ER (1994–2009): Season 5, Episode 6 - Stuck on You - full transcript

The board decides to extend the search for a new ER Chief, leaving Kerry waiting for a decision. Benton visits a doctor who is deaf/mute and he realizes that there is nothing "wrong" with his son. Mark saves the life of a gay prostitute and then tries to get the kid to avoid reckless behavior. Carter loses his Resident Advisor job because of Lucy, then blames her for not going along with his plan to defraud an insurance company, but she inadvertently leads him to shave off a nasty-looking beard he'd been growing. Corday saves two lives and impresses Benton enough that he decides to request she be his intern instead of Dale's. Carol tries to help an elderly Jewish guy find a place to live.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "ER."

Dr. Carter, hi.

Normally, I would, but as
of today, I'm only an intern.

Yeah, I heard about that.
I couldn't believe it.

Kerry, this is Dr. Dan Litvak.

Just here to
get a few tips?

No, I just had my
second interview

for the chief position.

Peter, have you
not told everyone?

My son is deaf.
I know that, okay?

Aren't you supposed
to be setting policy?

I'm here
for the ride‐along.

If he vomits and gets
that into his lungs

he could die
of aspiration pneumonia.

What happened was,
two of your classmates

almost died tonight.

It was stupid of me to think
that you were mature enough

to take responsibility.

Doug, what are you doing?
It's 5:00 o'clock.

I'm a week behind
on my Q&A reports.

And that is
the good news.

How long have you been up?

I haven't been
to sleep.

Oh, God!
Anything I can do?

No. Go back to bed.

There's no use both of us
being miserable.

No. It's lonely
there without you.

You keep that up,
I'm never gonna finish.

Mmm. Sorry.

Now I know how you felt
when you opened your clinic.

It's pretty scary, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

Are we both nuts?


‐ But it's worth it.
‐ Mmm.

Oh, Dr. Carter.

I didn't think
you'd be up yet.

‐ I left you a note.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

Um, I just wanted to tell you
how sorry I am

that you lost your RA job
because of the Halloween dance.

Yeah. Me, too.

And, um, I was
wondering if you thought

it might help if I wrote
the dean a letter.

Thanks, but I think
you've done enough already.

Or at least, I could help you
pack. I'm not on until 7:00.

No, I can manage.
Now, if you don't mind..

‐ Where are you gonna live?
‐ Ow! That's my leg.

Oh, I'm sorry. I, uh, I
didn't realize you had company.

I'll see you at the hospital.

I'm very glad you're moving.

So your beef is
with nurses asking

inappropriate questions
over the radio.

Yeah, I'll say.

Patients freak out
when someone asks

if they got track marks.

I'll talk to the nurses.

Uh, you know, they asked
me to remind you

not to restock your rig
with their supplies.

Oh, man.
That is so lame.

Nothing is gonna change
unless we all throw

our gripes
out on the table.

You guys want to
get some breakfast

before we head back
to the station?

Yeah. Definitely. I'm hungry.
I could use an omelet and uh..

‐ What the hell was that?
‐ Gunfire.

It came from behind us.

'Looks like bangers.'

Hey, someone's down!

'Unit 62. We have a possible GSW
on the 1600 block of Halsted.'

Gunfire in the vicinity.

Why aren't you backing up?

We have to wait for
the area to be secured.

I don't hear any gunfire.

It doesn't mean
it won't start again

once you're out there.

Well, I'm not
gonna wait in here.

Protocol says,
we wait for backup.


Damn it!

What the hell are you doing?

Did you hear that?
We should not be out here.

It doesn't mean that
they're coming back.

‐ Give me a hand.
‐ Is he shot?

There's no entrance wound.
He's just beat up.

‐ Ready to roll him?
‐ Alright, Go.

He's not breathing.
We have to intubate.

‐ Not here. In the rig.
‐ Now.

Ah, there's
too much blood. Suction.

Morales, Gurney!

I can't see the cords.

You want me to crank
his head back?

We haven't cleared his C‐spine.

He's still not breathing.

Extend his neck.

You ER guys are nuts.

Yes. I'm in.


Let's move him and bag him.

One, two, three.

I'm losing his pulse.

Yeah. We'll have to
start two large‐bore IVS.

You wanna do that here, too?

No. We'll do it
while we're rolling.

Next time you decide
to do a ride‐along

I'm taking a day off.

Lights and sirens. Let's go.

Good morning, everyone.
What do we got?

16‐year‐old male, found
beaten in the streets.

Sustained a concussion
and multiple contusions to‐‐

Head, neck and extremities.

BP's 140/80,
pulse 110 and regular.

Good air entry bilaterally.
No evidence of pneumothorax.

Any ID?

No. Just a couple of bucks.

Okay, everybody, on my count.
One, two, three.

Cowboy Greene to the rescue.

