Drag Race España (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Final Four - full transcript

With only four remaining, this week the queens once again put their dress-making and design skills to the test as they are paired with members of Spain's first inclusive rugby club Madrid Titanes in an emotional drag makeover challenge. Winner of Drag Race Holland Envy Peru joins the judging panel as all roads lead to the dramatic final.

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Previously, in
Drag Race Spain...

Next Maxi Challenge Below

It is the test with fire
for all drag queen.

Skinning Live to all
members of the jury.

Dovima Normi.

She could have said
a lot of stronger things.

Dovima, look, for
me, it's a bit simple.


The nerves of your betrayal.

Trust you, really trust.

Carmen Farala.

You had great jokes.

You are absolutely amazing.

You are the winner of the maxi challenge.

Sachai, you're leaving.

See you in Hell, bitches.

Oh my God.

Lip sync with
Dovima for me, it's...

One of the worst thing that
happened to me in this program.

I feel good because I won,
but, on the other hand...

Well, Dovima left, and I did...

Well, it's not nice.

He dedicated something to you, Carmen.

“I love you, bitches.
Carmen, the crown is yours.”


Dovima, from the
moment we enter,

He told me, "You are my winner."

And if you really
wanted to win before,

Now, you want to win
that's what's left of me.

Well, crap.

My top rival I think is Carmen

But, well...

If I win, I want
to win, obviously.

I am really sorry.

Come on.

Oh, he left the gloves

She thinks that...
who doesn't deserve to be here,

But I think it's one of
those most I've deserved

I took him very fond of it.

He left himself wanted

To me, he will always
be one of my best friends.

That's why, anyway, let me save
me, it's also like, "Oh, that's good."

But at the same time, she
also says, “Maybe I had

to lip sync, and he
fell with my guns.”

do you know?

They saved you for something
dear don't think about it either.

I see things about you
here that I haven't seen.

I thought you were
the most typical of:

"I'm funny and I don't need
a brand, nothing but grace."

But here you're trying to be
level, what, damn, I mean...

You are in that fight to
prove that you are the most...

A clown can dress up
either way, you know?

Hey, Varala...

It's a bit bad.

Well, uh, we're
leaving to unpack.

I want to take
off that damn wig.

There are already four of us left.

The four most cliched,
in the end, I think.

Oh, the treasury!

This is already a
semi-final, then...

It's coming, it's here.

How close!

I will not give up.
I will survive the final.

- Keep playing.

And if possible,
I'll win this crown

The killer kills
them all in silence.


I want to be in the final.

No, I want to win straight.

I am a winner.

I mean, no, I want
to introduce it.

♪ RuPaul: Drag Race ♪

♪ Gentlemen!
Start your engines ♪

Winner by Drag Race Spain

It will take 1 year of free
products by Crush Cosmetics

and 30,000 euros.

Today we count with
the compound jury

By Anna Locking, Javier
Calvo, and Javier Ambrosi,

And with a special
guest judge: Envy Biro.

♪ RuPaul: Drag Race ♪

♪ You might be the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman wins ♪

New day in the office!

- The best of four!
- Let's go!

I keep this place!

We must have music to
play chairs and musicals.

There are nerves, you can chew
the tension in the environment.

Well, there are already four
of us, and the final is coming.

We are nervous and I'm going
to take a crap on everything.

The top four, right?

There is nothing anymore.

Hey, the top four
are the worst, right?

Yes, because you
will stay at the door.

It's horror!

Hold on to your
panties, marichocho!

Hello Hello hello.
How are you doing?

- But how handsome he is!
-OK very good.

How are they doing?


Well, but...

The race for the crown
you have to keep going.

There is very little left

For one of you to be
turned into the first winner

From Drag Race Spain.


And the lucky lady will
take the makeup products

by Crash Cosmetics for a year,

crown and sceptre and...

and 30,000 euros.

Money, money, money.
-But a lot. What a joy, huh?

But, in addition, girls...

Excuse me, my God.

- That surprise.
-pork meat?

No, look.

Here you can now take it to
your Samsung Z Flip phone.

Take it, take it.

Let's see, this one, which is very cute.

Which will be very useful
for you in the final extension.

Oh, look.

The new phone that gave us...

- I said, "Wow."
Mom, but what...

How crazy he is.

My mom doesn't know
or how a cell phone works.


It's out of battery.

And when he runs out, he
goes to the store and says:

"It's over."


We're already breathing well,
recovering well, and all right, right?

Well, that's what there is.
I tell them.

In today's mini challenge,

They must wear make-up
inside those cabins individually...


-You have three minutes.

Three minutes!

But what is this? Umm me, it takes
me an hour and a half like a little.

This is what there is. Out
of fears and get dusty alive.

Three, two, one, now!

We have to turn on the curtain, right?

Let's find out, let's find out

from what is here.

Oh, please!

It's not the time, Supreme.

What a horror, three minutes.

-But what is this?
-How long does it take you?

Well, it takes me an hour,
an hour and something.

Well, look how good it is.

