Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 19 - Antes del fin - full transcript

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Your name is Hector Hernandez?


You were born in the Capital?


You're 79 years old?


Why don't you look your age?

Because I drink a lot of water

and eat a lot of fruits
and vegetables.

And I also take meds to keep
my good looks and my youth.



You think all this is funny?


You do gun trafficking?


You belong
to a criminal organization?


Listen, how long
will you keep me here?

Another 79 years.

How about that?

Until you get tired
of lying to us.

What's wrong, Ulises?
You seem distressed.

No, it's nothing...

...I'm a bit tired, that's all.

He passed the test.

He didn't show
any reaction to the questions.

Maybe he's telling the truth.

And the guns we found with him?


This guy's a pro.

Or there's something
we're not seeing.

Who are they?

Mirna Carvajal,
Hector Hernandez's ex wife.

And Marco,
Mirna's current husband.

May I?

Do you recognize him?

Yes, that's him...

...but there's
something odd about him.

He looks exactly the same,
he hasn't aged one day.



-I've already told you no.

No? Then, I want to see
what you're keeping in there.

Don't come any closer.

-Or? What will you do to me?!
-Hey! What's going on?

Tadeo's stilling the serum.

Do you have it in there?

The serum is for everybody...

...I'm not stealing anything.

Yes, you're totally right.

And since it is for everybody...

...we'll take it to the clinic.

How convenient, right?

Am I the only one who realizes
what's going on in here?

First, we lost Igor,
then Hector.

Now who will protect us?

We'll find Igor
and we'll find Hector.

Just like we found Renata?

I now we're
on a critical situation...

...we don't have
the formula for the serum...

...and that's why we have
to measure it out.

And, whether
you like it or not...

-...I'm in charge.
-According to who?

According to me.

How about that?

This serum is staying with me.

Let go of it.

Let go of me.

Let go of it.

Would you take it
to the clinic, please?


It's not a time to fight, Tadeo.

Got it?

It'd be really helpful
to us if you talked to him.

-I think I should go alone.

Hector came to see me last week.

-He wanted to ask me a favor.
-What kind of favor?

Something I should
get involved in.

Sir, are you going
to tell the truth, or...

I met her since
the guerrilla times...

...we were on
the Communist Party...

...everybody knows that
about my political career...

...Hector came to office asking
for the name of a person...

...from whom he
could buy guns from.

Obviously I have no idea.

This is no longer
the seventies...

-...someone should tell him.
-You were friends at the time?


Does he know
you married his ex wife?

What do you think about my lab?

It's incredible how
technology evolves, right?

With the densitometer
we can tell...

...how much calcium
there's on the bones.

Before that, to analyze them...

...we had to wait
for the patient to die.

But, of course by then
it was totally useless.


Help him with whatever he needs.

Well, Igor...

...let's get to work.

This ways, please.


...this is a spectrophotometer
for the density of...

Yes! I know what it is!

I know all these things.

Do you think I'm stupid?

I had seven awards
for scientific investigation...

...before you were born.

So, let me work, would you?

-If you need anything I'll be...
-I know, I know! I'll call you.

Excuse me.

Do you need something?


Doctor Alvarez.

-How's she?

Do you need something?

Yes, I need you to let me
work by myself.

Hang in there, Renata.

Hang in there.

Yes, he's still
in a very bad condition.

Did you manage to make
his blood pressure drop?

What's this boy doing here?!

Allow me.

Bring more plasma.

You! Get me a stethoscope!

You! Bring me the kid's
medical file! Right now!

They gave you
the serum too, right?

Don't worry.

I'll fix you.

That's why I'm here.

I'm sorry.


You can't touch
the arrested person.

You know, Davila?

Let's give them some time alone.

You have 5 minutes, Hector.

Look at you.

You haven't changed a bit.

And you're
as beautiful as always.


Where were you all this time?

You wouldn't believe it.

-You look exactly like...
-Did you miss me?


...you were missing
for thirty years...

...do you know what that's like?

I had no choice...

...but I've missed you
every single day I've lived.

Where were you?

In the sewer.

Did he say ''in the sewer''?

In the Deep Sewer.

In the Deep Sewer.

Now it turns out
that our mugger...

...is a ninja turtle.

-Where are you?
-I don't know...

...but I'm sure I'm not alone.

He said he was abducted
by people who live in the drain.

According to the GPS
he wasn't in the drain...

...he was in the Deep Sewer.

No one could survive there.

I need to check all the files
from the last cases.


I've seen the ones
who live down there...

...they didn't come out,
but now they do.

They killed us...

...one of them did.

Who are the ones
who live down there?

According to our file...

...the girl went missing
seven years ago.

Did you check the dates? Because
the girl looks exactly the same...

