Duel au soleil (2014): Season 2, Episode 2 - Sur la réserve - full transcript

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The man broke his skull
and his ribcage cracked.

She bled to death.

Femoral artery cut open.
I hope she was unconscious.

I'm here.

Isn't Renucci with you?

Answering machine.

Since when we do call
the cavalry for car accidents?

That's the riddle of the day.

Oh, shit!

- What?
- "What"?

They're a little deformed,
aren't they?

Yes, and...?


The hand break was on.
It wouldn't have saved them.

The whole system failed.

Sabotage, maybe.

Yes, that's right.



Célia and Luc Olmeta.

On the Reserve

The director of the reserve
and his wife.

We know where they'd been.
A credit card receipt.

Debited at 11:15 PM in Calanques.

Councillor Castex's

Some more data.
This will be hot.

Yes, they dined here
last night,

but I was not here.

We set up a small table
with candles for them...

My God, I can't believe it!

Were you close?

Célia had worked here for 4 years.
She was a local.

And him... The reserve brings
people to my business.

So, yes, we were close.

It's a terrible tragedy.

Wasn't he too young
to be a reserve manager?

At first, I thought so too.

But he was the right guy.

Luc was passionate about it
and knew the region well.

A valuable asset.

Those attract a lot of enemies.

Not from here, though.

You know we love our Corsica
and seek to protect it.

Our staff and I
are all at your disposal.

- Hello.
- Hello.




Okay, great. Thanks.

Yes, okay. Say hello
to Angela and the kids.

What? You idiot... No, no.

Gotta go. Ciao.

The expert confirmed

that the break system was
emptied and closed back up.

The air in the tubes makes no noise.
The system failed.

On such a winding road,
death was inevitable.

- Any oil on the parking lot?
- No.

A professional did this.

We still don't know
if they meant to kill both.

He had no family.
He was an orphan.

Her mother, a widow,
only had one child.

Not a pretty picture.
And she's at the office.

That's the misery of our job,

Who would have wanted to do that?

She never hurt anybody,
ask anyone.

My daughter!

They never should have
been on that road.

What do you mean?

Normally, Célia works
late on Fridays

and a colleague drives her home.

She had taken the night off.

She wanted a romantic
dinner with him.

She was leaving on vacation
for 2 weeks the morning after.

- Without him?
- Yes. Luc...

Luc never had time
because of his work.

Did your daughter complain?

Maybe a little...

but she also loved him
for what he did.

Everyone says the same thing:
They all loved the Olmetas.

The ideal couple,
blah blah blah.

People without enemies don't exist.

Not here.

The director of the reserve

has to set a lot of limits.

A wild nature area,

lush and magnificent...

gives a lot of ideas
to smartasses around here.

She was the target.

Remember the car was personalized,

Célia had no license

and nobody expected her
to be there.

Doesn't it seem strange
that she was leaving alone?

I think you're really old fashioned.

- I bet on the husband.
- Me too.

Make me a list of people
in conflict with the reserve

since Olmeta got there.

We'll check them up one by one.

One by one?

Yes, why? Did you have
something else to do?



- Nice spot!
- Beautiful, huh?

All Corsicans dream
of working here.

The only 2 ways to get there
are a piston and a parachute.

Luc was young, just graduated,
and came from the continent.

That can be annoying.

That reminds me of someone.

Yes, but I love you,
Le Tallec, okay?

So here's a question for you, champ:

When he was named director,
Olmeta was an outsider.

Who was he up against?

Of course I was disappointed!

I've worked here 15 years!
I started as a forester.

I got no stripes.

And I worked hard taking
night courses, accounting...

And then came he...
But, oh well...

What's important is
the reserve,

and Luc did a really good job.

He threw himself into it.

He brought in great ideas.
I wouldn't have been better.

And Célia was my friend
since childhood.

Oh, what a tragedy!

Just for the record, uh...

Where were you last night?

You're not easy to soften.

Luc and I finished our marine
tour close to 19h.

We went to Calanques
to have a drink with Célia.

Then I went home
so they could be alone together.

On Monday, your boss met
the regional park president,

the sub-prefect,
and the local police chief.

Do you know why?

To talk about poachers.
He had declared war on them.

Do you want to know who
might have had a motive?

Igor Mori.

Two years for poaching,

starting fires,

and holding weapons.

Olmeta was after you. Why?

I have a question: Did you
find evidence at my place?

