Dr. Romantic (2016–2023): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript

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== EPISODE 4 ==

♪ Okay, are you really satisfied? ♪

♪ Okay, do you wanna feel so high? ♪

♪ Okay, are we gonna make love? ♪

♪ Baby, better, better believe ♪

♪ So feel, feel, feel it ♪

♪ Okay, are you really satisfied? ♪

♪ Okay, do you wanna feel so high? ♪

♪ Okay, are we gonna make love? ♪

♪ Baby, better, better believe ♪

- It just started.
- Oh, no!

Hurry, there's a fire!

Yes, at the intersection.
There's a fire!

Are they okay?

Are we starting with a neurorrhaphy?

Then when should I go in?

What are you saying?
You have to come in right away.

Dr. Lee, this isn't
your everyday neurorrhaphy.

You should consider it an honor
to witness Master Kim's neurorrhaphy.

Don't worry.

I'm sure it'll go well.


Please succeed…

Dr. Kim.


Scalpel no. 15, please.


Hey, Lee Seonung. Look more closely.






A vessel loop in blue, please.

Now, yellow.

One more blue, please.

Another yellow.

All right.

Take this.

Dr. Cha Eunjae, pull.

We'll continue
without removing the tourniquet. Metz.



Another clamp.


Cut, please.

Another suture.

Are we using
an interrupted suture?

You must use interrupted sutures
to maintain the shape of the nerve,

because this thread can trigger
the nerve and cause pain.



All right, it is
Dr. Bae Munjeong and Eunjae's turn.

- Let's switch places.
- Okay.

All right, keep it steady.



Let's start.


Did they finish the neurorrhaphy already?

I suppose it is good
to have someone that has your back.

Without Master Kim,

this surgery wouldn't have been possible.

I'll be clocking out now.


Check for respiration.
Please calm down.

You have to register.

Please let us know
if you're having trouble breathing.

Out of the way, please.

What are you doing?

You have patients to look at.


Carefully now. One, two, three.

I'm taking this off.

Vitals are 80/40. Heart rate 120.

She collapsed in the corridor
of the burning building.

She was found under some rubble

and was unconscious
at the time of discovery.

There are signs of severe muscle guarding.

The hip joint isn't in good shape either.

Start two, full drip IV lines.

- A sonogram and a portable X-ray too.
- Okay.

Nurse Joo, page the GS on call.

Page Dr. Bae too.

Dr. Bae is in surgery though.

- Ask him to come as soon as he's finished.
- Okay.

Incoming burn patient!

- Go quickly, Dr. Yoon Areum.
- Okay!

Let's move the patient. One, two, three.

She's a woman in her late 20s.

It looks like she was
engulfed by the flames while escaping.

Secure the airway, quickly!

Okay, let's start with intubation.

I can't see.

Hold it correctly.


Yes, sir!


Irrigation, this way.


Seo Woojin speaking.

The bleeding
is more severe than I thought.

The airway is too swollen, Dr. Jung.

Perform a cricothyroidotomy then.

What? Me?

Is the GS not here yet?

Where is the portable X-ray?

It's here!

Please make way!

We'll do the pelvis first.

The patient's saturation levels
keep falling, Dr. Yoon.

Nurse Eom, prepare for a CTT.

Yes? Okay, I understand.

A fire broke out in a nearby villa.


They're bringing in all the patients
to our hospital.

Some of them seem
to have a few broken bones too.


I'll leave first.

Okay, you do that.

Here you go, Dr. Lee Seonung.

Oh, okay.

I'm almost finished here too.

The great saphenous vein, please.


Micro forceps, please.

Suture, please.

All right, I'll leave now too.

Keep up the good work, Cha Eunjae.

I got it. Don't worry.

Nurse Euntak, heparin, please.

Where are you going
in the middle of surgery?

What are you talking about?

My surgery ended some time ago.

Don't you see Dr. Cha Eunjae
operating on the blood vessels?

Do you think something will happen?

What kind of nonsense…

If there's a problem,

I'm asking if you're planning to make
Eunjae take responsibility for it all.

Don't laugh.

