Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 99 - Misetsukero! Kuririn no sokojikara!! - full transcript

The Universes get a taste of what it's like to be erased, after universe 9 is wiped out of existence, Krillin begins showcasing his newly-found powers. Universe 7 loses it's first participant.

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♪ Opening Theme Song plays... ---->

Original one : Season 01 Episode 99
(Dubbed one TV release : S05 E23)

♪ Time has come,
I'm ready to go. ♪

♪ Venturing into the unknown. ♪

♪ Fires inside me,
must be unleashed. ♪

♪ People talkin' nonsense
all day. ♪

♪ Chin pun kan,
that's all they can say ♪

- ♪ I can't get no satisfaction. ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Challenges may come. ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ Fighting's just begun. ♪

♪ But there's no stopping me
from spreading out my wings ♪

- ♪ let's fly high ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Concentrate my power ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ In the final hour. ♪

♪ In the end,
I am gonna wiiiiin! ♪

♪ Don't you know
I'm unstoppable? ♪

♪ Don't even try,
'cause you will fall ♪

♪ I got a strength,
deep in my soul, ♪

♪ that gives me
courage and control ♪

♪ I'll go beyond
the limit break. ♪

♪ The universe is mine
to take ♪

♪ I have no fear,
I think it's clear. ♪

♪ Let's kick it up into
high gear. ♪

♪ Oh this is
Dragon Ball Super. ♪

♪ We've got the skills
to blow Zeno away! ♪

on Dragon Ball Super,

no sooner had the Tournament
of Power begun

than the warriors from the Ninth
Universe targeted Goku.

You like that?

Once you're ensnared
in their deathtrap,

you can never get out!

There is no escaping from the
Trio of Danger's ultimate combo,

the unbreakable
three-sided attack!

Or as I call it...

the "Dangers Triangle"!

However, with Vegeta's help,

Goku was able to fend
off his attackers.

Triangle Danger... Beam!





That's all ten of our
fighters... eliminated!

Grand Zeno, no!


Hey, Whis.

What happened to the
Ninth Universe itself?

Huh... It's as they said.

It's all just been erased.

Absolutely everything and
everyone is gone, my lord.

With one of the eight
universes being wiped out,

the consequence of losing

has hit home for the
remaining fighters.

The stakes have never been
higher than they are now.

"Show Them!
Krillin's Underlying Strength!"

Episoe Title: "Show Them!
Krillin's Underlying Strength!"

So they're gone forever, huh?

Yeah. Though I guess
we've already seen

a universe get erased before.

In Trunks' future.

Hm. You're right.

When Zenny decides
something has to go,

that's the end of it.

And that's why I'm gonna keep
fighting with all I've got.

I'm never gonna give up
until I win.

Well, you may think you'll
be the last man standing,

but the one who gets
the Super Dragon Balls

will be the great Vegeta.

Oh, well. It appears
I'm all that's left of

the Ninth Universe, which
was under my supervision,

but I can't say this is
entirely unexpected.

Yes, the Ninth Universe
was obliterated,

but it was a necessary culling.

In truth, those eight universes

should have thanked Goku
for this grand tournament.

If not for him,
they would be gone already.

Instead, one will be
able to survive.

The losing universes must be
destroyed, to eliminate the weak

and bring the Cosmos
into balance.

For ultimately, is that
not the true purpose

of this Tournament of Power?

Roh, the Ninth's Supreme Kai,

and their Destroyer
God, Sidra...

I can no longer feel
their presence.

No, of course you can't.

Once they're erased,
they become nothing.

That's what being erased means.

But they were Gods.

And they were snuffed out
without any hesitation.

That's why they're so scary.

Those Grand Zenos.

They mean business,
that's for sure.


Farewell, Lord Champa.

I don't know how long I'll
continue after you're gone,

but I'll try to be strong.

Darn it, Vados! Shut it!

We're not out of this thing yet,

and quit reminding us how
you won't be erased!

We get the point!

I'm sorry, my lord,
but if you want any hope

of surviving, you'll need your
warriors to pull off a miracle.

Just breathe, Krillin.

You knew from the start

that seven of eight
universes would go down.

Nothing's changed.

All right.

What's wrong? You startin'
to lose your nerve?

Just thrown for a bit
of a loop, that's all.

How 'bout everyone else?

- We all good?
- Yeah.

At least for now.

Pretty intense to see a
universe wiped out that quickly.

Really makes you think.

It sure as heck does.

Look at those brightly
colored little pipsqueaks.