Don't believe everything
people say.

Hey, don't take us for idiots,
that makes me angry,

and when I'm angry
I tend to call judges,

the ones who decide.

You wouldn't want me
to get angry.

We didn't find
evidence at your house,

but we found a notebook.

Well, bravo!
Very good. 10 points.

So here are...

the quantities, and the dates.

And I presume these are...
the client codes.

This one here appears quite often.

Olmeta wanted to ruin your business.

You thought a little dive
after a curve

would solve the problem.

If I had done anything, you
wouldn't have found the body.

Now listen...

a young couple
was brutally murdered.

So stop fooling around. Now!

Where were you last night?

I'd like to say I was doing
some pretty girl, but...

my palace doesn't attract
anything but flies.

Let's see if you do better
at our 3-star hotel.


he's a tough guy.
If it was him, it won't be easy.

Le Tallec, as soon as you're
done playing Pacman,

get back to the investigation.

Pacman was 30 years ago.

This is Luc Olmeta's tablet.
We got it this morning.

It contains encrypted files
and I'm decoding them.

Marchioni, the results?

Nothing suspicious these days.

Célia called her friend in Nice

and he called his wife.

Did we contact that friend?

Left a message.

I'm glad you called,
but I wasn't expecting it.

I wasn't either...

I mean, I... I don't know...

I didn't know I would
feel this way.

You don't like me?

Yes, I do like you.
And that's...

just the problem.

Are you sure that's a problem?
What can I do?

- Ange?
- What?

I don't know. I just...

What can I say?

I loved you like crazy
when you came into my life.

When you disappeared,
I hated you...

So now I don't know
what I feel anymore.

I can't pretend you don't exist.


Tonight, what?

Should I come or not?

I'll make an effort
to get along with your sofa.

I just have one small problem.

How do I get rid
of Hyacinthe's buddies?


They've been following me.

What do they want?

- For me to leave.
- Why is he doing this?

Shit! I'll talk to him.


Oh, Anna...?


The key is under the flower pot.

- On the window.
- Okay.

Hyacinthe, shit...

I have a new lead.

It was impossibly encrypted.

Which is normal, given the contents.

Olmeta was tracking Igor.

But not only...

- Castex?
- Let's go make some friends.

Luc Olmeta filmed this
just before he died.

And there's more.

One delivery per week.

On Monday, he had a meeting
to denounce you.

How could I have known?

Your restaurant
might have been closed.

There were few tourists.
Bankruptcy was imminent.

My client left the hotel
at 7:35 PM yesterday.

Just before the Olmetas got there.

There are witnesses,
you took their testimonies...

- How do you expect...?
- 7:35 PM sharp.

It was just after having
received a call at 7...

7:22 PM.

I called the number.
And guess who answered?

A guy named César Fiore,
a reserve employee...

Of course! Your protégée,
a guy who owes you

his job and a lot more.

The director was straight,
so you bribed his employees.

We can easily imagine
you were warned...

You took care of it

or had it taken care of
by somebody,

but you got yourself a solid alibi.

Fiore called me
about his niece's communion.

He wanted to celebrate
at the hotel.

You're just assuming things.

Nothing ties my client
to this murder.


- Yesterday. 7:35 PM.
- I was watching the game.

- At the stadium?
- At home.

- What game?
- AFC/Dijon.

- Do you have a witness?
- No. My wife

was in Ajaccio.

I'd like to stop here.

He has the right
to keep silent.

I will keep him arrested

for being an accomplice
in poaching.

I'm a councilor.
Show some respect!

I don't care

in the least.

People like you are ruining
our island.

Stop that pretty talk.

I'm fed up with green

like you are.

There are too many boars!

Poaching regulates
sedentary species.

And fills bank accounts.

Before you win a prize,
get in that cell!

Are you leaving?

I don't want to be too intrusive.

I have an appointment
with my cosmetician.

I had a slot early today.

Do you regret it?

Me neither.

It was like drinking
the wine of youth.

Don't you want some toast?

You're not easy to cheer up.

You haven't changed.

Better that way.

Hyacinthe... Gentlemen.

We need to talk.

No. You listen!

You're not being cautious.

Anna Filippi has been seen
near you. I don't like it.

I have a solution:

Stop following her
and your worries will end.

I'm not kidding, Ange.

That woman is toxic.
She already hurt you once.

She'll do it again.

She's changed, Hyacinthe.
She's changed.

