ER (1994–2009): Season 4, Episode 4 - When the Bough Breaks - full transcript

Mark Greene's ex-wife Jen takes him to task for his mixed-up life and tells him he can't see their daughter until he gets some help. Kerry Weaver tries to get Doug Ross to complete his fellowship research proposal. She also tells him he has to find research grants to cover his salary or he's out of a job. Baby Reece Benton finally gets to go home. Now that his HIV status is known, Al Boulet finds himself out of a job and unable to find work. The ER has to deal with a mass casualty alert when a school bus is involved in a highway accident. A crack addict gives birth while waiting for a doctor to treat her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(female narrator)
Previously on "ER.."

I'm confident that
you'll make things work.

Thank you for your trust.

My teacher told me
I had talent but..

...he was just trying
to get into my pants.

And you trust me?

‐ This time.
‐ Ooh!

Deep, penetrating,
poorly visualized cavities.

I think that
should be off limits.

We don't usually refer to
our senior surgeons that way.

Oh, so, I should
stop speaking my mind.

I don't think that
taxpayers are interested

in buying Doris
a tox screen.

You were out there working
with us and you got AIDS?

I've got to get by
like everybody else.

[knock on door]

'Hold on, hold on.'

Hey, I got stuck
on call today

so I got to drop this stuff off
and then head back, alright?

I couldn't get
anybody to cover for me.

I've already taken
off so much time.

I gotta get you
a key if you're gonna be

coming in and out this early.

Yeah, yeah, that's
not a bad idea.

What is that?

Oh. It's oxygen.

Peter, this is getting
a little morbid.

Do we really need
all this stuff?

Breathing monitor,

No, no, no. Defibrillator.


They wouldn't be sending him
home if he was in any danger.

Look, paramedics take
an average of six minutes

to respond to a call,
now, if something happens

you need to know how
to start a resuscitation.

Come here.

Now, the mask
attaches to the Ambu bag

the Ambu bag to the tank.

Now, if he stops
breathing, call 911

and make sure his
airway is clear.

Then turn the oxygen
to ten liters per minute

and then bag him.

One squeeze every three seconds.

Now, if you
don't get a pulse, yo‐‐

100 chest compressions
per minute.

‐ I know. I know.
‐ Well, good.

You know, something happens
you're gonna be glad you know.

Go to work, Peter.

Alright, um...I'll, um..

'I‐I'll meet you
at the nursery at 10.'

You got somebody
to pick you up, right?

‐ I'll call my mom.
‐ Okay.

Oh. Um, don't forget
about the car seat.


‐ Huh?
‐ It's gonna be alright.


How's it going, Doug?

Need some duct tape?

So that's what this is?
Is this an ego check?

No, no, no. This is about
spending time together.

I can think of
better activities.

I like to keep you
a little off balance.

Well, well, I'm sorry
to disappoint you, Carol, but..

‐ You underestimate me.
‐ I don't think so.

It's easy,
it's like ice skating.

Yeah, until you have to stop.

‐ That's what lampposts are for.
‐ Doug, your helmet.

‐ Oh, no. No helmet.
‐ Safety first.

No, no, no.
You're not wearing a helmet.

No, don't, you're going
to mess the do. Don't.

And you wear
that on purpose?

Just skate, Tonya.

Alright, Mr. Crash.

Crash? I'm not going to cr..

[knock at door]

(female #1)
'Mark, are you there?'


Who is it?

'It's me, Jen.'

Just a sec.

‐ 'Something wrong?'
‐ No, no. I got it.

Come on in.

‐ Sleep in your clothes?
‐ No.

‐ What's that?
‐ Uh, it's a infomercial thing.

Sorry, I wasn't
expecting visitors.

Uh, what's up?

Rachel fell asleep
in class Monday.

She said her daddy kept her up
watching movies all weekend.

You never went out,
you ordered pizza every night.

What, you came here
to tell me how to spend time

with my daughter?

It's getting to her.

She's nervous and her
stomach hurts all the time.

‐ She's worried about you.
‐ She is?

I am. Look at this place, Mark.

I mean, it's perfectly
normal to be frightened

after something
like that happens.

Oh, don't try
to fix me, Jen, okay?

It's not your job anymore.

Want to sit down?


I'm not dropping
Rachel off this weekend.

Don't come to the house
expecting to pick her up.

You can't keep me
from seeing my daughter.

You need some time
to work this out

until you're more yourself.

Hey, Jen, look,
I am her father, okay?

And she loves you, but
you're hurting her right now.

I'm doing you a favor, Mark.

Call me when you have
your life back together.

[theme music]

[music continues]

I feel happy.

I feel healthy.

‐ I feel terrific.
‐ I'm glad.

Nice pep talk.

Motivational tapes?

Success is 99% attitude.

Really? I guess that
makes me a miserable failure.

No, no. Failure is
a state of mind.

Tell me you didn't
pay for that advice.

I just figured I didn't get
off to a great start this year.

Unless I change
my approach..

...I'm gonna hate every
minute of my internship.

What are you doin'?

Oh, uh, somatic presentation.

Boring, but, uh,
they had a great buffet.

Free pen lights,
I snagged you a couple.


See? It's working already.

‐ New pups are waiting outside.
‐ Excellent.