‐ Babinski's normal.
‐ BP 120/78.

Regular rate and rhythm.

'Spontaneous eye opening.'

Okay. Can you wiggle your toes?

‐ Yup. Follows commands.
‐ How's he doing?

No apparent neuro deficits.

That was some
crazy stunt.

You lucked out
this time.

What was that all about?

Uh, paramedics got
a little perturbed

because I tubed him
in the field.

Radiology's here.

So, word is Dan Litvak
turned down ER Chief.

What happened?

I heard he played your
committee for patsies.

Used the offer to negotiate
a bigger salary back home.

I probably shouldn't
be telling you this

but you're the only other
candidate on the short list.


Okay. "Cat‐lover seeks
like‐minded roommate?"

Forget it.

Would you consider joining

a communal vegetarian household?

Alright. Here's one.

Uh, "Furnished apartment
in old town home..

...access to full kitchen,
many amenities.."

‐ Oh, that sounds promising.
‐ Yeah.

And not too far
from the hospital.

Look. I can talk
to my realtor and set up

an appointment
for you after work.

‐ Right. See you later.
‐ Bye.

Take a deep breath.
Alright, blow hard.



‐ You alright?
‐ Yeah.

Pulse ox
is holding at 98.

I'm Dr. Greene.

Do you know
what happened to you?

I was with a John.

Bangers tried to rob us.
My John pulled a gun.

‐ That's where I go blank.
‐ Uh‐huh.

We found you on the street.

Brought you here by ambulance.

What were you doing
cruising in my neighborhood?

Sometimes I ride‐along
with paramedics.


You know, you're the first guy
who's ever saved my life.

Yeah. Well, I don't go out
in the street for just anybody.

Hmm. I guess I got to
grant you a wish now, huh?


You know, like in
"I Dream Of Jeannie"

when Major Nelson
rescued her from a bottle.

Why don't we just start
with your name and age.

Kevin Dulaney. I'm 16 years old.

Lily, why don't you
find Kevin's labs

and see if you can
get us an open exam room.


Where do you live, Kevin?

Pretty much where you found me.

Any family?

None who want to know me.

Why is that?

A year ago, my old man caught me

having sex with
my gymnastics coach.

And he kicked me
out of the house.

Any other sad details
you want to hear? survive
by hustling.

Yeah. Well, someone's got
to pay the bills, right?

Use condoms?


Customers pay more
to ride me bareback.

We have a new
rapid HIV test.

You can get results
in 20 minutes.

How about it?

You wanna bet I'm positive?

Well, if you are,
we can treat you.


Hey, it looks like
a good turnout

for the BP
screening, huh?

I, uh, posted signs
at the Senior Center.

If it ever stops raining,
we'll be jammed.

‐ Ow! Not so tight.
‐ Okay, I'm sorry, Mr. Levy.

But in order to get an accurate
reading, it has to be snug.

I tell you,
it's too damn tight.

Okay. Take it easy.
I'll loosen it up a bit.

My arm's gonna blow off.

Hey, you know what
we should do next time?

Maybe, extend the outreach.
Go into the community.

Take BPs, check for glaucoma.
What do you think?

That's not a bad idea.
Okay. Your pressure's fine.

No thanks to you.

'Carol, did you page me?'

Oh, yeah.
I will be right back.

‐ What's up?
‐ This'll just take a minute.

‐ We're swamped here.
‐ I know, I know.

‐ Hah.
‐ A lab coat?


It's what every well‐dressed
division head should wear.

Well, I guess there's
no backing out now.

What do you think?

Come here.

I thought you said,
you were busy.

‐ Not that busy.
‐ No?

‐ Carter, you paged me?
‐ Yeah, yeah.

68‐year‐old male
with a history

of previous
abdominal surgery.

I'm thinking,
small‐bowel obstruction.

‐ do a three‐way?
‐ Right here.

Air fluid levels and he's
got a stepladder pattern.

Hmm. Good call.

‐ I must've driven you crazy.
‐ What're you talkin' about?

My student.
She's driving me nuts.

Makes stupid mistakes,
asks too many questions..

...shows poor judgment.

How'd you ever
put up with me?

I never gave you
any thought, Carter.

‐ You didn't?
‐ Carter.

Medical students
don't know anything.

It's your job to teach them.
Not be their friend.

Exhale, Mrs. Delpit, like you're
blowing out birthday candles.

Ah‐ah‐ah, ah‐ah. Before
listening with a stethoscope

test for tactile fremitus.

By placing your hand
on the patient's back

and asking her to repeat
the word "ninety‐nine".

I haven't tested
for tactile fremitus

since I was a first year.

I have to be sure that
you can do a complete exam.


Mrs. Delpit, will you please

repeat "ninety‐nine" for me?

Ninety‐nine, ninety‐nine

ninety‐nine, ninety‐nine,

Blood alcohol level came back.