This is how you learn economics.
- I hate you!

- There, here, here, here.
-How are you?

Nothing, here he puts me
chocolate on the face is great.

-That's impossible.

Directly with your fingers.

lets see? OK very good.

There is no better brush.
It's the best blur.

I'll finally feel
like Killer Queen.

With her makeup in the dark.

But, look, look, she pretends
I do it neatly and everything.

Well, what is it, how barbaric.

A minute and a half left.

Excuse me, I have a lot of it.
-You have plenty of time, right? lets see.

Let's see, how are you.

-you look pretty.

Sure, how bad you
lie, how bad you lie.

- lets see?
- Holly!

But with tabs and everything!

Is this a woman without eyelashes?
It's not a woman

That was the strategy,
lips and eyelashes.

I don't have eyelash glue.

The killer is here!

No, from above.

- Over the top! Oh, it's just that she is very short.

- Down, here! Four, three...

Two, one.

the time!

Now, open the curtain
and get out on your back.

-Oh, that's a lot of things at once.
-It's hard, I know that.

All right. there.

Carmen, turn around.

Can you see?
I do not know. do you see

-But what... I am Lord of Murcia.

Hey, but not so bad, right?

Beautiful in three minutes.

Look, it's just...

With a little... for me a
surgeon's briefing does it for me.

the killer.

With makeup I have a
TOC which is symmetrical.

All symmetry. everything.


I look like a ghrelin now
with makeup, my mother.

Well, hey, let's see, for
three minutes and for...

I've seen worse
things with more time.


"Let people start 'Sex For
Sims' The Hunger Games!"

Hey, but no...

- I love shadow!
- Come on!

Pupi little...

Painting like Isi Homo.

something like...


-I'm Carmen Farala
- You like it.


Well, after seeing this
artwork that has been done,

The winner of the mini challenge is...

Carmen Farala!

I won.

one more time.

Sure, you notice
where the prosthesis is,

Then you can do
it to him very well.

Well, an excellent one is waiting for
you, an advantage over the Maxi Challenge.

In this program, the advantages,
I almost don't want them, right.

Because, more than the
merits, they're crosses, but, well...

Rinas, the maxi challenge that I will
do now will be accompanied very well.

This is the funny transformation.

For me, turning,
apart from liking me,

I think I'm good at that.

I've always loved that
someone took a diversion for him

And out of it drag inside.

These will be your partners.

Titans, touch in the workshop!

Rugby Titans.

Applause, applause, boys.

Mom, when I saw them...

I say, "Let's see, what do we do with this?"
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

They are the members of
the Madrid Titans Rugby Club,

The first rugby team of
an all-out nature in Spain.

Tell us your names,
please, to get to know her.

I'm Carlos.

-I am Thomas). Ferdinand.

- Jose.
-I am Flo.

-Chief, right?

- Is Flo coming from...

Oh, Florencio.

Tell us a little about
the club, Florencio.

The Madrid Titans are
the all-around rugby team.

Usually rugby is involved with a
more masculine or aggressive image

And we need space in
that for all LGBT people

We can get close to sports

And let's not be afraid
to be in the contact sport

Or associated with masculinity
that we don't care about.

And how good rugby is
that it is a sport for everyone

And everyone has a hollow.

I mean, like here,
but without the wig.

is not it? more or less.

The four titan members
accompany you

Couples will be queens
in a maxi challenge.

Which, by the way, I warn you,

They aren't usually so petite
as you see them now, are they?

Carmen, you, as a small challenge
winner, are you going to make the 4 pairs

Who will be on the
way to our runway

After the absolute
transformation that awaits us all,

He wears a "family
drag" look to match hers.

It's your turn to choose. Tell
us who you want a couple.

Well, I got the eyes of a
person who was wonderful.

She made us crazy
she got us crazy.

Oh, I'd like to wear
it to see him naked

I think I will stay...

maybe with...


with Carlos? All right.
Come on, Carlos.

But then I said, 'Excuse me,
no, he has more guns than mine.'

No, I wouldn't risk it so I
left with the most little boy.

I went straight with the person who
has a silhouette more similar to mine.

So much so that you want to conquer it,

Went and took the
simplest to change.

I m*****na, but not silly.

I'll give Keeler...

Ferdinand. All right.

Mom, I've never
beside a man like that.

What a fox face you put.

You like the decision, don't you?

He has a very nice smile.

well good.

Long time without seeing
those Greek sculptures

Now it's my turn to pull
back to a Greek sculpture.

Mom, Adonis.

- charming.
- charming.

Thomas? - Jose.

Jose, sorry, Jose to Bobby.

- Holly!

Varala took me and
threw me the green giant.

Giant Gulliver.

Thomas, Sagittaria.


I'm glad she touched me...

It touched me, oh, I
don't get the name.

Thomas, damn it.

Only one thing.

Tomorrow, he will look at her with a magnifying
glass of our distinguished guest from a session,

Who is the winner
of drag race holland.

Envy Peru.

just awesome!

