Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - La cacería - full transcript

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Girl... you have to eat.

What do you have there?
What is it?

Did you cut yourself
with something?

No. nothing.

-I want to get out of here.
-Get Milosz on phone.

We have to tell him that our
girl is turning into a woman.



Miss. we can't wait forever.
Can't you check?

My daughter can't feel
her arms.

Please be patient. Ma'am.
We're doing everything we can.

You give her the damn vaccine.
you have to cure her.

She was fine a week ago.

What about my son?
He's just a child.

What? Are you
waiting for them to die?

We're locked in here.
we're all going to get infected.

We have lots of patients.
Go back to your seat and wait.

I've waited long enough.
my son's getting worse.

Sir. please don't upset

Go to your seat
or I'll call security.

Sweetie! Sweetie!
Help me. please!

Nurses to ER 1!
Nurses to ER 1!

-Sweetie! Please. somebody!
-Don't worry. help is coming.

Vaccines made
by Milosz Laboratories...

...caused devastating effects
among the weak population.

One out of 10 people vaccinated
have side effects...

...and symptoms such as
partial paralysis...

...severe headache,

Do you have anything to say?

This is serious
for the company. Roman.

This is a delicate matter.
That's what you have to say.

We didn't prevent
side effects...

...and let's
take into account...

...that those affected
will sue us for damages.

This is a delicate matter.
we'll pay for damages.

That's what you need to say.

Milosz Laboratory stocks
went down as expected.

The loss of credibility
in the patent...

...made the investors
sell all of their stocks...

...decreasing the value
of the stocks 39% in two days.

That's what she has to say.

AGerman company made an offer
to buy your patents.

That way we can guarantee
some cash-flow.

-Let's save what's left.
-Save what's left?

I've worked for 40 years...

...and I won't let a bunch
of convulsing idiots in an ER...

...make me
''save what's left''.

You should know me better.

-Is there another choice?
-Of course!

That's why you. with your
master's degree and influence...

...work as a provider. and I'm
the owner of a corporation.

Make an appointment
with Michael Hudson.

Michael Hudson?
He didn't make an offer?

You're a provider. provide.
Make that appointment for today.


What's going on?

Don't you know?

Do you want to get in?

My family's killed.

That's what's going on.

I don't get it.

I think they went after me.

Your American friends.

Your project partners.

Why would they do that?

You need to help me.

I can't go home. We have
to figure out what's going on.

Let's go inside.
I'll make some calls...

...and we'll find out
what's going on.

I need you to come with me.

What are you
doing with that. Igor?

You're a scientist.
you don't know how to use that.

-You're upset.
-Don't test me!

They killed my family. I don't
know if you're on their side.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm your partner.
you can trust me.

If something happened
to your family...

...we'll find the people
who did it.

The first thing we'll do
is go to your lab.

My lab?

You mean ''our lab''.

No. It's your lab.

The one you never told
your partner about.

Long time no see.

Yes. long time.
Thank you. thank you.

It seems
you're in trouble again.


Everyone knows.

Nothing we can't fix.

Especially with the help
of one of your connections.

My dear Roman. I'm here
under strict secrecy.

Very well.


What's this?

It's a girl.

It's a locked up girl. What
are you trying to get me into?

Check her age.

Nine years old.

Nine years old
seven years ago.

Remember our experiments
back in the 70's?

I don't know
what you're saying.

You don't need to be so
discreet. you're among friends.

Things didn't go that well
30 years ago.

Not well at all.

Drop your guns!

And then what?

Do you think you'll get
out of here alive?

The Americans
will fuck you up.

I don't care about
the Americans.

Tell them to drop their guns
if you want to keep your head.

I have a clean shot. sir.
should I do it?

Lower your gun!
Put it on the floor. easy!

Hands behind your head.
On your head.

Give me the keys.

Everybody out! Out!

Let's go. go!

Stop. Yamel.
he's not worth it.

Let's go. let's go!

Come on. let's go!


Are they still behind us?

-Where's Rosita?
-I don't know.

-What do you mean?
-I don't know.

Someone's coming.


What is it?

-I can't do it anymore.
-What do you mean?

It's Diego.

That way.

Make one last effort.
they're after us.

We'll report them
to the authorities.

