Dr. Stone (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

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[KASEKI] Someone from
outside the village?


I'm positive it's some criminal
we banished a long time ago!

I would bet my next meal on it!

[KUJAKU chuckles]

Maybe the statue people
have started moving.

[AZURA laughs]

No way!

[KOKUYO] So somebody tried
to bring in an outsider.

Surely that wouldn't have
been Kohaku, would it?

We're not quite sure yet.

No, it was definitely her.
Your hunch is correct.

Now, Jasper, you heard what
Ginro told us earlier.

There's no need to lie
to save her skin.

Why must my daughter
be so foolish?

Is she trying to
be disowned now?

She can't keep breaking
the rules! Damn it!

[gasps, coughs]


[RURI coughing]

All right, Senku!

What do we need to do
to make that medicine?!

We gotta help Ruri
kick her sickness!

If we can help my
sister feel better,

I'm ready to do
whatever it takes!

Priestess Ruri!

I'm so worried.

--[RURI] Yay! Yay! Yay...!
--[MAN A] Her sickness is cured!

--[RURI] Yay! Yay! Yay...!
--[WOMAN B] Science rules!

[MAN B] I'm gonna join
the Kingdom of Science!

Do you see that?

That sleazy glint
in his eye tells me

he wants to save Ruri
for his own reasons.

I still can't decide if he's
a gentleman or a slimeball.

But at the very least, I'm glad
that he thinks things through.

[SENKU] The first project
of the Kingdom of Science

is making an antibiotic.

A wonder drug that'll
kill the hostile bacteria

infecting our patient.

Since its discovery in
the early 20th century,

it's saved hundreds
of millions of lives.

We can't do any blood tests,

and we have no idea what
she's actually suffering from,

but I'm sure it's still
worth trying anyway.

Yeah! Now let's get
to work, Senku!

What do we need?

Well, we're missing
basically everything.

So pay attention, would ya?

There are two routes
to making antibiotics.

The biological route: Creating
penicillin from living things.

Or the stone route: Creating
"sulfa drugs" from rocks.

Wait just a minute.

Living things? Rocks?

How could you cure
somebody with those?

Penicillin, which is made from
green mold, is more well known.

But now, in the Stone World,

I think that would mean
we'd have to play

a crazy game of chance.

We'd be all, like, "Woo-hoo!

We just happened to find this
specific crazy-strong mold

that's ten billion times more
powerful than the normal stuff!"


[SENKU] We'll just have to
get on our knees and pray.

"Please, Lord, send down some
of that special green mold!


If we take the stone route
and make sulfa drugs,

we'll need a ton of
diligence and manpower.

But even in this
primitive world,

I know we can make it happen.

Odds are ten billion to
one we'll nail the cure.

Then what are we waiting for?
Let's take the stone route!

[SENKU] You get the position
we're in, don't you?

None of us are gods or even
geniuses, to be honest.

We have to do this step by step.

And like they say, we've gotta
crawl before we can walk.

[SENKU] All right,
the stone route it is!

We'll get each item one by one.

And though it seems slow,

we'll be warping straight
through two million years

of scientific progress.

This is the scientific road map,

and if we follow it,
we'll reach our cure.

[KOHAKU gasping]

Whoa, man. That's bad!

Well, guess this
"iron" stuff is first!

I don't even know what that is!

There's so much for me to learn!

Iron's not particularly
easy to get.

Professor Senku's science class.

Or is it really sorcery?

Ugh, I feel like
I'm already behind.



You're telling me that
it's actually the planet

that's moving?

Yeah, it's not a lie.

That doesn't make any sense.

I mean, if that's
really the case,

then why am I not
flying off this branch?

That's because of a little
thing that we call "gravity."

You know, I always
thought it was weird

how only just one star
stays in the same place.

That's the North Star.

It's ridiculously useful
for navigating

'cause it's ten billion
percent true north.

So try to remember that.

Oh. I didn't know.

If you want my opinion,

that looks just slightly
off from true north.

No. Impossible.

The margin of error is--


The Earth's axis has shifted!

The whole planet has been
tilting little by little

over the past 3,700 years.

And now, in the year 5379,

the freaking North
Star isn't north!

