Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 127 - The Approaching Wall! The Final Barrier of Hope! - full transcript

Android 17, Vegeta, Goku and Frieza maximize their struggle to defeat Jiren. Jiren releases his hidden power that surprises everyone. Android 17 shows Jiren his bravery and tries to ...

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♪ Opening Theme song
"GenkaiToppa X Survivor" plays... >>>

Original one : Season 01 Episode 127
(Dubbed one TV release : S05 E51)

♪ Time has come,
I'm ready to go ♪

♪ Venturing into the unknown ♪

♪ Fires inside me,
must be unleashed ♪

♪ People talkin' nonsense all day ♪

♪ Chin pun kan,
that's all they can say ♪

- ♪ I can't get no satisfaction ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Challenges may come ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ Fighting's just begun ♪

♪ But there's no sTopping me ♪

♪ From spreading out my wings ♪

- ♪ Let's fly high ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Concentrate my power ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ In the final hour ♪

♪ In the end,
I am gonna w-i-i-i-i-n! ♪

♪ Don't you know
I'm unsToppable? ♪

♪ Don't even try,
'cause you will fall ♪

♪ I got a strength,
deep in my soul, ♪

♪ That gives me
courage and control ♪

♪ I'll go beyond
the limit break ♪

♪ The Universe is mine
to take ♪

♪ I have no fear,
I think it's clear ♪

♪ let's kick it up into
high gear ♪

♪ Oh this is
Dragon Ball Super ♪

♪ We've got the skills
to blow Zeno away! ♪

on Dragon Ball Super,

The Seventh Universe
battled hard against

the two remaining warriors
from the Eleventh.

The pride trooper Top achieved
an entirely new level of power

as he took on the mantle
of a destroyer.

With his energy of destruction
shielding him,

it appeared the seventh
had no way to win.

But the Saiyan prince
refused to quit.

Unlike you,
I won't abandon all that to play God!

Our universe will remain,
no matter the price.


After Vegeta resorted
to the explosive technique

that had once
cost him his life,

Top's defenses were
finally breached,

and the new destroyer
was knocked out.

It's stunning you could
find so much power

without sacrificing your ideals.

You've fought hard to defeat Top.
Well done.


Only one opponent is left,

and Jiren seems to be
unleashing his true power...


Episode Title:
The Approaching Wall!"

"A Hopeful Final Barrier!"


Whoa! Look, look,
Jiren's on fire!

Like actual fire!

That is so cool!

But not actually cool!

His energy's outta this world!

What is this guy?
Some kind of monster?


I never would've guessed
he was holding back this much!

Man! If the force of his energy
is reaching us up here,

how does it feel to them?

Jiren's power is unbelievable!

He's in a league of his own!

How are Goku and the others
supposed to compete?

So, now that your
little friends are gone,

you're finally getting serious.



It's about time.
Though it won't change much.

I'll crush you, too,
and claim my prize.

Come now. Don't be foolish.

You have no chance against me,
especially in your current form.

Don't you shrug me off!

That idiot!

That's... Enough.

You'll pay for your impudence.

See how you like this!

What the...?

You stay in your lane, android.

I didn't ask you for your help.

Jiren, I'll defeat you myself!

What the hell are
you looking at?


We're not done!

An impressive strike.

With attacks like this,
I can see how you outmaneuvered Top.

But that won't get you close
to winning against me.


He cut through Goku's
Kamehame-Ha wave

like it was butter!

How can he exert that much force
with just an uppercut?

He's a beast.
This is crazy!



Hold on. I got something for ya.



In retrospect, maybe blasting
myself wasn't such a great idea.

Look at his back...
It broke through!

How dare you!

Heh. Though seeing that rip
in your snazzy outfit

makes it all worthwhile.

You will suffer!


Hey, that looked pretty insane.
Are you okay, 17?

Yeah, all things considered.

I gotta hand it to you,
you really know how to fight.

And thanks to that big shot
you landed against him,

I'd say we've got ourselves
a new strategy.

If we launch attacks that big,

and his defenses are down,
we can actually do some damage.


Maybe if we use combo attacks
to create an opening,

then unload with techniques even
higher-powered than that...

Yeah. It might be just
what we need to knock him out.

I'll play along, if it means
finishing this punk!

I'll charge in with Vegeta,

and we'll find some way
to knock him off guard.

Once we do...

Say no more.

You done concocting your
little plan of attack?

We're going to pay you
back for all the trouble

you've caused us, and
with compound interest!

That's right, Jiren...
it's our turn to take control.


Here goes! Ha!

Huh. You really thought
you would fool me twice?

The hell...?

Damn that guy!


It isn't working!

Vegeta, maybe if all three of us
attack him at once. Let's go!


I can't believe he fought
off our combined attack.

How can Jiren really
be that strong?

The time has come.

Your team pushed me around,
made me play the fool!

Did you think
I'd let that stand?

There's no need to follow
the rules any more.

You're the only one left!