One last effort.
come on. Rosita.

-We're almost out.
-Come on!

Hang in there.

We're almost there.


I don't think Diego will
make it. He's in bad shape.

I hope Igor can do
something for him.

Hey. where are you going?

Where do you think
I'm going. ''Princess''?

Dressed like that?

I've stolen more
than clothes in my life.

That's easy to get.

We can't be apart.

Watch me.

They'll come looking for us.
we have to stick together.

What for?

To protect each other.

Yeah. sure.


I don't want leeches.

No one wants to go with you.

We'll go our way.

Good luck.

Those who want to go.
you know where we'll be.

But you can't say a word.

I want to go with my parents.

Call Michael Hudson right away.

Tell him there's a mutiny.
that I'm agonizing.

That I fought
with my bear hands.

Tell him there's an infiltrator
paid by their enemies.

But... it was Dr. Igor who...

Dr. Igor?

You'll explain to him
that the experiments...

...subsidized for years
by the Americans...

...were sabotaged by him.

And that he took the formula.

And you'll tell him that
many patients escaped.

That we lost control
in 24 hours.

What about the truth?

When you're done. tell him
where you want to be executed...

...as well as me.
him and everybody else!

I get it. Dr. Milosz.

The mutiny was organized
by a traitor...

...and paid by an enemy
of Hudson.

That you're trying
to save my life.

Tell him he should know
who his enemies are.

They only way to stay alive...

...is taking care
of the witnesses.

Tell him we have everything
under control.

Is everything under control?

Do we still have enough
armed guards?

Afew. sir.

Find them.

Wherever they are.
Each one of them. right now!

Yes. Doctor.

I don't care with whom...

...or where they are.

I want you to take
care of them.

Ma'am. can I borrow
10 cents to make a call?


Thank you.


Hello. Caifa?

Who's this?

What do you mean
who's this. brother?


Where were you?

I've been...


I'm glad
you picked up the phone.

I'm in town.
and I need to talk to you.

Can I see you in the hood.
at the soda fountain?

The soda fountain's closed,
it's just a lot.

Okay. in the lot then.

-Okay, I'll meet you there.




Hug me.

How do you feel?

Bad. I can hardly breathe.

It's that shit they put in us.

Relax. hon.

My brother will come soon
and will take us to a doctor.

This is Montserrat.

Why didn't you want us
to meet back home?

Some men came
after you called.

-Some men?

Yes. asking questions about you.
They threatened dad.

They said you're
a fugitive from justice.

We thought you
were dead. Yolanda.

They are already
looking for us.

-I don't know what to do.
-You can't go home.

You can't call either.
The phones must be tapped.

Why did you have
to do this to us?

My parents aren't involved
in your political activities.

This doesn't have anything
to do with that. Lalo.

We weren't kidnapped
by the police but by doctors.

No. I don't wanna know.
I can't know!

You endangered us all.

Mom almost died
when you disappeared.

They want to kill us.

You need to be responsible
for what you've done.

You got into an armed fight
and we're innocent.


Take it.

Leave town.
Then you can call our aunt.

But wait a while because
they must be watching us.

Let's go. Montse.

I can't do
anything else for now.

Or they'll catch you
and all of us.


...I'm glad to know
you're okay.

I'm not okay.

But... I'll call you later.

Thanks for the money.


...tell mom and dad...

...that I really miss them.

Who knows what drugs
they put in you. Yamel.

What you're saying
doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make sense?

Does this make
any sense or not?

It would if the government
kidnapped and tortured you.

It'd make sense if you said
you had to leave the country.

The government doesn't have
anything to do with this.

These are private groups.

They used us as guinea pigs.

Do you know if the government
was supporting them?

-No. I'm not certain of that.
-What are you gonna do?

Make a public statement?

That would get you killed
really quickly.

That would disrespect the memory
of our fallen friends.

Many people were killed
at the plaza that day.

Many others died after that.

We managed to get
a few out of the country.

But we don't know
what happened to many of them.

That's what I'm saying:
many are still alive.

Maybe there are more
labs like that one.

Some of us were tortured.

We saw executions.

Don't give me
your alien stories.


Who's that?


We need your help.

I know you. right?

