Drama Special (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 13 - Came to Me and Became a Star - full transcript

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Room 301!

How are you?

Not good!

I live off rent and I'm not getting any.

So how do you think I am?

I'm sorry.

I'll pay it all at once
when I get my overdue pay.

That's what you always say.

You've used up most of your deposit now.

You don't have much left.

I know.
Please just give me a little more time.

Only to the end of this month.

If you can't pay,

you've got to vacate as soon as possible.

Come here.


-Come on...
-Why? Stop it.

-What's wrong with you?
-Come here.

Stop fooling around.

-Keep it down.

The room next door can hear everything.

-Come on.
-Stop it.


Keep it down.

Honey... Stop fooling around.


Hello? Hey! Do you know what time it is?

I told you these hostels
have paper thin walls!

If they fart in the room next door,

I smell to check if I did it!

You thoughtless prick!

You're worse than a dog!

-I told you to keep it down.

Yeah, Jincheol?

(Came to Me and Became a Star)

(Came to Me and Became a Star)


You hand in your resignation so easily.

So what?

It's not like I can't find work
somewhere else.

I'm Kim Jincheol.

That youngster thinks he's everything
just because he's a section chief.

But life is long.

You don't win
until you reach the finish line.

Don't you agree?


What a joke.

What's wrong with this guy?

How can you win
when the starting line is different?

You were born 50m ahead of me
in a 100m race.

What's he saying?

Your parents bought you a car
for getting into university.

You got real estate for graduating.

Start off from the same line?

Same line, my foot.

I have a bad credit standing
because of my student loans.

We didn't start off from the same line.

You've only run 50m.

But if you claim to run 100m
in eight seconds...

What are you? Usain Bolt?

Is that winning?

Tell me, you jerk.

What do you know?

Do you think I cruise through life?

Yeah, I do.


How can you win when the start is unfair?


Try to understand.


It's been over two years
for his mom, right?

Two years?
It's almost four years already.


Your insides are all twisted.
That's why you can't drink properly.

Just throw up.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Please turn down the volume.

It's too loud.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I've turned down the volume.

Let's go, Gangseok.

No, it's nothing.

I wish it was a joke too.

It's a 100 percent true story.

So you're drinking
with your deposit money?

You're crazy.


I drink so I don't go crazy.

You fool.

But why a student hostel?

It's cramped, right?

It's totally tiny.

It feels like being trapped
in a broken elevator.

(Narae's Student Hostel)

A constant...

A and B.

The severance pay isn't much.

You use it first.

But you're unemployed.

Take it back.

When I earn 1,000 dollars,
I spend 1,500 dollars.

When I earn 10,000 dollars,
I spend 20,000 dollars.

Just think that you're holding
on to it for me.


Do you know what I fear the most
in this world?

It's debt.

I'll just pretend I lost it in stocks.

I also have a favor to ask.

A favor?

I'll do it whatever it is.

But put this away.

You said you'll do whatever it is.

Don't change your mind later.

If you're not a hot shot office worker,

you can't even show
your business card there.

I'm sending you only
because I've become unemployed.

It's pay day today.

But we won't get paid, right?

Most likely not.

Are they telling us to live on air?

Should we look for another job instead?

If you come up with a hit item
at toy companies like ours.

You can live off it for the next 10 years.

The game robot we imported from Japan.

Just the pre-orders on
that are worth heaps!

We'll be getting a huge lump sum.

Just hang in there.

Hajin, do you want to go to a party?

A party in this situation?

Excuse me! Room 303.

Room 303.

Oh, I'm in room 203.

What a shame.

Oh, hello.

If you ever need anything, please ask me.


Let me borrow your computer.

I want to check if my wife sent me
an email from the US.

Just check your email.

Don't sneak in a game of go-stop
like last time.

Can't I just play once?


Look at what I've got!

Seriously, no.

I told you not to eat this on the subway.

Hurry up and apologize!


Why did it have to be white?

