ER (1994–2009): Season 9, Episode 16 - A Thousand Cranes - full transcript

The police question Drs. Pratt and Gallant about a rampage at the diner across from the ER. Dr. Lewis befriends her teen admirer, a cancer patient.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on ER:

Well, then, where's my brother?

They found his plane.


Tied down in a
field outside
Sault Sainte Marie.

He's my son.

How can I wait?

Welcome to the outside
of the disease.

I don't want Sean
to suffer anymore.

I don't want to die.

Then you should fight...
with everything you have.

What do you want?
What do I want?

You to stop being so afraid.

Us to stop
being so careful.

I want to marry you!


Oh, I wish the sun would rise

This graveyard shift's
going forever.

( sighing )

You okay?


I love you too, Carter,
but it's over.

I'm going to ask her tonight.

You're going
to propose?

Actually, I already
did, but... badly.

She said no?

She didn't say anything,

but I'm going
to do it right.

Oh, wow.

That is a nice rock.

It was my great-grandmother's.


My great-grandfather
gave it to her

the day he left for the army.

You know,
I don't think she'll mind

that it's second-hand.

Hey. You guys
want something

from Magoo's?
My treat.

No, thanks.

No, I'm all right.

Hey, Luka.

Did you dispo Mr. Lindsey?

Yeah, they took
him up to cards.

Oh, well,
he'll be all right.

He's bounced back

Actually, he died.


Way to start
the day, huh?


Can I buy you
some breakfast?

What's that
you're reading?

The workplace
sensitivity manual.

Weaver wants me
to learn it.

What, uh, what's "schmuck"?

( chuckling ):

It's one of the
inappropriate words--
schmuck, "pootz..."

No, I think you mean "putz."

( giggling )

Peckerwood-- is that a tree?

( laughing )

Hello? Anybody here?


Oh, my God.

Gray matter.

No pulse.

We should get
the police.

Oh, God.

GSW to the head.

Exit wound through the spine.

They're gone.

( low moan )

Trina? Oh, my God.

( low, trembling moan
continues )

She's breathing.

Go get help.

Do you remember the Rileys?

You guys stayed with them

when you were
about ten or so.

Uh... yeah.

They had a cabin
up by Mount Lutsen.

Yeah. Eric used to
call Sonia, um, "Gammy."



Maybe he went there.


They were really
good with you when...

things were bad.

They, they took you
fishing, remember?

Yeah, in, uh,
Grand Rapids.

In Grand Rapids.

I cut my finger,
yeah, with a hook.

Oh, Eric caught
this great big old smelly fish.

( chuckling ):
He acted like he found gold,
for God's sakes.

He'll be okay, Mom.

I know.

I should pack.

( phone ringing )

Is that John?


It's work, but guess what?

He asked me to marry him.


Well, he didn't
really mean it.

I mean, it was...

We were on the roof,

and it
was freezing,

and there was a helicopter
flying around,

and he was
kind of... shouting it at me.

It's every girl's dream, right?

What did you say?

Nothing... really,

because, you know,
he didn't mean it.

It just, it was just...

something that happened,
I don't know.

Hey, it's Abby.

Uh, what?

Oh, my God.

Was anybody there?

No, from the ER.


I'll be right in.

What's the matter?

Um, I have to go,

but come by
the hospital later,

and I'll give you a ride
to the bus station.


Or you could stay
a few more days.

No, I, I have
to get back to work.

Be here waiting
in case he shows up.

What if he shows up
in Minnesota?

You're right.

Looks like we got multiple
shooters on the loose.

She's dropping
her sats.

Herrero, keep those people
away from the building.


Let me talk to her now
in case she can't later.

Setting up for
multiple traumas.

How many should we expect?

Only one.

Three were pronounced
on the scene.

Luka, let me take this.

It's okay. I got it.

Officer, make sure these cars
don't block that entrance.

Breathe for
us, Trina.

Tracheal shift;
hold up.

Her lung is down.

Sats only 88.

Can you describe
who did this?

on the right.

We're going
to have to needle her.

You want me to do it?

No. 18-gauge.

How many of them were there?