[SENKU] No wonder my
stone-age GPS didn't get us

all the way to Hakone.


A more experienced scientist
would've laughed at me.

Kind of a major
oversight on my part.

You guys are more observant

because you don't have the
same preconceived notions.

Bonehead move there, Senku.

Heh. Just sounds like
a little mistake.

There's no reason to be so
hard on yourself, you know.

I'm not trying to
put myself down.

I take pride in being rational
and able to deal with facts,

but I still get lost in the
sheer scale of everything.

I feel like it's
just hitting me now

how long 3,700 years really is.


How did she know the
former North Star,

wasn't exactly north anymore?

Oh, no way!

You mean to tell me that
even the great Senku

doesn't know about this rock?

I just so happened
to find this bad boy

on top of that bald
mountain one day.

If you dangle it or
make it float in water,

this thing always
points true north!

Pretty nuts, isn't it?


A magnet.

Man! Of course you know!

[SENKU chuckles]

You've done an
excellent job, Chrome.

Now we've got magnets.


Check it out! Mine picked
up a buncha that stuff!

Look at this crazy black sand.

Taking baby steps,

but we're on the road to
the Kingdom of Science.

The curtain's rising
on the iron age.

Now that gets me excited.

[SENKU] Is everyone in your
village like the lioness,

or is she in a
class all her own?

We seem to have more than our
fair share of big, brawny apes,

but I'd say she's more
like a nimble gorilla.

I am not like a gorilla!

By the way, why am I the only
one who's doing any work here?

The two of you need to
get off your asses now!

We barely have enough
manpower as it is!

Sorry, ma'am.

It's gonna take all day with
just the three of us working.

Should I get someone from
the village to help out?

As far as those people
are concerned,

you guys are just a couple
of suspicious sorcerers.

So I don't think anyone is dying
to lend us a hand with this.




Is that a watermelon?


Oh, it's Suika.

What are you doing in the water?

Did you just follow us
down here or something?

[SENKU] Doesn't her name
mean "watermelon"?

[CHROME] Pretty sure
it's just a nickname.

Probably 'cause she's always
wearing that watermelon rind.

Huh?! What the hell?!

I can't believe you'd just
steal my magnet like this!

[gasps] Iron sand.

[SUIKA] I'm sorry. I just
wanna help you guys.

It's kinda hard to be
very useful to anyone

because I've got this
thing on my head.

Too bad. I'll wear
it my whole life.

But if you need some help,
I'll do whatever I can!

Yeah, yeah, I get it, Suika.


[SENKU chuckles]

I appreciate the assistance.

The Kingdom of Science needs
all the help we can get.

We won't turn anybody away.

[SENKU] Besides, a shrimpy
little thing like you

would be ten billion times
better at gathering sand.

[SENKU chuckles]

We're counting on you.

He's the first person I've met

who didn't ask me why I'm
wearing this on my head.

He probably just thought
I didn't want anybody

to see my face and was
being polite by not asking.

You just met him,

but I'm sure you'll figure
it out soon enough.

He is not polite.

He doesn't give a crap
what you look like,

only if you're useful.

It's just his way.

I'm gonna grab every last piece

of black sand in here!

Blub-blub, blub-blub!

You're not Momotaro!
Just try not to drown!

[SENKU] Never heard of Dragon
Quest or Monster Hunter ,

but you know Momotaro ?

Who taught you that?

Whoa. You know Momotaro ?

That's weird.

Ruri told us a whole
bunch of stories like his.

Come to think of it,

I wonder how you guys
would know about gorillas.

They're not native to Japan.

I've never actually
seen one in real life.

Yeah, but I think there's
a gorilla in Momotaro .

That right?

No, there isn't!

He used those millet dumplings
to make new friends.

A bear, a lion, a gorilla,
and an alligator.

Momotaro isn't a
wild-ass, savage hero!

I wonder if that story
was just an easy way

to teach the kids about
dangerous animals.

My sister must've told
me hundreds of stories

when we were
growing up together.

And she loves big words.

I suppose that means I got all
my bigger words from Ruri.

Is that so? The plot thickens.


I gotta admit, I'm getting
low-key interested

in this Ruri chick.

And now, I'm that much
more determined

to make this medicine and cure
whatever's going on with her.

