Dolly Parton's Heartstrings (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - These Old Bones - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[woman vocalizing]

I am backstage

at the Showstreet Palace Theater
here at Dollywood,

where my name is just everywhere.

[chuckles] And my clothes, too.

And I wonder sometimes
what my life might have been like

if I'd have had a different name,

because a name is everything.

And one name that definitely shined
a light on my recording career was Jolene.

Now, many years ago

I met this sweet little girl
at one of my shows,

and she wanted an autograph,
and her name was Jolene.

And I loved that name,
and it just stuck with me.

I even told her then that someday
I might write a song using that name.

Then one day, many years later, [chuckles]

I caught my husband flirting
with this red-headed hussy at our bank,

and I just had to write a song
about how that made me feel.

And the rest has become music history.

The reason I think the song "Jolene"

has resonated with so many people
for so long

is because most of us have actually had

a Jolene, or a Joe,
in our lives at one time or another.

But more importantly,
we've all felt insecure about something.

We've all felt like we might lose someone
we love to someone else

because we're not good enough.

And that's what this song's really about.

It's kind of like Jolene herself.

After five decades,
you might think you know her,

but you are in for some big surprises.

So let me introduce you to Jolene.

How can I help you?

Just depositing this.

Well, that's gonna cost you.

What now?

Well, I'm gonna need a smile.



See, that wasn't so hard was it?

Thanks. I've had a pretty crap day.

Well, how could someone as handsome as you
have such a crap day?

My boss have been riding my ass all week.

Oh, you poor thing.

And I get it, bosses can suck.

[breathes deeply]

And mine is right behind me, isn't she?

You're firing me. Why?

Well, you said that I s-u-c-k.

I said bosses can s-u-c-k.

And you were flirting with customers.

I was cheering him up.
It's called customer service.

Most people just say "have a nice day",

Well, I'm not most people, Patsy.

That's why I think you're better suited
for that night job of yours at a bar.

Not a bank.

You know what?

When Mr. Parker hired me,
you said to my face

that I wasn't qualified enough
to work here

because I didn't go to college.

But my accounts have never been off,
not once.

And then you said
that I couldn't be reliable.

But I have not missed
one single day of work

or been one second late.

And then you said
that my clothes were inappropriate.

I see how women like you look at me
and how I dress.

How you judge me.

You think you know who I am,
but you have no idea.

And for that, you absolutely suck.

Have a nice day.

[Dolly] ♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪


♪ Jolene ♪

Jed, if you want a ride to school
with Dad, you've got six minutes.

Come on, Jed. Hop to, yeah? Hurry up.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I... I'm... I'm taking him?

- Yeah.
- No, no. I gotta to go to the gym.

I gotta be up in the gym,
just working on my fitness.

- [chuckles]
- Be my witness, Emily.

Sorry, Fergie.

No, the routine's changing up today,
remember? It's in the calendar.

Ah, it's the first Coventry Women's League
meeting of the season.

Are you ready, Madam President?

Well, I think I can handle
the Women's League.

Besides, I am ready for some
philanthropic lady time

with all the testosterone in this house.


Of course, an actual job
with some bigger responsibilities

- would've been better, but that's fine.
- Hey, you know, you tried your best.

I blame this pesky economy.

Yeah, and my age.

And, you know, being 13 years
out of the game didn't help.

- [Emily] Hi.
- Do I have to go to school today?

- Um, yeah, or we go to jail.
- [Emily] Yeah.

She's gonna be there.

Oh, honey.

I am so proud of you for putting yourself

- out there with Isabelle.
- Oh, Mom.

And just because she didn't have
the same feelings for you...

Whatever, all right? It doesn't matter.

Hey, if she doesn't like you for you,
good riddance.


well, we think you're amazing,

but maybe you could just rethink
your Fortnite consumption a little bit.

You could...
I know, you could get a hobby,

or something to help you stand out
a little bit more.

Eat. Be a little bit more well-rounded.

Can we just please stop talking
about this?

That'd be great.Thanks.

- I'll be in the car.
- [Aaron] I'm taking you today.



Wasn't it just, like, yesterday
that girls were all gross and the enemy?

I know.

Oh, hey, Aaron,

it says tonight's date night
in the calendar.

Oh, you wanna do that?

I mean,
we rescheduled the last three times.

- Do you not wanna do it?
- No, no. No.

I, uh, I have a surgery
late in the day and...

- Oh.
- Well, we do...

We have a lot of TV to catch up on.

We do.

Well, let's just do it. I mean...

I mean, it would be an alternate Tuesday
without an ironic trip to Cracker Barrel.




Okay, and last but not least,
the Coventry Harvest Fest.

[all cheer]
All right, we've got three weeks left,

and we have a lot of work left to do,

Oh, we got pumpkin chunkin'
and the corn maze booked.

How much more do you want, Emily?

Well, the whole week is Coventry's
most time-honored tradition,

and it should be our biggest fund-raiser.

But I've looked at the numbers,
and they've waned in the past few years.

So, we need to pump things up, ladies.

I was thinking we could charge more
if we offer more,

so maybe we should have some live music,
maybe some carnival rides.

- What do you think?
- A firework show.

- Why not? Yes.
- Oh. Oh, oh, oh.

- Yes, Willa.
- My Next Door app is blowing up.

Did y'all hear about the mayor's son?

Uh, where are you going with this, Willa?

And does it have to do
with the Harvest Festival?

Sort of.

I think I know who probably won't be going
to the Harvest Festival this year.

Mayor Calhoun's son.