You're going
to get your ID

as soon
as she's stable,

I promise.

She's not moving air.
No pulse.

Try the other side.

No, no,
pull the dressing off.

The dressing on
the chest wound--
pull it off.

( inhaling )

Okay, pulse
is stronger.

Good chest excursions.

All right,
let's get her inside.


I just need a minute.

Dr. Lewis.

The patron saint
of lost causes.

GSW to head and chest.

Tension pneumo.

One's clear.

Hey, are you all right?

Yeah. I'm a
little nauseous.

It takes me a couple days
to get back up to terminal.

What's going on?

Oh, there was a shooting
across the street.

Anybody you know?

No, but still.

Kind of scary
when it happens so close.


So, I heard you're
getting released today.

Well, my next round
of chemotherapy

is in about two days,

so, thought I'd come by,
say so long.

How's your mom doing?

You mean
is she still pissed at you?

No, I didn't mean exactly that,

She's still pissed at you.

Good to know.

She's, uh, upstairs
with the doc.

Does she know
you're here?

Uh, I kind of snuck off.

I actually
might need one of those


I think you need
some IV compazine.

That sounds good.

All right, I'll go tell
your mom you're here.

Will you watch
him for a minute?

I'm not a child.

( yelling )

Yeah! I'm here!

Over here!

( yelling continues )

( grunting yell )

What you trying to do?

What you doing, man?

( yelling )

Back up, back up!

I'll punch you
in the mouth!

It's all right! We got this!

I'm fine. Come on.

David, David,

let's go.

It's game point anyway.

Let's get these clowns
out of here.

Play ball!

Let's do it.

( yelling )

( grunting )

It's a man's game.

What, you want to go?!

Forget about it!

We won.
Let's get some breakfast.

Come on.

Next week.

Huh, that's what I thought.


I, uh, thought
you were on later.

Yeah, I heard
what happened.

I thought we might
need the help.

Actually, we only
got the one.

Three went straight
to the morgue.

Sorry I didn't get
to come by last night.

That's okay. Maggie
and I played Scrabble.

I got a 75-point word.

She challenged it.

Of course.

...found brutally murdered
early this morning

inside of this establishment,
Doc Magoo's,

a diner frequented
by staff and visitors

of County General Hospital.

The crime was committed
just prior to opening

as the staff was preparing
for a day of serving

the usual sandwiches and sodas.

What got served instead was a
cold-blooded robbery/homicide

in which four people were
murdered, execution-style.

One of them's
still alive.

...trying to identify
any suspects...

Any word on Eric?

I didn't expect any.

It's like a bear

He won't come out
till spring.

Hey, what do you
say we go out tonight?

Sushi. Just you and me.

Maggie can fend
for herself.

I got to drive her
to the bus station.

She's leaving?

Is that a good thing?

I don't know.

It was kind of nice
having a roommate.

Sushi? I hope you have
a better plan than that.

It's all about

I don't want
to show my hand to her.

Mm, well, the two of you have
had enough misdirection.

Trust me.
Show your hand.

Move your toes, Trina.

( groaning )

O-Neg's here.

Put it right
on the infuser.

( groans )

Trina, do you
remember anything?

They started shooting.

They just started shooting.

Threading the catheter,
wire back...
( moaning )

What did she say?

Hook me up.
Ten blade.

Trina, how many
of them were there?

Two... in an SUV.

I saw them
drive up.

Another 50 of fent.

Knife bent.
Curved Kelly.

I think I might have
seen them getting away.

Anything more specific?

It was a 4x4, gold or tan,
( sobbing )

It looked pretty new.

Anything about the men?

Height, weight,
what they were wearing?

It was far away.

Into the pleural
space. Tube?


Uh, opsite
and polysporin.
( moaning )

Okay, tube's in.
Let's hook up the thoraseal.

Any detail would help us.

SATs are
back up, 91.

Were they Latinos,
black guys?

( sighs )
I don't know.
It happened so fast.

Let's page Corday.

Okay. Trina,
you did really good.

Rest up now, okay?

For us to get to work here,

we need
a real description.

Um... I saw one of them...

I think he was black.

