ER (1994–2009): Season 3, Episode 17 - ER - full transcript

Race relations become an issue in the ER when Mark Greene treats two injured teenagers, one black and the other white, and assumes the black kid was a drug dealer. It turns the white kid was the drug dealer and the black kid is a high school basketball star and an innocent bystander. When the black student's older brother confronts him, he begins to question his own impartiality. Carol Hathaway helps a young woman who was drugged with Rohipnol and raped. Benton gets an interesting offer from Dr. Hicks. He also learns that Carla Reece has been admitted to the hospital. Dr. Carter treats a woman with a serious condition but he seems to be the only one who sees it. Mark Greene's daughter ends up spending the day in the ER when her mom has to rush to Florida to deal with a family emergency.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on ER.

This baby's gonna be fine.
Plenty to eat, nice clothes.

'You go back
to worrying about yourself.'

'Cause that's what you do best.

If peter can't use
your talents

my team can.

So, why'd you go ahead
and take it?

‐ The MCATS?
‐ 'Mm‐hmm . '

For me.

Just wanted to see
if I was good enough.

‐ Daddy!
‐ Hi, sweetheart.


You're a young doctor,
learning, making mistakes.

Saving lives.

It takes a lifetime.

'Shaq on Jordan
at the buzzer!'

Oh, no!

‐ Yes!
‐ Sweet move, yes!

Still got your sneaks on, doc?

Hang on.

Point game.

'You better be passing, baby.
You better be passing!'


Alright, alright,
time out, time out.

Time out?

Keep bonding, mark, I got it.

Time to save a life.

Hey, doc, you want
some of this?

Dad, what are you doing?

Hey, busy night?

Ah, I thought
the sun would never rise.

One more for the road.

Tearful and upset?

That's her chief complaint?

Mr. Thomas here OD'd
on his son's Jimson weed tea.

We'll need to send this
to the lab.

'Jimson weed?'

Got to keep up
with the times, Malik.

Is there anything
else in that tea?

No, but when my
dad comes down

he's really
going to kill me.

Oh, nurse, it hurts
when I do this.


‐ Then don't do it, Mr. Thomas.
‐ Dad!

I always use my diaphragm.

I'm, like, a total
fanatic about it, but..

Did you have unprotected
sex in the last 72 hours?

The girls at
the dorm say

you can take a quadruple
dose of birth control pills

the morning after

and it will keep
you from getting pregnant.

Yes, it can work in
some circumstances

but it's not the best
method of birth control.

It's just so weird.
My boyfriend'll kill me.

Did he force you
or threaten you?

Maybe I'm just having
a breakdown or something.

Look, I can help you

if you tell me
what happened.

I had a few beers
at this party last night.

I saw this guy Mike, and I was
gonna give him a ride home.

And then I woke up
in my car

in the dorm parking lot.

My tights weren't
up all the way.

And I don't know
what happened.

‐ You don't remember?
‐ No.

Well, how well
do you know Mike?

You're a hunky chunky one,
aren't you?

What's wrong
with this guy, man?

Psychosis and hyper‐sexuality

are toxic effects
of Jimson weed.

Can't you guys
give him something?

Let's cover you up, sir.

What kind of work
does your father do?

He's a malpractice attorney.

'Medical malpractice?'



You ever see anything
so pretty, doc?

Oh, my God! Dad!

It's not that pretty,
Mr. Thomas.

Pretty as yours, doc?

Hey! Come on.

‐ Peter!
‐ Here you go.

Hey, light on Hicks'
service today?

Yeah. Covering the ER.

I don't know what these guys
are always whining about.

ER's a cakewalk
compared to surgery.

Oh, a cakewalk, cakewalk.
Okay, okay.

How about a little,
OR Versus ER.

And loser takes
the next gomer

'who comes
through the door, huh?'

Nah, squash is my game.

He's kidding, yeah?

Yeah, he's kidding.

Alright, turkey,
same stakes.

Why, do you think there's an ER
patient that I can't handle?

I think there's one that can
tie you up your whole day.

'Let's go.'

Alright. Skyhook,
left‐handed, top of the key.


'Your shot, Dr. Carter.'

Just leave her hair
in the doll's mouth.

And doctors
will figure it out.

Sounds like
one for you.

Or maybe for our
young Jedi surgeon

so recently
humiliated in hoops.

I think, I have a better one.

Oh, bring on your worst.

Hey, who made
the tea?


Is there a butcher
in the house?

Oh, no, Mrs. Chenovert,
you need to say in your room.

That little room
makes me jumpy.

And I need to get this
chili fry cut out of my throat

before it burns me up.

Sorry. I still need
to finish her history.

That's what they
said at St. David's

before they kicked me out.

I took two buses
to get here.

Pulse is 130.

Uh‐huh. Are you high
on something?

‐ Me? Uh‐uh.
‐ No crack or..

Crack? Never!

Okay. Well, then you
let her finish

and you can tell her
what you're high on

and then, I have
the perfect surgeon for you.

'Surgeon? What kind of surgeon?'

