ER (1994–2009): Season 14, Episode 18 - Tandem Repeats - full transcript

A young woman with a failing liver has a difficult reunion with her parents, whom she has not seen in six years. Abby receives a job offer. Brenner isn't nice to Laverne after they sleep together.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on ER:

I'm in love with you.

I don't know
why I'm being so crazy.

I don't know why
I couldn't tell you.

It's because
we've become friends.

Started out with 14.
Now they're down to five.

But you're still standing.

But nothing will
make them focus on you

like getting another offer.

What? Are you leaving us?

I have to move out.

You got to save her!

You got to save her right here,
right now

or no one's leaving.

I-I don't know
what else to tell you.

It's up to you.

I got nothing.

No, I'm sleeping fine.

Work's good. I'm good...

you know, that I'm okay.

Didn't think I would be.

I mean, who would?

But, uh...

I am.

Hostage situations
are very traumatizing,

especially when there's
a fatality involved.

Yeah. No doubt, no doubt.

Are-are we done?

If you want to be.

Okay, then, yeah. Yeah.

I'm here anytime, Dr. Morris.

Feel free to drop by,

call and set up an appointment,


I don't want to go
to school today.

Mm, I don't want to have surgery
today, but look at me.

Come here and give
Mommy a kiss.

Come here.

Be right back.
Be back in an hour.
Okay, mm-hmm.

Bye, Mom.

Be good today.
We will.

You all right?

Yeah, yeah.

Fourth time's a charm, right?

Yep. I think I heard that
somewhere, too.

So you've been at County
since you were a nurse, right?

You must like it.

Yeah. Amazing people.

It's hard to imagine
being anyplace else.

It feels like home?

Yes, sad, but true.

Yeah, I did some time
in a county hospital.

In the trenches,
the adrenaline...

it's great
and frustrating.


fighting the system

or trapped in some
bureaucratic quagmire.

Am I right?

Yeah, you're pretty right.

Here, no bureaucracy,
no broken system.

Just the best care
we can provide

to every patient we treat.

I mean, County's
a dinosaur.

We'd love to have you
come join our team

out here in the 21st century.

Is that something you
might be interested in?

Yes, definitely.

Usual wound dressing.

Excellent work,
Nurse Taggart.

So, when are you getting
your next break?

Again? Wow!

Uh, I'll come meet you
in a half hour.


Hey, Frank, can you get me
a V/Q scan for Exam 2?

Do I not look busy to you?

What, you finally
figured out how to beat
the computer at solitaire?

Hey, if you have to know,

I'm adjusting the patient
throughput database.

(Taggart yelps)

Always ask your nurse
for preemptive orders.

That way you won't have
to wait for an attending.

Thank you so much, Chuny.
You're welcome.

Frank, do you have
the PowerPoint CD and the notes

for the joint trauma
conference today?

Check and check.
Get the hell away
from me, woman!

Come on now!
Just put the gown on!

Mr. Randall!
Mr. Randall!

You owe me five bucks!

We're presenting
at the trauma conference?

Yeah, hemostatic resuscitation.

Sounds boring.
Chuny, did I do this right?

G'day, all.
I'd like to introduce

new fourth year, Kaya Montoya.

Hi, I'm Sam.

Hi, I'm Chuny.
Kaya comes to us

all the way from the
University of New Mexico.

Be gentle.
It's her first day.

You're a Lobo, huh?

I sure am.

I'm a big fan.

Spent a lot of time
there as a kid.

Used to go to football games
with my brother.

My dad has
season tickets.

Hi. What time
did you leave?

I must have
fallen asleep.

Red wine...

Dr. Montoya,
care to assist me

on a corneal foreign body?

Mr. Randall...

No means no!


What, you couldn't
wait a half hour?

BP: 175/100.
Oh, I know my pressure's high.

I ran out of my pills.

Yeah, for the third time.

The ER is not the place
to come for med refills.

Bless you.

