East New York (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Snapped - full transcript

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Previously on East New
York... You got to think of yourself

as a self-contained unit.
You need something,

have that thing.

Where'd you learn
to speak, uh, Italian?

I lived in Italy when I was 16.

Had an Italian boyfriend
and everything. Long story.

He's a kid from East New York.
And you're a kid from Westchester.

I also want members
of the service

to start living near
where they work.

The lying in this precinct
stops now.

Just like that? Just like that.

Think you'll ever give it up
to her?

She don't need me
to give it up to her.

You still haven't gone
to see psych services?

Your father was a cop.

I know he left the job
under difficult circumstances.

Excuse me, I am here

not to talk about my father.

♪ Don't be afraid

♪ Don't be afraid, no, no, no

♪ Don't be afraid...


You Oscar Campos? Yeah.

Yeah, we got a call you were
requesting police assistance.

How can I help you?

Oh, yeah, so the owner,
he always rides us

about checking the notes section

on the meal delivery apps.
When I seen this, Mm-hmm.

I didn't know what to do.

The boss told me
to hit you up right away.

Uh, "notes section"?

Yeah, you know, like,
uh, off-menu requests.

Extra ketchup,
sauce on the side.

This wasn't that.

7-415 to Central.

Requesting a patrol
supervisor to my location.

7-415, stand by.

♪ Some courage

♪ Sometimes that's all it takes
to make a change ♪

♪ Courage

♪ Sometimes that's
all it takes to make... ♪

You're hilarious.


Why are you late
for your morning run?

I've been waiting half an hour.

Maybe you overslept
because you met

an exciting man?

And had a date for a change?

I mean, that would
be nice because

then maybe I'd get
some grandkids.

Not that I'm pushing,
but you notice I'm guessing,

since there have been
no calls, no texts,

no emails.

That's too much guilt
before morning coffee.

So why you ghosting me?

I'm not, I just,
I've been busy.Oh.

New job,
new responsibilities, it's...

it's been a lot.

Work should be number three

on your list, Regina Gail.

But I think I know...

a way you can make it up to me.

Do I even want to know?

Second chances, Regina.

No, Mom, just no.


at the house as a family.
Your dad...

Has been MIA for a while now.

And it turns out,
I didn't need him.

After all this time...
Why do you?

God joined us.

And no one better get
in His way.

I guess no one
told Dad. Look.

You want to forgive him,
fine, just leave me out of it.

I'm happy to,
'cause our marriage is none

of your business. That's right.

But you forgive someone
not for them...

it frees you.

Hate is a heavy burden.

No, I don't hate him,
I just don't care.

I'll see you later.

All right, who's making
threats 'cause they're

unhappy with their bacon,
egg and cheese on a roll?

Read it.

"Hostage. Send police,

"quick, quiet.

Please help."


Come on, come on,
just do it for me, baby.

Come on, come on, come on!

You can always take the day,

reassess, think about

if this is really what you want
to do with your life.

I got to call an Uber.

I'm gonna get reamed for
missing roll call, Mom.

This two-hour
commute is killing me.

There is a rent-free apartment
in the city close to work.

I wouldn't need the car.
I was thinking... We have a deal.

You live at home your
rookie year. It's not working.

You're still tied up in knots
about the whole thing.

I have a thousand
good reasons to worry.

And it doesn't stop until you
get back home. Please, Andre.

Granddad was a cop.

And he walked a beat
so you didn't have to.

He loved his job.

And my mother never slept.

Closest Uber is 20 minutes out.

Take your father's car.

He's at a conference.
I'm not driving Dad's car.

Well, then stay home.

Or be very, very late.

And you know what I prefer.

Love you. Love you, too.

Homeowner's name
is Isaiah James.

Guy's clean, no wants,
no warrants.

Doesn't make a lot of sense.
We sure this isn't a joke?

Well, I'm not laughing.
What're the odds that someone

is being held against
their will and they're able

to request police
through a meal app?

Well, it seems
pretty real to me.

Can't ESU just kick in the door?

No, our-our hands

are tied without probable cause.

