ER (1994–2009): Season 11, Episode 9 - ER - full transcript

Abby has a dialysis patient in critical condition, but she cannot find his physician, who does not want to be bothered during the holidays.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on E.R.:

How's your dad doing?


Got a nurse for him
16 hours a day,

and then from 11:00 to 7:00
it's just me.

What happened
there, doctor?

That was your patient.

No, it's a trauma.

No medical record number yet,

Don't say please
and thank you to
the blood bank,

and don't let
the boys bully you.

I wa... I wasn't
letting the boys...

You play with
your hair when
you're nervous.

Want to get
some dinner?

Thanks. I have
plans already.


Not with anyone,
if that's

what you're

Not a problem.

You abandoned
that kid.

My shift was over.

He was counting on you.

I had a gig.

Screw your gig!
Medicine isn't
a day job!



( speaks Chinese )

( speaks Chinese )

( glass shatters )



( panting )

Come when I call you.

Why do you do this?

( speaks Chinese )

( speaks Chinese )

( speaks Chinese )


Papa, I can't.

( speaks Chinese )

( speaks Chinese )




I promise.

So how come your brother's
staying with you?

Your parents
live in Winnetka.

Ben's in the Peace Corps.

My parents are always
bugging him

to get a real job.

That sounds familiar.

If I can just get
the sofa bed.

They're checking
to see if we have
it in stock.

All right. Thanks.

You the youngest?

No, oldest.

Ben and my
little sister Tess.

She's a junior partner
in my dad's firm.

I wonder who
the favorite is.

Hmm. Do you have

My brother died
when I was 11.

I'm sorry.

We have the sofa bed
in stock,

but only in moss green,
not black.

All right,
green's fine.

Can you deliver it

On Christmas Eve?


I could probably tie that
to the roof of the car.

You think?

( scoffs ):
It's why you brought me along,

isn't it? A little brawn?

We'll take it.
I'll go pay.

I'll go find some rope.

Meet you at the checkout.

All right, thanks.

Can you say anything?
Can you talk?

Okay, you're choking,

so I'm going to do this
really hard, okay?

( gasping ):

( speaking Farsi )

No, no, it's okay.

I was actually
helping her.

She was choking
on the little piece....
I'm a doc...

I think we should
get out of here.

What happened?

I saved that
little girl's life.

What's he saying?

Uh, "thanks"?

We did it
when I was a kid.

No way. Gifts get opened
on Christmas morning.

( chatter )

I did it
when I was a kid.

No way.
Gifts get opened
on Christmas morning.

Tell Dr. Lewis
we'll be back

for more as soon
as we can.

Where are you taking them?

Harold Washington Library
on State Street.

The library?

They keep opening up
public buildings

until everybody's in.

If Alex opens
a gift tonight...

No, it's cheating
if you open a gift
the night before.

Then he won't be
so desperate to get up,

which means
he'll sleep in,

which means
we get to sleep in.

Oh, okay.

Plus it's just fun.

Is that a trick
so you can open
your gift tonight?

( chuckles )

Robert Sanders, 42.

Syncopal episode at home.

Hit his head on a chair
on the way down.

Mr. Sanders,
I'm Dr. Kovac.


110 and 130.
Glucose 125.

I can't get a sat.

It's too cold to read.

You guys
need some help?

So it seems.
Increased work breathing,

crackles bilaterally.

Wife's a few minutes
behind us.

Gonna be below ten degrees

Merry Christmas.

Excuse us, please.

You have to keep
this pathway clear.

Medical history?
Read it and weep.

Get out of the way now.

Okay. "Systemic lupus

Diagnosed 20 years ago.

renal failure."

I dialyzed yesterday,
two hours.

"Coronary artery

Yeah, come on.
Okay, let's go.

Hepatitis "C."

And a partridge
in a pear tree.

I'm a handful.

Hey, Morris, stop eating.

We got a hundred people
in the waiting area.

Louis already
loaded me up.

Pratt, is your CVA
out of trauma one?

ICU just called
for him.

Sats correlating at 89.

Okay. Crank up the O2.

Abby, I have six charts
for you.

I haven't even
taken my coat off yet.

Oh, Carter, stay
on with DHS.

You have to pound them
to pick up the homeless.

Squeaky wheel.

Yeah, it'll calm down
soon enough.