Oh, God bless you.

My doctor died five years ago

and I haven't found
another one I like.

Well, I'll refer you
to County Clinic.

Oh, six months' wait.

Don't know if you noticed,
sweet cakes,

but time ain't
exactly on my side.

Shh, shh!
Oh, it's okay, Purdy.

Come on. Come on.
It's okay. It's okay.

Hey, you are not supposed

to have that in here.

Oh, she's just a baby.

You know what?

I'm going to give you
a two-week supply of meds.

No refills.

I want you to get
a regular doctor.

Abby, got a couple of rigs

coming in.
Brenner told me to get you.

You qualify for Medicare.

We'll help you
find somebody.

Won't find anyone I like.

Will you make sure
Social Work gets down here?

(Abby sneezes)
Bless you.

Who has 27 cats?

That's disgusting.
I hate cats.

Did I mention that?

So what's up, girl?
How you doing?

I'm fine.
This'll go away.

No, I mean with you.

Something's on your mind.
I can tell.

No, not more
than usual really.

Is it Luka?

Well, yeah.

But it's not just that.

I got a job offer.

What? Where?

Payton Medical Center.

Ooh, fancy.

Don't you go and get
all stuck up on us.

It is nice.

Bet the pay is nice, too.

The pay is good.
The hours are good.

They use a portion
of their profits

to provide free care
to the uninsured.

It's all good.

Wow, look at you, girl.

I remember back when
we were nurses together.

Now you're about to go off
and be an attending.

I'm happy for you.

Proud, too.
Thanks, Chuny.

Abby, glad you could join us.

I got here as soon as I could.
Of course you did.

She says her name is Lois.
She was staggering

in a crosswalk
before she passed out.
Lois Landry.

Is she drunk?
Nothing on the breath.

No apparent head trauma.
Lois Lan...

150/90. Normal sinus at 62.

You've been
partying, Lois?

We got this one.

What do you got?

Manny Bonilla,
mail truck driver,

swerved to avoid the lady.

You're going to want
four units of O neg,

a surgery consult,
auto versus pole,

abdominal and pelvic trauma.

All right. On my count.

One, two, three.

Hi, I'm Dr. Morris.


Uh, trauma panel, C-spine,
chest and pelvis.

UA and 12 lead?

Uh, yeah.

Can't believe this.

One second I'm driving along,
minding my business,

and there she is.

Right in the middle
of the street.

I got the hemocue.

Scleral icterus.

Bradying to 55.

Slow heart rate.
Is that why she fainted?

No, her BP's fine.

CBC, chem panel,
type and hold, coags,

and have Frank
go through her stuff,

see if there's
any family to contact.

Kaya, do you appreciate
the jaundice?

Hemocue 11.2.
How do we put it all together,
altered and jaundiced?

Maybe she has...
I didn't ask you, Laverne.

Do us a favor.
Put the patient in a gown.

Is it a head bleed?

No, there's no sign of trauma,

but we do have asterixis.

Now jaundice means
liver disease,

so what lab's
going to help us?

I can do it myself.

It's ammonia.

That's right,
so she may have...?

Hepatic encephalopathy

from acute
liver failure?
Very good.

45cc's of oral lactulose.

You're quite the teacher.

Yeah, you should
try it sometime.

Oh, I teach.
I'm just very selective.

Distal aorta's closed. Clamp.

EBL 250cc's. Pressure's good.
(phone ringing)

It's not pretty.

How did this happen?

It's just one of those things.

OR 2.

Send this for cultures, please.

ICU's got a post-op

heart bleeding out
through the chest tube.

Okay. Tell them
I'll be right there.

You'll what?
He'll be right there.

Yep, finish up.
The hard stuff's done.

Make sure
to keep the heparin

at 18 cc's per kilo per hour

and check coags q4.
You'll be fine.


Hip's back in.

Pressure's up to 130/82.

Have Surgery meet him at the CT
to review the scan.