Did it set a record?

No, but it's up there.


Bah! That's nothing.

Last time I got picked up,
I scored a 26.

I also have your HIV results.

It's AIDS, right?

No. It's good news.
You're negative.

So I guess, my Johns
don't need rubbers after all.

I'm gonna charge them
a fortune.

You're not gonna stay
negative long

if you don't protect yourself.

Maybe, it's time, you started
getting your life together.

Yeah. I do kind of stink.

Hey, do you think
I could get a shower?

'Maybe, some clean clothes?'

I'll have the nurses come
and take you to the shower room.

Care to join me?

No, thanks.
I had one this morning.

Peter, hold on.
Have you got a moment?

Uh, no. We got
a small‐bowel obstruction.

I know. I'm operating with you.

‐ Meet your new intern.
‐ Since when?

This morning, if you'll have me.

‐ Go ahead. Bring him in.
‐ Okay.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Was this Anspaugh's idea?

Actually, it was mine.
But Anspaugh supports it.

‐ Enthusiastically, I might add.
‐ Mmm..

‐ 'Dr. Benton?'
‐ I don't know, Elizabeth.

Oh, come on, Peter.
Don't be such a wet blanket.

Just think. No more
of Dale's scut and you have

the chance of working
with an alluring intern.

I don't think I feel
comfortable with that.

Why not? We've always
made a great team.

Yeah, but that's when
we were both residents.

Now, I'd have
to be your boss.

Yeah. Well, uh,
I don't mind if you don't.

Look. Then I'll be
accused of playing favorites

if I don't treat
you like an intern.

I'm not asking for
special treatment.

Just the chance to do
something more than pull drains.

Elizabeth, I don't think
it'll be, you know..

...I don't think it'll be
good for us. I..

I'll think about it, okay?

You know what?
You don't have to.

I already heard your answer.

Orange juice?
You want orange juice, Reese?

Huh? Is that what you want?

‐ Coffee, please.
‐ You want to take a sip?

Hey, you guys
taking a lunch break?

Hey. Yeah.

Figured we'd come out here

and get some fresh air
since it stopped raining.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, he's getting so big.
You're going to be tall

like your daddy,
aren't you, huh?


Peter, I wasn't aware that
Reese had a hearing problem.

Yeah, we just
found out recently.

He's deaf.
Come on, man. Come on.

What approach are you using
for language acquisition

if you don't mind
my asking.

Well, we're working
with an audiologist.

Teaching him
to vocalize.

Have you looked into
speech‐reading and signings?

He still has
residual hearing.

Actually, I'm looking
for an aggressive ENT

who'll consider him a candidate
for cochlear implant.

Well, they would have to
destroy his residual hearing.

Yeah, but the technology
is very advanced.

You should talk
to Lisa Parks at UFC.

She's an outstanding physician

and has expertise
in this field.

‐ She's a friend of yours?
‐ I'll give you her number.

‐ She's on the cutting edge.
‐ Okay.


Yep. Hold on.

Dr. Ross.

I'm a bit busy here, Jer.

Well, they said
it was urgent.

Huh. Alright.

This is Dr. Ross.

Me too, kiddo.

Where are you?

I was just thinking about you.

Nurse, I have to have
my sugar checked.

Gotta go.
What's the problem?

That other nurse said,
I have to come back tomorrow.

I have sugar diabetes.

I schlepped all the way over
here on a bus, in the rain

and she tells me, I need to make
an appointment. Now what's that?

‐ Okay, hang on.
‐ Huh?

Lynette, did you tell Mr. Levy,
he needed an appointment

to have his blood
glucose checked?

Did he give you
that song and dance

about taking the bus
in the rain?


Well, he's got a bunch
of other complaints.

Ladies, I hate to interrupt
but I haven't had

a bite to eat all day.

I have sugar diabetes.

‐ Hello!
‐ Okay.

Okay, Mr. Levy. I'm gonna
test your blood glucose

just this once
without an appointment

and then we'll order you
something to eat.

‐ You're an angel.
‐ Okay.

‐ Hope you got all afternoon.
‐ Hmm.

How did the accident
happen, Kate?

I, I lost it on wet gravel
coming down through a turn.

On the triage note,
your dad said

that you hit a curb
and then fell.

She fell onto the curb
after she slipped...on gravel.

Okay. Have a seat.

You might have a fracture.

I'll call ortho
after we get an X‐ray.

We'll be right back.

Call medical records. Have them
send up any old charts.

Good idea.

Uh, you feel any pain
when I press here?

Ow. Yeah.
A lot.

When did you first
feel the pain?

Um, when I was in the shower.

You had quite a blow
to your leg.

Could be a blood clot.

That's no big deal.
I've had 'em before.

‐ You have?
‐ Yeah.

Yeah, sure. I got
a protein S deficiency.

