Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Flores Secas - full transcript

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It's the same story
from last year.

You're team is lost now.

How could they win
if the referee was bought?!

Bought?! You guys make
the top transfers...

...and now you say
it's the referee. come on!

Shut up and let's say:


-It's good. isn't it?

-How's the match?
-Good. my team is 1-0 up.

Chicharito scored a great one!

-What did I tell you?
-Wait! It was just one!

It was just the first one!

I didn't buy them.
they came on their own.

Fucking Chicharito.



Move. move!

What are you looking at?

Do we leave Alejandro. sir?

He's been here
for a whole day.

Wait until night falls.
Then give him a shower...

...and put him to sleep.

Get up. bastards!
This isn't summer camp!

-Hey. no littering!
-Get up everybody!

-What time is it?
-What's up. bro?

One more day in that tree.
and you'd have made...

...some squirrel friends!

They say if you're free
of sin to cast the first stone.

-Yes. sir.
-Are you free of sin?

-No. sir.
-Of course not. jerk.

Otherwise. what would you
be doing here?

What would you all be doing
getting rehab here?!

Look at Alejandro.
Do you feel like fleeing again?

To take to gambling.
drinking. taking drugs?

Hurry up!

-We look like swine!
-Do ''we'' look like swine?

Do you see it now?
Why did you try to escape?

-They're harder than yesterday.
-And you still complain.

-What did you want. meat stew?
-Yes. Wth a thigh. please.

With all the shit inside you.
they shouldn't let you eat...

...so the devil may leave
your bodies.

And they should stop
feeding you for two weeks...

...to see if any hair
grows out of your head!

You've got quite
the temper. Domingo!

It's Friday. it's your day off!

Let's have a quiet meal
at least. for heaven's sake.

I have a friend who loves me.
Who loves me, who loves me.

I have a friend who loves me.
His name is Jesus Christ.

Praise, praise, I'll praise
My Lord for ever more!

-May God bless us all.

Now. get to work. beasts!


You'll do the latrines
and then mop the dormitories.

Yes. sir.

The doctor wants to see you.

-You look better now.

I'm rotting every passing day.
Can't you smell it?

How long have you known
Dr. Milosz?

Some fifty years.

I hadn't seen him
since I was a teenager.

I guess he didn't trust me
enough to take me...

...to his ''secret meetings''.

So. just over fifty?

You don't look it.

Let's go.

Elizalde was tied to a tree
24 hours for trying to escape.


What a surprise!
I really thought you liked him.

I mean. it's just a comment.

Do you know why we're here?

So. I'm investigating
something for you?

We want you outside
doing field work.

As you know. Davila is still
recovering from his injuries.

Ulises is all alone among
those criminals.

We need to contact him
so he can let us know...

-...when El Tio arrives.
-Someone's Spanish uncle?

I'm glad you take it
with good humor.

El Tio has already escaped once
and his men tried to kill...

...one of our own. I don't
want this happening again!

-Enlighten him.

There's no running water
in that place.

So they order a water tank truck
every three or four days.

You will impersonate
one of those truck drivers.

Then you'll contact Ulises.

But the computers...

Isn't this what you
have always wanted to do?

This is your chance.
Besides. I can't go there.

There are no women
in that place.

You'll soil the floor.

Stop it. We just came
to lie down a bit.

-Just like cows do.
-Just like that.

So. how did you do
with the latrines?

Did you like it?

Cheer up! It smells
like shit at first...

...but you get used to it.
We've all been through that.

You should come with us to town
so you can cheer up a little.

-Watch your mouth!
-Easy. he's one of us.

He tried to escape
the other day.

-If Ismael sees you around...

-...you're a goner.
-He won't. Relax!

Excuse me.

we'll be here a while.

Keep quiet. please.

Don't drop the water
or I'll make you suck it...

...from the ground!

-What the hell do you want?!
-I just wanted to tell you...

...that I heard Fausto
and Melesio talking.