Dr. Morris, I need to go up
to Psych for my debriefing.

Total waste of time.

I don't know why
they're making it mandatory.

Shoot, I don't mind.

That man could've
killed us all.

You know, these people
out here are crazy.

Your liver is, uh...

is pretty damaged, Lois.

Have you had a fever?

Just weak and achy
for a few weeks.

Thought it was the flu.

Okay, everybody goes
right to hep A and B,

but you should consider
other infectious etiologies...

Mm-hmm, like CMV, HSV,

hemorrhagic fever.

We'll send serologies.

Are you on any
prescription medication?

What kinds were you
thinking about?

Certain antibiotics.


oral hypoglycemics,
seizure meds, and NSAIDs.

I gave grand rounds on fulminant
hepatic failure last year.

Grand rounds.

Well, I guess I don't have
anything to teach you.

I guess you don't.

How long am I going to be here?
I work tonight.

Uh... actually, I think
you're probably going

to have to stay in the hospital
for a little while, Lois.

We went ahead
and contacted your family.

You what?

We found your wallet.

Our clerk was able
to get in touch

with your mom
and she's on her way.

Oh, my God.

Don't worry.
We'll figure this out.

You had no right
to go through my things.

I don't want anyone here.

Well, you're pretty sick and...
I'm fine

on my own; I don't...

I don't need any help.

Everybody needs some help

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

More saline
at the splenic flexure.

She's got some
interloop abscesses.

Fourth liter's up.
Oh, crap.

I think the bowel's perfed.
Page Dubenko.

You nick it
removing the graft?

No, the injury's
old and ratty.

Maybe we missed it.

You page Lucien yet?

Yeah. What do you want to do?

GIA stapler?

Lesion's less than
30% of the lumen.

Better off with debridement
and primary closure.

Okay, 15 blade, pickups
and 3-oh vicryl. Let's go.

I'm keeping my hand
in the midline.

Now, elicit a fluid wave.

Laverne, would you mind calling
the lab for our results, please?

After that, I'll show you how
to check for urine bilinogen.

So Lois, you said you first
got sick a few weeks ago?


You live with somebody?


I left home a long time ago.

Abby, I've got
the mother here.

Hi. Uh, I'm
Dr. Lockhart.

Lois passed out
on the crosswalk.

We think that

she's having some problems
with her liver.

Lois? Who is Lois?

Where-Where is my son?

I'm sorry?

I'm Edith Landry.

They said
you had my son, Lonnie.

I'm right here, Mom.

Let's get pizza for lunch.

No, no, let's...
let's get some beefs.

You guys like
sweet peppers or hot?


Me, too.
And dipped twice.

Shut up.
You're making me hungry.

I haven't had normal food
in days.

You got a little fever.


I've had a fever for weeks.

I'm not worried.

Good. We'll check back
in a bit, okay?

Why is she still spiking?

Well, it's to be expected,

especially when you've
manipulated infected tissue.

Fever, shifting
vital signs--

all part of the
healing process.

I should have done a resection
and an anastomosis instead.

No. Primary repair
was the right thing.

You know, maybe
my sutures were too loose.

She could be leaking
into her...
Stop it.

I've watched you
do primary repair

of a bowel perf
probably a hundred times.

But I just can't
be positive that...

You stepped up.
You made the right calls.

(voice breaking):
I told you
I didn't want anyone here.


She's upset.


You know, sometimes...

...the people closest
are the ones

that have the hardest time
with the truth.


I'll be right back.

No, I'm fine.

D-Don't worry.

We'll talk about it
when I get home, okay?

Okay. Bye.

That was my husband.

I lied to him.

He doesn't know that...

Lonnie is here.

Um, we're not sure yet,

but I think her
liver is failing.


I know. It's a lot. I know.

When you people called me,

you said my son was here.

There was a driver's license
in the personal belongings bag.

Our clerk used it
to contact you.

We-We had no idea.

Lonnie always had a flair
for the dramatic.