You're good to go.

We check it out first,
then call the cavalry.

Get him to open the door.

Record, then bounce.

Okay, got it.

We'll be close by.

Any sign of trouble,

we're all over it. Mm-hmm, copy.

You all right? Yeah. Yeah.

I got it.

♪ The lines and boundaries

♪ A few

♪ More painful things...

♪ And robberies

♪ Dirty secrets in the hills

♪ There's someone out there

♪ Someone out there.

Morning, Officer. License and registration.

Uh, I'm actually on the job.

I was in a bit of rush and I
forgot my ID and badge at home.

Car's a hundred grand.

Who does it belong to,
'cause I know it's not yours.

You steal it?

No, it's my father's.

My name's Andre Bentley.

I'm out of the 7-4,
I'm late for roll call.

So can I get
a little bit of courtesy?

Stay in your vehicle.

Did I steal it?

Leave the food.

I'm sorry, sir, I can't.
I'm gonna need a signature.

Since when?

The app company's eating costs

on non-delivery claims.

No signature,
no food, no refund.

Hey. Oh, yeah. Where do I sign?

You're just gonna sign right...
Oh, my goodness!

Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry!

I am such a klutz!

Do you have any paper towels?

I'm so s...

You know what, I'll get another

order put in. No, no, really. It's fine.

Just forget it. I'll just put a rush on it.

No, it's totally fine.
I'm sorry. It was my bad.

I said forget it!

You still haven't called it in
when I said I was on the job.

I told you to say in the car! My
CO's Deputy Inspector Regina...

You have hearing trouble?
Get your ass back in the car!

All you got to do is call
the 7-4. Why'd you pull me over?

I wasn't speeding.
Car wasn't reported stolen.

So what made you
hit your lights? You got no ID,

no badge in
a car that isn't yours.

Which you didn't know
until you pulled me over.

So tell dispatch I want
a supervisor here now.

Get off me!

You put hands on me!

I'm taking you in!

I saw a gun in plain view.

Isaiah James is
definitely holding

someone against their will. Did you see
any evidence of that?


You saw a gun, Brandy,
but you missed something bigger.

Like what?


Place is pretty empty.

Well, it's on the market.


That's why I spilled the food
was to get a better look.

Wait, keep watching.

What's that?

Make it bigger.

That's detcord.

This guy wired his house
with a bomb.

Bentley bang in sick today?

I was just coming
over to get you.

He got jammed up
by a Highway unit.

For what?

Failure to comply.

That sound right to you?

Not even close. I think you'd

better get over there
and spring him right away.

That's not all I'm gonna do.

Now what are the chances
it was a misunderstanding?

Above your pay grade.

Let's let the white
shirts handle it.

Keep your head down
and don't make it worse.

Wouldn't dream of it, Sarge.

Officer Ruhl, Marvin Sandeford,

from the 7-4.

What is your beef
with Officer Andre Bentley?

I catch, release is
another department.

Not if you void.

Now why would I do that when
his own actions jammed him up?

You do that to a probie,
he's done.

He failed to comply
with my orders.

You... no.

Power's a heady thing.

Gives you swagger.

Sounds to me you get upset

when certain people don't do

what you say,
the moment you say it.

You accusing me of something?

Yes, I am.

He had no ID, no badge,

no proof it was his car... You clairvoyant?

You couldn't know any of this

before you pulled him over.

The kid has a temper.
He lashed out.

So don't put this on me.
Did he grab your gun?

Did he take a swing
at you, did he? No. No!

Then you escalated
the situation.

We're done here. Now leave.



This way, Mr. Padilla.

I'm Deputy Inspector
Regina Haywood.

This is Captain Stan Yenko. How are you?

- Alex Padilla.
- Please sit.

So how can I help?

What can you tell us
about Isaiah James?

He's worked for
my construction company

for the last ten years
as a blaster.

"Blaster"? Explosive demolition.

He designs blasts to control
the way a building falls.

A skilled blaster can collapse a
building into its own footprint

even when it's surrounded
by other buildings.

