Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 89 - Mystery of the Tien Dojo - full transcript

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♪ Opening Theme Song plays...


Original one : Season 01 Episode 89
(Dubbed one TV release : S05 E13)

♪ Don't you know
I'm unstoppable? ♪

♪ Don't even try,
'cause you will fall ♪

♪ I got a strength,
deep in my soul, ♪

♪ that gives me
courage and control ♪

♪ I'll go beyond
the limit break ♪

♪ The universe is mine
to take ♪

♪ I have no fear,
I think it's clear ♪

♪ Let's kick it up into
high gear ♪

♪ Oh this is
Dragon Ball Super ♪

♪ We've got the skills
to blow Zeno away! ♪


[NARRATOR] Previously,
on Dragon Ball Super,

Gohan approached Piccolo
about entering

the Tournament of Power,

and wound up training
under his former teacher.

Overcoming the weaknesses that
Piccolo pointed out to him,

Gohan regained the power he
had demonstrated in the past.


I believe that what
you tapped into today

was actually a fraction
of your latent power.

We pushed through one wall
and now I wanna find the next.

We still have a little time.
Let's put it to good use.

You wanna be stronger than
you've ever been, right?

Yeah. Let's do it!

Working with Piccolo,

Gohan has set his sights
on getting even stronger.

Meanwhile, the other universes

were busy assembling
their teams.

There is one way
I can help you, though.

The fighter you should be
recruiting is Caulifla.

Wait. Caulifla,
as in your sister?


"A Mysterious Beauty Appears!

The Enigma of the
Tien Shin-Style Dojo?"

Episoe Title: "A Mysterious Beauty Appears!
The Enigma of the Tien Shin-Style Dojo?"

[NARRATOR] Earlier,
while Gohan was training...

Let's see, since Piccolo
already told me

he would join the team,

that means we only
need two more!

Hey, old man!
Here comes company!

Huh? Whaddaya mean he's gone?

Tien invited Roshi
to his new dojo.

Somethin' about becoming
an honorary grand master.

Whatchu talkin' about, Oolong?

Wait, you mean to tell me
Tien has a dojo, now?

From what I hear, he's got
a whole buncha students.

Guy must be rakin' it
in hand over fist.

Wow, so Tien is teaching
martial arts now, huh?

Jeez, you lose touch with
someone for a minute

and they go and
become a bigshot.

Well, if the old man's with him,

that saves me some
trouble in the long run.

See ya later, buddy.

[OOLONG] Hey, wait,
you're leavin' already?

You could at least offer to
take me to dinner sometime!

It gets lonely out here!

[STUDENTS yelling]

Bend your knees a little more.

Hone your strength,
and hold it in your abdomen.

[STUDENTS yelling]

You have to concentrate!

Yes, Sensei!

[STUDENTS yelling]


When Tien asked me to come work
with some fresh, young students,

I pictured something other than

a bunch of sweaty,
scruffy bald men.

[STUDENTS yelling]

Sensei, please, just
show us how to do it!

Very well.

[TIEN grunting]

[STUDENTS gasping]

Now then, let's
practice your katas.

Yes, Sensei!

"Tien Shin-Hall"?

Oh, yay, I'm here!


I finally tracked you down,
Three-Eyed Baldy!

[STUDENTS grunting]

All right, let's take a break.

Yes, Sensei!

Tien, look.

We have a new pupil.

[YURIN groans]

[YURIN] The nerve he has,
taking on all these students.


Um, is there
something on my face?

Now we're talkin'!

[ROSHI laughing]

A spunky vivacious young co-ed!

A budding flower, eager to be
tended by wise, old hands!


This is what I've been waiting
for ever since I got here!

What's your name?

Oh, me? My name is Yurin.

Do you have any experience?

Nope, none at all.

And why do you wish to walk
the path of martial arts?


Well, um, I heard that it could
do wonders for a girl's looks?

A girl's looks?

Then I'll have to ask you
to find another dojo.

This is a place for
those who seek

to truly master
the martial arts.


You don't have to
be such a stickler

with the young lady, do ya?


We're delighted to
welcome fresh talent, dear.


[YURIN yelps]


Come along with me, girlie,

I'm gonna give you a nice,
thorough workout.

No please, hold on!

I came here for
Master Tien, not you!

Uh, Master Roshi, I think...

Our motto at this dojo is:

"Education from the bottom up."

Ah! That must be it!

[STUDENTS yelling]

Yo, Tien!


- Oh, Goku. Long time no see.
- Yeah.

I think the last time
we saw each other

was at the Tournament
of Destroyers.


That'll be all for
today, gentlemen.

[STUDENTS] Yes, Sensei!
Thank you, Sensei!

We all look forward to
tomorrow's lesson, Master.

Wow. Are all those guys
your students now? Awesome!

I was just training here and
then they started showing up.

I couldn't turn them away.

So you are still keeping up
your own training then?

Of course I am.

I'm always working
to better myself.

That's part of being
a martial artist.