If they're not in by midnight,
they'll be frozen.

Susan, you guys going
to be around tomorrow?

Oh, yeah. Well, I'm on at 3:00,
but we'll be hanging till then.

You should bring Henry by.

Oh, I will. I got something
for Cosmo and I want

you to see Henry
in his Santa suit.

You got a headache?

No, I got a backache.

I was helping a friend
move a couch.

Who else is on with me?

Uh, Chen, but she's
running a little late.

It's becoming a habit.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, my God.

Did you just re-gift this
right in front of me?

Yep. I'm your
Secret Santa. Enjoy.

He's an established
rheumatology patient,

followed by Dr. Scheer.

Spear, not Scheer.

I'm the wife--
Carol Shoup-Sanders.

It's Jared Spear.

Sorry, that's Spear--
Dr. Spear.

Can you touch
your chin to
your chest?

I have a complete file

of Robert's medical
history right here.

Yeah, and his pulse ox
is borderline.

We can order
his records.

Believe me,
you'll prefer mine,
more concise.

Honey, let them work.

Tilt your head
all the way back.

You need my help.

You just don't
know it yet.

Uh, no, he needs
to be admitted.

Let's sit him up.

We're gonna make you
more comfortable,
Mr. Sanders.


Okay, how long
was he unconscious?

47 seconds.

What happened
before that?

I stood up from
the dinner table...

He felt short of breath
and dizzy.

Any chest pain?


Rheum's not coming in.

Dr. Spear?
He was

They said the primary complaint
sounded cardiac

so we have to give him
nitrates and call Cardiology.

We have a great cardiologist,
Dr. Knauth. K-N-A-U-T-H.

Shouldn't somebody
be writing this down?

Another shelter van's here.
Let's go.

I'll take the first 20 people.

62-year-old male.

Lives under a bridge
says he's having chest pain.

Get him registered
and check a 12 lead
pulse ox

and take a
chest film.

Diagnosis: hunger, cold
aftercare, food, warmth.

Hey, Jake Scanlon,
fourth year.

Transferred from Creighton.

Hey, Jake.
This guy knows
if he says "chest pain"

he'll be here
for 16 hours

and he'll get
a tray of food.

So let me do
you a favor.

Listen up, everyone.

The vans are here
to take you all

to the Holiday Inn.

That is right.
Thank the Mayor.

There'll be plenty of food,
and remember,

it's all good
at the Holiday Inn.


It's working.
Only the sick ones
are staying

Don't give him
any credit.

Very good.
Trick the needy.

What? It's a holiday,
and they're going

someplace that's
like an inn.

All right, man,
get in the van.

You about ready?
We got to pick up

Alex in about
20 minutes.

Hey, Abby,
is that a cardiology
on Mr. Sanders?

Yeah. I'm on hold.
But you guys go.

I'll present
to Carter or Chen.

Thanks, Abby.


Well, you've been on

since 7:00 this morning.

Somebody should have

Yeah, Alex is pretty excited.

Alex or you?

Go ahead.
We're fine.
We're fine.


Hi, I'm calling
about patient Robert Sanders.

Abby, is Kovac
still here?


Yeah, cardiomegaly
and pulmonary edema.


Hey, I have a lupus
patient for you

in trauma one.

No, no, I can't stay.

I'm just here
to pick up meds
for my dad.

Look, I know
it's a lot to ask,

but can you cover
my shift?

It's Christmas Eve.

I know. I'll do New Years.

Ready, Freddy?

I'm sorry.
I can't cover for you.

It's a family emergency.

I wouldn't ask otherwise.

Are you serious?
For tonight?

Come on.

It's my first

Christmas with Sam and Alex.

I can't help you this time.
I'm sorry.

Dr. Chen, this is Margaret.

She'll be temp
clerking this evening.

Nice to meet you.

Not a big fan
of the yuletide.

Oh, is Lewis still here?

Headed towards
the exit as am I.

Merry Christmas.

Yeah. Merry Christmas.

What does that mean

What, Merry Christmas?

You could at least examine him
before you blow me o...

Okay, BNP, fine.

Happy Holidays to you, too.

Never get sick on Christmas.

Hey, did you call Psych?

Yes. I suggested
they bring Kibble.

Okay. And you
can go home.

Med students don't
have to work holidays.