Uh, a young one.

Hey, private hospital
turfed that woman.

Can you imagine?

with abdominal pain.

What do you think?

Oh, yeah. Carter. Yeah.

Dr. Ross, you
want some tea?

‐ I'm cutting back on caffeine.
‐ I think it's herbal.

‐ Dr. Greene, you want‐‐
‐ No! Don't drink that!

Uh, you don't want
to go there, big guy.

Hey, there, sasquatch. Huh?

'Dad, no.'

Your drug screen
came back positive for roofies.



It knocks you out
and causes amnesia.

You mean, he put it
in my drink?

Someone did,
unless you took tranquilizers.


Oh, my God. How could
I have been so stupid?

Hey, you weren't stupid.

You just trusted someone
you shouldn't have.

So, what's going to happen?

Well, we need to do
a medical evaluation..

and we have to call the police.

But what if I'm wrong?

I don't really
know what happened.

I mean, when I woke up

I didn't really
know for sure

that I'd had sex.

He may have used
a condom.

Well, then, it's just
my word against his.

Let's finish
your medical evaluation.

We may be able
to find some evidence.

Need some help here.

Two GSW's.
Hope you're in the mood.

‐ What happened?
‐ Drug deal went bad.

A guy opened fire
in the flyburger on third.


Single GSW to
the left flank.

Vitals stable,
good breath sounds.

'IV saline, TKO.'

Some guy shot me!

Yeah. Some guy.

It's always "some guy."

Doyle, get him into
trauma two. Malik?

17‐year‐old employee hit
in the lower left chest.

Check for weapons and needles.

Plus a through and through
to the right deltoid.

BP's falling, 90/55.

Sinus tach at 120.

Two large bore IV's
a liter of saline in.

O2 at 15 liters.

On my count.
One, two, three.

H and H,
type and cross four units.

Two units of O‐negative,
just in case.

And a portable chest.

Can we give him something
for pain?

Stand by with morphine.

I guess you need hazard pay
for slinging burgers these days.

Belly's tender.
Set up a lavage.

Pulse ox is 92
on 15 liters.

ANCEF, one gram?

Yeah. He might have
a peritoneal violation.

Give him cefoxitin,
that same dose.

What do you got?

I got a cake
for you to walk.

Exam two.

I need a
surgical consult

on a lovely,
50‐ish crack‐head

sent over courtesy
of the St. David's ER.

Oh, that sounds
like a dump.

Yeah, well, you lost
fair and square.

What about this guy?

Uh, forget it, Carter.

It's gomer tag,
and you're it.

I can't believe
he shot me.

‐ Where's Malik?
‐ Calling radiology.

I was just
standing there.

Be quiet and hold still
so I can examine you.

‐ You okay alone?
‐ Yeah. No gun or needles.

Gun? I don't own no gun.

Call me if you need me.

Can I help you?

Yeah. I'm looking for my
brother. He's been shot.

Visitors can't go in
during a trauma.

Go to the desk
and tell them you're here.

'Someone will
come talk to you.'


‐ Kenny, you alright?
‐ Chris, I got shot.

You have to
wait outside.

‐ That's my little brother.
‐ Okay, but wait outside.

Look, I couldn't get
in the ambulance.

I'm staying right here.
Who capped you, Kenny?

I don't know.

‐ Can't you give him something?
‐ They think I'm a gangbanger.


I haven't finished assessing
him. Please! Wait outside.

'Stat‐page Benton.'

Why are y'all swarming
around this boy, huh

when my brother's
in there dying?

Nobody is dying anywhere.

Please, family members
need to wait outside.

Are you in charge?

Haleh, could you, uh..

You're sendin' the sister over
there to shoo me away?

Get your ass in there
and fix him up now.

Look, we treat the most
critically injured

patients first.

Kenny's been shot.

You are tying up the staff
and delaying

'your brother's treatment.'

So, why don't you wait outside.

‐ We got work to do.
‐ You think he's a gangster?

We treat everybody
the same.

"Same?" Seven for the white boy,
one for the brother?

Dr. Greene,
I need you in here.

Alright, Lydia, come with me.

He brady‐ed down.
His BP bottomed out.

‐ Did you give him anything?
‐ No.

Okay, give me a 14‐gauge.

Pulse ox is only 85.

Lungs sounded okay to me.

He's got a tension pneumo.

Get that
portable in here!

‐ 'Neck veins are coming down.'
‐ What happened?

You've got to constantly
reassess a penetrating trauma.

What's wrong with him?

BP's only 70 palp.

Doyle, I'm going to
put in the chest tube.

You set me up
with a 32 French.

I told that doctor
my brother needed help.

Yeah, your brother'll be fine.
What's his name?

Kenny. Kenny Law.

‐ The Southside basketball kid?
‐ 'Yeah!'

He was all‐city
point guard.

Yo! Black man.

‐ 'You a doctor?'
‐ Yeah.

You need to get in here
and take care of Kenny.

Guy's stable.
Go ahead.

‐ You sure?
‐ Yeah.

Hey, you, get off!