What'd he do?

Uh, he rear-ended a cop car
with his daddy's Lexus,

which he stole, yes, and wait a minute,
wait a minute, here's the kicker.

He was coming home from Baby Blue's.

[all gasp]

That place.

Ladies, just bring it back in.

The kid claimed that he was only there
for the music. Uh-huh.

- [woman] Right.
- I think we all know otherwise.

You mean, the waitresses who dress
like their last name's Kardashian.

Okay, guys, let's not be snooty, okay?

I mean, Baby Blue's
is just an old honky-tonk. Isn't it?


This woman, in my book club,
told me her husband's second cousin

went to Baby Blue's for happy hour,
left with chlamydia of the eye.

- [gasps]
- Is that even possible?

[Willa] I've been there once.

Just once,
and it is no place for children.

It is barely a place
for any self-respecting adult.

It's disgusting.

[women muttering]


[indistinct chatter]

[country music playing]

[exhales deeply]

Hey, how can I help you?


Wait, let me guess. I'm good at this.
Irish Car Bomb?


I'm screwing with you.

- Oh.
- Skinny Margarita, no salt?

Wow, you are good.

Yeah, we gals gotta watch our figures,

Well, I mean, not someone like you.

Someone like me?
Am I gonna have to take out my earrings?

I... I don't know what that means.
I just mean that you're gorgeous.

Oh, thanks. [chuckles]

I'm sorry.
If you knew the kind of week I had,

you'd understand how much
I actually appreciate that.

You're welcome.

[phone buzzes]

Oh, shoot. You know what?
I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to cancel that.

Oh, no, you can't go now.

The show's about to start.
And the opening act is primo.


[Dolly] Well, hey, everybody.

How's everybody doing tonight?

[crowd cheering]

Welcome to Baby Blue's,

and if you don't know me,
I happen to be Babe.

[man] Hey, Babe, I sure do love you!

Oh, Buford,
I told you to wait in the truck.

[crowd laughs]
They don't ever listen, do they?

Anyway, welcome.

We're loving having you here.
We appreciate your business, we really do.

And of course,
I have the best band in the world,

we call them The Blue Boys.
You boys doing good tonight?

- [bass guitar chord]
- Anyway, I want to start this show out

like we do kind of every night
with kind of, like, my little theme song.

I'm gonna have somebody special
come up here.

Jolene, would you get your pretty
little butt up here and help me sing?

Are you really gonna make
these poor, thirsty people

wait for their drinks?

Well, it'll be worth it, I guarantee.
And if not, the drinks are on me.

[crowd cheering]

She's been saying that every night

for years
and still has yet to make good on it.

Oh, shut up and sing.

- [crowd laughs]
- Okay?

You boys ready? Okay.

Kick it off.

[music begins]

[Dolly vocalizing]

♪ My baby left me in the night ♪

♪ He didn't even turn on the light ♪

♪ A note left telling me goodbye ♪

♪ And there's someone new
Oh, what'll I do? ♪

♪ He took his things, he took the car ♪

♪ The money from the jelly jar
Mmm ♪

♪ Left me here to drown in tears ♪

♪ And sing the blues ♪

♪ The baby blues ♪

- ♪ B-Baby blues ♪
- ♪ Baby blues ♪

- ♪ Those baby blues ♪
- ♪ Baby blues ♪

♪ Boo-hoo, Boo-hoo ♪

♪ It's all I do ♪

- ♪ Oh, Lord, I've got 'em ♪
- ♪ Got 'em ♪

- ♪ Through and through ♪
- ♪ Through and through ♪

♪ The baby blues ♪

♪ B-B-Baby blues ♪

♪ Oh, play it, boys ♪

♪ She said play it, boys ♪

♪ Show me some heartache ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, you heard me, girl ♪

♪ Nobody said that love is fair ♪

♪ I loved him so ♪

♪ And I thought he cared ♪

♪ I gave him everything I had ♪

♪ Held nothing back ♪

♪ Well, so much for that ♪

♪ He was my baby for so long ♪

♪ I can't believe he's done me wrong ♪

- ♪ Left me heartbroken and alone ♪
- ♪ Heartbroken and alone ♪

♪ To sing the blues ♪

♪ The baby blues ♪

- ♪ Baby blues ♪
- ♪ Baby blues ♪

♪ B-Baby blues ♪

- ♪ Boo-hoo, boo-hoo ♪
- ♪ Boo-hoo ♪

- ♪ That's all I do ♪
- ♪ That's all I do ♪

♪ I'm colored, through and through ♪

♪ In baby blue ♪

♪ B-Baby blues ♪

- ♪ Oh, what's to do? ♪
- ♪ Oh, what's to do? ♪

♪ But sing the blues ♪

♪ Gotta sing the blues ♪

[crowd cheering]

- ♪ Baby ♪
- ♪ Baby ♪

♪ Blues ♪

[crowd whistles and claps]


[crowd whistling, cheering]

Excuse me.
Can I have another one of those, please?


- You look like you could use some company.
- Oh, ha.

I was supposed to be my husband here,
but he's not coming now.

- He stood you up?
- Yeah.

You know, if I was married to a woman
as beautiful as you,

I would never stand you up.

Oh, you're sweet.

I gotta find the ladies room.

Excuse me.

[door handle rattles]



Always a line for the ladies room, right?


Hey, you and I could go
into the men's room.


Pee together?

Come on, let me see them titties.

Oh, gosh no.

- No, no, no. I'm not interested.
- Hey, asshole.

She said she wanted to go.