Pairs are made, so
far yes, Florencio,

come here.

I'm going with my
Titan Deluxe, girls.

-Very long.
-I'll see you later!

good luck...

And don't inspire her.


- Will that be makeup tomorrow?
-what? number.

I want to make a
striped suit, like this one.

Chest paint. -good good.

-All that, like this.
- Very artistic.

Yes, something like that.

-And then with the head.

how tired you were

So, are you a big
fan of the show?

I'm a fan?
Biggest fan in the neighborhood.

When we started to improve a
little, we realized we had a match

Players came from it
equipment, but at higher levels.

Because no one wants to take a chance

First, it should not be put into the
first rehearsal, and then not even lose.

-How old are you?
I'm 31 years old, you?

look less, huh?
It's not for nothing.

Already after we won the
first game in the league,

In the Madrid League,
it has already changed.

But there was that pressure

We also have friends on other
teams that give us they said.

I do not know, as far as experience
Do you have a partner and this?

Yes, I have a Valencian friend.

We met a year ago

He is my best friend, she
supported me in everything.

My cues were never
clouds, they were always...

Victoria's Secret,
Miss Venezuela...

-This kind of...
- A piece of style,

From this podium move.

And we also have
something great,

What are international

Just like the Madrid
Titans in Madrid,

There are 60, 70
teams all over the world.

It was about four or five years
ago that I came out of the closet

Not so long ago.

So, this is the time
I started to feel...

Just four or five years ago?

lately. You?

No, well, he took me out

They were like this to the rugby
world, and no one understands them.

In fact, IGR, what is
international gay rugby,

A comprehensive team
association like ours...

I didn't get out of the closet

To tell my parents, "Look,
I'm gay" or something.

It's always been the
feeling I have to hide.

“I must hide it,

Because I know it won't
be so well received."

You can not talk about it.

You cannot comment on anything.
It was like a taboo, talking about it.

So, it was like,
"Where are you going?"

You ask me, but you don't
want to hear an answer.

I mean, I don't know there's also
a way out of the pull-out locker.

I mean, do you know your family?
What do clouds do?

Yes, you know, but it's something
like there's not much talk about it.

He doesn't go out with
my mom nor the gay issue,

Because it's taboo, well,
minus the drag thread.

I know I don't...

You know, I know what
another problem would be.

Once he found a
dress and washed it.

Therefore, he said:

«There in bed you have it.
I washed it for you.”

In the end it makes you
feel embarrassed as well.

Well, it's a dress, I don't know.
Did not find a katana.

A few years ago, too,

If you know, for example, a boy,

And if he came to
my house I had to hide

All clothes and everything.
-All wigs.

Because before that it
was like: "I want a boy."

So, the fact that it's already Maceil or something,
and it's like: «Cheers, what the horror».

It all has to be hidden.

Now you're saying,
"I'm the drag queen."

“Oh, I love it.
Oh, wigs are against me.”

Oh, I don't know what.
Make me do it.”

be cerfull.

Go more open.

- like that? Open up, bitch!

as a fox, or as
well as sideways.

-It's just that it is very unstable.
I mean, no...

This isn't too much either.

At least, with
this you can walk.

Oh, look, I think a super idea.

Much better, it doesn't move.

Yeah, hey, it looks a lot better.

All right.

Posture, control my arms.


lets see.

"Oh, something fell off."

What now? Oh.
Yes, yes, yes, very good, very good.

With you all, Baby Passion!

in order to. For, stop.



My thought, I
always fall, I stumble,

You make fun of
him, nothing happens.

first. What a fox.

I'm glad, because he's
really looking forward to it,

He says we must win,

Willing to do everything:
«I wear anything.»

“Try me a wig,” he said, and he
began to say to me, “Try a wig.”

Let's see how I do that for you.

One, two and...

And we looked at each other.

Motherfucker, see?
He is already doing it.

But you do it too.

What happens is that we are of
one type and an illusion of another.

- Dear, teacher.

There were always
female teachers and tutors.

Come here, there's
a cat fight, Baby

Killers can't go
like this for life.

-Because, if not, they do not kill.
- I'm not a killer

Yes, the idea is to do it as
if we were two superheroes.

I want him to say, "This is me."

- Do you have red heels?
- I have red heels, yeah

I don't know if they'll suit him, huh?

I think the most difficult
thing he has is Sagittaria.


Oh my God.

Sagittaria a little lost,

But because it
really can't sew it

It is a stitching test.

So, it's a bit taboo.

He's there testing the
boy's recording, the waist...

Let's see, turn.

I mean, if you see the boy isn't,
can you pull the waist like this...

Because the boy doesn't have it.

What are you trying?

I'm trying to score you
an integer, but I can't.

Let's see what comes out of there.

Let's see what... It scares me.

-the killer.
-tell me.

Can I ask you something?

Make a wear, for example,
how long can we take?

His bodysuit, for example.

Basic body, watch.

She says she will sew, won't you can sew,
so, I don't know how you are going to sew.