Isaiah's one out of only 100
across the country.

He's indispensable.

And has served his country
with honor.

So I don't know what...

this is all about to warrant...
What has he done?

Does he have access
to a lot of explosives?

All of them.

Uh, dynamite, TNT, RDX,

C4 to name a few.

Right now, he's LOA.

It's a damn shame.

You say he's
on leave of absence.

He have issues?

He's going through
a contentious divorce that's...

He's a really good guy

getting screwed over,
so I don't understand

why you're digging
into his life.

A lot of people get divorced
and don't need time off, so?

The split got nasty
when Isaiah was forced to sell

the house that's been
in his family for generations.

I made him take the time off.

Are you missing any ordnance?

They're highly regulated

and secured in a vault.

Are you telling me
I need to check?

I am. Captain?

We got an angry ex-husband

who may have kidnapped his wife.

Well, according to
the restaurant app SOS,

she's still alive. For now.

Issue a BOLO for the ex.

We need to find her in case

she's not being held
in the house.

But why'd he wire
the home to blow?

Maybe he resented the hell

out of having
to sell the family home.

You know, if I can't
have it, nobody can.

neighborhood evacuation? Yes.

But plainclothes
and unmarked vehicles only.

Anything out in the open
might spook the guy.

If I have to requisition
a mobile command unit,

I don't know
how we're gonna avoid the press

from invading the block.

And that might set him off.

Notify ESU?
Not yet.

The press monitor their calls.

Let's just do what we can

for the victim who asked

for quick and quiet.

Let me handle the press.

Come on.

Got you. Come on,
right this way.

Lot of uniforms here, Inspector.

We have a situation,
Father. I'm sure you do.

But this community
lives in fear of you

and your situations,
so I'm saying no.

You have my assurance
that no one

in your sanctuary
will be interfered with.

What are you doing here?

I heard you can be difficult
so I just thought

I'd see if perhaps
I could persuade you to be

more cooperative instead.

You can't force your way
onto church property, Chief.

Would it make any difference
if I told you it's

a life-and-death situation?
Only if I believed you.

A man may have wired
his house with explosives.

Inspector, I think that's
a little bit too much

information to be sharing
with the padre here.

Well, I think we can trust

he'll keep it in confidence.

Like a confession?

Do what you have to do.

Thank you.

He's a tough nut.

Don't I know it.

All right, the microphone's
hidden in the folds of the bag.

All he has to do
is take it inside.

Okay, and then what?

I mean, come on, put me to work.
I can help.

Then patrol the perimeter.
Come on, you know the drill.


You won't be in the bag forever.

You're too much
of a go-getter for that.


Hey, I'm back.

Told you to forget it!

Well, I ruined your order.

So I had to fix it.

I don't want it.

Well, I paid for it myself.

And I'll just leave it
right here and you can

eat it or not.
It's up to you.

Where's your head right now?

If it's not in the game,
how can you watch my six?

Good to know you care.

I get wrongfully
pulled over, cuffed,

thrown in a cell, but somehow...

It's about you,
and what comes next.

You're about to tell me
to eat it, aren't you?

No doubt you got a genuine beef,

but you got to apologize. If you
don't, you get booted for cause.

If he gets to do that,
I wasn't meant to be a cop.

You let this bastard
punch your ticket,

he'll own every part of you.

Apologize and keep
your damn job! Not happening.

Not happening.
I'm filing a formal complaint.

Cops don't rat on cops, Bentley.

Just setting yourself up
for retaliation.

You saying you won't back me up?

Glad to know you have my six.

Sandeford, Bentley.

Let's get moving.
Inspector's calling

for all hands so report
to the scene forthwith.

What's this about?

I get home with groceries
and I'm surrounded by cops.

Whatever Isaiah did,
it is not my fault.

Does he usually go off
the deep end?

There've been some episodes.

He went off on my lawyer several
times, the child psychologist,

even the judge.

What do you think
set him off this time?

Divorce was settled.

Only thing we fight
about now are the girls.

How old are they? Eight and ten.