It wouldn't show
if you were wearing black.


Why did you have
to pick strawberry flavor?

It wouldn't show if it was pear or lemon.

That's because strawberry tastes best.

How's this? Can you tell?

No. It looks so much better.


Be careful from next time, promise?

How old are you?

Eight years old.

Hey, the thing is...

I have arrived but...

This really isn't my thing.

Stop being like that.

Everyone does things like that
to meet girls and they live fine.

Hey, you're human too.

Shouldn't you have reason
to laugh at times?

I'm sorry


Hurry up.

Excuse me.

Are you an elementary school teacher?

Or kindergarten?



You dropped it.

Oh, we sell this at our company.

It's a toy company.

You were asking about suing
for not being paid?

Yes, for my friend.

First, with the lawsuit.

Should we go over there?

Find a lover and earn a prize.

Meeting party event!

We have a couple
with 98 percent compatibility.

Jin Gangseok and Lee Hajin.


Please come to the front.

She's beautiful.

Over here, please.

Nice. Please stand there.

Their fortune, personality
and compatibility,

even what they look for in a partner
all add up to 98 percent.

A round of applause, please.

Let's see if they have the same
feelings for each other.

We'll exchange glances for 10 seconds.

Please start the music.

10 seconds!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

We'll stop there.

Is it love or the prize?

The time has come to choose.

If you both select each other,

a luxurious full course date
is prepared for you.

If you don't like each other.

See that rice cooker there?

You can point to that rice cooker.

Got that?

Please take one each.

Take that.

The time has come to decide.

Please close your eyes.

Please close them and decide.

Okay, here we go.

Is it going to be a partner or a prize?

Three, two, one. Point!


We have an amazing result.

Please open your eyes.

Open your eyes and take a look.

You're worse than a rice cooker.

What a shame.


Excuse me...

...I'll give you a ride.

It's okay.

Your scarf is very pretty.

Aren't you curious?

Excuse me?

Of all those people,

we were the most compatible
with each other.

Don't you want to know...

...what kind of person I am?

That information
wouldn't be too trustworthy.

The more I think of it,
the more I feel bad.

Excuse me?

Think about it.

I lost to a rice cooker.

How could I not feel bad?

I knew I wasn't popular with girls but...

...am I really worse than a rice cooker?

Am I really worth
less than a rice cooker?


Maybe we were destined to meet.

You must really believe in that stuff.


I've never believed in that stuff before.

But still...

...I want to believe in it.

It's okay.

Please stop the car here.

We're almost there.

It's this building, right?

The seat belt.

Oh, just a minute.

It's not working again.


Oh, my goodness!

Why is this...

I'm sorry.

It's heavy. Please go in.

You go first.

Please hurry.

Oh, okay.

Come inside.

You were mom's first love, not her son.

A desperate first love.

She didn't want to show you
herself like this.

Right, mom?

What about your husband?

He's getting physical therapy
and looking after the kids.

I don't know how we'll repay you.

I would've paid a caretaker
if you didn't take it.

We can't leave mom by herself.

-My friend told me.

He was there just filling in as well.

So I asked them to look into it.


Why did you do that?

We're in no position to do that...

Are you lacking in some way?


You've got a pretty high salary.

But I have nothing left.

You can't forget that.

How humane is that?

They didn't ask
about your spending though.

He gets paid over 100,000 dollars.

By luck you've struck a gold mine.

I'm so jealous.

The meeting party.

We're not even qualified.

It's all conglomerate workers
and professionals.

Some girls do blind dates
five times a week...

...to take care of their dinners
and to go out.

A rich guy just popped
right into your life.

And what? You think he's too good for you?

We're not really in the position to...

What's wrong with our position?

It's not our fault.

It's the boss who abuses us
and doesn't pay us.

He's the crook. Am I wrong?


What is it?

Hello, boss.

I just wanted to thank you all...

...for not complaining or being discontent
despite our difficult circumstances.