We woke up one morning
six years ago,

and he was just gone.

My strange, sweet little boy.

Just gone.

He never had many friends,
you know.

Kept to himself.

His father-- they, uh...
they never saw eye to eye.


I may have to go
check on some of L...

uh, of Lonnie's... tests,

but you can go in there
if you like.

I'm-I'm sure...

your child could
use the company.

What are you guys doing?

I don't see

Watching surveillance
Right there.

Charlie and his crew
caught some couple

knockin' boots
all over the hospital.

I've seen more
steam in a shower.

You don't see
the gyrating?

Look at the

Is that
a leg?

Yup. Well, we
still got to get
the picture enhanced,

bring up the
sound levels.

You got cameras wired
for sound?

What a tease.

Hey, Morris,
you need to sign off

on my CHF'er.

What are you guys
looking at?


Of what?

Apparently, people
getting busy

all over the hospital.


No idea
who they are, huh?

Well, hang on to the DVD.
Look again.

See if you recognize anyone.

Will do.

That look
like sex to you?


I mean, n-no.

Yeah, not
good sex anyway.

Hey, Morris, I got to go
to Psych to do my debriefing.

Did you do
yours yet?

Yeah. It was lame.

Hey, Gates,
uh, come here a sec.


It's surveillance footage

of people having sex
in different rooms

in the hospital.

I know it's
been a long time,

but that does not
look like sex to me.

Frank, I've been waiting
forever on the LFTs.

Could you check
on that for me?
Yeah. Sure.

(Pratt sighs)
Hey, do you
have a minute?

Yeah. Come on.
Walk with me.

What's going on
with the attending job?

You still haven't
heard anything yet?

You know how
slow they are.

I got another
job offer.
What? Where?

Payton Medical Center,
and they want an answer today.

Well, can't you get them
to wait another day?

I'll go talk to Anspaugh
as soon as I can.

They've been waiting
for two weeks.

Just get 'em to wait
one more day.
You're the one

that told me to get
out there, so I did.

I need a plan, or I'm gonna
end up working in Lubbock.

Abby, got Lois' labs back.

They put 'em in the system
under the wrong name.

Bilirubin's eight.
AST: 10,000.

Look, I'll get an answer
as soon as I can.

Mrs. Landry, I got
the test results.

That's him.

Abby, just got
the coags.

Protime is 96.

Okay, hang the FFP.

What's happening?

We need to give plasma

because her damaged liver
is not making

enough proteins
to clot the blood.

I need to go talk
to her about this.

I think you should come.

Last hemocue was 11.

Okay, stay ahead
four of packed cells.

Hi, Mom.

It's just me.

Don't worry. Your father

isn't coming.

It's been so long.

You didn't call

or even write.

I didn't know what to say.

We didn't know where you were,

if you were even... alive.

Six years.


I'm sorry.

Please don't hate me.



Honey, I could never hate you.


Uh, Lois... Lois?

Your test results show
that you're in liver failure.

Do you take


Uh, estrogen injections
twice a week.

Where do you get them?

From a friend
of a friend.

A doctor?

It's this guy who brings them
back from Mexico.

They're... They're way cheaper.

I'm just...
I'm trying to save money.

It's okay. Is there a way
we can get a sample?

Do you have
any at home?

Um... I have a vial
in my purse.

I had it with me.


It's right here.


I'm sorry. I know
they're in here.

It's okay.


Can you get that
to toxicology?


You think it's the estrogen?

We'll find out.

Have you had
the reassignment surgery yet?


No. That's what
I'm saving up for.

Hey, Abby, can you wait
till next Wednesday?

They only do gas chromatography
once a week.

Since when?

Since budget cuts.

I love County.

What do you mean
you didn't get it?

What do you mean
what do I mean?

Do I have to get
it myself?
No, I'll get it.

Okay, well, it's right
there on the desk.

Aren't you the
cutest thing?


You going soft on me, Frank?

