Duel au soleil (2014): Season 1, Episode 3 - Les fantômes de Cauro - full transcript

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The Phantoms of Cauro

Tell me what happened.

I don't know.

There was a crash, and then

everything turned black.

I don't remember the car.

Attacked in Manza 8 days ago,

and now hit by a car.

It means you don't like routine.

That's a good thing.

What's next, then?

Will you drown, get burned...?

Time for your injection.

Spare me your humor.

You have work.

A woman found bleeding
near the Pacini farm.


Don't fall off the bed,
that would be too much.

- How do you feel?
- Great.


- Oh!
- Be careful.

Oh, oh... Sorry, sorry.

I missed you last night.

You do remember
that I'm an excellent nurse? No?

They raped me.


"They" who?

At the stud farm?

They raped me.

Do you remember your name?

Your address?

Do you speak Corsican?

The doctor said
it's an amnesic traumatism

due to shock.

It can last for hours,
weeks, even months.

Just what we needed.

- Because of the rape?
- Yes, maybe.

The problem is that the blood
that was on her is 0+,

and her blood is A+,
and she has no wounds.

Someone else was hurt.

- Maybe it was the rapist.
- Maybe.

The blood was fresh. It must
have happened near the farm.

I sent samples to Marseille.

To get the DNA?
That'll take like a week.

Why do you say that?
Why not believe in miracles?

A priori, it was a pinzutu.

Look around the hostels
and hotels, please.

- What?
- Well, you...

Listen, I'm almost anemic.
I haven't eaten anything.

I'm up since 3 am.
I'm hungry.

- You and your excuses.
- What can I say?

It was a black 4x4.
I didn't see the plate.

Two men were on board,
like when they beat me

at U-Capu.

Let's not minimize this.
They want to kill you.


He knows we want to accuse him
of Lorenzi's death.

He could be behind this.

The police called.

A jockey disappeared.
His name is Pippo Albertini.

He's a star.
And he's racing on Sunday.

If he did anything bad,
there will be trouble.

Trouble? It will affect
his popularity on Sunday.

What if Pippo is the one
who raped that girl?

I thought he was half dead.

- What are you doing here?
- What do you think?

I signed a liability release
so I could leave sooner.

Where are we going?

You are going to bed.

Do you want me to report you
for lunacy?

Go ahead.

Do you intend to kill us?

People will think you're a defendant
we've beaten up.

Here, put this on.

It stinks! Whose was this?

Put it on, I say,

or I'll make you get off
right here.


- Hello.
- Hello.

That's Pippo's car.

The jockeys say it was here
when they arrived at 6.

It's not closed.

In spite of the circumstances,

I feel honored to meet
the famous Renucci.

You have a suspect already?

Captain Le Tallec.
I'm under cover. Who are you?

Do you think anything
might have happened to Pippo?

He can't be reached.

- Freedom also disappeared.
- "Freedom"? His dog?

Who is this guy?

4 year-old Anglo-Arabian.
I train it. Pippo rides it.

We always train hard
before important races.

Freedom had been inactive
for 8 days.

Have you seen her?

Yes, this morning.

I run the stud farm.
The jockeys called me.

- Where is Pippo's wife?
- At the stables, with my son.

You should concentrate
on looking for Pippo.

Don't tell me what to do.

This guy will be a pain.

- Is that his son next to him?
- Yes. Michel.

Pippo left at around 9:30 pm.

I went to bed
and he hadn't come home yet.

He goes off to train every
morning before I get up.

- What's his blood type?
- O+.

Why? Is he hurt?

It's too soon to...

We found 0+ blood on a woman.

She says she was raped.

The one we saw this morning?

- Pippo didn't do it.
- You're his wife.

Had they found her naked
at his feet, I'd say the same.

I know my husband
is not a rapist!

Calm down, Martine.

- What is he saying?
- They have no respect.

Mr. Pacini is right.

Go take a walk. I'll catch up.

Who is that guy?

Don't you think he stinks
a little?

He's wearing my cologne.

Do you have a brush
or something

so we can get his DNA?