That suit doesn't
convince me at all.

Basic body, watch.

- Good?

I, I'm like... "What do I do?"

lets see.

So, well, in the end, it is
what there is, I do not know.

-Take it.


Well, you guys!

Here we are, all prepared,
some without sleep.

And ready to
transform into our titans.

- one two Three!
- one two Three!

- Race of the Drag Titans!
- Race of the Drag Titans!

The next calendar
Titans, the clouds calendar

Hey, that would be great.

You guys are naked
and we get dressed.

We went out every month.

♪ Drag Race Titans
may win the best woman ♪

How strange to see this
table again full of people, right?

How to improve volcano.

And Macarena! And Macarena!

You have grown a number.

Nothing, it's time to discover
those real beardless faces.

Hair removal.

Come on.

Come on, Carlitos.

♪ Are you ready? ♪

-How long have you not...
-Like 20 years.

20 years old?

20 years ago, don't you fly?

Yes, live cat, I'll leave it
here if it's good for me later.

We will test the costume.

Arrive at the workshop and
watch Fernando smile like...

If heaven will open to you and you
are already on the heavenly earth.

Well, you are already a Kardashian.

I started pressing everything.

Dude, that's cool, that's magic.

I will keep it.

I love this.

Fernando... Fernando...

It is a nice.
I mean, it's really good.

I think we all had a love that Fernando
would have played with us as well.

You spoiled Fernando.

Hey, the one with the arms.

But this one, to pull it
off, is that it would be...

Hee-man with a wig

Conan. Mary Conan.

Oh, Fernando...

Hey, I like it better
without a beard.

Yes, it suits you.

Yes, I think you are wrong.

You think you're better off beard,
but that's how you look so handsome.

Do you get a beard?

I got a laser.

'Cause it's like I've been working
two or three times a week drag

Well, of course, shaving
every day was a little...

A little wild.

I cut myself.
Look how good it is.

- the curse!

Hey, please, (José) is bleeding

You were beautiful my soul

Relax, relax.
-Do everything for me.

This is 12.20.

Well, since I flew, now I'm
playing the experiment Denny.

- This is one.

It wouldn't be much, would it?

No, it won't hurt

Oops, kid, oops, there's a tuck.

Forget about your boyfriend and girlfriend.
Come on.

Fernando gets behind the screen.

Keeler Quinn will make him poop.

What does it mean to shrink?
In spanish.

- Excuse me, mom!
-But are you going to teach him and everything?

Suddenly, enter
on the right side.

"You don't need to let you
take down everything," he says.

Suddenly, Fernando was wrong,
the entire pants are lowered and...

Aim, aim, aim, aim!

! (Bobby Poisson)

Do not look!

Baby, I've gone blind!

What a shot! Until now!

I need a banana.

But how funny is it, isn't it?
That's funny.

Oh, how dizzy.

Well, now comes
the moment of truth.

Veer has Javi third, sixth
member of the jury, I mean...

mother to me.

Mother of mine,
literally Hercules.

If they give me another cell
phone, I bend over and suck it

And without a cell phone,
pretty, and without a cell phone.

Fernando has...

she has...

Spiceglass glass.

Well, put it there.
bottom bottom.

So among the English.

Oh, for God's sake.

Don't worry, I'll shoot, okay?

Don't worry it won't hurt you

The egg, the egg!

The egg comes out on the side.

What a horror, really,
people, what a horror.

Fernando remained,
now, as Castrate.

ladies and gentlemen,

With you all...

Let's see, let's see.

Killer Queen!


Look at her, it's
a doll - he's gone.

Looks like a lie that could
have disappeared, huh?

A killer stuffs duct tape
and leaves her doll, a doll.

My mother, my mother.

We see her as
the killer, all right.

Then it is up to you.

How bad it was we had.

I am curious to see myself.

You have a very flattering face.

And you are also very handsome.

And so are you.

What a liar, but I forgive you.

What type of drag do you like?

I really like it good drag queen

Who these go on stage

And they have some
dances that you stay dead

It is stepping on stage
with tremendous strength.

are you ready?
Are you Baby Radha?

(Bibi-Rada) I'm coming
Baby-Rada I'm coming.

Let's see, on your back.

So, do you trust me?

I trust you, Jack!

be cerfull.

Turn around and see how
we've remodeled your home.

I didn't do anything to your teeth

Yes, right, right, but I see myself as
having more teeth, and I don't know why.

-What does Pupi look like. The
truth is, yes, they are cousins.

brutal. savage, savage

Well, it looks like Pupi.

It looks like Bobby.

Oh, how beautiful.

At least, you will have my soul.

♪ Girl on the cover, put
the bass on your gait ♪

♪ From head to toe, let
your whole body talk ♪

so what?

Welcome to the basic
theater of Drag Race Spain.

Javier Ambrosi.

What did you learn
in this programme?

Of the queens the
importance of passion.

From Anna, how beautiful it is to
express yourself through fashion.

From my husband,
absolutely nothing, at this point.

