Dream Corp LLC (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Dream Corp LLC - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
I'm claustrophobic!
I told you, I'm claustrophobic!

This is...


Aah! Aah!

T.E.R.R.Y.: Oh, this
guy's a real screamer.

So how's the old love life, 88?
Are you still suicidally alone?

No, I've actually been
talking to a girl recently.

T.E.R.R.Y.: Yeah?
All right. I'm intrigued.

It's actually fairly new.

But I followed her,
and I liked one of her photos.

And then she liked mine back,
so I'm pretty excited about it.

T.E.R.R.Y.: Whoa! Creepy technique.
I like it. Make a note, Siri.

[Ding ding!] Follow a lady around
until she shows you a photo.

- No, don't ... No.
- No?

No, you just ... You do it
online, like, on the Internet.

T.E.R.R.Y.: Internet?

You're a robot, and you don't
know what the Internet is?

It's, like, all the world's
information at your fingertips.

You can connect
to anyone, anywhere.

Real-time photos
of your friend's food.

T.E.R.R.Y.: Photographs of food? Seriously?
I've got to check this out.

- Morning, Randy.
- Hi.


How is this helpful?

Randy: Wow. He has really
nice skin for a claustrophobic.

- Aah!
- Really nice.


[Title music]

2x02 - The Bullied

[Echoing] Ow!

It feels like it's goes
all the way to my brain.

[Echoing] It does.

[Echoing] Field cams are up.
Thank you, nurse.

A truly sad and paralyzing
case of claustrophobia,

- [echoing] very exciting.
- [Echoing] Catholic guilt. Boy Scout?

Eagle Scout, actually.
Highest honor.

Randy: All right.
We have a clean brain scan,

and you are clear
for takeoff, Maverick.

- Thanks, Randy.
- Goose!

- Huh?
- Goose!

[music from Top Gun]

♪ So ... ♪

- No. I just can't.
- Why?

I can't today, Randy.
I'm a bit hungover, okay?

That's your decision.

Oh, you're going to be great.

Just remember, don't move
too quickly in there.

We don't want to lose you
to a coma or worse.

- Coma?
- Or worse. Now...

let's calibrate, shall we?



Let's turn and burn, doctor!

I'll see you in there, 37.

I'm really excited for you.





This is great!
There's so much space!

- Where are we?
- This is calibration, 37.

Take a deep breath.

You're safe here.

Did you feel that?

Oh! I can't move!
Is this part of it?

Uh, yes, actually.

Well, no, or else your brain
has ... aah! ...

dangerously rejected the treatment.

It's too soon to tell.

Watch out, T.E.R.R.Y., wet floor.

Oh. Hey, T.E.R.R.Y.
How are you liking the Internet?

How are you liking
your menial job, Pedro?

- What?
- I read your file.

You're a quarter Mexican,
and the Internet tells me

I can't trust you people.

T.E.R.R.Y., that is very offensive.

- Gay!
- T.E.R.R.Y., no!

At least you can hide among us.

Can't do that with
a name like Ahmed.

Unfortunately, it's true.
Though, in societies past,

the broad alliance between
groups, religious or otherwise,

has served as a building block
for the advancement of civilization.

So if we built coalitions
of mutual understanding,

it would be beneficial for us all.

- That's really beautiful.
- I'm Ahmed, by the way.

- Yeah, I know.
- All right.

Leave it for the comment
section, yeah?

Oh, check this out!


How'd he get in there?

I feel small, tiny,
insignificant, Dr. Roberts!

- Come on. Come on.
- Oh.

Go. Go, go.





T.E.R.R.Y.: You're the most
qualified human here,

and yet, you're on the very
bottom of the career ladder.

Why? For the mere crime
of being a woman.

I just started working here.

Oh, right. Fine.

So that means you can just
stand by and let the old white

patriarchy dictate what
goes on in your uterus, huh?

What is wrong with you, T.E.R.R.Y.?

Finally, you're asking
questions, sister.

Doctor, this is Mrs. Bernson.

She was our den mother
in Eagle Scouts.




Yeah! Oh!

[Male voice] Help me.

- Hi.
- Jesus Christ!

Happy Easter.

Slow down!

Don't panic, 37!
Randy, pull me out!

Randy: I call you Maverick.