The goods are being delivered from Osaka.

It'll get a speedy clearance.

Once we get all the goods
out to the stores.

You'll be able to get all your pay
in October.

Let's work hard
until the Christmas season!

Let's do it!

(Jin Gangseok)

The weather's nice.

Should we go outside?


I know a famous place near here.

Want to go?

No. It's okay.

I see.

I forgot I had something to do.

I'm sorry. I'll go first.

Take care.

Excuse me, wait.

Don't go.

Did you...

You didn't, right?

What are you thinking?

Did you really?

Oh, geez.

What will I do?

Don't laugh.

I'm sorry.

I said not to laugh.

You said this last time.

That we could be destined to meet.

It was too ridiculous to believe.

But then it bothered me not to believe it.

I felt a bit like that.


I believe it.

Oh, come on. Stop fooling around.

Do you mean it?

Else, I don't have the guts
to make you mine.

So I decided to just believe it.

That this is fate.


It's okay.


Do you want cotton candy?

How do you get good at math?

Well, if you actually like math.

No way.

That's even harder.

Oh, you were really bad at math, right?

Yes, I was really bad.

Are you upset?

I was bad at math too.

It's okay.

It's really good, try.

You should go.

Why are you smiling?

The first day I took you home.

You were looking at my car until I left.

That box must've been so heavy.

But you kept standing here.

Watching me.


The thing is...

I thought of that face
to work up the courage.

That's how I decided to call you.

It felt like you'd be waiting
for my call...

...with the same face.

I'd better go.

Sir, you've exceeded your limit.

Oh, right.

-Here you go.
-I've received 50 dollars.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

Excuse me, Miss Kim.

That tutoring job you mentioned last time.

Have you found a tutor?

Not yet.

Do you want it?


That's great.

Use this as the signifier
and find the incorrect answer.

Question one.
The square root of 64 is 8...

The cubed root of negative 27
is negative 3.

Moving on.

Mr Jin, where are you going?

Where are you going?

-See you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.

My mom was always busy.

She went to work early
and came home late.

No one ever looked out for me...

...when I went to school and came home.

I'll compliment you a lot from now on.

I'll be there to always
keep my eye on you.

You worked hard today.

Well done.

It's a present.

Some things just don't work even
if you try hard.

At times like that...

"Good work."

"Well done."

It's good to compliment
yourself like that.

Hajin, have you left?

Not yet. Something's come up.
I think I'll be late.

Around 30 minutes.

I'll wait in front of your house.

Take your time.



Mister, it's been ages
since your room changed.

How long are you going to keep this up?

My love has left.

My friends have left.

My children have left.

Without money, everything leaves.

Please get up.

She can't get out of her room.



Get up.

-Miss. Room 203.

I'll open the door slightly.

Will you come out?

I'm a little scared.

I promise I'll get rid of him
by the time you get back.






Get up already!

My son!

Come here, my son.


My son.

You can come out now. Room 203.



I'm busy today.

When did I laugh?

You brat.

(Haengbok Capital Jo Gwanhui)

(Haengbok Capital Jo Gwanhui)

(Power Off)

(Are you sure you want
to turn off your phone?)

Brighten up a little.

People will think you're the one
that fell over.

Is something up?

There's a lot I want to say.

But I'll hold it for now.

When I'm ready...

I'll confess everything.


How much I...

...want to tell you I love you.

And how much I...

...want to ask you to marry me.

That's not really...

Why's it so backed up?

-Why's there so much traffic?
-I'm sorry.

I'm a little short on funds.

I don't think I can right now.

I'll transfer it in three days.

I can't right now.

I get my pay in three days.

Is there no way?

Would I plead like this if I had a choice?

Look here. I know I did the wrong thing.

But I can hardly get by right now.

How can you ask for the full amount?

If I had the money,
I would've paid you already!

No, that's not it...



Can't you see that it's all blocked up?

I want to race ahead too!