Is there a place he liked
to train at?

There are several.

- I'll make you a list.
- Thank you.

Pippo is like my brother.

If you need anything else,
don't hesitate to call me.

We're not insignificant
around here.


Pippo's kids love you.

Do you think anything bad
happened to him?

Le Tallec!

Did I interrupt?

She's Pippo's sister-in-law.
She knows nothing.

According to his server,
his phone is turned off,

broken, or out of coverage.

Like ¾ of the island.

Go investigate here first.
We'll see.

His picture might make
the victim react.

No. She'll recover
her oldest memories first.


Why is that, Mr. Know-it-all?

This disorder doesn't erase
structural memory for long.

It only blocks
recent recollections.

I see.

Did you do an online master
in psychiatry?

Psychology courses
and a Master in Criminology.

Oh, that's even better.
Here, truth is the terrain.

We have to get moving.
And I'm in charge.

You can count me out.
I don't want to burn all my cards,

I'll need them as soon as you
are out of the game.

Hey! Chief, I was just
going to call you.

The results are final.
The girl was not raped.

Sorry to disturb you.

His name is Pippo Albertini.
He's a jockey.

Have you ever seen him?
And if so, when?

Last night, for example?

I can't...

She's nervous,
leave her alone.


I'm sorry.

- Would you have done better?
- Certainly.

If I win, you'll have
to go on a diet.

Fine. If I win, you go
take swimming lessons, okay?

Yes, Angelini?

They interrogate people
as if they were criminals.

Get out. What's going on,

You can call me
Coronel Delarini.

Your partner was the victim
of a murder attempt, right?

Where were you last night?

Marchioni and I were playing
at Tony's until 2 am.

You like that?

- And Lieutenant Versini?
- He's suspended.

Go get him.

Sorry, but I have a real
investigation to conduct.

Hello, Ange? Pippo is dead.

We found his body
in a sheepfold near the farm.

Ange. Yeah.

I told you to go
easy on the stew.

I will as soon as you
quit smoking.

Where's Le Tallec?

- Left him on the slope?
- Very funny.

He's playing riddles
with that girl.

A hiker passed by
and saw Freedom

grazing alone and saddled.

He saw Pippo's dead body
when he approached.

Death occurred between
10 pm and 12 am.

Two blows to the neck.

The first one got him
seriously wounded,

the second one was mortal.

- Could he have fallen off?
- No way. It was murder.

He was hit with this stone.

Maybe while he tried
to rape the girl.

That could be.

Let's wait for the report.
Maybe they found fluids.

We're very near the stud farm.
Maybe she tried to walk away.

- What about the sheepfold?
- Nothing but sheep in there.

What is he doing here?
What are you doing here?

Who told you, huh?

- Why did she do this?
- There's no proof she did it.

Who else could it be?
She had his blood all over her.

She invented the rape
and the amnesia as an alibi.

- The hospital called me.
- Without you asking?

Pippo's blood group is common.

Don't jump to conclusions.
We're already investigating.

Well... I am.

I'm a friend.

Are you a policeman?

A convalescent one.

A croissant?

I'm not hungry,
but I'll have a coffee.

I was hit by a car.

Well, that's what they say.
I don't remember anything.

A bit like yourself, no?

Do you smoke?

- I don't know if I smoke.
- 50-50 chance.

It's good to finally know
something about myself.

It sure doesn't look
like your cup of tea.

No. I quit 8 years ago.
Now I see why.

I think they tried to kill me.

I remember the car, I think
I tried to run, but then...

Black-out. I don't remember.

I feel stupid.
Impotent and stupid.

Me too.


I have the vague feeling
that I was raped,

but apparently I wasn't.

Why do I feel that, then?

Maybe you were attacked.

And then...

all that blood on me...

Whose is it?

Was it the jockey
whose picture you showed me?

To be sure, we must wait
for the DNA results.

That could take some time.

You have a scar.

May I?

It looks old.

Maybe from your childhood.

It looks like a dog bite.

I have one too. Look.