- Get off me.
- Brian!

- Did he touch you?
- It's fine. I was leaving.

Yeah, you're out of here, creeper. Go!

- I didn't do anything.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah. [clears throat]

Gosh, that happened fast. [sighs]

You sure you're okay?

Do you wanna go back to the bar?

No. No, I think I should just...
I should just go home. Uh...

That guy's probably gone, right?

Yeah, here let me walk you out.

[Jolene] Here, let me get you Lyft.


Hey, it was, uh, bad enough
that guy was groping at you,

but did he have
to use the word "titties"?

Oh, God. I hate that word. Ugh!

And I've heard them all,
knockers, ta-tas...

- I actually once got "sweater puppies."
- Ugh.

I mean, it was Christmas.

- Wait, this happens to you a lot?
- Practically daily.


Oh, hey, I didn't get a chance to tell you
how blown away I was by your performance.

[laughs] You're drunk.

No, I'm serious. You are talented.

Well, I mean,
what are you still doing in Coventry?

You should be in... [scoffs]...Nashville,
or on American Idol,

- or something.
- Oh, no. I'm going to Nashville someday.

- Really?
- Yeah, yeah.

Just for now,
I got my sets Wednesday nights.

- Yeah. [chuckles]
- Did you study music?

Uh, no, no. I've just been singing
since I was a little girl.

I did teach myself how to play guitar.

Have you ever taught anybody else?

- Guitar?
- Yeah.

Uh, no. Why?

Well, I've been thinking about getting
my son into a new hobby.

You know, he's 13,
and it's a really rough age when...

When boys are, like, super dorky,
and the girls are so mean.

- Right?
- Yeah.


A little extra confidence
wouldn't hurt him.

Yeah. Well, a little extra money
couldn't hurt me.

- Count me in.
- Awesome.


Oh, I'm Emily.

And you're Jolene.

- [chuckles]
- [bartender] Last call.

- Another great night, Babe.
- Oh, thanks, hun.

- How'd you do, Jolene?
- Okay.

Uh, I might need to pick up
some more shifts.

Things didn't exactly work out
at the bank.

Oh, really?

What? They accused me of flirting
with the customers.

Oh, good Lord, you'd flirt with a napkin.

[laughs] True.

Good news is

I almost have enough to book studio time
for a new demo.

Well, what was wrong with the last one?

Uh, everything, if you ask the 50 labels
and agents in Nashville that rejected it.

You know, you should move to Nashville.

You're better than half the singers
there already.

And it might help not having to send demos
to strangers.

Trying to get rid of me, Babe?

- No, who would I fight with?
- [chuckles]

Well, it's not if, it's when.

And I'm getting the hell out of Coventry,
I just have to do it my way.

- Hmm.
- [phone chimes]

[Dolly] "You up?"

- I might not be tech savvy, but...
- You still have a flip phone.

- Well, I know a booty text when I see one.
- And I'm a grown woman, Babe.

I really am worried about you.

I mean, I see you running around
with all these no-good men,

and I'm beginning to wonder
if there might be something else

going on here.

Like what?

Well, like nymphomania or something.

[laughs] Oh, my God. No, Babe.

I'm not a nymphomaniac.

I'm just a healthy 21st century
self-defined feminist

who does what she wants,
who she wants, when she wants.

Huh. Hashtag horny toad.

- I thought you weren't tech savvy?
- Well, you're sex savvy.

[Jolene laughs]

[Emily] Hey, I'm home.

[Emily exhales]

- Mmm.
- Jed already asleep?


How'd it go, urban cowgirl?

Boy, you were a lot later
than I thought you'd be.

It must have been fun.

Do you know what? It was fun.

It was, um... It was different.


- Oh, my God, this one thing happened.
- Hmm?

I got hit on.

I will kick his ass. [chuckles]

He actually got thrown out of the bar.
This waitress had to save me.

It was really kind of intense.

Oh, are you okay?


Okay, I'm sorry... I wasn't there.

We... We will do date night the next time.
I pr... I promise.

We could still do sex night tonight.

If you want?

Okay, you know, um, sex night,

it could be any night.

Or... Or day.

- Do you not wanna do it now?
- No, I wanna have sex now.

I just...

Do we have to schedule everything?
We could be spontaneous. Can't we?

We started scheduling

because we were forgetting
to be spontaneous, remember?



It's fine.

Let's go.



You have been working out, haven't you?

- Maybe.
- [laughing]

- CrossFit. [laughs]
- [laughs]

Thanks for noticing.

My wife never does.


[clears throat]

I am so happy you're here.

Hugh, don't go getting all sweet on me.

- You're irresistible.
- Hugh, stop.

No, you know I'm being serious.
We had a deal.

This is just us having fun.


- No expectations.
- [grunts]

No emotions. None of it.

Sorry. You're right.

I don't usually ask for anything
in return,

but I am going to ask for one thing.

That you don't talk about your wife. Okay?

Got it.

You wanna stay the night?

She won't be back until morning.

Yeah, no. I gotta go.



I don't wanna learn guitar.
[electronic game noises]

Since when?

You said before you wanted to be
a rock star.

Okay, I was seven.
I've also said that I wanted to be Batman.

- I don't need my mom picking out...
- [doorbell chimes]

...everything that I do.

And besides,
I already know how to play guitar...

[video game chimes]

...from Guitar Hero.

- Come on, Jed. Meet your guitar teacher.
- Huh, yeah.

Hey, kid.
I hear you're looking for some lessons.

Uh... Yes, ma'am.