The way you think and the way you speak…

Gosh, you haven't changed one bit.
You're exactly the same.

Don't change the subject.

Who are you doubting?

Me or Cha Eunjae?

I perfectly completed my surgery.

On the off chance
you don't trust your daughter,

she's doing a fine job in there.

So you don't have to worry about that.

If you're that curious,
go inside and look for yourself.

What are you doing?
You said you'd leave.

So I can be treated like scum again?

Follow me.

Please finish up the dressing for me.


Scalpel blade no. 11, please.

A tracheal hook, please.

Oh, okay.

Hold it, please.

A tube, please.

Ambu bag, please.

Move on to the next step quickly.

Master Kim.

Just now,
Dr. Yoon performed a crico...

You need to apply
wet gauze onto the burns.

Right. Yes.

My gosh.

There seems to be
severe contracture on the right arm.

Yes, that seems to be the case.

Nurse Kim.

Hydration and warm saline
for both IV lines, please.

Yes, Doctor.

Dr. Yoon Areum,
have you ever performed an escharotomy?

Yes, of course.

I see. Go ahead then.

Yes, Doctor.

Nurse Eom, scalpel blade no. 10, please.

Not too deep.

Just until the subcutaneous level.

Just like that.

Nurse Eom.

I'll stay here,

so could you contact
the burn center in Seoul?

Tell them we need to transfer
this burn patient urgently.

Yes, Master Kim.

This is Doldam Hospital in Jeongseon.

We'd like to request a doctor helicopter
to the burn center in Seoul.


This looks worse than I thought.

The condition of the hip joints
isn't good either.

What if we try to stabilize
the vitals with damage control

and pack the bleeding?

It depends on how damaged the surrounding
blood vessels and bones are.

Oh? What is this?

It can't be…


Oh my God.

I think we should inform
the police first.

Nurse Joo, hand it over.

This is Doldam Hospital's
Emergency Center.


What should we do, Dr. Seo?

Whether this old lady
committed arson or not,

that's for the police to decide.

We should take care
of the hemoperitoneum first.

Prepare 10 mcg
of norepinephrine, Nurse Joo.


She might go
into hypovolemic shock in her condition.

She's old too. Are you sure?

It's the best we can do
before we can operate on her.

Jang Donghwa, go ask Dr. Nam Doil

when Operating Room Two
will be ready and make preparations.

What are you doing? Go.

By the way,
is norepinephrine the right call?


What do you mean?

I just remembered learning that
during a hypovolemic shock,

using norepinephrine will only
increase the myocardial oxygen demand.

If the shock lasts,
it could cause a vicious cycle to occur.

And there's no solution for that.
Does that answer your question?

Is that so?

I was just making sure.

I don't want you to be wrong this time.

Dr. Jang.

I apologize if I offended you.

What's with him?

What are you doing?

What did you think
you were doing in there?

I was just telling you my opinion.
Am I not allowed to do that?

Are you sure it was an opinion?
You weren't being tongue-in-cheek?

Not necessarily,

but it can't be helped
if that's how it sounded.

What is it? Why are you doing this?

Do you really not know?

No, I don't know. So tell me what it is.

I said we should let him rest!

You told me not to be nosy,

but look at what happened to that patient.

Master Kim was able
to connect the patient's nerves,

but there's no guarantee
that he can go ski jumping anymore.

Imagine how hard he must've worked
to become a national athlete!

You could have let him rest
for those few hours…

Then, he might not have been hurt.

Then why didn't you
tell me from the start?

Without beating around the bush,
without being sarcastic? Just straight up!

You could have looked me in the eyes
and told me what you were thinking.

So I could give you
a proper answer.

So I could tell you why you were wrong
and why I thought differently.

Don't you even feel sorry
for that national athlete?

Don't you feel guilty?

No, I don't.

A doctor

makes a diagnosis, not a prediction.

We don't deal
with people who might get hurt.

We deal with patients
who are already hurt, sick, broken,

or on their last breath.

Patients come in every day.

I can't hang
onto those unfortunate situations.

It happened
because I wasn't good enough.

To avoid making the same mistake,

all I can do is focus
on the patient in front of me.


how I repay my shortcomings.