My blood clots
all the time.

Should've seen the mother
I had on here, about a year ago.

You know, I wish you would have
told me your history before.

I can't take care of you
if you're not straight with me.

I can't be straight.

Guess you want
to order a coag panel

and clotting studies and start
me on a heparin drip, right?

When was the last time
you were hospitalized?

Right before
I took off from home.

Alright. I'm gonna start
you on the heparin.

Then we're gonna move
to the Coumadin..

...just before you are
ready to be discharged.

No way.
I'm‐I'm not taking Coumadin.

Why not?

You have a disease
that requires you

to take a blood thinner
for the rest of your life.

Coumadin and the streets don't
mix. You ought to know that.

And you don't want me
coming back in here

bleeding my brains out because
I got drunk and hit my head.

You'd rather die
of a blood clot?

I don't sweat it.
Why should you?

How much insulin did
you take, Mr. Levy?

Oh, I'm not sure.

The lady who used to come over,
always gave it to me.

She also used
to trim my toenails.

I think one of them is infected.
Do you.. Ow!

‐ Got this pain in my left side.
‐ Oh, Mr. Levy's still here.

Have you noticed this pro‐‐

Apparently, he took too much
insulin this morning.

His blood sugar's 61.

I told you I needed
to have my blood checked.

Look, um, you were right.
I'm really stuck.

His home health‐aide
took a new job.

‐ Any family?
‐ No.

His wife died last year.
No one else in town.

We could try to get him a
temporary nursing home placement

till we can set him
up with a new aide.

I'm not going
to a nursing home. Ow!

Just temporarily,
Mr. Levy.

The guy at the desk said,
Mr. Levy was in here.

‐ You got my kung pao chicken?
‐ Yes, sir.

‐ Uh, egg rolls?
‐ Yes, sir. All right here.

‐ That'll be $8.50.
‐ Very reasonable.

‐ You ordered Chinese?
‐ She said, I needed to eat.

I'll get my wallet.

Why don't you make
it an even $10?

Where's my fortune cookie?

I was just wondering.
Am I gonna get to work

with any other residents
here in the ER?

Why? Is there a problem?

No, I just thought
I might learn more

by working with a
variety of teachers.

Well, that's up
to the attendings.

Why don't you tell me
about this patient?

Um, Brad Enloe, 12.

History of
recurrent Leukemia.

Relapse after second
induction of chemo

and he's here today for a fever
and a sore throat.

That poor kid's
been through a lot.

Well, it's our job
to treat the patient.

Not feel sorry for him.

Hi, Brad.
I'm Dr. Carter.

This is my medical student,
Lucy Knight.

I hear, your, uh, throat hurts.

Yeah. It started
this morning.

He had a temp of 101.

Check for cervical adenopathy

and look for infection

in the ears and throat.

‐ Does that hurt?
‐ Kind of.

It's probably just
a virus, Mrs. Enloe.

I'm gonna give Brad
some ibuprofen

and check his blood count.

I see he's a candidate
for immunotoxin therapy.

Yes, but unfortunately

Brad has to be hospitalized
to get the drug

and our insurance company
turned him down.

They won't pay
for experimental treatments.

If his neutrophil count
comes back under 500

we'll admit him
for IV antibiotics.

Maybe, he could get the
immunotoxins on the side.

Is that a possibility?

Well, why don't we
cross that bridge

when the white count
results are back?

Carol, does your clinic
have any information

about shelters
for runaways?

Is this for the kid
you saved?

‐ You heard, hmm?
‐ Everyone has.

I thought you were
supposed to smooth things out

between the ER
and paramedics.

I got a little
carried away.

Well, it doesn't matter.
You're still a hero.

Yeah, if I don't
kill him.


He's got
a clotting disorder.

If I treat him
with a blood thinner

he could bleed
to death on the street

and if I let him go
without treatment

he could die
of a blood clot.

Oh, God, between a rock
and a hard place, huh?

Alright, here's
a pamphlet for a shelter

that takes in street kids.

‐ Think you can convince him?
‐ We'll see.

‐ Good luck.
‐ Thanks.

Mr. Preston, can I talk
to you for a second?

I'll be right back.

I ordered up Kate's
old medical records.

There's a pattern
that needs explaining.

Oh, okay. But she wasn't
riding a bicycle

but it's not
what you're thinking.

‐ Then what is it?
‐ Um..

‐ She was riding a, a unicycle.
‐ A unicycle?

Backwards while
playing the violin.

I didn't want to say anything

because we were trying to break
a Guinness' world record

and I didn't want
word to get out.


And her split‐lip
two months ago?

Balancing pint glasses
on her chin.

Knife cuts to the hand?

We actually broke
the potato peeling record. Uh..

...look, Kate and I were
going through some tough times.

I started looking
for something

that she and I could
do together.