I volunteered.

That's twisted.

Next year I'm inventing
a family

so I don't have
to work on Christmas.

( chuckles )

What did Dr. Knauth say?

Cardiology thinks
it's a kidney problem.

How's the breathing,
Mr. Sanders?

Hanging... in there.

Dr. MacPherson's
our kidney guy.

Right, he's on call tonight.

I thought I told
you to go home?

BP 195/105, heart rate 115,
resps 30, sats 93.

CBC, troponin, chem seven
and Cards suggested BNP...

What the hell is that?

natriuretic peptide.

I will double-check
the dosage on that.

Can you get me started
on the other stuff

and get me a suture kit
for the head lac.

You got it.

What'd you say your name was?


Jing-Mei, I am sorry
about your dad,
I really am,

but I've been cutting
you breaks for weeks.

I know and
I appreciate it.

This'll be
the last time.

Oh, man. There is no way
I can get anyone

to cover tonight.
It's impossible.

Susan, please.

I hate to be hardcore,
but I can't.

Can you stay?

I have a baby

and a guy who's been
watching him 24/7.

And I just worked
a 14-hour shift.

No, I can't.

Maybe Carter can handle it,
He's got Abby and Morris.

We are inundated
with homeless

from the city roundup.

I know.

We're already

Jing-Mei, please,
you have to understand.

I do. It's okay.

Good. Thank you.

I'm sorry, Susan.

I quit.

* ...Merry Christmas
and a happy new year... *
And so the holiday begins.

Happy, happy,
joy, joy, everyone.
* you and your kin

* Good tidings
for Christmas... *

Nine-year-old auto versus ped.

Thrown ten feet to the pavement,
transient LOC, hit and run.

Right here,

Confused and agitated.

What's his name?


Hey, Harry,
I'm Dr. Carter.

We're going to take good care
of you., all right? Hey, Ray.

I'll get Neela.
My shift's over.

Neela's backed up.
I got a plane to catch.

I'm not asking!

One, two, three.

Large bore IV
and 500 of saline wide open.

What happened?
Car hit him.

Came out of nowhere.

He's got a weak
femoral-- was
he thrown?

Diffuse ecchymosis
on the chest.

He was outside.

I parked the car
and Harry was

getting out
when we got hit.

Harry flew up in the air.

Systolic's 77.

You guys are okay,
though, right?

You're not hurt?
We're okay.

Paramedics checked us.

Tenderness and crepitus over
the chest wall bilaterally.

What's that mean?

That means he
has multiple
rib fractures.

Mom, it hurts.

Baby, I'm here.
Okay, CBC.

Type and cross
for four,

head, chest
and belly CT,

trauma panel and
a femoral line.

Pulse is up to 138.

Okay, rush the blood bank.

He could be anxious
or bleeding out.

Bleeding out?

It's okay, Mattie.

We'll take care
of your brother, okay?

Why don't we take Mattie
for a little walk?
I want to stay here.

Can I stay here?
I'll set her up

in the family room.

Come on, Mattie.
Let's go, hon.

Dr. MacPherson, this is Lockhart
again in the E.R.

I'm calling
about Robert Sanders.

I know his wife can
be a pain in the ass,

but tonight I think
he has a real...

problem, and he, uh,
he needs dialysis

and call me back.

Abby, take this
thyromegally and be well.

As you can see, I have
a par-tay to attend.

Where you going?

Well, not that you
would know about it,

but I'm going to
the Player's Ball
at the Peninsula.

Kanye West is performing,

Twister, the whole


Hey, uh, I'm looking
for a doctor.

Well, that
would be me.

How can I help you?

I'm looking
for Dr. Morris.

Morris. No, see,
what you need is...

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, hey, hey, hey!

...somebody who
has experience and...

Hi, hi, glad you
could make it.

Come on, I'll
show you around.



She's with Morris?

Chen just quit.
Where's Carter?

Quit what?

The hospital.
Where's Carter?

I think he's
in Trauma Two.
Quit for good?

Is she all right?

Oh, I don't know.
She's burned out,
and we're screwed.

I can't believe it.


Your, uh,
Secret Santa gift.

From you?
No. Found it
in the doctors' lounge

with your name on it.
What's up with Chen?

I don't know, she's
not answering.

Rats, Lice and History?

