Dr. Stone (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 24 - Voices Over Infinite Distance - full transcript

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The plastic hurdle's cleared!

The wire hurdle's cleared!

Vacuum tube hurdle's cleared!

Microphone's cleared!

[SENKU] We've cleared all
the hurdles, and finally,

our ultra-marathon science
project is complete!

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] We've come
so ridiculously far.

Now, in the middle of this
primitive Stone World,

we've built a thriving
scientific civilization

from scratch.

The most powerful weapon
of modern warfare

is one that shoots voices
over infinite distances.


[SENKU] It's the birth
of the cell phone!

[ALL cheering]

Our voices'll dance
across the sky.

And they'll travel far
into the distance.

Kinda weird to think about.

Sure is.

It's amazing that we can
send our voices out so far.

But I wonder how anyone
will be able to hear them.


[ALL gasp]

Oh, whoopsie! Guess we're
gonna need another one.

You kept quiet about that
on purpose, didn't you?

'Cause if everyone knew
we needed two of 'em,

they may've been less
willing to help out.


We will need to make another one

for it to work as a
proper cell phone.

But if we run a long cable,

it should function sorta
like a landline.

So, if I just talk into this
thing, Ruri will hear me?



Hey, Chrome, getting to
speak the first words

through the phone is
a pretty big deal.

So, what're you gonna say?


Ruri is listening
on the other end.

Ya know, this is
your big chance.

Tell her how you really feel.
Come on, this is your moment!

[ALL gasp]

I can say... how I really feel.

Hit that switch!

It's on!


This is some pretty
bad stuff, huh?!

Science is awesome!

[ALL gasping]

[GROUP groans]

What's up? Don't you
all agree with me?

Whoa! I could hear him!

I don't understand it!

It's crazy.

That was definitely Chrome's
voice we just heard.

I don't get it at all.

How can something so
tiny talk like that?

It's almost like
a speaker, huh?

It's not almost like
a speaker, it is one.

With microphones and speakers,

sounds convert to
electricity and back again.

Ruri... what you
said just now...

"Almost like a speaker"?

Yeah, a speaker!

So is this a bee or what?

Wow, this thing is
exactly like a bee!

Uh. How is a speaker like a bee?

Well, I mean,

I thought speakers were
a certain variety of bee.

What gave you that idea?


The fact that it was in
the Hundred Tales?

You're saying it
was passed down?

Yeah. In Tale 14.
It's a wonderful little story.

It centers around an extremely
talkative bee called Speaker.

And when he pokes
gravestones with his needle,

he's able to speak in
the voices of the dead

and tell their stories.

So there's a speaker,
needle on a gravestone,

and dead voices?

That tale isn't transferring
any actual knowledge,

so I don't quite
understand its purpose.

What could it be?
It's izarre-bay.

The tale uses the word "speaker"
to communicate something

only those from our
time would understand.

Plus, the tale's number
is 14, or rather 1-4.

The date of... Stone Day.


Which is also your birthday.

[RURI] And this small grave
marker was brought here

on behalf of your father
and the other founders.

My old man's gravestone.

Let's go!

What're you doing, Senku?
That's sacrilege!

Wait a second.

Is there something going
on with that gravestone?


I should've realized this
a whole lot earlier.

The old man sure loved
being a pain in the ass.

Like these would just be
the founders' gravestones.

That's way too simple for him,

so it's obviously ten
billion percent bull.

This thing isn't a gravestone.
It's a time capsule.

One that's been preserved in
concrete all these years.

[ALL gasp]

A time capsule?

So then, there's
something inside?

Should be. So we'll have
to break it open.

Now, that's my kind of plan!

Hold on, ya big ape!

If I'm right,
there's glass in there.

Don't do anything.

We'll need to crack
the stone quickly,

so this calls for someone with
power, precision, and speed.

[KOHAKU yelling]

So fast!

[ALL gasp]

There is something in there!

Some kind of silver chunk!

[SENKU] It's silver because
it's wrapped in aluminum foil.

But wash it with
hydrochloric acid...

Ah. It is made outta glass.

A disc?

Looks like they cut the bottom
off a bottle or something.

A disc, a speaker,
speaking with a needle...

[SENKU chuckles]

Does that remind you
of anything, Gen?


It's a record!

It's gotta be.

My dad and the crew's
voices are on it.