They're planning
to go to town tonight.

I don't know why.
I just wanted you to know.

I want to help them
to avoid temptation.

One must fall into temptation
in order to stop falling.

Leave them alone.
How do you know this?

Because they trust me.
They think I'll do it too.

I'm not doing it anymore.
I've learned my lesson.

Get back to work.

Diego. I hope you like
the hotel we got for you.

You look relieved.

You're just like your father.
What's he up to?

He died down there. in prison.
Because of Igor... and you.

So. we're not beating
around the bush.

Wll you also blame me
for killing Colosio?

Look. Diego. we're doing this
once and for all.

We've been in this game
for so long.

It's starting to get boring.
don't you think?

What do you want?

To live in peace out here.
without being chased.

You know that's impossible
without Igor's help.

That's why I'll help you
capture him.

I know where the serum is
at the lab.

I know where the formula is.
I'll take you there.

In exchange. you must promise
we'll live in peace.

Like normal people.

-What do you mean by ''we''?
-Whoever doesn't resist.

Whoever survives.

Diego. Igor is your friend.
almost your father.

Why are you doing this?

Because I like you.

-How old are you really. Diego?
-Fifty six.

And you still have
that teenage humor.

-Do you think this is a game?
-Igor betrayed me.

He chucked me out
of the sewer.

-Things have changed.
-It was you who started...

...trafficking the substance.
You are the traitor here.

-Isn't that so?
-Igor couldn't just pretend...

...to lock us all down there
for thirty years.

We're not animals.
at least I'm not.

Someone was going to rebel
sooner or later.

-It's from humans.

And how will you prevent
''Lunatic Hector'' from noticing?

It's easy. He taught me to
defuse bombs fifteen years ago.

He only thinks of Renata now.

It's three entrances
after the elevator.

And Wednesday is the best day
to find them all together.

I'm warning you. Don't even
think of touching Yamel.


Everybody up!

I want a hot meat stew!

Praise, praise, I'll praise
My Lord for ever more!

Lower your hands.

Does anyone recognize her?
No? That's weird.

Let's see. Come on. darling.
Tell me who did it.

Come on.

Was it them?

-Come here.

Where were you
last night. brothers?

-Where were you?!

-What did you do?
-Nothing. We just went to town.

-And what did you do there?

We just came back.
We didn't do anything.

-You abused her.
-No. sir.

-No. We don't even know her.

We're here to rehabilitate.
It's tough. I know.

I've been through it.
We all deserve a second chance.

But when there's a bad apple.
what do we do?

We don't wash it.
We throw it away.

It's useless. I hope there are
no more bad apples in here.

Go to breakfast.

Take her to town.
to her parents.

Tell them that justice
has been made for her.

Give him one like mine.

-There you go.
-Thank you. Ismael.

Seems like rats eat better
than us.

Stop pretending.
You were the snitch.

All you do is complain.

Guess it's better to screw over
than get screwed over.

So. will you share that
with me. brother?

To betray a partner
is not very manly.

That's not the right way.

You're just jealous because
you always eat tortillas!

I like eating tortillas.
they're good for your health.

-Betraying a partner is not.
-I didn't know it'd happen.

So. you thought they'd been
given a good morning kiss?

God rest their souls.

So? Will you share it
with me or not?

Here's the truck!

Secure the hosepipe.
I'll grab it here.

Give me a hand.

-Is everything okay?
-I try.

-Almost there?
-Yes. sir.

Alejandro is really helpful.
isn't he?

Secure the hosepipe
so we don't spill any water!

-It's hot in here!
-Yeah. tell me about it.

You're right.

According to you. how long
would it take him to arrive?

Aweek or two.

-Are you new to the business?
-Yes. sir.

Please. pay my brother.

When do you want us
to come back?

The truck comes
on Mondays and Fridays.

Did they tell you that?
Just think about it.

-Next time try harder. man.
-Yes. sir.

See you on Friday then. sir.

Those rocks will fall down!
Take it easy.