Well, look at
the face. Oh!

Not doing it for me.

Let me see.
Let me see.

No, that's...
(clattering on floor)

Hey, Gates, what the hell's
the matter with you?

I'll get it.
No, I'll get it.

I'll get it.
I'll get it. No.

I've got it. Scram.

You've done enough.

Dr. Gates, broken arm kid
is ready to go.

All right.

Oh, my God, look how cute.

Her name is Purdy.


Ms. Gaines,
what are you doing here?

Uh, stretching
my legs.

Well, you left me
back there for... forever.

You know, I wrote the discharge
at 10:00 a.m.

Here's the prescription.

What does it take
to send somebody home?

Forget where
you work?

Would you mind?

Right this way, ma'am.

Thank you, Miss.

Messenger from Payton picked up
your toxicology sample.

Abby, Lois is vomiting blood.

Suction's on high.

Push the packed cells.

What's happening?

She's bleeding from either
her esophagus or her stomach.

She's had FFP?
Two units.

Okay, well, call GI.

We're gonna heat coagulate
with an endoscope.

All right,
hold on, hold on.

Hold on. Let's use
Recombinant factor 8-A.

I don't know.
It's a brand-new drug.

It can normalize

the PT in 20 minutes
if the FFP fails.

Okay, Grand Rounds,
your show.

Four migs
per kig IV push.


Sensitivities on
Sheryl Hawkins.

Cultures came back positive
for Acinetobacter.

Resistant to vanco, imipenem,
linezolid, everything.

What are you doing?

Calling ID.

There must be another drug.
Something that will...

No, Neela, there's not.

She is septic.

If we can't treat this,
we're gonna lose her.

I understand that.

Then why are you not upset?

Well, who says that I'm not?

I simply don't feel the need
to indulge it.

So what do you suggest
I do then?

I suggest you take a deep
breath, gather yourself

and go back in there and
find out how aggressive

she wants us to be.

(chart thudding)

Hey, there.


How you feeling?


Uh, Is and Os
look good.

How's the PCA working out?

You in any pain?


Should that have changed?

Not necessarily.

You already did
your rounds.

Why are you back?

I've been here
a month.

You never
just check in.

Well, there's a first time
for everything.


I'm a mother of four.

Do you really think I don't know

when someone's not
telling the truth?

Where's your family?

Getting lunch.

Well, you should get them back.

NG output has
slowed down.

Looks like
your factor 8-A worked.

Repeat CBC and coags.

this is Mr. Landry.

And a Dr. Jensen called.

Said he'd try your cell.

I told you
not to come.

Hemoglobin's 10.
You said you were
at the hospital.

I thought
you got hurt.
It's okay.

Keep her NPO.
I'm fine.

D5 half at
125 an hour.
What's going on here?

If you're okay,
what are you doing?

Mr. Landry, I'm Dr. Lockhart.
And maybe

you two might want
to talk about this
outside, okay?

Chuny, can you show them
to the Family Room?

Sure thing.

Want to follow me
this way, please.

Okay, check a KUB
for NG placement.

Well, this case just got
a lot more interesting,

didn't it?
You got this?



Dr. Jensen. Hi.

Listen, I really appreciate
you running that for me.

Our lab is... it's a mess.

You know.

Yeah, about that.

I need to ask you for a favor.

Um, yeah.

I was hoping

that you'd give me one more day
to make a decision.

Yeah, I know. I know.

I... I...

Right now?

No, you're right.

You're right. I... yeah.


I accept.


I'll take the job.

Sat's only 77 on 100%.

Lungs are wet.

Send a blood gas
and get her on a non-rebreather.

Translation, please.

The infection is
causing fluid

to collect
in your lungs.

So, what now?

a breathing tube,

your oxygen will
continue to drop

and you'll...

eventually fall
into a comatose state.

Get the tube.

Okay, then.

Give me the tube.

You don't think
it's a good idea?

You won't be able to talk.