[OTHERS gasp]

And since they went
through the trouble

of making that for us,
we owe it to them to listen.

All right, Dad,

if it's not something
exciting, I'll kill you.

I know you're already
dead, but still.

Turns out Chrome was
right all along.

Science is beautiful.

It even lets Senku's father

talk to his son from
way up in heaven.

[RURI] He's been gone
thousands of years,

but with science, his voice
can travel through time

Wait, Senku.

Are you trying to tell us that
"record" thing can trap sound?

That's impossible.

There's no way you
can catch a sound.

[KOHAKU] I'm so confused.
How does it work?

Actually, the way it works
is ridiculously simple.

Eally-ray ad-bay!

[SENKU] You use sound
to vibrate a needle,

which digs grooves
into the record.

If you run a needle over
those grooves, it'll vibrate,

and that reproduces
the original sound.

Eally-ray ad-bay!

So, digging grooves into glass
makes it able to store sound?

Oh-ho! I never
would've guessed it!

Senku's old man was badass!

Not him. He's cool,
but Byakuya didn't do it.

It had to've been the people
who were stuck with him.

[BYAKUYA grunts]

[SENKU] Astronauts are
some of the world's

most elite scientists.

Except for my old man,
who got in on luck.

Though it is possible that
he came up with the idea.

He would've thought of
something as goofy as this.

I bet if all of us put
our minds to it,

we could make a record
outta this thing.

Yeah, that's not a bad idea!

And glass is a whole lot
more durable than plastic.

If it's preserved properly,

it could last for
thousands of years.

Wow. I guess that's
why you suggested it.

Oh, I didn't know.

Kinda just thought it might work
for that because it's round.

Why didn't you just pretend
you already knew that, old man?

Well, this is the plan.

Come on. Let's make it happen.

He's just gonna leave?
Not so fast!

Are you really gonna refuse
to help an old man in need?

Come back, Shamil!

Stop whining!

Look, we don't have
enough parts on hand

for that kind of project.

But there might be something
on the Soyuz that would work!



I found something!

Check it out!

My buddy, the trusty
electric razor!

Sorry, little guy.

But I promise, your motor
won't go to waste.

We can make a record player.

Should be easy if we use some
of the stuff we've made so far.

We'll use the gear from
the cotton candy machine.

I went and grabbed it for ya.

Ha. Guess it's a good
thing I decided

to mess up Father's shield.

It's so much better this way.

As long as it can help
you, it's fine with me.


Just glad to be useful.

And that right there
is how people

become cogs in society
as they get older.

Like, literally.

I don't remember asking
for your social commentary.

Sorry for the wait.

This is what I use when
I sew clothing and such.

Ah. It's perfect.

A bone needle.

Making a record player
isn't actually that hard.

But making the record
is a whole other matter.

'Cause to cut the glass,
you need an extremely hard rock.

Yeah, something like
corundum or a diamond, right?

You can use this.

I don't know.

What's wrong?
That is an actual diamond!

Yeah, but it's still
your weddin' ring.

It's too important
to use for this.

[DALIA, YAKOV chuckle]

It's not like I wear
it all the time.

It gets in the way.

Probably a better use for it
to make records instead.

[YAKOV chuckles]

In return, let us help build it,
and make the recordings.

Sound like a deal?

Thank you so much.

Yeah! We were able to pull
that off in no time at all!

What's going on?

[VILLAGER C] Apparently,
we're going to hear

the voices of the founders.

Uh. The village founders?

Even though they lived, like,

thousands of years ago?

Okay, start spinning, Ginro.


I've gotten a lot of practice
from the cotton candy machine.

[BYAKUYA] I don't know
who's listening to this.

It could be hundreds, maybe even
thousands of years from now.

Anyway, my name's
Ishigami Byakuya.

I'm an astronaut.

[VILLAGERS cheering]

Shut up, will ya?
I can't hear anything.

This is actually the voice
of the village founder?

That's Senku's father
talking. It's really him.

But enough about me!

Who the hell needs a bunch
of stuffy formality?

You revived from
the petrification

and somehow got your
hands on this recording.

Senku, you're
listening, aren't you?

I can tell.

Who knows how many
centuries it's been

since we've seen each other...

It's kinda crazy to think about,

but this will be the last
call I make to you.

Of course, it's not like
I can hear you or anything.