‐ Good morning.
‐ Good morning.

Hi. John Carter.

Welcome to what promises to be
your most exciting rotation.

‐ You are?
‐ James Sasic.

‐ Ivan Fu.
‐ Ivan, good to meet you. Jim.

‐ James.
‐ James.

Right, I assume you've
met, uh, Anna Del Amico.

Great, let's get
started, shall we?

Hey, Chuny, what have you got

for a couple
of eager new med students?

A four‐f with
abdominal pain, in three.


Female, fertile, fat, and forty.

Add flighty
and flatulent to that.

Always nice
to start off the morning

with a round of gallstones.

Follow me, men.

We call him Sergeant Sunshine.

'That was a nasty bump.'

You're lucky I have a hard head.

‐ Ouch! What happened?
‐ Sports accident.

‐ He won't be specific.
‐ A testosterone injury?

Yeah, yeah. He who laughs
last, laughs hardest.

‐ I'll remember that.
‐ Hey, Mark, how you doing?

Nothing new here, I stay up
too late, don't go out enough

order pizza,
watch too much TV.

Huh, uh, what‐what is that?

I don't know,
he's a little cranky I guess.

What else is new?

‐ Turn it up.
‐ What?

Cops are chasing
some dude on a motorcycle.


That's so stupid.

At least he's wearing a helmet.

‐ Do you have a minute?
‐ Yeah.

‐ I'd like to compliment you.
‐ On what?

Your fellowship
pediatric proposal

and pediatric PCA,
it's very intriguing.

‐ Where'd you get that?
‐ Department of pediatrics.

Allowing children to control
their own pain medication

is very much
ahead of its time.

Thank you.

Yeah, of course,
it has been three years.

It's a shame you
never finished it.

UC, San Diego is actually
implementing the idea.

‐ Oh, I didn't know that.
‐ Yeah. Take a look.

Unfortunately, they've already
proven your original thesis

but you could use their data to
develop a smaller clinical study

say, PCA in
the emergency department.

Clinical studies were never
really my strong suit, Kerry.

Well, if you already have
something else, then go with it.

I've taken the liberty
of outlining a research

and grant application schedule.

And I would be happy to review
any material before submission.

Kerry, I appreciate it, I do.

But, um, I can
handle this on my own.

You know, if that were
true you would have been

done a long time ago.

I'm serious, Doug.

The ER cannot continue
to pay for a pediatric fellow.

You need to find research
grant to cover your salary

before the end of the year
or look toward private practice.

What's this?

This is my eviction notice. Ow!

So which student
do you want?

Oh, it doesn't matter.

Come on, you got
boned last time.

‐ I'll give you dibs.
‐ No, really, you choose.

Either one is
gonna be great.

Careful, doctor, blind optimism
will screw you every time.

Well, what have you got?

A 41‐year‐old female
with low‐grade fever.

Anxious, complains of gas,
and right upper quadrant pain.

And what do you wanna do?

Get a CBC and order an
ultrasound to confirm thickening

of gall bladder wall and/or
common bile duct dilation.

Hmm. And what are the other
two borders of Calot's triangle?

‐ Excuse me?
‐ The common duct and..

The cystic duct
in the liver.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what have we got?

Jeremy Willis,
isolated right leg injury.

‐ 19 going on infinity.
‐ Say again?

He thinks he's an angel.

Flew into traffic.

Can you feel this, Jeremy?

He walked against the signal.

Can you wiggle your toes for me?

He can't see me,
but I'm always there.

Distal neuro's intact.

Bad hair day, huh?

Um, I'm trying
to grow it out.

Let's not
humor him, huh, Lily?

Let's get a right tib‐fib
and a knee series.

Yeah, looks like you've
got a fracture, Jeremy.

We're going to have
to get some X‐rays.

So much pain.

We'll get you some morphine.

Titrate it up to ten.

And let's get
a psych consult. Exam one.

(female #2)
'Carla, over here.'

Hey, I thought your mother
was picking you up.

She couldn't get off work.

Relax, Peter, Daphina is
just driving me home.

Hold on, does she still smoke?

Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on, hold on.

'I got to get this,
okay, alright.'


'Ha ha. That's great.'

Hey, daddy, you
must be so excited!

‐ Yeah.
‐ Peter?

Hold it, hold it. Hey.

Listen, um,
I get off at 7:00.

I'll be to your place
no later than 8:00, okay?

Don't you want
to kiss him goodbye?

Yes, I do.


'Is this your baby?'

‐ Here, I got him.
‐ Uh, yeah.

He's being discharged today.

‐ Oh, a newborn.
‐ Easy. Easy!

‐ Congratulations.
‐ Careful, careful.

You certainly are the
secretive sort, I had no idea.

Oh, um, Dr. Corday
is new here.

Dr. Corday, this is Carla.
Carla, this is Dr. Corday.

‐ Don't you look fantastic.
‐ I had the baby in May.

He's been in the NICU.

Oh, but he's alright now?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's fine.


Well, I'll see you upstairs.

‐ Wonderful meeting you.
‐ Same here.

[pager beeping]

All set.

‐ You gotta go.
‐ Yeah, uh, I know.

Uh, Carla, I need to..

You gotta go.

‐ Yeah, Carla..
‐ I'll see you later.


[car engine revving]

When did the asthma flare up?