Don't you touch him!

Alright, I need a new tray.

‐ Someone call security.
‐ Alright, what's going on?

I got a tension pneumo,
trying to get a chest tube in.

Alright, look, just let us
do our jobs, alright?

A mig of atropine and
hang a unit of O‐neg.

Hook up the thoraseal.

'Looks arterial.'

Somebody call the OR and tell
them we're on our way up

and schedule the guy in one
to follow. Let's move, people.

So after you choked
on the chili fry?

Who said anything
about choking?


No, no. No.

The burning started
right after.

Ah, and the burning
has lasted on and off

for three weeks?



Where is your pain?

Yeah? That's more
like your chest.

You're so much nicer
than that Dr. Smith.

Thank you. I'm gonna need
to examine you.

I'm gonna put
a call over to St. David's

see if I can
find the doctor

who took care of
you over there.

No, no. You can leave
your clothes on for now.

Take a deep breath.

And out.

Hey, Kerry.

Hey. I called you last night
for journal club.

‐ I was out with Greg.
‐ Hmm. How's it going?

Would you mind
writing me a script

for a new diaphragm?

So I guess it's going
pretty well, huh?

Well, we haven't
done anything.

I mean, we've done some stuff,
but, uh..

I've got condoms,
I'll get a new diaphragm.

I'm just carefully planning
for a possible

spontaneous moment.

That's great, Jeanie.

You know,
my viral load is down.

I'm just not sure if I should
risk exposing, you know

Greg to HIV unless he's
the love of my life...

not just because I'm lonely

and haven't had sex
in a year and a half.

I got one for you.

I'll take it.

Twenty nine year old woman,
six and a half months pregnant.

She was rear‐ended
by a pickup truck.

Seat‐belted, no abdominal
pain or cramping.

Vitals normal.
She refused an IV.

Couple of minor lacs.

She's complaining mostly
of right ankle pain.

‐ Hi. I'm Jeanie Boulet.
‐ I'm Carla Reece.

I've got to pee.

Dr. Greene,
this is Mr. And Mrs. Brodie.

Their son worked
at the flyburger.

We heard he was shot.

Yes. He's stable now
but he's going to need surgery.

Oh, God. Is he
going to be okay?

I think so. You can go on in
and see him

before we take him
up to the OR.

Oh, so that's what it is?

They get the red carpet escort
while you call security on me?

The patient is waiting for
surgery. He's not critical.

He was when you were lettin'
Kenny was bleed to death.

They were being treated
based on what we saw

on initial exam.

What you saw? Just another
shot nigger is what you saw.

'He's had a gram of cefoxitin,
DT, and five of morphine.'

BP's up to 110/70.

Good. In English, that means
he's doing well.

There's been some internal
bleeding from the gunshot wound.

We're gonna need your consent
to take him out to surgery.

‐ 'Of course.'
‐ Was anyone else hurt?

There was another young man
we took up to surgery.

I know it's hard to see
your son like this.

He was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Billy is always
in the wrong place

at the wrong time.

'Doesn't matter how much
we threaten or worry.'

Our son's
a crack dealer, doctor.

It's just a matter of time.


Well, the black kid
isn't a banger

and he isn't a dealer
and we assumed he was.

I didn't assume anything.

One was stable,
the other wasn't.

‐ There it is.
‐ How can you tell?

Semen glows in
ultraviolet light.

I'll have
to take a swab.

Oh, my God, he raped me.

I'm afraid he did.

I'll also have to comb
for a few hairs.

Could I have VD or aids?

We'll give you antibiotics

for any sexually
transmitted diseases

and you should be tested
for aids.

Oh, my God.

I called Rita James.

She's a counselor
who specializes in

women in your situation.

Lori, if you don't

tell the police
about this

he's gonna do it
to someone else.

The mixture of
alcohol and roofies

might kill
his next victim.

Will you stay with me?

Of course, I will.

Yeah. No, you saw her today.

Chili fry indigestion.

Yeah. I need her records
faxed over.

It shouldn't cost you much more
than the bus token you gave her.

No, I need them now!

Haven't you people ever heard
of the cobra laws?

You know, you can't just
dump somebody

because they don't
have insurance.

Go, Johnny, go.

'Mark. Hello? Hello?'

It's Dan Ferkich. It's uh,
Kenny's basketball coach.

Mark took care
of Kenny.

I knew something was wrong
when he missed practice.

Someone from Woodlawn Park
must have got him!

They're scared to face him
on the court.

Settle down, fellas, I'm tryin'
to talk to the doctors.

Kenny's been
taken up to the OR.

His brother
went with him.

Chris is on it? Good.

Will he be alright by Saturday?

'Cause We're playing Woodlawn
Park in the city finals.

He was shot, coach.

Damn, man!

'We got to
call the guys.'

How can I check on
how he's doing?

You can go up to the surgical
waiting room on the sixth floor.

Someone there'll tell you
what's going on.

But these guys are gonna
have to wait down here.

Okay, just stay here.

Is that my baby's heartbeat?

Yep. Good and strong.

