Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - El rostro de yamel - full transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen...

...The Central Boxing Area
is pleased to present...

...the main event of the night.

They'll fight to 12 rounds!

For the Continental
Boxing Championship!

From the North American
Boxing Association!

In the red corner...

...the current continental
lightweight champion!

Victor ''Tumbao'' Medina!

And in the blue corner...

...after a five year absence...

...a true legend from the rings!

Arcadio ''Mortero'' Lucero!

There have been
a lot of expectations...

...from the return to the rings
of Arcadio ''Mortero''Lucero...

...after his fight against
Ezequiel ''Barreta''Barrios.

That fight never took place
since Arcadio was attacked

a few days
before traveling to Vegas.

But this is a different
Arcadio, someone new...

...ready to perform well
and achieve the glory...

...that once escaped him.

And this championship
fight begins...

...promising to keep us all
at the edge of our seats!

loyal to his style...

...smart, measuring
his opponent...

...showing off his excellent
physical condition.

He's a fighter who's not scared
of a long lasting fight.

Arcadio is no longer
that young man...

...filled with illusions
that we once met.

He has become a proud fighter...

...he's cocky because he knows
what's like to be in the canvas.

That was great right arm
getting ''Tumbao''out of balance.

He totally lost control.

Arcadio has destroyed ''Tumbao''
in just a few seconds.

He's defenseless, the referee
has to stop the fight at once.

He's down. The referee's
down in the canvas!

Seems like there's
no one who can stop Arcadio.

Someone has to stop Arcadio!
This is unbelievable...

...I had never seen such a thing
in all my years in the business.





What are you doing here?

He came to sign the reports
of the mass grave case.

Milosz Labs insist...

...they want to be in charge
of the investigation.

And for a political
situation we agreed.

But he's still suspended?

Of course
he's still suspended, Inspector.

But you have to see
the bright side of it, right?

I'm sure during his time off...

...he'll be able to see the spiral
down his soccer team is in...

...or the crazy boxer's story,
the one who got locked up.


Cheer up...

...I'm sure he'll still box...

...but behind bars!


-Listen, if you need anything...
-No, don't worry...

...I have to find a friend I
haven't seen in a while.

You're complaining again, Ma'am.

The good thing
is you'll die soon.

Too bad no one ever
wanted to come visit you.

You woke up, leper?


Let's see if you
can clear the bed soon.

Even the Police got tired
of waiting for you to wake up...

...so they left.

Don't look at me like that.

It's not my fault your retarded
from all the punches you took.

You know what?

I'll go get the doctor
so he signs your release form.

We're still
having leakings, Jacobo.

Where did the information
about the mass grave came from?

It was impossible
for them to find it.

Who could have been, Milosz?

Who could have known
about the mass grave...

...with the remains
of the missing people?

That information
must have come from the Sewer...

...but I need to be sure of that.

Find out where
the information came from...

...Angela will take care of it.

Don't you have a
''no aggression'' deal with them?

How do you plan to stop them?

If they are leaking
the information...

You have to investigate,
not ask questions.

Okay, Roman,
I'll see what I can find.

You're an angel, Angela.

What would I do, surrounded
by all these assholes...

...and without your efficiency?

Wow, Inspector!

Sorry... ex Inspector.

Do you really want
to shake this beauty's world?

Rola, hurry up...

...no one can know
you're helping me.

Do you have more
information about her?

Any living relatives?

I have the information here,
about a ''Doctor Garcia''.

Forensic Anthropologist...

...leader of a Society
that demands the clarifying...

...the crimes made by
the government during the 70's.

Do you have his address?

Of course, my dear Inspec.

Give it to me.

Do you know anything
about the girls who work there?

Do you know Sandra?

Since they did the operation
where they closed the place...

...I haven't heard from her.

Some say she had
a fight with the pimp.

That she's hiding.


Look for her
at the Principe Hotel.

And we know that we'll have
to find her sooner or later.

First, there were
the Michelet files, and now this.

We're really close
to finding the remains.

We have no doubt about it.

There are some
who think it's only bones.

But I'd like for those people
to think how important they are...

...not only personally...

...but historically too.

Doctor Garcia, could you
show us the picture you brought...

...of your missing relative
for over 40 years?

Of course.

This is she.

Well... was.

-Could you show it?
-My sister...

... Yamel Garcia.



You're dead now, man!

We're sorry for the delay...

...traffic's truly
a drag in this city.

Well, I don't want to steal
more time from you...

...we gathered you here...

...to tell you that
Milosz Inc...

...will carry out
the investigation...

...about the human remains
found in this mass grave.

Doctor Garcia here,
will sign the agreement...

...in behalf of the missing
people's families.

And I hope that what
we can do at Milosz Inc...

...will help close for good
this historical country's wound.

Doctor, if you may.


-Doctor Milosz?

What new studies can be
made on the remains found?

If their identities
have been already confirmed.

If we're lucky enough...

...we'll be able to tell you what
these people had for breakfast...