Ooh, that's
a good one.

Someone really likes you.

I got a Pez dispenser.

Hey, I'll see
y'all later.

Happy Christmas.

Hey, I got
a 39-year-old IDU.

Narcotic withdrawal.

I'm dying.
This guy
needs detox.

Exam Two.
Point one of clonidine.

Hey, what are you doing?

This is a publicly
funded hospital,

and this is a, an illegal
religious artifact.

Well, it's Christmas.



Put it back.

Sharps back.
Pericardiocentesis needle.

Systolic's 82
on one liter.

Chen just quit.

Harry, you're going to feel
a little pressure.

She quit?

Heart rate's
trending up.

Yeah, that's the tamponade
limiting contractions.

You got to up the rate
to compensate.

What's that mean?

Uh, there's blood
around his heart.

Dr. Carter
will relieve it.

Yeah, I know.

I'm in, but I'm not
getting anything.

Lift up his head
a little bit.

Chuny, close
to trauma and refuse

to board
any more homeless.

Good idea-- did
you get a whiff
of triage?

How can people
stink so much

in cold weather?
Oil of wintergreen
on a mask,

or breathe through your mouth.

You're not staying?

There's blood's in there,
but it's either clotted

or it's collecting

I can't get it
with a needle.

Page CT Surge.

Oh, I'll get Neela.

If I leave now,
I can still make my plane.

You can forget about your plane.

I promised my mother.

Your mother?

Look, somebody's got to stay.

I'll page Surgery.

Ask for an

pericardial window.

Hey, Carter,
do you have a minute?


Titrate the dopamine
to a systolic of 90.

Keep paging CT Surge.

All right, Harry's stable,

and Dr. Barnett
is here.


My lupus patient--

pulmonary edema's worse,
and his pressure sucks.

Can you take a look?

So, Chen quit?

What was it, her dad?

Yeah. I'll go home,
have dinner with Chuck

and Cosmo, sing a couple
of carols, come back.

Chuck's been cooking
a turkey all day.

My dad's there...
All right, all
right, go home.

If we get busy, I'll
call you, otherwise,
stay home.

Thank you, thank you.
You're amazing. Thank you.

Come be amazing over here.

I'll check in later.

Did you, uh, call
his primaries?

Rheum says he's too sick
for them, call Cardiology.

Cards says it's not
his heart, call Renal.

Renal says he's
just had dialysis,

it's not their problem.

BP's dropping, 88/59.

Stop that BNP drip
and lower his head.

Yeah, I tried that--
he desats.

Hard to breathe.

She's going to
come right back.

Abby, you give
nitro paste and BNP drip?

Give two vasodilators,
and his pressure'll bottom out.

Well, you try getting
three specialists

on the phone
on Christmas Eve.

You're his doctor.

Ah, he's got crackles
in the apices.

You have Renal coming in
to take off the fluid?


What do you mean, no?

He was dialyzed yesterday,
so Renal thinks

there's another explanation
for the edema.

What do you think it is?

I think he got
half his usual
dialysis time

because they
were jammed

for the holidays,
ate a salty dinner

and flooded
his lungs.

So I'm waiting to hear

from MacPherson,
the Renal attending.

Dr. Agbo
from Surgery's here.

Agbo? I've never
heard of him.

You know, junior fellow,
sweaty palms.

Nobody wants to
be here tonight.

Including me.

Okay, why don't you call

Dr. Renal Mac
Whatshisname again,

and remember
that nobody knows

what your patient needs
right now better than you do.

Sats only 88.

Uh, put him on a non-rebreather.

That should help.
I'll be right back.


These are Robert's
medical records.

Listen, um, about
today on the phone...

that I am,

I walked them down
from Records myself.

Otherwise, you would've
received them tomorrow.

Now, will you look
at my file?


What are you doing here?

Heard a crazy story
about you quitting.

Can I come in?

Uh, you know, thanks,
Greg, but I'm fine.

Thanks for coming by.

( man speaking Chinese )

( Chen speaking Chinese )

Hey, you need
some help?

Yeah, give me some
Ativan, please.

How much?

Two milligrams.


What happened at work today?

Sometimes he's
cooperative and lucid.

Sometimes he's like this.



It's too nice
a word for it.

( Chen speaking Chinese )

Give me my pants, please.

