Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 124 - The Fiercely Overwhelming Assault! Gohan's Last Stand!! - full transcript

Gohan and Frieza fight together against Dyspo.

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♪ Opening Theme
"Genkaitoppa X Survivor" plays... >>>



Original one : Season 01 Episode 124
(Dubbed one TV release : S05 E48)

♪ Time has come,
I'm ready to go ♪

♪ Venturing into the unknown ♪

♪ Fires inside me,
must be unleashed ♪

♪ People talkin' nonsense all day ♪

♪ Chin pun kan,
that's all they can say ♪

- ♪ I can't get no satisfaction ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Challenges may come ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ Fighting's just begun ♪

♪ But there's no sTopping me ♪

♪ From spreading out my wings ♪

- ♪ Let's fly high ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Concentrate my power ♪
- ♪ Oh! Whoa! ♪

♪ In the final hour ♪

♪ In the end,
I am gonna w-i-i-i-i-n! ♪


♪ Don't you know
I'm unsToppable? ♪

♪ Don't even try,
'cause you will fall ♪

♪ I got a strength,
deep in my soul, ♪

♪ That gives me
courage and control ♪

♪ I'll go beyond the limit break ♪

♪ The Universeis mine
to take ♪

♪ I have no fear,
I think it's clear ♪

♪ let's kick it up into high gear ♪

♪ Oh this is Dragon Ball Super ♪

♪ We've got the skills
to blow Zeno away! ♪

[Narrator] Previously,
on Dragon Ball Super,

the long-awaited rematch
between Goku and Jiren began.

Though the Saiyan warrior tried
every trick he could muster,

Jiren brushed them all aside.

[Goku groaning]

There's no doubt.

You really are
incredible, Jiren.

But I won't quit.

No matter the odds,
I won't back down now.

[Vegeta grunts]
Kakarot is right.

Any fool can see you've been
the strongest... at least so far.

But I'll still find
a way to knock you out

and win this Tournament.

Here we come, Jiren!



[Narrator] While Goku powered
up with his Kaio-Ken,

Vegeta answered with
a new level of his own.

Now you can finally see my all.

[Vegeta, Goku yell]

[Goku, Vegeta grunting]

[Goku, Vegeta grunt]

[Goku, Vegeta yell]

Only seven minutes are left.

Which Universe will earn
the right to survive?

The Tournament of power
continues... Now!

Episode Title: [Narrator Reads]
"A Storm-and-Stress Aassault!

Gohan's last stand!"

it's still hard to believe
how strong this guy is.

He took both of our assaults
and didn't even flinch.

[Vegeta] Hmph. That won't
be true for long.

It's up to you. Goku and Vegeta.

If you two can't defeat him,
the seventh Universe is doomed.

[Beerus growls]

[Vegeta, Goku grunt]

Let's go!

[Vegeta grunts]
[Goku yells]

[Vegeta grunts, yells]


Over here!

[Vegeta yells]

[Goku, Vegeta grunting]

[Goku, Vegeta grunting]

[both] Oh, wow!
They're attacking together!

Goku and Vegeta
are driving him back!

Yes, and it is very
amazing to see!

[Goku, Vegeta grunting]

That's the way, Saiyans!
Keep up that Tandem attack!

Don't sTop until you've
forced him out of the ring!

It seems not even Jiren can
handle this souped-up tag team.

[Khai growls]

[Goku grunting]

[Vegeta grunting]

[Goku, Vegeta grunting]


Final flash!

[Vegeta, Goku]

Uh?! So did they get Him?

Both their blasts
were direct hits...

There's no way he could walk
away from that without damage.


[Goku, Vegeta]


A valiant effort.

You've shown me the
true extent of your power.

Heh. Did you hear that, Kakarot?

Yeah, whatever.

[Goku, Vegeta yell]

[Jiren yells]

[Dyspo] Well, it looks like
Jiren's finally upping his game.

So I guess I'll do the same.

[Dypso grunts]

[Dypso, Frieza grunting]

[Frieza] Well, shall we wrap up
this little play-date of ours?

I do applaud you
for your formidable speed, Dypso.

I give credit where
credit is due,

and your quickness has no rival.

But do you remember what
Goku told you earlier?

Your moves are far too
straightforward and predictable,

which makes you darting
about no threat at all.

Ha, ha!

[Dypso grunts]

Ha! You're using guesswork
to deal with my speed.

That explains how you've been
able to hold on for this long.

But don't go thinking you can
outlast me with hunches.

The fact is, I can
move even faster!

[Frieza groans]

Ah! You pesky little fly!

What's wrong, slow poke?

I thought you could
predict my moves!

Oh, dear. Now Frieza's
losing ground!

- [all gasp]
- [Beerus] Seriously?

[Dypso, Frieza grunting]

[grunting continues]

Has that flop eared fool
increased his speed even more?

Here's my circle flash!

[Frieza groans]

You're through!

[Frieza groans]

[Dypso laughs] My circle flash
stings pretty bad, doesn't it?