[Jolene chuckles]

Uh, they call me Jed.

But you can call me
wh... whatever you want.

Your choice.

[guitar playing]

[Jolene] Down, down up, up down up.

Down, down up, up down up.

Down, down up, up down up.

Um, hi.

Hi. You must be, uh, Aaron.

- Hi.
- Hey, honey.

This is Jolene.

She's the one who saved me the other night
at Baby Blue's,

and Jed's guitar teacher.


- You wanna try?
- Yeah.

All right. Here you go.

Hey, you wanna stay for dinner?

Yeah, sure. Why not?


- All right, so, pop down here.
- Yep.

You're gonna go to the G.

With these two fingers.

It's been a while since,
uh, I've had a meal

that didn't come with a microwave sleeve.

Or come from a cereal box.

Oh, well, it's what we do.

So, uh, Jed, I understand you
wanna learn guitar to pick up chicks.

- Mom!
- I...

I did not say... I didn't say that.
I didn't say that.

Well, it's not chicks.

It's just one chick.

Can... Can we please stop saying chick?

Okay. Uh...

You're right. My bad.

Uh, it's just one girl.

- Isabelle.
- [Emily] Mmm.

And girls can be kind of tough.

That's probably why I usually hang out
with guys more.

Girls can be a little judge-y.

But not all girls.
Your mom's not like that.

[appreciative sigh]

So, now, no offense,

but how did a nice girl like you
end up working at Baby Blue's?

- Offense...
- Oh. [laughs]

...but I will give you a pass on this one.


Babe sort of took me in.
She's been like a mother to me,

and, well, I've been working there
for about ten years,

and performing as long.

But she's going to Nashville.

Mmm. Gonna be the next Taylor Swift.

Mmm. I was thinking
more like, um, Robin Holcomb.

Robin Hol...
What do you know about Robin Holcomb?

What do you know about Robin Holcomb?

Who's Robin Holcomb?

Only the most unsung
female singer-songwriter in music history.

And the best thing to come out of Seattle,
Kurt Cobain included.

I... Like, she's like,
um, Lucinda Williams.



- Buddy.
- Are you serious?

Okay, excuse me while I have to go
and call Child Services.


Look, we will listen to some music
after dinner, Jed.

We will have some music appreciation.

You guys are funny.

- This is really good. Thank you.
- [Emily] Mm-hmm.

[Dolly] Well, they sound
like a really good family.

They are.

Emily, especially.

Yeah, well, I'm glad to know
you're keeping some upstanding company.

Hey, um...

listen to this. Tell me what you think.

♪ Where are you tonight? ♪

♪ You make everything all right ♪

♪ We could be together forever tonight ♪

- You hate it?
- No, I don't hate it.

I mean, you sing it good.

But I've told you before,

the songs that withstand the test of time

are the ones that are written
from the heart.

Yeah, well, I don't need a song
that can withstand the test of time.

I just need a song that will sell.

Well, how are you gonna sell
those dime a dozen lyrics?

I don't know.
I'll wiggle my ass or something

[Dolly laughs]
You are really good at that.

Oh, well, what the hell do I know?

I just run an old honky-tonk
out in the middle of nowhere.

Did I ever tell you how I got this place?

[exhales] No, tell me.

After 30 years of marriage,

I walked in on Gerald
with that other woman.


Gerald got the girl and I got the bar.


[clears throat]

A fella came by here earlier this morning.
He's looking for you.

I ask him why?

He said, with a very specific smile,
that it's personal.

I couldn't help noticing his wedding ring.

Okay, yeah,

I am fooling around with a married man.

It's a stupid thing to do.
I won't do it again.

Well honey, you do kind of have a history

of running around
with men that are married.

Or jerks. Or both.

Yeah, well, it's all I seem to get, Babe.

No, it's all you seem to take.

Now, I know your daddy
wasn't worth a plug nickel...

but you don't have to settle for anything.

I mean, you're beautiful,
you're talented...

All right,
we should really get ready to open.

Well, you're a grown woman,
I can't tell you what to do.

But I want you to remember
that I might have got the bar,

but it cost me one big broken heart.

Hey, uh, thanks for happy hour, Em.

Oh, yeah, thanks for sticking around
after Jed's lesson.

Jo, he is getting so good.

- Right?
- Yes.

Man, there's a lot that goes
into this Fall Fest thing.

You are not kidding.

These permits, and the vendors, and then,

you know, of course building the lineup
for live music.


Oh, cheers.

I was gonna say,

you should absolutely perform
at Harvest Fest.

I mean, we've got bands
and we've got singers

coming from all over,
but you're a local girl.

You should absolutely, like,
be in that lineup, girl.

You've done events and festivals
like this before, right?

Oh, yeah. Let me think.
I have done exactly, um,

- zero events like this.
- Are you serious?

- Go big or go home, right?
- Yeah.

I mean, you'll probably have to do,
like, an audition or something

for the Women's League board,
but they are gonna love you.

- Women's League board, huh?
- Yes.

All right. Bring it on.


- Can I ask you something?
- Mm-hmm.

How are you... you?

Well, who else would I be?

[laughs] No, I mean, just...

I mean, you're just so...

You're so confident, and yes,

you're so at ease with yourself.
It's amazing.

I don't know. Um... I don't know.

I grew up poor, without a mom.

I don't want all that to keep me down.

Well, it's...

It's mainly just about attitude though.

I don't know, maybe it's just different
when you're older.

Or it's harder. [chuckles]

- What's harder?
- Mmm.