Does that answer your question?

So hurry up and go focus
on doing your work.

Acting like he's better than me.
He's so full of himself.

What have you been up to?

I heard Dr. Seo Woojin tell you
to prepare an operation room.

Dr. Nam Doil,

when will surgery be over?

Dr. Cha Eunjae,
how much longer will this take?

I'm taking the clamps off.

There's no leak, right?

No, there isn't.

All right. I'll be closing up now.

About 10 more minutes.

In 10 minutes,
I'll open Operation Room Two.

Did you hear that, Dr. Lee?
Dr. Nam gave us 10 minutes.

You can finish in ten, right?


I don't have much
real-life experience yet…

That's why you should work
on quickly building up that experience.

All right.
Let's see how bad you are. Go ahead.

Suture, please.

Wait, stop!


Now that I think about it,

I should finish it this time.

There are a lot of emergency patients,
and Dr. Nam has to go.

Suture, please.

I'm sorry.

- Cut.
- Cut.

- Cut.
- Cut.

Excuse me, Dr. Cha.

You did well, Dr. Lee. You must be tired.

I'll see you tomorrow.

It was
because he was nervous, right?

It's his first surgery in
an unfamiliar hospital and operating room.

But still, it was a simple suture,
so that was a bit…

I heard that they don't give
residents a lot of surgeries

because a lot of patients sue these days.

That's why nowadays,
even some fellows aren't as skilled.

But still, he got his license.

With those skills…

What else can we do?

Let's do our best
to raise our green newbie.

Ah, I'll be going now
since I have to open Operating Room Two.

Jaehyun's mother?

Dr. Cha.

What happened to Jaehyun?

What about my mother-in-law?


Ma'am, are you okay?

Dr. Eunjae?

Dr. Eunjae, I can't believe it.

- Saehyun?
- Come with me to get checked.

- I mean…
- You should get checked out first.

There was a fire…

One moment, please.

Dr. Yoon Areum,
is there anything I can help you with?


For now, I've done everything I could.

I'm waiting
to transfer her to a burn center.

Oh, okay.

Is something the matter?
Do you know this person?

Yeah, they're people I knew
from the villa I used to live in.



Did you move? When?

Last week.

This patient moved into my old apartment.


I see.

How did the fire start?
Have you heard anything?

About that…

The old lady over there

had a lighter on her.

Jaehyun's grandmother?


My mother?

Your mother had a lighter

and the fire originated on the same floor.

Eyewitness accounts match too.

By any chance,

did she show any symptoms
of depression or dementia?

No, she's healthy.

But why…

What are we going to do?

Her son's business
failed due to the pandemic,

so his family came to stay at her place.

The six-year-old child is
usually left with the grandmother

while the son and his wife work.

According to eyewitnesses,

she seemed pessimistic about life.

How upsetting.

What do we do?

I feel bad for the woman.

She's so young and got all those burns.

It's strange though.
It's not like her to do that.

She was a very cheerful person.

She would joke around
and sing all the time.

Even when her son came down

after his business failed,
she never seemed upset.

She was actually really happy
to get to live with Jaehyun.

They say it's scariest when depression
comes in the form of a smile.

There's evidence and witnesses.

Everything points to her, Dr. Cha.

Who are the witnesses?


Why are you outside?

What about the patient?

We're waiting.

She's not here yet?

The guardians are here,
but they haven't signed yet.


Why did you do it?

You could've said
that you were having a hard time!

Why did you do it?

What am I supposed to do?

Why did you cause
such a disaster?


What were you going to do?


Please sign the surgical consent form.

The patient's life will be
in danger the longer you take.


What happened?



Dr. Jung, it's hematemesis.

We'll start a suction.


- Mom!
- Nurse Eom!

- Guardians, please step outside.
- Mom!

- Mother-in-law!
- Oxygen levels are low!

- Let's start intubation.
- Okay.

What happened?

Her vitals are bad
and saturation levels keep dropping.

Are you the guardian?

We need to perform emergency surgery
to stop the bleeding.

Every second counts!


We don't have money to pay for surgery.

I'm sorry…

but we really don't have any money.