What a sweet sound.

Yeah, it is.

Everything appears to be fine.

Thank God.

How far along are you?

Six and 1/2 months.

We'll have to monitor you
for contractions

just to make sure.

We'll shield your baby

and take an x ray
of that ankle

and put some stitches
in this arm.

Well, um, couldn't you

just tape it together
or something?

I could
steri‐strip it

but you'd get a much better
result with stitches.

The thing is,
is I hate needles.

You're planning
on going through childbirth

without an epidural?

Honey, women were having babies
long before doctors and needles.

What do you mean, they can't
come up?

They're Kenny's friends.

Yup. We want
to see him, too.

Only immediate

are allowed on
the surgical floor.

You let the coach come up.

Well, they
shouldn't have.

I see what this is.
It's alright.

I'll hang
with y'all here.

Man, how is Kenny doing?

Nobody knows.

That's 'cause they don't tell
you nothing around here.


What's going on?

Ah, natives
are restless.

I heard that.

It's an expression, Connie.

Those guys live around here.
They're natives.

Yeah, well, that's not
what you meant.

Hold on. Jerry, let's just
knock off those remarks, okay?

Those kids heard a rumor
that Kenny was shot

by some guy betting
on Woodlawn Park

for the
championship game.

They think he was shot
over a basketball game?

Hey, kids get shot
over basketball shoes.

Maybe you ought
to set them straight.

The white kid was
a drug dealer, right?

It's not our job to spread
rumors or to stop them.

And it's a violation
of patient confidentiality.

Yeah, well, those kids looked
pretty riled up to me.

That's why the police
should handle it.


‐ Hey, oh..
‐ Daddy.

You're too big.

Oh, something wrong?

It's my mom. She had
a stroke this morning.

How is she?

She's in the ICU in Sarasota

but, um, she's paralyzed
on her left side

and she can't talk.

Let's go in
the lounge.

Is there anything
I can do?

Oh, no, thanks.

We're flying down
this afternoon.

Rachel just wanted
to see you before we left.

Will she be home
by the weekend?

I don't think so, Mark.

So, she's gonna miss
school and soccer?

Maybe that's not
the best thing..

I can't miss soccer,
I'm the goalie.

I'll talk to the coach, honey.

Why doesn't
she stay with me?

How are you gonna
do that and work?

You do it.

I can take her to school and
then, Ruth can pick her up

'and keep her
until I get home.'

I want to stay
here with daddy.

I can handle it.

We're going to have to
transect at the sternum.


I hear our patient's
quite the basketball player.

NBA material.

Have you been busy
in outpatient surgery?

Oh, I've been busy, alright.

Especially since
I don't have an intern.


Yes, well, uh, Dr. Carter

'asked to be transferred
to my team.'

You don't think I'd poach him
from you, do you?

No, no, no. Of course not.

I mean, not unless
it was for his own good.



I finally got someone
over at St. David's

to fax me your records.

What time you got?

I thought you said
the doctor's name was Smith.

No, that was my doctor
from before.

Was he a cardiologist?

Uh, heart doctor?

You know, I got
a party to get to.

Maybe I ought to head on home
and come back tomorrow.


Well, I'd love to let you go,
Babs, but this EKG is telling me

that you ought to stick around
for a little while.

She needs to be
on a monitor.

O2 and a hep lock.

See if they've got enough blood
to do cardiac enzymes.

Didn't they run those
over at St. David's?

No. And they didn't notice
the flipped T‐waves

and non‐specific
ST changes.

‐ Is that bad?
‐ It could be.

Or it could just be the way
your EKG always looks.

Dr. Smith ever tell you
that you had heart trouble?

You know, you're nice.

You sure you're a surgeon?

Sometimes, I wonder.

Okay, here's
your referral

your antibiotic

and your birth
control pills.

Take two now
and two in 12 hours.

If you don't get
your period in three weeks

I want you to come in
for a pregnancy test.

Do you need help
getting home?

No, my boyfriend's here.

Would you like me
to speak to him?

No. I'm fine.


Hey, weren't you off
hours ago?


You've been working a lot since
you've gotten back. You okay?

Yeah, Doug, I'm fine.

I'm going to go home
and sleep all day.

See you.


Only a couple of
mild contractions.

‐ Is that okay?
‐ Less than six an hour is okay.

‐ Is this your first pregnancy?
‐ Yes.

You don't by any chance happen
to know your blood type, do you?

Mm‐hmm. It's A‐negative.

‐ And who's your OB?
‐ Dr. Coburn.

Whoo. That stings.


So when are you due?

June 15th.

I'm going to be
a caboose by then.

You got any kids?

No, I don't.

You and your husband
must be very excited.

It's just me and the baby.

I'm fine
with it.

The father,
he just be howling

trying to chew his leg off
like a trapped coyote.

‐ I know the type.
‐ Plenty of them around.

Wrapped up in themselves
like they God's gift.

I definitely know the type.

Yep. There they are.

Two wedding rings.

He hates the idea
of mommy getting married.

It's pretty normal
at his age.

