Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003): Season 1, Episode 3 - Gohan's Hidden Powers - full transcript

After the encounter with Raditz, Goku realises he doesn't stand a chance. Only with an unlikely alliance does he have a fighting shot.

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Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z...

An uninvited guest crashed the
party on Master Roshi's island.

It was Raditz, an evil
warrior from outer space

who claimed to be
Goku's older brother!

But Raditz proved he had
little regard for family,

as he dealt Goku
a devastating kick

that left the Earth's
most powerful fighter

crumpled in the sand.

And the worst was
yet to come...

Like I said...
I'm taking your son.

If you want to
see him alive again,

I suggest you
listen closely!

That's right!
Raditz has captured Gohan!

And with his young nephew
now firmly in his clutches,

the sinister alien has
issued Goku his demands:

Join him, or suffer
the consequences.

Goku is obviously no match for
his brother's awesome power.

Is there any hope
for rescuing his son?

Find out today,
on Dragon Ball Z!

Waa! Put me down!

What's the
matter, Kakarot?

You haven't
answered me...

Let's try again.
If you want your son back,

I want you to eliminate
100 Earthlings

by this time tomorrow...
Do you understand?

That's good. Do this little job
for me and you can join us.

But fail, and I'll see
to it your son suffers

a most unpleasant end.

You coward!
Hiding behind a kid!

That's right!

That's right!

You sicko!

And besides, it won't
do you any good!

Goku isn't capable
of killing anyone!

Quiet, old man!

Kakarot is a Saiyan.

I think you'll
be very surprised

at what he's
capable of doing!

Of course, it will make no
difference either way...

Every living thing
on this planet

will be
eliminated soon.

After we've finished
our current job,

I've decided the Earth
will be our next target.

You what?

Heh. Even without Kakarot,

three Saiyans should be
more than enough for the job.

We could conquer this puny
planet in our sleep.

So you see, brother,

whether you kill 100
Earthlings now or not,

in the end the
result is the same.

Leave Gohan
out of this...

I wish I could, Kakarot...

But you understand,
I need to give you

a little extra incentive
to do what I've asked.

Let him go.

Hm. Just look at
how pathetic you are.

Please, brother...
Show some pride.

You have until tomorrow.
Try to enjoy it.


Put me down!
Put me down! Daddy!

I'm expecting great
things from you, brother!

Don't let me down!


Daddy! Help me!

Gohan! Gohan...


Are you alright?

I'm sorry, but there was
nothing that we could do, Goku.


No! Goku, wait!

You can't!
You'll be killed!

Do you really think
you can beat him

if you go after
him right now?

I've got to try!

We need
to use our heads!

He's stronger
than you, Goku!

We're going to have
to outsmart him.

Easy! Easy! That's it...


I hope
Gohan's all right.

Don't worry...

If he wanted to hurt Gohan,
he would have done it.

It's you that he's
really interested in.

That guy's a beast,
and... He stunk.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Me, too...

I've got it!

His tail!
That's his weakness.

Remember when someone
grabbed my tail?

It hurt...
I couldn't move.

Good thinking!

That's crazy!

He's not just gonna let you
waltz up and grab his tail!

I know. Which is
why I'll need some help.

Now, wait a minute, Goku...
You don't mean, uh...

Don't worry!
Krillin and I are ready!

We'll put that space pirate
of business, won't we?

Well, if there's
three of us...

I guess
it's possible...

but not likely!

Heeey, wait a second...

If anything should
happen to me,

you'll wish me back with
the Dragon Balls, right?

You can count on me!
I'll do it!

Wait, you guys...
It's no use...

I'm sorry, Krillin.

You've already been
brought back to life

with the Dragon Balls
once before...

So has Master Roshi.

So, that's it...
If either of you die again,

this time...
It's for keeps.

The dragon won't grant the
same wish more than once.

I know...
It's risky.


a bummer.

Yeah. You guys
should just stay here.

And let you
fight alone?!

Yeah! That'd
be suicide!

You think we're
just gonna sit here

while you go off
to get killed?

What am I saying?

I'm gonna get
creamed out there!

This stinks!
I'm too young to go!

I've never even
had a girlfriend!