(breathing laboredly)

You got a point there.


if we put this tube in,
we may never get it out.

So I shouldn't even try
to get better?

It's not a matter of trying.

The antibiotics aren't working.

Maybe my immune system

can fight infection
on its own.

It would take a miracle.

I believe in those.

I need to be sure

you understand exactly
what I'm saying.

If I don't try...

what does that say?

That's what I teach
my kids?

(breathing laboredly)

Put the bed...

Can you put the bed up?

(bed whirring)

I want you to be

in my blog.

You can't say no.

Can't say no.




Hi, everyone.


is the beautiful

and talented

Dr. Neela Rasgotra.

She's the one

always avoiding
the camera.


She saved my life.

Don't you say that!

What the hell am I
supposed to say, Edie?!

Excuse me.

We got the toxicology
results back.

It's not great news.


The estrogen you've been
injecting contains


It's an organic solvent
extremely toxic to the liver.

How can we fix it?

The medicine I gave

is only a
temporary fix.

It's okay to look at me, Dad.




I don't think your liver
can recover from the damage.

We've already seen
bleeding complications,


If it's very serious,
it can cause seizures,

a coma or death.

So what do we do?

Your best hope is
for a liver transplant.


How do we do that?

There-there's some kind
of list, right?

Yes, um, but that could
take a long time.

There's something
called LDLT.

If a family member
or friend is a tissue match,

they can donate a portion
of their liver.

Siblings have the highest odds
of being a match.

We don't have
any other children.

The odds are also good
for a parent.

Yeah, we're not doing that.

Let's go.

Damn it, Edith, no!

We're leaving!


Mr. Landry,

Please what?

You're her only parents.

You already lost her once...
How many times

I gotta say no?

Well, you're just gonna walk out
of here and let her die?

I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Test me.


um, if you're
not too busy,

could you help me
with something?

Well, I need somebody
big and strong

to help me put a box
on a shelf in Sutures.

Okay, Sam.

Chivalry's not dead.

Oh, I have to forward
the phones.

All right, and last
but not least,

first trimester bleed,

and quant beta
HCG pending.

Hey, so I heard you made
the short list for chief.

All right.

When's your final
Next week.

You ready?
You got your game face?

Yeah, I'm good.

So where you going

It's personal, Morris.

Oh, okay,

man of mystery.

All right,
it's Betina.

She needs a few things
and it can't wait
till my shift's over.

Post-op things.

Cupcakes worked,
didn't they?

It's cool.

You don't have to give me
credit. My advice worked.

I know you know.

And I know
you know I know.

Hey, Pratt.

Did you talk to Anspaugh?

I haven't had a
chance yet. Why?

'Cause I took
the other job.

Why would you do that?

Because they wouldn't
give me another day.

And it's a really good job.

All right, look,
I got to go,

but when I get back,
we're going to fix this.

Okay, everyone,
let's get started.

The five-year war in Iraq

hasn't yielded
any weapons of mass destruction,

but it has given us
some advances

in trauma resuscitation.

Hemostatic resuscitation

is about replacing
coagulation factors

and platelets early.

So, soldiers who received plasma
on a one-to-one ratio

with PRBC transfusion
have lower mortality.

Lights, please.

Ooh, you're such a tiger.

(Gates roaring)
(Taggart moaning)

What'd you call me?

I called you a tiger.

Say it louder.


That's my kind
of presentation.

That's the tiger...

That's right.
Ooh, come to Mama.


I got everything.

Drainable pouches,

no-sting prep wipe,
stomahesive powder.

You romantic fool.

So, you need anything?
I got to get back.

Um, more water?

There you go.
Oh, with ice, please.

Sure. No problem.

Is there anything else
I can get you?

Kiss, please.

So, I was thinking...

I should stay here
for a few days.


Look, we both know

that you shouldn't
be alone right now.

I can sleep here
on the couch,

and tend
to your every need.