The devil puts women under us
to have us at his mercy.

In spite of all the respect
that I owe you...

Mind your own business.

Ange, what is it with you?

That's her speaking. Not you.


- Anna, it's me.
- Yes?

No, nothing.
I wanted to hear your voice.

Oh, how nice.

Where are you?

At my cosmetician's.

Really? Why so much noise?

Oh, yes, sorry.
The window is open and...

Well, see you tonight.

Okay! A hug.

- Yes, me too.
- See you tonight. Great.


- Brocciu and mint omelette?
- Nothing, thanks.


Are you okay?

I don't know. I'm not sure.

So, what's new?

There's something
strange with Célia.

You just won't leave it, huh?

She should have bought
a ticket to Nice,

but we checked and her name
doesn't appear anywhere.

That means nothing.

People often buy tickets
using someone else's name.

Renucci, please set
Councillor Castex free.

Are you serious?

He has a solid alibi.


- Why didn't he say it?
- Because he didn't know.

An investigation for public
auditing is underway

and guess who is now a suspect

of embezzlement?

Councillor Castex.

He was being watched.

And was he home last night?

You should become a cop, Renucci.

I'll accuse Castex for dealing
with animals and redirect him.

Any new leads?


I hope so.

- Ange, what's the matter?
- Nothing.

Not a good day.

I hope you didn't make me
come for nothing.

- Renucci has a lover.
- Good for him.

She left Corsica 20 years ago
and is now back.

Tell me when to start crying.

Hyacinthe Ricciardi is
having her followed.

She's the one he was after
at the ferry.

She says her name is Anne Darbois,

but her fingerprints
correspond to Anna Filippi,

accused for drug dealing
and use 20 years ago.

Between these 2 dates,
there's no trace of her.

And guess who was
her boyfriend at the time.


You're making progress.

It almost cost him his career.
It was a close call.

And then, one day,
she just disappeared.

What does she have to do
with Hyacinthe?

Not much.

Hyacinthe's son died
in a strange way

just when she disappeared.

- Ange?
- Yes.

Célia Olmeta's girlfriend
is a stewardess.

She came back this morning.

But what's interesting is

that Célia was not coming
to visit her.

She had just asked her to help
her mother and husband.

- Does she know why?
- No.

She lied to everybody.

Why should we think
she was the target?

Stop, Le Tallec. You win.

I knew you would follow
that lead anyway.

It's called HHRR management.

Nobody could have foreseen
that she'd be in the car.

Unless the murderer saw her
dining with her husband.

Toussaint, investigate
all the Calanques staff.

The list of those present
from 6 to 10:30 PM,

with photocopies
of credit cards and checks.

Uh... are you Liotard?


- So you were there too?
- Yes.

Did Célia and her husband
talk to anyone?

No. But I was not there
to watch them.

Did you notice anything...?

I think they got a little
upset at one point.

Oh, really? Why?

I don't know. They stopped
talking when I approached.

The husband was not okay.

You don't need to be a wizard
to understand...

- Excuse me, I have to...
- No, no, wait.

I must insist.

Let's just say...

that Célia was very pretty,

and she flirted with clients.

- So maybe she...
- Was having an affair?

I hate to talk about the dead.

So do I. But I'm listening.

Célia Olmeta took
all Tuesday afternoons off,

officially to go diving
at the Galéria Club.

Well... that makes sense.

Her phone was always off
from 1 to 4 PM on Tuesdays.

Yes, but nobody has seen her

at the club in 6 months.

There's a most frequent number

in her phone record, too.

Cervi, the assistant director.


The one who had a drink
with them on Friday...

just before the murder.

He knew they'd be
going home together.

He who seeks, shall find!

Célia was a childhood friend.

Isn't it normal
that we called each other?

Yes, but before she stopped
diving it was... twice a week.

And then 3 times a day.

She just needed to talk
at that time.

Because her husband
neglected her?

She loved him, but...

the reserve took up all his time.

Oh, but you think...

I just listened to her, that's all!

It's complicated to have ties
in such a small village.

Everyone knows each other.

So you went to far-away
hotels in Ajaccio, Calvi...

Phone records are funny things.


Two months later, she stopped
calling you altogether.

But you were calling her
ten times a day.

Always for less than 2 minutes.

It seems like you always
got her answering machine.

She had left you, right?

She wanted to save
her marriage at all cost.



Olmeta stole that management
post from you.

Then he stole Célia, twice.