He's a girl dad
through and through.

They always have
his full attention.

Any sacrifice is never too much.

He's a good parent and I
wouldn't keep them from him

if he'd just agree
to get some help.

Was forcing therapy part
of the divorce agreement?

Yes. My lawyer, Sonya Prayal,

was supposed to get
a missing signature.

That was two days ago.

Sir, you want to listen to this?

Tell us if you
recognize a voice.

You have to let me go.

Please, I have a family,
I have...

I had one, too.
It's your fault I lost them.

That's Sonya! You need to go in
there and get her right now!

The divorce, it took forever
and Sonya went the extra mile.

She didn't charge me an arm
and a leg. She's good people.

Any reason your ex
would hold a grudge

against your lawyer
instead of you?

She did say he was unhinged
in open court.

Well, that would do it.

Damn, what's ESU doing here?

Reports say there's
a female hostage...

We need to control the circus
or this will end badly.

You know it's not
your call anymore, right?

Chief Suarez,
Deputy Inspector Haywood.

I'm Captain Keith Chen.

Soon as I deploy my team,
I need a briefing.

It's my scene now.

"We are men, we are not beasts"
was the rallying cry.

Now it took four days to get
that situation under control.

But 43 hostages and prisoners
at Attica were killed

by unjacketed bullets

fired by state and local police.

Such excessive force
was a black eye

for law enforcement that day,
I can tell you.

We've been here awhile.

When are you gonna answer
a straight question?

What kind of explosives
does Isaiah James...?

You know, it took 19 hours,

but John Wojtowicz
didn't use any explosives

when he took those hostages

that Dog Day bank heist and

to sway public opinion,

he would throw money
into the crowd.

And the perps... ESU has
control of the scene, so...

thanks for nothing. Where you going?

Where you going?

Guys! Master of the filibuster.

I don't care what everyone
else says about you, Captain.

You're a friggin' genius.

Thank you, Jimmy.

♪ Who said it?

♪ I gave you the noise
and the credit ♪

♪ Man, you better run
if I get it ♪

♪ 'Cause I can have fun
if you let me, uh ♪

♪ Don't run, just forget it

♪ Bring the nightclub
to the Getty ♪

♪ I'm a lion, Serengeti

Copy that.

♪ With a fresh new mane

♪ Looking ready, I step

♪ Into my office,
if you're looking for juice ♪

♪ I'm fresh-squeezed,
you a dry-ass prune ♪

♪ You stay breathin'

♪ Do bad things

Have any idea

what this guy wants? No clue.

Just learned from the ex-wife

that Isaiah's holding
her lawyer, Sonya Prayal.

He's had her for two days.

You just talked to the ex?

Where is she?

Who's calling the target?

What do you want, Angela?

I know what you
did, Isaiah. Oh, it's his wife.

Son of a bitch. Just let Sonya go

and everything will be okay. Somebody get
that phone from her!

Who told you to say that?

You've always been a dumb cow.

Who you calling dumb? Hey!

I'm not the one
surrounded by cops!

Idiot! Gimme that!
What, are you crazy?

Snipers, you do not
have a green light.

I was trying to help!
Somebody had to do something.

That someone sure as
hell shouldn't be you!

Put her on ice.

Give me my phone.

No, you can't have your phone.

Give me a closer look on that.

He's laying detcord everywhere.

That's not good.

I'm texting him to open the door

and take the phone.

You come in here,
I'll blow the house.

Place is wired.

I hear you.

My name's Keith Chen.

How's everyone doing in there?

Great. Couldn't be better.

And Sonya?

She probably wishes she minded
her own damn business.

Is she hurt?


So no one's been hurt yet.

All right, that's a good thing.

There's still a chance to
resolve this peacefully.

Lie. We just want to make sure
everyone's safe.

Another lie.

I see snipers on the building.

You-you don't give a damn
what happens to me.

We do care, Isaiah.

Okay? We care about you
and we care about Sonya.

Well, you know what,
I don't believe you.

So if you come in here,
we all go.

That's a promise.

I'd like to talk to him myself.

