Dororo (1969–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Yoba midoro - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Dororo and Hyakkimaru

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pin.

Poke poke samurai heera hera.

Toro toro samurai heera hera.

Hero hero samurai heera hera.

Mero mero samurai heera hera.

Glowing in the red of sunset,

burning armour and burning horses

press forward to seize
everything under the heavens.

You can't play dumb. I know it.

You're all a lot of hogetaras.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon!

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pin.

Punyo punyo hogetara heera hera.

Hokya hokya hogetara heera hera.

Byoro byoro hogetara heera hera.

Hero hero hogetara heera hera.

Beneath the boundless blue sky,

they walk down a thorny path.

This too is for the sake of
the world and its people.

You can't play dumb. I know it.

You're all a lot of hogetaras.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon!

The Demon Horse, Midoro

Hmph, they're at it again?

Well, shall we get going?

H-Hold on a moment, big brother.

What is it?

Look over there.
That horse is incredible.


Onward, Midoro! Scatter the enemy!

Charge! Onward, Midoro!

Big brother, what are you doing?

Be quiet.

Another one?

It keeps following us.

It's just a horseshoe.

But it has a demonic aura about it.


You're overthinking
things, big brother. Let's go.

Step aside! Step aside!

Stand aside, you beggars!

Hmph, some upstart, are you?

That's the horse! The one
I saw during the battle!

A horse general, is it?

A man who parades himself
because of his horse's work.

Yes, he looks like an upstart.

What makes you think
you're so important?

You've only risen so high
because you have a good horse!

Shinsuke, first I would like some sake.

Yes, Master.

Ah! It has a foal!

I've been praised by my
commander once again.

That is good to hear.

It won't be long before I am
appointed a samurai general.

This was only possible because you
raised such a fine horse as Midoro.

You have my thanks.

Y-You flatter me.

There was one happening that perturbed
me in this most recent battle.

Midoro was not as she
has always been before.

Her movements seemed slower.

Do you have any idea what
is the cause?


To be honest, half my achievements
were because of Midoro's strength.

If Midoro were to collapse on me now...

It could be because of her foal.

The foal?

Even beasts care for their offspring...

In this war torn world, one cannot
move up without a blade and a horse.

A military horse has no
need for parental love.

It needs only to become more
powerful as a war horse.

What are you doing?
Tear them apart by force!

Woah. Woah.

Midoro, would you be quiet?

Sakuzaemon, are
you there? Sakuzaemon?

Coming, coming...

To celebrate your battlefield

the master will sell you the
foal of his great horse Midoro.


He will sell this foal
to you for 1,000 ryo.


Take it and be grateful.

Yes, sir.

Bring payment to the master
within ten days, understood?

Yes, sir.

Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.

Who are you?

Nobody important enough
that you'd need my name.

What'll you do with that horse?

What will I do, you ask?

You should ask the horse instead!

- Don't be silly, I want that horse!
- No, no.

It doesn't matter if you want it.
I can't give it to you unless you pay.

I have to pay the master.

I'm saved.

I'll take this horse.

There. You shouldn't
have any complaints now.

Not at all.
So long as I'm paid...

Big brother!

What's brought this on?

You're spending money for me.

Let's go.

He's shy about it!

Big brother, let's rest here for the night.

Search all you wish, but there's
no demons around here.

There are.

That's just how big brother is.

Once he's done with his thing,
we'll take you to see your mother.

What? Midoro's escaped, you say?

After her! Bring her back!
Don't let Midoro get away!

After her! Don't let her get away!

D-Did she come?

I hear the sound of horse hooves.

A horse?

Chibi, it's your mother!

Dororo, would you wait?!

There's a demon nearby!

Chibi, we're going!

Look at you. You're pathetic!

We're going to see
your mother, you know!

Midoro, return to the master!

Do you plan to stay there all night?
There's nowhere left for you to go!

Midoro! Don't you recognise me?

Midoro. What's wrong?
Don't you recognise me?

M-Master Shinsuke!


Midoro, you've gone mad.

What the...!

How bizarre!

What is this?

You demon!

You've gone mad!

Demon! Have you gone mad?

Midoro. You must hate them.

Midoro, when you put your life on
the line, fighting on the battlefield,

ultimately, you were risking your
life for the advancement of one man.

Do you not hate the men who
tore your own child away from you?

Midoro, do you not hate war?

And do you not hate the
men who wage it?

Look, your mother's there! Go to her!

What's the matter with you?

This is your child, isn't it?
What an attitude!

What a glare.

You moron, get away from there!

Big brother!

Get away from there!
Would you hurry!

Dororo, that's...

That's a demon!

A demon? Don't be silly!

This is Chibi's mother!

I'll kill her!

I won't let you kill Chibi's mother!

You won't get away now!

Big brother, stop this, please.

You can't kill her!

Don't kill her!

Don't you kill her!

What are you doing?
You let Chibi's mother get away.

That's not Chibi's mother!
It's a demon!

If not, it could never have done that!

Men don't kill like that.

You're wrong! It's the samurai's
fault for selling her foal!

Anyone would be mad if you
did that to them!

Were it not for that,
she'd never have killed anyone.

Everything looks like a demon to you!

That's why you think
Chibi's mother is one!

Would you be quiet!

