Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Oh, Brother - full transcript

Elbone's older brother Albone pays a visit to Huttsgalor; Chief Duggard lets Elbone be chief for the day; the Rescue Riders must race to clean up messes before Elbone is embarrassed in front of his brother.

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[music playing]

♪ Everybody needs a hero ♪

♪ Someone to save the day ♪

♪ We’ve got a wing to ride on ♪

♪ We are the bold and brave ♪

♪ Look to the sky and
you will find us ♪

♪ High above the world ♪

♪ Racin’ through the sky ♪

♪ High above the world ♪

♪ We rescue and we ride ♪

♪ There’s nothing we can’t do ♪

♪ Together we can’t lose ♪

♪ We’re high above the world ♪

[Leyla] We made it, gang!

Ready to catch some
northern lobster?

[Burple panting]

First thing I wanna catch is...

my breath. [sighs]

[Winger] Wow, no wonder this is

Elbone’s favorite fishing
spot on the island.

It’s so peaceful
and quiet and...

[screams] Wet!

What was that?

I think that was water!

Uh, thanks, Burps.

I meant, where did it come from?

[all scream]


[all] Ahh.

Really wish it came
from somewhere else.


- Whoa!
- Hey!

What was that for?


You’re in my feeding spot.

Gludge, there’s plenty of room

for all of us to
fish in this cove.

No, there’s not.

We can take turns and...

I don’t do turns.

- Okay, then maybe we can...
- [Gludge] No.


[all scream]

[both] Ugh!


Come on.

We don’t need his
permission to fish here!

Let’s just do this.

All right. Go ahead.

Uh, really?

I’ll just go over by the town

and fish near the docks.

Hope I don’t accidentally
crush any boats

or swallow any fishermen...

[all gasp]

But my eyes aren’t very good,

so you never know.

Okay. We get it, Gludge.

We’ll stay away from this cove

and you’ll stay away
from Huttsgalor.

Knew you’d see it my way.

- Ta-ta.
- [all] Whoa!

Come on, maybe Elbone
caught something good today.

Huh. Elbone’s not
at his fish stand.

Oh, that’s ’cause

he’s over at that stand.

Looks like he has
a new business.

And it’s a... success?

Must be a big success...
He got new clothes.

Looks like you finally
figured out how to make

your Awesome Blossoms
a big hit, huh?

Congrats, Elbone!

Thanks. It’s actually
pronounced "Albone."

[both] Hmm?

Ooh. Got a fancy new name too.

You’re not Elbone, are you?

Nope, I’m his twin
brother, Albone.

And I know who you
are... The Rescue Riders!

Anything you want,
hey, it’s on the house!

Mm? Hmm...

On the house? Which house?

"On the house"
means free, Burple.

Oh, that makes much more sense!

Let’s see...

Little Red might like
some Summer Roses...


And how about some
Mountain Lilacs

for Big Purple?

They’re beautiful!

- [chomps]
- [Albone laughs]

And delicious!

Hey, what about me?

And I know what you’re
probably thinking:

"What about me?"

For the spiky guy...

a very spiky plant!

Gotta say, it
looks just like me.


It’s nice to meet you, Albone.

You know, your brother Elbone
had a flower business too.

He did? That’s news to me!

But I don’t just sell flowers.
I’m a man of many businesses!

In fact, today I have...

Albone’s Sandy Dandies!

Beautiful shell jewelry
that’ll come in handy!

And how about Stones by Albone!

Marble statues made
fast and built to last.

And of course...

Far and Wide Guides!

Maps for distant places
and tight spaces!

Whoa. Where’s this?

Ahh, a map of the
infamously confusing

Puzzle Tunnels of Guttsgalor.

I mapped them myself.

Elbone’s tried businesses
just like all of these!

"Tried" being the key word.

[Aggro] I can’t believe this
guy is Elbone’s brother.

They’re complete opposites.

Well, Dak and I are pretty
different too, right?

- [Albone] Come again!
- Huh?

So do you happen to know
where I can find my brother?

Where’s Elbone? Probably lost.

What did the dragon say?

Uh, he said he’s probably
on his houseboat.

[Leyla] Elbone?
Elbone, are you home?

I don’t think he’s here.

But I did find these guys!


Hm, Elbone never goes anywhere

without Rocky,
Shelly, and Crystal.

Uh, these are his...

Oh, you don’t have
to explain it to me.

Elbone’s always had
unusual friends.

When he was a kid, he had
a leaf named, well, "Leif."

Until he blew away
one windy day...