My politics teacher.
Hector. right?

-That's not my name anymore.
-We want to sell you some guns.

Straight to the point. right?

We don't have much time.

Not even soldiers here
use these kind of guns.

These are from the U.S.

Where did you get them?

How many can you sell me?

We have three more.

How much do you want?

We can give them
to you for free...

-For free?

If you hide us.



You're very tough. right?

You rule the hood now?

Or are you trying
to take my place?

So. did you miss me?

How are things
after all this time?

Everything changed
when you left.

What's that?

Now you have tattoos?
Since when?

Since he hangs out with us.
''missing person.''

''Pollito. ''

Long time no see.

I'm not ''Pollo''. brother.
I'm ''Piranha'' now.

We thought you were dead.

-You know how it is...
-You were better off dead.

What's up with them?

Now we command
this territory.

You don't belong here
anymore. ''Tadis.''

If you're gone.
you should stay gone.

I live here.
This is my hood.

No. Maybe you can live here.
But it's not yours anymore.

It's mine.

If you want to live here...

...you should ask me nicely.

On your knees.

Right. guys?

Relax. Tadis.

You're wrong. buddy.

Why did you come back?

Go on. Caifa.

Kill him quickly.
That's me being nice.

What did they do to you?


How did you get out?
Did they let you?

We planned it for years.

The opportunity came.

My child. do you want
to go to a hospital?

No. Not a hospital. please.

We'll call Dr. Diaz.
He knows you well.

He loves you
and he's like family.

What are we gonna tell him?

What happened?

Most of them are very sick.

Some won't even make it
through the night.

My son's really sick too.

Igor. they injected him
with that shit.

We can't be here for long.
they'll will find us.

I told you so.

Igor. we can't treat them all.

I need to take care of Diego.

We're responsible
for all of them.

This is my fault.

Your fault?

Igor. we didn't know
what was going on.

That's exactly why.

There's a fine line between
being ignorant and dumb.

This can't be.
They weren't this bad.

If they received that last
sample we tested on the rats...

It's the abstinence.

Open air and light...

...is killing them.

I think you owe me
an explanation. right?

What's your role
in all of this?

-I need to go out.
-No. Mateo. don't.

I need to tell my wife
Diego is fine.

Mateo. we don't know
who we are dealing with.

You can put us all at risk.

What do we do. then?

We need to go back
to the sewers.

What? Did I hear correctly?
Are you serious?

The serum's there.
It's the only way to save them.

-I won't go back there.
-There's no other choice.

-He's right. Yamel.
-I'd rather die.

If you don't get another shot.
you surely will...

Stop. she's got a point.

-I can't do it!
-Do you know what I've lost?

He's lost his family.

We're in this together.

We can get some sleep
in San Cristobal.

Then we'll go to Guatemala.

They won't go looking
for us there.

And from there we can go to...


My leg's collapsing.

God knows
what they put in us.

You're getting all red.

You'll look like an Apache.

Are you sleeping?




Count them.

Your turn.

Go on.

Let's go.

Hurry up!

Come on!

-Feel his pulse.
-I can't.


We have to get him up.

Help me!

Let's get him up!
Okay. one. two. three!

Let's go! Hurry!
That way!

There's an operating room here.

Easy. easy.

Mateo. go and find
some anesthesia. Go!

Okay. press here.
Really hard.

Hurry! Hurry!

There's just this.

We're back in here.

Where we met.

Okay. okay.

But now, 40 years later...

...through a slow
work process...

...we managed to synthesize
the hormone.

I thought about
calling it ''Sau''...

...based on the Chinese tale...

...about the three
universal energies. which are:

''Fuk''. happiness.
''Luk''. wealth.

And ''Sau'' longevity.

The Chinese will love the idea.
they're one billion there.

I can't offer the world
the formula...

...for wealth and happiness.

But I can offer
the longevity formula.

Are you serious?

Yes. really serious.

We need to investigate
a bit more...

...but we'll need your help
in order to win back the trust...

...of the people
at the corporation.

You trusted me once.

We can't let a bunch of people
sick with flu to destroy this.

We're almost here.
It's all for us.

The happiness. the wealth.

And ''Sau''. longevity.

Don't do anything to me.
We're just following orders.