I hate to put an end to the fun,

but it's time for you
to go over the side!

But how did you catch me?

Whew. That was close.

For an infinitesimal moment,
I was actually concerned.


[Dypso groans]


[Dypso groans]

Tell me, Dypso.

Would you be open to
making a deal with me?


Let's be honest.

If we continue like this,
we'll both become exhausted.

Even if you somehow
find fortune's favor

and drive me out, you'll be
drained and vulnerable.

And our team will still
outnumber yours, four to three.

Strong as your Jiren may be,
there's no guarantee

he can dispense with Goku and
Vegeta in the time that remains.

Those monkeys are resilient...
Take it from me.

So what's your point?

I propose that if your team
wins this Tournament,

you'll use the power of
the Super Dragon Balls

to wish me back to existence.

If you agree to that
simple request,

I would be amenable to
helping your Universe

secure victory in exchange.

You what?!

And there he goes,
betraying us again!

This is Frieza
we're talking about...

This could be a trick to
make Dypso drop his guard

or some other backhanded scheme!

That's true, we've learned
by now that you

can't take anything
he says at face value.

There's just no way to know
what his real intentions are.

What do you say, Dypso?

If you ask me, I'm making you
a rather generous offer.


The answer's no.


Your motives are
obviously despicable.

You're tryin' to play me.

Hopin' that you alone can
survive the seventh's fate.

But I don't make deals
with evil-doers like you!

Ha! So now I'm evil?

We use such silly words to
describe the things we fear.

Well, if that's your answer,
then you leave me no choice.

It really is a pity.

[Dypso grunts]

[all grunting]

[Khai, Belmod grunt]

Now he's all glow-y and gold!

Does this mean he's
taking that form again?

I'm getting so excited!

Excited and thrilled!

[Dypso grunting, gasping]

Welcome back, golden Frieza.

I guess that means the
diplomacy didn't work.

Well, of course not.

I'll simply have to
use my true power

to force you out of
the Tournament.

You're probably having second
thoughts about my offer.

But I'm afraid it's too late.

Now, then. Back to our melee.

It's time for round two.

Come. Try to resist
any way you like.

Oh, I'll do more than
resist, goldie.

I'll show you it doesn't matter
what form you take on.

You'll still never keep up
with my hyper speed!




I almost feel bad for you.

[Dypso groans]

[Frieza grunts]

[Dypso groaning]

This is impossible!

No one in the cosmos
is faster than Dypso!

Considering how incessantly you
rattle on about your speed,

I thought you'd be
faster than that.

[Dypso growls]

[Frieza laughing]

[Frieza] Hm? Ooh,
what a dramatic little pose.

Does that mean you're
ready for more?

Too bad gumption
only gets you so far.

Your abilities can
never match mine.

What's this?

I sense a new sort of energy
exuding from him now.

Heh. You surprise me.

But you're still no match
for your gilded foe!

[Dypso grunts]

[Frieza grunts]

You're the one who's lacking.

[Frieza groans]

You just don't realize it yet!

[Frieza groaning]

[Dypso grunting]

Maybe you're no match for me!

[Dypso chuckles]

[Dypso, Frieza grunting]

It's hard to believe,

but Dypso's increased
his speed even more.

[laughs] That's right.

Dyspo has unveiled
his ultimate technique.

A level he calls his
"Super-Lightspeed Mode."

[Frieza groans]

No fair! Now they're
too fast for me to see!

I can't see either!

Ooh, wait, I forgot!


slow-motion playback!

I still can't see!

[future Zeno]
Neither can I!

It would seem that Dypso has
achieved a rate of speed

beyond even the godpad's
ability to capture.

Oh, so that's what
the problem is.

How amazingly fast!

Please forgive the technological
shortcoming, sires.

I will ensure the next
generation of godpad

performs better. For now, we'll
have to accept, and appreciate,

that they're simply fighting
too fast to observe.

Well, okey-dokey.

Guess we'll watch
the parts we can see.

Even if they're only blurs,
it's still fun to watch.

I think so too!

[Dypso grunting]

[Supreme Kai]
he's in peril.

If they keep moving that
direction, he'll be pushed off!

STop, Frieza! Behind you!

[both gasp]

Sounds like he needs some help.


You're not going anywhere!

Now the finish!
You're goin' overboard!

[Gohan grunts]
[Dypso yelps]

Well, well, well, isn't this
a lovely little surprise...

I didn't know you cared
so much for me, Gohan.

Are you my knight in
not-so-shining armor?

You're part of my team...
Of course I'm helping you.

But are you sure you want
to fight for someone

with such an admittedly spotty
record in the trust department?

Next time I could
betray you for real.

If you do, know this.


I will end you myself.

[Frieza chuckles]

Oh, is that so?

Perhaps we can puff out our
chests at each other later,

but for now let's work as a
team, assuming you can keep up.

Don't worry about me.

Come on, Dypso, you're
facing both of us now!

[Dypso grunts] Don't get cocky
just 'cause you landed one blow.