You're not getting through.

Maybe I can.

What makes you think that?


Captain, Isaiah wanted
to blow up his home.

He didn't intend
to take the lawyer hostage.

She showed up
to get a signature.

He wasn't expecting
her. You don't know that.

The first one on the scene
has the most information.

Look, I... Let me try.

I know you had negotiation
training in the past,

but my answer's no.

Give me another look there.

Scuse me.



I know every neighbor and
parishioner of this church.

You aren't one of them. And I
know every felon in my patrol sector.

Looks like you're harboring one.

Perp's wanted for Assault 1.

Thought your book believed
in reaping and sowing. Why don't you try

reading the whole book before
you cherry-pick scripture.

Out there, you're the law.
In here, you're my guest.

Bomb Squad just went through
all this, uh, video footage.

They say the electronic triggers
are daisy-chained.

So one goes, they all go.

He won't give up the hostage,

and now he's not
even talking to us.

Eventually, they're gonna
lure him to the window

and snipe him before
he blows the place up.

If he's not talking,
it might be the only way.

Before we reach that conclusion,

I'd like a shot
at talking to him.

I think I can reach this guy.

I got to say no, Regina.

It's time to let ESU
do their job.

Nobody gets to make a bomb
threat in this city anymore

and expect to just walk away.

One PP got to you.

They did. I got

chiefs and super chiefs
blowing up my cell, yes.

Next call's gonna
probably be the PC,

ordering us to light him up.

One of your officers
tried to arrest

one of my people
inside the nave.

That's why I can't trust
you guys.

Since when did the church
give sanctuary to criminals?

We offer mercy.
You should try it.

Well, as soon as he turns
himself in, I'll consider it.

You're trying awfully hard
to fix a very small problem.

We may be forced to kill
this guy to save his hostage.

And since when
do you care about that? Hey.

I've never been quick
to kill anyone.

Not even a bad guy.

Most cops feel the
same way, Frank.

So quit treating us
like we're the enemy.


He's not taking your calls.

Thanks for the update.

Let me use
the ex-wife's cell phone.

No. You could set
off the explosive.

We already know it didn't go off
when she called the first time.

You got a better idea?

I don't need one.

I already told you no.

Let me try
to get through to him.

You have your marching orders
to take him out.

What difference
could it possibly make,

me wasting my time
talking the guy down?

We follow a script.

If he escalates, hang up.

Your scene, your rules.

Are you happy now, Angela?

Look what you did.

Isaiah, this is
Deputy Inspector Regina Haywood.

I understand
you have a legitimate grievance,

and we can talk about it.

But not like this.

What's left to say?

You can start by telling
me what you want.

I want...

I don't even know anymore.

I'm so tired. This is exactly what
she's not supposed to do.

The guy's finally talking.
What's your problem?

Maybe that's the point.

Hey, you're crazy if you
think I want headlines.

"Man Blows Up Himself
and Hostage"?

Then let her work.
I got to say,

you got our undivided
attention. Isaiah,

we're troubled
by the wired house

and very concerned
about the hostage.

So let's lower the temperature

by sending out Sonya Prayal.

And then we can just...
We can just talk.

They're worried
about Sonya Prayal?

What about all the things
she did to me?

Well, you can tell
me all about it.

I'm willing to listen.

After you let her go.

Only way I release her
is when I toss

her dead body
on the front steps.

He's es... he's escalating.
Hang up.Okay.

What about
your daughters? Hang up.

How are they going to feel

when they learn
what you've done?

Do not talk to me about my kids!

But they love you.

How are they supposed
to handle the fallout?

H-Have you considered
them at all?

I don't see them or talk to them

because their mother
wants to punish me.

I haven't hugged them in months
while this...

lawyer and my demon ex-wife

raked me across the coals.
They're all I had left,

and they took them from me!

Damn it!

Hell of a pooch screw,

Now whatever happens next

is on you. His children mean
the world to him.

I thought he would listen,

if I talked about what it would
do to their well-being.

Well, you were wrong.
Hey, hey.

We got movement. Hey.