He's bad since last night.

And he's been
using his puffer?

Yes, how much longer
for the doctor?

I am the doctor,
Mrs. Landeta.

Could you sit back
for me, Jaime, sweetie?

Okay. 2.5 milligrams
of albuterol.

‐ Is that sore?
‐ A little.

Has anyone ever
taken a stool sample?

Get Dr. Ross, he always
makes him feel better.

Dr. Ross isn't
available right now.

I saw him.

Yes, but I'm your
doctor today, ma'am.

'How's our fugitive doing?'

'He just got on
the Eisenhower.'

‐ Big mistake.
‐ They have him now.

Come on, people,
we're getting backed up.

You can watch it
on the 5 o'clock news.

‐ Dr. Ross.
‐ Yeah?

Dr. Ross, you have
to see my grandson.

‐ He's very sick.
‐ Okay, where is he?

‐ Come, come, I take you.
‐ Okay.

I asked this lady for you
but she don't let me see you.

‐ Uh..
‐ It's bad, huh?

Oh, no, I'm sure
he's gonna be fine.

Dr. Del Amico here
can handle it.

You're gonna help
him, huh, you are.

‐ You can?
‐ Uh, uh, okay.

No problema, doctor,
I'll take it from here.

Sure, no problema.

Acute asthma,
peak flow's 90.

Some generalized
abdominal tenderness.

Okay, I got it.

Jaime and I know
the drill, right, champ?


‐ See you, kiddo.
‐ We'll warm this up.


Hey, wh‐what are you doing here?

I'm getting
my stitches out.


I really didn't have
anything else to do.

What happened?

Well, I showed up
at the new site

and the foreman said
that there must have been

some kind of mix‐up.

Said he was maxed out,
didn't need any more guys.

Al, I'm sorry.


Hey, look,
the guy's a jerk.

You'll find something else.

Not in construction.

Every contractor in Chicago
will hear that I have AIDS.

Al, look, I know
this is hard for you.

It was hard for me
and I work in medicine

where people understand,
but it gets better.

No one wonders
how you got it.

I used to be
one of those guys.

We tell fag jokes.

Believe me.

It won't get any better.

Yeah, you want to pull
the skin a little bit tighter.

You don't want
the vein to roll on you.

Great. Okay, you're ready
to stick her.

This is gonna hurt, right?

Nah, she's gorked out,
she's not gonna feel..

Carter, you page me
for a consult?

Ah, Dr. Benton, I'd like
you to meet Ivan Fu

'my new med student.'

I was Dr. Benton's
medical student

and I'm proud to say
I lived to tell the tale.

‐ Carter..
‐ Uh, not here.

Curtain area three.
Acute cholecystitis.

Uh, temp's up to 102.
White count's 28,000.

‐ Positive Murphy's sign.
‐ Uh‐huh, ultrasound?

Still waiting.

But, Carter, you paged me.

Uh, yeah, well,
it's been over an hour.

We both know what
it's gonna look like.

She needs an ultrasound
to confirm

that she's
a surgical candidate.

Ah, I've seen
enough cases to know.

I thought you
might want this one.

I've got three
in‐patient consults waiting.

You get an ultrasound, page me.

The labs are in,
and I got the history on four.

‐ Great.
‐ Well, now what?

Lunch. I'll see you
in about half hour.

Yo, how'd you ever
go out with that guy?

‐ What guy?
‐ Ross.

Didn't you used to date him?

I mean, if he's that patronizing
to me, I can't imagine

what he's like to
the women he goes out with.

He's seen that patient before.

Mrs. Landeta's just
comfortable with him.

Yeah, because he's a man.

Well, some people
are old‐fashioned.

Doug has difficulty
dealing with strong women.

I don't know about that.

If he can't charm
or vilify you, he's lost.

‐ Now, that's not true.
‐ I'll talk to him.

No, no, that's okay. I will.

I don't feel good.

‐ What's the problem?
‐ I hurt.

Have you seen
the triage nurse?

The bitch
never came back!

‐ What's your name?
‐ Doris.

Doris, go take
a seat over there.

I'll be with you
as soon as I can.

I been sitting over there!

This is county
on one alpha, go ahead.

(male #1)
'County, this is rescue 56.'

'We're on the scene
of a multi‐victim accident.'

'High speed chase,
auto versus school bus.'

'How many can you handle?'

We can take three major,
ten minor. Over.

Oh, my God!

(woman on TV)
...have arrived at the scene..

Connie, grab the trauma
rooms and curtain two.

Set up the rapid infusers
with warm saline.

Mobilize the blood bank.

Carter, clear out all
noncritical patients.

‐ How many?
‐ I don't know yet.

Cynthia. Cynthia, call the OR.

Tell them we have
a mass casualty alert.

Has anyone seen Mark?

[pager beeping]

[siren wailing]

Second unit's in, DPL positive.
Probable ruptured spleen.

‐ Shall I take him?
‐ No, no. Anspaugh's on the way.

‐ Don't forget the films.
‐ Ah, X‐rays, X‐rays.

‐ Come on. Clear!
‐ What happened?

Cop chasing some guy
plowed into a bus

full of junior high kids
on a field trip.

Who was that and where
are they taking him?

‐ I don't know.
‐ Has anyone seen Matthew?

