Dream Raider (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

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Unit Two calling
0508.0508, do you copy?

We have a Code A3

500m south of Riverside Road.

Please attend to it right away.

0508 copy, heading
over with 0634 now.

I picked up my kid
from school today.

She said my ex had been
practising steaming fish.

You think she's trying
to get back with me?

Just because she's
been steaming fish?

How does that make
any sense? —It does!

Steamed fish is the
easiest dish to prepare

and it's my personal favourite.

All the screwed up things
you've seen as a cop

have made you so
jaded and cynical

you don't understand

basic human sentiments anymore.

Yeah well, I
certainly didn't see

your divorce coming.

Which department are you from?

Northern District Criminal
Investigation Bureau.

This is under Southern
District's jurisdiction.

Yeah, we'll talk about
jurisdiction later.

Brief us on the
case. —Yes, madam.

We have a drunk truck driver

who crashed into the
car in front of him.

He slammed on the brakes

and his truck
flipped, hitting...

The victim by the river is dead.

Get an IV going on this girl.

Is that injury
from this accident?

No, it doesn't look
like a fresh wound.

It's already scabbed over.

Her vital signs are stable.

Send her to the hospital. —Wait!

It's OK. I'm a police officer.

You're safe now.

Save them.

Save them.


So why did you
ask me to come in?

You were out cycling
at this hour?

My doctor said I have
fatty liver disease.

There was a truck accident
on Riverside Road.

The victims are sisters
who were reported missing.

Wang Yuxuan is in the
hospital right now.

Wang Mengqi is dead.

We're waiting for
the autopsy report.

I noticed something unusual.

These wounds weren't
caused by the accident.

Hey, wait a minute.
Riverside Road?

That's under Southern
District's jurisdiction.

Not if it's on this
side of the river.

Wang Yuxuan collapsed
on Riverside Road

and Wang Mengqi
died by the river.

Exactly! Since she
died by the river

leave it to the
Southern District.

We don't have the
resources like they do.

Let them have the case.

Wang Yuxuan grabbed my hand

before she passed out.

"Save them." That
was what she said.

I suspect there
are other victims.

Just give me three
days to look into it.

You have 48 hours.

Thanks, Captain.

Can I get back to
my cycling now?

Take care of that
fatty liver of yours.

Dr Qin, when will
Wang Yuxuan come to?

She's a seven on the coma scale.

She might end up in
a vegetative state.

Any explanation for
the wound on her nape?

Beats me. But it will
leave a permanent scar.

Is it so important to you

that she wakes up right now?

I have something very
important to ask her.

I suspect there
are other victims

besides her and her dead sister.

We had a spate of girls going
missing and it could be related.


As a doctor, I shouldn't
be telling you this

but I have a daughter myself.

Here's the thing.

Years ago, I attended a
lecture by a professor

from Northern
District University.

He invented a machine

that seemed to allow people

to communicate through
the subconscious.

I think it might
be helpful to you.

How do I contact him?

I don't know.

I remember seeing
him in the news once.

There was an accident
in his laboratory

and he was sent to
jail, if I'm not wrong.

Do your own research.

Control Centre, open the
door to Block 9 cell #4.

4894, you have a visitor.

Cheng Tianli, I'm
Detective Li Xiao.

I agreed to this meeting

so I could say no to your face.

This is Wang Yuxuan and
this is Wang Mengqi.

These girls were
reported missing.

Not interested?

Does this pique
your interest now?

I need your dream
raiding technology

to communicate with Wang
Yuxuan who's comatose

so I can save the
other missing girls.

I'm never using that
technology again.

People have been killed by it.

Sir, the visit's over.

Dr Cheng, I'm Detective Li Xiao.

Can you spare me five
minutes of your time?

Did something happen to my dad?

No, he's fine.

I'm in the middle of a case

involving many missing girls.

The only lead I have right now

is a girl who's comatose.

What has that got to do with me?

You got your PhD in
neural engineering

at the tender age of 24.

You're studying noetic science

in California now, right?

Since you did your homework

you should know I'm not
a doctor of medicine.

I can't help you.

I might be able to
communicate with

the girl who's comatose

using your father's
dream raiding machine.

That was his research
on the impact of

dendritic properties on
synaptic integration.

It revolutionised the academia's

long-held understanding

of the human thought
and consciousness.

But the machine
itself was a disaster.

Those missing girls
might be in grave danger.

I haven't seen him in ten years.

He wouldn't even
let me visit once.

I can't help you.

Can you operate his
dream raiding machine?

That wonderful invention of his

killed two people I loved.