You know you got

a lot of Ativan here.

Potassium, too.

Jing-mei, what are you doing?

Talk to me! What's going on?

What's he doing?

He's going to try
and relieve

the blood accumulating
around the heart.

Is that the pericardium?

Ten blade and
pickups to me.

Watch over my boy.

Let's give them a little
more room to work.

McAlpin catheter and a
60cc syringe, quickly.

Whoa, a hundred
ccs right there.

Keep him safe, Lord, I beg you.

Another 60cc
syringe, quickly.

Hey, man.

Uh, Dr. Agbo?

Maybe I nicked a vessel.

All right, give me
some sterile eights.



Pull the catheter back.

I can get it.

It's my fault.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

( shrieking ):
Shut up, Mattie!


Mrs. Price,

take your daughter
outside right now.

No, no, I want
to stay with my son.

I said pull that
catheter back.

The blood will
just reaccumulate...

Get out of the way,
get out of the way.

V-tach! Crash cart.

Catheter is out.

Charged to 100. Clear.
Just wait, just wait.

Normal sinus.

All right, 3-O on
a needle driver.

That's good, right?

That's good?

Dr. Carter...

Neela, can you take
this little girl

to the family room,
page Social Services

and then stay
with her

until they
get here.

( sobbing )

( sniffles )

Feeling better?

A little.

Don't lie, Robert.
He's not better.
Look at him.

BP's stabilized.

Pulse down to 115.

He's had lupus

Two years ago.

It calmed down
after a steroid burst.

Okay, I'd like to
get a head scan

to make sure the
cerebritis isn't back

and that there's no
internal bleeding

from the fall--
I have a discharge,

and then I'll
take you.
I can take him.

Do you know where it is?

Mm-hmm. Can his wife come
with us?


Put him on a portable
monitor and O2

and call me if you
have questions.



Would you
like to color?

You excited
about Santa coming tonight?

Why not?

Santa's not coming for me.

Mattie, that's not true.


I thought you had a plane
to catch.

Hey, Mattie,
how you doing?

You know,
when I was a kid,

I used to fight with my brother
all the time.

Did he get hurt?

Yeah, he got hurt. I got hurt.

Kids get hurt sometimes

by accident.

I was mad at him
for not playing with me,

so I threw his book out, and
he went to get it and got hit.

Mattie, it's not your fault
that Harry got hurt.

It is. I tried to help him,
but I couldn't.

I had to go get my mom.

Your mom wasn't there?

She was at work.

You and Harry were alone
in the car?

We live in the car.

Don't tell my mom.

I'm not supposed to say that.

My father's a doctor.

He knows
what he's asking.

( sighs ):
Without the G-tube and IV,
he would've died weeks ago.

Oh, so now life-saving
technology is bad?

If someone doesn't want it.

How do you know he
doesn't want it?

He's not even in
his right mind.

After he sleeps, he's lucid.

Each time, every day,
he begs me to help him.

Removing the support's
not enough.

I-It would take him days
to die of dehydration,

and he'd be in misery.

Put him in a
nursing home.

What, so he could be
somebody else's problem,

someone who doesn't know him
or love him?

He won't even know
that he's there.

( sighs )

You're not Chinese.

Oh, so it's Chinese

to euthanize
your elders?

It's Chinese to respect them.

There you go.

You should go.

I don't want you here.

You've been through a hell
of a lot this last year.

You need a break.

Put him in a home for a month
so you can catch your breath.

I can't.

We fight to save
lives every day.

You know, we literally
bust our asses

to give people a few
more hours of living.

You're a doctor.

You can't just cross that
line like it's nothing.

Quality of life is the only
measure that matters.

My proud father is lying
in his own feces,

he can't eat without
vomiting, can't sleep.

He knows what he's asking for

and he knows he can
get that from me.

If you weren't a physician,
you couldn't do this.

But I am, and I can.

Why haven't you
done it up till now?

If he's been asking
so much?

Because you know deep
down inside,

it would haunt you for
the rest of your life.

Why haven't you done it yet?

Maybe I don't have the courage.

It's over.
Christ is born.

It's only midnight?

Feels like 4:00
in the morning.

Margaret, if you turn off
these lights one more time,

I'm going to beat you
to death with a fruitcake.

This is totally
Loser's Christmas.