I was on a sailing dinghy...

I held on to the boom
and fell in the water.

How did you get out?

I'm a good swimmer, but...

I just remember the fear
in my mother's voice.

She screamed my name:

- Then she dove in.
- Florence!

My name is Florence.

The neighbors' dog bit me
and my mom screamed my name.

This is Florence Ruffin.

I hope you like raw food.
It helps to lose weight.

Her amnesia could be a defense
mechanism. And leave me alone.

- I think she's being honest.
- Well, that makes one.

Why did you throw the police
at me like that?

- We've all been ridiculed.
- I'm not allowed to talk.

I didn't kill Lorenzi.

I didn't try to kill you.

Are you sure?

Oh... I hope I'm not interrupting.

Meynard says there's no trace
of defensive wounds.

If he tried to rape her,
she defended herself.

What about the fingerprints?

Just Florence's, on the door
of the sheepfold.

What was she doing there?

Maybe she meant to help him.

Maybe, yes.

- Did Pacini call you already?
- Even the Ajaccio mayor did.

- She's the ideal culprit.
- They're going too fast.

She crossed Pippo,

he started to pressure her,
then she pushed and hit him.

And shocked by her gesture,
she loses her memory.

Yes... No.

That doesn't fit what we know
about Pippo.

A woman alone in the mountain
at 10 pm, for no reason,

and there are no defensive
wounds... No.

I think Pippo knew
the murderer

and trusted him.

That doesn't seem
completely incompatible.

- Maybe they knew each other.
- Probably, yes.

We used a pic to launch
a call for witnesses.

We might be able to find
the answer in her luggage.

I give you a warrant
to search her life.

Be quick.

We'll try.

How is Captain Le Tallec?

I'm sorry I missed him.

Next time you send your dogs
after me, let me know first.


Oh, it's good to see you.

My partner was run over
near your place last night.

- Did you notice anything?
- No, nothing. Sorry.

Wait, wait. Are you sure?

Your neighbor told me
you had just come home.

- That's some coincidence.
- It is a coincidence, yes.

Listen, I...

could suppose Le Tallec
walked you home.

- Are you watching me?
- Uh... No.

We had a drink to celebrate
Versini's suspension.

Until 1 am?

Yes, we talked for a while
and then he walked me home.

- He's a polite man.
- You already have someone.

Bruno. Remember him?

I'm 28, dad. I don't have
to answer to you.

Had it been us,
we wouldn't have missed.

Anyone can run over a guy.

There's nothing like
a 9 mm buckshot.

That can't be stopped.

- You should investigate that.
- Why?

That guy wants you dead.
I don't get it.

Darcourt and him
are suspicious of me.

They're investigating me
for Lorenzi, and I'm busy.

Pacini won't take longer
than 24 hours to react.

He wants to save his ass
for the competition.

This is our bouillabaisse.
You'll tell me about it.

It looks perfect.

- Only in Marseille.
- Each one has its secrets.

Here, we use scorpion fish.
It's the essential ingredient.

Tell me...

Do you think Pippo
made false bets?

Of course not.
He would report them.

What about the other guy... Pacini?

He's more into power
than money.

Well, power and money always
go together, right?

Tell me, Versini,
where were you last night?

Fucking your mom.


Someone tried to kill me.
Where were you last night?

I was here with the same girl,
ask her!

Isn't she a little tanned
for a fascist?

Your dick is smarter
than your brain.

Get out of here.

Who is the Madwoman
from Cauro?

I bet she killed Pippo.

Over some false bet.

I heard they gave drugs
to their horses.

You've been at full throttle
since early, lawyer.

Are you a lawyer? A coffee.

Actually, he would need one,
because he talks a lot.

Hey, did you get
a hat implant?

Don't you know people don't
work when they're ill?

But he's a saint,
not a parasite like you.

A hostel owner
recognized Florence.

She arrived on Monday.
She's been coming for 6 years.

Usually in the summer.

I brought you her things.




Oh, let me see.



I like her a lot,
she's a nice girl,

but this year she seemed
a little under.