And it ruined his life.

Dr Cheng.

Call me, if you
change your mind.

Our thoughts produce

electrical impulses
in the brain.

So, if my brain can receive

the electrical impulses
from your brain

I'd be able to know
what you're thinking

and how you're feeling.

What the dream
raiding machine does

is read the electrical
impulses from the brain.

Although it's not
developed enough

to establish a direct
two-way communication

it allows you to enter
the subject's dreamscape

and experience what
the subject is feeling.

This is a huge breakthrough

in the field of
neural engineering.

When was the last time
you operated the machine?

Last month. I came to
warm up the machine.

I learnt to do it all by myself

using Professor Cheng's manual.

So you weren't present
during his experiments?

Come on, that was ten years ago.

I was still in
junior high school.

Thank you for
agreeing to help me.

I'm doing it for
the missing girls.

Can you operate the
dream raiding machine?

I was around for most
of his experiments.

I think I remember the steps.

He's Xie Xiaoyu, an assistant from
the Department of Neural Engineering.

She's Professor Cheng's
daughter, Dr Cheng Anya.

I can't believe I'm
shaking hands with

Professor Cheng's daughter.

It's great to see you!

Dr Cheng, I bet you'd
want to see this.

I ran the calibration
and simulation tests

before you got here.

According to the manual

the results indicate the
machine is working fine.

So this is the disaster
you were saying?

Li Xiao, Wang Yuxuan's family

has given their consent.

She's on her way to you.

Remember, safety first.

Don't do anything risky.

I don't want to be writing

another report to the brass.

My goodness!

Have you seen anything
like this before?

No, but the wound
looks bone-deep.

So how do we do this?

We'll plug this
into her brain stem.

You're jamming that
thing into her brain?

We're just puncturing the skin

not going through the skull.

The circle of pins you see

are electrodes to conduct
electrical impulses.

When it comes into contact
with the brain stem

it'll read the
electrical impulses

produced in her brain.

So... do we proceed?


So what happens
after I'm plugged in?

Once you're
successfully connected

you'll be in her mind.

You might feel like you woke up

but you're actually
in her dreamscape.

Will I be able to question her?

You'll be in her dreamscape.

You will feel what
she's feeling.

So... can I question her?

Yes. —Good.

Although you're
in her dreamscape

your brain will register
it as the real world.

Whatever happens to you in there

your mind will
react the same way

as it would in the real world.

I get it. I'll figure
it out once I'm inside.

No, you don't get it.

Where does it hurt? —My hand.

No, it's not your hand
telling you you're hurt.

It's your mind.

An amputee can still feel pain

in the limb that was amputated.

Doctors call it the
phantom limb syndrome.

If you get hurt
in her dreamscape

your mind will send
out pain signals

until you leave her dreamscape.

What if I die in her dreamscape?

That hasn't happened
to anyone yet.

Are you getting cold feet?

No, I'm going to
save those girls.

There's always a
first for everything.

Come on, let's do it.


I'll be gentle.

Try it again.

You marked out the
spot, didn't you?

Yes, I did.

Dream Raiding
Programme initiated.

Five, four, three...

two, one.

You're up.

You passed out for a whole hour.

Where's Wang Yuxuan?

She's over there.

You didn't manage to
enter her dreamscape.

What's Cheng Anya doing?

She's going in in your stead.

Dream Raiding
Programme initiated.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Wang Yuxuan!

What's wrong?

Dr Cheng's gone.

She's lying right there.

She's trapped in Wang
Yuxuan's dreamscape.

What are you waiting
for? Turn it off!

No, the human brain
isn't a computer.

You can't just reboot it.

Fine, I'll go and
wake her up. —Wait!

If you try to shake her awake

you might disrupt
the main signal

and she'll be stuck
in there for good.

Cheng Anya is in trouble.

Professor Cheng, you're my hero.

I just need you to
man the power switch.

Pull us out once the
electrical activity

in Anya's brain normalises.

Don't touch anything else.

I won't, Professor.

Out of my way!

What if you get trapped
inside like she is?

I'm used to confinement.

Let's begin.

Machine Three reset
complete. Get ready.

Five, four, three, two, one.




Anya! —Cheng Tianli.

Who are you?

I'm your hidden desire.

Who do you truly desire?

This isn't my dreamscape.

What are you doing here?

Who says I am?












Anya, this is a dream! Wake up!

Shit! Something's wrong
with Professor Cheng.

Hurry, pull him out.

I can't, he told me
not to touch anything.

He said we could
only pull them out

after Dr Cheng's brain
activity normalises.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high


Anya, you're finally awake.