This is for what you did
to Fausto and Melesio!

And so will it be until
you pay! Eye for an eye!

What's wrong with you. bastard?

Are you taking justice
into your own hands?

He's from the good side.
You're from the good side.

I don't want you to fight.

Otherwise. you'll make me
choose between you two.

Don't disappoint me
with this crap.

We're all brothers here and
discipline is a part of rehab.

Whoever doesn't get it
is not getting it.

El Tio will come soon.

I don't want him to believe
I only choose useless worms!

Come here. Diego.
We have a surprise for you.

You have a visitor. girl.



Get down
and put some clothes on.

Let's go!

Okay. stop it. You're going
to make me cry.

Diego. You can now tell her
this will end thanks to you.

That my men will come down
to the sewer with you...

...and if everything goes well.
you'll both be free.

How come...?
To the sewer?

What? Aren't you
going to tell her?

That's what I thought.

You don't want Renata to suffer
longer than she already has.

That's why everything will go
great on Wednesday. right?

Right. Diego?

Be very careful.
Let's go.

You've already been through
Elementary school.

It's time for you to go
to Middle school now.

We're not here to wash
other people's shit.

Nor to only eat tortillas.

We don't need self-control
to do that.

But we do need it to do this.

This one didn't get
the extreme unction.

Is that true?

Diego. is that true?

Are you taking us to Igor?

It's not what you think.

It's all part of a plan.

This one didn't get
the extreme unction.

But this is a dog and dogs
don't receive the sacraments.

If I ever catch you
slipping away. like bunnies...

...we will keep watch
on your corpses...

...and they'll be given
a Christian burial.

Because that's how it's done
among brothers.

But if you cross the line.
like this one...

...you'll be Pharisees to us.
Jesus forgives us...

...because these are not people.

So. what are we going
to do with him?

We're not leaving him like that.

We're going to make him smaller.
Like the new cars: small.

Do it.

Give me that!

First. locate the joints.
And then. you slice it!

If you don't do it properly.
you'll mess it up...

...and you'll waste your time.

And if you need to do it
five. six. or ten times...

...you don't want to do it
all day long. do you?

There you go.

El Tio is coming in two days.
He'll want to see how you do it.

So you'd better start learning.

Two days.

-For a set of earrings?
-That's right. honey.

They killed Sandy
for a set of earrings.

If it was a theft and
the thief was never caught...

...why did Diego have to come
and take revenge here?

Don't even mention that name!
At least not here. please!

It's like saying ''Beelzebub''.
or ''Norberto Rivera''!

And then you. Oh my God!
So beautiful and so messy!

-Why don't you stay with us?
-I'm flattered but no. thanks.

You would do great here.
Sandy did great.

There's room for everyone here.
Well. with that smell...

...like a dump! I mean. my aunt
smelled like that...

...but she was eighty seven.

Do you have any idea
where Diego could be now?

Not that name!
Your pretty. but silly!

How could I know that? He is
being chased by the cops...

...by this place's owners.
Even you are after him!

He must have fled to Cuba
or something.

If it was theft. why did
he come here to take revenge...

-...from the pimp?
-Stop mentioning him!

Look. Sandy and that friend
of yours were truly in love.

''Pretty Woman'' style.

But this girl and that boy...
He was a little boy...

He never bought
that ''theft'' thing.

It was a pretty nice
set of earrings. but...

...I don't think they can
hang you for that crime.

So. why did
he suspected the pimp?


He thought he'd be a hero...

...so he never messed
with any of us again.

He bites the hand
that feeds him.

Look. darling... I don't know.
I don't know.

I'd rather not get
in trouble. you know?

-You're not a cop. are you?
-Do I look like one?

Well. with that hairdo...
But you have to answer...

-...like those TV shows.
-No. I'm not a cop.

And where do you know
Sandy's friend from?

From life.

Like everyone else. right?

Sure. Thank you very much.

Go away!

Fucking bastards!

