Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003): Season 1, Episode 25 - Stop Vegeta Now! - full transcript

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The battle for the Earth
claimed its first casualty

as Yamcha fell at the hands
of the mindless Saibamen.

The two evil Saiyans,
Nappa and Vegeta,

looked on with
cold amusement,

as our heroes mourned
the loss of their friend,

eager to see who the
Saibamen would take

as their next victim in the
gruesome game of life-and-death.

But our heroes
stood firm.

Banded together,
and fueled by rage,

they were able to eliminate
the Saibaman threat

and put an end to the
Saiyans' cruel contest.

And that's when the
horror truly began...

Nappa attacked!

Tien was the
first to receive

the Saiyan's
ruthless attention.

But before Nappa could
close in for the kill,

Chiaotzu took
drastic action!

I'm not afraid.

And if I can save you...
that's worth dying for.

Chiaotzu! No!

Another of the
Earth's Special Forces

has given his life in
defense of the planet...

Meanwhile, the greatest
hope of all, Goku,

is still on his way
to the battlefield!

Hurry, Goku...
Time is running out!

Darn it!
I've got a bad feeling...

Things aren't going so
good down on Earth...

But I'm almost there.
I've got to keep it up!

Why, you...

Guess your little friend
couldn't save you, three eyes!

Aw, man! This is crazy!
What do we do, Piccolo?

He's just too strong! There's
no way we can beat this guy!

Stand your ground, Krillin.
We're here for a reason!



Heh, heh, heh!
You miss him already, huh?

Well, don't worry.
You'll be joining him soon!

'Kay... that's it.
This one's for you, Chiaotzu!

Not bad...

Just look
at him go...




Ooh! C'mon, Tien!
Wow! He's on fire!

You're not kidding!
He's tearing it up!

Maybe he'll win!

Yes, there's
no question

that Tien is full of
spirit at the moment...

But, I'm afraid he's
fighting on heart alone!

I just hope he can
keep this up.

There it
goes again!

And it's doing the same
thing on every channel!

Yeah, we're having
real problems in here, Chief!

We're not picking
up anything!

What's going on
out there, anyway?

Hey! How're we
supposed to work in this storm?

I hope we're
getting overtime for this!

So, did you wear
yourself out yet?

Or you wanna try a little
more before I stomp you?

Amazing! How can he
get up after all of that?

That's it!
I'm going in!

Krillin, wait!

He's going to start
attacking Tien

and when he does he'll
have an unguarded moment.

That's when
we strike.

Alright, good.
Did you get that, Gohan?

That's a good plan!

Nappa's too strong
to fight head-on!

Don't take your
eyes off them...

You'll miss
your opportunity...

Confident, huh?

Well, you just wait until
Goku makes it back.

We'll see if you're
still so cocky.

Oh? Interesting...
Who's Goku?

Is he really
that strong?

You'll find
out soon.



Let's go, guys!

Hold on, Krillin...
Just a few more seconds!

This has
to be timed just right.

We've only got
one shot at this.

What's wrong? Oh, wait,
don't tell me!

I think I know
what you need!

A nice trip to the afterlife!
One way, of course! Heh, heh.



Gohan! Wait!
Krillin! Let's go!






Haa... guh!

It's now or never,
Gohan! Fire!

Hn?! Hgh!

I can't...


Now, Gohan!

I'm scared!

No, Gohan!

Oh, no!



Great! He dodged it!
There goes our surprise!

Sorry, guys...
I just froze!

I'll give you some
credit for that one...

It was a
good move.

You two almost had me there
for a second... Almost.

Too bad for you, your
little trick didn't work.

Now you're
gonna die!

I sense the end of my
life is drawing near, Mr. Popo.

I'm afraid that I have little
time left in this world.

But Kami!
That means...

Piccolo is
going to die...

And I will fade from
existence along with him.

What about Goku?
He could still save you!

I can't sense
him approaching yet...

But you're right, my friend...
He's the only one who can.

No way! That's the
same guy! Hey, Buddy!

It's me-Wh-Whoa-aah!

I'm almost there!


Ha, ha, ha! Your little band
just keeps on getting smaller...

Looks like it's down to
just the two of you now!

He's right,

Rrgh! Gohan!

All right. Whadda you
say we get down to business?

Who's next?

We still need the Namek

to tell us about
the Dragon Balls!

Oh yeah, I
almost forgot.

Looks like you're up,
little man!

Heh. You hear that, Piccolo?
You're in luck.