-...than the one in the picture.
-It's like she had...

...gone missing yesterday.

We just received the report
from the branded rats...

...the youngest one
was registered in 1968.

Are you telling us
the rats are 40 years old?

Look what I found...

...it's for you.


-The Miracle Project.
-What's that?

We haven't pass it yet.

It was a secret project...

...where the missing people
were involved.

This will sound weird...

...but we know
some of the missing people...

...are still alive.

And we won't stop
until we find them.

That's impossible. More than
40 years have passed.

They have been seen.
They have been recognized...

...we know they're around.

We need to know where
and why they haven't come back.


...are you telling me
Hector Hernandez...

...is one of the missing people
from the Miracle Project?

That's a possibility.

Do you want me to call Ulises?
Who know where he went?


I want you to get
the psychological report...

...from when Ulises was missing.

You mean from when
he fell in the drain?

When else?

-Are you suspecting of him?

...your work is to give answers,
not to ask questions.

I was checking your file...

...you're linked to a guerrilla
group from the sixties.

You were missing
for more than 25 years...

...why did you hide?


I see you're not planning
on telling anything.

So I guess you won't tell me
where you were.

But I'd really like to know...

...what do you know
about the Miracle Project?

I see I've called
your attention, finally.

I have nothing to do with that.

Doctor, it's Mr. Michael Hudson.

Send him in, please.

Do you want something to drink?


...we just got this from
Marketing, what do you think?



It's a catchy name, right?



Do you have the formula already?

We're on the verge
of having it, Michael.

That's what you said
the last time I came here.

This time's true, though.

Do you know
who's working with us now?

Igor Alvarez.

I don't care if you're working
with the Devil to get this.

You don't have a lot of time.

We didn't invest all that money
so you end up...

...the same way
you ended up 40 years ago.

You have no reason
to react like that.

I'm not interested
in your logos.

I want results
and I want them now.

And when things are settled
we'll have a cognac.


Okay, Michael.

What's going on?

Do you have
something to tell me?

About what?

Do you know
Hector Hernandez confessed...

...he has lived all these years
in the Deep Sewer?

-Ring any bells?
-No, it doesn't ring any bells.

-Deep Sewer?
-What do you want me to say?

Count on it, I just ask you
for discretion with my husband.

That I ran into him
when I fell in the drain?

That he helped me out?
I don't know...

...because I don't remember!



I think Hector Hernandez
is not telling the whole truth.

You decided to finally come.

Why did you confess
you lived in the sewer.

Because I didn't know...

...you little friends
were hearing us...

...are they there?



...I need to ask you a favor.

Igor has some evidence
to incriminate Milosz.

And I need an excuse
to enter the lab where Igor is.

Do you know where they are?

No, I can't help you.

Igor invented the story...

...that he changed them
from place to place...

...so everything went smoothly.

And just look how smoothly
things are going now.

We have nothing.

Be patient.

What for?

Come on in.

How are you?

What do you want?

I wanted to know
how you were doing.

It seems weird to me...

...after all this time
not seeing you...

...why are you so interested?

I don't want things
to end up like this.

It's a little bit
too late, right?

You could've thought that...

...when my mom died,
for example.

I know...

...and I'm sorry.

You know?

Sometimes, I...

...I do miss
talking to somebody.

You can still talk to me.

I'll be okay, Ulises.

-How's your dad doing?
-I don't know.

You know he doesn't really like
talking about his stuff.

Do you trust me?

Do you remember you once
told me my dad was still alive?

I met him.

His name's Igor.

Igor Alvarez.

How did you find him?

I'll tell you later.

The important thing is
I talked to him...

...and he told me he
and your dad were really close.



..your dad's guilty
of many crimes.

-Ulises, what are you saying?
-They made a serum.

It makes people stop aging,
but it has severe side effects.

And your dad
has made the impossible...

...to be able
to commercialize it...

...and increase
his fortune with it.

You do realize
that what you're saying...

...sounds ridiculous?


This is...

...everything we know
about Project Miracle.

Your dad caused all of this.

What did my dad do to you
to make you hate him so much?

What did I do to you, Ulises?

I need you to help me
enter his lab.

You know what?

For a moment I thought
you had come to visit me.

But you always want
something more, obviously.

Lorena, listen to me...

...they have people
kidnapped at the lab...

...they're still
experimenting with them...

Ulises, get
the hell out of here.


Don't ask any questions.

Who are you?

Do you want
to enter Milosz's lab?

You have the key right there.

How do I know
this is not a trap?

You don't know.

You have to trust.

Just between you and I...

...Milosz has more enemies
than he thinks he does.

Take advantage of it.

And you, honey?

Why are you so alone?

Did the cat eat your tongue?


Are you in a bad mood?

What's the news with Hector?