I find the disparity between
their syrupy, childlike voices

and their astringent actions
to be quite vexing.

But I vow this:

There will soon come a
day when Emperor Frieza

shall reign over you.

You seem upset about something.

Uh, did you not see?

A universe was just wiped out.

That must freak you
out a little bit.

Not really.

If we lose, we cease to exist.

We already knew that.

Domestic life has
softened you up, sister.


No, I'm glad.

It's good at times.

But right now we both need to
remember that we're androids.

The infinite energy kind.
We never get tired.

And that should give us an edge
over these organics, right?

That's an excellent point.

Well, I'm ready if you are.

This fight appears to have
reached a standstill.

The Ninth led off with

an aggressive,
coordinated attack,

and paid for it by being
the first extermination.

Now that it's
sunk in for everybody that

the Grand Zenos were serious
about annihilating universes,

teams may be realizing
they can't be so reckless.

They're probably rethinking
their strategies.

Perhaps, but time will
not just wait idly by.

All the fighters
have stopped fighting.

I wonder why they stopped.

Don't worry, sires,
they should resume shortly.

In fact, I see a few
resilient warriors

getting back into action now.

Okay, Kakarot,

try not to waste all
your energy showing off.

Same goes for you.

Try not to have too much fun.

I make no promises.

After all, I owe this guy
a serious beating.

Hey, outta my way!

You'll have to go through
me first, tough guy.

Aren't you adorable.

Sorry, Brother,
your guy's outta luck!

I guess he forgot my guy's
body can absorb hits

without taking damage!

Yeah that's the spirit,
Botamo, attack!

Don't hold back!

That throw won't
work on me this time!

I figured as much.

Oh, yeah!

Excellent work,
Vegeta, very clever!

Now, toss him over!

No, wait! Time out!
Time out! Hey, this isn't fair!

You can take your
timeout on the bench!

Not Botamo!

What are you waiting for?!
Somebody help him!



Boom Boom.

Ha, ha!


Okay, just remember...

As long as one of us makes
it to the end, we all win.

Be patient, and don't fight
any more than you have to.

That shot almost got me, boy!


But if someone does
try and come at us,

that's when we make 'em pay.

Lord Beerus told me to use

whatever tricks it
takes just to survive.

But I've gotta at least try
to take a few of 'em out!

Destructo Disk!

Triple Blades!


You bird-brained fool,
what were you thinking?

Pay attention!
They had you outnumbered!

I'm sorry.
I thought I'd wing it.

Hey, Vegeta!

Remember how he wilted
when you called him names!

Insult the bastard!

You ugly bucket of bolts!

You belong in a junkyard!

Go recycle yourself

you hollow,
rust-covered tin can!

Not gonna work!

We took some precautions against
that weakness this time!

Since our precious Metalman

loses his fighting
composure when insulted,

we're simply not going
to let him hear you.



Sensitivity to insults was about
the only weakness he had.

Invincible body with
an iron will to match.

Together, we are the
mighty Bota-magetta!


That's ridiculous!
You're just covering his ears!


Get off of him!

Bota-magetta is invincible.

Kerplunk! Kerplunk!

Ah! Damn it! What a joke!

Oh, my.

Android Number 18 is fighting
exceptionally well now,

and making swift work of
that warrior from the Fourth.

Huh. Oh, don't be pathetic.

Get up.


Oh, dear.

Has she beaten the life
out of the poor fellow?

But wait, killing opponents
is against the rules.

Oh, she'll be disqualified.
What a disaster.

Well, that could've gone

I guess I took it
a little too far.

Ha, ha!

You see that?!

It's Shosa's famous
playing dead routine!

Oh, yeah. Suck it, Beerus!

Suck it! Suck it!

Oh, no!



It's not like you
to mess up like that.

Don't worry, I won't
let you live it down.

Shut up, it's not funny!


That could've been
such a touching moment,

but he had to ruin it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that,

because I'm gonna
make you pay for it!

It's cute you
think so, but no, you won't.

The two of you are
about to become

the next fighters eliminated.

Because I'm a nice guy,

I'll give you the chance
to bow out on your own.

Otherwise, I can't be
held responsible for how

this fight ends... when you're
a mangled, pulpy mess.

So just keep that in mind.

Ah that's our Shosa, for you.

Wild, isn't he?

Wild's a funny way of
saying duplicitous!

Playing possum's a dirty,
rotten trick and you know it!

If someone sucker punches you,

then you hit 'em back
twice as hard, you hear me?!

Twice as hard!