Hold on! I think I've got
a way out of this mess!

All we have to do is
gather the Dragon Balls.

Then we can ask the
Dragon to save the planet!

That should work!

Yeah! Why not?

Krillin, we can't gather
all those balls in one day.

Oh, yeah...
That's right.

Well, I say we go right now
and attack him head on!


That's the one thing
he'd never expect.

It might give us an edge and
we need everything we can get.

But, how are we
going to find him?

I don't know! I haven't
figured that part out yet.

Wait! I know!

Gohan had a Dragon Ball
on his hat, didn't he?

So we can use the
Dragon Radar!

Look! You see?

That's them there!
Man, that's fast!

Thanks, Bulma!

Sure! Don't mention it!


It stopped!

Well, at least they're
not in outer-space somewhere!

Alright, then.
I'm going after him!

What do you say, guys?
You ready?

Yeah! You
never know!

We might just
beat that idiot!

I'm in! Let's go!

Well, whatever happens,

you two should know that you're
the best pupils I've ever had.

You'll never succeed!
You're too weak!


Oh, great!
What else could go wrong today?

I suppose you
could make me angry.

But I wouldn't
advise it.

So... What do
you want, Piccolo?

Yes... Why are you here?
This is my island!

I've been keeping an eye
on your last visitor.

I followed
him here.

Oh yeah? What do
you know about him?

I know this much...

The only chance we have of
winning is if I go with you.

I know we're enemies,
but hear me out!

You've seen how
powerful he is.

Which means you know
as well as I do,

neither of us have the strength
to stand up to him alone.

We'd be dead before
the fight started...


If we team up, there's
a slight possibility

we can overpower him.
It's the only way...


I don't know.
Why should I trust you?

How do I know you
won't turn on me?

The truth is, you don't.

I won't lie to you.

My reasons for doing this
are purely selfish...

I could care less what
happens to your son.

But I won't let this guy
take over the Earth...

I plan to do it myself!

If we team up...

As much as the
idea sickens me,

I'm willing to put
our differences aside.

But as far as I'm concerned,
this truce is only temporary.

The next time
we meet...

...it will be as enemies,
same as always.

And when
that time comes...

I promise I'll do
everything in my power

to stop you from
taking over the world!

But until then...

It looks like
we're a team...

You've got a deal.

Alright, then...
Let's consider it done!

If you can stand
to work with me

then I suppose I can
bear working with you.

But don't forget...

When this is over, our
alliance is terminated.


Bulma, we're gonna need to
borrow your Dragon Radar.

Oh... Right, Goku!

Hey Piccolo!

Think you'll be able to keep
up with the Flying Nimbus?

Yeah, right!

Are you kidding?

I'll be embarrassed if
you can keep up with me

on that silly
little toy.

Be careful, Goku!

I don't know
how to feel about this.

I mean, should I be
relieved or not?

Wow! I still can't believe
that just happened.

It's incredible!

What, seriously?

Think about it...

Those two are the most
powerful fighters

the Earth has to offer...

And together they
might actually win!

I don't know!

Do you guys really think
we can trust Piccolo?

I don't trust him.

Oh, get over it,
will ya'?

This is going to be the
fight of the century!

Come on! What are
we waiting for?

Fire up those jets, Bulma!
We're going after them!

I think I'm turning
into a clean freak...

I guess I'm
just nervous...

I do wish those two
would get back soon.

That Gohan...
I'm so proud.

He's studied so hard
to learn his math...

Hmm... Maybe he should
be a scientist.

That bully. I hate him...
Big jerk.


O-Oh yeah?

My dad could lift
that too, you know!

Shut up!
Stop crying!

I don't know
why you're so mean!

I didn't do
anything to you!

Quiet! You fool!
Be strong!

You are one of the
brave Saiyans too!

Ahh! Put me down!
Put me down!

There! You can come
out when you quiet down.

Ahh... That's
much better.


Let me out! Don't go!

Please! Come back!


Now maybe I can round
up something to eat.

A power level of 710?

This says it's within fifty
meters of here! But where?

What?! Kakarot's kid?

But there's no... but that's
what my scouter's indicating.

There's no way a boy could
have such a high power level!

Piece of junk.
It's broken.