You know, just life, love,
self-esteem, sex.

Is that all?

[both laugh]

Please, tell me more.

[exhales] It's... You know that guy,

that... [clears throat]
...that a-hole at Baby Blue's?

His name was Asshole.


Well, that was the most attention
that I've gotten in a while.

I just... I haven't felt...
I haven't felt that attractive with Aaron

to be super honest.


It's like I've lost something, and...

I don't know,
maybe he's missing what I've lost.

You know? Like...

Like date nights are harder to schedule,

and... and then our...

You know,
our sex life is just kind of meh.


Why is it only about how he sees you?

Why isn't about what you want?

- Well, yeah, I mean it's both. I guess.
- Really? Okay.

So what do you want then?


- Um...
- Come on.

I wanted to feel better about me.

All right.

All right, I can work with that.

You mean, like a makeover?

Well, I wasn't thinking that,

but... yeah, like...

- Really?
- Yeah, where's your closet?

- Oh, my gosh, this is...
- You're gonna need this.

Come on. It's upstairs.


Dark beige.


Medium beige.

Oh, look.

More beige.

You know, there's this amazing thing
in the world, it's called colors.


Hey, this one's a color. This is taupe.

Yeah, that's gross.


So... is there a man in your life?

Oh, you know. No. No, not really.

Oh, come on, I bet you're beating them off
with a stick.

You know what?

What about role-playing?

Do you have some old Halloween costumes
like slutty nurse or slutty maid,

or just slutty anything?

[chuckles] Um...

Well, at last year's
'90s themed Halloween party,

um, Aaron and I went as Brandon Walsh
and Andrea Zuckerman

from Beverly Hills 90210.

I'm starting to understand
why you guys aren't having sex.

Hey, you.


- Hey.
- Hi.

You're, uh, you're working late.

Yep, and I'm gonna have
to charge you double.


Hey, um, I wanted to ask you,

I am doing a show at Baby Blue's
next Wednesday night,

and I was thinking it would be pretty cool
if Jed came and heard some live music.

I could cover some Robin Holcomb for you.

Yeah, I mean, I can make Wednesday...
Jed can... We can all make Wednesday.

[both laugh]

- Sweet.
- Yeah.

Emily's onboard, too.

Oh, and, um, yeah, and Jed,
he really has a knack for the guitar.

He's got this great ear
that he can just pick up music fast,

and he's got these super strong hands
which really help with chord progressions.

Yeah, you got 'em, too.

Must be hereditary.

Okay, I've gotta go.

[sexy music playing]

Hey, Brandon.

What are you doing?

What am I doing?

What are you doing?

We're on a deadline, Walsh.

We've got some hard work to do to get
The Blaze out.

Jed's at a friend's house.

Then we got some spreads to approve.


- Ow.
- Oh.

Andrea Zuckerman?

- Yes.
- Mmm.


[both moaning]

Um, okay, what... What do I do next?

You just let your imagination run wild.

Lose our inhibitions, is what Jolene said.


Wait. Whoa, Jolene?

Yeah. Did you think I could
come up with this on my own?

W... Wait. Why are you talking

to our son's guitar teacher
about our sex life?

Well, because she's becoming my friend.
It's not a big deal. It's girl talk.

About the fact that we need
to start role-playing?

Well... [sighs]

Aaron, come on, you got to admit
things between us have been a little

lackluster lately.

No. No, I don't, Em.

We've been married for 20 years.

I think sex and passion
they fade into the background eventually.

Don't they?
[stammers] Things are good for me.

Why can't just good be good enough?


I don't know.

[Aaron sighs]

I think you'll be great at Harvest Fest.

Don't forget to plug us.
Lord knows we could use business.

Yeah, but I've got to audition
for the board

of the Coventry Women's League.

Well, they'd be lucky to have you.

I have no idea what they're gonna be like.

I mean, I'm expecting something
along the lines

of the Real Housewives of Coventry County.

Well, they put their heels
on one foot at a time, just like us.


You do like that Emily though, don't you?

I do. I do. More than I thought I would.

She's so nice, and just supportive,

and, oh, I've never bonded with a woman
that way before.

I mean, you don't count.

You don't count.

But, yeah,
there's just something special about her.

But then she was telling me
all these problems

she's having with her husband,
and that she doesn't feel pretty enough.

That's like the least feminist thing
to say, right?

Don't you go judging her though.

That's not why we burned our bras
in the '70s.

And believe me,
mine burned for three days.

[both laugh]

No, we fought so women today

would have the option
to be whatever they want to be.

I mean, we don't have to all be alike.

You just have to own who you are,
and own your truth.

No more Super Soul Sunday for you, Babe.

Oh, but Oprah's just so damn good.

[both laugh]

All right.

Well, that's going on your tab?

I'm out.

Okay, so we're gonna get you in
right before the meeting.

We'll get you in, get you out,
it's gonna be great.


Hey, how did things go with Aaron
the other night?

Oh. [chuckles] Eh, not so good.

I don't know. You know, he seems fine,

but it feels like something's wrong
in our marriage

and I don't know what it is
or how to fix it.

Is S&M out of the question?

Yeah, I don't know if that's gonna help,
but you're helping,

just by letting me talk it out. Thank you.

Okay, this is it.

- The home of Hugh and Willa.
- Hugh?

You know what?
I don't think this is a good idea.

- I think, um...
- What?

I'm not really a Harvest Festival
kind of girl.

- I don't even like pumpkin spice, so...
- Will you stop it? Come on.

You are gonna be great.

We're so excited to have you, Jolene.