Once possessed by
a demon, that's the end!

So I must cut down these demons
to regain the parts of my body!

Then doesn't that make
you a demon too, big brother?

You never bleed!
You're no different to a demon!

Dororo, you...

You're a demon.

Just you try and kill Chibi's mother!

I'll cut you down myself!

Shut up!

You really think about
nothing but demons, do you?

So long.

Go do as you please.

You clod!

Chibi, I'll find your mother for you.

I won't let that hard-
headed fool kill her.

Those are no ordinary hoof-falls.

She's gone mad.


Run! Run for it!

They've all been trampled to death!

Curse that demon!
Now it's done that!

I finally catch up and
see what it's done.

That wretched demon
doesn't care who it hurts.

Chibi, we must catch up to your
mother quickly and bring her back.

Be they man or horse, once
possessed, that's the end of it.

You can't know that!

You've never tried!

Do you want to die trying
the impossible?

I don't want to die!

I'll bring Chibi's mother back!

Very well. You may pass. Ah!

What's that?

That's Lord Tokino Kageyuki's horse!

Yes, that's Midoro.

I'll beat big brother to her.
I can't let him kill your mother.

Ah, big brother!

Looks like I was too slow.

Y-You're wrong! Chibi's mother
couldn't have killed these men!

A horse couldn't possibly slay men!

Did you see the look on
Lord Kageyuki's face?

He rose by his horse and has
now been betrayed by it.

It's good medicine for
an upstart like him.

We cannot delay to deal
with Midoro any longer.

What if a foreign power were to take
advantage of the chaos to attack?

Capture her at once!

Yes, sir.

I will, even should it cost me my life.

Midoro's here!

We're going to die!

Did you see the demon?!

Of course not!

It's Chibi's mother I'm looking for!

So you didn't then!

Oh no! She only made it look like
she was coming this way!

Keep going.
Your mother is just over there.

Someone save us!

I've been waiting for you!

You won't get away!

Can't I go after her?

What's wrong, Chibi?

Wait! Dororo!

Where are you going, Chibi?


You remember me, don't you?

Because of you, my dreams
have come to ruin.

Because of you, my path to be a
Samurai General is closed.

Now, I'm no more than
a single country samurai!

I, Kageyuki, will slay you and reclaim
my path to be a Samurai General!


The horse laughed!

Are you really Midoro?

Kageyuki, do you not understand
why I burned this town?

Do you not understand
why I've killed people?

It is my duty to carry out the curses
of all the horses who died in war.

I insist you wait!

This isn't something for you
to get involved in, big brother!

I have reasons I must
slay Midoro myself.

Beggar samurai, I'll not
tolerate any interference!

You people won't be able to kill her.


- Wait!
- After her!

Beggar, stay out of my way!

I'll be the one to slay her!


Ah! big brother!

Why you...

Are you all right, big brother?

Hey, Chibi!

Do you have time to worry about me?

Big brother!

I'll cut down that demon.

Keep Chibi away from it!

You can only say that because you
don't understand why Chibi is going!

I can't let them kill her.

Shoot her full of arrows!

Fire! Fire!

Chibi, you can't go now.

If you go now,
the samurai will kill you.

Big brother!! If you move too much,
your wounds will get worse!

I won't die until I
take that thing down.

Don't you die until I
can kill you, demon.

It's your child, Midoro!

Hey, Midoro, you haven't forgotten
your own child, have you?

Mother, be nice to her and
show my brother he's wrong.

That's not what will happen.

Even the demon is hesitant
about how it should attack.

Big brother!

It's not over yet!

Look at this!

What is this water?

You idiot! Go die!

Are these... tears?

Big brother...

Good for you.

You can be with your mother.


What will you do with that foal?

I wonder what will happen to her?

She'll not move
away from here for a while.

But we have to get going, you know.

There are no demons
left here, after all.


Hey, are you leaving her?

What else can I do?

There was nothing else I
could have done either.

Next week, a demon catches people
and feeds them lots of food.

It's the demon Donburibara.


If there's a demon like that,
do you want to get caught?

Are you sure it's wise to say that?

Of course, being a demon,
it's no ordinary food.

If you eat it, your belly
swells up like a rubber ball.

Donburibara jumps into your
stomach through your bellybutton,

then lives inside your bloated belly.

Honestly, it's a troublesome
one to deal with.

My brother Hyakkimaru stabs and cuts it.

He even pours boiling water
on it as a final effort,

but the demon is unharmed!

Actually, it turns out this demon's
true form was a tough one.

Well, look forward to next week!

Bye bye!

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pin.

Poke poke samurai heera hera.

Toro toro samurai heera hera.

Hero hero samurai heera hera.

Mero mero samurai heera hera.

Glowing in the red of sunset,

burning armour and burning horses

press forward to seize
everything under the heavens.

You can't play dumb. I know it.

You're all a lot of hogetaras.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon!

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pin.

Punyo punyo hogetara heera hera.

Honkya honkya hogetara heera hera.

Byoro byoro hogetara heera hera.

Hero hero hogetara heera hera.

Beneath the boundless blue sky,

they walk down a thorny path.

This too is for the sake of
the world and its people.

You can't play dumb. I know it.

You're all a lot of hogetaras.

Hoge hoge tara tara hoge tara pon!