I want to get out of here!


Hey, don't take my picture.


I'm really sorry.

I'll teach through the break
to make up for it.

We need to poop during break time.

Then let's make up for it on the weekend.

I'm busy on the weekend.


Since our time's precious,
let's start the lesson first.


Refund our money. 12 minutes worth.

Or should we call it even with ice cream?

Just give me the money. I'll go buy it.

Quiet down. I'll buy it next time.

No. Why?

-Buy it now!

Now! Now!

I don't have...

...any cash on me.

Are you kidding me?

You can use your card.

Card! Card! Card!

-Stop it...
-What a cheapskate.

-So stingy.
-What is this?

Come on.

Buy us ice cream.

-Buy it for us!
-Ice cream! Ice cream!

Ice cream!

I told you to stop!

I'm so sorry. There's been a problem
at the shipping company.

So shipping has been delayed.

What am I to do
if I can't get in touch with them?


A strike?

An article just went up?

You didn't know?

What? You did see signs?

Hey, are you kidding me?

I'm getting contract cancellations
left and right.

How will you take responsibility for this?

Hi, Hajin. The money
didn't come in this month.

Are you very busy?

You know you're my joy, right?

Where were you looking?

You'll get hurt like that.

What are you doing here?


I wanted to see your face
while I was around.

Oh, geez.

I'm not in the mood to laugh.

And yet I'm smiling again.

Are you busy today?

Hurry off then.

See you.

What's wrong with this girl?

Excuse me. Hey!

Are you okay? Hey!

Excuse me!

Excuse me!

Thank you.

It was too late at night.

I promise to buy you
pretty shoes next time.

Get going.


Can't I...

Can't I have a cup of tea?

Next time.

I'd like to rest.

What's wrong with me?

You just got out of the hospital.

The doctor said you needed
to get a good rest.

Go inside.


I'm sorry. I'll move it.


(Lee Hajin)

The person you have called
is not available...

(Narae's Student Hostel)

Hajin, wait.

You have a lot of mail.

You should take them.


Isn't that him? Teacher?

There's mail for room 303 too.

Just wait a minute.

What's wrong?

Do you know each other?

Wait, this...

Hajin, please come out.

Please let's talk, Hajin.

Let's just talk!

Hajin! Hajin!

It won't take long. Let's talk.


-Let's talk, Hajin.

What are you doing in front of my room?


It won't take long. Come out, Hajin.

Get out of my way.


Let's just talk face to face.


Mister, I told you
this is the women's floor.



-I get it!
-Hajin, come out.

Please, let's talk.

So a couple has been birthed
in this dump!

This hostel full of lowlifes.

Yet love has blossomed.

Please stop.

Would you look at that!

Would you look at that!

Two beggars have fallen in love!

An extra 100 dollars on rent for a window.

I first found out at the hostel.

That even the sun isn't shared fairly
in this world.

I told myself it'd only be for a month.

But I think I'll be here for awhile.

I don't even have a window
in my tiny room.

And to think that you're
there right above me.

It's revolting.

And suffocating.

I think we should break up.


If we encourage each other.

Did you know?

If you share sadness,
it's divided into two.

But with poverty.

It just doubles.

I'm not a loser. I can make it.

It's just that right now.

I've paid back a lot of the debt
I inherited.

If I just pay
for my mother's hospital fees.

It'll all be over soon. All of it.

So please...

Can't you wait for me?

How long is soon?

Wait till when?

Until your ill mother passes away?


That's right.

How long do you want me to wait?

A month?

A year?

You can't answer me.

Who knows if it'll take five years
or 10 years?


I'm afraid these days.

Realizing that I've hit rock bottom.

I want to meet a rich man
and climb back up.

Not Jin Gangseok,
who's tied up with debt...

...and a sick mother in the hospital.

I must've loved the Jin Gangseok
that earned 100,000 dollars a year.

This is me.

I could just wish and wait for your
mother to die to satisfy my greed.