You'll follow new orders now.

Listen to me.

You'll go up to the surface
and find Dr. Milosz.

Say I'll meet him in two hours
at the usual place.

He should go alone.

If something happens to me.
it's all over.

But Dr. Igor. Dr. Milosz
doesn't care about our lives.

-He just...
-I know that!

He doesn't care
about your lives.

But he does care about this.

You need to put an end
to that killing. Roman.

I didn't start it.

Yeah. right.

How many people have you killed
in order to make experiments...

...for the Americans
behind our backs?

Where do you think I got the
cash for your experiments. Igor?

If my hands are stained
with blood it's because of you.

You'll have my family's blood
on your conscience.

I mean. if you have one.

I'm sorry about your family.
This wouldn't have happened...

...if Mateo had
stopped the threats.

And if you hadn't
kidnapped Diego.

Let's be clear...

...you started this
and you'll end it.

If something happens to me...

...I'll take with me
to my grave...

...that secret
you want to know so badly.

I can't stop them
from chasing you...

...if you go around threatening
to take it public.

Now the threat is real.

Stop killing my people...

...or this will be
international news.

I have all the evidence
against you.

Several friends abroad
have it right now.

What guarantees me
that you won't do that?


I'm just doing this because
I have a community to protect.

They're dying because of you.

And because of me.

That's why
you'll stop your thugs.

You'll buy my silence
for as long as necessary.

It's not a bad deal, Roman.

Think about it.

If I see an armed man
in the sewertunnels again...

...you can kiss
your corporation goodbye.

And, Roman...

...what happened to my family
won't go unpunished forever.

Yamel says hi.

That's all.
Thank you very much.

Through an unexpected
change of events...

...the firm
''McHenry-Douglas & Hudson''...

...will invest a large amount.
no yet specified...

...but estimated
in millions of dollars...

...to the financial recovery
of Milosz Laboratory.

Through a press conference,
Michael Hudson stated...

...that the situation at Milosz
Laboratory is under control.

And that medicine is not
always an exact science.

The stock market
response was immediate...

...and Milosz Lab. stocks
are up again...

...like they were
before the crisis.


You can see what we normally
go through in this family.

My daughter expects you
to be up to this.

I will never match that.

I better quit now.

-What's wrong with you?
-What do you mean?

You're not happy with my family.
Nothing makes you happy.

I'm happy. I'm ecstatic.

Look at me.

I don't like you right now.

No. thank you.


What is it?

Doctor, I'm sorry
for bothering you.

Yes. what is it?

It's about the girl.
She has impending growth.

Impending? Children's feet grow.
Don't bother with that.

No, doctor, it's not
about her shoes.

She just reached puberty.

What do you mean?

So. we don't have much time.
You know what to do.

Yes, doctor.

What should we do
about the girl?

Speed up the tests. I don't care
if you have to intubate her.

What are you doing here?

I'm biting my nails.

Get in the car.
They might see you.

Do I look that bad?

How can you make jokes
after what's happened?

There's always time for humor.
And I have time to spare.

I can't believe this.

''Seek and you shall find''.
like old people used to say.

I can't even look
at Milosz' eyes.

That happened to me.


But he didn't kill your mom.

No. he just killed me
while I was alive.

Try to relax.
Your dad will always be...

...the man who brought you up
at the orphanage home.


I met him once.


Oh. Ulises.

Give me a hug.

How can you ask me to pretend
that I know nothing?

Roman Milosz killed my mother.

That's what you say. right?

Igor doesn't talk about her.

If he managed to endure
this situation for decades...

...maybe you can learn something
about his temperance.

Igor made his own choices.

For example.
he did abandon me.

Don't judge him. Ulises.
Put yourself in his shoes.

He didn't have any other choice.

He wasn't gonna take
a kid to the sewer.

He sacrificed himself
for all of us.

He's keeping us alive.

I can see that.
My dad. the hero.

We need your help. Ulises.

You have to keep Milosz' trust.
He can't suspect anything.

What for?

We need to know
where Renata is.

Milosz is up to something.
something big.

Everything was calm.
but things are on the move now.

I can't believe
you're 60 years old.

Put them in line.

I'll take the kid.
Take them there.

Doctor. help us. please!