I know this sounds crazy

but I found
a three‐legged marathon

that she and I could enter.

We won and we
kinda got hooked.

Started breaking
all kinds of records.

‐ May I help you?
‐ Yeah.

I'm Peter Benton
from County.

‐ Kerry Weaver referred me.
‐ Oh.

I'm Sara Jackson.
Dr. Parks is in with a patient.

‐ Come on, I'll introduce you.
‐ Hey, uh‐um, excuse me.

Now, on the door, it
says "family medicine".

I thought she was
a head and neck surgeon.

No, uh, she has
a family practice.

‐ Hi.
‐ Hi, hi, hi. I'm Dr. Benton.

Listen, don't‐no, don't let me
interrupt your patient.

No, that's not a problem.
I'm happy that you came over.

Um, I'm sorry. Th‐there
must be some misunderstanding.

Oh, no. Kerry told me
about your son.

'I'd be really happy
to discuss cochlear implants.'

And about other options, too.

I guess, she didn't tell you
I was deaf, huh?

No, she didn't.

Dr. Benton, Dr. Parks asked
that when you speak to her

you look directly at her,
so she can read your lips.

Oh, oh, I'm sorry, uh, look..

...I‐I said, I didn't know
you were deaf.

That's alright.

'Can we talk?'

'Do you have time
for some coffee?'

Yeah, yeah, alright, yeah.


Just let me finish up
with this patient here

and then we'll all go.

‐ Okay.
‐ "Okay".


I know you must
be very confused

trying to decide
what's best for your son.

Well, look, I want
my son to be able

to function in the world.

As you can see, I function
pretty well without an implant.

Yeah, but if an implant
can help him to hear

why not get one?

Well, there are
other options.

Yeah. Look, I don't want my son

to have to depend on others.
No offense.

'Do you know
any deaf people, Dr. Benton?'

No. No, I don't.

'Have you ever thought
that being deaf..'

'...might not be so terrible?'

So you're saying
there's no problem?

'You can never know
what it's like being deaf.'

'Just like I can never know
what it's like being black.'

I don't look at me
being black as a burden.

That's who I am.

'And I don't look
at my deafness as a burden.'

'That's who I am.'

'If you turn away
from your son's deafness..'

' will be robbing him
of his identity.'

My son has a medical problem.

I'm not turning away
from anything.

I'm trying to fix it. Hmm?

Aren't you late
for a budget meeting?

Yep, if I can
ever get through

this administrative

maybe I'll get
to see a few kids again.

You can do it.
Keep going.

You're doing great, dad.

Beats juggling cantaloupes.

Two hours he's been at it.

‐ He hasn't dropped one yet.
‐ Hmm.

Hey, Kate,
the orthopedic surgeon's

gonna come down
and examine your wrist.

Is it alright if I watch my dad
till the other doctor gets here?

He's trying to break
the juggling record.

Kate, did your dad force you
to ride that unicycle?

Force me? Oh, no.
It was my idea.

Well, you've had
a lot of injuries.

Dad and I always take
Guinness‐approved precautions.

If you're gonna be
a record‐breaker

you've got to take your chances.

Play it safe and life's boring.

Here's when we broke
the three‐legged marathon.

That's me and dad.
We're in the book.

I'm going to give you
Accutane for the acne

but you'll need
to take birth control pills.

Birth control pills?

Accutane is a very
effective medication.

But if you were to get
pregnant while taking it

it could cause terrible
birth defects to the baby.

Oh, I won't have sex.
I promised my mom.

I believe you, Nava.
But it's my policy to give

birth control pills to every
girl who takes Accutane, okay?

I don't think my mom
will let me take 'em.

You could just have her call me.
I'll explain it to her.

I don't think
she'll change her mind.

Okay, then, um..

...I'm afraid, I can't
give you this medication.

‐ I brought you these.
‐ Hey, thanks. What's that?

I thought you might
want to read up

on the latest treatment advances
on protein S deficiency.

Hey, look, I like you,
but I'm really not worth it.

Come. There's a list
of homeless shelters in there.

If you can't go home,
you might as well go to one

'cause there, you could
take your Coumadin.

And then what? Maybe, I can
get a job at McDonald's?

You're a smart guy.

You get a GED.

Maybe, go to college.

Hey, look, what's the use?

Would you rather die
on the streets?

You know, you're cute
when you get angry.

Is that the only way
that you can relate to me

by turning me
into a customer?

Yeah, okay,
I'll read them.

Anything for you.


Can you write me a script
for birth control pills?

Oh, that young lady decided
to take them after all?

Yeah, she said
she would.

You know, uh.. have no business
giving her birth control pills

because she and her mom
don't want 'em?

And, uh, what if
she got pregnant?

Well, you heard her.
She's not sexually active.

She's a teenager.
That doesn't guarantee

she's not
gonna have sex. are
undermining her choice.