Everything we make
goes toward paying off our loans.

There's no way…


are you really going
to let your mother die?

If we delay any longer,
we really won't be able to do anything!


Move the patient
to the operating room now.

Master Kim.

- The consent form, please.
- Yes, Master Kim.

Please, sign it now.

As Chief of Surgery,
I'll cover the cost of the surgery.

What are you doing, Dr. Seo Woojin?
You said that every second counts.

Let's move the patient!

Nurse Euntak!

Please get out of the way!

Please get out of the way.

Out of the way!

Are you not going to sign?

But, Doctor…

How could I…

If your mother were in your position,
what do you think she'd do?

If the person on
that hospital bed were you,

would your mother give up on you
because she didn't have money?


Hurry up and sign.

First things first is
to save your mother's life.

That's right.

This isn't the time
to talk about fire or faults.

You should save
your mother's life. Do that first.

Exactly, your mother's life
is more important.

You can just earn the money back.

Exactly. There's no other solution.

- Sign it.
- Hurry up and sign it.

- Go ahead and sign it.
- Do it.

- Sign it.
- Quickly now. Sign it.

Here you go.


Sir, wait!

- Me?
- Where are you going?

Your treatment doesn't
seem to be over yet.

You see,
I have something urgent to take care of.

I heard you're a witness.

Mr. Koo.

Mr. Koo!

What are you doing?

Which apartment do you live in?


I used to live in that villa
until last week,

but I don't remember seeing you before.

You're not a resident there, are you?


Who are you?

Why are you pretending
to be a resident?

How did you witness the fire?

I said, move!

Where are you going?

You little…

What the…

Violence is not allowed in the hospital.
Lower your hand.

Set up a RIS.

- Are the monitors connected?
- Yes.

How are the patient's vitals?

A bit unstable, but I'll do my best
to keep them from falling.


What about Dr. Jang?

I told him to clock out.

- What?
- I'll assist you. Don't worry.

Begin immediately, Dr. Seo Woojin.

There's severe
intra-abdominal hemorrhage.

Organs may spill out as soon as we open.

May I start, Dr. Nam?

Yes, you may.





Pour all the normal saline we have.

Richardson retractor.

Bring some more blood.


There are

only two types of doctors
in the operation room.

One who wants to save the patient
and one who wants to learn.

If you're not one of them,
you don't pick up a knife

and stand at the operation table.

Are you scolding me?

At least you're not so dull.

Why? Is it because I talked
back to Dr. Seo Woojin?

It's okay to talk back.

If you have different opinions,

you can argue, especially if it's
for the patient's well-being.


But that's not the case for you.

You're not voicing opinions,
you're trying to pick a fight.

Then how am I supposed to understand?

He sent a national athlete away
for "faking an illness,"

but is trying his best
to save an old lady who committed arson!

What kind of nonsense are you spouting?

So what are you saying?

We should have kept the national athlete
in the hospital even if he was faking it,

but it doesn't matter
if an arsonist lives or dies?

Come on, sir!

A doctor,

as soon as he puts on his surgical gown,
must not discriminate against any patient.

All patients should be
treated equally and fairly.

Whether it's a national athlete,
an arsonist, or even a murderer,

as long as you're a doctor,
you have a duty to treat the patient.

That's the fate and responsibility
of being a doctor, understood?

Why are you arguing about faults

and debating over
who is good and who is bad

in front of a dying person?

Hey, you might as well go
be a judge or prosecutor then

instead of being here!

From now on, you're not allowed
in the operating room until I permit it.

Without the intention to save or learn,

the operating room is off-limits.

How dare you pick up a scalpel
with that kind of mindset?

Are you trying to get someone killed?

Were you this kind of person?

- What?
- I thought you were different, Dr. Kim.

You're just as condescending
as the other professors.

What did you just say?

"Don't get in the way and mess around."

You're just trying to get me to fall in,
aren't you?

Take a look at this punk…

You really know how to use harsh words
to grind someone's gears.

What do you mean by "punk"?
Don't talk to me however you want!

Don't call me doctor then!

Hey, you can't even tell
whether it's education or discipline.

You disregard everything older people say,
calling it bossy and condescending.