It's not too difficult
to imagine how you felt.

Oh, shit! Damn!

Le Tallec!
Hold on to me!

- Shit, come on!
- Come towards me!

I can swim!
It's him we need to get!

- Since when can you swim?
- I'm fine!

Le Tallec!

Oh, shit!

You fool!

Oh, damn!

- He's still there!
- Shit!

Open up!

No way...!

Open the goddamn door!
Open the door now!

Open it!

Shit, shit!

Don't do that!

- Stop!
- Drop that!

The search of his house

revealed hundreds of pictures
of Célia...

and unsent letters.

Love letters?

Obsession letters.

His madness took over him,
and he killed her.

His escape, his suicide,
all seem like a confession.

But we have no confessions.
Or evidence.

Don't be such a fundamentalist.

We could calm the media
and the prefect down.

Are you ever sensitive
about anything?


This guy killed himself
Had we not gone there...

I would have said you were
not doing your job.

You are not responsible
for the world's miseries.

Yes, Le Tallec?


Can you repeat that, please?

Cervi is innocent.
He didn't kill anyone.

I hacked his hard disk.
It wasn't complicated.

There were many photos of Célia.

No surprises thus far.

I then checked
his Internet history...

and I found this.

Le Tallec, don't...

- Sexy, sex...
- Sexy.

Hi, guy.

Uh, could you please
get dressed?

Oh, it's you! Sorry.

Thank you.

Repeat what you just
said a while ago.

Uh... sure.

I had a session with your guy
the other day.

You mean on Friday?

Yes, like every night
from 10 to 11 PM.

He's one of my favorites.

It's not easy to get
that status with me,

you have to be a big client.


And... oh, yes.

And he wanted me to wear a wig.

A wig!

And then he called me Célia.

And then he asked me to...


That's okay, miss.

Thank you, miss. Thanks.

You're welcome.

My real nickname is Coquine 27.

Just ask for me if you come back.


Okay, you guys!


Come on!

Did you verify that?

Yes. Cervi's IP address
is on her connection record.

So it's a match,
if you know what I mean.

Why did he commit suicide
if he was innocent?

Because Célia was dead.

He would have done it anyway.

I also found this on his hard disk.

A farewell letter.

He who seeks, shall find.

Célia had dumped Cervi.

But she was still lying

about what she did on Tuesdays
and for vacation.


Maybe she just changed lovers.

In that case, the new one
is a lot more discreet.

There are not traces
on the phone record.

Go see her mom, Le Tallec.

- What's with the hotel staff?
- Nothing on file.

No criminal record
and no connection to Olmeta.

The day we find out
what's behind that smile,

we will probably be
near the truth.

Sink your head in,
and move your arms.

Head comes back out, and arm out,

and head back in.


Okay, enough for today.

- You need to relax.
- I am relaxed!

Breathing might be useful
from time to time.

Thursday, same time?

- Hello.
- Hello.

Are you my new neighbor
from upstairs?

Cécile, nice to meet you.


I thought I was alone.

Do you have something to hide?

I hoped nobody would
be watching

my exploits so early
in the morning.

Did I scare you away?

No, not at all. I...

have to go to work.

It's brave to learn
to swim at your age.


See you tomorrow, then.


Why didn't you answer?

I left you a million messages.

I was flooded with work, sorry.

- You're not feeling well?
- It's not that.

You're a bad liar.

Unlike you...


No, forget it. I was working.

And I still have stuff to do.


Judge me for what I am,
not for what I was.

Can I take a shower?

You can join me if you want.

Will you come by
the marina tonight?

Love you. Barthé.

Mr. Ricciardi!

I hope you've come to confess.

Otherwise, I don't want to be
seen talking with you.

I don't confess to pretty women.
They tell everything.


I'd like to know why you're
interested in my son's death.

I'm actually investigating
Anna Filippi.

You too, I think.
Am I right?

Here is what I think:

She disappeared
from the island 18 years ago.

Maybe you had something
to do with it.

And your son's death
might be a missing link.

- Really?
- Yes.

It happened at the same
time, didn't it?

His carbonized body could
only be identified by...

a chin bracelet and a signet ring.

Not irrefutable.

Why would I have done that?

That's what I was wondering.

That was a long time ago.

Here's a piece of advice:
Don't dredge up the past.

In clear water, you swim.
In murky water, you drown.

Is that a threat?

I never threaten anybody.
It's a waste of time.