Giving her birth control pills
is not gonna make her have sex.

Listen, how would you feel
if you were that girl

and a white nurse came in
and said she didn't trust you.

Well, you know,
I wouldn't like it at all

no matter what color
the nurse was.

All I'm saying is,
you don't know that girl

and you don't know her mother.

Well, are you volunteering
to talk her into it?

No. Uh‐uh. I just think
it's wrong for you

to try to force
birth control on the girl.

Well, maybe.

But I'm not gonna take
any chances.

Oh, Dr. Carter.

Labs are back on Brad Enloe.

You should look at them.

His neutrophil count's
over 1000. We can't admit him.

Well, at least he's not septic.

Right. He's only dying
of leukemia.

He vomited after I
gave him ibuprofen.

‐ Really?
‐ Yep.

‐ When?
‐ A couple of minutes ago.

He's dehydrated. We're
gonna admit him after all.

Malik, would you call
upstairs and tell them

we have an admit
for pedes oncology?

‐ He only vomited once.
‐ I know. Make the call?

‐ He needs to be rehydrated.
‐ Well, I can start an IV.

I don't think that you
should do one on a kid.

‐ I can do it.
‐ He's been through chemo.

His veins are sclerosed.

Not this one.

‐ Hey, Doug.
‐ Hey.

Can you write me a script
for birth control pills?

I thought we're swearing
that stuff off.

It's for a patient.

‐ When did you hear?
‐ A half hour ago.

Hey, Mark.

Uh, whenever you
have a minute?

Uh, yeah. I'll be
right there.

Kerry knows this ER better than
anybody we could hire.

I agree, but the committee
wants a star

with a national reputation

who can bring in
research grants.

Mark, trauma's pulling up.

I'll tell her.

You sure? Mark?

No sense in telling Kerry
she was our second choice.

Only disappoint her
even more.


forward, forward.

Here we go.
Here we go.

What the hell?

Two wacko brothers got in an
argument on the expressway

and lost control of the van.

I've never seen
such a holy mess.

You idiot,
I said, turn left.

‐ I'm sorry, Marcus.
‐ You're a jackass.

I can't believe I let you drive.
You never watch the road.

Eddy and Marcus Haney,
carpet layers.

Several cans of carpet cement
spilled all over.

They're stuck to their seat.

Watch yourself. You get stuck,
you're on your own.

You're a moron, Eddy,
you know that?

‐ Well, just relax.
‐ I know, Marcus.

How can I relax
when that idiot did this?

Okay, pulse is strong,
pupils react to light.

Lydia, give me a glove
change over here.

This stuff is like taffy.

How's he doing?


What is it, hmm?

Uh. We got an impalement
of some kind.

Oh, my God. It looks like,
it looks like some kind of tool

with sharp prongs.

Oh, no. Not the hand stretcher.


‐ Eddy?
‐ Just don't move so much.

'We're going
to take care of him.'

‐ Oh, man.
‐ We have a bleeding man here.

Let's take him to trauma.


Malik, try and get
some monitor leads on.


Get a tongue depressor

see if you can scrape off
a few spots.

‐ Why'd Eddy stop talking?
‐ Hold still.

If you move another inch,
you could kill him.

‐ Pulse ox is falling.
‐ Stand by with intubation.

I'll get a tray
and an 8.0 ET tube.

I'm covering for Dr. Benton.
Need a consult?

We've got an impalement.
Watch out for the glue.

‐ Lucy, have you ever intubated?
‐ No, but I'd like to.

‐ Uh, pretty tough intubation.
‐ Yeah, let's find out.

Carter, you'll talk
her through it.


Uh, runs of PVCs
when he's jostled.

Probably from the impaled
tool against the heart.

‐ Carter, get the crash cart.
‐ Uh, Lydia?

‐ 'On it.'
‐ Thank you.

Malik, we need
a Sauerbruch cutter here

as fast as you can.

Hang in there,
Eddy, alright?

You're gonna be okay.

Carter, I need you
to come over here

and carefully pull
Marcus away

so that Lucy has
room to intubate.

‐ Can you get in there?
‐ Yeah, just a little more.

Lydia, grab the camera
and snap some pictures.

New policy everyone

we're documenting
our interesting traumas.

Take her through it, Carter.

Alright, now pass the tube.

Not too far.

take out the scope

pull the stylet

confirm your position.

‐ I'm in I think.
‐ Good job.

Let's call respiratory
for a vent.

‐ I hear good breath sounds.
‐ He's in SVT.

‐ We need to shock him.
‐ Not while they're attached.

Try six of Adenocard.

Please save my brother.

‐ Carter, let go.
‐ Ah‐h, I'm stuck.

Charging, 200.

Carter, get out
of your gloves

get out of your gown.

No. My beard is stuck.

'Got the cutters.'