Driver, get out nice and calm

and face the vehicle.

( sighs ):
Welcome to the hood.

The vehicle...
this is the vehicle.

Put your hands
up on the roof.

Hey, man, take it easy.

License and registration's
in the glove.

Hey, hey, what are
we being stopped for?

Hey, easy! Put your
hands up there.

Where'd you get the money
for a ride like this?

We're both doctors
at County.

Where you guys headed
in such a hurry, huh?

Hey, look, man,
y'all can't just....

Hey, Gallant, just be quiet.

I see you guys
brought a lot of pals.

What's the deal?

Four people shot this
morning in the diner...

Diner? What diner?

We were just at the Sedgewick Y
in a pickup game. Call the gym.

Why don't you
just search the car

and let us get
the hell out of here?

( pager beeping )

See, that's my
boss right now.

Somebody's very sick.

Look, we're late for our shift.

Dealers got
shifts now, huh?

We are doctors,
damn it!

Relax, punk.

No, wait a minute. I
can explain about that.
On the ground, both of you.

I can explain! Okay, okay...
You get on the
ground right now

or I'll put a bullet
in your damn head.

Cuff 'em.

( groaning )

( panting )

Belong to the Y?

Play ball there twice a week.

Who do you play with?

Look, I don't remember
their names.

Some of then live up the street
from Greg.

You show proof to
the arresting officers?

Yeah, they took my ID.

I told the arresting officer

my ID was in the glove.

Ever hear of a place
called Magoo's?

I work right across the street.

Yes, we work right across
the street from it.

Did you ever
own a firearm?

I already told you, no.

No, I've never owned a firearm.

Look, why are you hassling me?

Just call County.

Where did you say you were?

I told you where I was.

What kind of a
doctor are you?

I'm a med... I'm a med student.

I'm a med student.
What difference does that make?

What kind of doctor
are you?

I told you what I am.

Look, we brought you in
because you match the ID.

( sighs ):
'Cause I match the ID.

Young, black, and handsome?

no, that's ridiculous.

I'll send them over immediately.

Jerry, do we have
photo IDs down here?

Uh, yeah,
bottom shelf.

Messenger up personnel face
sheets for Pratt and Gallant

to area seven headquarters,
Division and Grand.

Really? Why?

Just do it.

Susan, um, Sean Simmons

is being discharged
to home hospice care.

Yeah, I know.
The cancer's back.

And while he's here
waiting in the medi-van,

the mother has asked that
you keep your distance.


She doesn't want you
interacting with her son.

What does Sean say?

She's a grieving mother.

I think we need to
respect her wishes.

Look, we should get
their names or something.


Well, how else
we going to be able

to file a complaint
against them?

Why don't you
just be quiet?

Story checked out at the Y.

County confirmed
that you're employed there.

It's not like we didn't tell
you guys that four hours ago.

You can pick up your stuff
at the front desk.

Have a nice day.

Is her crit stable?

Holding at 29
with two units in.

Luka, if you want to
take it easy for a while,

we can keep you out
of the trauma rooms,
assign you

to non-critical
care cases.

If you need me anywhere,
Kerry, you need me in here.

We all have times

where we could use
a little less stress.

I'm fine.

There's nothing wrong
with admitting that
you need some help.

I don't.

Even so, I've scheduled
a meeting

with Dr. Meyers up on 7.

It's a formality,

unless you want to make it
something more,

but it's mandatory.

Senor Chavez, se olvido
del ointment de su nieto.

You shouldn't have
let 'em search the car.

No, that's what you do when
you're innocent and in a rush.

I don't usually ride around
with a bloody shirt in my car.

Hey, you guys hear
what happened?

I thought none
of our people got hurt.

Yeah, but Jing Mei
was first on the scene.

She okay?
A little freaked.

I don't get it, man.

I don't get how you
can just roll over.

Yeah, but that's the way
it works sometimes.

Yeah, if you let it.

So, what are you going
to do, file a lawsuit?

That's one way
to fight it.

There is no
fighting it.

You know,
I don't buy that.

Carter wants the output
on bed four

before he leaves,


Listen, we could be perfect,
you know, like Gandhi.