Did you go see Célia's mom?

- Good morning.
- Yes, good morning.

I think I found out
what she did on Tuesdays.

Something about her account
balances caught my attention.

I really got you there, huh?

It turns out that Célia paid
SARL Simoni, a cab company,

to take her every Tuesday

to... guess where?

To the Borgo prison.

When you visit a convict...

You leave your phone
turned off in a locker.


So I called the Borgo prison
and found out

she had a permit to visit
a guy named Marc Schiavo,

sentenced to 30 years
in Aix-en-Provence

for his criminal associations,
armed robbery,

and the murder
of a cash truck driver

he killed in cold
blood after disarming him.

Well, let's get to work!

Find out if Célia's mom
knows anything

about that Schiavo person.

- I'm going to Borgo.
- Don't bother.

He got an emergency transfer
to the hospital 2 days ago.

Marc suffers from chronic
kidney failure.

He's getting hemodialysis
and needs a transplant.

Yes. What does that mean?

Without a transplant,
he will die in 6 or 7 days.

- That's why he's here.
- When was the transplant due?


But the donor didn't come.

Can we have the name
of that person?

I can't tell you that.

Come on!

We're investigating a murder here.

Hey, Toussaint!
The doctor is right.

In any case, if that person
is a woman named Célia Olmeta,

you can cancel the transplant

because she's in the morgue
since Friday. Coming?

- Chief.
- Hello.

Oh, the chickens are here.

Aren't you Hyacinthe
Ricciardi's godson?

Police chief Renucci.

I knew Hyacinthe.
He's a real gentleman!

It must have hurt him
to see you end up like that.

That never kept him
from leading a normal life.

What did I do to you?
I don't want you here.

I came to tell you that Célia
will not give you her kidney.

She's dead.


She and her husband were killed.

Who did it?

I thought you might
be able to tell me that.

She had nothing to do
with my shitty life.

She was a good girl.

The only one who
never judged me.

She was always in touch
with me, but then...

What's your connection
with her?

She was my sister.

Although my mother hates me...

How did it happen?

Their breaks were damaged
and they fell off a road.

A cowardly crime. Why?

Maybe not everyone liked
her idea of saving you.

Do you have any idea
of who might not like you?

The list is endless.

My life is over now.

Who would want to save
a guy like me?

But I want the bastard
who killed her.

That's my job.

You can do better than that.

Bring me his name
when you have it.

And if I'm dead already,
send the name to this number.

Do it!

You fucking cop!

Your godfather would understand!

I don't think so, you know?

It's like in hunting:

He was never able to dismiss
those who killed for pleasure.

The murderers will not
give up easily.

Shall we reinforce security
around that bastard?

- Get one of our guys.
- Of course.

It's me.

I was at a boarding school
when I became pregnant.

I was 15 years old.

My father was furious.

He was a practicing Catholic...

so abortion was out of the question.

But who raised him?


We have him
to his paternal grandmother

and they gave him
their last name.

They told me to forget,
but I never could.

I secretly went to see him,
even after I married.

He was a difficult child.

He hated the whole world
and said nobody loved him.

But that wasn't true.

I loved him.

I took Célia to see him
when she was little,

so they would know each other.

I forgave him everything.

The drugs, the money
he extorted from me,

even what he stole.

But when he killed
that cash truck driver...

I cut off all connections

to protect his sister.

And you say she
continued to see him?

Your son is going to die.

- You should go see him.
- No, I can't!

He's a monster.

Nobody deserves to die
for what they did,

no matter what their crimes.

There's just one person
who can still save him,

one person who might be willing

to offer him a kidney...

It's a very Corsican deal.

They say nothing, and then
feel surprised at the outcome.

Two pavés de denti, with skin.

And a salad for the ruminant.

Could they have killed them
to kill Schiavo?

I know it's crooked.

Why didn't they do it before

they day of the transplant?

The murderer had little time.

He improvised.



Le Tallec, are you okay?

Did he see Virgin Mary?
Where is he going?

Must be a phone record.

We'll have to pay his bill.

He's certainly not stupid.

Le Tallec?

Don't starve yourself to death.
Your salad.

Who has reasons to kill Schiavo?

- Lots of people.
- Some have already tried.

The brother...

of the driver Schiavo killed
tried to kill him in court.

He was sentenced to 2 years,

one with suspended sentence.

But he died in prison,

murdered by Schiavo's friend
with a screwdriver.