Who the hell are you calling doctor?

Dr. Jang Donghwa,

you're free to call people
"this punk" or "that punk" as well.

Just so you know, this is my temperament.

Punks who don't even try

but talk about
the unfairness of the world.

Punks without any skill
who boast about themselves

simply because they wear
the gowns of a doctor.

Punks who don't do their job properly

and complain about everything!

I just…

really enjoy humbling them.
It's my specialty.

Keep that in mind.

- Dr. Kim, please hold this.
- Okay.


One more clamp.


- Cut.
- Cut.

Another tie.

- Cut.
- Cut.

The color
of the bowels doesn't look good.

We need to check if it's because of shock

or if there's any necrosis.

I'll perform a biopsy.

We'll do a frozen section biopsy.

What's going on?

The arsonist.

- What?
- It's not the old lady

but that guy who set the villa on fire.

Jaehyun's grandmother saw him

and she got hurt trying to stop him.

It seems like she tried her best
to take the lighter from him.

The woman who moved into my old place
set up a CCTV outside the house,

and it caught everything that happened.

And he just now confessed it all.

Mr. Koo, good work.
We couldn't have done it without you.

Call me whenever you need me, Dr. Cha.

Let's go.

All patients should be
treated equally and fairly.

Whether it's a national athlete,
an arsonist, or even a murderer…

…all I can do is focus
on the patient in front of me.

Vitals look good.

Let me know if there's any change
in the color of the toe,


The frozen biopsy results are out.

It's cancer.

This old lady…

Should we say she's lucky or unlucky?

Let's take it positively.

The cancer she never knew she had.

It was found. By us.

All right, operating surgeon.
What should we do?

We need to cut more margins.

Let's remove the lymph nodes
around the aorta too.

What about the OS?

The surrounding vessels
and muscles are severely damaged.

I don't think metal plates
will support it.

For now, just pack the area clean.

Also, it'll take at least two weeks
to make the artificial joint.

We'll schedule
the second surgery accordingly.


Give me warm saline
and surgical pads.

- Bovie.
- Suction.



- All right, cut.
- Cut.



Good job, everyone.

- Yes, good job.
- Good job, everyone.

Two surgeries
in a row are too much for me now.

- Oh, my shoulders.
- I'm still okay.

I could do two more.

It must be nice to be young.


Dr. Jang Donghwa?

Didn't you clock out?

Well, yes.

Dr. Nam, why don't
we grab a beer after we get off?

Sure, I'm always down for some beer!

What? Why…

Excuse me.

What? Do you have something to say?


How is the hemoperitoneum patient?

For now, we stopped the bleeding

and there will be another surgery
for the hip joint in two weeks.

The surgery was delayed a little
because we found cancer.


I was just wondering how the surgery went…

Were you worried?

That I would

miss something again?

That's not what I meant.

The patient is old,
so we need to wait and see.


the surgery was easier,
thanks to what you said.


About the norepinephrine.

Nurse Joo.

Instead of norepinephrine,
just hook her up to a RIS.

Will that be enough
to keep her alive through surgery?

We'll just have to move quickly.

Like Jang Donghwa said,
even if we stop all the bleeding,

there's no point
if the heart doesn't beat?

You did well.

Inotropics are double-edged swords.

They're drugs
that help raise blood pressure,

but you give up a lot
due to vascular contraction.

If something goes wrong,
SCMP can occur in the heart muscles.

What I'm saying is
that you saved that old lady,

Dr. Jang Donghwa.

You did well.

Go clock out. You must be tired.

What did I say?

He understood me, Nurse Oh.

Plus, Dr. Seo is much more generous
with his compliments than you, Master Kim.

Is this what they call
"a pupil surpassing his master?"

That's a notion I will always welcome.

Transporting the patient now.

Are you transferring the patient?

Yes. The patient is unstable,
so I'm taking them to the burn center.

Okay, keep up the good work.

- Okay, I'll be back.
- Okay.

- Oh, right, Dr. Yoon Areum.
- Yes?

You did really well earlier.

The cricothyroidotomy and the escharotomy.

Thank you, I know. I'll be back.