His ex wife went
to the headquarters...

...and managed to make him
confess he lived in the sewer.

They found out about
Hector's soft spot already.

His ex wife?

And you?

Do you have a soft spot?

We have to rescue Igor...

...he's our only way out.

''We'' have?
Or ''I'' have?

You're scared.

That's what you are.

You're shaking.

What will you do when
your police friends come?

Because they will come find us.

What will you do?

What will you do?

Are you going to pee yourself?

What's the matter with you?

What do you think?
Everything's going to hell!

I'm going to enter.

Are you serious?

What will you tell your bosses?

If we find Renata...

...I'll arrest him
for kidnapping her.

It will make things easier.

-I'll go with you.


I analyzed the Doctor's culturing,
just like you told me to.

They all present changes
on a mitochondrial level.

The DNAdamage is unfixable.

Maybe, if Doctor Igor
told us the process...

...we could know what happened.

You're young
but not stupid, are you?

What happened
is that he tricked us!

He sabotaged the experiments.

Doctor Alvarez.

Do you need something?

I have to remind you,
you can't be in that lab area...

-...it's an order from Milosz.

...I can go
to the bathroom, right?

Of course, Doctor.


I don't know if this works...

...or if you can listen
to this message, but...

...I already have
what you were looking for...

...I gave it to Renata and
everybody else they have here.

What's exactly
what you were looking for?

Get out of there, Doctor.

Open this goddamned door!

Who were you talking to?!

I swear
you'll regret all this, Igor.


There are two options...

...are you getting
romantic on me...

...or you want
to ask me a favor.

-I have to crash a party.
-No, no, no...

...what's wrong with you, brother?
Are you crazy?

You want to crash Milosz Labs?

I'm sorry, bro...

...I can't.

I wouldn't ask you unless
it were really important.

Should I worry
about you, Inspector?

I need you to help me, Rola.

You're going to make me
end up in jail, brother.


Are you really that worried
about these maggots?

Don't do anything
you could regret.

All that time
living in the sewer...

...all that time taking care
of these rats, what for?!

For your supposed
moral superiority.

I'd say it's your
undeniable cowardliness.

You made a lot of mistakes.

But this one...

...this is the last one.

No, Roman, don't.

That's what happens when you
don't do what you're asked to do.

You'll restart
the experiments again...

...you'll report your every move
to the doctors...

...and you'll explain them
how and why you're doing it.

As many times as you need to.
Got it?!

You won't leave here.

You're dead anyways.

I'll never do what you ask me.

You're not?



...let's go see your girl...

...what's her name?



Rola, you can hear me?

Loud and clear.

Did you open
your Happy Meal's box?

Now it's like
I'm inside your head.

Look, look, look...

...who's that dame?

You're not going to let me
see who you're with?


...can I whisper a song
into your friend's ear?

I'm not in the mood
for jokes, Rola.

No, Roman, don't.

I'll do what you asked me to.

I'll tell you everything
you need to know...

...but only you.

It doesn't matter
if they listen...

-...that's why they're here.
-I want to tell only you!


Leave us alone.

Your ID.

Your ID, please.

The thing is
the Doctor's with me...

...but she's not registered yet.

Then, please, get registered.

Of course.

This way.


Hello, Doctor.

Everything alright?

Everything alright, thanks.


Your ID.

No, the thing is...

Doctor, I'll check your briefcase.

We had this very same
conversation 30 years ago.

I told you then I had
all the evidence against you.

Everything you did
at the illegal lab.

Do you want us to sit down
and tell stories?

That's entertaining, Igor, you
have no evidence against me...

...if you did you would have
used it by now.

Do you know everything
we found at the sewer?


Everything you supposedly
tried to hide.

And, boy, we did have time
to look for stuff.

Receipts for the materials
you used to build your lab!

Papers signed by you...

...they link you directly...

...to illegal settlements
with the government.

Are you trying to scare me some
receipts and some old papers?

Pictures of the procedures
the people from down there...

...had to undergo.


very well explained...

...and it's all signed by you!

And if I haven't
used it before...

...is because I wanted to protect
the people from down there.

Because I had to first
find a cure for all of them.

That's what I came to do...

...and I'll leave with it!

Do you know what I have here?


Take it...

...for your thoughts.

Do you know what I have here?

Acure for all of those ideas
you have about telling on me.

They called me to come here and
I had to change my white coat...

...and my ID is
in the one I left there.

I don't even have my purse
with me. I don't have anything.

The equipment is yours
or the Company's?

The Company's.

And also, I'll stay here
to work, for sure.

Go ahead, please.


-You can go in.

We're arriving
to the restricted area.

Help me.


-Are you going with Hector?

Have you seen Ulises?

I saw him leave a while ago.

The files I asked you?