He wasn't in his seat.
He was showing Sal his gecko.

I told him to leave
the stupid lizard at home.

Ma'am, you should really sit
down until somebody can look..

I am their teacher.

I need to know where
every one of them is.

I‐I'm accountable.

Um, do you have
the parents' phone numbers?

‐ At the school.
‐ Okay.

Okay, maybe you should
call and get them.

Phone's right over there.

I said we could handle
three majors

you give us 10.

‐ Carol. Carol!
‐ Here, Chuny.

Make sure
no one else comes.

Pulseless and apneic
on our arrival.

Asystole. Head, chest,
abdominal trauma.

Angulated tib‐fib fracture.
Pupils midrange and sluggish.

Couldn't get a line, so we
intubated, scooped and ran.

What happened to him?

Ejected from
the emergency exit door.

No seat belts
on those buses.

Whoa, whoa.
Back up, Carter, back up.

He's stable, let's go.

How bad over there?

I'm fine, get this
kid behind me..

[indistinct chatter]

Kerry, 14‐year‐old male,
head trauma.

Multiple facial lacs.
GCS 12.

Asking repetitive questions.

BP 115/70, pulse 110,
resps 20.

‐ Wh‐what happened?
‐ Name?

Can you tell
me your name?

‐ Brian.
‐ Can you open your eyes, Brian?


Coming through!

She's got a near amputation
right above the left elbow

hanging on by
a two‐centimeter skin bridge.

BP's down 70/30.
Pulse is only 32.

Estimated blood loss
at the scene is 750cc's.

‐ I got 500cc's saline.
‐ Fu, grab the arm!

‐ It hurts!
‐ I know, honey.

Okay, on my count.
One, two, three.


CBC, type and cross for four.

Cath her and dip
a urine for blood.

Portable chest,
cross‐table C‐spine

pelvis and left
upper extremity.

Cap refill's poor.
Bolus another liter of saline.

Hey. Hey! I need that!

Let's get five migs
of epi down the tube.

‐ Got the line in.
‐ It's going.

Alright, give it IV.

Hang a unit of O‐neg
on the rapid infuser.

‐ Oh, man.
‐ What?

‐ A lizard.
‐ It's a gecko.

'Rachel wanted one.'

Anybody need a surgeon?

He will, if we bring him back.

Four by four and some saline.

Got a second line in.

BP's 80/50, pulse 112.

Let's get another
two of morphine right away.

‐ Alright, what do we got?
‐ Isolated crush injury.

‐ Primary survey?
‐ In progress.

Ivan, A‐B‐C‐D‐E?

Airway, breathing, circulation,
disability, and expose.

Alright, can you
tell me your name?

My arm is falling off!

If she can talk,
she has an airway.

Can we save it?

‐ I'm gonna try.
‐ What are you doing?

We have to get your arm on ice
and control the bleeding.

‐ You're cutting my arm off!
‐ So we can reattach it.

‐ Pulse ox 98% on ten liters.
‐ Come on, come on, come on.

Move, move, move!
Here we go.

Come here, sweetheart.
Come here, come here, come here.

Just squeeze my hand, okay?

Come on, squeeze my hand.

Good. Squeeze.

Good, good.

Call neuro.

Draw a trauma panel.

Pupils are sluggish.

Let's intubate before
we ship him to CT.

‐ Responds to pain.
‐ 110/60. Pulse 95.

Come on. Rapid induction.

Versed three,
IV push. Let's go.

Hey, hey, I need some help here.

‐ He can't breathe.
‐ What happened?

Uh, we were installing
a satellite dish

and he fell off the roof.

Did he hit his head
and lose consciousness?

‐ I don't know.
‐ Okay, Versed's onboard.

Jeanie, take him
to curtain three.

I'll get there as soon as I can.

0.5 of Pavulon, 75 of sux.

‐ No pulse with compressions.
‐ Pupils are fixed and dilated.

‐ Get another blood gas.
‐ Check his chest.

We're not gonna get
anywhere with a blunt trauma.

We're not getting
anywhere with him now.

He's a kid, Mark.

‐ Alright.
‐ Thoracotomy tray.

‐ Can I have my X‐rays, please?
‐ Medicate that girl for pain?

‐ She's had morphine.
‐ Not enough.

‐ Initial crit's 28.
‐ Repeat it.

the reimplantation team.

Somebody call the OR
and book a room.

Come on, Fu. Move, move, move!

Carter, corral your student.

Help me with this
pressure dressing.

‐ Oh, we got a pumper here.
‐ O2 stat's falling.

BP's 70/40.

Give her a unit of blood.

Carter. Carter,
get him out of here.

Call Weaver. Go.

Get him out of here,
Carter, now!

Come on.

Sit down, put your head between
your legs and don't move.

Carter, can you
help me with a crike?

‐ 'Yep.'
‐ I can't see the cords.

There's too much blood.

How about
a retrograde intubation?

‐ Have you ever done one?
‐ I've seen one.

Open up a central line kit.

Pulse ox 92, BP 100/70.

‐ Ricky, get your mother.
‐ Relax, dad.

‐ Everything's gonna be fine.
‐ Diminished breath sounds.

‐ Hyper resonant to percussion.
‐ Hey, what does that mean?