- Oh, Nurse Euntak.
- Where are you going?

I'm transferring a patient.

The patient isn't in a good condition,
so I'm going with them.

I see. You must be tired.

Not as tired as you.

I heard you had two operations.

You must be pooped.

I'll be back soon, so rest up.

Dr. Yoon, quickly!

Okay, I'm on my way!


We'll move the patient now.

- One, two, three!
- One, two, three!

Are we good to go?

- Yes.
- Moving the bed out!

Bye, Dr. Yoon.

I'll be back.


I have nothing to do
after I get off anyway.

Let me join you.

You see, Dad...

I still

don't understand.

How could you make
such a ridiculous decision so easily?


How could you so casually

perform a combined surgery like that?

The results were good.

The surgery was completed
without complications too.

You watched how it went.

Are you saying that

if the results are good,
the process doesn't matter?

I'm just saying that for good results,
a little flexibility is necessary.

In all things,

there are fundamentals and principles.

If you keep changing the fundamentals
and principles according to convenience,

the foundation is ultimately
doomed to collapse.

Master Kim has never broken
the fundamentals or principles.

More than any other doctor I know,

he's upheld his duty as a doctor.

I've neglected you for too long.



Call me Professor in the hospital.

Keep your work and personal life separate.

I know that much.

What you think you know

is different from
what you actually know, Eunjae.

You should know
how to differentiate the two.

What about my surgery?

I want to know
what you thought about my surgery.

Regardless of skill,

I want you to become a doctor
that upholds principles.


If not a compliment like "you did well,"

I thought I'd at least hear
something like "I'm proud of you."

Because I really did well today.

You did well.

I'm very proud of you.

I compliment you.

You too, Dr. Seo Woojin.

You did well today.

I'm very proud of you. I compliment you.


"Pretty please."

It's been a long day.


A long night too.


Nurse Lee.

Can you check the urine hourly?

And for the phlegm,
please make sure to suction properly.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Excuse me. You can go and rest now.

The patient seems to have improved a lot.


I was 23 years old when I had him.

I was immature back then,

I thought the whole world was mine

just because I won a medal
at the Asian Championships.

And just like that, I messed around…

and I had him.


After that,

my grades plummeted

and I needed to make money

for baby formula and diapers.


I really didn't know what to do.


I worked at a supermarket,
cleaned buildings,

and worked for a chauffeur service.

There's nothing I didn't do.

I see.

Still, I was good at skiing,

so I taught him how to ski
when he was five years old.

And he was good at it too.

Honestly, I never expected him
to win a gold medal.

But then I became afraid.

That he'd become like me.

I was afraid he'd mess around
and fall from grace, just like I did.

That's why I pushed him harder.

But he…

really did fall from grace.

What will happen to my boy?

Can he continue being an athlete?

You see, the thing about nerves…

Once they're damaged,
it's not easy to recover.

Well, medically,
that is the case. However…

I have seen many instances
that surpass the boundaries of medicine.

It's what people call miracles. However,

I call it the will of a person.


Don't give up.

In the end, a person's will

is what makes a miracle.

No matter
where they stand in life,

people will dream again.

They don't give up hope
in the face of despair.

To the end…

they will want to prove
that they are still alive.

Even if it is false hope,

they are

unwilling to give up.


What are you still doing here?

What is it? Are you worried
because your first day was too hard?

What are you going to do?

Today was just a taste
of what we have going on here.

What were you trying to prove here?


In this countryside hospital,

I was just wondering
what kind of pride you held

from this tiny amount of success.

I'm not sure.

Success and pride.

I don't really know what those are.

I'm just living my life as I am.

Shouldn't that be enough?

Is that how you live?

"Ignoring the fundamentals,
principles, and practices

is what makes me who I am."

Self-satisfied and reassuring yourself...

No, I live gratefully.

I'm making my dream come true like that.

Your dream?

At that age?

What of it?

Don't you have any dreams?

So what's left of you then?

Besides remorse, besides regret.

Besides anger.

Besides betrayal.

You'll see.

You don't think
I won't live up to my name,

do you?




It's a good morning!

Have a good morning!

Good morning!

