa, if you like.

She can't do all that.

Sure, I can.

My mom used to send me to work

at this farm upstate
during the summer

so I wouldn't get in trouble.

I love digging in the dirt.


- Shovel's in the shed.
- Okay.


Actually, is it okay
if I start tomorrow?

Long as you start sometime.

I definitely will.

Put in your time here...

you can help yourself to
whatever we got growing.

Okay. That's great.

And, by the way,

one of the guns that was
recovered in the elevator shaft

has been connected to the
murder of Shuggie Adams.

That right?

And since you
two lived together,

the detectives are
probably gonna want

to talk to you about that.

Just so you know.

They ain't got
nothing better to do?

Shuggie dead 15 years.

There's no statute of
limitations on murder.

There's no statute
of limitations

on a lot of damn things.


what are you getting
all worked up about?

She's telling us
some information.

Besides, after all these years,
I still have nothing to hide.

They want to know about Shuggie,

come by Apartment 7A.

I'll tell you all about him.

Okay. I will.

I'll see you guys soon.


You a hothead.

Ortiz gave

a physical description
of her rapist

but didn't have his
right name or address.

It wasn't until
she saw his picture

at the Gowanus supermarket
that she knew his name.

Right, and this woman
who worked there told her

he'd been transferred to
the East New York store,

which is where she shot him.

So what do we have as of now?

Positive identification
from Ortiz and Penelope Vega

that he raped both of 'em.

That's enough to get
a search warrant.

See what you can find
in his apartment.

Is this something we should run

by my old boss at Special
Victims, Inspector?

Special Victims put both those
cases on the bottom of the pile

'cause they were
acquaintance rapes.

So, as far as I'm concerned,

they dropped the ball, we picked
it up, we're running with it.

Are we gonna get in trouble?

We might.

Shuggie Adams was a
real piece of work.

- Oh, yeah?
- Three different women

Had protective
orders against him.

We got the search warrant.

Let's go.

Oh. Nice work, Detective.


Any chance we could
grab a drink later?

I got a lot going on
today. I don't know.


Officer Quinlan.


- Detective Troy, right?
- I was told

You might know something about
the Shuggie Adams homicide.

I'm looking into it.

Um, I'll just meet
you down by the car.

I should probably hang
around for this, too.

What's up?

What do we know about
this Thora Whitfield?

Uh, she's a tenant that
I've gotten friendly with.

You know there were multiple
incidents of domestic violence

between Shuggie and her?

That automatically
make her a suspect?

Doesn't automatically make
her anything, Officer.

But it may be significant.

What about if I talk to her?

Well, um,

I'm actually having tea
with her this afternoon,

so I'll see what I can find out.

- Let me know.
- Yeah.

Should I come with you?

No. No, it might make it seem

like it's too much
of an official visit.

I'll just go by myself.

Rape by a stranger strikes
more fear into the minds

of the public than rape
by an acquaintance.

That's why they
give it priority.

You know what it takes for
a rapist to be thought of

- as an acquaintance rather than a stranger?
- I do.

He bought her a glass of wine.

I'm not saying it's a
legitimate distinction.

- But?
- No "but."

All of these cases

should have been fully
investigated, and they weren't.


Special Victims's policy

is based on resources
and workload.

If any of this is
ever gonna change,

the Chief of
Department and the PC

have to be on board
with the changes.

Anything we can do

to help move this along?

I am serious.





You didn't need
to bring nothin'.

It's only right that I
don't come empty-handed.

Where are these from?

This German bakery
down by the precinct.

Hmm. Well, it so happens
I have a sweet potato pie

cooling on the counter.

- Oh.
- So,

We can compare your...

German bakery by the precinct
with my sweet potato pie.

Okay, I'd love that.


you don't mind
living by yourself?


I wouldn't have
it any other way.



How long were you two together?

Off and on...

about 18 years.

Wow. That's a long time.


Do you miss him?


It must be hard losing
someone violently like that.

There's all kinds of
things that are hard.

So, do you have...

any idea who would
want to kill him?

There were all kinds of
people who wanted to kill him.

Shuggie didn't care nothin'

about cheating people
out of their money.

Old people.

Simple people.

People sign over their mortgages

and he end up
owning their houses.

Why were you with him?

It wasn't all bad.