...the day they died.
And that's exactly why...

...I've decided to personally
be in charge of the remains...

...and of course, not entrusting
them to anyone else.

And what do you
have to say about the rumors...

...that say you were close to some
army people during the Dirty War?


...I'd like to tell you
my whole life, but...

...it wouldn't be fair
to these people...

...who came here
for other reasons.

Excuse me.

It will be some other time.


-Doctor, one more question.
-Doctor Milosz?

-Doctor... Doctor...
-Doctor Milosz?

Doctor Milosz, wait, please.

Who is it?

-Is this Doctor Garcia?
-Yes, it's me. Who is it?

Ulises Elizalde.

-I'm a cop.
-What do you want?

I have important
information about your sister.

-Did you find another mass grave?

I have reasons enough
to believe she's alive.

-Listen, don't joke with me.
-I'm not joking, it's serious.

Open the door.

So, after your picnic
in the Deep Sewer...

...she left you there?

-I know it's hard to believe.

...hard to believe?
Not at all.

What's difficult to believe
is that Yamel...

...hasn't aged one year
when, if she were alive...

...she'd be more
than 60 years old.

She is alive.

Please, stop kidding,
stop bothering me.

We have to talk to the boxer.

He's unconscious!

Don't you read
the papers, super policeman?




Where are you?!

I was about to ask
for an encephalogram...

...because I think he might
have a neurological disorder.

That uncontrollable rage
it's something I'd never seen.

The truth is I don't think
he'll wake up.

Seventeen skulls.

Among several other images.

There's something more in them.

They're telling a story.


The tattoos?


Well, that's story
will go with him to the grave.

Calm down.

Calm down.
It's done.

Your skin...

Will it go away?

I'll ask Igor,
I think he might...

Don't mention that pig.

He's the only one
who can really help you.

He's the only one
to blame for my condition.

Everyone on the street looks
at me like I had the scabies.

You know what?

I'll talk to Igor.

I'll ask him for you
to come back to the Sewer.

I said no!

It's too late now.

Late for what?

What do you want
from the outside?

I have to do what I have to do.

And whatever needs to happen
will happen.

Yes, I'm sure of that.

But how?

Like this?

Did you see yourself?

Don't you think that's enough?

Igor is the only one
to blame for this.

And I'll get him for that.

When will you stop acting
like a little stubborn boy?

Nothing can stop you.

Do you want to stop me?



Why would I go back?

I'll get you some food.

We must be days apart
from when you last ate anything.

-I saw your brother on television.

He's looking for you.

Hello, young man,
what can I do for you?

Are you ready
for the first Championship?

Are you Arcadio Lucero's trainer?

And I trained more guys,
but he was the best.

Haven't you pay him
a visit at the penitentiary?

No. What for?
He'll be back.

I wanted to ask you
about his tattoos...

...it seems
they have a story to tell.

And not any story, man.

When I met him...

...Arcadio was a humble,
hard working guy...

...then, he got spoiled.

-You'll see...

...to Arcadio,
the most important thing...

...was to take care of his mother.

It'll be over soon.

I'll bring another
tomorrow, okay, Mom?

But, please, go back to sleep.

The lady was very sick.

But everything Arcadio did,
he did it for her.

What's up, man?
''Guero'' was looking for you.

What does that
filthy old man want now?

I don't know, man. He told me
he'd meet you at the gym.

Filthy old man.

-No, screw him!
-The old man was all excited.

I think he might have
gotten a big one for you.

Sure, the big one...

...I think he might want me as
a punching bag for some rich kid.

Go see him, man.
You don't know.

I'll go see.

-Hey, man.

I need you to do me a favor.

Pay me next week
in advance, please.

My mother was
suffocating on me last night.


Hold it, hold it,
don't stand there.

Come on.

What's up, man?

What's up, brother?

What's going on, man?

Such a surprise, man.

There you go.

Is he your ''it'' boy?

This kid has Champion material.

Come here, Arcadio.

Did you know the Taco man?

He owns the taco
stand in the corner.

Tacos made of dog meat.

Well, man...

-...a deal's a deal, right?
-There you go.

My man.

I'll leave you to it.

Work hard.

-''Guero'' says you're good.
-He can say what he wants.

He says you'll be ready
for a Championship in no time.

I hope so, God willing, right?

He also told me
your mother's sick.

So, what?

How many times have you fight?

Lost... none.

And won?



What do you think
about doing 1 7 jobs for me?

One for each fight.

Why would I work for you?

So all your problems end, Arcadio.

The problems
your dear mother has.

-Are you in, or are you scared?
-I'm not scared of anything.



I like that.

I'll look for you later.

-And, what are those jobs about?
-What are you good at?

I don't know...

...what am I good at?

That's what you're good at.

And don't go tomorrow
to work at the street market...

...you don't have to.

You already have a job.

Do you want another one?

Arcadio is a fierce,
unstoppable fighter.

But it wasn't long
until he found his weakness.