Give that back
you little minx...

Okay, Rudolfo, can you blow

like you're blowing out
candles on a birthday cake?

Too many cold.

Does it hurt
to breathe in?

Lockhart, your lupus patient's
coding in the scanner.

All right. Uh, Neela,
chest film and O2.

Got it.


Hey. It was cool what you
did with that little girl,

telling her about
your brother.

Yeah, I think it helped...

although I don't actually
have any siblings.

Why does that
not surprise me?

So Social Work's
got Mattie.

Carter says I can go.

Can I sign out
Harry to you?

I thought you already
missed your flight.

I'll go standby.

Don't want to disappoint
Mom on Christmas.

Do something!

BP's 83 over 50.
Cycle the dynamap.

What happened?

Central line got caught

when we moved him
and it pulled out.

Bleeding won't stop.

Not with lupus-associated

Heart rate's dropping.

Okay. 8-O and a Mac two. Now.

Ma'am, please step back and
let us help your husband.

Put pressure right here.

Don't check it,
don't let go.

Sats 68.

Yeah, he's hypoxic, I get it,

Oh, God. Please don't
let it be tonight.

I'm sorry.

( alarms )

Pulse 64.

I'm not ready for him to die.

I'm in.

Sats coming up.

Run, don't walk,
to the blood bank,

get four units of oh-neg,

have them start working
on type specific.

I'll meet you
in the trauma room.

He's stable?

He needs blood and fluids.

We're gonna have
to start another central line.

Can we get an attending
to do it?

I put in lines all the time.

He's been put through enough.

I want a surgical attending.

He's moving
in the right direction.

He's gonna spend
the night in here tonight

until an ICU bed opens up.

You were at work
when this happened?

We've been living in the car

since I left my husband
three weeks ago.

It wasn't bad
when the kids were

in school, but since
Christmas vacation started...

You left them in the car?

I got to work.

It's okay, Mama.

Can their dad help?

He's a violent guy.

I could take it,
but he was starting

in on Harry,
so, I...

Yeah, we're a little

about the amount of strain

that you've been under.

I didn't want Mattie
saying how it was

'cause I don't want
anyone taking my kids.

We're not
homeless people.

I got a job.

This is just

I can help you
find a place

to stay until you get
on your feet.

We tried the shelter.

It isn't safe
for the kids.

No, this isn't a shelter.

It's a house for families
fleeing domestic violence.

It's safe.

( crying ):
Thank you.

I'm sorry that I
yelled at you, honey.

Don't be scared of me, okay?

I'm sorry, Ma.

No, you didn't do
anything wrong.

( crying ):
Come here.

( crying )

So, what do you think?

I think the bad guy's
the hit and run driver,

not the mother,

and this lady
needs a break.

Cafeteria's serving up
a holiday feast.

Better get up there.
Hey, Morris...

( Raphaella giggling )

Burgers probably would have
been safer.


Speaking of
which, though,

I'm a little hungry.

You want to get
something to eat?

Just lost my appetite.

Dr. Carter,

phone call from Africa.
Kim somebody.

Catch you later.



Um, I'm not doing anything.

I'm just working.

No, it's too cold to snow here.
Maybe tomorrow.

( Mr. Chen groaning )

( sighs )


It's okay.



It's okay.

( speaking Chinese )

No, no, it's okay. No.

Calm down.
No, don't worry.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

( speaking Chinese )

No, no, no, no.

Four of Ativan?

I add five of Haldol
when he's like this.

( grunts )

( speaking Chinese, weeping )
Okay, calm down.

( speaking excitedly
in Chinese )

What is he saying?

To let him go.

( crying )

( speaking Chinese )

Shh, shh.

( speaking Chinese )

I'm sorry.

( Mr. Chen crying )

I'm sorry, Papa.

( both crying )

Okay. Now, squeeze.

Hold on.
Uh. No wait.

Hold on.
Both hands, both hands.

Let go of my hand.

( Raphaella giggling )

Let go...
( both laugh )

And squeeze the trigger.

( giggling ):
My hands are shaking.




Um, Neela,
Raphaella Greenberg.

Are you a medical student?

Um, I-I'm his girlfriend.


Patient privacy?

Stapling is nothing.

This guy's totally out of it.

This is so wrong.

( sighs )

I'll staple,
you watch.



