Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Heiwa no hôshû 1 oki zenî wa dare no te ni!? - full transcript

Goku works in his radish field, but wants to go training and fighting.

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Translated by elspark15
Syncro by Cybevil

Planet Earth was once in danger from
the power of the mighty Majin Buu

However, Vegeta and Goku were
able to fight against Majin Buu

Goku was able to stop Majin Buu with the Super Spirit Bomb
by collecting energy from all throughout the universe.

After six months, using the powers of Shenron, the people of
earth had their memories erased of Buu and the days that passed.

The World Peace Prize. Who's
getting the 100 million Zeni?!

It's as stubborn as Vegeta.


I've got Lunch for you!

Hey Goten! Aren't you
supposed to be in school?

It's Sunday.

Oh, it's the day to rest.

Well then, drive this for me.


Alright lunch! Yum yum!

Bon appetit.


Thank you!

Let's do this.


Do it right or I won't be able
to concentrate on training.

You're training?

Yea. Majin Buu was strong, right?

Well, I couldn't beat him alone and I just wanted
to prepare myself incase something else happens.

Truth is I'd rather be on King Kai's
planet training, but ChiChi told me:

Goku! You made a promise to be that
you would work six months, so work!

I think the strong person
in the universe is mom.

And at Grandpa's house, there's not much money
coming in and definitely not any extra.

But mom said that you can find
a job and make lots of money.

Like Mr. Satan

Me personally, I like to work and train.

Dad, this place is a mess.

What are you doing?! Hurry!!!

Lord Beerus, please, help yourself.

All the plates are delicious. They were
prepared by the finest chefs on the planet.

Oh yeah? These plates?

You are so disrespectful(gross),
Lord Beerus.

And this?

It's the top quality arapurataneiz!

Arapura... what a bothersome name.

I think this is delicious.

I like the amount of salt in
here, definitely to my liking.

So this planet...


I think it's to greasy.

This time I'll just destroy half.


Was it not to your liking, Lord Beerus?

It's not good to eat too much greasy food.

Greasy food.

Mr. Satan, a few words please.

How does it feel too receive
this award(recognition)?

There are people who say there was
a delay in bestowing this honor.

Mr. Satan!

I vowed that the Earth would
forever remain in peace.

Since I made that vow, not a single
threat has been made against earth.

That's all thanks to the fact that my
name is know throughout the galaxy.

Let the face of all evil doers
tremble by name, Mr. Satan!

That's Satan's Style,
slam down the iron fist.

Satan, I'm hungry.

That's one strange character.

Satan, I'm hungry!

I'm a little busy right now...

I'm hungry!!!

What's this guy's problem? He's
disrespecting the hero who saved Earth.

Maybe he's stronger than Satan?

People! Stay Calm!

Do not be frightened.

I will not tell a lie, he came from a far
away galaxy to be trained by yours truly.

He is a space soldier.

That's to say, he's my first disciple.

Now I understand...

It has to be Satan, they're coming
from other planets just to find him.

Go back inside, we will
continue our training later.

I'm hungry.

What don't you understand
about waiting inside?!


Satan is the hero of the earth...
no, the universe!

Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.

Please Buu, don't be so mad.

Later I'll prepare you a feast, promise.

I'm hungry.

Alright, I think I have
some chocolates in here.

Videl! Where are the chocolates!


How cool Gohan. How long has it been
since you wanted that book, right?

Yep, now I can start my

Videl, honey, thanks so much...

What's up, why so serious?

It's just that you're always buying me
things and I can never buy you anything.

Don't worry about it. It's better that you study
hard so one day you can be a great professional.

Anyways, let's go see what's
baking at the bakery.



My brother Gohan is getting
married to Videl, right?

Well, wanna get her a gift.

Gift you say... well I
think I have an idea.

What is it?

This is our selection.

They're all nice, but I'd feel bad
if you bought me one of those,

Don't worry about it babe. Sir
can you show me that one?

What about this one?

They're all small compared to that one.

Yea, tiny.

She won't be happy unless
you get her that one.

