Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 3 - Yume no tsuzuki wa doko da!? Sûpâ Saiya-jin Goddo o sagase! - full transcript

Bills begins the search for the Super Saiyan God.

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In order to fight his greatest adversary,

the Super Saiyan God
he saw in his premonition,

the God of Destruction Beerus
awakens from his 39 year-long slumber.

At that time,
back on peaceful Earth,

Bulma is about to
host her birthday party.

Meanwhile, Goku trains
on King Kai's planet,

with his mind focused
only on getting stronger.

Where's the continuation of the dream!?

The search for the Super Saiyan God!

Gee, what could it be?

It might have been
Super Seiya God...

Or maybe it was
Super Soya God?

Whatever it may be,
it sure is a far-fetched name.

Whis, use your
powers to find him.

How am I supposed to find him
when you're so vague in describing him?

Please be more specific.

What a stinge.

Ah, I want to eat something
sweet after all that thinking.

Let's have dessert once we get back.

If I remember, we should have
something special in the fridge.

Something special?

Are you telling
the truth, Whis?

If you aren't...

Worry not,
Lord Berus,

I've been thinking
this for a while now...

Can't you fly
any faster?

I am the fastest in
the universe, are you aware?

Oh really...
I had no idea.

What's the matter,
Grand Elder?

It appears Lord Beerus
has destroyed yet another planet.

This is the first time
I've seen him this afraid.

Is Lord Beerus
really so awesome?

In this world, we have gods
who create and give life, like you and I.

And on the other side of the balance, there exist gods who destroy planets and end lives.

That is who the
God of Destruction, Lord Beerus is.

Yes, I'm aware of this.

You mean to say that
his purpose is,

No, there is no purpose.

The destruction Lord Beerus doles out is merely on a whim.

There is naught but
one thing we can do:

Ensure we do nothing
further to aggravate Lord Beerus.

I'm worried sick that someone may challenge Lord Beerus to a fight.

I can't think
of anyone that might...


Son Goku!

That's correct!

That fighting freak is the one man
I don't want to find out about Lord Beerus!

Lord Beerus's power
can only be sensed by fellow deities.

And besides,
he lives faraway on Earth.

It should be impossible for him to ever meet with Lord Beerus.

I hope that is the case.

Sorry to disturb you during your conversation, Supreme Kais.

This is the Northern Kai.

Speaking of Son Goku...

He's training at
my planet as we speak.

Son Goku is with you now?

Have you felt the
disturbance in the force as well?

Lord Beerus's awakening...

Yes, he's awoken much sooner than usual, hasn't he?

Make sure you
keep it a secret from him.

Yes, of course.

I'll make sure Son Goku
never hears a word of it.

What shouldn't
I hear a word of?

Haha, what 'er
ya doin', King Kai?

You surprised me!

Are ya okay?
Yer covered with paint.

Oh thank you,
thank you, thank...

Hey this stinks!

That's a dirty rag
you're using!

My goodness,
you are unbelievable.

Oh, I'm so sorry!

Hey so King Kai,

I heard you say
my name just now...

Oh no, no way.

You're one
egocentric guy, you are.

M-M-More importantly,

you haven't forgotten the poor state you've left me in, have you?


Look at this right here.

It's because of our sacrifice that Earth is safe and sound right now.

Earth is...?

Hey! You idiot!
Don't bring him here!

Sorry King Kai, this is the only place I could think of.

Oh right, you got blown to bits with Cell exploding 'n all, didncha?

You got us blown to bits!

You still have no
penance at all, have you?

How many times
do I need to say sorry?

If an apology could solve everything you wouldn't need a god.

My heart always skips a beat
whenever Shenron is summoned,

but we've never been
revived after all this time!

I'm so really really sorry!
I completely forgot!

Don't forget!

You're a god
aren't you, King Kai?

I thought it's all the same to you whether you're dead or alive.

You moron!
There's a massive difference!

Do you know how much
I'm mocked by the other Kais?

You better make sure you bring us back to life next...

Can you at least
let me finish?

My goodness...

At least I managed to take
his attention away from Lord Beerus...

Argh the rag!

Lord Beerus,
we're back.


So have you remembered yet?

That super thingamajig?

Let's go ask the Oracle Fish.

So you're relying
on the Oracle again?

You have a problem?

Oh no, please go ahead.

Oracle Fish!

Are you there Oracle Fish?

You called?

Remember what
you said 39 years ago?

That I would face
my ultimate adversary.

Yep, he'll show up
some time today.

I knew it.
And this adversary of mine,

what was his name again?

His name...

I forgot.

You forgot?

Try harder, Oracle Fish!

So Whis...

We're supposed to feed
Oracle Fish three times a day, right?

Yes, that's correct.

Let's drop
two of the feeds.

What a bright idea.

O-O-Oh no!
Anything but that!

Then you'll remember
for me, won't you?

Oh yes,
I'll remember.

Um... oh... ah...

It's Super Saiyan God!

I knew it!

Super Saiyan God...

If he has god in his name, he must be a deity then?

My my, sounds like a pain.

Just so you know Lord Beerus,

this Super Saiyan God you're looking for simply doesn't exist.

Maybe the Saiyans would know something about it.

Oh wait.

The Saiyan's home world Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Freeza wasn't it?

Didn't you mumble in your sleep
saying you would destroy it yourself?

I mean, they just
pissed me off.

Especially that King Vegeta.

Um, back to
the topic at hand.

So Planet Vegeta was destroyed and the Saiyans along with it...

False. The majority
were wiped out,

but a few escaped
to a another planet.

I should mention that
Prince Vegeta is alive and well.

Well isn't he the lucky one?

Whis, is the bath ready?

At this time of the day?

Well I did only sleep
for 39 years this time.