What a pity.

The sheepfold is there.
Pacini, father and sons.

Do you know if she had
many friends here?

- Not at all.
- No.

Pacini... Pippo.

- The scarf is from last year.
- She knew him.

So Darcourt may be right.

Without Pippo, Freedom
is no longer favorite.

His ranking dropped.
He's 12 against 1.

He's a great horse.

Now is when he'll start winning.
I'll bet 50 Euros more.

What are you doing?

Talking about Florence Ruffin.

She teaches Economy.

Her colleagues say
she'd changed lately.

Yes. 70 sick leaves
just this year.

That may be normal here,
but not on the continent.

Very funny, Le Tallec.

- Captain.
- Sir.

Something had deeply
upset her.

- She got depressed.
- A rape.

She just mixed the dates.
It happens often in amnesia.

And she took revenge
a year later.


Yes. Yes.

I'm listening.

Thank you.

It was Florence's
phone operator.

They gave me her pin and...

Pippo's number appears
3 times.

The sheepfold is the only
connection between you.

Who took this photo
of you two?

Was it a man or a woman?

Pippo called her at 6:45
to fix a date at the sheepfold.

I think...

they had a flirt last summer.

She asked him to leave
his wife, she refused,

and she got depressed.

She came this year to insist,
he refused again,

and so she hit him.

And she invented the rape
to be safe.

Bravo, Hercule Poirot.

Look at her.

Take a good look.
She wouldn't kill a fly.

No, it's a man.

He's big.

But I can't see his face.

He smells of leather.

He holds me. I don't want
him to, but he's too strong.

He takes my clothes off
and laughs and laughs.

I don't know.

I don't know.

If the blood on me was his,
does it mean I killed him?


Here, be kind enough
to bet this on La Rossa.

La Rossa? Come on, even I
run faster than him.

- Oh! You have a tip.
- Shut up.

No trace of rape
during Florence's last stay.

Many victims don't
talk about it.

Darcourt gave us 12 hours
before she incriminates her.

Did she remember anything?

Who took this picture?

- Pippo's phone record.
- Maybe tomorrow.

"Maybe tomorrow"?

By tomorrow, Darcourt
will have accused her.

I hate that everything
takes 3 months around here.

If he's not happy, let him
get back to the continent!

Hey, calm down.
What do you have for today?

I don't know.
"3 months"! Why not 10 years?

I think Le Tallec's aggressors
are from the continent.

I found a 4x4 on a ferry.
A guy named Patrick Vidal.

He has a security business
in Toulon.

Any connection with Le Tallec?

Can you find out? Oh, shit!

Leccia, what are you doing here?

I have something to celebrate.

Your sister's appeal against
my project was declared void.

- Champagne for everyone!
- Forget about your marina.

Some friends took a new appeal
to the administrative court.

The land belongs to people,
not to speculators.

You're playing with fire.
Be careful.

- Are you threatening her?
- Basta!

If it doesn't concern me,
I can ignore it. But now...

you're going too far.
Get lost!

Are you going
to kick us out, daddy?

Wanna bet, you looser?

Your kid has bad manners.

Does this still turn you on,

At my age, such occasions
are rare, you know.

I'll take the two sea breams too.

Do Breton fish look as good?

I'll take you to Bretagne
one day.

Thanks, Félix.

- Was that for free?
- No. My dad knows him well.

- Oh! Okay.
- Okay what?

Will you defend Florence
or not?

She's not a good case.

If she was raped last year,
she premeditated the murder.

She had a serious motive.

She doesn't know
who wanted to harm her.

Maybe it was the person
who took the photo.

It's not enough to counter
the public ministry.

But it's a start.
Let's go see her.

Hey, that hat is a little
too much for Corse.

I advise you to use your right
to stay silent.

And don't say your memory
is starting to come back.

- Are you sure?
- I'm certain.


If Sebastian trusts you,
so do I.

By the way, I have a theory
about the faceless man.

Jo almost got killed.

- Florence needs a lawyer.
- Get her another one!