But as soon as the
crap goes down,

we'll be the first ones
laid out on the street

with a gun
to our head.

Now, where way I grew up,
you see it every day.

And if it happens
to you enough,

you get the message:

"You are not equal.

"You are not
a full citizen.

"You are first, last,
and above all,

one thing, and one thing only:
a suspect."

You sure you want
to wait out here?

Yeah, there's too many
sick people in there.

You're welcome.

Hey, cold enough
for you?

My mom went ahead
to help set up stuff

for the home
hospice team,

then she'll be coming
to pick me up pretty soon.

I think you're doing
the right thing, Sean.

I think it doesn't matter
what you think.

( sighs )

I'm sorry.

I don't know why
I'm so pissed at you.

I guess it all
just feels

so much more real now.

I keep daydreaming
about the stuff

that I wanted to do--

get really drunk
at a college party...

go windsurfing...

get married and have kids,
stupid stuff like that.

That's not stupid.

Even after I got really sick,

I kept talking myself

into believing
that I had more time...

at least, enough to do
some of those things.

Sean Simmons?

Uh, you know what.
Hold on a second.

Sean, I can't get
you into college,

and windsurfing's nuts.

You know what? Come on.
Let's get out of here.

For real?
We're just gonna...?

Yeah, come on.
I mean, not unless

you have someplace
else to go.

Look, I'm supposed
to get him home.

Yeah, could you call
his mom for us?

Tell her we went on a date.

( chuckling ):
I'll have him back
by curfew.

Maybe. Say maybe.

Abby, listen, I got
a hold of Sonia Riley,

and I told her
to call you here

if she hears from Eric.

Okay, I'll keep my eye
open for messages....

Abby, can you get this banana
bag to the guy over there?

My leg splint girl's
screaming in Four.

Sure. I was thinking
the Soupbox for lunch?

Oh, you're busy.
We can just go to that
place across the street.

That's not really
a good idea.

Abby? Triage needs extra bodies.

They got 20 kids
from Kelton Elementary school

with vomiting and diarrhea.

20? I'll be there
in five minutes.

Abby, Abby, it's okay.

I can get to
the bus station by myself.

No, I'll take you.
I'll take you.

Mr. Levine, what's your problem?

Huh? I just got drunk
at a Valentine's Day party.

Five days ago?

( laughs ):
Yeah, it was a blowout.

Now, why did you
take that out?
It was easy. altered mental status...

Abby, send off admit labs,
two sets of blood cultures,

and grab an LP tray.

Uh, meningitis?
Let's find out!

I'm sorry.
It's okay.

I'll call you
when I get home.





Nurses shortage, you know?


( sobbing )

Working in the ER can be a very
inconvenient job sometimes.

I'm sorry, John.

I just wanted Eric
to come home so bad

so that I could be
with my family just...

for a second.

Abby and I were
getting along so well.

You should stay longer.

I know she would love it.

I'm sorry.

Thank you, John.

I can catch a cab
out here, right?

Well, you know, I'm off
in a couple minutes.

I'll drive you
to the station.


Dr. Kovac.
Dr. Meyers.



what brings you here?

Dr. Weaver.

She told me to come.

Well, why do you suppose
she wanted us to meet?

You tell me.

Well, that's not
quite how it works.

Hey, you're a doctor.

Someone comes to me
with a problem

I tell them how to fix it,

Let's start
with you telling me...

My problem?

What's on your mind?

My family died
during the war in Croatia,

so I came to America.

I had a relationship
with someone I cared about,

which I then ruined,

so I started
to look for answers

in the wrong places, you know,
like sex, drinking, living fast.

Killed a patient
I should have saved

and then I almost killed
a medical student

in a car crash.

So, woke up one morning

and everything
I thought I had was gone.

Gone or broken.

So what do you have for that?

Well, Dr. Kovac, it's not
something that I can really...

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I should get back to work.

Tell Weaver I showed up.

the commute this evening,

a high-speed chase
is currently underway

snarling a two-mile stretch
of the I-40.

Police are in pursuit
of a tan SUV

suspected of being connected
to the grisly murders

of three people
early this morning

in a coffee shop
off South Foundry.

