Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 9 - O matase, Birusu-Sama Tsuini Sûpâ Saiya-jin Goddo tanjô - full transcript

The Saiyans finally manage to form the Super Saiyan God, and the battle with Bills begins.

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Translator : Phr0stY
Timer : Phr0stY
Editor : Phr0stY
----- AnimeRG.la -----

Let's pick back up

itsuka togireta

The dream that never ended

yume no tsuzuki hajimey?

Just join up the stars

hoshi o tsunagete

Drawing a door up in the sky

sora ni tobira kakeba ii

This is a brand new stage

arata na stage wa

For challenging the Gods!

kami ni idomu basho

Fierce, intense, dynamic!

ky?retsu m?retsu dynamic!

Let's go! Go! Make a big panic!

Let's Go! Go! dai panic!

Losing will just make you stronger

makeru to tsuyoku naru

Being called foolhardy just means...

minohodo shirazu ni wa

Regrets and limits won't ever stop you!

k?kai to ka genkai to ka nai mon

Superb, sublime, dynamic!

s?zetsu ch?zetsu dynamic!

Let's go! Yes! Show me your kicks!

Let's Go! Yes! renda kick

Make us shake with excitement!

abisete mushaburui

You've got a super tale to tell!

sugee koto ga matte'run da ze

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the God of Destruction Beerus, went berserk.

Enough of a this!

Bulma, after seeing her birthday party get ruined,
slapped Beerus

Leave here immediately

What did...

What did you...

What did you do to my Bulma?!

After being overwhelmed by anger,
will Vegeta, be able to stop Beerus?

Damn you, Beerus!

I'll never forgive you!

Goku Steps Up! The Last Chance From Beerus-sama?!

Say what?

God or no god, you will
know the boundaries of humiliation.

I'll smash you to pieces!

You're a disgrace!

That light...

I failed miserably, Damn it!

Please tell me,
are you a Super Saiyan God?

Or am I wrong?

He is way too weak to be considered...

A worthy opponent.

Dad, why did you stop?
You were winning!

It's delicious.

Can I also have this to go please?

You know, It's been a while since somebody has
forced me to use one-tenth of my true power?

I have to admit, you provided me more entertainment
than Saiyan residing on the North Kai's planet


Get a grip, do you hear me, Vegeta?

This is the end of everything.

Earth will be destroyed.

Now, all that's left is the destruction of Earth.

I was thinking.

but I think it would be a waste to destroy it.

as the food of this planet called Earth is very delicious.

At least in comparison to other planets.

Right? Why do you want destroy it?
it would be a great loss.

We have an ever heaps of goodies.

What is all that? Speak up!

You heard me.

What you tasted, was only a drop in the ocean compared to the other treats we have

Therefore, I ask you,
please reconsider destroying the Earth.

I understand.

In that case, I offer you another chance.

What do you mean by that?

heave-ho! heave-ho! heave-ho!
heave-ho! heave-ho! heave-ho!

you guy's are miserable, paddle faster.

We can't paddle faster we are too tired

maybe you can help, glorious Pilaf...

... you can paddle, we are both tired from paddling.

Do not complain to me here!

You are surprised that we complain.

We could have eaten more ...

Hey, what are you talking about?

I think that you forgot to
take our leftovers that we packed?

You were so angry and in a rush
that we forgot them. Just great!

Then out of the blue, you gave the order to abandon ship,
we barely even had enough time to find this boat.

Do not change the subject on me here!

How could you forget our stuff?

What did i do to deserve
such incompetent subordinates?!

It might just be back on the ship, glorious Pilaf-sama?

You said it yourself that there are certainly
Dragonballs on that ship

Wait! Wait! Wait!

was life not nice to you, or what?

If you risk it, I'm
convinced that we will fall into good treasures.

Do not change the subject on me here!

Shut up already! Stop being so whiners

Do you want to die messing around
with those monsters over there

You, Mr. Pink Pig
why are you hiding?

Step forward, step forward.

Who me?!

He said it clearly, you are the only pink pig around here.

W-W-Why? Why m-m-me?

H-H-Hey, F-F-Friends!

you ... you're the same race of the guy
who did not want to invite me for some pudding , right?

You're Wrong! This is a misunderstanding!

The fact that we are both
pink, is mere coincidence.

I offer you another chance.


Exactly. Chance.

You know how to play paper, rock, scissors, do you not?

A game of this paper, rock, scissors?

Yes, just about this.


If Mr. Pink Pig wins
this whole
paper, rock, scissors game, I will reconsider.

If I win, you won't destroy the earth, right?


Know that if I win,
Earth will be destroyed.

Do you understand? It takes an extremely compassionate person to give second chances.

I'm so kind to have given you a second chance.
We should do it before i change my mind.

If this is a dream,
please let someone wake me up.

If you don't want to, no problem.


I am always ok with destruction.