Somebody get

Give me a reason.

Give me a reason,
you, give...

Whoa, whoa, stop it, stop it.
Whose patient is this?

Mine. Hi, Mr.

I need help.

All right, get Security
to cuff him to a bed, huh?

And get him on a monitor until
we can figure out what he took.

Should have let him OD.

Come on,
up, up.

That's the
Christmas spirit.

Back to bed,
Mr. Beidermeier.

At least have him arrested.

What's your
name again?


Margaret, we're
good here.

( breathing heavily )


Got a flash.


Didn't you come in

because the wife
wants you to do this?

Not her call.

I like to make a small nick
with an 11 blade.

She's afraid
Abby might kill her husband.

I don't think she will.

( sighs )

Okay. Catheter.

Tachy at 110,
B.P. 94/79,

sats 86.

Yeah, and that's

as good as he's gonna get
until he's dialyzed.

His lungs are
swimming in fluid.


easily. Good.

Thank you
for coming in.

It's my job.

Yeah. Well, you want
to admit him to your service?

All his other docs
are blowing me off.

Ah, Santa Claus
is coming to town.

Okay, removing the introducer,
10cc syringe.

You know, legally and morally,
they have to come when you call,

or they can lose
staff privileges.

Oh, really. I don't think

they've heard the news
about all my power.

Oh, they're aware,
they're aware, all right.

They like to take advantage
of submissive interns.

I'm not submissive.

Nice return.
I know.

Like many interns, and,

well, many
females, you
incline yourself

toward popularity
and equate it
with success.

Well, when an ER
doc is popular,

losing out,

and it's usually
the patient.

All this guy has is you.

Infusing well.

Needle driver.

All right, well, good job.

Really good job, Abby.

I'll-I'll finish up.

Yeah, go.

Go out there
and do what you have to do.

And by the by, did you,
um, get the book?

Rats, Lice and History?

You're my Secret Santa?

Yeah, I'm quite excited
to discuss it with you.

The chapter on the influence
of louse and vermin epidemics

on political
and military history

and the relative

of generals is outrageous.

Uh, 4-oh silk.


Not a word I would
use to describe you.


Time to get unpopular.

Look, uh, I take
full responsibility

for what happened
with Sanders.

You didn't do it, the Tech did.

And I should not have sent
a student to CT.

I want you to
send me, okay?

It won't happen again.

So, what'd you learn
from all this?

Always go home
when you tell me.

Hi, is this the dialysis tech?

Yeah, I know it's 2:00 a.m.

I'm sorry to wake you.


( speaking Chinese )


( continues speaking
Chinese )


( soft groaning )

What did he say?

He thanked me.

Said I was a good daughter.

You are.

You want me to do it?

( sighs )

( soft moaning )

( breathes in deeply )

( exhales )

( groans )

( soft groaning )

( inhales, groans )

( shallow breathing )

Ba ba, wo ai ne.

( quiet crying )

Lab called on
Vivadee Sanito.

The coags were QNS.

Okay. And, uh, Betty Muldoon
was admitted to Medicine.

Can I get a cab voucher? Huh?

I don't think we're quite ready
to discharge you, Mr. Claus.

Dialysis for patient Sanders.

You want me to...?

No, no, I got it.
Thank you.

Hi. Thanks for coming in.

Double overtime
on holidays.

But I just did Robert
Sanders yesterday.

Yeah, he's, um,
he's fluid overloaded.

call in orders?

Well, I spoke to him
on the phone.

What did he want?

the standard... run.

2K bath, 35 bicarb,
pull off a couple liters.

Two or four hours?

Uh, I'm not sure
about that.

I'll give him a call.

Well, actually,
you know, Dr. MacPherson

very specifically said he did
not want to be disturbed, so...

He wouldn't come in?

( sighs )

He wouldn't come in.

( chuckles )

What a ...,
but I need orders.


Okay, well, do you think
you could get started,

and then call him?


Thank you.
All right.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

MacPherson ordered dialysis?


No... I did.

You? You can't order...

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.


Tetanus up to date.

I was putting a
sled together,

and I sliced myself
on the metal runners.

Well, it doesn't look too bad
to me, Mr. Rotolo.

Santa's got to get home,
Doc, know what I mean?

Me and Mrs. Claus have
things to take care of

before the kids wake up.