What karma!

Two deaths in the Liotard
family. One murderer.

- That's our lead.
- What did you just say?

Two deaths.

- The name of the driver?
- Liotard.

Liotard, Liotard...

Liotard Paul.

He's a waiter in Calanques.

Liotard, Liotard...

Here it is.

Liotard Paul has a degree
in general mechanics.

Then I'm a firefighter!

He must have heard
about the transplant.

He improvised.

Oh, shit!

There's a problem
at the hospital.

They were 4 or 5, all armed.

They were spotted and couldn't
reach Schiavo's room.

They went to take refuge
in the nurses' ward.

They took 3 nurses

and 1 or 2 other people hostages.

- Chief.
- What's the situation?

Closed room at the back.
4 men, 3 armed, 2 women.

- 2 women?
- Yes, 2 women.

- What do they want?
- Nothing.

Nothing ?

They just asked us to wait.

What are you doing, chief?

My job.

- How do you communicate?
- Julien.

They have a fixed
spot in the room.

Hello? This is Chef Renucci.

I'm coming in,
alone and unarmed.

I want to speak
to Paul Liotard.

Hey, no problem.
We won't harm anyone.

Go on, chief.

Listen up, everyone.

Let the chief go by.
I repeat: Let him go by.

I'm coming in!

I underestimated you.
You're strong.

You're very strong.

But not enough, obviously.

I understood
that I was the next stage.

It was only a matter of hours.

How did you find out?

Like you did:

If this bastard had a sister,
Célia's mom would be his too.

- When she turned up here...
- I wanted...

You wanted to save him!

He's my son!

He killed my husband
and brother-in-law!

I know...


I don't think this will
solve your problem.

Our problem? What problem?

Schiavo will die like a rat,
that's what he deserves.

All we need to do is wait
for it to be too late.

No, I mean your problem.


There's a double murder.

If Schiavo dies,
it will be triple.

I just wanted to kill him.

That's why I was there.

I knew he'd be back
in the hospital.

Célia was my way

to get to his room
so I could kill him.

Did they speak
of the transplant?

Is that it?

It was scheduled
for the day after.

He killed my husband like a dog.

He had my brother-in-law
murdered with a screwdriver!

We don't want anything!

All we ask is for Paul
to be let go!

No, you need to stop that!

He must go to trial.


We've paid enough already.


Why do you want to keep
sacrificing lives?

Will your husband resuscitate?

Will he come back to life? No.

Your son has a frail chance...

of benefiting from
the attenuating circumstances.

But that needs to be decided
here and now.

Here, right now!

Sooner or later, he will
be caught. You know it!

You're right:

You have paid enough.
It's true.


Show them that you're
better than Schiavo.

Shit, it's working.

Hands on your head!
Hands on your head!

Stay down! Stay down!

Drop your weapons!

Get on your knees!
On your knees!

Hands on your head.

You too, drop your weapon.

Drop your weapon!

Good. You're starting to relax.

It's not nice to make
fun of people.

I'm just encouraging you.

Swimming is something else, but...

I see you've done a lot
of sports, huh?

Would you like to...

have a drink with me tonight?

What do you mean?

A drink... with me... tonight.


I can't.

But, some other time,
with pleasure.


We swam with sharks,

stingrays, turtles...

It was beautiful.
That's where I'd like to live.

Oh, really? Really?
What do you mean?

That country will disappear
if the sea level rises.

At least here we'll have our
feet dry for a little longer.

- Let's choose another bottle.
- With pleasure.

You're very quiet.

Well, it's the jetlag.
I had a long return flight.

I know that expression.

It means you're troubled.

Have you not been able
to forget the Breton?

Is that it?

What are you saying?

No, Bruno is great.


A 2009 Clos Canarelli!
Your husband has taste!

I got good advice.

I can't come tonight.
Sorry, Anna.

Sorry... I have work.

No, Dad...

"Dad, dad..."

Forget it.

If it's more important
than a Clos Canarelli...


We'll open it anyways, right?

What are you doing?
I thought you had quit.

I will tomorrow.

- What are you doing here?
- How about you?

Did you follow me?

Who is he?

Who is who?

The guy with the scooter.

The one who loves you.
Barthé. Who is he?

I'm warning you.
Don't play cops with me.

Why should I? Any reasons?

Go away, please.

This is not the right moment.

Who is he?

Who are you talking to, Mom?

Subtitles: Eclair Media