Don't get near my daughter,
is that clear?

She's engaged.

- We're just friends.
- Don't come near her!

It's all I'm asking.

You are a target. I don't want
a lost bullet to hit her.

- You're too good for that.
- Yes, but I shoot 9 mm Glock.

This was a 15 mm buckshot.

Great. Half the island
is suspect then.

What a mess! You alright?

Yes. I think they were
aiming at Florence.

- Did she recover her memory?
- She's starting to.

It was probably the real
murderer who did it.

- How did he find her?
- There are many informants.

Le Tallec, sorry,
I was a little over-the-top.

I just loose it when it comes
to my daughter, you know.

What are you doing?

Maybe we were wrong.

What do you mean?

About the pictures.

Maybe Florence didn't keep
them because of Pippo.

The other guy
is Pacini's son, right?

Exactly. I looked
through the files,

and two years ago

a nurse filed a complaint
against him for rape,

and two days later
she withdrew it.

Oh, that son of a bitch!

I'm on your side, you know.

You have nothing to fear
from him or his father.

You can trust me.

You know...

I have a daughter.
She's a little older than you.

So... you can talk to me.

You have to tell
the truth, dear.

Maybe that's the reason
why Pippo was killed.

He stalked me.

At the beginning,
he just tried to touch me.

One day, I was alone,
he was further away.

- What? Did he...?
- No.

The kids arrived.

He said it had been a joke,
but it wasn't.

I felt his intention, I swear.

- Why didn't you tell?
- I was ashamed.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

No, it's my fault.
I should have protected you.

Did you know about
the nurse's rape?

They said his father settled
the matter with a check.

I've known him for 30 years.

He was our friend, I...

I didn't want to believe it.

It's okay.

That night, you were looking
for a place to bivouac.

You came in the sheepfold.

Pippo was there
with another man.

Maybe there was a fire.
Everything was going fine.

It smelled of leather.

Maybe one of them had a glass
of whisky or wine.


Hey, what are you doing?

Stop! Stop!

I had drank too much, or they
put something in my glass.

When I woke up, they were gone
and I felt dirty.

You could have reported it.

I thought I must have provoked
them unintentionally.

They should have stopped
when you said no.

I thought I could live
with it, but...

I was pregnant.

After the abortion,

I wanted

to die in order to forget.

Dying is not a solution.

Plus, you came back
in search of answers.

I recognized them on a track.

I went to see the jockey.

He evaded the issue
saying that he'd been drunk

and that his friend told him
that was what I liked.

But, later...

be confessed he knew
he was lying,

and that it was just easy
for him to think that way.

He didn't want his family
to find out.

He was sincere,
but the other guy...


He did rape me.

He offered me money.

I threw it in his face.

Later, Pippo called me back
saying he had thought about it

and that he would declare.

That was salvation.

Did he ask you to meet him
at the sheepfold that night?

No. I went there without
even thinking, I don't know...

Okay! Okay...!

Okay! Stop! No!

When I had the courage
to go out, it was too late.

If this bitch says I raped her
it's because she's mad.

It's what you wanted.
You turned me on!

- You pig!
- You're a bitch, you hear?

And you know it.

Another one
who won't admit to her fantasies.


Shut the fuck up.

I didn't see anything.

She had given her consent.
I have nothing to add!

The night of the murder,

Florence saw a brown horse

with a white spot

on his right hind leg.

Does that tell you anything?

It's Aladin, our next Freedom.


Where were you on the night
Pippo was killed?

Do you accuse me of that too?

I was at a meeting.

150 witnesses.

And yesterday, I was
with the mayor of Ajaccio.

- Sorry, I wasn't able to...
- Get out.

Get out!

Stop this! Basta!

Chief, this is Mr. Marosel,
president of the Bar

that will defend my son.

Chief, is my client
under surveillance?

He is as of this minute, yes.

Well, he will not say another
word before speaking to me.

Perfect. Empty your pockets.

Empty your pockets!

Michel Pacini's alibis
are solid.

As for the rape,
the nurse refuses to talk.