If you want to stay in town,

we’ll find Elbone for you.

I’m sure Duggard’s seen him.

Of course I’ve seen Elbone!

I’ve seen him fishing,
farming, fancy dancing.

Do you need more examples?

Uh, we mean, have
you seen him today?

- No, I have not.
- Oh.

You don’t think Elbone
could be in trouble, do you?

Well, if he’s not in
town or on his boat,

he could be anywhere.

And knowing Elbone,
anywhere dangerous.

Come on, gang, let’s wing it!

I’ll come for the wingin’!

- Elbone!
- Elbone!


[all] Elbone!

[Burple] El-bonus? El-bizzle?

[all] Elbone?

- [screams]
- [grunts]


[echoing] Elbone?

[gurgling] Elbone?

Huh. I don’t wanna worry him,

but I think we
have to tell Albone

that we can’t find his brother.

I don’t get it.

We searched the whole island!

He’s gotta be around
here somewhere!

- [Elbone] Ouch!
- [all gasp]

- [grunts] Elbone?
- [nervous laugh]

Elbone? What are you doing here?

We’ve been looking
all over for you!

Your twin brother’s in town.

I know. Why do you
think I’m hiding here?

- Ohh!
- Whoa!

Why don’t you want
to see your brother?

Did you see him?

He’s great... at everything!

No matter what he tries,
he makes it a big success.

I bet he could even map the
Maze Caves if he wanted to.

- Uh...
- I’m confused.

I thought you said
your brother Albone

was always getting
himself into trouble.

Yeah, it must be a lot of
trouble being that successful!

But look at me.

The only thing I’m
good at is fishing.

- [chomps]
- [whimpers]

Elbone, he’s your brother!

You can’t hide in here all day.

- He really wants to see you.
- Leyla’s right.

Besides, it’s not like you can
change who you are or anything.

Actually, I don’t
know about that...

- [chuckles] Hmm?
- [horn blows]


Attention, everyone!

Make way for the
Chief of Huttsgalor!

[cheering and applause]

No, no, not me. He’s
talking about...

Chief Elbone!

- [nervous laugh]
- [spits]


[all gasp]


[Burple spitting]



Are you sure this is a
good idea, Chief Duggard?

Ah... just "Duggard"
today, lassie.

And it’s not a good
idea... It’s a great idea!

I know exactly what
Elbone’s going through.

- [Dak] You do?
- Hey-hey!

[Duggard] Of course!

I have an older brother too.

They call him
Ruggard the Rugged.

Imagine living with this.

[Dak gasps]

Okay, but do you really think

Elbone can pull off
pretending to be Chief?

Oh, he’s not pretending.

As long as he wears the
Chiefly Helmet of Chiefdom,

he is Chief.

Everyone has to do
whatever he says.

- Including us?
- Yup.

Oh, boy.

It’s only for one day,

and you’ll all be there to
keep him out of trouble.

Wait, wait, wait. Us?
Where are you gonna be?

The beach!

I don’t get a lot of days off,

so I’m gonna enjoy it!

It’s so good to
see you, Brother!

[both grunting]


Oh, he’s even an amazing hugger.

This is really
something, brother.

Last time I saw you,
you were a fisherman.

Now you’re Chief.
Look at you! Ha ha!

How ’bout a tour
of Elbone’s Island?

Of course! It’s actually
called Huttsgalor.

I think because of all the huts.


Huts... galore! I get it.

Come on, we better
stay with them.

And this is the statue of
our town’s mascot, Haggis.

- May he rest in peace...
- [all gasp]

while he naps right over there!

[all sigh]

Really seems like a great
town you got here, bro.

But why would you
even want to be Chief?

You’re such a good fisherman.

Oh, sure, being a
fisherman is great,

but as Chief, I get to make

so many big, huge, important
decisions every day.

Really? Well, like what?

Oh, uh, I didn’t think

you’d actually ask me that.

I can’t wait to hear this.

Heh heh! Um...

Well, I was actually just
about to announce that, um...

today is Hooky Day!

Hook day?! That
sounds dangerous.

I think he said "Hooky" Day.

Ohh. That’s...

I don’t know what that is.

You heard me, everyone!

Hooky Day is when you
all get the day off!

[all cheer]



All right!


Well, see you guys tomorrow.

Burps, he doesn’t mean us.

Oh, heh. Right.

Hooky Day, huh?

So you just let people stop
doing their jobs for no reason?

Huh. I mean, I guess that
could be a nice idea...

Of course it’s a nice idea!

But not as nice as, uh...

- Hooky Day!
- Yay!