And who are you, Supreme,

How many things could
you do under a table.

More can be done, less movement.

Movement is not one of them.

Anna lock.

What was, for you, the
best thing about being here?

look supreme,

Truly, there are very
few opportunities, in life,

of being able to express
yourself with complete freedom,

of being able to become an
image that you can imagine yourself,

of the ability to laugh,

That already gave
birth to a monster

Become a true drag queen!

OK very good.
We love it, we love it.

Javier Calvo

Did it change you in anything?
Spain drag race?

Look, Supreme, I changed
my mind about you.

For better or worse?

Next question.
-What the hell is Calvo always.

Don't make me
cry from the start.

Well, the celebrities who
gave us a call as a special guest

Leave the tape in the clouds,

Because it belongs
to royalty itself.

Moreover, it comes to the winner
of Drag Race Holland: Envy Biru.

Hello, my love!

At your wet feet, Your Majesty,
thank you for being with us.

Love, it is a pleasure to be here.
Thank you very much, thank you very much.

Envy, I want to ask you

How does life change to
a winner of a drag race?

Your life changes like this.

Because you are known in Holland but
now they are known all over the world.

And the gift of representation
to our Latino community

It's the biggest gift I can get.

That's good, thank you very much.

-It is my pleasure to have you here.
- Have fun with me. Thank you.

But for now, let's leave
already too foolish,

And let's get to the
point, to what interests us.

Because today we are challenging
the queens to an escorted parade

of some rugby titans,

Which today will throw
a lot less...his balls.

The category is:
«Wrath of Titans».

Racers, start engines, and
the best drag queen may win!

Bobby Boyson and Baby Passion.

♪ Give me a drink, a drink ♪

I mean, give me
a P, give me a U...

Give me T... Oh, no.

- Shut up, shut up
- I'm sorry.

Baby Passion and B Boyson
We are the Titans fans.

We're wearing a set of
sweaters because we're so young,

We are here to give it our all.

He broke his heel!

Oh, how busty Baby!

Available in two sizes.

Carmen Farala and Carla Farala.

Sherlock and Katie Holmes.

Mary Poppers.

Elementary, dear Dragson.

My look today is inspired

In Sherlock Holmes & Watson.

With this red tartan,

We investigate all the
secrets of drag racing.

Elementary, dear Watson.

They leave me plaid

The canopy itself... shine.

Sagittaria and Neptune.

Oh my God.

Sagittaria, Neptune and Bouton.

Hey, look, like Sabrina Salerno.
the chest.


We are Sagittaria and Neptune,

We come to fight against them
all the injustices of this world.

My look is inspired
by the fifth element

and Julie Gonzalo
from Modern Cinderella.

Superheroes, but more classic

And I'm a bit more lewd.

The category is: «Girls Senior».

The killer queen and the killer queen.

Milk sisters.

Jessica Rabbit with...a rabbit

Killer Queen and Slayer
Queen present on the platform

Sisters are spies who come to
kill someone at a cocktail party.

Who will be our target today?

The judges!

But why me?

-But what did they throw?

I know how to do it, but with
another part of me a body.

Sorry, that's bad.
They laugh and everything.

♪ Adrenaline ♪

Welcome, queens and titana.

It was a great show.

It was a gift, really
what they did to us.

Thank you very much.

Now is the time to hear
the opinion of a jury.

We start with Pupi and according to...

- With Pepe. Baby Passion.

Really, I think they
have it in okay, right?

- Although heels.

Yes, there he is.

Suddenly I said, "What was that?"

I mean, I did it extra hard.

There on the tips of the
fingers, twins exercise.

-You have good twins, right?

Bobby, gladly.

-O no...

I can see she was
having a lot of fun.

This is important,
this is all about clouds.

Alone, if I'm being very honest
with you, I thought it was a bit simple.

If you see the other queens, you
can see that there is more effort.

- Do you understand?

I want more.

- I'll give it to you.
- Oh! Good!

I love calling up the
garden they've made,

But there are other
clothes which are perfect.

Perhaps, we are in a
moment of competition

Where the details we have to
take care of them to the millimeter,

And everything should
be a little more polished.

How did they work together?
- OK very good.

I was pleased.

It was an experience I had
with so much desire to live.

And next to Pupi, because
he was 10 times better.

We have also met a little.

being talked,

From when he came out of the closet, I don't
know, all of a sudden, it was like this:

Sorry, we also have
a lot in common.


Baby, you're happy, right? Because
I see the smile from ear to ear.

-very happy.
Happy with the experience?

Yes, I would like to repeat.

If anyone wants,
let them come back

Be careful, this is addictive,
huh? Beware, it is addictive.

Now let's go with Carmen Farala.

What is your family relationship?
Is this your sister?

She is my sister but
on the father's side.

- The first remote.
- his house.

- Were you separated at birth? That's
what I don't want to talk about today.

I think it was one of
the funniest moments

that we lived through
on this runway.

I was fascinated by the story.
Look, to me, amazing.

- Did you set it up in one day?
-one night

-Of course.
-just awesome.

