Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003): Season 1, Episode 12 - The End of Snake Way - full transcript

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Last time
on Dragon Ball Z,

the two terrifying
Saiyan warriors

continued their
journey through space.

Every passing minute they
get closer and closer

to planet Earth!

Meanwhile, Goku is still
in the other world

jogging along
Snake Way,

in search of the
legendary King Kai.

His goal, to get some special
martial arts training

from the King,
if he can find him.

But what about
poor Gohan?

Has he been left
all alone on Earth

to become a bite-sized
snack for a hungry T-Rex?

I don't think so!

The pint-sized powerhouse
is busy training

and he's already learned his
first lesson in survival.

It's not how big you
are that matters,

it's how big you slice
your T-Rex tail steak!

Though Gohan can
hold his own,

he remains under the
watchful eye of Piccolo.

So, he's starting to
master the training.

After a hard day's training,

Gohan has decided to turn in
for some much deserved rest.

On this cool night,
underneath the starry sky,

the whole world seems
to be at peace.

But, Gohan has more than
pleasant dreams on his mind.

Daddy... Daddy...

Let's go... Daddy...


Run! Gohan! Go now!
Get out of here!

Daddy... No...

Hello mister sun!
Thanks for the beautiful day!

My hands are dry! Now it's
time to get something to eat!

I gotta be getting close

to King Kai's place by now!

Gotta find King Kai...
Gotta find King Kai...

Gotta find King Kai...

Gotta find King Kai...
Gotta find King Kai...

Gotta find King Kai...

It seems as if Goku's

been gone
a long time,

I wonder if he's met up with
King Kai and begun training?

what Baba told us,

don't let Goku come back
to life for a year,

even if we collect
all the Dragon Balls.

Yes. But a
whole year?

That's not very good for
us because by that time,

the Saiyans will
already be on Earth!

Yeah, but do you
think there's any chance

that we could protect the Earth
from the Saiyans on our own?

Oh, well it's
been nice knowing ya.

Are we
almost there, Bulma?

Relax, would ya?!
We're going to get there!

I promise it won't
be too much longer!

I hope not 'cause we gotta
find Tien and Chiaotzu

and climb Korin Tower!

Look, I just
want to be ready

when those
Saiyans arrive!

You're right. The fate of
the Earth is at stake.


Hey! Come on,
it's lunch time!

You better come get it while
it's hot! I don't deliver!

Let's go you two!
Get in gear!


Whoa, Tien...

You made all
this yourself?

What are you crazy?

I hired a bunch of cooks
to do all the work!

These guys are the
best in the business

and they only use the
freshest ingredients...


All this food must
have cost a lot.

Don't worry about it.

I just happened to have come
into a lot of dough lately...

Here you go, Tien.

How long are you going to
keep training for anyway?

He won't stop training until
he knows he can beat Goku.

Yeah right...
Like that's gonna happen!

These are peaceful times.

There's no need to pump
yourself up so much

if you don't really
have to fight.

Besides you're
strong enough, Tien.

I'm not
strong enough.

I know if I train hard
I will beat Goku someday...

But this world is small
and full of many people.

Each one might
try to challenge me.

And that is why
I must train.

Hmph. Good for you, Tien.

But why don't you put
your strength to good use

and come to work with me?
You'd get rich.

Just think, with your
brawn and my brains,

we could pull off some
major bank heists.

It would be so easy,

in no time we'd be living
like royalty for sure.

'Cause money does
buy happiness!

You with me?

Tien, let's
eat. I'm starving!

Now that's a good boy.
You go ahead and start eating.

You gotta keep
your strength up!

Thank you!

Look, Tien, robbing
banks is the way to go!

It's so exciting when
you take control.

You fire one
shot in the air

and everybody
scatters like mice!

So, come on...

Whatta ya say you and
I give it a shot?

We could be great!

Chiaotzu, let's go!

How come?