Dock Wash Wednesday!

That’s when my Dragon Squires
help me wash the docks!

Did he just call us
"Dragon Squires"?

I’m not sure what
"squire" means,

but it sounds important.

It’s like an assistant, Burple.

I’m not sure what
"assistant" means,

but it sounds...

It’s being a helper.

Oh! I love helping!

Oh, I get it.

With all the people gone,
you can clean easier.


Thank you.

Of course, Chief Elbone.

Your Dragon Squires
will get right on it!

[Dak] Aggro, just
go with it, huh?

Ugh. All right.


- Ahh.
- Ooh.





Whoo! Very impressive!

It is, right? Thank
you, Dragon Squires!

I have to say, the docks
do look cleaner than ever.

Whoa! Aah!

And slipperier!



I’ve got him! Whoa!

- Whoa!
- [grunts]



- [bleats]
- [grunts]

Betcha didn’t think you’d be
flying today, huh, Haggis?

Sorry, everyone.

Docks are closed
today for cleaning.

[grunts] Come on.

We better catch up to Elbone.

Yeah, who knows what
he’ll be up to next.

Now, I must say...

I’ve been to a lot
of towns in my day,

but you really sold
me on Huttsgalor.

And it’s not easy
to sell a salesman!

Thanks, Albone. [grunts]

- You okay, brother?
- [grunts]

Uh, yeah, I’m fine!

It was actually just a, uh...

- [chicken clucks]
- a demonstration

of the next big
decision I’m gonna make!

I decree that we
move these chickens

to a safer spot out of town!

Don’t say it...

Dragon Squires!

He said it.


And we’re done.

Until Elbone asks us
to move Volcano Island

ten feet to the left.

I’ve always thought it
was in the wrong place!

Burps, I think
Cutter was just...

You know, forget it.

Hi, guys!



I don’t know, Ley.

Maybe moving the
chickens out of town

wasn’t such a bad
idea after all.

See? They like it here!

- [wolves howl]
- [all gasp]



And the wolves like it here too!



H-2-outta here! Huh?



We can’t leave
the chickens here,

but we can’t take them
back to town either!

I think I know somewhere
we can take them.


Whew. They’ll be
safe here for now.

Yeah, but my hay bed won’t!

Hey! Peck somewhere else!


And that’s how I decided
to have the village

stop growing potay-toes and
start growing potah-toes.




But you know, Elbone,

there’s just one thing
I don’t understand.

How did you become Chief anyway?

Uh... um...

How did I become Chief?

Uh, that’s simple!

It’s because... um...

[gasps] I can talk to dragons!

He can?!

Oh. Right.

You can talk to dragons?

Of course! Check this out.

Rawrrrr! Ay ay
ay ay ay! Grawww!

Just go with this
one too, Burps.

Uh, wow! Very nice!

But I can’t
understand you at all.

[makes dragon sounds]

Uh, he said he can
understand me perfectly,

and I offered him
some northern lobster,

but he didn’t want any.

[gasps] I would never say no

to northern lobster!

Elbone, that’s unbelievable!

Yeah, it is, isn’t it?

Can it be taught? [gasps]

Now there’s an
interesting business idea!

Uh, no. Can’t be taught.

Can’t be learned either.

I mean, except by me.

Look, it just kinda
happened, okay?

Well, if it was going
to happen to anyone,

I’m glad it happened
to my brother.

Hehh. [laughs]

You know, after that
tour, I’m famished.

What do you have to
eat around these parts?

- Eat?
- Well, you know what?

We could head to my ship for
some freshly baked mutton pies.

New business venture...
They sell like hotcakes.

Except, well, you know,
they’re pies. [laughs]

Oh, I’ve got a much
better idea than that.

On my island, we don’t
just eat, we feast!

Dragon Squires! Prepare
the chiefly feast!

Great. Now we’re waiters?


Hmm. Kind of cold.

- [gasps]
- [Aggro growls]

[slurps] Mmm. Now,
that’s more like it!

Thank you, Dragon Squires.

You know something,
Elbone? I’m proud of you.

- You are?
- Sure.

Everyone’s always sees
me as the successful one,

but you’re pretty darn
successful yourself.

Hmm? [gasps]

[chickens squawking]

Oh, no! The chickens must
have gotten out of the Roost!

And because it’s Hooky Day,

no one is watching the grain!

- [bleating]
- [Cutter] Or the sheep!

Sure hope they don’t
go anywhere near...

- The super slippery docks!
- Aah! [grunts]



Something wrong, brother?


Elbone, what is it?