Maybe I should
tell 'em I know

all about the
Dragon Balls, too...

Be my guest,
but I don't think

it'll make much
difference in the end.

Point taken...

Now, let's try
a direct attack!

Before he powers
up again!


You're familiar with the.

Multi-Form technique,
aren't you?


Well, let's do it!
Both of us.



Ha! Amateurs...







Uwagh! Ngh!

Piccolo, I'm...

I have no time
to baby-sit, Gohan.

If you can't help,
go home to your mother!


Hey, Mister Tien!
Please don't be dead...

Hey, uh, Piccolo, if
you've got some killer attack

up your sleeve, feel free
to use it any time now!

I wish I did...

C'mon, it's not
entirely hopeless.

We still have
a chance.

This guy's strong,
but he's not too smart.

He might
make a mistake.

Hey! Don't tell me you
guys are still trying

to come up with a plan?
Give it up! Hah!




Tien! Thank goodness,
you're alive!



I'm so sorry...
I wasn't strong enough.

I couldn't save
you. I failed.

No, Chiaotzu...

A-Are you okay?

Um, Mister Tien?

Please allow me to
introduce my two star pupils...

You... How dare you!

I swear you'll pay
for this, you monster!

Tien, are we
almost there?

Yeah... We'll
see Kami soon...

I'm sorry, Tien... You're my
best friend... always.


No, Chiaotzu. I'm sorry.
I'm the one who failed you...

I should have protected
you. But I promise...

I'm going to make it up
to you, right now...

I'll be... with you
again soon, Chiaotzu!


What? How?

He did it!

Whew! That was
a close one...

There's no way!

I know...
This is insane!

No... I failed

Too bad! It probably
would have worked

if Nappa hadn't seen it
coming at the last second!

Oh, no... Poor Tien!
He gave everything...

Everything he
had to help us!

Goku! Why aren't you
here? We need you! Goku!

Who is this Goku?

Is it...?

So much for ol' Three-Eyes!
Now then, where were we?

Krillin, it looks
like we're gonna have to

finish this
on the ground.

He seems to have a greater
advantage in the air.


Fools! It doesn't matter
where you go! I'll crush you!


Heads up!

Nappa! Stop
right there!

Hold on! I need
to ask them something.

If you say so...
You're the boss!

I'm curious about this
"Goku" they keep talking about.

Because I'm starting
to think the person

they're referring to
is actually Kakarot!

Yeah! Whatever you
call him... That's right!

What's so funny?

That you two think
Kakarot can beat us!

He couldn't even beat
his brother Raditz,

and Raditz was a weakling
compared to Nappa and myself!

Shows how
much you know!

He's way stronger
than he was before!

Just wait! You'll
find your match in Goku.

This planet's not that big,
so why isn't he here yet?

He's smart! He's not going to
show up here! He's hiding!

Hey, you jerk! My Dad
never ran from anybody!

He'll be here, and he'll
beat you! Just you wait!

caught my interest!

We're going to
wait for him...

Take a break, Nappa.
Cool off for a while.

C'mon, Vegeta!
That's ridiculous!

I was about to
finish 'em off here!

Just hold off for
three hours...

We'll give
them that.

Forget it! I
say they die now!


Nappa! Do you really
want to defy me?!

I-I'm sorry... I guess
I got carried away...

The battle will resume
in three hours,

whether Kakarot
is here or not.

Aw, come on, Piccolo.
You can't really blame him.

This is the first time
Gohan's ever been

in an actual battle.
It's scary enough as it is.

Well, I'm more
angry at myself

for counting on him.
What a waste of time!

Just go home,

If you're not going to fight,
you'll only slow us down.

Not that it
makes much difference.

Judging by the way that
big one takes orders,

the smaller Saiyan
must be even stronger!

If that's the case...

I'm not even sure if Goku will
be able to stand up to him...

Please, Vegeta! I was
just starting to have fun!

Now I'm bored!

Calm down...
Use some will power...

There's going to be
a much better show

in three hours,
I promise!

The Saiyans have
granted our heroes

a brief
three-hour reprieve

while they await
Goku's arrival.

But with miles still
left to travel

down the winding
Snake Way,

can Goku make it back to Earth
before the fighting resumes?

Or will his friends
be forced to continue

their losing battle
against the Saiyans alone?

The clock is ticking!

And the time for the ultimate
showdown between good and evil

is drawing near...

On the next explosive
episode of Dragon Ball Z!