What the heck do
you mean by that?

Interested? Like, how?


Senku, hey. Psst, Senku!

He thinks no one knows,

but Chrome's got a
major crush on Ruri.

Ahh. So that's what
that was all about.

Right. Great. Cool.

And Chrome's totally
like a little kid

about the whole thing.

He's so oblivious it's
almost kinda cute.

What're you guys talking
about over there?!

Did you just say
I'm like a kid?!

[SUIKA] You're saying
the black sand we got

outta the river turns
into this "iron" stuff?

It will.

You mix four parts of the sand
to one part coal and bake it.

Got it. That sounds
pretty easy to me.

The bad news is it's way
harder than it sounds.

Nothing at all like
baking little clay pots.

That'll be our next
problem to solve.

Wood can burn up to 700 degrees

but iron-making requires
much higher temperatures.

We're talking 1,500
degrees or more.

So how are we gonna
get it that hot?

Is it even possible?

We gotta blow like hell!

We provide it with as
much oxygen as we can,

so we're gonna need to send
in a crazy amount of air,

and hope that it increases
the fire's damage points

from 700 to 1,500.

This thing blows air?

With a handy little
item like this,

I can probably do it
all by myself.

Try it out and get
back to me on that.

The truth is, we'll never
have enough manpower.

[ALL screaming]


[CHROME] Holy hell, it feels
like my arms are gonna fall off!

Don't you dare give up
and let it get cold!

[KOHAKU] How many more minutes
do you think it'll take?!

Let's see, maybe 20
to 30 more hours!

Iron-making is bad!

Don't push it, Suika!
Take a break if you need!

[SUIKA] I'm trying so hard,
but I'm still useless.

[GINRO] It looks like
they're doing something

super intense up there!

Hey. Uh. I'm gonna go help.

No way, Ginro.

Don't abandon your post.
The rules are the rules.

Aw, come on.

That's easy to say when you had
a golden spear made for you.

I want one. No fair.

That's not it!

You shouldn't worry
about trivial possessions!

Well, why don't we trade spears?

No deal.

I should have silver,

but I'll settle for gold if
that's how it's gotta be!

I said no!

Our top priority is
more manpower.

The Kingdom of Science
needs a population boom.

Spear of... silver.

[SENKU chuckles]

He took the bait,

and we'll be reeling him
in before you know it.

Oh, yeah. It's all
startin' to come together.

We'll get more manpower.

We'll tempt them with science.

You guys are starting
to sound really creepy.

The fact is, we can't entice
everyone in the village

with shiny new spears.

We need to know what they want.

It's time for us to
plan an intel mission.

[SUIKA] I'm really good
at that kind of thing!

Because I can turn
into a watermelon!

I'm an expert snoop!



Now that's impressive!

Okay, Great Detective
Suika's on the case.

We're counting on you to find
out what the people want.

Yeah! You've got this,
Great Detective Suika!

"Great Detective Suika"?

I'm finally gonna be useful!

[VILLAGERS chattering]

[CARBO] I heard Kohaku tried
to bring in an outsider.

Does anybody know if
they were able to get in,

or where they are now?

Supposedly, he's living
in Chrome's shed!

But I haven't seen
anything for myself!

The elder believes that
we should let the man be--

that he's no threat
as long as he doesn't

try to come into the village.

Yes, I agree.
Perfectly reasonable.

Indeed. But if he tries
any monkey business...

[MAGMA] I'll kill anyone
who threatens our village!

Ah, yeah!

Then Ruri will see
how manly I am!

Oh, yeah!

Well, if this outsider
guy is strong,

then color me interested.

That's all I care about.

Yeah, see, I don't really care
if he's strong or not.

But if the guy's handsome,
then I might wanna meet him.

I don't need a man
to be handsome,

or a big pile of muscles.

I just want a good provider!

It's crazy.

We're three beautiful sisters
with different tastes in men.

I don't understand why
we're all still single!

Oh, I've gotta say, this
grilled fish is so delicious!

Yeah, I'm so glad we
eat this every day!

I'm so sick of fish!

It's like, all we ever eat!

[SUIKA] I went around
the village all day

and I found out what
most people want.