We had some fun.

I mean,

he could be... sweet.

When he wanted to be.

Did you ever...

get on him about
cheating these people?

Yeah. I did.

He'd say I didn't
understand business.

And he wasn't wrong about that.

Though I did understand
his business.

Let me go check on that pie.

You never had sweet potato pie?

No. Never.

Mm, well, darling,

you are in for a treat.

Well, I can't wait.

Five Borough.

Where Shuggie's body was found.

- It still needs to cool a little.
- Okay.

You used to work here at
the Five Borough Bakery?

I sure did.

Now let's see what you got here.



- what do you got for me, Tommy?
- Uh, nothing

So far, Captain. But...

I brought Detective
Troy into it,

and he's First Grade from
Manhattan South Homicide.

So, between us, you know,
we-we should be able to get

some answers.

I'll meet you upstairs.

Yeah, I just been pretty busy
with the supermarket shooting.

Yeah. That's why you
passed it off to Troy.

I didn't really pass off.

- I mean, I'll still be involved.
- Yeah, no,

No, of course. I mean,
you're getting pulled

in five different
directions, right?

First, one thing's a priority.

Then the other
thing's a priority,

and there's only so
many hours in the day.


Nobody cares.

Chief of Detectives
wants cold cases cleared.

And if they're not cleared,

he wants to know that
every effort has been made

to try and clear them.

You understand me, Tommy?

Everybody wants what they want.

They don't give a rat's ass
what anybody else wants.


Yeah, we'll try to have
something for you tomorrow.

I know you will.

Hey, did you make any
headway on that cold case?


I get a feeling those uniforms
living in that project

are less than enthusiastic
about snooping around.

The X-O's leaning on me.

Happy to take the heat
for you if you want me to.

Since when have you developed
such a generous nature?

As long as I'm here,
I want to be helpful.


We found these in
Kissoon's bedroom closet.

Each disc labeled with
a date and description

of the woman the
security camera recorded.

Whoa, there's a lot.

Yeah, the sick
bastard was organized,

I'll give him that.

Obsessed is more like it.

This one is of Penelope Vega.

This one is of Antonia Ortiz.

Both of their cases have
red stickers on them.

My guess is that means
those are the ones he raped.

Are those the only red stickers?


- Bring him in.
- He's still in the hospital, boss.

Then go to the hospital and
bring him in from there.

If he's breathing, bring him in.

You searched
my apartment?

Well, when there's a shooting,
we look to gather evidence

wherever we can find it.

We couldn't help but
notice you enjoy watching

security camera footage.

First I get shot,

then my privacy gets violated?

With the grand opening,

- this was supposed to be a good week.
- Mm.

There's time yet.

Maybe you could turn it around.

At least
two of those discs

have security camera
footage of women

who claim that you raped them.

Well, they're lying.

And what, exactly,
does that prove?

That I'm a voyeur?

Okay, I'm a voyeur.

No, no, you're
right. Seems crazy.

But to keep it straight,

you admit having
had sexual relations

with Antonia Ortiz,

but you maintain
it was consensual?

In all respects.

- What about Penelope Vega?
- Wow!

They're coming out of the
woodwork, aren't they?

Well, Penelope Vega
and Antonia Ortiz

have the same account.

You know, drink at the
bar, follow 'em home,

push in the front
door behind 'em.

And according
to your doctor,

the exit wound was in the back.

You were shot in the front.

You know what, I'm done
talking to the two of you.

Yeah, I'm sure you're tired.

You know, and the last
thing we want to do is

put you through
any further strain.

But the thing is,

when two incidents closely
resemble each other,

we look for a pattern.

You want to
tell us how many times

that pattern was repeated?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- How many were there, Reid?

How many women did you rape?


You can't prove that
I raped any of them.

See, that's
where you're wrong.

We have a DNA match

- from Penelope Vega.
- What?

The ring she
scratched your face with,

and the gauze your gunshot
wound was bandaged with

are a perfect match
with the rape kit.

The only
question is whether or not

you want to come clean
about anyone else.

What I want is a lawyer.

You got it.

Tell them you're
officially under arrest.

You can't do this.
Get me my lawyer. Now!

They're gonna take you
over to arraignment.

There'll be a bail hearing.