He could have a collapsed lung,
I need a portable chest.

‐ Any tamponade?
‐ Nope. Pericardium's dry.

Start internal massage.

Got it.



‐ Cross clamp the aorta.
‐ Satinsky.

‐ Where's the Satinsky?
‐ I'll get another tray.

‐ Here, take this to trauma two.
‐ Wait. Where?

It's straight ahead.


‐ Carol told me to bring this.
‐ Put it right there.

Push another mig of atropine.

‐ Suction. I can't see.
‐ 'I'll retract the lung.'

‐ 'There you go. It's clamped.'
‐ Pulse ox is falling.

‐ Dad? Dad!
‐ He's unresponsive.

‐ What's happening?
‐ Sir, you should wait outside.

It's a tension pneumo. Connie!

We need a doctor in here now.

Fortune gauge, I'll needle
decompress him.

Pulse weak and thready,
BP 60 palp.

‐ He needs a chest tube.
‐ Well, then give him one!

Dr. Greene, Jeanie needs you
in curtain three, right now.

In a minute.
Got a boy's heart in my hand.


Damn, it hurts!

Where does it hurt, Doris?
Where does it hurt?

My stomach!

‐ I have to dump.
‐ Doris, are you pregnant?


Doris, you're having a baby!

‐ What?
‐ Don't push! Blow! You blow!

I don't have to blow!
I have to dump. Ow!

BOA in exam four!
I need a doctor! Now!

She's crowning!

Alright, just don't push!
Don't push, Doris. Don't push!



Oh, my God!


'I need some help in here!'

'My baby! I had a baby!'

‐ He's not breathing.
‐ Alright, sit back.

Sit back and relax, okay‐‐

She dropped it!
She dropped my baby!

Just relax.
Just relax, ma'am.

‐ Clamp.
‐ Ah! What's happening?

Ma'am, just sit back and relax.

'No respiratory effort.'

What's happening?
What's wrong with it?

Is it breathing? Is it dead?

No palpable pulse.

Alright, starting
compressions. Bag him.

What did you do to him?

‐ What happened?
‐ That bitch dropped my baby!

Grab a pediatric
intubation tray, 2.5.

Draw .02 migs of epi.

I'll tube him.
You start an umbilical line.

Come on, Peter, now. Let's go.


Where the hell are the doctors?

Long Kelly.

I can't find the tract.

Chuny, come here, I need you
to put your finger in there

and make sure the lung's
away from the chest wall.

I've never done that.

Well, you do it.

What are you waiting for?
You do it!


Pulse ox isn't reading.

Okay, I'm in.

Another epi.
Double it. IV.

Ah! I'm having another one!

‐ Mark.
‐ You got it?

Yeah, go.

Don't drop this one!

You're not having
another baby.

You have to deliver a placenta.
I want you to push.

She said not to push!

I want you to push now!

Tube's in. Good breath sounds.
Nice trick, Carter.

‐ CT Ready?
‐ I'll check.

Hey. Hey, you got
to help that woman.

I don't think she knows
what she's doing.

‐ What's wrong?
‐ Well, he's dying.

I'll be right there.

'Atropine on board.'

Alright, hold compressions.

Hey, what are you doing?

Just lie still.
Lie still.

Max the epi, .15 migs.

Blood sugar's only 20.

What's the glucose dose?

Uh, 10% DW, 20cc's.

I'll get it.

Carol, she's bleeding.
Get an IV in her.

Two liters, wide open.
Add ten of Pitocin.

Hey, what are you doing?

No. I don't want this nurse.
Get me a new nurse.

Any response?

No. Nothing.

Come on, man.
Come on.

I can't get it.

'He's breathing down
losing the pulse.'

Please, God.
Please, God.

‐ Got it.
‐ Where are we, Jeanie?

Chest tube.
Tension hemo‐pneumo.

I sent for a doctor.
No one came.

The tube's in.
Hook me up.

‐ Is he okay?
‐ Pulse is coming up.

You dissected this tract
with a Kelly clamp, right?

No. It wouldn't thread.
I had to use my finger.

Thank you, Jeanie.
I'll take it from here.

‐ Go triage.
‐ Kerry‐‐

Now, Jeanie.

Thoraseal to suction,

‐ 'Get 0‐4.'
‐ 'Got some four by fours.'

'You got extension tubing?'

How high can we go
with the epi?

‐ How many rounds of atropine?
‐ Two.

Forget it.

He's not responding to anything.
I'm calling it.


That's it.
He never had a chance.

Time of death, 12:36.

Spin a crit.
Type and cross match for four.

'I'll be back.'

[dramatic music]

(male #2)
'Three fifty. Clear.'

[indistinct chatter]

Everything okay here, Kerry?

Yeah, we got it.

Dr. Weaver, neuro's
gonna meet us in PICU

after the head CT.

'Peter, are you coming?'


Hey, Carla, it's me.

How's the baby?

No, no, no.
Everything's fine.

How is he?

Tell me if you
feel one poke or two.


Two. One.

You shouldn't draw on
your body in a moving vehicle.

Now you tell me.

It's a good cartoon, though.

Okay, let's get a hand series,
a gram of Ancef

and a tetanus booster.

Aren't you gonna
pull it out?

Not just yet.

We want to get an X‐ray
and numb your hand first.