If you're gonna get one, it has to be huge.


This... What can I help you...

And over there?


These are also tiny.

We'll just find something else.


They were levitating...

They're flying.

Oh wow, they really are soft!

What could I choose?

Well, if the jewelery is worthless...



You know, it's the stuff women
put all over their faces.

My mom said:

If it doesn't suit my skin, I think
I'm going to give it to Videl.

She better take care of her skin or she'll end up the
opposite of me and her skin will wrinkle rapidly.

I think that'll make her happy.

Yeah, let's go.

I can't buy any of these with my allowance.

6000 Zeni?!

Why does it cost so much?!

Like I said before, this flask contains minerals
great for the skin and great for upkeep...

Upkeep? The hot springs near my house
are better than that flask for that.

If you want, go take a dip. Even a old wrinkly
hag will come out with baby smooth skin.

Hey Grandpa, Where are
these hot springs at?

Hot springs?

The hot springs where even a wrinkly
old lady can get soft skin.

Are you asking where I live?

You go straight and then
you turn all the way left.

Cross the mountains.

Thank you!

You go straight.

And turn.

Are you seeing it?

Ah! There it is!

You think we should get this water?

Let's keep looking, maybe
theres more springs up ahead.

You sure it's here?

There it is.

I think this water is good.

For sure.


I need this full.



Ready? Let's go.

Got it!

Be Careful!
This is a gift for Videl!


Got it!


This guy won't give up.

No! Don't do it!

You're going to send everything flying.


How's the water?



It's your wedding present.


Is this from you Goten? Thank you.

Hey Goten.


Hi brother.

What's that?

It's our wedding gift from Goten.

It's a cosmetic.


Yep. Me and Trunks got it.

I see.

You did this for me.

Try it.

It's just water?

What do you think?

It's great.

My skin feels brand new.




Let me know when you're running out.

I'll go get you more.

I see.

I'm sure Videl is very happy.

You've done good son.

What did her house look like?

It's huge.

It's the house Mr. Satan built.

I'm glad.

This way Gohan can study all he wants.

Hi Goku.

I asked ChiChi and she said you were here.

Hi Mr. Satan.

We were just talking about you.

You've built a house just for our kids.

It's been no problem.

Videl is my daughter after all.

Be honest with me...
Have you heard the news?

No... I know nothing...

I see...

The truth is...

This time they've given
me the world peace prize.

The whole world?

Remember how it all looked
like I saved the Earth.

They've also given me a reward.

100 million Zenis.

100 Million Zenis???

But this prize belongs to you.

So take it.

I don't want it. It's too much.

C'mon, don't be like that.

I didn't fight alone.

You also helped in that fight.

I already have money.

Vegeta also declined.

And anyway, the Briefs
are wealthier than I.

Hey... 100 million Zenis...

How much is that in thousands?

In thousands?

That is...

100 thousand.

A thousand bills of 100 thousand Zenis?!

Really I don't want it.

Thats a terrifying amount.

Are you sure?

I bet if you take that money home to mom,
she'll let you go train with King Kai.

That's right!

Well then...

Goku... I think you should
listen to what Goten is saying.

Yes, I understand.

Are you sure this is okay?

Alright then.

Not that bad you see!

In exchange for the Zeni...

I would love it if you told no one of this.

100... 100 Million Zeni?!

Incredible Goku!

With this we can send Goten
to the best teachers.

What do you think?

Well, you see ChiChi...

You think I could go train with King Kai?


But please come back every once in a while.



See ya later!

Let's go find you a good
school with great teachers.

We'll get the best in the world!


Is it true you got 100 million Zenis?!

With that much money...
We could buy MANY "interesting" DVDs.

Let's go buy some.

I think I would allow
something so perverted?!

Another planet's disappeared.

What's going to happen?

Hi, I'm Goku!

Vegeta's going on a family trip??

Bulma and Trunks are happy...

But I don't think Vegeta is going.

Wait King Kai!!

Drive carefully!

One the next Dragon Ball Super:

To the promised vacation!
Vegeta goes on a family trip?!

Don't missed it.