First off, here's what
the sparkly sisters

Garnet, Sapphire,
and Ruby had to say.

Oh, boy, they're the most
beautiful girls in the village.

They were talking about what
they want more than anything.

I really hope that it's
something we can create

with our limited
available technology.

They want boyfriends!

There's no chance in hell
we're making one of those!

A man who's strong.


Someone who can feed me!

Well, at least they're
all being honest

about what they're looking for.

Heh. You're not
bad-looking, Senku.

And you do have a certain
kinda charm about you.

But I don't think you're
the type of handsome

that Sapphire's
really talking about.

Aw, girls are always
flappin' their jaws

about what they want in a man.

It gets really freakin' old.

And that's precisely the reason
why I can't stand any of 'em.

Then you're lucky you're
a child and not a man.

Since Ruri and I are women,
I guess you can't stand us?

Oh, give me a break,

you know I never thought
of you as a woman.

You're a gorilla.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

The girl who wants food
could work for me.

She might be our only shot.

What does she want?

A big feast with game and stuff!

Oh! That reminds
me of something.

I overheard Gan'en,
the village glutton.

He was complaining
to his parents

that he's bored to death
of eating fish all the time.

So all he really wants
is to try something new.



I knew that you could pull it
off, Great Detective Suika.

Thanks to your intelligence-
gathering skills,

now I know what kind
of science we can use

to win them over to our side.

So are you gonna cook
for them or something?

But what does cooking
have to do with science?

Everything, actually.
Food is science, after all.

I mean, do you think
the umami quality

of the grilled fish
you eat every day

is just some kind
of random accident?

No, it's glutamic
and inosinic acids.

[CHALK growls, barks]

[SUIKA laughing]

Suika, what're you
playing with over there?

Oh, this? Check it out.

It's my widdle buddy
Chalk's favorite toy ever.

Dogtail millet!

You mean foxtail millet?

Ya know, that could actually be

just the thing
we're looking for.

We might be able take that stuff

and make a ridiculously
tasty dish.

Something that everyone in my
old world used to drool over.



We'll make primitive, gourmet
survival food from scratch.

Now that's exciting!

We're really gonna eat this?

Because foxtail millet
is super gross.

So... you can count
me out, Senku.

The reason we're whacking
the hell out of it

is to remove the husk
so we can eat it.

Foxtail millet is ten
billion percent a grain.

Albeit an unrefined
one, but still.

Ugh. It looks so nasty.

And it's completely
covered in furry stuff.

It's a cycle of inspiration

followed by experimentation.

When you think about it,

food is a perfect
example of science.

We have flour.

It's not wheat,
but it'll have to do.

Way to go, guys!

Let's crack in a
few wild bird eggs,

and then add in a dash
of potassium carbonate

to give it some elasticity.

It's a dish of science
accidentally discovered

by some unknown Mongol
around the fourth century.

That's right, he was
probably a crazy nut

that would literally try
anything, just like you.

Way back in
fourth-century Mongolia.

Uh! It smells so good.

And of course, we had a name

for this stupidly yummy bowl
of science 3,700 years ago.

We called it "ramen."

Okay, but that is yucky
foxtail millet in there.


I'll make sure it's
safe for us to eat!

Because one of a sorcerer's
most important qualities

is to not be afraid of
anything different and new!

It's amazing!

Ramen is bad!

[SUIKA] It's so slurpy!
I've never had anything like it!

[KOHAKU] I didn't know such
a tasty thing existed!

--[ALL crying]
--[SENKU laughs]

I might as well dig in, too.

It's been 3,700 years since I've
had a proper bowl of ramen.

And that is not it.

What did I expect
from foxtail millet?

The texture is all
sandy and crumbly,

and the aftertaste
is horribly bitter.

Maybe if you think of it
as medicine, it's edible.

Then again, these
people probably think

it's the food of the gods.

And that means
it's gonna work.

Foxtail millet ramen
for the win!

[music playing]


The hell's goin' on?

Oh, man, something
smells amazing!

[SENKU] People have waged
wars over salt and pepper.

That's how fundamental
food is to civilization.

With the raw power
of ramen on my side,

soon I'll have complete
control over this village!

You look and sound like
a bad guy right now.