Senku, don't forget...
I've always, always...

Ya know, you're probably
the last person

who needs all that sappy
ol' father and son crap,

so I'll just get to the point.

[SENKU laughs]

You know me, all right.

He's pretty cold
toward his father.

[KOKUYO] You're really not
any different, Kohaku.

Senku, if this village
is still here,

and you're having a tough
time winning over

the hearts and minds of
whoever's living in it,

try playing this for 'em.

[BYAKUYA] I present to those
who have lived unenlightened

the light of music!


♪ Nowhere to turn. ♪

♪ Nowhere to hide. ♪

♪ Between a rock
and a hard place. ♪

♪ Someone to find. ♪

♪ I know that times are tough,
just down and out ♪

♪ Putting my faith
in tomorrow. ♪

♪ No way to... ♪

[LILLIAN] Why'd you wanna cut
a record all of a sudden?

I've been thinking
this entire time.

There's just so much
knowledge and fun stuff

that humanity's created
over the years.

How can we keep it
from disappearing?

Besides, I wanted to leave
behind something cool for Senku.

So he'd get excited!

♪ ...best foot forward. ♪

♪ One small step from zero. ♪

♪ To start again ♪

♪ If we want ♪

♪ To be strong ♪

♪ Have to believe that we can ♪

♪ Just taking one
small step to hero ♪

♪ To make a change ♪

♪ And start brand new ♪

♪ I'll be wishing for the
same thing I always do. ♪

♪ It's always you ♪

♪ All the hope we have ♪

♪ Is right here in our hands ♪

♪ The future's left unseen ♪

♪ Just a blank page ♪

♪ All the strength we need ♪

♪ Is right here in me ♪

♪ Just need one small step ♪

♪ To carry on ♪

A song.

I've never heard something
so beautiful before.

It's like the voice of an angel.

It's amazing! I don't
know what else to say.

--Amazingly amazing!

--Well put.
--Amazingly amazing!

That's Lilian singing.

She was one of the most beloved
and respected vocalists

of our time.

Imagine that being the
first song you hear.

That's bad. Two million
years of humanity.

So bad!

Senku, I bet there was all kinds
of awesome music like this

in the past, huh?

Yeah, and music's
just part of it.

Games, television,
movies, manga.

So much art and entertainment,

and all of it was made
possible by science.

There was a ton of
ridiculously fun stuff

from all over the world.

All of it's long gone by now,
physically speaking,

but it still has the
chance to live on.

Inside our hearts.

♪ It's always you ♪

[SENKU] I'm gonna do everything
I can to let you see it.

But first, we gotta take
down the Tsukasa Empire

and revive all the
world's statues.

[VILLAGERS cheering]

I really wanna see
everything for myself!

I am so damn excited right now!

All the statues
around the world!

We're gonna revive
every last one of 'em!

Sounds good to me.

But I'm way more excited about
taking down the Tsukasa Empire.

Man, this is bad!

And everyone is totally
pumped about it!

I must say, your
dad's got skill.

Even from thousands
of years ago,

he got everyone excited
about bringing back

complete strangers
from petrification.

And just Lilian's singing
made it possible.

So does this help
wash away your guilt

for having dragged your
fellow villagers into a war?

Maybe just a little?


Come on, I never had
any to begin with.


Looks like you actually did it.

You've done exactly
what you said.


On the day we met,

you remember what you told me?


Our home.

You've made it a
Kingdom of Science.

[KOHAKU] Ha. And now
comes the next part.

The Kingdom of Science's fight
with the Tsukasa Empire.


So let's get that second
cell phone finished up

and bring it over!

You know what that means, Senku.

It's finally time for those
two to step up to the plate.

Yeah. We'll be connecting
with them soon.

The rest of the
Kingdom of Science.

Once we're in contact, we'll
be at full strength at last.

Wow. It's almost been
a year now, huh?


We're ready! Senk--

Please don't start shouting
out our plans, Taiju!

Oh, you're right.
Sorry about that.


Spring will be here quite soon.

Yes. The final battle
with Senku is coming.

Now, let's snuff the
flame of science forever,

and then we can build
a new, untarnished world.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] The ultimate battle
against the Tsukasa Empire

will be on our turf.

[SENKU] This'll be the
beginning of the Stone Wars.

This is exhilarating.

Get excited!