Pull back, Carter.

'I need some exposed skin.'

I'm stuck.

Okay, ready? And..


Got a pulse.

Good job, everybody.
Let's get him to the OR.

Still want pictures?

Might as well.


Carter, you alright?

Yeah, I think so.

Thank you
for saving my brother.

Just doing our job.

We need to extricate Dr. Carter

so Lucy, why don't
you start with his beard?

You mean he was juggling
while on a pogo stick?

Yeah, a guy in Zurich.

What about
while skydiving?

Isabella Rishi
from Tangiers

holds the record
for juggling five balls.

No way. How long
has he been at it?

Uh, over
three‐and‐a‐half hours.

What's the record? 11 hours,
4 minutes, 22 seconds.

It's in the book.

Kate's documenting the event.

This could be
our first time on TV.

Less than eight hours to go.

‐ Dad.
‐ Jerry, watch out.


Hey, congratulations.

I never thought you'd unstick
the two glue brothers.

I guess you can fix
about anything, huh?

We try.

Yeah, by the way,
I got a call

that you picked up a kid today,
Kevin Dulaney?

We got a warrant
for his arrest.

What for?

Parole violation,
prostitution. The usual.

How long do
you expect to keep him?

It's hard to say.

We're treating him
for a blood clotting disorder.

Give me a call when
you're ready to release him.

I'll have a unit waitin'
to pick him up.

Yeah, I'm a doctor.
I'm not a cop.

He needs a second chance.

I'm a cop, not a social worker.

You're doing your job,
I'm doing mine.

If this kid gets beat up in
jail, he could bleed to death.

If I don't pick him up,
somebody else will.

Now, I'll have
a sitter to guard him

until you give him
a clean bill of health.

Good job on the trauma.

You came pretty close.

Ah, we'll try
again later, huh?

‐ Hey.
‐ Hi.

Is, uh, Kate ready
to be discharged?

Well, yeah. Just bring her back
in a week for a cast check.

Okay. No jumping
around, though, right?

Not for at least six weeks.

Okay. I want to thank
you for being so kind.

You're welcome.

‐ Thanks.
‐ Okay. Bye.

But I'll miss tonight's event
at the pier.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

You want to go watch?

‐ I guess.
‐ Okay.

Brad's bed is ready.

I've written orders
for the oncology unit

to continue
to rehydrate him.

Thank you, Dr. Carter.

You should feel fine
in a couple of days.

Good luck with your
new treatment.

‐ Thanks.
‐ Malik, can you take him out?

Yeah, sure.

He isn't dehydrated, is he?

‐ He vomited, I gave him fluids.
‐ What will oncology say?

All they want is a diagnosis

to justify Brad's admission,
I gave him one dehydration.

Can you give him an IV
even if he doesn't need one?

It was the only way
to get him admitted.

‐ So, you lied?
‐ Technically, yeah.

Sometimes you got
to work the system.

You lied?

Mrs. Enloe, I didn't
know you were there.

Dr. Carter, is it true
Brad's not dehydrated?

Look, it's a way for him
to get the chemo.

What if my insurance
company finds out?

I see no reason
why they should.

I do, they already challenged
three of our claims

and if they find
out about this

Brad could lose
his coverage.

Then what do we do when
his leukemia gets worse?

Mrs. Enloe, I don't
see any other way

of going about
doing this.

I'll talk to you later.

Cop stopped by earlier.

Still wants to take you
in after I discharge you.

What did you tell him?

That you were sick.

Are they going
to put me in juvie?

They want to.

I can't go back
to that place.

I'm like a punching
bag for those guys.

I know.

I gotta tell you
getting heparinized

is the best treatment.

That's great,
listen, I‐I can't

stick around here
if the cops are coming.

Figured you'd say that.

Are you setting me up?

If your leg starts
to hurt

or gets swollen,
you have to come back.

Here's 50 bucks
and my pager number.

Coumadin and a
list of shelters.

I never promised you
I'd take that stuff.

I know.

Maybe I'll see
you around, huh?

Hey, Peter, you missed
a great trauma.

Yeah? I was out
talking to Dr. Parks.

‐ What did you think of her?
‐ Well, you know.

She had the audacity to tell me
that Reese needs to be around

other deaf kids more than
he needs to be with me.

Yeah, I, uh.. know, I should
have warned you.

Lisa has very
strong opinions.


Well, she doesn't
mind being deaf.

She doesn't want
to be cured.

But I thought you'd want
to see what she's achieved.

Well, Look, I don't want my
son to live with a defect

if he doesn't have to.


What do you mean by that?

It means, what I do with my
son is my business, alright?

Be sure and let me know
how things work out, okay?

‐ God bless you, sweetheart.
‐ Oh.

I, uh, thought
the nursing home said

they wouldn't have a bed
available until tomorrow.