I should clean up good.

How's the water?

It's great.

That's good to hear.

So, where are the
surviving Saiyans now?

The surviving Saiyans are currently
residing on 877 of 4032, a vibrant planet.

A planet called Earth.

Earth huh?
I think I've been there once.

That's the planet where the dinosaurs were boorish,

so I exterminated them all, isn't it?

It seems one of the Saiyans, Son Goku, was the one who defeated Freeza.

Freeza was defeated!?

Oh my! Lord Beerus...

You were saying, Freeza was defeated by a Saiyan?

Yes, the Saiyan
going by the name Son Goku.

He is currently on
the Northern Kai's planet.

How very suspect,
on a Kai's planet...

So this is our man, Son Goku?

Yes, that's correct.

Did the Saiyans
always have blonde hair?

The Saiyans have the ability,

where they can transform and multiply their power level manyfold.

If I remember correctly,
the name is Super Saiyan.

Not God?

Unfortunately not.

Just Super Saiyan?

So close...

But it's a clue.

Whis, how long to travel
to Northern Kai's planet?

Should take around
26 minutes and 44 seconds.

What it's that far away!?

That's enough time to watch a whole episode of Chinese cartoons.

Ugh, what a pain in the side.

Well, what to do.

Whis, ready our lunches.

As you wish.

Damn it!
A freaking traffic jam.

It's because you took so long
doing your makeup, No. 18.

If only we left the house earlier.

It's a party on a cruise ship,
of course I have to look my best!

Well, I guess it's a party for Bulma
hosted by the world's richest family.

If we're late we wont miss out on the Bingo Tournament, will we?

I'm sure the prizes
will be amazing!

We'll be late if
this keeps up.

Okay, let's just do it!

Put the car back
into its Capsule and...

Fried Noodles | Octopus' Balls

Super Bingo Tournament

Are the goods for
the Bingo game are all set?

Yes ma'am.

Take particular care with
the Special Prize, okay?

Understood, ma'am.

Special Prize: Secret ?

If we were going to fly, we shouldn't have driven in the first place.

Hey, we're not the
only ones taking a shortcut.

Hey Yumcha! Pu'ar!

Oh hey, Krillin!

It's been a while.


Oh, it's Tien and Chiaotzu.

Have you all been keeping well?


Hey Trunks!

Hi everyone, welcome!

Hey check it out Goten,
the ship is massive!

Let's go exploring!

Yeah, let's go.

Happy Birthday Bulma.

Congratulations, Bulma.


Thanks for coming.

Are we the first ones here?

Except for the two
weirdos over there.

Oolong, keep pumping in the coins.

Time to change over, old man.

This is the best bit!

Oh dear, my nose.

Old man!

Shut yer trap!
A little longer!

Ohh yess!

Hey what? Oolong,
put another coin in!

Master Roshi, you're setting a bad example for the kids!

Stop it!

Oh, I was just watching the birds.

Your nose, old man.

Amazing Chiaotzu!

Hey you there!
What are you doing?


The party hasn't
even started yet.

Only start eating
once everyone is here.

I hungry, so I eat!

There, there, there.

I'm so sorry, Ms. Bulma.
I'll be sure to tell him off.

Mr. Buu, let's go over here...

I've got something
delicious made just for you.

Is true, Satan?

There's sooo much
food just for you.

Really, really telling truth?

Here's our wedding photo.

You're the last one
to receive a copy.

Thank you for bringing it over.

I guess you happened to blink when the photo was taken, Piccolo.

I'll be the Number One Ultimate Fighting Champion!

Vegeta's not coming
because he's training!?

And your dad too!?

I'm so sorry.

What's wrong, Goku?

I-It can't be?


Oh no! I forgot today
was Bulma's birthday party!

Damn it, I totally forgot!

I bet she's so mad right now,
she's so scary when she's mad!

What a relief.

It wasn't related to Lord Beerus.

I mean, there's no reason why he would come here in the first place.

I'm sick of those Saiyan fighting freaks.

Set sail! We're departing now!

Lord Beerus,
I've prepared our lunches.

I see.

What's on the menu?

For our mains, we have Grilled Salmon from Planet Wortrinson,

and the 65th Nebula's famous Wild Chicken.

What is that even...

Oh whatever, let's stop off
somewhere nice on the way to eat.

I understand.
I'll keep an eye out.

Let us depart.


It's only been half a day since Lord Beerus's awakening,

and already 8? planets
have disappeared.

Could Lord Beerus have really done all this is such a short amount of time?

It just shows how awesome he truly is.

I should mention that the one who sealed me in the Z Sword

was none other than Lord Beerus himself.

I was so completely overwhelmed.

It seems I've taken
Lord Beerus too lightly...

Can you feel it,
Lord Beerus's power?

Yes, he's travelling
at great speed.


Why? Why is Lord Beerus
travelling towards

Northern Kai's planet!?

I sensed it as well.

But why would Lord Beerus
travel to Son Goku?

W-What I feared most
is coming to pass...

Oh peace, such a fleeting thing.

Isn't there anything we can do to keep Lord Beerus and Goku from meeting?

Whatever we do is useless.

The actions of Lord Beerus are like the forces of nature.

We simply wait for
the storm to pass over.


This time he may very well go beyond planets, and end up destroying the very universe.

T-The universe...

I'll be sure to find you...

This Super Saiyan God.

Heya, I'm Goku!

I guess the party's already started.

Well, everyone's probably havn' fun, so it's all good.

But to think King Kai's shakin' in his boots like that,

this Lord Beerus
must be one hell of a guy.

I'm just so excited!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super:

My aim: The Dragon's Balls!

The Pilaf Gang's Grand Plan!

You'll tune in next time, won't you?