Do they even consider
the collateral damage

of a pursuit like that?

They're hoping
they kill the guys.

Avoid all the wasted time
and money of due process.

Not to mention they might
have the wrong suspects.

Last time I checked,
the police were
still on our side.

What exactly is our side?

Tell her what happened.

They laid us out
on the sidewalk,

they took us in and
they interrogated us.

That's terrible.

Yeah, the real problem is
is you guys are both guilty.

Guilty of what?

DWB: driving
while black.

Just forget it.

The police play the odds,
just like us.

They look for horses,
not zebras.

Tell me you don't think
that's the same thing.

Look, it's about

Last time I flew to London,
they pulled two Arab men

out of the boarding line
for a security check.

I hate to admit it:

it made me feel
more secure.

You think they'd pull over

two Arabs driving
through Highland Park?

No, because
terrorist acts

in Highland Park aren't
high on the list of concerns.

Oh, but violent crimes by
African-Americans certainly is?

Like I said, we
should drop it.

So you really believe
racial profiling

is a legitimate
law enforcement tool?

A lot of people do.



I don't know whose day's
been worse-- yours or mine.

You okay?

Yeah. You?

Oh, I never thought
I'd see something like that.

It's a lot different when
they roll in on a gurney.

Hey, but you stepped up.
That's all that counts.

I did my job.

At least we saved
one of them.

So I heard she gave an ID.

Partial one.
I filled in some details.

What? You saw the guys?

Mm, a glimpse
as they drove off.

They were black, huh?

I think so.

You think so?

Well, it was quick,
you know?

And I only saw
one of them.

So that's why the cops

are picking up brothers
all over town.

I told them what I saw.

What you saw or what
you thought you saw?

I was trying to help, Gregg.

Can't you see you
fed right into

what they always
want to jump to?

Look, I'm really sorry
for what happened to you,

but that's on the cops,
not me.

It's all part
of the same thing.

What are you talking about?

I don't know.

So, what?
Now I'm a racist?

It's just hard not to feel
that everybody is

when you're lying face down
in the street

with a cop's foot
to the back of your neck.

I've never seen it
like this.

It's okay.
There'll be a later bus.

( punk rock plays loudly )

( exclaiming )

( chuckling )

That's not your music.
That's Abby's.

She always liked that noise.

I'm getting used to it.

( tapping on window )

There's an accident
up ahead.

Sit tight.
We'll keep you posted.


Thank you.

Thank you for this, John.

I know it's
a huge inconvenience.

It's no problem.

I'm sorry for
getting so upset.

I hate being so pathetic.

Just the idea of going
home alone, waiting.

Eric'll turn up.


Yeah, but I worry.

About both of them.

Abby's good.

You know,
we're both good.

You don't have to worry
about that.

She told me...

She told me
you might get married.

Is that what she said?

( chuckling )

No, she told me you proposed.

Oh, I know she's work.

It runs in the family,
but she's so worth it.


Yeah, I spend
23 hours a day

wondering whether we're
wrong for each other,

wondering whether

we've got the energy
that we need

to get through everything
that we seem to get into,

whether the baggage we both
bring would sink a small ship,

but, um, in the 24th hour,

I realize I've been thinking
about her for 23 hours

and... I come back to
there's something about her

that I can't stay away from.

Something about her
that makes me want to...

( chuckling ):
love her.

Julia, my sister,
read this story

about a little Japanese girl
who had cancer

and she tried to make
a thousand paper cranes

'cause she thought if she did

it would make
her wish come true.

What was her wish?

To get better.

So how many paper cuts
do you have?

A lot.

But my wish
is kind of different.

What is it?

It's hard to explain.

Kiss pretty good
for a dead kid, huh?

Not bad at all.

I think I should
get home.

Cop wounded

in a multi-car collision.

BP: 124/68; pulse: 96.
Good stats.

take him in.

I'll wait on the next.

Did you find the guy?

There was a pile-up.
The guys opened fire.

We have a bunch
of cops hurt.

Mitch Palnick,
41-year-old officer,

high-speed MVA, with
passenger space intrusion.