Um, it’s just...

We have to go!

Go? But we haven’t
even started eating.

Oh, we’re still gonna feast.

It’s just, uh... not here.

We’re going on a, uh...

sunset dinner cruise!

Yeah, that’s it!

Only the best for my brother!

A cruise? But there’s no wind.

No problem. Dragon Squires!

Oh! A little push, please?

You guys help him,

we’ll help with...

everything else!

[all grunting]

[gasps, grunts]

We’ll catch up to them!
This won’t take long.

- [bleats]
- [screams]

- [growls]
- [clucks]


Or we might be a while!

[chicken clucks]

Hopefully smooth sailing
from here. Literally.

Yeah, it’s not like Elbone

can get into any
trouble way out here.

A sunset dinner cruise.

Now, this is a great idea!

Oh, you’re gonna love it.

I’m taking you to my favorite
spot on the whole island!

It’s a quiet, peaceful
cove I love to fish in.

Uh, isn’t that the cove
where Gludge is feeding?

The one he told
us to stay out of!

Okay, he can get into a
lot of trouble out here.

Lots and lots of trouble!

[all shrieking]

- What are they saying?
- How would I know?

Oh, I mean, what’s
that, Dragons Squires?

[making dragon sounds]

Oh, great idea!

They say we better hurry

if we want to make it
to the cove by sunset.

[Cutter] That is
not what we said!

Okay, we’re here!

Hey, maybe it’s okay.

Maybe Gludge is gone!


Now, who wants shrimp rings?


Huh? Whoa!

[both gasp]

What’s happening?!

Gludge, leave them alone!

They didn’t know you were here!

This is still my cove.

Can’t you be reasonable?

Just this once?



- Whoa!
- Whoa!

Mmm, smells good.


Aw, not the deviled eggs!

- [grunts]
- Hey!

- [screams]
- [grunts]

I told you this is my cove.


What is that dragon
roaring about?!

[both grunt]

[nervous laugh]
You-You know...

just saying hello,
dragon-style! [laughs]

Well, can’t you talk to him?

Uh... yeah! Of course!

[makes roaring sounds]

Did that really work?

Stranger things
have happened today.

Elbone became Chief,
I was a waiter.

[gasps] He left! You did it!

I-I can’t believe it!

[both grunt]

[all gasp]

[both scream]


[all scream]

- [grunts]
- Whoa!



Hold on, brother!
I’ll catch you!

- [whimpers]
- [grunts]


I’ve been in Gludge’s
mouth before,

and trust me, it’s no
fun! He does not floss!

Aggro! Do those fire tricks you
did last time to distract Gludge!

Squire, waiter, now entertainer.

Hey, barnacle breath!

- Over here!
- Huh?

Ooh. More, more!


[spits] More!

Anytime now!

[both grunting]

Ha! Later, big guy.

Hey! I didn’t get to
try the deviled eggs.

[Leyla] Hey! They’re back!

[both pant]

Are you guys okay?!

- [gasps]
- Uh, are you okay?

[sighs] We are now
that that’s over.

The wolves were
that hard to handle?

No, the chickens. They
can be really mean.

- [clucks]
- Ow!

I just don’t get it.

That angry dragon didn’t
seem to understand you.

- It’s almost as if...
- [sighs]

I can’t really speak
dragon, Albone.

- You can’t?
- No.

And I’m not really the
Chief of Huttsgalor.

- You’re not?
- I’m sorry.

I just I wanted to impress you!

I’m really just a
boring old fisherman.

No, you’re not.

You’re an awesome fisherman!

Which is why I’ve
always looked up to you!

- You have?
- Of course.

Why do you think I
have to come up with

all these new business
ideas all the time?

To make up for being
such a lousy fisherman.

Gotta say, I did
not see that coming.

Aw, thanks, brother.

[both grunting]

Oh! Feed the bird.

Ooh. You’re a
hungry little bird.

[both laugh]

But you know, the
fisherman thing?

We may be able to do
something about that.

Lesson number one.

It’s all in the wrist.

[grunts] Give it a try!

- [grunts]
- Whoa!

- [gasps]
- Hey, hey!

I think I caught something!

[both grunting]

Oops! Uh, sorry ’bout that!

Look at that. I guess
they really are brothers.

Enjoy your day off, Chief?

Oh, it was so relaxing.

In fact, I was wondering if
Elbone would like to be Chief

for the rest of the week.

[all] No way!

You see that?

Chiefing is harder
than it looks.

[grunts] Whoa!

Now those are some clean docks!

[theme music playing]