Then this works out perfectly.

How'd you like to enter
the Tournament of Power?

You'll get to spar with all
sorts of super-strong fighters!

What's the Tournament of Power?

[GOKU grunts]

I thought Master Roshi was
s'posed to be here, too.

Oh, Roshi's here, all right.

I'm all ready to go!


Why the hell am I
wearing a miniskirt now?

So spunky! So curvy!

It's too much for me!
Ugh! You're so gross!

Now, let's get down
to business, eh?

But before we do,

we'd better drive
out that darkness

that's lurking inside you.


Don't tell me this old geezer
knows why I'm really here.

Oh, pish-posh! Don't be silly!

Just look at me!
I'm full of sunshine and rainbows!


You can't fool these
all-seeing eyes!


[YURIN screams]


Right here.

You're hiding a whole lotta
darkness right about here.

Why, of all the nerve!

What is wrong with you?! Ugh!

You sick dirty old fool!


You've got some darkness
up there, too!

No need to worry, darlin',

I'll squeeze that darkness
right outta you, lickety-split.

I'm comin' for ya, darkness!

Hey, old man, you in here?

Hold on! Wait!

Quit runnin' so I can save you!

Maybe I'll come
back for him later.

Just stand still!


Darkness, be gone!


[ROSHI screams]

Oh, that was worth it.

Yech, what a disgusting creeper!

And to think, I was
actually worried

he knew what I was up to!

Forget him.
Where's Three-Eyed Baldy?

Man, that was intense, huh?

[STUDENT 89B] He sure put us
through one heck of a workout.


Hah. I think I have an idea.

I see.

You came to invite both
Master Roshi and myself.

So you're gonna
enter, aren't you?

Sorry, but I have to pass.


While fighting the best that the
other universes have to offer

would make for
excellent training,

I'm afraid I can't just
pick up and abandon

my own students
and their training.

Oh, come on, can't you just
hire a substitute for a while?

If you win, you get
ten million zeni,

so you could totally afford it!

Money's not the issue, Goku.

So I can't change
your mind, then?


Aw. Well, that's a huge bummer.

If you don't join our team,

I don't know how to get
to ten good fighters.

[MAN 89A]
Sensei! We've got a problem!

Your students are rampaging
through the town!




[TOWNSFOLK screaming]

[GOKU gasps]

No. But why?

Sorry, you're already
too late to stop this.

[ALL screaming]

[STUDENTS groaning]

[WOMAN screams]

No way. Ain't gonna happen.

But the fate of our universe

rests on this tournament!

Eh, not my problem.

What? Beat it.

Hey, wee lad, what part of
"beat it" don't you understand?

Whoa, are you okay?

[PUNKS gasp]

Wait, what was that?

I've gone Super Saiyan.

If you wanna know more about
it, I'd be happy to teach you.

Fine, but I'm still not
entering that tournament.

What a shame, 'cause
your brother, Renso,

spoke so glowingly about all
your abilities as a fighter.

Why would you wanna waste your
skills in a place like this

when you could be aiming for
something so much higher?

You shut your mouth, punk!

Stand down.

[PUNK 89A]
Sorry, boss.

Well, who knew the Sadala
Defense Force's elite soldiers

could be such smooth talkers.

Hey, you two, go buy
Cabba somethin' to drink.

- [PUNKS] You got it!
- [CAULIFLA] Hmm...

I must say, you've
piqued my interest.

Both in this Super Saiyan thing

and whatever you think's so much
grander than what I've got here.

[TOWNSFOLK screaming]

What is this?

Don't know. It looks like
something's come over them.

Yes, it's sorcery.

Someone cast a powerful
spell to control them.

They reek of magical energy.

Yank those talismans
off their foreheads!

Leave that to me! Attack!

It's like there's force
fields around them!

Hey, idiot!

Did you really think that
childish trick would work?

Oh, it's you!

So you're the one
behind all this sorcery!

I could see there was darkness
in you, right from the start!

You liar! You are nothing
but a dirty old man!


Now your precious dojo's
reputation will plummet.

Face it, you're all washed up!

And it serves you right!

But why would you
wanna hurt my dojo?

Isn't it obvious?

So I could get my revenge
on you, Three-Eyed Baldy!

Hold on, "Three-Eyed Baldy"?


You were with us at the old
Crane School, weren't you?

Hey, wait! Are you running away?

Get back here and fight me,
you Three-Eyed Baldy!

Hey, don't ignore me, coward!
Stick around and fight!

In that very moment,
I made up my mind.

That when I grew up, I would do
anything to track you down,

and beat you to a bloody pulp!

In order to get to this point,

I underwent brutally
intense training,

until I finally
mastered sorcery!

You subjected my students to
this over something so petty?

Oh, petty is it?

Sure, I guess it might seem
petty to a man like you,

but to me, it's a big, big,
big, big freakin' deal!

And you're gonna
answer for it, okay?!

Let me handle this one, fellas.

After all, Tien, you don't
have a lot of experience

dealing with the fairer
sex, now do you?