Think I could sue for this?

I'm serious.

I was gonna go to art school.

I should be able
to sue somebody.

Great technique back there,
Carter. Where did you learn it?

Oh, uh, Dr. Benton showed me.

Well, you were lucky
to have him as a teacher.

It's serving you well.

How's that new attitude
of yours holding up?

Oh, maybe
I'll start tomorrow.

What happened to Ivan?

He's in the lounge
re‐evaluating his career choice.

Teacher ID'd him
as, uh, Matthew Blevins.

Make sure that you get me as
soon as his parents get here.

‐ He‐he died, didn't he?
‐ Yeah, he did.

‐ Hi.
‐ Hey.

You wanna talk
to me about something?

‐ Nope. It can wait.
‐ Okay.

Listen, I'm sorry that
I barged in on the asthma kid.

His grandma knows me.

What asthma kid?


Wow. What happened?

How was lunch?

You were lucky,
Officer Mulvahill.

Your cervical spine's normal.


But your wrist
may require some surgery.

Orthopedic surgeon
will be down shortly.

Here you go.

Mr. Mulvahill.

How bad is it?

It might require
a couple of pins.

Not me.

The kids.

How bad are the kids?

Some are very serious

but we were able to save
just about everybody.

Just about?

Let me tie off
this bleeder.

Hmm. The marines have arrived.


Are you with me, Peter?

Oh. Yeah.

You know, you certainly managed

to surprise me this morning

and that doesn't happen
often, I can say.

What do you mean?

I like to think I can read
people rather well

but I certainly didn't
have you pegged as a family man.

Why not?

Most surgical residents aren't.

And you strike me
as ambitious, driven.

I wonder how you manage it.

Lovely wife, though.

Actually, she's not my wife.

Well, there you go.

You surprised me again.

This place is negative energy.
You're lost in negative energy.

'Dr. Greene,
can I talk to you?'


Just stay where you are.
I'll be right back.

Don't give in to it.

Dr. Lowrey from psych
left a note in his chart

when things
were still crazy.

Yeah, yeah,
I saw it. Thanks.

I guess she's going to try to
find the poor guy's family.

‐ Yeah. You surviving all this?
‐ I'm trying.

That was pretty amazing
what you were doing in there.

‐ Yeah, well‐‐
‐ Hey, doc? Doc?

‐ I'll let you get back.
‐ Okay.

I got a secret.
Wanna hear?

Not particularly.

She likes you.

Hey, you disappeared
on me in there, what happened?

You don't wanna know.

‐ The boy make it?
‐ No.

Oh, I was hoping
for some good news.

Did you talk to Anna yet?

‐ About what?
‐ About the asthma kid.

She's cool.

Oh, she wasn't cool
about it before.

‐ Really?
‐ Yeah.

You might want to talk
to her about it.

Why? She talked to you.

‐ Carol, you have a minute.
‐ Your turn.

I heard about your
unexpected delivery.

Oh. Whose version?

She's screaming
for a lawyer.

She's high on something,
crack probably.

You know what,
when she comes down

she might see things differently

but you should fill out
an incident report.

‐ Document your account.
‐ Carol, she's a crack addict.

That baby popped out.
I did not drop it.

Yes, but after
your suspension last year

her accusations might
carry more weight.

Can anyone back you up?

Mark Greene was there.

Good. Make sure you're
on the same page.

‐ Alright.
‐ What do we got?

(male #3)
'Motorcycle accident.'

Multiple abrasions
on the right side

elbow and abdominal pain.

He was fleeing the police.

Slid 15 feet into
a chain‐link fence.

This the guy they were
chasing on the Eisenhower?

Damn straight.
We finally got the little punk.

Hey, man, I wasn't the jerk that
ran into a bus full of kids.

No, you were just the jerk
that caused it.

Oh, bite me, lady.

‐ Hey, shut up.
‐ Put him in suture. Carter!

Take our friend here.

I'm afraid I might stick
an IV pole up his ass.

Wouldn't want that.

Kerry, I checked with upstairs
and Mr. Melgato is satting well.

No internal injuries
other than the rib fractures.


I waited as long as I could

to put in that chest tube.

I‐I didn't have a choice.

He had multiple rib fractures.

You could have cut your finger
and bled inside his chest.

But I didn't.

We agreed you wouldn't
put your hands

in any poorly
visualized cavities.

‐ What was I supposed to do?
‐ Walk away.

He would've died.

That's the risk
you assume for your patients

when you continue
to work here with HIV.

Did you black out at all?

No, I‐I don't think so.

You've any trouble breathing?

‐ Blurred vision?
‐ No.

BP is 132/88.

So you slid
on your right side, huh?


What's this from then?


There was a piece
of fence sticking out.

He must've rolled into it.

‐ Straight into it?
‐ 'You tell him, doc.'


Okay. Lily, let's get
a CBC type and screen

lateral C‐spine, chest, AP,
pelvis and an abdominal CT.

Call for a surgical consult?

Yeah. No.
No, no, he's stable.

Let's, uh, wait and get
the abdominal CT first.

‐ Remind me why I do this again?
‐ 'Cause you hate yourself?

Oh, yeah. I forgot.

Mark, you know I didn't
drop that baby, right?


Kerry thinks there
could be some trouble.