I can't believe in one
night doing this set.

Who should I look at? Who
is the contestant on this show?

-True? Because you two...

Amazing. And with the added difficulty,
what does this tissue have, right, Anne?

The clothes are perfect.

The truth about the
ability to adapt paintings...

That this head cut off the bias,
the tendency to have a perfect fall.

I'm sure that all pants
is overfilled inside

-It even has his pockets.
- Look, look!

-And the chest.

the body.

the details.

When I walked in, I
kept my mouth open.

Carla Farala, tell us,

How do you feel,
what is the experience?

I, the truth is, I'm super,
super, super happy.

- Happy! Happy.

You are feminine!

After three hours of makeup,
would you say "happy"?

IM so happy

Because, moreover,
I enjoyed it so much

This is thanks to her.

Thank you very much, Carla,
it's true. it is my pleasure.

Let's talk now with Sagitaria.

And with Neptune.

Sagitaria, tell us
a little what it was.

Did you create the look from scratch?

This suit was worn from home.

And my thought so
from scratch yesterday.

I really sew poorly.

Did you get to sew something?
what do you wear?

I am asking you.

I sew, I sew.

It is important to know
what your silhouette is,

And you get so well
take advantage of it.

And I like that too, because you
know, her, she took off her waist as well.

Can you breathe?

I can do something.

- He was a great partner

Partner, sorry.

She has been a wonderful companion
and a pleasure to work with her.

I think they obviously
had a great time.

And there were moments
what was peeing on me

I may have missed a little
more of this coherence in history,

To understand a little more...

-Who was each one.

Neptuna, do you want to say something?

It costs me a lot,
because it's emotional.

But I am very happy
working with Sagittaria,

Because she was totally
a mate from the start.

This is very important to me,

Because the story I wanted
was the importance of fellowship.

-This is correct.
-Because in March of last year

I met guys on the street, I...


They shouted something
in my face Corona virus,

And the next thing I remember
waking up in the hospital,

And two days later,

With 22 points on the head.

So, for me,

Come here and tell
her, with Sagitaria,

This is the most
important thing to me.

That we were proud, beautiful
girls, and like ourselves.

- Thank you, love.
- Bravo.

Thank you very much for
sharing your experience, because...

It is true that we are in
the twenty-first century,

There are people who say that
everything is already much more than that

And we are in
an ideal situation.

And, well, cases like the
one that happened to you,

Well, looks like a lie we
still have to keep fighting

standing at the foot, repeating,

But, well, we will follow by
repeating all that is necessary.

And we'll be there in battle.

Thank you very much,
really, for sharing with us.

Thank you guys.

And never lose pride.

-of course not.

Killer, we'll go with you now

With the killer and the killer.

I loved the chemistry
they had on stage.

You had a great time, Keeler.

- And, Slayer, your smile.
- Yes!

- Yes!
- Your smile!

A bit like a bad
comic book, isn't it?

- I see a lot of killer in slayer.
-This is correct.

Way to nod, I'm
crazy about hair color.

This test makes me
understand you more.

The makeup is wonderful.

She's amazing, you
two are so beautiful.

Your face is cute.

- Thank you. The mak
e-up is very beautiful.

I just have to say
a few small things.

I can see your padding, Slayer.

Yes, with the skirt opening,
you see the padding.

You see it. And when you give
yourself back, I see your underwear

We had to share underwear,

Then it was like: "For
you half, for me half."

- Like good sisters
- We're going out a little

(Slayer), how are you with...here
they are so thin, they tell him "tuck."

Anna used the verb
'glue', which is a wonder.

How do you do this?

It's a topic for your private life

Which we are very
interested in now.

it hurts.

I know that.

If they had to do it to me
another time, I would surely lean,

Before you put in
more electrical tape...

But it was worth it.

Well, girls, now while the
judges and I are deliberating,

Can you rest in the
backstage, thank you very much.

Thanks, girls. Gorgeous.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Poor, how's it going.

Welcome to Untucked!

Which one of you will lead

To the second season
of Drag Race Spain?

No no. Carla Farala has...

Carla already has it.

I am already preparing
casting for next season.

I have to tell you that
you were amazing today.

More than the other day.

-More than that today.

Because if you can
do a suit yourself.

-Now I did two.
I did two today.

I think you, come on...

If you don't win...

Well, the killer and
the sister did great, too.

Let's see, I think
which, probably,

Both Carmen and I
are going to be on top.

Of course, I think maybe
the weaker you two were.

And I think you guys are
going to be two downstairs.

Well, I'm glad I
shared this experience

with my child.

But, well, if you have to do lip
sync, you have to do lip sync.


Karaoke of the night.

I'm happy with what I did.

-but good.
-Me too.

Let's see, it's a very difficult test. And without
knowing how to sew, it's even more difficult yet.

Because, at the end of
the day, it is essential.

Yes, I think maybe
that's the only thing

That could have
failed, the only thing.