Well, Stan's
not going there.

What you said
earlier was right.

You need to know the
patient's community.

So, I called
his temple.

Another member with diabetes
said he'd stay with Stan

until he found
a new health aide.

Good idea.

Doesn't hurt to do
a little outreach.

Mr. Kloner will be
staying with you.

What's that son of a
bitch doing here?

I should have known.

'I spit on your grave!'

I'll see you
dead first!

You owe me 20 grand
for that time share in Florida!

'It's a shack in the swamp.'

There you are.

I've been looking
everywhere for you.

I'm kind of late
for an appointment, so‐‐

What happened with Brad?

His mom took him home.

She decided not to risk it.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Me, too.

I wouldn't have asked
so many questions

if you had told me
what you were doing.

Well, I'm sorry
that you thought

it was your business
to ask me.

What's going to happen?

He's gonna die.

‐ Hey.
‐ Hey, Mark.

I was just
putting together

a year‐long coverage
schedule for the ER.

Ah, good.

Kerry, I wanna talk to you.

Is it about
the chief position?

The executive committee has
decided to reopen the search.


The committee feels
that they need a candidate

with a national reputation.

Personally, I
think it stinks.

Well, that's that.

You're not out of the
running, Kerry.

It's, it's just
reopened the search.


And I'm not interested

in continuing
as interim chief.

‐ Who's gonna do it?
‐ Not my problem.

I know I shouldn't
have yelled at him

but he's just so
damn sensitive.

Hold still, Marcus.

Hey, welcome back.

I hear I missed
quite a trauma.

You certainly did.

It's all my fault.

Eddy was driving and
I upset him, and..

Well, I was just upstairs.
They finished the surgery.

Look, they repaired the wound
to your brother's heart.

‐ He's gonna be fine.
‐ Oh, thank God!

It was Dr. Corday here
who freed him just in time.

Oh. Well, that doesn't
surprise me.

She's an excellent doctor.

Listen, when you're
finished with Marcus

we'll grab dinner.

I beg your pardon?

You're my new intern.

I just gave you an order.

Would you excuse us
for a moment?

Peter, are you sure?

Elizabeth, you're no intern.

Yeah, you'll still have
to do some scut work

and take call
every third night

but you'll still have
your own patients

and you get to operate
with me.

Thank you.


Don't mention it.

I'll see you later.

Aren't you on tonight?


I am.

‐ Hey.
‐ Hmm.

Are you sure you don't want me
to get you something to eat?

I can run over
to Doc Magoo's.

No, it's alright

I got indigestion there
at lunch.

What are you doing?

Well, I made the mistake
of opening my big mouth.

I told Anspaugh that pedes ER

was running at peak capacity

so now he wants me to give
a detailed analysis

of the daily census.

‐ When will you be home?
‐ Uh, around April.

I won't wait up then.

‐ Go home.
‐ Goodnight.


Hey, doc, where you headed?

Home, you?

Back to the firehouse,
we're off duty.

Listen, uh..

...sorry I broke
protocol this morning.

I think the adrenaline
got the best of me.

Usually happens to me
in a couple of hours.

My knees won't
stop shaking.

‐ You got any cash on you?
‐ I'm tapped out.

A bunch of us are playing
poker tonight, wanna come?


We'll stop by
the ready teller.

Hop in.


What's the time
we have to beat?

Uh, six hours and
twenty nine minutes.

We're trying to set
a new world record.

You're doing great, Jeanie.

Thanks for stepping in, Kate.

My pleasure.

Only six hours twenty four
minutes to go, right?

That's right.

‐ Whoo!
‐ Cool.

‐ Whoo!
‐ Whoo‐hoo!

♪ In my.. ♪

Dr. Weaver?



What are you..

What are you doing here?

I came to see
about a room for rent.

Is this the right address?

It is, I..

...I rent out my apartment.

I've a basement.

Would you like to see it?


You know, I don't usually
advertise at the hospital

because I always thought
it might be kind of, um.. know, awkward.

Ah. Sure.

Well, hey,
if you'd‐if you'd rather not..


I was just..

I was just, uh,
having a drink.

Would you like one?

‐ Sure.
‐ Good.


Did you do something
to your hair?


Hey, baby.

Oh, your census report,
no I..

Yeah, I think it's on,
the kitchen table, yeah.

You want me to get it for you?

No, no, no, no.
I can do it.

It's just gonna
take me a minute.

Okay, so just hold on, do..

Don't get out
of the tub.

You look all happy.


What are you doing here?

I came in with this

but then I was thinking,
you know

that I was working
all night last night.

You were?

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ And?

I'm gonna be working
all day tomorrow.


So, maybe I should
take tonight off.

I think that's
a good idea.

‐ You like that?
‐ Mm‐hm.

Is that a bubble bath?

‐ Want to come in?
‐ Mm‐hm.