Y'know that new
move we practiced?

Wanna try it?

Sure, let's take it
out for a spin.


What are you two
babbling about over there?

If you won't fight me, then I'll
just bring the fight to you!

Let's go!



It just keeps getting
faster, and bigger, too!

Take this, you
possum-playing weasel!

Oh, yeah!

Got him!


Hey, up high, 18!

You got it.

That fight was fantastic!

And fun-tastic, too!

Well done! Nice teamwork, guys!

That really hurts!

I'm so terribly sorry.

This is just embarrassing.

Ow, ow, owie!

Thanks, guess we're even.

They just keep comin' out of
the woodwork, don't they?

Are you okay?


I guess that's just what
a battle royale is like.

Well its clear they're
all targeting us now.

If it weren't for Goku,

they wouldn't even have a
chance to save themselves,

but they'll never show
him any gratitude.

You managed
to catch me by surprise.

I must've let my guard down.

But you won't be so
lucky a second time.

Do you honestly think you
can best one such as me?

Hey, 18, ya might wanna
put these on now.


Wait, those are mine.
When did he snatch 'em?

Here I go!

Hundred-Times Solar Flare!

What the...?!

I don't understand.
What just happened?

How was he able to attack
in that blinding light?

Why didn't
my Solar Flare work on you?

My eyes have long since
lost their power of sight.

So that's why
it had no effect.

But then how could you
tell where we were?

Your aim's annoyingly
accurate, y'know!

That is the question, isn't it?

There's only one thing
I think it could be.


He's tracking us...
by using our scent.

Our scent?

Yeah that's right,
I'm betting he

probably had to develop
a pretty impressive sense

of smell to make up
for losing his vision.

A brilliant deduction.

You're quite perceptive,
aren't you?

Okay, fine.

Now that I know how you did it...

You believe
you can defeat me?


I know I can.


Well... Though your
bravery is impressive,

trust me, you should keep
that bravado in check.

It's not really
bravado if I can back it up.

You're making a grave mistake.

Unless you want me to
tear you limb from limb.

Well go ahead and try it!
I'm not scared.

Stop it!

It's all right.
Just let me handle this.


I've got a surefire way
to outmaneuver this guy.

You must actually be delusional.

I've never heard of
anything so preposterous!

With my heightened
sense of smell,

I can track your exact location.
There's no way around that.

I'll come after you
with everything I have.

I've got you now!



What is that offensive odor?

Gah! The stench is overpowering!







And Contestant Majora

of the Fourth has
been eliminated.

Tap, tap!

Let's see... Majora, Majora.

Boop! He's gone.

No more Majora.

They're dropping so quickly now.

Yes, it's exciting!

What a disgrace!


Yeah, but the way you
won was disgusting.

When we get home,
I'm washing those shoes.

Or better yet, burning them.

You're exceeding my extremely
low expectations for you!

Oh, yeah! Hear that?

I am absolutely
Krillin' it today!

How quickly the tide can change.



is your greatest foe.

You mess with him,
you mess with me!

A tempting proposition,
but I have places to be!

Turning tail like a coward.

Sheesh, way to
blow it, big time!

Shame on you, Curly!

Uh. Yeah...
it's still Krillin, sir.

I only learn the
names of winners.

I'm sorry! You can call
me whatever you like!

You performed admirably
out there, Krillin.

I'm not too upset
about your loss.

Then you should tell
that to your face!

Well, no sense dwelling on it.
What's done is done.

But you'd better
cheer extra loud.

That's literally all you
can do at this point.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, guys. My bad.

Now you're gonna have to fight
even harder 'cause of me.

The Seventh Universe
has just lost its first fighter.

As the Tournament of Power
grows more and more intense,

can Goku and his
teammates defeat the best

in the Cosmos to secure victory?

Forty-three minutes remain
until time runs out,

and the fate of all competing
universes will be decided.

The battles continue,
next time on Dragon Ball Super.

♪ End Theme Song plays... ---->
Sync corrections by srjanapala

♪ When the time has come
to say goodbye ♪

♪ Your voice will
echo in the night ♪

♪ Though we may be apart,
you're always in my heart ♪

♪ Forever in my mind ♪

♪ As I look up
to the skkkkkky ♪

♪ When the time has come
to say goodbye ♪

♪ Your voice will
echo in the nigh ♪

♪ Though we may be apart,
you're always in my heart ♪

♪ Forever I will wait,
for the light to show the way ♪

♪ For us to meet
agaaaaaaain ♪