I tell you this from
honey that I have you,

Of admiration that I have you,

And I think you should be in
the top three of this competition,

For your trip,
whether in or out...

With what you said
Sagittaria, it's for me to go.

- no! number. number. you are wrong.
-A little.

Let's see, you might
do to encourage her,

But there is a point...

Well, then, I
just like the back.

A little.

You're wrong, you're
wrong there, you're wrong.

And the...

And I say this with
my hands in the heart,

without being careful or anything,

If today they asked
who should leave,

You will tell me.

I can't believe Keeler Quinn.

What he's saying seems strange to me

Seeing your progress
and track record,

You are undoubtedly in the
top three of this competition.

It's as he says and refuses.

Suddenly, you see it
upstairs, but, if you complain,

Then she changes and
says, "No, see me down."

I don't understand you my dear

I refuse, I refuse.

did you see me?

These are the first
three articles, I'm sorry.

Now that we have
the facts on the face.

Let's go with Pupi first.

I think we are competitive

In which it is necessary to claim
that things are much more polished.

I thought it was a little simple.

Maybe you're right but I...

I want to justify a little
Bobby, and I want to...

Also put in the
value who is a star,

And that, perhaps,
his style is that.

Poor people sometimes
it's cool too, isn't it?

Yes, but the poor we
have to enable that poor.

Make her poorer. -Maybe.

The four finalists are stars,
but I found this look essential.

I need more for drag racing.

It's a drag race of Spain.

Carmen Farala.

It has what people have artists.

And when they come out to a stage,
the quality of the place that's there.

- completely.
-It's quality. Carmen is quality.

I really liked Carmen's pen.

She's beautiful, she's cute

I can't believe this
group did this in one night.

I see her working

And maybe win this contest.


I think Sagitaria is wearing
two weeks since it's a little weak.

It shows talent.

- That's what we agree on.
- He has a lot of potential.

You can see the potential, but
a question if maybe a little green.

I do not know. I don't know
if he weakened as a rider.

I think it takes more years

To get more experience.

Keeler Quinn.

-The killer shone in this challenge.
- eye makeup...

The makeup was
absolutely amazing.

- Today I understand better who the killer is.
-They are both beautiful.

And above all, pull
everything how good it has

To wear it on her
partner as well.

I think it would be
a potential winner.

But it is true that we
are back to the details.

Can you see the padding,
can you see the panties.

You've done well, but
if you're in the top four,

You have to consider
all the details.

But the killer, how good, too,

It is an example of
listening and development.


Have we made a decision yet?

Bring me girls

Welcome back, queens.

Me and our judges
are already willful

We have made a decision.

But, before we share
it, I'd like to wear it

At an important special
time in their lives.


I didn't grow much either.

And what would you say to the little one?

Well I do not know...

I'll tell him not to
be afraid of what...

It doesn't matter what
I do, that everyone...

He has an opinion,
maybe, even if you don't...

Don't support your
family, or feel lonely,


Do what you want,
and don't wait too long.

Thank you very much.

What are you going to tell
her, Carmen, little Daniel?


I don't know, I'd tell him that sometimes...

Life is not easy, that
must mature a little fast.

but what...

That, with work, he's
going to get everything.

I do not know.

make him happy

It's not small, is it?
Be happy.

And you, Sagittaria?
What would you say to Evan?

Well, I'll tell him I'm afraid
of him being what he is.

that all his friends

Your whole family
will support you as is.

That there will be people
who want to harm you,

This is just not going
for you to understand.

And you really don't want
them to be a part of your life.

So I know you, I've always been.

He brought you here so be you.

And it never changes.

And the...

Killer, what are you going to tell him?
Little fanci?

-As your grandmother called you

- Was he calling you that?
-Keep calling me, huh?

-Is he still calling you?
Yes Yes Yes.

Let's see, Evan.

You are going to happen...

Its a very dark time at school.

Yes? do not worry.

When you turn 24, things
are going to get tough.

Your mom must pass for cancer...

They will expel you from that
place, that was your refuge

Simply by dragging and
considering that this is not ethical.

Pulling together will bring
you more for your family.

It'll help you do
your first suits.

And you'll discover
that what really matters

He... is smiling at the world.

You will discover that perhaps
what is important in this life

It's not, it's not pretending,

But, simply put,
make others smile.

Well, girls, thank you
very much, really, by...

To open their
hearts to the world.

And they already have

All our respect and admiration.

Forever, really.

Thank you.

We have to go on.

So, Carmen Farala,

The script turns into
adventures by Sherlock Holmes

have expanded
further, if possible,

Your charisma, your
originality and your talent.

Felicidrags, baby, you are the
winner of the Maxi Challenge.

And you are the first runner-up
from Drag Race Spain.

I'm very happy,
right. I am so happy.

But, well...

There is still final.
Let's see what happens.

But I'm ready. I am ready.

Besides you, your titan,
with one companion each,

He won two nights at
the W Hotel in Barcelona,

With dinner and
spa treatment for two.

Invite me too.

You can go back from the stage,

With the Titans, especially
with yours, of course.