Doesn't he know it's an
offer he can't refuse?

Thanks for the food.
It was delicious!

Oh no! You can't
leave without your dessert!


Why don't you take a
bite of this, baldy?

Goku, I hope your
training is going well...

You're going
to need it.

Hi! What are you doing
all the way out here?

What does it look like I'm
doing? I'm sweeping Snake Way!

King Yemma asked
me to do it

'cause he likes to keep
it nice and clean!

Hm? No kidding? I'm on my
way to King Kai's place!

What? You're running all
the way to King Kai's place?

Well for your feet's sake

I hope you brought an extra
pair of shoes with you.

Why is it a long
way away from here?

Now, that all depends on what
you consider a long way,

but from here
I would say

that you're about a
quarter of the way there!

What?! No way! I'm only a
quarter of the way there?

Boy it is
really far away.

Hey! Do you think
you're gonna make it?

Sure, I've just
got to rest a bit!


Hey! If you want me to,

I can give you a ride
half of the way there.

Come on,
hop on the back!

All right! Hahaha!

Great! Thanks! Let's go!

Okay! Hang on!




It worked,

No, it didn't. It's still
not good enough, my friend.

That's not good!

If I don't get
in control of my powers soon,

it could be

I can't afford to make anymore
mistakes like I did back there.

C'mon! Faster!

Hey, that's strange.

I wonder what's going
on over there.

It's an earthquake!

Oh, no!


An earthquake?
This is just great!

I'm really not in the mood
for this right now!

Help! Tien!


Oh no!

Come on! Let's go!

Look out, Tien!

Target located.

I know where
Tien is now!

Where on Earth
is that kid?

Yeah! Made it!

Alright! Ha, ha, ha!
Whoa! That was close!

I'm freezing...



What happened?

Oh no! I must have
sneezed again!

Tien is somewhere
in these mountain ranges...

Heh. That figures.
It's just the kind of place

he'd want to
do his training.

Tien, I'm sorry for
all the trouble I've caused you.

I think it's time for me to go
back to the Turtle House now.

That's a good idea. Give
my regards to Master Roshi.

Tell him I'm
still training

and I'll come visit as
soon as I'm finished.

Okay, I will!
See you two later!

Goodbye now...

Take care...

Now I can finally
concentrate on my training.

You said it!

Oh! It's so beautiful.

Ah... Lovely!


There you are!

You know I've been
looking for you!

You won't get
away from me!

Now I want you two
to quit goofing around

and get over
here right now!

Hey get lost!

Launch is
shooting at us!

No, that can't be...

Goku's dead?

Yeah, he's
training with King Kai

in the other world.

We don't know how
long he'll be gone,

so we'll have to prepare for
the Saiyan's arrival on our own.

That's right.

And Kami is going to
help us get ready!


I'll help if you need me!
Let's get going!

But Tien,
we can't leave here...

You know...

Quiet little man!

Oh, Tien...

Don't even think about
trying to forget me!

I'm going to follow
you wherever you go

and I don't care if you go
all the way to Kami's place!

All right...

I'll train as hard
as I can with Kami...

We'll defeat the Saiyans and
I'll defeat Goku as well!

Hi ya, King Kai.
My name's Goku.

It's a real honor to meet ya.
Sorry, I'm late! Um...


Ouch! Boy, when you
start training

you don't mess around,
do you King Kai?

Hey? Where am I?

I remember hitching
a ride on that truck

but how did I end up
in a place like this?

Smells good!

Well... As long
as I'm here,

I might as well get
something to eat!

I've still got a long
journey ahead of me.

Those look tasty!

Goku goes off the
beaten path and gets beaten...

But by who?

And, there are more
urgent matters at hand.

The Saiyans are still
on course for Earth,

and if Goku doesn't get some
training from King Kai soon,

the planet won't have
a chance of surviving!

Don't miss the next
exciting episode

of Dragon Ball Z!