Can't breathe.

Hey, nice to see you again.

You know him?

He wears Florsheims,

Isn't that right?


He's got a couple
of fractured ribs...

We need a hand here, Gallant.

Set up for
chest tube.


Trauma panel, type
and cross four units.

Could have bagged
the spleen.

Look, I'll, uh,
I'll get the other one.

We need you here.

Just go. We'll be right there.

Now, Gallant!

It's cool.

It's not cool.
Hurry the hell up!

Come on, man.
Let's go.

Look, you've got
two doctors.
That's enough.

We've got
a critical patient

who needs rapid assessment
and prompt treatment.

What's the matter with you?

Forget what happened earlier
and do your job.

I can't help that guy.

This is what we do,
all right?

Now get your ass
in there.

Come on. Come on.

John, it's beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful.


Marriage can be a great thing.

Can be?


What the hell do I know?

Mine failed.

For many reasons.

You sure as hell
don't want my advice.

But I would think that kind
of commitment to somebody--

you have to be...
ready for anything.

Or nothing.

You never know what's
going to happen.

Or you do.

You mean the drinking?

I drank, I smoked
when I was younger.

( sighs )

It took having a baby
to make me stop.

Smoking, at least.

I always went back
to the drinking.

Maybe Abby will be stronger.

Have you two talked
about this?

About having kids?


I know that she worries

about passing
on the disease.

Well, she and Richard
never communicated,

ever, I don't think.


I think they loved each other
at first,

but he had all
these expectations

that she never realized.

He didn't understand her.

Well, I'm not walking
into this blind.

No, no, no.

I don't think you are.

I just don't want...



I just don't want you
to want to fix her.

Abby doesn't need to be fixed.

Or heal her
or change her.

I love her.

I just don't want you
to be waiting for her to change.

I'm not.

She's an amazing person.

I know who she is.

She's an amazing person
with certain weaknesses,

and you'd be lucky to have her,
even with those weaknesses.

But you have to love her,

even if she never
changes anything.

( alarm beeping )
Pressure's only 85.

Put two units
on the rapid infuser.

I don't want them.

Yeah, you don't get

to choose your doctors, Officer.

Just like we don't get
to choose our patients.

No evidence of

12 lead.

Prepping the chest.

ST depression.

Could be ischemia
from hypotension.

What about tamponade?

No. That gives you
low voltage QRS.

We'll need to put a tube
in your chest

to expand the lung.

Looks like a damn garden hose.

There'll be some burning
with the local.

We were just doing our job,

So, let us do ours.

Gallant, there's no

pericardial effusion.

Start the secondary survey.

Hemacue's 14.8.

Hold the transfusion.

No, no, no, no.

Prime the infuser.

Dr. Weaver, I don't think
he needs a chest tube.

It takes time
for your crit to drop.

Look, LV wall
motion abnormality.

He's got a
cardiac contusion.

That's not as bad, right?

Start dopamine at
ten mics per kilo.

Go ahead.

X-ray's back.

I'll mix up some lido
in case of ectopy.

I don't see
a collapsed lung.

Send off cardiac enzymes
q six hours.


Good call.

So, uh...

this must be a really scary
part for you, huh?


Well, all
the white folks left.

Now, it's just you

and a couple of niggers
with knives.

Sorry I'm late.


Why did you make
me wait outside?


It's February
in Chicago.

I know.

It makes you feel
alive, doesn't it?


The visiting nurse waited
an hour,

and then she had to go.

It's my fault, Mrs. Simmons.

No, it's not.
I wanted a hot dog.

Oh, Sean,
you should see your room.

They brought one of those beds
with the remotes.

No way.

I didn't mean to worry you.

I just wanted
to make it easier for Sean.


He wasn't ready
to come home yet.


Sean wants to talk to you.

Well, he's home now.

Good night.

Um, Sean wants to know
if she could

wait a minute, just...

So, you're

Yeah. You're Susan?

Yeah. I work
at the hospital.

I know. Sean said

that you were the only doctor
he ever met

who was like a friend.

And, um, that you were hot.

BP's up to 112/78
on dopamine.