You were so noisy.

Don't look down!

Thank you, Nurse.
Please send her back.

What did you see
in her dreamscape?

I went in there to
save my daughter

not help you with your case.

So, what did you see in there?

Her brain is severely damaged.

It's just a bunch
of random images

that won't be of
any help to you.

Wang Yuxuan's dreamscape

could be a reflection
of her emotions.

We can use
psychoanalysis to uncover

the hidden meaning
behind those images.

Using Freud's The
Interpretation Of Dreams

from a century ago?

No, I mean Perls'
Gestalt therapy.

She's in a coma.

How is she going
to undergo therapy?

You saw her dreamscape.

I'm not her. What I
saw is irrelevant.

Calm down.

Let's discuss this calmly.

This will only work
if we can find the key

to interpreting the
images in her dreamscape

or we'll just be
shooting in the dark.

That place looked
like a steel mill.

I saw a woman in red outside.

Wang Yuxuan? —No.

That woman knew me.

She shouldn't be in Wang
Yuxuan's dreamscape.

It's like she was planted there.

Could it just be noise?

It was too clear to be noise.

So what happened?

I saw dozens upon
dozens of girls

lining up to enter
the steel mill.

They walked up the
stairs onto a platform

where they jumped
into the smelter

and to their deaths
one after another.

That's horrible!

I don't remember any of that.

You were in the queue too.

You were about to
jump into the smelter

when I grabbed your
hand to stop you.

Did you come across anything

about a steel mill in
your investigation?

No. —I'm not surprised.

Because that steel
mill isn't real.

It exists only in
her dreamscape.

Making forced connections
to random incidents

is not science.

It's superstition and ignorance!

Who knew Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star

would wake you up.

You used to sing it to me

when you put me to bed.

Before you got so busy

I hardly saw you anymore.

I remember giving
you books to read.

Did you really
think a six-year-old

would understand
general relativity?

Why wouldn't you
let me visit you?

I wanted you to
have your own life.

Ten fricking years.

I had been worried about you

for the last ten years.

You didn't even
write me a letter

or send me a message.

I had no idea if you
were dead or alive.

I had to make sure my
phone was always on

just in case the prison calls

to tell me you're dead.

Now you're telling
me you did that

so I could live my own life?

Professor Cheng.

My life is just
fine without you.

I'm sorry I haven't
been of much help.

You've gone above and beyond.

It's not easy
being his daughter.

We never did spend
much time together.

What happened ten years ago?

I wasn't there that day.

The experiment went awry
and a fire broke out.

My dad's partner, Mo
Qifeng, died in that fire.

Uncle Mo's wife, Li'an

ended up in a vegetative state.

Show me the photos of

the wound on the
victim's nape again.


PZ, P2, P0.

O1, OZ... O2.

What's that?


It's a procedure where
invasive electrodes

are implanted directly

onto the exposed
surface of the brain

to record electrical impulses

from the cerebral cortex.

The F-shaped wound
corresponds to

the common positioning
of the electrodes.

It's on the nape, at
the same spot where

I was plugged to the
dream raiding machine.

The figure-eight
arrangement of electrodes

is pretty similar to
the shape of the wound.

That's not the figure eight.

It's the infinity symbol.

Why the use of
invasive electrodes?

To obtain stronger
electrical impulses

to connect the minds of
all the test subjects.

Why did the kidnapper

want to connect
their minds as one?

I can't remember what happened

in Wang Yuxuan's dreamscape

but I know I wasn't scared

when I was stuck in there.

This might sound strange

but I felt a sense of
belonging in there.

This connection of
minds is the key

to deciphering
Yuxuan's dreamscape.

They entered the steel mill

and jumped into the
smelter voluntarily.

A smelter is not
like an incinerator

which is meant to
burn and destroy.

A smelter melts
individual pieces of ore

and meld them as
one under high heat.

Like melding hearts
and minds into one

by connecting the
subjects' minds together.

What makes you so sure
this is the place?

If you were the kidnapper

with that many test subjects

what would you need most?


You can't do anything
without electricity.

My machine's
electrical consumption

is equivalent to that
of 50 air-conditioners.

Their setup would
need even more juice.

This place is only 1km away

from the scene of
the truck accident.

There are no other factories
within a 10km radius

yet the power consumption
of this building

is a whopping 30% of the total

residential energy
consumption in the area.

The other tell-tale sign
is every household's

energy consumption has gone up

by the same amount. —No way.

They must have installed
a backdoor program

in the power supply system.

It will take us forever
to search every floor.

