Dream Corp LLC (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Dream Corp LLC - full transcript

Patient 54 is an elderly client who is trying to quit smoking. She leaves Dream Corp a new woman. 88 gets stabbed in the neck.

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Take it away, Dr. Roberts.

Thank you, Dr. Roberts.

This prescription ... it's gonna
be great for you, patient 88.

Having a job, a future,
being part of a team?

It's gonna do wonders
for your erections.

- You think so?
- Oh, it's what you've needed all along.

Good, honest work. Here.
Put these on.

I need people to think you're a doctor.

Have a great first day, patient 88.

1x02 - "The Smoking Nun"

Morning. Dr. Roberts is
on the way with patient 88.

Coffee, anyone?

Everyone, you remember 88,
the fully qualified doctor?

Hey, smiley.

Patient 54 is trying to quit smoking.

I've been a smoker my whole life.

But I figured it's time to quit
since I'm trying to get pregnant.

That's wonderful.

Just a little, uh, pinch.

P.O.V. cameras are up,

and we are mapping
patient 54's subconscious.

This tube hurts.

No, you're good.

Let's give 54 a quick
selecoxabrin sanadrol injection,

- number 5.
- Oh. That would kill her.

Right. I know.

We'll, um ...
We'll ...

- Sedate her.
- Sedate her. I said it first.

Ahmed, knock her out!

Let's see if we can kick
this nasty smoking thing.

88. Please put a baby in me.

- What?
- Doctor, due to her age,

I think we should really
watch her vitals.

88, stay with her.

It's all on you now.

So, 88, how do you like
the new gig?

I think we're gonna
watch this woman die,

and then we're all going to jail.

Dr. Roberts can
break out of any jail.


- Oh!
- Doc.


- Doc.
- Oh!

- Doc, she's moving around a lot.
- Oh!

It's okay, 88.
Temporary dream rage.

- Just, uh, stand your ground.
- What? Doc.

Where is my coffee mug?


Looks like she's trying to find
the sharpest tool, Doc.

Okay. Whose is this?
Who's mug is this?

I think she's found one

that she's satisfied
with how sharp it is.

- Is this it?
- No. Mine has a smiley face on it.

No. It's not sharp enough.
She's sharpening it.

Really diligent
with that grinder, doc.

It's almost like
she's used one before.

- Doc!
- I don't understand why

the mugs just keep disappearing.

I mean, I can't have
a cup of coffee in this place.

I-I'm not putting them anywhere.

Now she's kind of testing out
different swing styles.

I'm a little worried
'cause she's looking at me.

Look at mine. When it's filled with
hot water, the bikini disappears.

I've got the same mug with
your mother on it. Hey-oh!

Yeah, my mom did a little
modeling when she was younger.

She's looking
right at me, Doc! Doc!


- Okay.
- He's down.

Thank God she's okay.
All right.

I'm gonna go out
and calibrate her.

All right.

Okay, Randy.

Is everything all right, Doctor?

A bumpy takeoff.
Not to worry.

Everything's fine.

- He's dead.
- Time of death, 9:37 A.M.

Tough first day.

Siri, places to dump the body
near me.

He's alive!

- T.E.R.R.Y., let's go get him cleaned up.
- Copy that.

We thought you were dead.

Patient 54, we're almost in.

Now, look to your left.

Tell me what you see.

One of those
poor men swinging a sign.

I hate those guys.

Look into the sign, 54.

Look deep into the sign.

Move that sign spinner's sign.
Control it.

Spin that sign.
Spin it.

Calibration complete.

Hello, slut.

Who are these lizards to you?

Sandra and Carol Kallenet.

They were nasty to me.

They started a rumor
that I was a hussy,

and it wasn't true.

- Correction! Slut.
- Slut.

- You took my father's virginity.
- Okay, 54. Take a deep breath.

Hold up both hands,
palms towards you.

Lower all your fingers
except for the middle ones.

Feels good, doesn't it?

Feels good, doesn't it?

Bye, Kallenet sisters.

Oh, no, no.

Let's go deeper, 54.

Let's go deeper, 54.

How we looking, Randy?

You look great, but, uh, my
eczema has been acting up, so...


- Oh!
- Doctor!

Doc, you may want to jump in there.
Her heart is slowing down.

Her blood pressure
is really low, Doc.

88, get me a hot turkey dinner.

Doctor, I advise that you get in
there. Her temperature's dropping.

I need to go to the hospital.

Oh, you don't need a hospital.
You're a doctor.


I-I'm in my father's house.


patient 54 has come face to face,
if you will, with a clock,

which indicates
time is running out.

I don't think smoking
is the main issue here.

The snow is concealing something.


I'll take it from here.

Very cool.

Hello, gorgeous.

What's a pretty girl like you
doing all by herself?

All by herself.

May I have this dance?

Come on.
Come on.

What's this?
You don't need these.

Silly, pretty thing.

They're not allowed
on school grounds.

My prom!
Oh, and I never got to go.

- Can I confess something to you?
- Anything.

Smoking is the only secret
I ever kept from my father.

I promised my father
and the Lord, God, Jesus,

that I would not
have vaginal intercourse

until after I was married,

and then only for the purpose
of having a baby.

Do you hear how that sounds
when you say it out loud?

Well, I never got married.

I-I would like to have sex
before I die.

Oh, take my innocence,
Dr. Roberts.

Of course.

If it'll help you quit smoking.


♪ Crying over you ♪

♪ Crying over you ♪

♪ Yes, now you're gone ♪

♪ And from this moment on ♪

It's been a while for me, too.

♪ I'll be crying ♪

♪ Crying ♪

♪ Crying ♪

♪ Crying ♪

♪ Yeah, crying ♪

♪ Crying ♪

- # Over #
- 88, if that's not giving you a boner,

I don't know what will.

♪ You ♪

That was truly amazing work in there.

Phenomenal, dear.

Oh. How rude of me.

- Would you like one?
- No, dear.

Are you sure?

And you are...

I did it.

Keep in touch.

That's really great.

And I took Joey's head
and just put it on my body.

You have a beautiful body, Randy.

- Oh.
- Great work today, 88.

Yeah, no, I-I'm not ...

I'm not coming in
tomorrow, and I'm probably

never gonna come in again after that.

Oh, working here is an
integral part of your therapy.

Being employed,
being part of a team.

I was stabbed in the neck.

We all get stabbed in the neck
at one point or another.

- Yep.
- Is that a m... a metaphor?

See you tomorrow.

Good night, Dr. Roberts.

- Do you want to play a game?
- What kind of game?

- Let's play Slippery Pete.
- What's that?

All right...

Yeah. Get a snap of that.