Go away!
Get away from here!

-Let me help you.
-Yes. thank you.

What about your friend?
The new one?

-The one who came last week?
-He didn't show up today.

He has no regular schedule.
He's like a sub.

-Could you do me a favor?
-That depends.

-I have a message for him.
-Next time. then.

Watch the hosepipe!

-Couldn't you give it to him?
-Why don't you just call him?

We're not allowed to use
cell phones here.

I don't think I'll see him.
Where do you want this?

Right there.
It's a very important message.

It's about my dad.
Ask him to tell my sister...

...that he'll arrive tomorrow.
That's all. please.

It's very important
but don't say a word...

...you know these people.


What's wrong?
You look anxious.

Are we waiting for someone?

We must be careful. You don't
know who might be around.

You don't know how many rats
are around here.

Just like you. right?

That's useless down here.

Doctor? We're getting
to the first door.

God willing.
everything will be alright.

What's going on?

That's El Tio.

Everything is going
to be okay, right?

I hope so.

-He's defused the first bomb.

-Ladies first.
-Just hurry up. okay?

What a temper! If there's
something I have left...

...that's chivalry.


-Reply to El Tio!

Do you know why you're here?

Yes. Because El Tio
will tell us the truth.

It's great
when everything's clear.

When there's no doubt.
When we know that Jesus...

...is with us.
Everything is easier.

You wish to be our brothers.
Do you know what we do?

Of course. You do business.

You're a humble man.
That's a blessing.

We do big business.
Let's say... important.

Tell them. Ismael.

We restore society's values.

''Society's values''.

That means ''The common good''.

I come from far away.
We had snitches amongst us.

Many of our men were caught
but Jesus is on my side.

That's why I'm still here.

And that's why
you're all still here today.

There are values to respect.

And we must understand them.

We have to prove here that
we understood those values.

For instance.

These two are enemies.

This one pushed you
off a cliff.

He scorned you.

He might've even wanted
to kill you.


-Close your eyes.

-Pl... please!
-Close your eyes. I said!

-Pl... please. forgive me!
-You're useless to me!

We don't hurt other brothers!

Unless there's treason...

...otherwise. you just
endure your punishment.

-Forgive me!
-Finish him.

What are you waiting for?

-How many are left?
-Be patient.

It would be pointless...

What's wrong?

I have a present for you.

-We've got a problem.
-What's that?

Those earrings are mine.

-What's going on?!
-Let's go!

-What is it. Angela?
-No. Doctor...

...the boy turned out
to be a traitor!

-He blew one of the gates.

He blew one of the gates.
Angela is seriously injured.

Get out of there right away!

Igor and his crew must be
on their way there.

-We'll just take Angela...
-No. I said get out now!

I don't want you
to be found in there.

Leave her there.
We have to go now.

What about the boy. Doctor?

-What do you think...?
-Yes. Doctor.

Hurry up!


Don't move and drop the gun!
Drop it!

-On the ground. now!
-Hands where I can see them!

On the ground. quickly!
Hands behind your back!

Hands back!



...what happened?

I put Milosz's men down.

-I tried to set them up.
-You put Milosz's men down?

Don't worry about that.
We'll take you to the lab...

...and everything
is going to be fine.

Go to the lab
and get a strong analgesic!

-Bandages. cotton swabs!
-No. we will comb the area.

Do as I say. damn it!

Do you still love me?

I love you.

And I will always love you.

Me too.

... 19, over.
Affirmative, 10-22.

He was a great person.

Alittle nuts
but he was good.

You think you're clever. right?

What's wrong with you?
He's gone now.


''What's wrong with you?''!
Why was he nuts?

For wanting to leave?!
For wanting his life back?!

-That's why. huh?

Look how he ended up!
And you. wanting to save us...

...injecting us your shit!

Look at my Diego.
He was like a son to you.

Stop playing God. Igor.
Let us die.

I don't give a damn about
when I'm going to die.

-I just want to know how.

It's over now.