And not because
I'm supposed to,

but because I want to.

Get it?

Got it.


Come here.


I missed you, Mama.

I missed you, too.

Mrs. Landry,

we got your lab results back.

And they show that
you are a tissue match.

Oh, thank God.

How soon can we do it?
We can't.

The tests also show
that you have cirrhosis.

I used to be a drinker,

but I thought I was okay.
I haven't been sick.

You are okay now,

but it's too risky
for you to donate.

Mr. Landry...

Don't even say it.


V tach. No pulse.

She's still ours!

Charge to 300!

That is not my kid!

Clear! Clear!
I don't know

who that is!

No change.

Standby with epi and
lidocaine. Okay, clear.
Don't you walk out of here!

She's still ours, Mike!

Pulseless V tach.

All right.

Continue compressions,

get 8.0 ET tube and suction.

Chuny, what was
her last creatinine?


All right,
push an amp of calcium.

That's not in the
algorithm for...
Just push it.

It's not in the crash cart.

What are you thinking--

Hyper what?

Too much potassium.

I thought you said
it was her heart.

She's had six units of blood;
that's a huge potassium load.

And if she's in
hepatorenal syndrome...

Her kidneys can't clear it
and her heart will stop.

Oh, God.

Calcium's in.
All right,
hold compressions.

Got a pulse.

Nice work, Abby.

Amp of D50, amp of bicarb,
ten units of insulin.

Pressure at 100/60.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, thank you.

Great work, guys.

All right, send out a
chem panel and call renal.


Uh... he's okay now, right?

Lois is in
critical condition.

She's going to keep arresting or
die until she gets a new liver.

Hey, what's up, man?

What are you doing
out here?

Oh, it's slow.
Just taking a breather.

So how'd that trauma
conference go?

Oh, probably the
best one ever.

Oh, yeah.


How's Betina?

Ah, she's a little sore,
but she'll be all right.

You did the right thing
going back to her.

Well, actually, it's weird.

You know, I've never felt
like this before.

I used to think that falling
in love was like...

getting sick or something.

So you try to avoid it, right?

Yeah, I know
what you mean.

You know,
I was thinking about, uh,

that thing
that happened to you.

You know,
that hostage thing?

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, well, you know
how those things like that go.

I mean, you keep thinking about
'em even when you don't want to.

So... if you want
to talk, man,

it's cool with me.

What, what is there
to talk about?

I don't know.

It's just sometimes it helps.

I know I've had to do it.

So, if... you want,
you could talk to me

or somebody
more qualified.

There's no shame
in that.

You know, I-I already did

their mandatory
little psych debrief.

I don't need it.

I'm... I'm good.

All right, cool.

I'll see you inside.

Oh, that's right,
tiger, yes, yes.


No way.

We kid you not. It was great.

Didn't know
you had it in you, Tony.

Yeah, well,
now you do.

You all do.

Sorry, still doesn't look
like sex to me.

Oh, my favorite part
was the linen cart.

All right,
you know what?

There, you got us.

Gates is my boyfriend.

Are you happy now?

Show's over.

Now go back to work.

Yeah, what she said.


Hey, cover for
me, will you?

I got to go see Uncle Donnie.

Sure, mate, been
covering all day.

Why stop now?

Dr. Brenner,
we're ready to present.

Ah, the dutiful,
young fourth-years.

I'm all ears.
Present away.

56-year-old woman
with a history...

Let's start with
the chief complaint

that brought her in.

Okay, uh, chief complaint
is headache, backache,

nausea, dizziness...

That's four complaints,

so go back and find what
the biggest problem is.

Kaya, take a look
at the nosebleed in 2.

We're going to
pack it together.


Dr. Brenner.


Why are you treating
me like this?

Look at me.

What the hell
was last night, huh?


To be honest, dull,
mundane, mechanical.

Thank God I had two bottles
of Bordeaux in me.

You know,
I don't know why I thought

that you'd be a better student

in bed
than you are here,

but I guess the Bordeaux
helped with that as well.