Why don't you just focus
on her floating puppets?

[TOWNSFOLK screaming]

That works well enough
for me, Master Roshi.

All right, let's go!


Got it!


Well, that's one down.



I hate to say it, but you
are one unlucky lady.

Your dark plan was
doomed from the second

I became the dojo's
honorary grand master.

So get ready, darlin',

'cause I'm about to spank that
nasty attitude right outta you!

Oh, I'd like to see
you try, old man!

Think you can run your grimy
little hands all over my body?!

You'll never touch anyone again!

Not after I crush...
every bone in your body!


Wait. I didn't hurt you at all?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Was that an attack?
It felt more like a massage.


Ugh! But you're just
a dirty old fool!

Something wrong?

If not,
I'd like to take my turn.





Oh, my goodness! I... see them!

And they're striped!

Ugh, you're disgusting!



Your perviness was
your downfall.

Game, set, match,
old man. You lose.



Oh, no, Master Roshi!

Well, that's not good.

You guys, go take care
of the students!

Yeah, you got it.

Go ahead and try, but you'll
never break my spell!

Honjiru monjiru!
Honjiru monjiru!

Go! Attack, old man!

Honjiru monjiru!


Oh, no, Tien!
[GOKU gasps]

Even under her control,

he's got the same
speed and power.

[YURIN] Honjiru monjiru!
Honjiru monjiru!

Now pound that Three-Eyed Baldy
into a gooey, three-eyed mess!

Honjiru monjiru!
Genjiru gonjiru!


You wanna flex muscles, huh?



The Four Witches Technique?

All right, dirty old man!
Blow Three-Eyed Baldy away!

[TIEN yells]




Oh, no!


Finish him.


[GOKU gasps]

Oh, this looks bad!

What? How could he...?

Hey, that looked pretty
rough? Are you okay?

You saved me.

Just let me take it
from here, all right?

Hey, Old Timer.
You're facing me now!

[YURIN] Ha! Different
fighter, same result.

Honjiru monjiru!

That's some awesome energy.

So what, you've just been
keeping all that power

hidden from us this whole time?


An incredible counterpunch!

You're making my
fists tingle, old man!

[GOKU] So this is what he can
do when he's not holding back!

He must be sneaking in
some intense training

when we're not around!

Well, old man.


Honestly, I'd really love
to throw down with you

like this some more, but we
don't have time for that.

What? He's leaving?

Okay, Tien, help me out here.



Good thinking.


I need you to keep Yurin
from moving for a minute!

Huh? Where'd he go?


There he is!

- Honjiru...!
- Take this!


Look away!

Looks like the
protective spell is broken!

And just in time, too.

Five more minutes,
Mommy, I'm still tired.


Oh, no, how could
this happen to me?

And after I spent years
learning all that sorcery stuff!

It's not fair, it's not fair,
it's not fair, it's not...

That's enough.

What? How dare you!

I won't forget this,
Three-Eyed Baldy!

I'm gonna train
harder this time,

and then I'll come back
and I'll crush you,

and be bigger and
stronger than ever!


As long as you're going
to be training, Yurin,

why not come and
do it at my dojo?

Huh? But, Tien!

Seriously? You want me
to train with you?

Your motivations aside,

you do appear to be sincere
about wanting to grow stronger.

So how 'bout it?

You can fight with me
all you want if you stay.

'Kay, fine, whatever.

If you won't shut up about it,
I guess I'll be your student.

Excellent, and I promise
to train you well.

But before we can begin,

you need to apologize
to all of these people.

Uh, yeah. I, uh...

I'm sorry, everybody!

[GOKU] Looks like things
turned out all right.

Say, Goku.


About this whole
Tournament of Power thing.

On second thought,
I think I'd like to participate.

Really? You wanna enter?


Unwitting or not,

my students caused a lot
of damage here today.

With that ten
million zeni prize,

I'll be able to rebuild the town
and fix what they've done.

Wait, did you just
say ten million zeni?

Count me in for
whatever that is, too!

All right, awesome,
that makes ten of us!

So we're good to go!

Buu. Piccolo.

Android Seventeen.
Android Eighteen.

Krillin. Tien.

Vegeta. Master Roshi.

Plus, of course, Gohan and Goku.

The ten mightiest warriors
of the Seventh Universe

have at last been assembled.

Nothing less than the
devastation of the universe

is on the line in the
Tournament of Power,

which is set to begin
in just eight hours.

The fight waged by these
ten fierce warriors

will determine the fate
of the Seventh Universe,

and everyone who calls it home.

♪ End Theme Song plays...

♪ Boogie Back! ♪



♪ My heartbeat
keeps growing faster ♪

♪ Every step
that I take ♪

♪ Brings me back to you ♪
♪ Boogie Back! ♪

♪ Give me happy ever after ♪

♪ Let the dream of our love
come truuuuuue ♪

♪ Boogie Back! ♪

♪ Boogie Back! ♪

Sync corrections by srjanapala