You come in,

you're dead!

Shoot me, she's dead!

How you like me now?!

Hey, man. Give me
back my camera.

Stay behind the barricade.

I have the right
to report the news, Officer.

Andre Bentley,
badge #66107, out of the 7-4.

Anything else you want to know?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stay in your lane

or get zip-tied,
because you're interfering

with a police action.

Up to you.

Come on.

I don't need your help.
Yeah, well, I'm pissed

'cause I'm out of the action
and I'm babysitting some press.

What's your problem?

Nothing I can't handle.

Got to say, you
manhandle a reporter,

they can frame up a story
that can seriously jam you up.

What, are you
looking for trouble?

Don't have to look for it
if it finds me.

- What do you think?
- Well,

he's got a shotgun
taped to a woman's neck.

Seems committed to
seeing this through.

I don't think so.

This escalated
every step of the way.

Now it's out of control
and he's stuck.

I doubt there's
even shells in the gun.

What makes you say that? Sonya caught him

planting explosives when she

unexpectedly showed up
to get a signature.

He couldn't let her leave.

But he did let her
order food and...

Right. And he had
her for two days.

So if he wanted to kill her,
he would've done it already.Right.

Saw you had beef on the line.

You all right? Yeah.

I got to take a leak.

Rookie's still running hot, huh?

You think I don't get
a heads-up when one

of my officers is in custody?

Thinks I'm hanging him out
to dry.

Now, let me guess...

You told him to apologize.

Making waves
just rocks the boat.

Yeah. Sometimes.

When we first got on the job,

we had to eat every
insult, offense...

that they hurled our way.

You and me, we were supposed

to put it all to bed.

But, uh, sometimes
I feel like...

we haven't made
any progress at all.

I don't know
if I'd say that, Chief.

A lot of us watched you rise.

Those stars on your collar say
there's been plenty of progress.

I don't live
in my uniform though. Do you?

You'll feel better

if you... do something real.

Yeah, but...
I'd get arraigned

if I did what I wanted to do.

Any suggestions?

Show the rookie
you got his back.

No matter what.

Chief Suarez.

Uh, yeah. I'm on my way.

Do you have joy?

Negative. No clean shots.


If you can get him
to talk to you,

keep him in that window.

Snipers can't take the shot

without hitting the hostage.

They can if they hit
the sweet spot.

Shot to the dime-sized medulla

will kill a body twitch
before he hits the floor.

What if they miss?

That's a risk we have to take.

You really think

this is a good idea, Captain?

Time for negotiation's
over, Chief.

She's holding my target steady.

Take the shot on my signal.
Snipers, be ready.

Roger that.

What's your next step, Isaiah?

I want to see my daughters.

I need to see them.

You can. At my precinct,
after processing.


Bring them here.

I wouldn't do that to them.

I care too much
about their welfare.

You're not in charge.

I'm in charge.

You asked me what I wanted.

That's what I want... my kids!

Take the shot when you have it.

Do me a favor.

We can talk,

but step away
from the window first.

They're not gonna shoot me.

They're willing to end this.

I'm the only one that's not.


Right now. Please let me go.

I'm begging you.


I've lost the shot.

Is Sonya okay?

She's fine.

She's whining.

So why don't you let her go?

Eventually, this'll all end.

Don't do anything stupid.

she's someone's daughter, too.

Can I just talk to my kids
on the phone?

Wouldn't you rather hug them?

Look, I don't know
when the world decided

that men were expendable.

Kids need their fathers,
especially girls.


are the first relationship
with a man they have.

If that goes wrong, they all do.

My wife never understood that.

I don't know about all that.

She says they're daddy's girls.

Look, I was one, too.

And then my dad left, and...

all I could do was wonder what
I did wrong to make him go away.

Maybe it wasn't your fault.

Little girls can only hear that
from their fathers.

Did he ever come back?


What happened?

I'm not little anymore.


what are you gonna tell
your kids?

I don't plan
on telling 'em anything.

They won't understand.

And I can't live
with what they'll think of me

when they find out
what I've done.