Locate Ulises Elizalde.

I know.

And remember...

...from now on...

...I neither hear you
nor see you.

Do you know who has
the evidence against you?

One of your lab rats?

My son.

You do know my son's alive?

Don't you?

Surprising, right?

My son's alive
and he's an Inspector...

...from the Police.

What nonsense are you saying?

The people you sent
to kill my wife...

...weren't brave enough
to kill a little boy!

Are you still
fantasizing all that?

I didn't send
anyone to kill anybody.

Just like
you didn't kill that boy...

...in front of me
just moments ago.

I love your stories, Igor.

You should have
pursued that career.

What boy are you talking about?

I didn't kill any boy.

Get it?

I've had 30 years to forgive
everything you've done.

And you know what?

I couldn't do that.


...you're starting
to bore me out...

...get back
to work immediately, okay?

This way.



...my Yamel...

...you came to get me.

We have to take you
to a hospital.

It's too late.

-I found the cure.
-Who shot you?

The formula with the cure...

...it's with Milosz,
he took it away from me.

Go get it.

Yes, sure, he shouldn't be
that far from here.

Where are you going?


Who are you?



How did this happen to you?

I don't know,
I didn't notice anything.


Calm down...

...everything will be alright.

Stay with Ulises,
he's on our side.


The evidence against Milosz...

...are where Diego and you
used to meet up...

...in the building...

...under some rocks...

...look for them there.

I have to get you out of here.
Let's go.

Are you okay?

-Can you run?
-Yes, I think so.

Go to the Police...

...tell them my name,
they'll help you...

...tell them who you are.

Are you sure you can run?

-Go ahead, run, run!

Excuse me.

Watch out!
Excuse me!

Excuse me.


We have an emergency...

...you have to call security...

...this was a false alarm.

Igor Alvarez escaped.

You have to take care
of it right away!

Let go of it!

There you go...

...this is how I wanted you.

Don't make any effort.

Everything will be alright.

What a nice way...

...to finish up this story.

You'll get better...

...we have Renata.

And with that we'll begin the
investigations against Milosz.

The cure...

...he took the cure.

You'll help them.

When you get better.

You have to take care of them.


You'll get better.


...I would have loved
to really be your dad.

Take this...

...this is the key
from the safe...

...all the evidence you need
against him is in there...

...it's in the...

Don't make any more efforts.

It's in the...

...in the abandoned building.

Where Yamel used
to meet up with Diego.

Near the sewer's exit.

In the rooftop.

You have to stop Yamel...

...she's capable of anything!

Calm down, calm down!


...don't let her
blow the sewer up.



...calm down, calm down.


Thanks for...

...for calling me ''Dad''.

Everything happens
for a reason, gorgeous.


Get up.

I already destroyed the cure...

...you'll never have it.

What are you going to do?

-Are you going to kill me?
-I'll do something way better.


Jacobo knows what happened here!

He'll kill everyone
at the sewer...

...and I'm the only one
who can stop him!

It's not personal...

...it's only science.

Don't worry.

The serum will begin
to heal your wounds very soon.

The real pain
will begin in five days.

I'll leave you here.

I have to go get Yamel...

...I'll pick you up later.

I'm sorry.

I'll come back as fast as I can.

I promise.

Stay still.

Don't do
anything stupid, Ulises.

Get up.



We have to leave!

Igor's dead!

Milosz's people are coming over!

We have little time!

I have the codes
for the explosives.

Are you crazy? What do you
mean Igor's dead?

-Where were you?

We have five minutes!

Let's go.

I think you have
a lot to explain...



...we don't have time...

...you have to take me
to the sewer.

Now you're talking
about the sewer?

You'll tell me what the hell
you have to do with all that?!

Why were you leaving that body?!

He was my...

-You'll never believe me.
-Ulises, start talking...

...because my patient
with you is running low.

It has to do
with Roman Milosz...

...it has to do
with Miracle Project...

...there are people
living in the sewer!

Hector's one of them!


Is not what you think!
These people are not bad!

They're victims!

Are you an accomplice?

-Did you kill that man?!
-No, Roman Milosz did!

I'll explain you everything
but we don't have time...

...we have to go
to the sewer and stop Yamel.

Who's Yamel?

One of them.

Why are you still
pointing that gun at me?!

-I'm still me!
-I'm still me, too!

You didn't have
to lie to all of us!

I'm not the only one
keeping secrets.

You're pregnant I don't
know what you're doing...

...risking yourself like this,
driving and all!

Do you think I'm that stupid?!

What does my pregnancy
have to do...

...with you being an accomplice
for a criminal group?

I'm not an accomplice
for a criminal group!

I'm an accomplice for a group
for Roman Milosz's victims...

...who I'm helping
to make him stop!