When that girl showed up.

What's up?
Do you want to dance?


I don't want tacos.

What's your name?

Carmela, yours?


-Listen, Daniel.
-What's up?

Listen, Daniel,
what do you know?

That guy in the back...

...has been messing
with me all night.

-I saw him.
-Right, yeah.

What's your problem?

Do you think...?

Calm down already!

-Let me go!
-Calm down!


Calm down already.


Where are you going?

None of your business.

-Are you scared of me?
-Not exactly.

Well, then I'll go with you...

...we don't want bad things
happening to you.

Nothing will happen to me.

I know exactly
how to get to where I'm going.

Yes, but I don't know
how to get there...

...what if I want to take you
to the fair sometime...

...and I don't know
where to find you?

I don't go to the fair.

You don't?


Because I only go out at night.


Like vampires...

...are you a vampire?

You could say that.

Go ahead, bite me.

Great, Arcadio...


Your girl's cute.

Get in.

You have your first job.

Your girl just left, Casanova.

Get in, let's go...

...come on, right now.

Arcadio became very dangerous,
in and out the ring...

...nobody could
resist him, he was merciless.

Let's go, let's go!

Hit him, hit him!


How did you find me?

I'm a vampire...

...I already
told you that, didn't I?

I appear and vanish as I please.

-Why did you look for me?

...I thought about it...

...and I think I do want
to go to the fair with you.

And those skulls?

Two, four, six...

...eight, ten...

...sixteen skulls?

That's sweet.


It's me, Diego.


Let's go, chubster,
your time's up.


Where were you?

It's not contagious.

What happened to you?

I looked for you everywhere.

I was really scared something
may have happened to you.

I'm here now.


-It has been a pleasure, Jacobo.
-Same here, Commissioner.

It's always inspiring
to talk to you.

Thanks for the data
about the informant.

It'll help us a lot
with the bone's analysis.

I hope there will be
more citizens...

...willing to cooperate
with the authorities.




I know who your angel
has to pay a visit to.

-Who was it?
-Astreet prostitute...

...I think it's the same one
that has been helping...

-...our friends at the Sewer.

Our little friend
Diego's girlfriend.

That's right.

Thanks, Jacobo.

Keep me posted
if more things come up.



...at your age
and with that type of girlfriend.

You can't touch him.

I hope this will teach him
to stay of our business.

And it's here,
2 story, room 102...

...where Doctor Garcia was brought
after he had a heart attack.

The doctor's forecast
is belng kept a secret.

And this important social warrior
might be living his last moments.

I come to get him.

Who authorized that?
The Doctor's not here.

Help me move him...


Close friends
of Doctor Garcia...

...have reached out for
his relatives to get together...

...just in case
the worst thing happens.

For Azteca's Informative Force,
from Colonial Hospital...

...Celia Duarte.

-Would the plan work, Inspector?
-I hope so.

We've caused
a lot of fuss in the media...

...so Yamel finds out
about your heart attack.

What I don't understand
is why we want the boxer?

Arcadio was really
excited about that girl.


...come back here.

I have to go.


I want more.

I really have to go.

You know what?


If I win the fight...

...I want us
to move in together.

We've talked about it
and you know the answer is ''no.''




Why not?

Let go of me.

-You're hurting me.

It hurts!

Look at me!

Take a good look at me...

...because this is
the last time you see me.

What's up, Arcadio?

How's it going?

You do know
this is the last one, right?

Go ahead, then.

Take care of number seventeen.

You're the beast that works
for the taco seller, right?

Tell him I'll pay him next week!

What's up, Arcadio?

He got out alive.

Too bad.

You could've been
a great Champion.

And about your mom...

...don't worry about her...

...I'll take care of all
her expenses until she's dead...

...which will happen soon enough.


How did you get in?

I told you before
I don't do women.

Too bad.

You're really pretty.


If you want,
I can introduce you...


You finally took care
of number seventeen.

The dead one
has come to spook you, man.

What's up, Arcadio?

You made it.

Who would've thought?

If you lay a finger on me...

...your dear mom won't like it.

My mom died yesterday.

I finally see you again.

You'll take me
right now to the Sewer...

...and explain to me
what's going on.

Put these on.

Understand this, I'm a cop.
Let's go.

Let's go!


How do you know my name?

I know more
about you than you think.

Your brother's here.

Is he okay?

You win...

...I'll take you to the Sewer,
but I have to ask you one thing.


He can't see me,
it's for his own good...

...I'm begging you.


Dr. Garcia?


I think I made a mistake...

...no one came.

I'm sorry.


Are you removing these form me?

If not it will be
more complicated.

I don't trust you.

It's this way.

Don't do anything stupid.

I knew you were going to cause
trouble as soon as you showed up.

The only one
who's in trouble here it's you.

You realize if I had been
someone else...

-...I would have killed you?

-What makes me so special...

...as to have
that preferential treatment?

You're about
to find that out, Ulises.

You're going to step
into a time tunnel. Come on.