The only thing
your girls want is you.

Even when you...

break promises or screw up.

So if all it takes
is an apology,

why aren't you talking to yours?

He hasn't apologized.

Isaiah, it's time to end this.

Don't traumatize your girls
with your mistakes.

Give them a chance
to forgive you.

You owe them that.

You owe them.

I'm coming out.

He's coming out!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't shoot.

It's empty.

It's a hell of a thing,

I've never seen a white shirt
put themselves out like that.



Huh? You feeling okay?

Get out of here.

You need an ambulance?

I appreciate you giving me
the chance to talk him down.

I do. Is that what I did?

You don't fool me, Captain.

I know that you wanted
everyone to come out alive

as much as I did.

Great work. All right.

Where are we going?

We're way out
of our patrol area.

As long as we ride together,

I got your back.

Don't ever question
my loyalty again.

Black grapevine's buzzing,

Heard you were
about to throw down.

Cop in his unit told us
where he'd be with the wife,

so we tied him up
in a nice little bow.

Hop to it, rook.
We don't have all day.

We think

he's been drinking.

I had one beer.

What the hell is going on?

My husband's a police officer.

Have some damn courtesy.

Sir, please step
out of the vehicle

and blow in this tube for me.

Make sure you blow extra hard.

You're eating.

I thought I was bringing dinner.

I brought dinner.

Did I not say I was bringing it?

Yeah, but I knew
you were gonna be late.

And why's that?

You had to convince
that parishioner

to turn himself in,
Pope Francisco.

That had to take some time.


What kind of priest
uses language like that?

Oye, if it's in the
Bible, I can use it.

Okay? Ven acá. Dame un beso.

Jackass yjackass.

Mwah. Sí.Ah!

Make a plate

for your brother
and show respect

for his sacrifice.

You show respect
for his sacrifice.

What do I always say?

Family first. Family last.


Oh. Just the person
I wanted to see.

Huh? Can I give you
a ride home? I, uh...

I still have my
father's car. Nice.

Um, are you sure you want
to go that far out of your way?

Yeah, I need
to see your apartment.

Please tell me that lame-ass
line has never worked before,

because you've got
no game whatsoever.

Pump the brakes, Brandy.

I'm taking the other unit
in Ruskin Gardens,

and I want a look
at your layout.


So, want a ride?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, sure. Yeah? Great.

I'll get the door.
There you are.

♪ Tomorrow's not promised

♪ But our love is right now

♪ Promises, promises

♪ Who knows
where they're bound? ♪



on your promotion.

I'm not going
to talk shop with you.

Unless you're ready
to tell me what went down

when you were at the 7-4.

Didn't you check?

Your records are restricted,
but you know that.

One day, I'll spill.

But right now,

I honestly don't know
where to start.

"Forgive me" isn't good enough.

"I'm sorry I left" won't cut it.

I want so badly
to make it right,

and I know I'm...

just another...

screw up, okay?

You can't just fix this

with one swing.

I spent most of yesterday
dealing with a guy

who lost everything in a divorce
and was so desperate,

he threatened
to blow up his own home.

I talked him down
by reminding him

that his daughters needed him,

whether he went upstate or not.

Are you saying you're willing
to admit you need me, Regina?

I don't know.

I thought I didn't. I...

Then you thought wrong.

Deny your family,

you don't deserve them.

You could be talking about me.

I know that, but I'm talking
to the apple that fell

from your tree. Stubborn,

opinionated, unforgiving...

I don't know
about all that, Mom,

seeing as I just forgave you
for ambushing me.

Got anything left for me?

I know you want a second chance,

but I don't know
if I can give you one.

So, I will just keep asking

until you change your mind.

Sausages, biscuits,

gravy, eggs, potatoes.

How does that sound?

You cooking or something?

Of course.

That sounds good to me.

Okay, I could eat.

Okay, come on and eat.

♪ You can't keep

♪ No promises ♪

♪ Tomorrow

♪ No promises ♪

♪ I'm livin' right now

♪ No promises♪♪ Promises, promises.

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