Uh, your... your home is lovely.

Oh, this isn't my home.
Restoration Hardware gives me the hives.

That's between us. Shh.

Willa, come meet Jolene.

Fresh baked baguettes and brie, ladies.
Come and get it.

Jolene, welcome.

I've heard so much about you.

Oh! You have?

Uh, yeah. [stammers] From Emily.

- You have?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Well, then here you are.

I, uh, I can't wait to hear you.

And I can't wait to perform in your home.


Uh, thanks for letting me audition
for you guys. Um, ladies.

- Sorry. [chuckles]
- [door opens]

[Jolene clears throat]

Woo. Uh, don't mind me, girls.
I was on my way to CrossFit and forgot...


[Willa] Get out of here, Hugh.

This young woman is auditioning for us
right now. Go on.

- [clears throat]
- Sorry.

Sorry, ladies.

He's so embarrassing sometimes. I'm sorry.


Go ahead.

[clears throat]

Oh, uh...


- [plays sour note]
- Oh. [blows raspberry]

Sorry, I don't know what that was.

Um... [clears throat]

Uh... Hmm...

Okay. Uh...

Here we go. Um...

♪ Beautiful dreamer wake unto me ♪

♪ Starlight and dewdrops
Are awaiting thee ♪

[thunder rumbling]

You were right, that was a breeze.
And now I'm in the lineup, thanks, Em.

Um, hey, are you okay?


Yeah, sure. I fumbled a bit, but, um...

I guess it was just a little stage fright.

I didn't think you got stage fright.

There's a first for everything.

Jo, what happened back there?

Come on,
I've been like an open book with you.



I've been kind of fooling around
with that guy Hugh.

Willa's husband Hugh?

That Hugh.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I can't believe he would do that to Willa.

And you must have been freaking out
when he just walked in the house

and you realized he was married.

Yeah, well, to be honest,
I kind of already knew.

Wait, what?

Okay, see, he came into Babe's
about a month ago, and we hit it off.

We became friends, and we were emailing,

and then before I knew it,
we were just fooling around.

After all that is when he told me
that he was married,

and that he was having these problems
with his wife in the bedroom, and just...


God. [sighs]

This puts me in a really awkward position
with Willa.

She's my friend.

Sort of.

And you know what?
She has nothing to worry about.

I don't want Hugh.

I am not looking for a relationship
with Hugh or anybody right now.

Yeah, but you're having an affair
with a married man.

You're basically the other woman.


I knew I shouldn't have said anything.
Clearly. Uh, I don't need you judging me.

- I'm not judging you.
- Uh, yes, you are.

He's married, Jolene.

Exactly. He's married. I'm not.
I'm not the one doing the cheating.

Is tonight a bad idea?
I think tonight might be bad idea.


Why is taking our 13-year-old son
to a honky-tonk a bad idea?

Well, I mean,

you didn't think it was a bad idea
when we committed to go.

Besides, I think it will be fun
to see Jolene in action.

You're dressed up.


I thought you would appreciate it.

Well, I bought you that jacket,
like, a year ago,

and here you are wearing it
for the first time tonight.

'Cause I thought you would appreciate it.

Why are you making this a big deal?


Never mind.

I'll go get ready.

[Dolly] ♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪

♪ I'm begging of you, please ♪

♪ Don't take my man ♪

♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪

[Jed] Hey, you did great.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Hi, how are you doing?

- You were amazing.
- What's up?

Yeah? So good. You guys look great.

- Hey, did you have fun? Nice.
- Yeah.

[Jolene and Aaron laugh]

[Jolene] Awesome.

♪ Your smile is like a breath of spring ♪

♪ Your voice is soft like summer rain ♪

♪ I cannot compete with you, Jolene ♪

Mmm, Jolene.

♪ He talks about you in his sleep ♪

♪ There's nothing I can do to keep ♪

♪ From crying when he calls your name ♪

♪ Jolene ♪

♪ Oh, but I can easily understand... ♪

Yes. Yeah, okay. I'll send him over.

♪ But you don't know what he means to me ♪

♪ Jolene ♪

[phone ringing]

♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪

♪ I'm beggin' of you, please ♪

♪ Don't take my man... ♪

Oh, this is stupid.

♪ Jolene, Jolene ♪

♪ Please don't take him
Just because you can ♪


♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪

♪ Please don't take him
Just because you can ♪

♪ Now you can have your choice of men ♪

♪ I could never love again ♪

♪ 'Cause he's the only one for me ♪

♪ Jolene ♪

♪ But I had to have this talk with you ♪

♪ My happiness depends on you ♪

♪ And whatever you decide you'll do ♪

♪ Jolene ♪

♪ Jolene ♪

♪ Jolene ♪



Jeez. Willa, Willa, Willa. Ease up.


Thank you.

What's wrong?

This morning, I found this weird
text message app on Hugh's phone,

and I didn't know what it was for,
so I looked it up.

And it's for people
that are having affairs.

And when I asked Hugh about it, oh,
he claimed he didn't know what it was for.

But when I came home from a girls' weekend
a few weeks ago, Em,

I could have sworn that I smelled
somebody else's perfume in my house.

And I don't know what to do,
but I feel like I'm losing my mind, and...

We should talk.

Oh. Hey, Jolene.

Hey, kid.


Could this be Isabelle?

Uh, yeah, that's... that's me.
Um, you're the guitar teacher, right?

- That's right.
- Great work.

Uh, I'm a big fan.

Of me or him?

- [both laugh]
- Uh, both.

