DuckTales (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 6 - Astro B.O.Y.D.! - full transcript

Gyro, Fenton and Huey take a malfunctioning B.O.Y.D. back to the lab where he was created in Japan, but as Huey bonds with the robot boy, a secret from Gyro's past threatens to destroy the city and Gizmoduck.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
All right,

Happy National S'more Day.

A very real holiday,

according to one source
on the Internet.

Let's get mallowing.

Okay, .8 ounces
of marshmallow

per every two 1 3/4-inch
graham cracker squares,

three minutes per s'more.

If we keep s'mores at 1.6 ounces
of chocolate per cracker,

then we'll have
the perfect s'more.


I make food for robotic

Careful. Those roasting sticks
have been cut

according to specific
Junior Woodchuck Guidelines.

I'm adding doughnuts
and cookie dough.

But that's not
in the recipe.

Hue-bot engaged. Uh-oh.

Need oilcan-can-can.

Aw, not even
a modern robot.

Try being a kid for once,

Guys. Guys?

That's not a textbook...

Wow, these roasting sticks
are cut precisely

to Woodchuck Guidelines.

Yes. Thank you.

Hi, I'm BOYD,
a definitely real boy.

I'm Huey, also real.

Would you like
to be friends?

Sure. Wow, that was easy.

BOYD, why don't you
start the campfire.

Absolutely, pal.

According to the JWG,

"Following the right

- "...leads to carefree fun-time leisure."
- "...leads to carefree fun-time leisure."

You've memorized
the guidebook too?

Practically downloaded
in my head.

Yes! There's nothing weird
about doing things

exactly the right way.

That doesn't make us robots.

We're just kids.


You get me, BOYD.

We're a rare breed,
you and I.

You are a rare bread.


Hey, Fenton,
is Dr. Gearloose around.

We've got a glitchy
piece of tech here.

Huey, I'm more than an intern.
I'm a scientist.

I can easily assist you with
all of your scientific needs.

- Who's your friend?
- Hi.

I'll get Dr. Gearloose.

- Dr. Gearloose?
- Intern.

Can we have a word?

Oh, here's two:
leave now.

- Nothing can distract me...
- Dr. Gearloose?

Where did you
get that thing?

I haven't seen you since...

I can't remember.

Manny, get this dangerous
machine out of my lab.

You know my friend BOYD?

BOYD? What idiot
called it that?

It's name is 2-BO.

And, yes,
I know all about it.

It is not your friend,
it is not a boy.

It is a failed experiment.

I helped build 2-BO

years ago in Tokyolk,

when I was just a lowly intern
for the infamous Dr. Akita.

You were an intern like me?

Nothing like you.

Great. You can fix him, then.

Ugh! 2-BO's hard drive
is a mess.

I can stop the glitches
for now,

but it's been overwritten
so many times

I can't get to its core
to fix the problem.

I swore I'd never go back,

but left in this state,
2-BO could endanger us all.

There's only one place that has
the equipment we'll need:

my mentor's old lab.

- Road trip!
- We're going to Tokyolk?

You're not going.

Gizmoduck is.

We'll need him
to protect us.

From it.

Aren't you overreacting?

Look at him.
He's a kid like me.

Just wired a little

Besides, dozens
of your inventions

have tried to kill us,

and you always say they're
"wildly misunderstood."

I understand
2-BO all too well.

Don't get too close to it.

*DUCKTALES (2017)*
Season 03 Episode 06

Episode Title:
"Astro B.O.Y.D.!"

Aired on:
May 02, 2020

Remember, no one
can know we're here.

We have to remain discreet.


Oh, no. Hide 2-BO.

Ah, Inspector Tezuka.


What are you doing
in Tokyolk...


Keeping it safe
from evil robots.

You got a lot of nerve

showing your mech-loving mug
around here.

We both know I was
cleared of those crimes.

- Ow!
- Crimes?

But your mentor,
Dr. Akita, wasn't.

So where are you hiding him?

I haven't seen Akita
since he disappeared.

I don't have time for this.

I am here on a very important...
field trip.

You, bright eyes,
what did you say your name was?

a definitely real boy.

Robot! Stop in the name
of the law!