He needs some more morphine.

Yeah. Push
another four migs.

How you doing, Mitch?

Your partner has
a mild elevation

of his cardiac

indicating a
bruised heart.

It's the equivalent
of a small heart attack.

Do you smoke?


I heard it's bad for you.

Yeah, thanks for the advice.

You should be thanking
this brother.

We profiled you
as a collapsed lung,

but he kept an open mind.

Saved you from surgery
that you don't need.

You know what?

That's not going to cut it.

I think an apology is in order.

You think I'm going
to apologize to you?

No. To him.

Hey, Pratt, forget about it.

I didn't do anything wrong.

There's nothing on your record.

You don't look like you're hurt.

You're here now.

Lucky for you.

And what exactly is your damage?

You know,
there were three people

butchered right outside
your own hospital.

We were doing
what we were supposed to.

You need cops like me
to catch animals like that.

"Sorry" would have been
a whole lot easier.

Are you going to tell me
what this is all about?

We both just
deserve a break,

especially after
a day like today.


Feels more like a month.

But what's it really all about?

So, you think this is a keeper?

The restaurant?


You and me.

Are you okay?

I've, uh...

spent a long time
looking for a relationship

that I thought... would stick.

Sometimes it was
the wrong person.

Sometimes, I guess
I wasn't ready.

Or in the, uh,
right place, but...

I think I am now.

I really think
I am now.

Are you?


Because I really
want this to stick.

Me, too.

I know that, uh,
we've had a rough time,

and that there's still a lot
of stuff

that we have to get through,

but I think we're doing okay.

You know, I think
that we're...

( chuckles )

growing. We're...


Do you?

I don't know if people ever
really change.

But I-I know
what you mean.

You do?

I think I do.

Hmm, hmm.

Well, let's see
what's for dessert.

That's it?

You bought out this whole place
just for that?


and the chocolate soufflé.


Check this out.

( motor whirring )

Who knew
it would be so much fun, huh?

Oh, here.

It's for you.

Open it later.


if I think about
what comes next, it helps.

Maybe afterwards
I'll know.

I'll know what it's all about.

What it all means.

If it means anything.

You'll know before any of us.

That sucks.


It does.

I want you to know
what you did for me, Susan.

It was mutual.

I want you to know...

I know, Sean.

I know.

How's Officer
Palnick doing?

No cardiac ectopy
on a lido drip.

Pulse ox 99 on two liters.

That was good what
you did in there.

But never make me ask
you twice again, okay?

Yes, ma'am.

A couple of cops got
real hurt this morning

trying to bring
in those guys that
killed those people.

And that's why Mitch
is here because

he won't let scum
like that get away.

Still, maybe we overstepped
this morning.

I think we did.

But, uh,

thanks for fixing up my partner.

They'll be moving him soon.

What was that about?

Almost sounded
like an apology.

One love, Gallant.



Better day tomorrow
than we had today.

Luka, how did it go upstairs?


I feel a
lot better.



It's so quiet now.

I mean, you'd hardly know
anything happened there.

Yeah. Except
for the police tape.


You did good today.

Probably saved
that woman's life.

Well, at least
there's that.

Headed to the El?

Uh, no.

Um, I forgot
something inside.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.

You know, ever since
I was a kid,

I've always acted
like it doesn't bother me.

But you know something?

It bothers me.

At least they caught the guys.



Oh, let's get
out of here.

( laughs )

Do you want tea?


( phone rings )


Hello, Abby.

Mom? Are you there already?

No. No, I'm not.

We're delayed here in Tomah.

The roads are snowed in.

Tomah, Wisconsin?

Abby, I...

I know I was in the way,
and I'm sorry.

I... I never want
to be a burden.

Mom, you were not a burden.

I just wished
Eric would have come back.

I know.

And we could have all
been together

just for one little minute.

I love you both so much.

Sometimes I don't know
what to do with it.

I love you, too.

I'll call you in a few days.

Okay. Call me tomorrow.

Okay, I will.

Get home safe.


Who was that?



She wanted to thank you
for the ride.

What kind of tea do you want?

Whatever you're having.