Hmph. Faulty piece
of equipment...

Gave me a bit
of a scare.

We're getting close!

We should land soon so
we can sneak up on him!

Forget it!
It's no good!

What? But we'll
have a much better chance

of winning if
we surprise him!

He's wearing a device that
can detect our power levels.

He can track our
exact location!

What? You're saying he
already knows we're on the way?

I'm saying it's
very likely!

Alright then! I guess that
leaves us only one choice...

We attack him
head on!

Next time,
I'll cook the meat!

This thing's still
going haywire!

And I didn't even
bring the manual...

Still 710!

Piece of junk...


A power level of 650?

No. There's two...
One's 320 and the other's 330.

Kakarot has a power
level of 330,

but Kakarot wouldn't
be coming here...

He can't beat me,
and he knows it.

Besides, he has
no idea where I am.

That's it... This thing
is driving me crazy.

I need to
take it easy!

What the...

Kakarot is here!

But, if
my scouter's not broken...

No... This can't be accurate!

It is impossible for
a child that small

to have a power level
of 710! I'm sure of it!

Well, well, well.

Look who's decided to drop
in. It's little brother.

Oh, and he's brought
the green man with him.

I was wondering who that
second insignificant blip

on my scouter
might be.

I confess, I didn't
expect it to be you.

What a pleasant surprise.

I have to hand it
to you, brother...

I didn't think I'd see
you 'til tomorrow.

You're a little more
resourceful than I thought.

And more
foolish as well.

We'll see about that!

Fair enough... So, what
brings you here, Kakarot?

Do tell... Have you already
eliminated 100 Earthlings?

I'm here to get my
son back... Where is he?

That's my Daddy!

You are testing
my patience, Kakarot...

I've been more than
generous with you, so far.

Now for the
last time,

I strongly recommend
that you join us!

I don't care what
you recommend!

The answer is still no!

That hurt!

You should listen
to your big brother.

As far as I'm concerned,
I don't have a brother!

Alright then...

You can have it
your way, Kakarot.

I didn't come here
to kill you...

But it seems you
have left me no choice.

It's too bad,
little brother!

I do think you would've
found the life

of a Saiyan to be
quite invigorating!

I've heard enough talk!

You know why we're here!
So let's get on with it!

Huh? Piccolo!

I had no idea you trained
with weighted clothing, too.

What? Thought you
were the only one?

Oh, yeah. I feel
much lighter now.

Hm... His
power level's gone up to 400.

There's thirty pounds...

and here's fifty,
and another fifty!

And two
little fivers!

That oughta do it, Piccolo,

unless you can think
of something else.

What am I,
your tailor?

Do you two really think

that's going to
make a difference?

Fools! Who do
you think I am?

A few weights aren't
going to affect

the outcome of
this fight!

I'm still ten times
stronger than you are!

That may be true!

But strength isn't the
only thing that matters!

Not when you can
outsmart your opponent.

You really don't have
a clue, do you brother?

You know what? I think
I've decided I don't want you

to join us anymore...

A fool like you would
only slow us down.

You're a disgrace
to all Saiyans!

Now prepare to die!

H-He's so fast!

I've never seen anyone
move like that.

It's like he disappeared.

I couldn't follow his
movements at all!

One second,
he was in front of us.

And then the next, it was...

Well, I'll give you this...
You know how to take a punch.

Good... That should only make
this all the more enjoyable.

Oh yes... Let's find out how
much pain you can really stand.

I knew he was strong,

but for his power to be
that much greater...

I need to
find a way to grab his tail.

That's the only
chance we have!

What's wrong?

You look so
pensive, Kakarot,

are you still trying
to outsmart me?

Well, think about
this while you're at it...

Your situation is even more
hopeless than you realize.

If you think I'm strong now,
wait until I catch my stride.

Truth is, I'm just
getting warmed up.

What sort of
monstrous foe is this

that now stands like a giant
between Goku and his son?

And what are
the true limits

of his already
unbelievable power?

Even with their
forces combined,

it seems Goku and
Piccolo have little hope

of toppling this
mighty villain.

But will they
overcome the odds

and find a way
to take him down?

Find out, as the
battle continues...

Next Dragon Ball Z!