Well, don't worry.

Crack addicts generally
lack credibility.

So I can count
on your support?

I didn't actually
see it, Carol.

What does that mean?

It means I didn't see it.

Mark, I did not drop that baby.

I went to put the side rail
down. I told her not to push.

She pushed, I reached for it,
but I never touched it.

Sure. Whatever.

Mark, I did not drop the baby.

Carol, what do you
want me to say

that I saw something
that I didn't?

No. I would like you
to believe me.

Sorry to keep you waiting,
Mrs. Landeta.

'We had a bit of a crisis here.'

Yes. I saw. Pretty bad, huh?


Well, he seems
to be breathing okay.

Um, the puffer alone
isn't working.

I'm gonna give him prednisone.
It's a steroid.

He's gonna take one tablet
two times a day.

Doctor, can you give him
something for his stomach?

His stomach
is still bothering him?

Yes. The diarrhea is back.

Diarrhea, is it?

Let me take a look.

‐ Does that hurt?
‐ Uh‐huh.

You know, just to be safe,
let's get a stool sample.

Yes. The lady doctor
said he should have one.

The lady doctor?
You sure?

When do I get
out of here?

I have to examine you.

When do I get
out of here?

I see your high
is wearing off.

‐ What are you doing?
‐ I need to check your uterus.

‐ Lie still, please.
‐ No. Get somebody else.

‐ I want a doctor.
‐ You're stuck with me.

Come on, Doris, open up.


I hear you asked for a lawyer.

It was a boy, wasn't it?

Yeah, Doris, it was a boy.

I didn't know I was
pregnant, I swear.

I was so wasted.

If someone would've told me,
I would've given up the crack.

You can still do that, Doris.

Where is he?

Where's my baby?

This is just gonna
take another minute.

What, did they cut
him up or something?

Doctor will be in later
to talk to you about it.

They never say nothing.

Kid would've got
messed up with me anyway.

I can have another one,
though, right?

I'm okay down there?

Yeah, Doris,
you're okay down there.

I'm really sorry, Dr. Carter.

It's just.. I've never seen
that much blood before.

You get used to it.

This isn't gonna affect
my evaluation, is it?

‐ I have to get honors.
‐ Just get a good night's rest.

We'll start it with
a clean slate tomorrow.

No, no, listen,
I'm leaving right now, okay?

You need anything?
Right, how's he doing?

Okay, yeah.
I'm coming. Bye.

You're going home early.

No. I'm leaving
on time for once.

'Hey, Dr. Benton.'

How did it go with that girl?
Did you save her arm?

Good, the team is still working
on it, but it looks good.

Oh, that's great.
That's great.

‐ So how's your baby doing?
‐ Oh, he's good.

Carter, we need
you in suture room now

the motorcycle
guy is crashing.

We were about to move him
and he passed out.

‐ What's the story?
‐ Motorcycle accident.

Left upper
quadrant contusion.

It's okay.
I can handle it.

‐ BP is 50 palp.
‐ Set me up for a‐a lavage.

Set me up for a lavage.

How many units did
you cross‐match?

None. I typed and screened.
He was stable.

Four units type‐specific.

And squeeze in
two liters of saline.

‐ Why didn't you page me?
‐ He needed a head CT First.

That's a surgical call, Carter.

I was trying to save time,
you know. You did say‐‐

Carter, the patient is critical.

'He's tachy at 120.'

‐ He wasn't hypertensive.
‐ Come on.

It was normal.
There was no sign of bleeding.

Dammit. Alright, lavage is
positive. Alright, people.

Let's get him up to
the OR, now! Let's move!

He was stable.

Pathology call about
the autopsy on that preemie?

Uh, no, but Dr. Lowrey
called and found

that crazy guy's family
in Indiana

and they think he went
off his medicine

when he went back to college,
so his mom's coming up

and Dr. Lowrey said go ahead
and give him some hadlaw.

You mean Haldol?

Oh, right, Haldol. Sorry.

Talk to Greene about it.
He's an attending.

Talk to Greene about what?

Nothing. Never‐never mind.
It's nothing‐‐

‐ Just confront Benton.
‐ Well, it's not that easy.

I haven't been able to get him
to talk to me for months.

Make him talk to you.

Look, you can sulk
or you can just let him

go on treating you like this.

No, I'm gonna..
I'm gonna talk to him.

‐ I'm gonna talk to him.
‐ Good.

Dr. Del Amico, guess what?

You know Jaime Landeta,
the, uh, asthma kid?

‐ Hmm.
‐ He doesn't have asthma.

He has Strongyloides.

Causes a bronchial irritation,
masks as asthma.

The prednisone that
I was about to give him

would have made it worse.

Good catch.

Yeah, one I almost
didn't make.

So why didn't you tell me
that you suspected a parasite?

Uh, it was only a hunch.

A hunch you should
have shared with me.

I tried. You had it
covered, remember?

Yeah, no. We work
as team here.

‐ Right, Anna?
‐ Oh, come on, what team?

You could've come in, consulted

explained there were
other good doctors.

Instead, you took
the easy way out.

‐ Hijacked the patient.
‐ What?

Uh, I'm sorry.
Um, This is Mrs. Blevins.

You wanted to talk to her
about her son.

‐ Excuse me.
‐ Where is my son?