Come on do it, Oolong.

yeah Oolong
let's put everything on the line.

Are you serious?

Never before in the entire history of the Earth
has a game had this much on the line.

I can not!

The fate of is too much for my shoulders!

Hurry up and decide
I hate waiting around!

It's okay!

I'm not sure if i can protect the Earth from destruction, but I'll try.

So, are we going to play?

Well, I'm going.

Okay, come on!

I think I'll have this here sea bass.

Who will prevail victorious.

--paper, rock, scissors!
--paper, rock, scissors!

Come join us @


O-O Oh no!

The God of Destruction, to draw with a pig?

You cheated me, right?

I have not done that!

oh really...

it is not uncommon for the game to end in a draw!

Maybe you're right.

that I kept you waiting.

Here you are.
As you requested. I also packed you a rice cake.

Thank you.

You are the champion of satisfaction

I hope you are invited again in the future.

Again in the future?

Who knows, who knows.

The probability is, however, negligible.

Shall we go again?


I can't look.

you are stubborn.

So are you...

I'm getting annoyed.

Not good.

whatever the outcome,
earth will be turned to dust.


If you win, I'll give you,
what whatever you desire.

I think I'll try this?

What, what do you mean?

Right. I made my decision.

So, in that case, So will I...

Okay, I see.

They both behave like seasoned players.

Right. Like true veterans

--On Who falls on this bang.
--On Who falls on this bang.

--paper, rock, scissors.
--paper, rock, scissors.

I lost!

Fool! Fool! Fool! Why did you
throw the same sign three times in a row

They say, the third time is the charm, right!

This is called being a loser !

I told you not hate me for losing !

Since you so smart, why didn't you play!

You could have used a different sign!

Stop it already.

It's Always me. you act like everything I do is wrong.

Calm down.

As always, you act like a nitwit

Sorry Beerus-sama please excuse me for the delay.

Why are you so greedy, Whis?
Do you have a single ounce of decency.

I want to eat it fresh , We can both do so if we return at once.


Piccolo, you were right. If I had to face them,
even with all my might, I couldn't come close.

Yeah. Resistance is futile.

Residents of this
world.. goodbye.


Goku, is that you?



Goku, baby!



Finally you showed up.

As always you appear at the last minute.

Happy birthday, Bulma!

Don't you think this
is probably not the best time?

I'm sorry , I forget to bring your gift

By the way,
today is your birthday so how old are you today?

My age, is currently not of any importance to you!

do not bother yourself

You again?


Tell me, have you identified this, Super Saiyan god

It's still one big mystery to me, but who knows.
I do ask nicely for you not to destroy the planet.

Do not give advice.

I won in the paper, rock, scissors.

Beerus-sama, for that reason,
Earth's fate has been decided? By a game?

What, you want to face me again

I have had enough already.

Honestly, I have no idea
if it is even possible to beat you Beerus-sama

Beerus-sama we could at
least try again to see what happens

Try? What?

We can try to come up with a way
of finding a Super Saiyan God

I just need a little time. Just a little.

Do you agree?

Just a little...

Fine but only a tiny bit?

Thank you Beerus-sama

What the hell are planning Kakarotto?

We will use the power of Shenron.

Well Beerus-sama, do you think he will be able
to find a Super Saiyan God?

I woke up after sleeping for 39 years
to meet this Super Saiyan God.

Yes. Indeed.

Remember, however,
that this is really my last attempt at trying.

If it does not appear, Earth-

No, the whole solar system will be destroyed.

Bulma, can I borrow the Dragonballs?


Goten, Trunks, the Dragon Balls
are here as one of the prizes, right?

All seven balls are being kept here on the ship

Trunks, did you by any chance...?

I took Goten along with me...

Sorry, Bulma.

You boys are so naughty.


just how long have you been watching us

Don't laugh, just answer.

Oh, Vegeta,
can we talk about this later

Well, Bulma, Can I use the Dragon Balls?

If that's what it takes to teach that pompous idiot
then so be it.

You shouldn't call him a pompous idiot.

That guy is named Beerus. He is the God of Destruction,
and the most powerful being in the universe.

The most powerful being in the universe?

A god who is responsible for destroying?

I see little kids hurrying off

Colourful backpacks on their backs

If I was a kid like them...

What color would I choose?

Where would I be heading?

Hello, hello hello...?

What do you think of the man I've become?

Hello, hello hello...?

Can you be proud of the man you'll become?

As you grow, you may slip up at times

But you'll come out on top, just wait and see

This is my song for the younger me

Hey! It's me, Goku.

Shenron I beg you
please bring us the guy they are talking about, the Super Saiyan God.

Say what? No way?

Beerus is upset and has scared Shenron, this this is bad

Not good.

It is our last chance.

What happens now?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super

Sorry About the Wait, Beerus-sama
Finally, Super Saiyan God is Born!

Don't miss it.