Hello, Elizabeth.

Did you sleep well?

And what about you, Jessie?
Did you sleep well?

High five.

Good smell.



You're here early today.

Do you have any business in the lounge?

I just want some coffee. Why?

The coffee machine
in the lounge is broken.

Let's go to the medical office.

Oh, really? I'll just get
something else to drink then.

Since all the drinks are out,

I will escort you
to the medical office. Let's go.

- What? No…
- GITAE: Let's go, Dr. Yang.

I'll make you a coffee.

Are you awake?


You still have time.
You can sleep some more.

I'll see you later.

Did you just get home?

Yes, well…

I was watching the patients
that were operated on.

And well… I've been working
on medical progress reports.

Come sit. Let's eat breakfast.


Let's eat.

Yes, Professor.


You should call me Dad at home.

Don't confuse your work
with personal life.

I know that much.

This omelet is amazing!


When do you have to go in?

I have to go after I change my clothes.

Let's go together then.


Why? Is that weird?

No, that's not it.

All right then.

Let's go to work together.


Hello, sir.

Good morning!


Dr. Cha. You're already at work.

Oh, my. Dr. Yoon,
are you just now coming in?

- Yes.
- Say hello. This is Professor Cha Jinman.


Hello, I've heard many things about you.

I am EM Dr. Yoon Areum.

Dr. Yoon Areum?

Oh, my daughter Eunjae's roommate?

Well, I'm staying in a room
at the company house.

Oh, Dr. Yoon Areum. Did you happen
to get a room at the company house?

I'm glad. Good for you.


I was uncomfortable knowing
that you were sleeping in the office,

but the company house had a room.

Anyway, I'm sorry to make you
uncomfortable as soon as you moved.

Well, no…

I mean… No, it's okay.

Speaking of which,
while I'm indebted to you,

may I stay for a few more days?

- What?
- What?

I'm looking for a house through a realtor,
but I'm afraid it'll take some time.

Do you mind?

Of course not.

It's fine.

You can stay for as long as you'd like.

I have a place to stay anyway.

Thank you, Dr. Yoon Areum.


What is going on?


nothing at all.





All right.

This is the list that Professor Cha Jinman
sent this morning.

The list of doctors
he'll be taking from Doldam Hospital.

"Please come in."

He's basically cleaning house.

He acted like he wouldn't
take anyone with him.

- Nurse Eom.
- Yes?

So who's staying at Doldam Hospital?

You, me,

Nurse Oh,

Master Kim,

and the two new doctors.

Is this also something

you've predicted, Master Kim?

For the next two months,

we'll be doing simulations
here in the Trauma Center.

What do you mean by simulation?

It'll be a preliminary inspection
for teamwork

before the Trauma Center officially opens.

Then, what about the emergency room
at Doldam Hospital?

Master Kim says he has it covered
for the time being.

From now on,

for the next two months,
please focus on the Trauma Center here.

I'm sorry, but I'm out.


Do you lack confidence?

You learned from Bu Yongju,

so I had high hopes for you.

I guess you don't have the skills yet

to show me?

Do you know what will happen…

during those two months?

There are only two outcomes.

You either put the elephant in

or the refrigerator breaks.

♪ In a world full of people ♪

♪ You can lose sight of it all ♪

♪ And the darkness inside you
can make you feel so small ♪

♪ But I see your true colors
shining through ♪

♪ I see your true colors ♪


♪ So don't be afraid ♪

♪ To let them show ♪

♪ Your true colors ♪

♪ Are beautiful ♪

♪ Like a rainbow ♪


Master Kim will eventually…

Patient is going into arrest!
…have to take care of all the patients.

Does my dad get to you that much?

What you're doing isn't
turning your back on Dr. Cha Jinman.

Know that you're turning your back
on the patients that need your care.

Even if you're a resident,
I'm a doctor, and you're a nurse.

I'm well aware.

Are you done?

The son of
a provincial assemblyman…

This is medical malpractice,
isn't it?

- Reconsider this operation.
- What?

Even so,
am I supposed to give up on a patient?

- There's no hope.
- So show me.

How you would do it,
what solution you have in mind.