They should pass
in a day or two.

You mean, we got to wait
till he poops them out?


Dr. Weaver,
we need you out here.

We got a handicapped guy,
jaywalking on Michigan.

Actually, he was jay‐wheeling.

Handicapped, huh?

Oh, is that
wrong now?

Back there's
his wheelchair.

Car hit it. Threw him 15 feet.

Obvious head, right chest
and shoulder trauma.

BP's 100/60.

Pulse is only 15,
and GCS is 12.

What's the new way
of saying handicapped?

Try person with a disability.


Okay, everybody
got him? Let's go.

What's your name, sir?

Floor it, sister,
I'm breaking loose.

Pupils are sluggish.

Where are you injured, sir?

Everywhere. Just get off of me!

How much have you had to drink?

‐ Oh, a couple of beers.
‐ BP's only 90/50.

‐ Pulse is 60 and thready.
‐ He's high on something.

Cross table C‐spine, CBC,
Chem‐7, type and cross for four

also, get a blood
alcohol and a tox screen.

You wanna pump his stomach
now or wait for the next dose?

No, we can roll him
on his side if he vomits.

‐ Give me that Ewald.
‐ Don't put that snake on me!

‐ Get some solid restraints.
‐ No snakes!

Okay, swallow when you feel this

at the back of your
throat. There you go.

‐ What's that for?
‐ I spoke with Dr. Coburn.

And she agrees we should
do a Kleihauer Betke test.

You mean, stick me
with that needle?

You have A‐negative blood
which means you are Rh‐negative.

Do you know
the father's blood type?


Well, if he's Rh‐positive

then the baby can be too.

That can cause
a condition called

erythroblastosis fetalis.

Sounds bad.

If this test is positive

we'll give you RhoGAM.
It'll protect the baby.

Wait, wait, wait. Time out.

What if..

...the father has
negative whatever?

Then you don't need the test.

I just don't think
I can bother him.

It's worth a phone call.

All you're asking
for is his blood type.

It's not like you're asking

for his love and support.

Yeah, well.

He...actually, he works
here in this hospital.

‐ Which department?
‐ He's a doctor.

‐ We have a lot of doctors.
‐ His name is Peter Benton.


So, Dr. Smith has never seen

a patient named Chenevert?

Okay, thank you.

Still busy with
that chili fry woman?

You should be working
on your jump shot.

Oh, I'm trying
to track down

a cardiologist named
Smith who saw her years ago.

Do you know how many
Smiths there are in Chicago?

Sounds like
a big can of worms.

Hi, this is Dr. John Carter
from County General ER.

Malik, that group's getting
a little too big for chairs.

Could you ask them to
go to the waiting room?

Is there a problem?

No. Not a problem at all.

'Dad. Where have you been?'

When is Ruth coming?

I need you to wait in
the lounge, sweetheart.

‐ Dad.
‐ Come on.

Is everything okay?

I thought you were
gonna draw me a picture.

Are you not taking
care of grandma

'cause you and mom
are divorced?

Of course not.

Rachel, the doctor
where grandma lives

is taking care of her

just like I'd take care
of the doctor's family

if they were here.


Mark. Paramedics are
pulling up with a GSW.

What's a "GSW?"

I'm gonna let you know
when Ruth is coming.

Kid they're bringing in
is from Woodlawn Park.

He's a center on
the basketball team.

He was shot coming
out of practice.

'This could be
payback for Kenny Law.'

We got a drive‐by shooting.

Sixteen‐year‐old, hit twice.

Left chest, right thigh.

‐ BP's down to 60. Pulse 150.
‐ Any witnesses?

Don't know. Cops are right
behind me. O2 at 15 liters.

'Two large bore IVs,
a liter of saline's in.'

Uh, 7.5.

I'll call radiology
for a portable.

Start a central line.

First unit of O‐neg's in.

You need any help?

Check the thigh wound.

This guy's from Woodlawn Park?

Yep. He's
a starting center.

Babysitter's on the line.
Should she call back?

Uh, no. Let me
have the phone.

‐ Where's he hit?
‐ Hi.

Can you pick up Rachel
at the hospital?

Uh, left chest, right thigh.

How about tomorrow
after school?

How many units do you
want cross‐matched?

Okay, great. We'll
work it out later.

‐ Six.
‐ Alright. I'm in.

BP's coming up, 90/50.

Alright, we got
a handle on him now.

Doyle, how about
putting in a chest tube?

Sure. 32 French.

So, this is payback for
the kid from the other team?

Uh, I have no idea.

Your tox screen
came back positive

for opiates, cocaine, benzos.

Plus, your alcohol level's
three times the legal limit.

Are you gonna
bust me on a WUI?

Wheeling under
the influence?

I'm just saying
it's a lot of drugs.

I'm a cripple,
I'm in a lot of pain.

He's been asking for Demerol.

Well, looks like you've
got, uh, T‐4 deficit

from a gunshot wound?
About what, two years ago?

You the geek expert?

You stick with your rehab?

Are you getting
physical therapy?