Take what you deserve.

Death at the golden
hands of lord Frieza!


So you actually think
you can face me alone.

What I think doesn't matter...
It's the only choice I've got.

The Seventh has to survive.

Wait, can he...?

I guess we'll find out.

What if you did somehow prevail?


What do you expect to
get out all of this?

Tell me, what great wish would
you ask of the divine dragon?

When I get the
super dragon balls

I'm gonna keep it real simple.

I just want to take my family
on a nice little cruise.

Is that supposed to be a joke?

You see me laughing?

How 'bout you, Jiren,
what would you choose?

It seems to me all you want is
to be known as the strongest.

Or is there more?

I too have a wish
to ask of the dragon.

Do you know his wish?

For years his heart
has clung to one thing.

And that must be it.

Tell us, Belmod.

Perhaps it's time
that all of you know

the true reason behind Jiren's
obsession with strength.

Jiren's parents were
slaughtered by a powerful foe.


But the boy was spared.

Rescued by a man who would
go on to become his master.

From that day on,

Jiren devoted himself to
the path of righteous power,

determined to forge
himself into a steel wall

no marauder could break.

In time he made friends,
a new community,

and he followed
his master's way.

Then, that same
villain returned.

Jiren and his new brothers
in arms stood against him.

The boy was sure this
time they would win.

But the foe was too strong,

and Jiren watched as his
friends were slain, one by one.

Even Jiren's master lost his
life in the merciless battle.


Jiren tried to
regroup and keep fighting,

but none of the other remaining
students would join him.

With no hope of rescue,

the people in his land
were forced to submit

to this cruel conqueror,
and Jiren was left all alone.

Jiren suffered untold grief
when those he trusted

walked away, betraying their
principles for the easier path.

After that, his view
of the world changed.

He gave up trusting anyone.

As he saw it,
there was only one great truth.

That might makes right.

And that sheer strength
determines all.

Only victories
ensure allegiance.

Subdue and others will follow.

Having feelings just
gets in the way.

I have become enamored
with his singular resolve.

This colossal yearning
for strength,

built on a bedrock of
suffering and desolation.


So that's what you'll wish for.

Here I was wondering
what a heartless machine

could ever want.

But as it turns out,
you're a lot more human than I assumed.

Heh. Belmod may like to talk.

I do not.

Trouble trusting people?

Because it seems like
your teammates

have been trusting you,

but you've just been using them
to get what you want.

Quiet! You don't know
anything about it, okay?

You're stuck in the past.
That's all you care about.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I just strike
a nerve and make you angry?

Let me guess...

You think if you win, everything
can go back to the way it was!

You'll have the dragon
undo what happened.


Oh, damn it all!

I trust no one, even dragons.

I want the power to
bend all to my will.

Even bend time itself.

Now the burden of weakness
falls upon you!

Goku, no! Come on, buddy!


Come on. Get up!

What's he doing?
Has he gone mad?

At least get yourself
out of the way!

17, no! That's crazy!

You don't have the power
to hold back his attack!

You have to get
out of there now!

Now! 17!

Hey, Goku... Vegeta...


I'm giving up my dream
of that cruise. You owe me.

There. I bought you some time.

Sacrificing myself
to help other people.

Look at me, being all "human."


I can't believe it.

That attack could've blasted
Goku and Vegeta away.

Yes, and then all three of them

would have been
out of the fight!

You have escaped elimination.

You should be grateful
to your ally.

He has sacrificed himself for
your weak and miserable hides.

17. You paid that price

just so we'd have a few
more moments to recover.

Bastard Android. Must've been
planning that from the start.

Thanks, 17. We owe you.

Why did you go and do that?
You just had to play the hero.


He made those barriers
to shield Goku and Vegeta,

but he knew that alone
wouldn't be enough.

So he blew himself up
to counter Jiren's attack

and disperse the
destructive energy.

But then that would mean that...

Yes, that's right.

Even though Jiren
initiated the attack,

17 made the choice
to self-detonate,

which means that
he actually eliminated himself.

Therefore contestant
Jiren of the eleventh

will not be incurring a penalty.


You still want more?

Jiren, I hope you're ready.

'Cause I'm going to knock
the hell out of you.

Shielded by
17's explosive final effort,

the Saiyans have managed
to hang on for another round.

Now, Vegeta is summoning
all the power he can

to face Jiren once more.

But how can he hold up against
this seemingly unbeatable foe?

Don't you dare
look down on me!

Next time, on Dragon Ball Super!
Corrections done by srjanapala

♪ Ending Theme "Lagrima" plays... >>>

♪ Whirling all around
and then back again ♪

♪ the song that connects you
to the heavens ♪

♪ strength that goes
beyond all measure ♪

♪ expanding to a beat
that won't end ♪

♪ the meteors fall like rain drops ♪

♪ astrological tears
from my eyelids ♪

♪ a strong emotion
from deep within ♪

♪ surging right into my heart ♪