Keep moving.
Quickly. Quickly.

Wait, we're not going
to break in here?

Of course we're not.

break through the wall.

For science.





This place is so familiar.

What is all this?

It was Tokyolk's
most advanced research lab.

This is where 2-BO was built.

And where Dr. Gyro Gearloose
was born.

Was this your lab coat?
Was this your stool?

Was this your Trinocular
Inverted Metallurgical


Ah! Dust in my eye!
The dust of genius!

All right,
knock it off, intern.

Let's get to work.

We have to search through
all of 2-BO's memories

and programming
to get to its core.

Then I can stop this
malfunctioning for good.

No need to be scared.

Just a normal checkup

where we jam wires
into your computer brain

to view your
digital memories and...

Okay, this is not even
a little normal.

We'll analyze 2-BO's memories
with its previous owners,

starting with the newest ones.

No more gravy baths?

I'll show her.

BOYD, break this
with your robo-muscles.

Won't mother be upset
if we damage her necklace?

I don't want
to break anything.

Then why must you insist on
breaking my heart?

I'm sorry, do you need a hug?

No! It's attacking me with love!

♪ Looking through this wreckage
Stealing all the techage ♪

♪ Say I made it myself
To increase my dumb wealth ♪

No way!

A robot boy.

Dreams do come true.

Hi, I'm 2-BO,

a definitely real boy.

Ooh, that's not going
to work for me.

Let's see, how about
Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid?

BOYD. Yeah.

A real name? Thank you.

Okay, no hugs, chief.

I do not like touching.
And you smell like garbage.

Now, into the cart you go.

Seems like the little guy
has had it tough.

It doesn't feel anything.

At it's core,
2-BO is just a machine.

I told you to get
a travel adapter.

Come on, I'll find you
a replacement here somewhere.

The rest of you,
stay put.

Fenton, do you really think BOYD
is just a dangerous machine?

Of course not.
He's a machine for good.

If we fix his programming,
he could be a superhero like me.

Jewelry store robbery
in progress, Shinjuku ward.

This is his chance.

Let's go.

What's going on?

- Destiny in the making.
- I don't know if...


In retrospect, we probably
should have used the first hole.

A breach.

At former Akita Labs

Hm. How curious.

Computer, pause.


Zoom and enhance. Woosh.


2- BO.

Welcome back.


Ha-ha! This is great.

I mean, it's obviously very bad,
but great for BOYD.

His chance to be a hero.
Let's go.

Blathering blatherskite!

Whoa, there.

I'll go after the big one,
you take the other.

What do we do?

City bikes.
Neat and efficient.

Hi, bike thing,
may I borrow one?

Thank you.

Huey, hop in. Hurry.

Oh! But what about you?

My bones are metal.
Come on.


Oof! Sumimasen.

Can't move.

Mm. Nani?

Huh? Ah!

Hi. I'm BOYD.


Oh, no.

Look out!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

So, what do we do now?

I do not know.

Hi, Miss. I think you mistakenly
took something that's not yours.

Could you please
return it?

Mm, no.

Later, kid.

Good work, BOYD,

but you fight the criminal
before standing down.

But I don't want
to hurt anybody.

It's okay,
first-time jitters.

I'll handle it.

First-time jitters,
but I think...

Oh, boy, you're glitching again.
Let's get you back to the lab.

Where is the lab?

Why do we always fight
on vacation?


So idealistic.


All right,
let's finish this and go...



Ah, you caught her.
Happy to help...


You're under arrest
for suspected mechanical mayhem

in conjunction
with this robbery, robot.

No! Stop!
I'm just a guy.

With very bruisable skin.

Ugh. Gearloose's partner.

I should have known.

What do you have against
cybernetic citizens anyway?

Oh, I don't know.

How about the time
Gearloose and Dr. Akita

destroyed the city with a robot?

What? One of Dr. Gearloose's
inventions would never...

go evil and destroy...

We're totally lost,
and this city is massive.

What do we do?

What a Junior Woodchuck
does best.

Experience the local culture.

I don't know. We should really
be getting you back to the lab.

We can write down
our experiences

and analyze them later.

Ah! I'm in!