Won't take long.

You feel that?

Feel that?

Excuse me, Dr. Carter,

uh, when you
have a minute?

Sure. Um, irrigate,
open up a suture kit.

I'll be right back.

I have something for you.

Um, but I haven't wrapped
it, and it's at home...

Liar. But my birthday's
in two weeks.


Ooh, sorry.
Mildred didn't show.

I was giving out
a bunch of these.

Just a little something.

So, how was your phone call?

It was good.
She's good.

Oh, yeah, very handy.

For, uh, hooking
up the VCR.

Right, yeah.


Yeah. You look like
an old-fashioned doctor.

Well... I am an old-
fashioned doctor.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Ho, Ho, Ho.
Merry Christmas.

We got sliders.

You will never be more loved
than you are at this moment.

Oh, I could eat about
three dozen of these.


So is this the
little homeless boy?

Should we treat
as inpatient?

Is he hypoxic?


Tolerating POs?


Then he only needs
PO antibiotics.

And a warm bed.

I'll call
the Pedes team.

Hi, Rudolfo.

Hello, doctoras.


You got a chimney?

I'm sorry, honey, what?

How's Santa Claus
going to find me

if you don't
got a chimney?

You don't need a chimney.

Santa sees everything--
he'll find you.

But you'll have to go to sleep
before he comes, all right?

Good night.

Thank you.

Do you think Dad has
a present for his son?

Doubt Dad's got enough
for their breakfast
in the morning.

I guess Santa Claus better
come up with something.

Jumbo mart?
Do you have any
cash on you?



It's been over an hour.

You okay?

I'll call the mortuary
in the morning.

What are you going to do
after that?

( sighs heavily )

Well, I have to go to China

and bury my father
next to my mom.

Deal with his estate.

Bum around,

maybe visit the village
where they were born.

Meet some relatives.

I don't know.

I'm pretty tired.

Well, you know,

if there's anything
I could do.

I mean it-- anything.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Thank you for...

( crying )
It's okay.
Come here.

Come here.

( crying )

Where are we going?

Ho, Ho, Ho, and
a jolly old soul.

Sikhs don't
have Christmas.

I grew up in England

with Old King Wenceslas,
Boxing Day,

and a family tradition
of anonymous kindness.

Where'd you
get that key?

Wendall from Social Work.

( whispers ):
I have a plan.

A sly and cunning plan?

Give these toys and books to
the homeless kids in the ER.


Stealing from the bad-off
to give to the worse-off.

And we buy new stuff tomorrow
in the after-Christmas sales.

A belated gift
for the Child Life Department.

Do we have ribbons
or-or paper?

We can steal bows

from the decorations
in the cafeteria.

* O holy night

* The stars
are brightly shining *

* It is the night

* Of our dear Savior's birth

* Long lay the world

* In sin and error pining

* Till He appeared

* And the soul felt its worth

* A thrill of hope

* The weary world rejoices

* For yonder breaks

* A new and glorious morn

* Fall on your knees

* O hear

* Hear the angels singing

* O night divine

* O night

* O holy night

* O night divine.

What's up?
Hey, I thought you'd
be in Miami by now.

O'Hare's a mess.
No seats until tomorrow.

Miami? I thought your mother
was in Philadelphia.

Hey, it's snowing.
Come on.

Hey, if it's snowing,
that means it's warming up.

You knew
he was in Miami?

He's got a girlfriend
that lives there.

I worked his shift
because he gave me

some sob story
about his mother.

Barnett, you back already?

I can't stay away.
( grunts )

Ah... I love it.

Does snow get polluted?

Where's Lockhart?

Dr. MacPherson.

I didn't
authorize dialysis

for Sanders and you started
it without my approval.

I want to speak
to your attending.


your patient was drowning.

He needed emergent dialysis.

You're an attending,
on call,

I covered your ass.

You can't just
deceive attendings

when you don't
agree with them.

Well, if you report me
for working the system,

I'll report you
for abandoning your patient.

Go, Abby.

See you inside.


Come on,
let's get back to work.

This is Jing-Mei Chen.

I woke up this morning

and found my father had
passed away in the night.

Yes, he's been very ill.

Well, actually his
physician is here.

He can sign the
death certificate.


Thank you.

It's 2753 West Cedar Drive.