I know it's a hard transition,
but nothing comes easy.

Oh, not that crap!

You gotta rise
above and for what?

What, so I can try out
for the gimp Olympics?

Yeah, I wasn't
thinking that far ahead.

H‐how about I just
get you into detox?

I'm not interested!

Once you're dried out,
you can get back in rehab.

Well, just get me
something for the pain!


There it is. Bovie that one.

How many units has he had?

Twelve. Two are
fresh frozen plasma.

I doubt he'll ever
play basketball again.

'Yeah, he'll be
lucky if he lives.'

We're gonna have
to resect this lung.

Dr. Benton, I need
to talk to you.

I'm in the middle of surgery.

‐ I can see that.
‐ What is it?

I need to talk
to you in private.

'Can't it wait?'

I wouldn't have
changed into scrubs

and come in here
if it could wait.

Go ahead. We'll be
okay for a few minutes.

What is it?

Do you know your
blood type, Peter?

No. Why?

Carla Reece is in the ER.

Is she okay?

She had a minor
TC, ankle sprain

and minor lacs.

She's Rh‐negative
and Coburn's worried

about Rh‐incompatibility.

What about a KB?

She refuses.

Yeah. She's
afraid of needles.

Yeah. So, I need some
of your blood for typing.

I can get somebody
else to draw it.

No, no, no. That's
fine. You can do it.

Okay. How about
the locker room?


‐ Good breath sounds.
‐ Got this one under control.

Drained about 300cc's,
but the bleeding's stopped.

Any word from the OR on
the other basketball casualty?

Kenny Law's still in surgery.

'Think they'll cancel
the championship game?'

Both teams lost a starter.

I hope they call it before
somebody else gets hurt?

Yeah, I'm waiting
for the next kid

to be wheeled in.

Alright, this guy's stable.

Haleh, call the OR
and get him transported.


Family allowed
to use this machine?

The one in the waiting
room's broken.

Of course. How's your
brother doing in surgery?

I don't know.

Would you like me to call up

see what I can find out?

You could do that.

Listen, uh, I have
some information

about your brother's shooting
I didn't give you earlier.

Apparently, it
was drug related

and involved
the other victim.

Your brother was
an innocent bystander.


Hey, a Woodlawn Park student
was just shot in a drive‐by.


There's no need
for retaliation.

Your brother was
not being targeted.

You accusing me of
having that white boy shot?

No, no, no, I'm just trying
to give you the information

in case you know
anybody who might be

thinking about revenge.

Who the hell you think
you're talking to?

You don't know my hood!

‐ And you don't know me!
‐ Oh yeah?

Well, I know about
the gunshot victims

who come in here every
day one after another.

‐ You think you know my life?
‐ It's my life too!

I see these kids dying
in here every day!

And you think I can stop that?
Man, what do you know?

That's not your brother
in with his blood spilled.

It's not your brother
lying on that table!

You don't know a damn thing!

So, why don't you back off!

And stay out my face!

I found Dr. Smith, Yancy Smith.

I got him to dig out
one of your old EKGs

and it was normal.


Well, maybe
not so ducky.

That means that there's
been a change in your EKG

which could signal
a heart problem.

All from chili fries?

A lifetime of chili fries maybe.

But I feel better. And this
thing's getting on my nerves‐‐

Well, you know you feel better
because of the nitro patch.

So, why don't
you behave yourself

'and let the tech do her job.'

And I'm gonna come
back and check on you

after I've looked
at your enzymes.

‐ Don't forget me.
‐ How could I?

So, uh, did she say she wanted
me to come by and see her?

She didn't say that.

Did she say she didn't want
me to come by and see her?

She didn't say that either.


I've got to go,
scrub in again.

‐ Okay. Uh, Peter.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Thanks.
‐ Sure.

‐ Dr. Ross?
‐ 'Yeah?'

‐ 'Collision at second base.'
‐ Mm‐hmm.

Uh‐oh, you must have
got hit pretty hard, huh?

‐ Hey, it's the all‐star league.
‐ 'Get punched in the eye?'

Landed on me with his elbow.

Alright, let's get
orbital films on that eye

and set me up for suturing.

Still here.

‐ Hey, you on hold?
‐ Uh‐huh.

I just called the cardiology
consult down for Babs.

They're getting her
old records out of storage.

‐ Babs?
‐ Are you on with the OR?

Tell them we're still
waiting to transport

that kid from Woodlawn Park.

Okay, thanks, Shirley.

Yeah, we're still waiting
for the transfer GSW.

Mark, I‐I got
a question for you.

Uh‐huh. Just a sec.

Uh, Malik, can you
tell the Law family

that there's still no word,
that Kenny's still in surgery?

‐ They're in the waiting room.
‐ Yeah, I know where they are.

Yeah, well, I'd like
them to have an update.

Yeah, okay.

See, th‐there's this guy,
uh, I wanna get into detox

but he's kind of a hard sell.

I mean, he's angry and defensive

so it's hard for
him to ask for help.

Plus, he's uninsured.