If you wanna double
your Universe's losses,

that works for me.

I'll send you both over
the edge together!

I don't like seeing Gohan
next to Frieza like this.

I know things turned out
well with Frost,

but it still makes me uneasy.

All we can do is hope
Frieza stays on our side.

Listen up, Gohan and Frieza!

You both better
survive this fight!

Take this!

[Dypso grunts]

You won't escape me this time!

[grunts, yells]

Pick up the pace.
I'm already over here now!

You're not gonna catch me
with those rookie attacks.

Just scamper away,
you slippery little coward!

The only thing you're
good at is retreating!

We have to find some way
to counter his speed!


[Gohan gasps]

[Dypso] What's wrong?
You givin' up already?

In that case, I'll just have
to bring the fight to you!


[both grunt]

[Gohan] Let's fence him in
somehow to limit his range.

That is your plan?

Yeah. If we can cut down
the amount of ground he's got

to work with, that should make
it easier to catch up to him.

I'll draw him in, and you pin
him down. Whaddaya say?

Hm... Very well, Gohan...
Far be it from me to argue

with the ever so brilliant team
leader of the seventh Universe.

Then let's go!

Nice enthusiasm,
but you're wide open!


What the...?

That's right.

Now it won't be as easy for
you to run away, will it?

So that's what your
intentions are. Clever.

But you won't be able
to escape me either!

That's a risk I'm
willing to take.

From now on,
we fight one-on-one!

[Gohan, Dypso grunting]




Great job. You got him!

With Frieza's energy attack,
they've managed

to sharply cut down Dypso's
range of movement

and now Gohan's
blows are landing!

A wise strategy... without space
to use his speed advantage,

Dypso can't compete
with Gohan's power.

That cage of energy makes
his super-lightspeed mode

too dangerous, because
every time he bumps

into one of those rays he'll
take damage. This is bad!

Lousy seventh Universe...
What a cheap trick!

[Dypso grunts, yells]

[Frieza grunting]

[Gohan grunting]


[both grunting]

[Gohan groans, screams]


[Gohan grunts]

But how?

[all gasp]

This cage is Frieza's job,
and my job is to knock you out.

And I don't intend to let
the seventh Universe down.

[Dypso growls]

[Gohan yells]

[Dypso groans]

There's no way!

Goku's son is a very
amazing fighter!

He bounced back from
that hit like wow!

Yes, he's the coolest!

Here I come, Dypso!

[Gohan grunting]




I didn't do all of this
so you could dilly-dally!

This technique takes quite
a bit of energy, you know!

Unless I misunderstood,

the point was for you to
throw him from the ring.

So hurry and throw!

Oh, man.

I don't think Frieza can keep
this going for too much longer!

But if Dypso isn't contained,
he'll have the advantage again.

STop wasting time, Gohan!
Finish him now!


[Dypso gasping]

Come on.

That cage is all
that's sTopping him.

If he just holds on,
he can still win this!

You have to hang
in there, Dypso!

[Gohan yells]

[Dypso groaning]


That's it! Get him, Gohan!



[all gasp]

[both gasping]

[Frieza groaning]

That's the best I could do.

Like I thought! You're through!


What the...?!


Hmph. Your strategy worked.

Well done, Team Leader.

And now we get to the fun part.

No, you wouldn't!

Hurry and do it!

Don't look so anxious, Dypso.

Your time to rest
in the bleachers

will arrive soon anyway.

Don't do it!

[Frieza laughs]

Oh, wow!

What a super-duper battle!

Contestant Dypso of
the eleventh Universe

falls with contestant
Gohan of the seventh.

Both are eliminated.

I'm sorry, you guys.
I did my best.

That was a strong blast.

Are you okay?

Yeah. It's just a little
sting, that's all.

[Piccolo] It was the right
decision, Gohan.


If you'd let Dypso get away,

his speed could've
defeated you both.

You did your part, kiddo.


Uh! Damn!

How could I go and let them
take me out like that?


Nice work, Gohan.

You really did good.

[Narrator] Dypso, the pride
trooper who claimed he was

the fastest fighter
in the cosmos,

had seemed impossible
for golden Frieza

or the rest of the
seventh to catch.

But thanks to Gohan's noble
sacrifice, Dypso has been

eliminated, and now only
six warriors remain.

Will the Seventh Universe,
with their superior numbers,

find a way to win?

Or will it be the Eleventh,
with their unrivaled Champion?

Only six minutes remain
in the Tournament of Power,

next time, on Dragon Ball Super.
Corrections done by srjanapala

♪ Ending Theme "Lagrima" plays... >>>

♪ Whirling all around
and then back again ♪

♪ the song that connects you
to the heavens ♪

♪ strength that goes
beyond all measure ♪

♪ expanding to a beat
that won't end ♪

♪ the meteors fall like rain drops ♪

♪ astrological tears
from my eyelids ♪

♪ a strong emotion
from deep within ♪

♪ surging right into my heart ♪