Mrs. Blevins, your son
was in an accident.

On the bus. I know.

Yes, on the bus.

Um, he suffered multiple
injuries, very grave injuries.

We, um, we gave him
blood transfusions

we gave him emergency surgery.

We exhausted all
of our capabilities, but..

...uh, despite our
best efforts, we were..

...unable to save him.

Mrs. Blevins, he died.


Hey, you need some help?

No, I got it.

You have another surgery?

Yeah, emergency splenectomy,
just came in.

I thought you'd left.

I did.

Here, I'll do it.
You should go.

No, no, no. You know, I got it.

Don't be so stubborn.
It's your baby's first day home.

I, on the other hand,
have no life.

Look, I, uh, I appreciate it,
but it's okay.

You should take advantage
of my generosity

when it comes around.

Trust me,
you'll see it rarely.

Okay. Uh..

‐ Tell Hicks that I‐‐
‐ Yeah, yeah. Go.


I knew you'd come back.

What's that?

Something to make you
feel normal again.

I don't wanna feel normal.


No, don't run away from it.

Don't run away
from the fear.

I know how to deal with it.

You need to make
friends with the fear.

What do you mean?

Death is all around.

Stick to the light.

Embrace it.

The light will save you.

'Dr. Benton?'

Dr. Benton,
hang on a second.

‐ I want to talk to you.
‐ Not now, Carter.

No, wait.

You know, for a long time

I bought into your abuse
and your humiliation

because I thought
I was learning something.

‐ You were.
‐ No, but..

Okay, even if there
was a point to it then

there's no point to it now.

Goodnight, Carter.

You know, I'm really tired
of you blowing me off.

You're gonna have
to talk to me.

You wanna talk?

‐ You wanna talk now?
‐ Right now!



‐ Carter, move.
‐ No.

‐ Carter, move.
‐ No.

‐ Carter, get out of my way‐‐
‐ You're not going‐‐

Get off of me!

‐ You okay?
‐ What, you care?

Carter, what the hell is your‐‐

You know, I'm not
your student anymore.

Then you can treat me
like any other colleague.

You're not a colleague,
you're an intern.

For three years I did everything
you asked of me and more.

I deserve your respect
because I earned it.

And you threw it away.

Why, because I don't
wanna be like you?

No, because you wasted my time.

This isn't about your time.

This is about your egotism.

Yeah, yeah, right.
Yeah, Carter

I'm‐I'm egotistical.
You know what?

I got a lot of people
that work damn hard

to make sure I am
where I am

and for them I
gotta be self‐centered.

I don't take time for
anything but you, man, man..

I did for you, Carter.

I did, man.

You decide you don't
want to be a surgeon

you don't come to me,
you go to Anspaugh.

Well, I was afraid
you'd talk me out of it.

I wish I had the chance to try.

Well.. Hey, okay.

You're right. I'm sorry.

Can I go home now?


'You know what, Carter?'

You don't wanna be
treated like my student

stop seeking my approval.

Doug, have you seen Carol?

Yeah, about 5'6",
pretty, packs an attitude.

What are you reading?

‐ Some research.
‐ You?

It's pain management
for kids, an idea I had once.

Carol? Carol?

I got that autopsy report
on the crack baby.

He died in utero two days ago.

Well, I guess we're
both off the hook.

Carol, it wasn't a matter

of me believing you
or not believing you.

I would've been on your side.

Well, maybe if you'd been
on the patient's side earlier

'none of this
would've happened.'

‐ What?
‐ I checked her chart.

That woman had been in here

four times in the
past seven months.

You saw her twice and never
once did a pregnancy test.

Was there reason to?

Evidently, yes.

So we're suppose to
give pregnancy tests

to every female crack head
who comes through the door?

‐ That's not what I'm saying.
‐ Then what?

God forbid this woman
ever finds out

'what her real
malpractice suit is.'

I would back you up

say there was no reason
for a pregnancy test.

The fact is, we should
have done something.

What should we have done?

We can't help people
who can't help themselves.

No, Mark. Those are exactly
the people we should be helping.

Good. I'm glad
you're still here.

I'm surprised that you are.

Jeanie, I had every
right to be angry.

I went to the mat for you.
We had a deal.

I couldn't just stand
there and watch him die.

You don't know
that he would've.

We were losing a pulse.
It was worth the risk, Kerry.

Jeanie, you made a decision

to continue working here
and I supported it

but sometimes our decisions
affect more than just ourselves.

And in this case,
a man is still alive.

I appreciate that,
but we all agreed

you'd work
under specific guidelines.

You have to stick to them.

I know, I know.

But if I had to do it again

I can't say I wouldn't
do the same thing.

Dr. Greene?

Do you take the El?

No, I drive. It's just, uh

I park around the corner.

It's a little more convenient.

Aren't you afraid that
your car's gonna get stolen

or scratched up or something?

Nothing's happened so far.

Oh. Um, do you mind walking me
up to the platform?

I just get kind of scared
out here at night.

Where do you live?

Near Humboldt Park,
for now.

It's on my way.
I'll give you a lift.

Oh, no, no, I don't
wanna be a bother.

No bother.

‐ Are you sure?
‐ Yeah, let's go.

Great. Thanks.



[instrumental music]

[theme music]