Pupi Poisson, certified in
pellets, hung in patterns.

Sagittaria, according to
your appearance today,

We looked tug and loosened.

Keeler Quinn.

The woman with the golden
hexagon but a few carats.

(B. Poisson)...


Keeler Quinn.

Now is your time.

What is the matter?

Three queens in front of me.

Two will become finalists.

Deleted will remain in the
doors of the Grand Final.

They are going to play this
«when you go» theme of Chenoa.

This is your last
chance to impress us...

And save yourself from elimination.

It's time to lip sync...

life and death.

good luck...

And don't inspire her.

♪ Assuming you know everything ♪

♪ He tells me things
that don't look at all ♪

♪ He's trying to seduce me ♪

♪ Between the march and so much
noise I can't hear you very well ♪

♪ Hair back and
a twisted smile ♪

♪ You'll try to get close
to me by the second time ♪

♪ You don't realize I
don't know I'm interested ♪

♪ Let what he say or
whatever I do I know you well ♪

♪ And don't talk to
me about safe sex ♪

♪ Don't even browse my heart ♪

♪ I'm tired of hard corpses ♪

♪ And soft minds who
don't know about love ♪

♪ when you go ♪

♪ I came from there ♪

♪ when I go ♪

♪ You're still here ♪

♪ Do you think you
can confuse me ♪

♪ And what are you
doing, looking back at me ♪

♪ Oh, what a slut ♪

♪ Now I love you more ♪

♪ And I don't trust because
I know you'd cheat on me ♪


♪ I saw him as a
half-frozen grimace ♪

♪ He reflected on his
face what I said about him ♪

♪ And like lightning
just gave a turn ♪

♪ He invaded me when
he told me I was wrong ♪

♪ Finally you ask me
how he was calling ♪

♪ The truth is you
started on the right foot ♪

♪ You'll understand
that I don't know know ♪

♪ But I'm dying of
wanting to kiss your skin ♪

♪ And don't talk to
me about safe sex ♪

♪ Don't even browse my heart ♪

♪ I'm tired of hard corpses ♪

♪ And soft minds who
don't know about love ♪

♪ when you go ♪

♪ I came from there ♪

♪ when I go ♪

♪ You're still here ♪

♪ Do you think you
can confuse me ♪

♪ And what are you doing ♪

♪ looking back at me ♪

♪ Oh, what a slut ♪

♪ Now I love you more ♪

♪ And I don't trust because
I know you'd cheat on me ♪

♪ when you go ♪

♪ I came from there ♪

♪ when I go ♪

♪ You're still here ♪

♪ Do you think you
can confuse me ♪

♪ And what are you doing ♪

♪ looking back at me ♪

♪ Oh, what a slut ♪

♪ Now I love you more ♪

♪ And I don't trust because I
know you're cheating on me - ♪

♪ I know you're cheating on me ♪

♪ I know you're going to fool me ♪


- Bravo!
- Bravo!

Felixdragg at three o'clock.

Let's see what the jury says,
and I'll tell them right away.

Keeler Quinn.

When you go, we all
want to go with you.

Shantai, you're staying.
Thank you.

You are in the second final
round of Drag Race Spain.

Thank you.


when you go...

Light up the party.

Shantai, you will stay.

You are the third in the final
round of Drag Race Spain.

Thank you very much.

Lee Boyson.

When you go, you can't enter...

Because you stay at
the door of the final.

Sachai, you're leaving.

♪ Too bad, but bye ♪

♪ I'm saying goodbye to you...
and I'm leaving ♪



Everyone wins! Everyone wins!

New day in the workshop!

no thing.
The last day at the workshop.

I will leave now.
Goodbye, mannequins.

Very long. or even always.

Meeting schedule...


I stayed at the door.

There will be people who
will say, "Wow, there..."

But I think...

You have done well.

I break it.

Even if I stay in fourth
place and it's a really bad job,

I feel like a winner.

I'm proud of what I
did in the drag race.

The first season.

So always!

I'm leaving, I'll be back!

(Felisedrags) Hey girls

They are the three finalists.
From Drag Race Spain.



Now we ask the audience...

Who do you think should
be the first Spanish drag star?

The final decision will be ours,

But we really care
about your opinion.

Are they Team Carmen?

Team killer?

Or Team Sagitaria?

Let's hear his voice.

next week,

We'll have all the
contestants from Season 1.

In the special
program: "Reunion".

And in two weeks,

We will celebrate the grand
final of Drag Race Spain!

Who cares what do I do?

Who cares what I say?

I'm like this, and that's how I'm going to go on.

- I will never change!
- I will never change!

Let the music play!

♪ A, a, to the moon ♪

♪ A, a, to the moon ♪

♪ A, a, to the moon ♪

Three queens...

Only one will be crowned

As the first Spanish drag star.

Carmen Farala.

Keeler Quinn.


For victory!

-I want to win.
Who doesn't want to win?

I want the crown.
Give it to me now.

May the best drag queen win!