Given that you're employed,

and you have ties
to the community,

it's possible
they'll release you

on your own recognizance.

Past that,

you need a good lawyer.

Any suggestions?

There's a few I can think of.

They'll bring it to
the court's attention

that you were in fact raped,

and that your rapist
has been arrested

for a similar crime.

Whether you plead
temporary insanity

or PTSD, there's a chance
you won't have to do

any jail time at all.

A chance.

But... Uh... What similar
crime did he commit?

A few months after he raped you,

he raped another woman.

I'm sure a thorough

will reveal he raped others.

I know you would have caught him

if they let you, Crystal.

Yeah. I wish that would
have been the case.

Hey, they have to run her
over to Central Booking.

Hands behind your
back. Thank you.

I'll get you the names
of those lawyers.

Thank you.

How you doing?

Oh, I've been better.

Don't you have a home to go to?

I guess I do.

Wishing you hadn't volunteered

to move into the projects?


I am wishing I was more
sure of myself, though.

As far as what goes?

You live somewhere,
you find things out.

You know, things that
you would never find out

if you just worked
in that place.

I mean, you get to
know these people

because they're your neighbors.

So you act like their
neighbor, and then...

you come into a
piece of information,

and you're supposed
to act like a cop.

Figure out who
killed Shuggie Adams?

I figured out that where
his body was dumped

makes it seem likely that one
of those neighbors killed him.

You know, I locked up Shuggie
Adams two or three times.

And I also think I got a
pretty good idea who shot him.

We make these
decisions every day

about who we bring
in and who we let go.

That's the job.

Yeah, and no one tells us that

these are our decisions to make,

but sometimes they are.

That's right,
sometimes they are.

So how do you know?

How do you know that you've
made the right decision?

When I sleep good at night.

I want to do right by
Ruskin Gardens, Marvin.

I... I want me being there

to be a good thing.

Then ask yourself who
are you working for?

I saw what Shuggie Adams did
to all the people around him.

And I promise you,
it's a better place

with him gone.

Wait, wait, wait.
You didn't tell me...

You didn't tell me what to do.

Oh, yeah, I did.

How you doing, Officer?

Marvin Sandeford.

Desmond Troy.

You working
out of the Squad here?

For the time being.

Officer Quinlan found
guns in an elevator shaft.

Now I got a 15-year-old
homicide to work.

If it ain't one
thing it's two, huh?

That's right.

Anything come to light
about that homicide?

No. I-I put some feelers
out, but nothing came back.

Yeah, I kind of
figured nothing would.

- Detective.
- Chief.

Please. Uh, thanks
for coming down here.

I know it's been a long day.

Am I in trouble?

Not as far as I'm concerned.

She in any kind of
trouble with you, Regina?

Far from it.

So, then, why am I here?

I don't usually get summoned

to the Borough
Commander's office.

It took guts to do what
you did, Detective.

I've seen how you work.

I know how frustrated
you must have been

at Special Victims.

That's why I left.

Detective, the job
doesn't appreciate

having its failures held
up to the light of day.

Which means sometimes
they shoot the messenger.

Want to propose something
to you, Detective.

And I want you to understand

you are free to decline
this proposition.

I understand.

I have a friend over at DOJ

whom I've known for a long time.

If an investigation
into the practices

over at Special
Victims is warranted,

there is no one who I would
trust more to conduct it.

It's possible
talking to them

might not be a good career move.

Is that the kind of
thing you'd worry about?

I'm in a different position.

You weren't always in a
different position, Inspector.

No, she wasn't.

I'll talk to whoever you
think I should talk to.

I thought we were
doing this together.

Oh, no, we are.


Do you think that
we made a mistake?

- By agreeing to shovel mulch?
- No.

Moving into Ruskin Gardens.

I don't think it
was a mistake, no.

Seems like it's a
worthwhile thing to do.

To try, at least.

It's pretty complicated.

As far as what you did or
didn't tell this detective?

Yeah, for starters.

I think you did the right thing

by not pointing him
in the direction

of making Thora a suspect.

I think if you had,
you'd regret it.

You mean if she were to get
arrested and stand trial?

Or if she were convicted
and sent to prison.

Even though I may have
withheld evidence?

Even though everything.

You're so sure of yourself.

When there's something
to be sure about, yeah.

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