[chuckles] All right, well,
then you tell him that he needs to stop

canceling our lessons
for lacrosse practice then.

I don't play lacrosse.

You know what? That did sound strange
when your mom texted me that.

My mom said that you said
you were too busy for guitar,

and that we should just
put it on the back burner for a while.

[riders exclaiming]

Ooh, it's filling up out there.

I can't believe there's so many people.

Oh, don't be scared.
You're gonna knock 'em dead.

You are. You are.

I was just thinking your mom
would be so proud.

You know I don't care about her.

Are you proud of me?

Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you.


[man] Ladies and gentlemen...

- Hey, Em, I want you to meet Babe.
- Mm-hmm. Oh.

Hi, nice to meet you.
Look, I'm super busy, but break a leg.

Well, she's kind of snotty.

- Hey, you're up.
- [man] Let's welcome to the stage...

- Uh, what? Uh, oh.
- ...Jolene.

It's showtime. Showtime, showtime.

- Okay.
- Yeah, girl.

[crowd cheering]

[through the mic] Hey, how y'all doing?

Thanks for coming out tonight.

You guys staying warm?

- Whore!
- [crowd gasps]

Ha, well, [chuckles]
I don't know that particular song.

And I don't take requests.

I've, uh, actually been working
on a new song recently

and I hadn't planned on
playing it tonight, but...

Well, I think I... I just changed my mind.

[crowd clapping]

[playing guitar]

♪ I can see you're disappointed ♪

♪ By the way you look at me ♪

♪ And I'm sorry that I'm not the woman ♪

♪ You thought I'd be ♪

♪ Yes, I made my mistakes ♪

♪ But listen and understand ♪

♪ My mistakes are no worse than yours ♪

♪ Just because I'm a woman ♪

♪ So when you look at me ♪

♪ Don't feel sorry for yourself ♪

♪ Just think of all the hurt ♪

♪ You might have caused somebody else ♪

♪ Just let me tell you this ♪

♪ Then we'll both know where we stand ♪

♪ My mistakes are no worse than yours ♪

♪ Just because I'm a woman ♪

♪ My mistakes are no worse than yours ♪

♪ Just because I'm a woman ♪

[crowd cheering]


Uh, did you tell your friend
that I slept with her husband?

I really don't wanna talk to you
right now, Jolene.

You told her?

Why would you do that?

Well, what do you expect?
It's a small town.

She was bound to find out eventually.

And besides, Willa's my friend.

I thought we were friends.

And then you stopped returning my calls
and my texts.

You canceled my lessons with Jed.

You bailed on me.

[scoffs] All because I didn't live up
to your moral standards.

- That's what this is, isn't it?
- No, that's... that's not it.

Would you just stop?

What is going on?

What is wrong with you?

[fireworks whistle then explode]

Are you having sex with my husband, too?

What? No.

Well, you can see how it might be
a little bit hard for me to believe you,

considering you have affairs
with married men just because you can.

I would never do that to you.

Well, then why is he saying your name
in his sleep?

Why is he telling me he's working
and I know he's at your bar?

I don't know.


What did he say when you asked him?


Wait. You didn't even ask him?

Instead of confronting your husband,
you just shut me out.

Why? I wanna know why?

Well, because, look at you.

You're like this... this perfect flower,
and you smell perfect, and your voice is...

What are you even saying?

I'm saying that I can't compete with you,

I'm saying my marriage, my happiness,
my everything, depends on you.

And so I'm asking you,

woman to woman, stay away.



First of all, no offense,
I don't even want Aaron.

- Offense, but whatever.
- And second of all,

suck it up!

This is exactly like the first time
that I met you,

and I had to save your ass
from that creepy guy.

Stop being so nice,
and just stand up to Aaron.

And stop being so scared
of what might actually happen if you do.

Well, you're scared, too.

- I'm scared?
- Yeah.

Really? I'm scared, how?

All this talk about getting out
of this town, and going to Nashville,

Jolene, if you were gonna do it,
you would have done it by now.

Wow. [chuckles]

Don't worry, Emily.

I will be sure to keep my distance
from now on.

Really glad we had this talk.



[Hugh] Jolene. Jolene.

Jolene. God, I am so sorry.
I had no idea Willa even knew.

I can't believe she'd do that publicly.

Don't worry, okay? I... I... I'll fix this.

I'll make it up to you, okay?

You okay?

No, I'm not okay, Hugh.

When I started this with you,
I kept telling myself that it was fine

because I was doing whatever I wanted.
That I wasn't the one cheating.

But as much as you were cheating on her,
I was cheating her as a woman.

So don't call me, don't text me,
just fix your marriage.

Or not. Just fix your life.
And leave me out of it, okay?


What's wrong?

I wanna ride the rollercoaster.

You lied to me.

What are you talking about?

The other night

you told me you were working,
and I know you were at Baby Blue's.

Don't ask me how I know,
that is way less relevant, but you lied.

What is going on with you and Jolene?

- Nothing is going on.
- Then why did you lie?

It's complicated.

Why can't you just be honest with me,

It's me.

I lied because I'm ashamed
that I have been having sexual thoughts

about Jolene,

and I don't like confessing
to the love of my life

that I'm thinking about having an affair.
It's just been thoughts!


[Emily exhales]

I mean, is it... is it me? Is it...

my age or...

my body?


Em, you're beautiful.


And I realize I haven't told you
that in a long time.

No, you haven't.



All we ever talk about are...

logistics and schedules,
and... and that's on both of us,

but I am not splitting
the blame here fifty-fifty.