- She's terrified of Pacini.
- Yes.

The stable-lads say that,
apart from Pippo and Michel,

only Pacini has permission
to ride Aladin.

What are you doing here?
Is my son free now?

Not yet. But at least we know

he's not the murderer,
or yesterday's attacker.

Do you have a hunting rifle?

Like everybody. This is Corse.

- Is it a 15 mm buckshot?
- It's the best for wild boar.

Do you have
any other stupid questions?


If nobody can ride Aladin,
how could Pippo's murderer

have been seen with him?

We do have a witness,
as you know.

You tried to keep Florence
from talking.

- She recovered her memory.
- Is that all you have?

The testimony of a mad,
depressive, amnesiac woman

against the word
of a respectable man?

- You won't even get to court.
- Maybe not.

But before you can ascertain that,
elections will be lost,

because as soon as the press
learns about this...

A scandal.
Blackmail is what it is.

If you say so...

But it will sure threaten
your sons promotion.

What a pity.
So much effort for nothing.

Just think of all the women
you've had to bribe for him.

Don't insult me, Renucci.

I will destroy you.

Take your ticket
and get in line.

You're under arrest for murder.

I had warned you.

Oh, fuck!



He confesses to Pippo's murder

and says Pippo meant to join
the opposing party.

He says he had to punish him
for betraying him.

He had to defend his son
up to the last minute.

Yes. This will be enough
to save that bastard Michel.

Don't be so pessimistic!

That's not good, you know.


Can you do me a little favor?

Sure. What can I do for you?

For the race.

Bet 150 Euros on Belle du Jour
for me.

Please. Come on, I won't tell.

Angelini, please hand over
Mr. Pacini's things.

I arrest you for having raped
Florence and Cathy Fournier,

and for having harassed
de Laura del Fonte.

What does this mean?

That you're not your father.
Nobody is scared of you.

Your victims are starting to talk.

And believe me,
this is only the beginning.

You'll be the first Burkinabe
orphan in the village.

They'll think it funny.

It's okay. I already said
sorry for having lied.

- You started it.
- Yes.

Thanks for finding me a place.

Did the owner accept
just like that?

His son is my client.

I helped him avoid 20 years
in prison.

He was sentenced to 8
where his mom can go see him.

- Will I stay at his place?
- Yes.

Yes. But he still has 4 years
to go. There's time.

Jo, darling.
I'm happy to see you.

Me too, Marie.

This is Sebastian,
the friend I told you about.

Pleasure to meet you. Thanks.

My name is Marie. I do this
for Jo, not for you.

Come in, I'll show you around.

Sorry, I'll catch up with you.


My son decorated it himself.
Do you like it?

Very much, yes.
It reminds me of my youth.

You can stay for as long
as my son is in prison.

As long as you treat Jo right.
She's like a daughter to me.

She knows
I don't like policemen.

If she resolved

to ask this favor of me,

it means
that you're really special for her.

Have you lost your tongue?

I am flattered.

- So is she.
- What?

She is also special for me,
I think.

You should be sure of it.

- The same as Toussaint?
- No, no. Two crudités.

Well, here.
A gift from the house.

What is it?

- An address in Toulon.
- Your two aggressors

and their 4x4 await you there.
Your old boss sent this.

Without you, he'd be free.

Don't thank me.

Augusta, forget the crudités.

Get me a cheese omelet
with some mint leaves.

What? Is mint also
bad for your health?

Your aggressors were tied up
waiting for you in the garage.

Maybe Renucci is
a good guy after all.

Tonight, your ex-boss is in jail
for murder attempt.

That's where he belongs.

So, can we talk about
Renucci and Lorenzi now?

Stop putting pressure on me.

It took you 6 months to fail,
so respect my pace.

No pressure at all.
You can stay a while longer.

We had an agreement, right?

It couldn't last.
I just took the opportunity.

How did you get
that opportunity?

- Through a pal at the SRPJ.
- You have pals at the SRPJ?

Are you jealous or what?

Why would I be jealous?

Adaptation: Eclair Group