And that's where
the Imperial Guard stayed.

I know what you're thinking:
what about ninjas?

Well, ninjas were all
but extinct by...

Are you sure you're not bored?

Usually, my brothers
are begging me to stop.

Are you kidding?
I'm having so much fun.

What an informative day.

Yeah, it sure was.

BOYD, I don't think
you're a killer robot.

You're just a kid.

That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.




2- BO is within range.


Now, the moment of reckoning
shall be mine!

Has the sun gotten brighter
in the last 20 years?

So stiff.

It's him. Backup.

I need backup.

Huey, step away from Boyd.

You don't know
what he's capable of.

Sure, I do.

He just saved me
with his rocket feet.

And that is the problem.

His weapons systems
are back online.

We wait any longer
and the city is doomed.

- I can't believe you brought it back here.
- Its programming is fighting itself.

Only I can rectify this!

You'll be brought to justice.

Stop trying to make BOYD
something he's not.

He didn't glitch once
while we were having fun.

He was just being a kid.

Dr. Gearloose, please,
I'm a definitely real boy.

Why can't you see that?

Because deep down,
you're this.

This is 2-BO's core memory.

Dr. Akita and I invented 2-BO

to be the city's prime
defense robot,

but during the test run...

...2-BO lost control
and attacked the city...

until Tezuka
finally it took down.

2- BO was the first invention
I worked on that turned evil,

and I have spent my whole life
trying to live that down.

2- BO, BOYD, whatever,
is dangerous down to its core.

But you said you could fix me,
so I'd never malfunction again.

Yes. By shutting you down
for good.

- BOYD, run!
- Hey!

Get out of here!

Recall. Activated.

Where is he going?
After him!

2- BO.

Because of you
I've become an outcast.

And because of you,
I will rise again.

Activate Revenge Protocol Omega.

Blathering blatherskite!

2- BO!

You don't have to do
what Akita tells you.

Do what I tell you.


Activate arm armor.


Nothing can match the power

of a keen human intellect
commanding the Gizmoduck Armor.

Except a perfect computer brain
commanding the Gizmoduck Armor.

Intern! Fight better!

An intern with it's own intern.

Now I've seen it all.

My gratitude for returning
2-BO to its true father.

Akita, stop in the name of the...

2- BO, vanquish
the inspector.

No, not again.

No. Not again.
Save Gizmoduck.

I've got to destroy 2-BO
for good.

You can't.
This is not who BOYD is.

He's a... a definitely
real boy.

It's just made
to look that way.

You saw its first memories.

At 2-BO's core, it's a weapon.

Wait, there's more there.

Hidden under all those
old memories.

All systems online.

Welcome to the world, 2-BO.

Am I a real boy?

Hm. Definitely.

No, he's not.

This is a defense drone.

Isn't he more
than that?

Yes, he's dealing with some
first-time jitters,

- but I think...
- No.

Now, go prep the monitors
for the field test.

2- BO, you are a rare breed.

The ultimate weapon.

Overwrite all of Gyro's
"Real Boy" programming,

and execute protocol
World Breaker.

That was his core,

until Akita overwrote
my work.

2- BO never had a choice.

You forced him
to be a weapon!

Oh, intern.

2- BO is, and will always be,
a weapon for destruction.

For power. For evil.

Not all my inventions are evil!

Some are just wildly

- Ah!
- Ow!


Ha! Face it, intern.

You'll never invent
anything worthwhile.


2- BO, you are not evil.

You are good.

You're more than
your programming.

You are a definitely real boy.

- Yes! Ha-ha!
- Whoo-hoo!

You did it.
You chose your programming.

Now all you need
is your own real name.

How about...


"Be Only Yourself, Dude."

Yes, intern.
I was once like you.

Of course, I was a naive idiot
back then.

But if I had someone
to actually listen to me,

I might not have been
so hopeless.


you're hired full-time,
Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera.

That's not technically
how doctorates work,

and I don't care!

Okay, everybody, the hugging
is a "just for today" thing.

So, what should we
do next?

There's at least 12 shrines
we haven't documented.


Leave. Now.


Theme music plays...
Sync corrections by srjanapala