I was trying to fix things.

[sighs] I...

I just haven't...

I just... I haven't felt like myself...

lately, and...

Ah, it's so embarrassing
to talk to you about it,

because it's like, I'm fixated
on all these stupid things, like...

you know, even though I go to the gym
three times a week, I have this gut

that I'm just never going to get rid of.

And my hairline is receding
with hair that is not gonna come back.

And we're raising a teenager,
and we're scheduling sex and role-play,

and I just feel so middle-aged.

And I get that.

I do, but you know what?

Suck it up.

We are both heading toward middle-age,
whether we like it or not.

That's not gonna change.

So, we have to change.


And I think we need help doing that.

Help? You mean, like a counselor? No. No.

- What?
- No, we can...

- No. We can fix this ourselves.
- Aaron.

We don't need to drag
somebody else into it.

You just confessed to me

that you were thinking
about cheating on me with another woman.

I am not taking any more chances.

And if you're not willing to do the work
with me to save our marriage,

then I'm out.

Ooh, boy,
you sure did look pretty last night.


You sounded incredible.


And wasn't it something,
before you even got started good

that woman yelled out, "More!"


All right, I guess you can say
I told you so.

I'm not gonna say I told you so.

I just want to know
that you are gonna be okay.

- You know me.
- I do.

[sighs] Sorry about your friend Emily.

Please. I don't even know
what I was thinking with that friendship.

She doesn't know me.

She said I was scared,
that I wasn't going to Nashville.

Well, you're not going to Nashville.

- What?
- Like you said, I know you.

I know you best.

Honey, you have got a talent
like this town has never seen,

and you're just wasting it here
in this old honky-tonk.

You're not going to Nashville
because you're scared.

You're scared of failure.

And you run around
with all these unavailable men

because you are scared of love.

Okay, Oprah.

No, let me finish.

You know these past few years,

I've been telling myself
I'm not gonna push you,

'cause it's not my place,
not the right time.

But you wanna know what the real truth is?

I didn't wanna lose you.

And I don't.

But I can't keep you to myself forever.

You have no idea how much I love you.

You're like a daughter to me.

And you know you're my best performer.


But you're fired.

- [scoffs]
- You need to get your stuff together

and get your talented little ass
on that bus.

Hey, who knows?

I might even to start a Baby Blue's
in Nashville.

And you can come sing there
any time you want to.

And then just make sure the drapes
go back to the rental company. Call first.

- Okay.
- Thank you, Jennifer.

Oh, Emily. Hello.

- Babe.
- Well, I had no idea you'd be here today.

- Yeah.
- Well, I mean, how are you?

I'm... I'm fine.

- And how are you?
- Oh, I'm busy as a bee in a bonnet.

[both laugh]



Hey, how is, uh... How's Jolene?

Jolene is leaving for Nashville today.

Really? Today?

I just dropped her off at the bus station.

You know what? She might still be there.

In case there's something
you might wanna say to her.



Jolene might not be perfect,
but I don't think she deserved all that.

- Thank you.
- [man] You bet.

[bus horn honks]



Oh, damn it.


[phone chimes]

[Jolene] ♪ You may not know it ♪

♪ I don't always show it ♪

♪ You're so important me ♪

♪ There's so much that we've shared ♪

♪ You've always been there ♪

♪ And I'd hope you always would be ♪

♪ 'Cause when I'm around you ♪

♪ The love that surrounds you ♪

♪ Brings comfort and warmth to my heart ♪

♪ You are a true friend ♪

♪ You always have been ♪

♪ You've kept me from falling apart ♪

♪ Yes, you are something special ♪

♪ Yes, indeed ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Are someone special to me ♪

♪ Like the song that they sing ♪

♪ You're the wind 'neath my wings ♪

♪ There are so many things
That you've been ♪

♪ An angel in my life ♪

♪ You're rainbows and sunlight ♪

♪ I hope we'll always be friends ♪

♪ 'Cause you're special ♪

♪ Yes, you are something special ♪

♪ Don't you see? ♪

♪ That you ♪

♪ Are someone special ♪

♪ Forgive me ♪

[crowd cheering, whistling]

[through the mic] Thank you.

Thank you. [chuckles]

Here you go.

- Thanks.
- [man] Great show, Jolene.

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

Well, congratulations.

Thanks. Thanks.

I... I wish I knew you guys were coming.
I would have got you better seats.

Oh, well, it was a last-minute decision.

Yes, we are crazy, spontaneous people now.

[both laugh]

Good for you two.

- Yeah.
- Hey, I am, uh, gonna go get a beer.

- Yeah, and let you two catch up.
- Okay.

Thank you.

Wow, um...

I wasn't sure
I was ever gonna see you again.

I know, I... I...

I mean, I maybe social media stalked
you guys a little, through Jed.


He needs to post more, by the way.

I might have social media stalked you
as well.

I mi... I missed you.

Oh, God, I've missed you, too.


Oh, things got so complicated between us,

- in between us, it was my fault.
- I don't know what I was thinking,

- being with a married man.
- So paranoid.

- Honestly, it was just so stupid.
- So stupid.

[both laugh]

Hey, I... I really loved that song
you just sang at the end.

About the two friends.

Yeah, well, Babe always said

the songs that have withstood
the test of time

are those written from the heart.

Maybe that's true of friendship, too.

Let me buy you a drink.

Skinny Margarita, no salt.

Jack Daniels, neat.

- Got it.
- You got it.

[Jolene laughs]

[instrumental music playing]

[music fades out]