So, he doesn't
wanna be admitted

and he can't pay if he is?

That would be "the glass
is half empty" viewpoint.

Well, it's Simonson's program.
His thing is commitment.

So you just have to assure him
that he's not wasting a bed

on someone who's
not motivated.

That is a hard sell.

Mark, kid in trauma's
bradying down.

Carter, time to play surgeon.

Jerry, if that cardiologist

comes down, tell him
I'm looking for him.

'He's been stable,
waiting for OR'

'then blood started pouring
out of his chest tube.'

Carter, help me crack him.
Rib spreader.

‐ Suction's ready.
‐ 'Blood's here.'

Put two units
on the rapid infuser.

I'll incise
the pericardium. Metz.

Look at that.

Bullet hole, right atrium.

I don't think we're
gonna be able to clamp it.

No. Too much
tissue's blown away.

I'll tie in a Foley,
that way we'll get

tamponade and a blood port.

Give it a try.

4‐0 prolene, and, uh..

'spike a unit of O‐neg.'

Carter's on fire.

Well, he's better with his
scalpel than his lay‐up.

Yes, Dr. Simonson,
I‐I know beds are tight

b‐but the patient's
brush with death

has given us a window
of opportunity to..

No, I assure you, Mr. Brown
is highly motivated to change.

Okay, great.

Yeah. I'll send him
right up. Thank you.

Now, if you can just
sell it to the patient.

I'm seeing
an idioventricular rhythm.

'We need another mig of epi.'

‐ Faint pulse.
‐ Heart rate's picking up.

Okay. Let's get him
ready to move up.

Guys, you're keeping us busy
today. What have you got?

A candidate for
a pericardial patch

thanks to your
intern's good save.

How's the basketball player
doing? First guy we sent up.

Died on the table
20 minutes ago.

Okay, let's move him.

Sorry to keep you in
the ER all day, Carter.

It's okay. I've
actually had a good day.

‐ Wanna scrub in?
‐ No, thanks.

I got a surgical consult

I should stick with.

Okay. Slick piece of work.

‐ Hey.
‐ I thought you forgot about us.

Sorry, I had an emergency
with another patient.

Alright, so, how'd
you guys get hurt?

Tommy broke up a double play.
The kid fell on top of him.

Uh, X‐rays look okay.

That wasn't a slide, Plosay,
it was a mugging.

That was a clean, hard slide.

Three feet outside
the base path?

Your kid elbowed
mine on purpose.

Guys, can I talk to
you outside real quick?

If he can't take a hit,
he shouldn't be in the league.

Hey, he can take a hit.

Excuse us, fellas.

You got a couple of great
kids who wanna play ball.

Why don't you let them
keep it on the field?

'Alright, guys.'

Uh, let me see this eye.
Drop that thing down.

Hey, Malik,
can you join me?

‐ What for?
‐ Kenny Law died.

I have to go
tell his family.

Well, if you're scared,
you should call security.

I'm a nurse.

Mr. Law.

Word just came
down from the OR.

I'm sorry to say
it's not good news.

What is it?

The surgeons weren't able
to repair the damage in time.

He, uh..

Is he dead?

They were unable to
save your brother's life.

When did she start
having contractions?

Right before
Dr. Coburn got here.

‐ It's way too early for this.
‐ Check the father's blood type.

‐ Yeah. He's Rh‐negative.
‐ Good. No Rh incompatibility.

I'm gonna ultrasound you in OB.

But first, we have
to stop your labor.


We'll start with an IV drip

of mag sulfate.

Oh, God, no IV.

It's okay, Carla.
It's okay, I'll do it.

'It's alright.'

If you're not gonna
give me a pain shot

then I got no
more business here.

Do you know how
hard it is to get

somebody without insurance

into the detox program?

I don't give a rat's ass.

Look, your chair's messed up.

I'll have maintenance fix it
while you're in the hospital.

Give it 48 hours.

How about I give it no hours?

I'm out of here.

Should I write up an AMA form?

No. Hold on.

I'll make you a deal.

Demerol 100.

Phenergan 50.

It's yours if you'll
check into detox.

Dr. Weaver?

Just give it
a couple of days.

Give yourself a chance
to get your life together.

You trying to bribe me?

Do you want it?

Okay. Okay.

Let's do it
your way, doc.

Just give it
a couple of days.

Okay, Mr. Brown.
It's a deal.

I won't sneak up on you. I'll
tell you everything I'm doing.

Just close your eyes
and try to relax.

Relax. Okay.

Okay, it's already a little
numb from the topical.

Now I'm gonna use
some local anesthesia

with bicarb so it won't sting.

Take some nice, slow
breaths and think of a place

you'd really like
to be right now.


'Just let yourself float.'

You wanna tell me where you are?

I can't.

It's X‐rated.

Never mind. Just keep
it to yourself then.


It's in.

‐ It is?
‐ Mm‐hmm.


Oh, girl, you got the touch.

Now, you sure
you don't mind?

'Cause, you know, if
she doesn't eat by six

she gets cranky.

I'll be over as soon as I can.