You call me Goose.


Someone burning toast?

I'm fine.


[Drill whirring]

T.E.R.R.Y., Randy is looking for you.

- What are you ...
- Ah! Don't you people ever knock?

- I'm sorry!
- I put a sock on the door!

- Very sorry, T.E.R.R.Y.
- Just...

I've just got to go and...
with, uh, Randy.

Dr. Roberts!

Dr. Roberts:
Tell him. I say it out loud.

I say, "Don't panic.
Don't move too quickly."

They always do.
They always do.

[37 screams]

[Breathing heavily]

[Dog barks, cat screeches]

Dr. Roberts:
Let the flood happen, 37.

It's just the confluence
of religion and oppression.

It's all in your mind, all very natural.

T.E.R.R.Y.: Oh, oh, yeah!
Flamethrower! Use a grenade!

Takeshi, grenade!
Yes, you got him!

Skaterbadboy92 is going in.

T.E.R.R.Y., get off the Internet!
You're supposed to be working.

No, he's not my dad.
He just acts like he is.

What the fuck, T.E.R.R.Y.?
Hurry up!

I hate you all.
I'm going to my room.

- No, he's just ... He's a loser.
- How did he get a modem?

Shit, that's me.
I'm sorry.

- He said he'd never been online.
- He's been on the Internet.

He just doesn't remember.
We cleared his cookies.

The Internet is highly addictive.

If you're not careful,
it will turn you into a monster.

- That's how we lost Joe 12.
- I hate Joe 12.

I like the food pictures, though.

37: I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!

Come on! I want to wake up!
I want to wake up!

Dreams of drowning or
suffocation often tell of

the dreamer's fear of being
overwhelmed or dominated.

- Who is that, Schrodinger?
- Fiona Starr.

- Motion sickness.
- Once you're above water,

keep an eye out for childhood memories.

- Randy!
- Call me Goose!

What is Goo... Goose?
I don't know what that ...

I don't know what you mean.

Seriously? You still haven't
seen "Top Gun" yet?

Jesus Christ. Rent it!

Well, as soon as we get the
modem back, I'll put it on my ...



[Phone ringing]


[Phone ringing]

Kill the pig!
Slit his throat!

Chanting: Kill the pig!
Slit his throat!

[High-pitched indistinct shouting]


Kill the pig!
Slit his throat!

Ah, bullies.

Hi, would you take 2 minutes
to like and share this petition?

You'll never believe
what happens next.

Dr. Roberts: T.E.R.R.Y.?
I'm sorry, but I'm going

to have to reset some of
your parental controls.

Please, no.
No, I need this. I...

No, I ...
No, don't take me offline!

I ... What about my followers,
the people whose lives

I've threatened because of
my staunch Christian values?

I've got to write a blog.

[Powering down]


Good day, Doctor.
Coffee, anyone?

37: Aah! Oh! Oh!

- Ohh...
- Ugh, this guy is a real screamer.

Let me out! Let me out!

I almost died in a fridge
when I was a kid!

- I can't breathe! Help!
- You're not that person anymore, 37.

- You guys, help me! You guys. Help me!
- They can't hurt you here.

Come on, I want to wake up!
I want to wake up! Help!

I thought Boy Scouts
were always prepared.

Am I right, huh?
Am I right?

T.E.R.R.Y., that's it.
Find the solution. Think.

You're a Boy Scout, aren't you?

- Eagle Scout?
- Helpful. Friendly. Courageous.

You're a Boy Scout, aren't you?


Eagle Scout!

Ah! Aha!

Eagle Scout!

Aah! [Gasps]

Welcome back, and congratulations.

Do you or someone you know enjoy
multiple flavors of popcorn?

Regular, caramel, cheddar, other.

Dr. Roberts: 37, step into my office.

Step into my office.

- Isn't this your office?
- Yes, it is.

Please, choose a seat.

- Ahh.
- How do you feel?


Patient 37 seems to be adjusting
to confined spaces nicely.

Breathing is steady.
No panic present.

Patient 37's claustrophobia
seems to be dormant.

I think he's healed.

Schedule a follow-up
appointment just to be safe.

Small charge for debit.
Pill for discomfort.

- [Chuckles] It's cheddar.
- Oh.