You don't want
to see me, fine,

but you still
have to teach me.

Well, for that
to be possible, my dear,

you would actually have
to have the ability to learn.

I could get you
fired for this.


And risk sullying that
spotless reputation to become

the student that sleeps
with attendings

and then rats them out?

That? That would be something,
wouldn't it?


You can fill out all the
admit papers up in the ICU.

Nurse Marquez
will show you there.

I think she's saying thank you.

Uh, hey, Mr. Landry,
can I talk to you for a second?

You know, the
people you love,

they can't always help who
they are, and they do stuff

we don't understand,

but you have to just
try and get past that,

especially when
they need you.

Okay, um...

okay, there is a
clinical trial.

It's called a
bioartificial liver...



I'll donate if I can.


How do I get tested?

We can do it here.

(clipboard clanks lightly)


(music playing, laughter)
I'm home! I'm home! I'm home!

Baby, baby, baby.

Come here, my love, come here.

* Ah, ah, ah, ah. *

You got no moves, Dad.

He's got moves.

Shake it, baby.


(Sheryl laughing)

Those are moves.
Oh, yeah.

Those are moves.


Look at Mom move.

(rhythmic clapping)


* Singing,
as we danced in the night *

* Remember how the stars stole
the night away... *

Family seems
to be taking it well.

Should have been an attending
there this morning.

The outcome
would have been the same.

You don't know that.

I've been operating with you
for three years now

and I do know that.

If I had stayed
with you,

the patient in the ICU
would have died.

What, so instead
it's Sheryl?

Look, you're emotional because
you got close to the patient.

That's okay, but it's clouding
your judgment.

You know,
if wanting her

to get the best possible
treatment is clouded,

then, yes, you're right.

You could have approached
the perf differently.

I can't
even be sure

I got all the abscesses.

Stop now, okay?

I know what it's like
to be close to a patient,

but you're not
a little intern anymore,

and I expect you to handle bad
outcomes like a professional.

What does that mean?

That I should stop
giving a damn?

No, it means that no matter
how much we care,

sometimes the people
we try to save die.

Are you trying to
rationalize this?

'Cause we both know

you should have never left
that room this morning.

That's enough.


There are more patients

than there are doctors
in this place,

and I can't be everywhere.

None of this
should be news to you.

This is the job.


Oh, Abby,

Exam 2 lady finished
her Dilantin load.

Okay, she can be dispo'd.

Thank you.

Take care.
You, too.

(clears throat)

Laverne, you know how
to bury the knot?

Okay, just start
at the base of the wound,

sub-Q, good,

and now go sub-Q
to the other side.

There you go.

Gives you better approximation
and cosmesis.

Thank you, Dr. Lockhart.


Hey, Abby, wait up.

So I talked with Anspaugh.

Yeah, I told you
I already took the...

Yeah, I know,
I know, I know.

Just hear me out, okay?



I'm not interrupting, am I?

No, not at all.

I was, uh...

hoping maybe you had
a little time next week.

To talk.

Where have you two been?

Exam 3.

Dr. Gates,
GYN has a bed,

but they can't take your PID
for two hours.

All right,
everybody, listen up.

I have a wonderful
announcement to make.

It is with
great pleasure

to introduce Dr. Abby Lockhart,
our newest attending physician.

(cheering and applause)

Cider, anyone?

What happened?
You're staying?

Yeah, wild horses.

Congrats, Abby.

Glutton for
punishment, huh?
Guess so.

A party?
Of course no one told me.

No, Abby's the new attending.

Oh, that's great.
Way to go.

Frank, how about a little
for me, huh?
Me, too.

Yeah, just cool
your jets, everybody.

Hey, Luka,
I thought I'd catch you.

Um, I know I'm gonna see you
in a little bit

when you come to pick up Joe,

but I just wanted to tell you
that I got the job at County.

Thought you'd want to know.