Hey, it's macaroni
night at Magoo's.

‐ I never miss it.
‐ Alright.

‐ Is that okay with you?
‐ Yeah.

Remember, no dessert

unless you eat
one green vegetable.

‐ I know.
‐ Okay.

My baby. He was my baby.

Why is that lady sad?

Well, she's sad
because her son died.

Why'd he die?

He was shot.

Did you take care of him

like grandma's doctors

are taking care of her?

Sure, he did.

Look, grandma is gonna
be just fine, okay?

‐ Okay.
‐ Get out of here. Go eat.

Hey, last one to
touch Magoo's door

has to eat two
green veggies.

'I need your John Hancock.'

Haleh, when, uh,
Kenny Law came in here

do you think I made
racist assumptions?

Black folks see
the world one way.

White folks see it another.

All white people?

When something
happens you say

it's got nothing
to do with race

but for us, it's always
got to do with race.

Can I have my pen back?

Carter needs you in here.
His patient's crashing.

‐ What patient?
‐ You know, the chili fry lady.

Let's get her in Trendelenburg.

‐ She's having multifocal PVCs.
‐ What's going on?

Echo showed cardiomyopathy
with wall motion abnormality.

Enzymes confirmed acute MI.

She was having
a heart attack?

Yeah, she was
on her way to

the cath lab
for angioplasty.

‐ 'I don't hear a BP.'
‐ Lidocaine 100 IV push.

‐ Start a drip at two.
‐ I lost her pulse.

‐ Ah, damn! Bag her.
‐ She's in fib.

Charge to 200. Okay.

Hands off!

Normal sinus rhythm.

‐ Got a carotid pulse.
‐ Check her BP.

Fifteen liters O2
by mask, get a gas.

That was close.

BP's back, 100 systolic.

Fundal placenta,
no abruption.

We're in good shape.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Well, I haven't
seen a penis yet

but sometimes, boys
are a little shy.

Are you still nauseated
from the mag sulfate?

‐ Uh‐uh.
‐ Good.

'Cause your contractions have
stopped. Biophysical profile?

Four parameters.

Breathing, tone, movement..

And amount of amniotic fluids.

'Zero to two points each.'

This one's a six, so we're okay.

Oh, hello.

There it is. Turtle sign.

'It's a boy.'

That little thing?

They grow.

Not as much as
they'd like to think.


I'm having a little boy.

An acute MI and I thought
she was a drugged out gomer.

Ah, worked out
okay in the end.

‐ How you feeling, Babs?
‐ Uh..

‐ What?
‐ Uh..

‐ Not too great.
‐ Huh.

Well, you're gonna be fine

thanks to Dr. Carter.

Damn. I never should have
smoked that crack, huh?

'We've got the bleeding
under control.'

Pressure's holding at 90.
Six units are in.

I've dissected off
the femorals for you.

Hmm, not bad for a couple
of general surgeons.

Okay, we'll take it from here.

Arterial and venous cannula.

'Let's get the hoses up.'

Well, at least we saved

one of the basketball players.

It was a pleasure working
with you today, Peter.


I know you have your heart set

on a high‐end specialty, Peter.

But I've got
a opening on my team

for a good general surgeon.

Not flashy, but we
still have a lot of fun.

It's not ambition, Peter.

It's about healing people.

Hmm. Just let me know
if you change your mind.

Dr. Hicks?

I'd be honored.



Well, it means you'll be working

with Carter again.

He'll love it.

‐ I thought you'd gone home.
‐ Carter wants a rematch.

Yeah, not now.

Come on, now, the honor
of the ER is at stake.

Uh, Rachel's over
at Doc's with Doyle

and I thought I'd
go check in on them.

Alright, look, you
gotta help me out

'cause I'm still
nursing a bad leg

and I don't think I
can take him by myself.

Alright, ten
minutes. No more.

‐ Alright.
‐ Then you're on your own.

‐ Attaboy.
‐ Hey, you know what?

I, uh, called up
the OR about Kenny Law.


Whether my delay in diagnosing

would have made a difference.

And what'd they say?

There's no way of knowing.

‐ Yeah.
‐ But you're right.

I do make assumptions

about patients, about race.

I try not to act on them.

You know, I try
to act the way

I'd like
the world to be

not the way
it is or I am.

Mark, you're the least
cynical ER doc I know.

Hey, where do you
think you're going?

Going home, doc.

No. You can't leave.

Sure I can. I've signed out.

They're expecting
you up in detox.

We made a deal!

Yeah, well..

...never trust a junkie.

‐ He'll be back.
‐ Yeah. Looking for drugs.

Then the nurses will
have to deal with him.

He's gonna miss again.
And he scores.

It was a lay‐up, alright.
Let's go.

Eyes are closed.


Hey, come on.

You were right
to call me on that.

A little two on two?

'Come on, Malik.
Let's finish 'em off.'

‐ 'Come on, Malik!'
‐ Okay, let's play ball, man.

‐ Down low.
‐ Let's go.


I broke his arm.

'Good hands, Mark.
Let's go.'