This is how...

...messed up I am.

Do you really think you could love me?


If it's you.

I have so much responsibility
and other things to take care of.

You're the first thing I've ever wanted.

I want you. I don't want to lose you.

I think I'll die without you!

Do you know how hard it was
for me to get to this point?

Think I don't have your petty worries?


You're insane.

Yeah, I am insane.
That's how badly I love you.

I'm also scared it'll take five years
or 10 years.

I'm scared that I'll lose you!

I only ever wished for my mom to wake up.

Then I found myself praying this.


"Haven't I done enough?"

"Can't I be happy now?"

"Please leave."

"Please leave, mom."

"Before she does."

I want to go and shut off...

...my mom's life support,
so I can stay with you.


I don't want this.

This is why I don't want this.

Why must I talk about this...

...with the man I love?

You tell me you love me.

But why does it feel so cold?


Before we lose all feelings
for each other.

Let's end it here.



Are you drunk?




What's wrong? What happened?


Stop crying, okay?

Mom will be sad.


(Jin Gangseok)

The room's nice and clean.

The veranda's over there.

That's the bathroom.

This is the large room
and this is the small one.

Take a good look around.

You have no chance with that amount.

I'm only doing this for you because
you're paying two year's rent up front.

I'm sorry about lying.

I'm sorry too.

Willful negligence is also lying.

You look peaceful.

Even if you don't want to leave.

Sending you is the right thing to do.

What's this?

I'm chasing you away
because it's hard to face you.

(Gangseo-gu, Seoul 240-1 #B102)

I'm staying at my mom's
in the countryside.

It'll be your house for two years.

Whether you vacate it or not.

Just do as you wish.

I'm not doing this for you.

Rather than regretting sending you away.

I just can't stand sending you away.

Without doing anything for you.

If I don't do this.

I'm afraid that it'll be
like a bone in my throat...

...for the rest of my life.

For me...

I've received a gift,

that's beyond description.

Thank you.

When I look back on my life
in the future.

If there's one thing I did right.

It'd probably be meeting you
and falling in love.

And one thing even better than that...

...is sending you off right now.


I'm okay.

Crimes with no reasons.

It refers to crimes that stem from...

...anger against society
and attacking random people.

The hostel fire that caused
around 10 deaths...

...is another crime with no reasons...

...committed by a disgruntled man
in his 40s.

Reporter Hwang Jeongu has the story.

The criminal was a father
who's wife and children were in the US.

He lived alone at the hostel...

...providing money
for his children's education...

...after his business went bankrupt.

But money troubles caused a conflict...

...in the family,
and they lost contact with him.

Hi, mom.

I'm at the terminal.

I was going to go tomorrow.
It just ended up this way.

(15 hostel residents
have been rescued)

It's nothing. I'm fine.

Nothing's wrong.

Can't I just turn up with a surprise?

Do I have to have a problem
to go see you?

The authorities have received reports
that the fire started on the 3rd floor...

...and are looking
into the exact cause of it.

It won't fit.

-Push it in.
-It won't fit.

Please hurry it up so we can get in.


-Just a minute.
-You're blocking my way.

What's wrong with her?

Hurry it up.

-Get on with it?
-Hurry, please.

Just wait. It's all over the floor.

I have so much responsibility
and other things to take care of.

You're the first thing I've ever wanted.

I want you. I don't want to lose you.
I think I'll die without you!

There's a lot I want to say.

But I'll hold it for now.


How much I...

...want to tell you I love you.

And how much I...

...want to ask you to marry me.

When I look back on my life in the future.

If there's one thing I did right.

It'd probably be meeting you
and falling in love.

And one thing even better than that.

Is sending you off right now.

-She did the wrong thing.
-Excuse me.

-What are you doing?
-What's wrong with you?

-What's she doing?
-Watch her bag.

Take it easy, gosh.

(2 Years Later)

(Gangseo-gu, Seoul 240-1 #B102)