Let's head straight
to the basement.

That's the only place big enough

to house the girls
and all the equipment.

Hell, the lift's not working.

We'll go first.

Hey, it could be dangerous.

0508 calling Unit Two.

Requesting for immediate backup

in the basement at
129 Riverside Road.

I repeat, we require
immediate backup.

Unauthorised personnel detected.

Self-destruct program initiated.

Enter the six-digit
passcode to abort program.

You guys crack the code.

Che Na and I will
save the girls.

100 seconds to self-destruction.

She's still alive.

A six-digit passcode?

There are a million
possible permutations.

It costs a bomb

to build a laboratory
of this scale.

The kidnapper wouldn't
want this place

to self-destruct by accident.

Which means the passcode

should be something obvious.

Incorrect passcode.

You have two more attempts.

45 seconds to self-destruction.

Hurry up! —Hey!

What's the most common passcode

people like you would use?

What do you mean,
people like me?

I think he means
us, non-geniuses.


I agree.

Incorrect passcode.

You have one last attempt.

Where have I heard
this voice before?

35 seconds to self-destruction.

Cheng Tianli, you
better crack that code

before this place
goes up in flames.

How does she know your name?

Cheng Tianli,
you'd better hurry.

25 seconds to self-destruction.

Who is she?

She's the woman in red
from the dreamscape.

You know quite a bit about
explosions, don't you?

Ten seconds to self-destruction.

Nine, eight, seven...

We're running out of time.

Six, five, four...

three, two, one.

Self-destruct program aborted.

What did you key in?

The date of the lab
explosion from ten years ago.

I can't believe you took so long

to figure out the passcode.

How disappointing.

I'm so disappointed

I'm going to destroy
all the evidence.

We'll meet again real soon.

Captain. —Good job.

I knew it. This is the work

of a large criminal syndicate.



Good job.

You remind me of
my younger self.

We need to get the girls
out. —OK, get to work.

In an operation
led by yours truly

Northern District C.I.B Team One

found 103 missing
underage females

98 of which are currently

hospitalised for treatment.

I regret to say

five of the girls
were found dead.

We're running DNA
tests to identify them

so we could contact
their families.

Hi, Hank.

You happy to see your father?

Yeah, I was.

We actually got into
quite a heated debate.

That's good.

How's your headache?

I've been taking my
medicine on time.

Did you miss me?

Last night, I ordered
your favourite

sweet and sour pork
ribs at a restaurant.

By the way, I'm
meeting Mr Watanabe

of Rhyzen Corporation tomorrow.

I'm glad my dad made
me learn Japanese.

(Japanese) Nice to
meet you, Mr Watanabe.

I've been in Taiwan
for ten years.

You can speak to me in Mandarin.

I'm Watanabe Yasutaka,
CEO of Rhyzen.

I'm Cheng Anya.

It's such a pleasure
to meet you.

Dr Cheng Anya

Rhyzen is the future of mankind.

I hope you will
join our big family.

Thank you for your offer.

This entire floor

can be your
dedicated laboratory.

If you join us

Rhyzen will fulfil
all your needs.

Dr Cheng, you'll
have unlimited budget

for your research.

This is the best offer
I've ever received.

We think very highly
of your research

in neural science

and we could most
certainly use your help

for our Super Mind project.

It's not quite what
I imagined it to be.

I thought the Super Mind project

was about brain-to-brain

but this looks a
lot more invasive.

That carries great risk.

All new technology
comes with risks.

Your research in neural science

will help us shorten
the development process.

Right now, I just want to
focus on noetic science.

Well, you don't have
to decide right away.

Why are you so focused
on noetic science?

As far as I know

noetic science is
closer to metaphysics.

Noetic science is more
important to me right now.

Perhaps I can interest Rhyzen

in funding my research
in noetic science?

I won't need an entire
floor for my lab.

I'm sorry. It's
presumptuous of me

to bring up such a request.

I shan't impose on
you any further.

Dr Cheng.

I hope you can reconsider.

We could really use
with your expertise

in neural science.

My offer stands for
the next six months.

Rhyzen and I will wait for you.

I'm sorry.


The board of
directors is furious.

We were ditching
that place anyway.

I saved them the hassle of

carting all the equipment out.

They're worried
whatever was left behind

could be traced back to us.

Whatever I left behind

I left behind on purpose.

I'm sending those cops

on a wild-goose chase
around the world.

Their last stop
will be Mauritania.

Is this all just a joke to you?

Do I look like I'm laughing?

Those two girls...

did you let them go on purpose?

So what if I did?